Sunday, April 12, 2009


“If an important Minister of state neglects his duties, works for his own profit or accepts bribes,

it will cause rapid decay of public morals. People will cheat one another, a strong man will attack a weaker one,

a noble will mistreat a commoner or a wealthy man will take advantage of the poor, and there will be no justice for anyone;
mischief will abound and troubles will multiply.
Under such circumstances, faithful ministers will retire from public service, wise men will keep silent from fear of complications, and only flatterers will hold government positions, and they will use their political power to enrich themselves with no thought for the sufferings of the people.

Under such conditions the power of the government becomes ineffective and its righteous policies fall into ruins.

Such unjust officials are the thieves of the people's happiness, yet are worse than thieves because they defraud both ruler and people and are the cause of the nation's troubles. The King should root out such ministers and punish them.”

Preparing for the future 17.....
Sunday, January 04, 2009...

Morning, first rays of sun on the panel, usually at 0715 this time of years...
Feeling OK this morning, a bit of residual anger to deal with... but did come up with a little saying for it;

Humans are like the moon...
There is this beautiful face,
Thats bright and pleasant...

But then there is the dark side...
Always hidden, always there...
and very very dark and cold....

I am thankful for coming to live with the Latins...
it took me years and years, but I have them figured out, to the saying by Hemingway about them.... this also helped me figure out my own culture, and my friends and family...
Then of course there was only me left to put into the equation...

Which was the gift...
to realize that I too wasn't as good as I thought...
but the difference between me and them, is them I can only badmouth...
and me I can do something about....

And who is likely to benefit the most if I can fix me some?
Why myself of course.....
and if I can get it in balance with the exterior reality, I can have less problems to have to deal with....

A Village where dishonesty is endemic...
No one escapes the problems....

A Village where honesty is universal,
everybody gains.....

In a dishonest self,
problems come from both outside and in...

In an honest self,
problems can be avoided.

You have to know the dogshit is there, before you can step over it...

Anyway, another beautiful morning, was thinking last night about telescopes, and realized it would be possible to build a really nice reflector telescope, by sucking a partial vacuum behind a piece of highly polished stainless steel, and so creating a parabolic mirror.. then if you placed a digital camera lens/sensor at the focal point, you could have a very cheap and very large diameter telescope, with virtually no loss of light from going through glass, no distortion of colors, and perhaps capable of working well in a wider band of spectrum, maybe almost total spectrum..... perhaps from radio, to light waves, to heat (infrared and beyond?).....

It wouldn't need a long tube, and could be a fairly flat affair....

Basically a round disk, with perhaps a tripod supporting the camera lens and wires....
And could be mounted normally, with tracking motors etc.

I'll have to toy with the idea some..... I know how to polish metal, and a digital camera I have....

What got me started thinking about telescopes, was I have been thinking about the connection between planting seasons and astronomy... I know the sunset positions on the mountain ranges across the valley, for bean planting season, winter solstice, etc., but was realizing that only would work if I stay where I am.... I could shoot compass bearings, and probably will, but I realized that my little Planisphere could also do the job for me... that with it alone, I could tell the date by lining up an overhead constellation, or get one coming or going over the horizon... the other day I noticed that Orion's Betelgeuse was directly overhead the 18th of December at about midnight.... and for planting beans, the same star was at apogee at about 3:15 a.m. Or so.... placing me mid November, the time to plant in this area....

Anyway, reason I mention it, is for the subsistence survivalist, a calendar is a critical factor...
especially if you have to be mobile, and cant depend on your usual signs....

I have two Planispheres, one about 6 inches which is a bug-out pack item....
and a larger 8” one in my Sailor's trunk.....

They are also an excellent navigation device.... the only problem with them is they are made for particular latitudes... and so mostly are good for getting an idea of longitude, or time, dates, etc.

But they weigh almost nothing, are flat, and mine are plastic, and so waterproof....
And if the shit goes down, the yearly free calendar from the hardware store becomes history...
And gee? When do we plant the beans?

I was wandering around the garden this morning, seeing that I am really on to something with the stuff I 'ave figured out in the last year, added to what I had already learned....

My poor worker.....

He's about to work a bit more than he was in the habbit of.....
He's exceptionally good if you are there.....
Meaning I will be there... and when I cant it will be contract work.....

Basically I have a system figured out... Where I can grow all of my staple foods very easily and in large quantities, and its only limited by the amount of available labor...

