Sunday, August 26, 2012




A pretty one..

Worked on my heavy cord net bag for my back pack project. Practiced guitar, and checked out online for anything in the way of news that Im interested in, which isnt much these days...

I dont like politics, period...

And if I still lived in the US its unlikely Id bother wasting the time or gas to go vote for choice of puppet sleaze bags..

More likely Id be just concentrating my efforts on getting out of the system.

Which seems to be now becoming at least the male thing to do..

What one learns living outside of the system, is that its vastly preferable..

I dont believe in government anymore, no more than I believe in anarchy.. Neither works for the people nor for me..

Its much better that I focus on what I can do to improve my own life outside of the money system..

One of my realizations over time, has been that guys who support the system are just screwing themselves on all levels..

I recently did a you tube tour of people living in vans and off grid..

25% of kids in the US now live in poverty, social spending is about to be drastically cut, and the rich are getting wealthier by the second..

It aint right...

And it aint going to get fixed short of a civil war, and thats really sad...

Politics has become dysfunctional..

And what we are running out of is time...

I notice that the majority of people into bush craft, living in Vans, and off the grid, on you tube, are males...

They will discover the same things I did...

That not having a wife is a serious form of freedom once you get over the losses..

Some guys are opting out voluntarily, others being disenfranchised by job loss followed by divorce..

All will figure out the system didnt work for them..

The numbers will steadily increase as the collapse progresses...

I noticed a new phrase in the american lexicon; guerrilla gardening etc.

I see that as a good sign.. That people are starting to think about growing food anywhere possible..

Ive written about the same concept for years in blogs...

That mobility is critical, and land ownership has become arbitrary..

Who owns the planet?

I think whats going to happen is an exodus from the system, mostly by males at first.. There are reportedly 100 million single males on the planet.. A small few are just starting to figure out that being out of the system can work better for a guy than being in it..

One learns to minimize wants, one learns to become self sufficient. One learns that the old life really sucked bad..

Basically the trend of this part of the century is going to be out system..

From now until the collapse or the nuclear war..

Then it will accelerate rapidly..

The system is the problem..

The system supports women at male expense, with no return benefits..

And the only way to stop that is male liberation being a move outside of it..

I have nothing against a good woman.. But I dont know if enough exist to bother thinking about..

Ive spent several years on date sites, at first with hope, and eventually as a personal psychological study of women....

What Ive learned has been a real eye opener..

That basically women are vanity heads and comfort freaks who think males owe them a living on one level or another, and that they can treat us any way they wish and get away with it...

So my advice to males, is work towards the exits...

Wife or no..

And if she's a bubble head, your divorce is only a matter of time anyway, best be getting your brush rat existence booted as best possible any way you can in preparation. Because her mindset is likely to be divorce when you lose your job anyway...

True love we should call that...

What I notice is even women who say they want out of the system, really want to have their cake and eat it too..

Living in the countryside is fine, if it includes a nice house, a nice car, and a nice plastic card...

Basically they think the life boat needs to be as plush as the staterooms on the Titanic....

What they are in effect saying, is they want you to work a job and support the system, and also grow them food..

Well, not likely you can do both satisfactorily, as the economy goes into the shitter...

To do that requires mechanization, ie just another dependency on the system...

I suggest you work on your lifeboat instead, and know there will be plenty of women to choose from, when the ship goes down... Just pick the one you want out of the cold water...

When that happens, they will be a lot more humble about choice of life boats...

And the guys who kept women happy, will suddenly be looking over the edge of the cliff...

This morning as I worked on my pack sack project, I was thinking about the Australian national anthem, Waltzing Matilda... Its about a man gone walkabout.. Matilda is his ruck sack, and he's camping by a billibong, read; water hole...

Its a nice vignette, a guy camping... Free... And the analogy is that freedom for men is not having a woman...

Very true...

The only thing worse than not having a woman, is having the wrong woman..

And I doubt there are many right women...

The right type would have their priorities straight...

Mate before vanity and comfort...

You and her against the world, not her and the world against you...

The women on farms in China committing suicide tells the

Having enough to eat isnt good enough for them..

Poverty is a state of mind...

Its a result of wanting more than you can get, instead of doing what you can, to get what you actually need...

Ive lived humble for years...

What I figured out, is the battle is to learn not to want more than you can practically do...

And i found out that real happiness comes from fundamentals like having a warm dry place to sleep, and something to eat every day, and being free of the system....

Everything else is a vanity...

Its raining as I write.. Im eating hot bread, Im warm and dry..

And now days, I mostly use stuff from the system to reduce my need of the system... Gardening tools, crafts projects that better my life, or better my preparedness for whats coming..

And I seem to have an overage on all levels..

I need to stash a few more clothes, get a box of files, stock up on some simple medicines etc... But basically Im there...

The system could crash tomorrow and Id never miss a meal...

I give food away almost every week, and tons rot on the ground..

Not good enough for the Babylon babes...

I am free!

Free at last, free at last! Thank God, Im free at last!

And thats what the guys who give up on the system will figure out, that after they quit crying, life gets so much better, especially without a woman hounding you because she aint getting rich quick enough...

Well, Im not designed to be an enrichment device..

Im designed to survive and maybe help a woman feed some kids...

Been there, done that, got zero appreciation...

So here I am free...

And this morning I got my net bag's bottom finished, and next stint will see me coming up the sides. Its to go on a wooden pack board frame, so I can carry anything I need to...

Built to last a life time...

Its nominally for my refugee/bug out stuff.. I check in on civilization via the web, and it gives me constant incentive to work on my projects to get ready for the demise of human civilization...

Pretty obvious whats happening, the slide into the abyss, and hillary and Obongo arent going to save me, theyre too busy saving their bankster and Wall Street buddies...

Anyway, looks like people are figuring it out, some at least...

Its gonna be ugly! Glad I have nothing behind me except miles of jungle....

The jungle is my home now, has been for years...

This morning as I was writing an email, a skink jumped on my back.. I knew what it was instantly, heavier than a tree frog plop or a leaping lizard hit...

They dont fear me, Im not crazy anymore like the rest if the humans...

Enough years out of the system to see it for what it is....

Sent from my iPhone

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