And the number of machetes and hoes working......

Both of which are cheap here...

And labor is expensive, anywhere at any price, due to how it adds up, and due to how hard it is to get much of it, for your money....

The excuses to labor ratio/dichotomy pair......

Anyway, what I have going, is a way I can turn brush patch, of which I am exceedingly rich in, into garden, of which I seem to be perpetually short on.....

Its been a long process... but realizing the hoeing technique was the kicker, its what allowed me to get beyond perpetually fighting brush with my dollars....

Its like my friend Carlos told me; “Gris, if you try to keep the brush back with just machetes, you will spend your entire fortune, (Fortune? HA!) and still have the brush.”

Carlos was recommending Herbicides.... I tried them, but I am an organic type guy, and in the tropics, the recommended dose acts like fertilizer..... shit thrives here, and locals up the dosage 3X or more, and could give a shit less what the can says.... (And you buy Imported food?)

So its taken a dozen years to figure out the system with the hoe.....

Luckily I figured out a lot of other things while waiting for that lightning to strike my noggin...

By the way, Carlos had a brother.... had.... US Air Marshals shot and killed him... because he became agitated and didn't understand any english...

They killed an unarmed man.... with a mild mental problem... who needed his medicine.... which he probably put in his regular baggage....

Whats wrong with this picture?

Anyway.... what I now know, is; I can pay for labor to chop brush, broadcast seed, hoe the shit some, and get a nice staple crop going.....

Also I have experimented with the Manicillo, and know I can use it to replace the brush with, and still use the hoeing technique on it, and get even better results.....

Sweet potatoes love growing in manicillo as do the Chick peas... Lima beans grow out of it just fine and then up trees....

corn and beans do nice with manicillo around them, if you low-cut it, so I am assuming knocking it back would work even better.....

I think the next thing I am going to try is the smaller class of Lima beans..... I have to find seed, but think I can get in Panama....

What I am on to, is a way to turn about $50 worth of labor into a patch of mixed staple crops about the size of a big veggie garden, Maybe a quarter of an acre?

Meaning if I can keep “Jose'” out of siesta mode, I can have a year's staples for maybe a months labor....

And if I can Cattle prod enough Jose's, I could turn out serious amounts of food with no mechanization in the middle of a food crisis....

and an un-employment crisis....

Time to buy more hoes.....

Yea.... but I know anything that uses Latins, is doomed to failure...
so I will mostly use the Latins to get things booted up... then do fine when the Latins are booted out....

Its like I told my best friend: “The perfect number of Latin Workers, is: ZERO!”

I laugh at all the rich bastards in the US switching to Latin Labor....
Take your stock-market money out of those companies, they're going down...
They will look really really good...
And most of the product get sold on the black market....

Ask me how I know....

I have a friend here, been in country a couple of years.... Thinks Latins will work...

The Latins will work for self same Latins...
Gringos will lose fortunes...

Anyway, I am thankful.... the Latins just iced my cake for me..... allowed me to realize that the real goal wasn't Gris in a hammock in the shade with Latin Labor, it was Gris on a hoe in his own garden, and the Latins in their own hammocks wishing they had jobs and food....

And its that way across the board..... everything I have ever tried that included other humans, failed..... its not just Latins, not at all....

They are just who made it all obvious enough for me to realize the real game....

My advice to the rich, is give up trying to use humans, go to 100% machines, or get out of it.... because control trips wont work, and all you will get is trashed....

You would be better off using your money to plant a private food paradise, and then living in it alone.... Which is kind of what I am doing....

Tarzan, trading money for Jungle with food hanging everywhere....

There is something worth more than gold and silver and platinum and diamonds all put together...

Its time alone.....

Silence may be golden, but solitude is priceless... and getting more so....

One of the things I am sensing from a distance about the internet, is its a great way to socialize, and when the coffee and cake is gone, you can shoo them out the door, by flicking a switch or clicking on something else....

I find the biggest problem with the tropics to be the long nights.... If I had boughten electricity that problem would be moot.....

Monday, January 05, 2009....

Morning, usual routine... out at dawn doing the food gathering trip...

Got more than I could pack.....

Feeling OK this morning, bothered by the big picture, (Pig Bitcher?) how true.... thats exactly what it is, bitching about a reality made up of pigs....

Its not just the human digestive tract that is similar to a pig's....

Its the dark side personality that is most swine like.....

I see it clearly now.... from the people I deal with on a regular basis, to what passes for news on the planet, its kinda like Jim Henson's muppets, the Pigs in Space vignette, except its more realistic, and its “Pigs on Planet”.....

Pigs that lie....

And do everything else unimaginable to anyone inherently decent....

To get what ever they can for themselves.......

The difference between pigs and humans, is pigs are mostly interested in food and sex, and humans are after that and anything else they can pig for themselves.....

There are decent humans... but I think if we ever get a “Fair Trial” we are going to lose at least 95% to better dead, than using up air.....

And its the same across the board... the workers see the management as lying assholes....

Well guess what.... the Management sees the workers as liars and jerks too....

And they both are right....

There is a saying; “That success is going from failure to failure without diminishing enthusiasm.”

Why all the failures?

And wouldn't realizing the truth and doing something about it, be better than continuing along the path of endless failures?

Humans generally try to do too much.....

And most often succeed at at least the too much part....

And then are up to their ass in alligators trying to deal with the problems.....

One thing I notice about humans, is they are all great guys, as long as you are just friends, and each has his own trip going and your trip doesn't touch their trip except socially.....

Its kinda like distant relatives.....

But the instant you try doing anything together, things go to shit, and sometimes you see it for what it is, and most times you dont.....

It the equivalent of having your distant relatives move into your spare room....

Its the ego.....

We all have one....

And if we are foolish enough to add them all up into a government, Look out!!!! surrounding tribes....

No doubt I could wander through modern day Israel, and meet all kinds of really great people...

Or I could wander Gaza or Jerusalem, and really enjoy the Palestinians.......

Where is the problem?

Scum floats to the top.....

Those most attracted to power, are those who least deserve it... its a dichotomy pair....

And the minute we fall for some concept bigger than ourselves, and group up, sooner or later we are killing each other off.....

I think composite egos multiply rather than add up.....

I think the cure is each family with their own plot of land big enough to supply their needs,
and enough “Fort & Weaponry” to make it too costly for ANY type of raiders to come in on them.....

Democracy? Forget it.... biggest group of assholes invariably get their way....

Communism? Automatically forms a bureaucracy that becomes an instant elite....

socialism? Combines the two....

I think we are in the end game of human stupidity.....

Take a look.....

I think the reset button is about to push itself......

I heard Alex Jones on short wave yesterday.... I think the guy is a rabble rouser....

I have heard him say things that I knew for a fact, to be total bullshit...

Yesterday, he was telling a bit of the truth about the Israeli Palestinian thing....

I once heard a really great program on BBC about it...

that laid out the statistics...

Who has all the aircraft... all the ships, all the bombs, nukes, money, guns, ammo,etc.

And who dies the most... the ratio is hundreds to one... one side has all the fire power and military force...

the other side has all the funerals....

Care to guess which is which?

If you back Israel, you are a fucking moron...

Whats right is right, what ain't, ain't.....

Israel has zero right to exist... and I hear the US government wants to make it illegal for me to have that opinion..

Good old “Thought police”...

So I heard about Apache Helicopter Gunships, and all the other US made and given hardware blasting the shit out of people who just want their homes and farms back...

Thats all.... give them what is rightfully theirs, and the problem goes away....

Is that going to happen?

Yea right... not in this world...

So the problem is just going to get worse, as will all problems...

Welcome to the Pig Planet...

Its a down hill trip folks... and only a matter of time until some player gives another player enough technology to put Missiles and Warheads together, then look out....

And the only way to cure the problems, is to terminate the imbalances....

But gee? Then the greedy couldn't be rich.....

I'm surprised its not in the UN Charter; the right to greed....

Greed is doing too much...
Greed creates insecurity...

Greed and a system based on it, are terminal from day one....

The sollution? Small people, small farms, small systems... no big anything... except big gardens....

All power starts with individuals...

And the more you keep it that way the better...

Hamas won the elections in Gaza... how often do you hear about that?

Anyway, if God is just, we are in deep shit folks....

Glad I ain't buying those helicopters and bullets......

It felt good to think that...


booted up a pot of breadnuts... Thinking about my problems with my group, my worker, at every turn, every time I have tried to do anything, I invariably get screwed, and its always the same egocentric shit... I “just cant be right this time”, so all the things I try to boot up to save their asses, go out the window.. and its every day, and has been this way for years...

So what can I do? Go sane....

and start trying to prepare so at least I can survive...

There is a direct shunt between human stupidity and human ego.....

They are one in the same....

So this morning I wandered around bucketing food, talked civil to my worker, a bit tense, he knows I am not happy.... but he thinks the end of the world is no big worry....

All I can do at this point is pray.....

for the fools...

for myself....

Because God may be smart enough to save my worthless ass, while none of my friends or family is smart enough to listen and act, even after me having success after success predicting the next and also far future steps, in the chain of events now unfolding....

I dont think humans are smart enough to survive whats coming.... it doesn't appear to be so.....

If we weren't smart enough to not do the shit in the first place, and then weren't smart enough to stop or change when the problems became obvious, what do you suppose are the chances we are smart enough to survive when it all collapses on us?

My emotional reaction is just wanting to be alone.....

Imagine an Island, an odd island, perfectly square and only 10 or 20 acres or so... it has a strange fountain of fresh water in the center, and some high hills, and a small lagoon with access to the sea....

It has nice soil in places.... coconuts, and a little round shack.... there is a small pole barn and a horse... there is a paddock, and a couple pastures, and some garden on terraces and flater areas, and orchards above....

Thats where I want to be... doesn't have to be square....

You get the picture...

It could be domes over craters on the moon for all I care....

What matters, is the alone-ness, the liveability, and the private space...

It could be a space station for single occupancy...

It could be a yacht.....

What it cant be is with a bunch of other people on all sides...

If an Alien asked me to describe and define a human city, I would have to say its a three dimensional storage device for assholes.....

A city is a prison with economic fences....

Nash's Equilibrium is a beautiful theory...

people struggling to compete and resulting in a better world for all...

Pigs do that at the trough....

I think instead of humanity struggling over space and resources, we should be cooperating in the creation of more...

Tuesday 06 January 2009

Morning, a bit overcast but its thin....

thinking this morning about the constant denial, in my group, and in the human body politic as a whole...

I think its due to the excess ego problem...
that people with excessive egocentricity in their mental matrix have an “Its not going to happen to me” syndrome that comes along with the complex....

And could be something the Ranchers did to us genetically for the big experiment...

I have often pondered the dishonesty, and also the Leavened Bread analogy, and what could be the causes one could instill genetically to cause such scenarios, and this mornings thoughts are linking it all up and into the ego....

If I was a God guy from space, and I wanted my little Sim City morons to cause themselves some very serious shit to go through, what could I tweak and twiddle, in their genetic
makeup that would give me a fun game with the little turds?

Hmmm? You know, just a bit too much ego might do it.....

Then shit an ant would be smart enough to not do, or to run from, my little Moron-men would do without a thought, and hang around for the hammer to drop on them too! What fun for a Space God! I could watch them kill each other by the millions, Just fucking trash the Ecosystem, build structures too tall for the seismic longterm reality, have too many kids, you name it....

And when the game was over, all the ones with too much ego would be eliminated, through their inability to survive in the natural world, and the experiment/game would trim off all the excess ego and leave just enough they could survive as scouts or what ever on my other Gaming Planets.....

(Ornery big-kid Space God gets evil grin.)

And down to the labs he runs, and mixes up some genetic soup to just the right recipe, and puts some of the glop in the incubators.....

Ego? Me go? Enemigo? Amigo? Not Me! Its for me! Its for my M/e-go.....



Something like that....

Yea... I played with ant farms as a kid, interesting little shits, work like hell, and always for the group....

And humans are very group oriented too....

Look at their Hyena pack mentality in High School etc., yea, I was a victim of that....

Do you spose if you tweak their m/egos a twit that the little fuckers would do all kinds of entertaining stupid shit?

Yea.... I think so....

Would also explain why certain cultures had less problems than others....

Say like the Japanese? Or the Scandinavians....

Pack a bunch of folks into tight quarters, be it on an island, or in a Hall over long winters, give them swords, and a few thousand years, and yes they might trim off some excessive Megocentric genetics and come up with a Race/Culture capable of cooperation....

All the real asshole types would be more likely to get into fights, and get killed, and produce less offspring..... but the more cooperative and mellow/humble types would do fine, drink Saki or Mead or beer, and have a fine time without fighting.....

Could also explain things like why the Muslim Culture has Sharia law.....

They perhaps have a different balance in their genetic makeup, and NEED such a social matrix to function in the open area Desert Culture?

Look at the problems I observe with the Latins..... Michner in his book Iberia talks about the Latin problem and connects it back to the Muslims having Spain for 500 years or so....

Run off the Muslim Religion, with its tight legal code, re-introduce the Catholic system with its Big Daddy (The Pope) and My Mommy (Mother Mary) fixations, and it might not work as well with the Brown Guy Genetics, as the Sharia Law did....

And yea..... these brown guys do have a nasty little kid type Megocentric mindset, that would kinda work well with the Joint Patriarchal/Matriarchal trips....

And they do breed like Rats....

And Maybe going back to a bit more discipline of a more pure Patriarchal system might put a bit more fear into the little fuckers, and keep them from being thieves if they see a few of the more egocentric types with stumps where their sticky fingers used to be......

Hmm? You Muslims into a little experiment? Lets try reintroducing the Muslim Culture into some Latin Area, and see if it helps... if so, it would definitely get the bleeding heart critics off your case, Maybe we could invite in some sociology types to run the data collection on the experiment, and get the numbers on it, and shut the critics up once and for all..(Good Luck on that!)

So... build a few Mosques in Madrid, Lighten up on the rules for Marriage into the Muslim community just a bit to sweeten the experiment, and have some Statisticians follow the group that goes from Catholic back towards Muslim faith.....

My other thoughts this morning have been around stoves....

I have played with them experimentally, also bought the really cool Camel stove (Kerosene) made by the Butterfly company... (I want to google that one) but these Latins have decided that Kerosene is dinosaur product... i.e. Not selling it anymore.... I guess they never saw the line of kerosene products available in the US and other Places?

Anyway, I was thinking of going to a Gasoline stove, but I haven't found one yet....

And this morning was thinking about some of my past experiments with wood chips, and realized I could go to a charcoal stove fairly easily, by coming up with a simple stove like my Chip stoves, or a Weber Barbecue, and if I had a charcoal making system in place, say though a dedicated cheap stockpot to use as a charcoal oven, I could have a system that I could use in wet weather that would give me coffee or cook without all the smoke...

As always, I have to run around the barn a few times for mental exercise, and through the shit, before I get back to the Neoindigenous already-there sollution....

The chip stove worked fine, used one I made from a stockpot for over a year for all my cooking.... but its problem was the wet season here and wet fuel.... but if I got a $5 thinwall stock pot, and anytime I had a fire going that I didn't need use it for drying and carbonizing fuel, I could get around the wet fuel problem and maybe if I worked on my own bad habbits some get into a mental and physical mode to do charcoal, so I could bring it into the house and not have the smoke problem that had me quit the method a couple years ago.....

I made the original chip stove out of a thin wall stock pot, but didn't protect the stainless from the fire, and so it “ate out” and time to buy more syndrome.....

But if I say lined the sides and bottom with clay, or went to a liner out of something more disposable, it could last longer.... Also I think part of the burn-out problem was from using wood, and it flaring up, and having too much heat..... charcoal wouldn't do that....

Another realization this morning was about coconut husks.... They are one of my favorite cooking fuels...

If Dry, coconut husks are an incredible cooking fuel.... they have a controlled burn rate, put off nice heat, and light very easy....

Wet, you couldn't burn them with a nuclear reactor.....

And this morning I tried chopping some up into Briquet's....

And realized that if I had the dedicated charcoal oven, that I could dry the wet husks and even turn them into charcoal and use all wet season......

Interesting conjecture, as I am obviously going to have more coconut in my diet thanks to the politicians siphoning off the economy into the banker's pockets more and more all the time....

(You know.... I dont think we really need bankers.... we have the computer networks, we have the debit economic system they put into place, but has anybody realized that it would work fine with out them or the governments, if we just Nationized the ATMs, and got rid of the bath water but kept the baby?

Say make a banking system that was non profit....

You Muslims getting this one?

If you set up a non profit no-interest banking system hooked into the existing ATM system or set up one of your own, you could use it as a way to get a lot of non Muslims to have a more receptive attitude towards Islam, and think of all the Islamic sayings you could have them reading in their own languages as they did their banking.....

Boy.... I love that concept.... and think of all the money you could get to use in accounts all over the planet... I think Allah might like this one.....

Who knows, maybe they already have such a system going?

Have to check.... sure would be nice if they did.... Readings from the Koran in English on my ATM screen would be a small price to pay in comparison to what the bankers are doing to me.... and doing to everybody else.... I could convert to a bit more Islamic banking.... I think next time I have my laptop connected to the web, I will google Islamic Banking Services.....

See if they are way ahead of me, and there waiting with the doors open, for my business....

And thats the beauty of the internet, its very very democratic....

My Ideas can maybe get out.... and so can maybe everybody else's....

Into the Marketplace, and we consumer types can pick and choose, and maybe trim the big rats off of the cheese some....

Camel my cheese a bit? Instead of having it Swissed?

Later, worked most of the morning, food gathering, brought in a bucket of breadnut fruits, only to find my worker had brought a sack of boughten food up....

So I got to try an experiment, I put the breadnut fruits on some corrugated roofing to dry a bit, thinking if I can reduce the slime factor, I can clean them easier.... my worker showed up and instantly knew what I was trying... and why...

So far looking good on the experiment, will know tomorrow....

If it works, he will soon be doing it, his wife likes the breadnuts.....

Also hacked up some coconut husk, going to try some stove experimentation.....

Anyway packed in bananas, cocos, breadnuts, and so have plenty to go with the boughten food, a bag of rice and one of corn flour...

I like to cook rice with fruit, and I like to do hot cereal of the corn flour also with fruit.....
The breadnuts I eat toasted like peanuts, or shell them and use in breads, but the best ever is to do a Hawaiian Turkey stuffing with them, Chopped up, along with some baking soda lemon bread mix, and you can add fresh fruit, like pineapple, star fruit, Ripe Bananas etc., anything that cooks nice.... I guess we could call it Hawaiian Howie stuffing?
Howie is their word for dumb white people.... I'm sure they could see the connection to modern white turkeys that show up by the ship load around thanksgiving..... Times have changed, they used to be able to catch and eat them, and now they run the place....

Should be interesting when the Sky Gods show back up, so we can find out about the Human Sacrifice traditions, funny how the Old Testament is full of Sacrifices, some of the Human, Just like the ancient Pagan Gods of the Polynesians.... do you 'spose there is any connection?
To be proven “Right” would mean so much to so many people oppressed by Missionary induced cultures since civilisation arrived... So much for God being “Love” eh? Love to have you for dinner..... Could explain why we have nice fat butts... Bred special for rump roast?

Yup! They could show back up, and feast a long time just on the ones trashing the ecosystem,
you know the ecosystem, the one they put into place.... I wonder if they still really care about it?
And how far down the responsibility chain would they eat, and still save enough humans for breeding purposes? Maybe just those in the nasty cities we built on what used to be their handiwork?

That should be plenty... a few billion... then they can leave, and through the magic of Time dilation, come back in a couple three thousand years and do it again! What a life style...
From Barbecue Star to Barbecue Star... eating all those plump humans who over-breed so consistently due to that little egocentric tweak of their DNA......

Well.... I will be interested in how many ships show up at the same time....
And what kind of smiles they have....

Read through Apocalypse and think “Human consumption”.... funny how much seems to relate.....

Yup! And we wasted all of our time bickering and being greedy, instead of getting our Elevators and defenses up.....

But who am I? Just some crazy on a mountain.... with plenty of brush to hide in.....

Nephilim are mentioned twice in the bible.... In Numbers 13:32, it talks about a land that eats up it's inhabitants...

The first mention is in Genesis 6......

Gee? I wonder if its the same guys that visited the Indians of central and south america?
“Here, have some corn on the cob, to go with the rump roast.”

“And they had the faces of men, and the teeth of lions.”

And funny how the most Predatory and most Piggy seem to run the planet, those same blue-bloods who claim to be direct descendants of the Sky gods....

And getting everybody and everything counted and audited, all before 2012.....

Hope I'm wrong on this one... eh?

But it would explain my mild Paranoia being there... its a survival trait not to trust too much...

Its one of the reasons I built the crossbow with about a 350 lb. Pull....

I affectionately call it; “Nephilim Killer” just in case, mind you... Who knows... they could be really nice folks, and all the legends the work of lying humans?

Have to wait and see what really happens....

Wednesday 07th January 2009

Morning... sun just coming over the mountain....

Been doing the usual things this morning, sipping cafe awaiting dawn for hours and thinking all the while.....

I see my worker is using up the slack in the chopping contract in bed... He just started at 07:35 and we usually get together at 06:00, and he gets cafe' etc. on my time....

Fine with me, the work is getting done, and thats what I want for the money...

Anyway thinking this morning about the spring steel bow project, did some measuring, I think I can get 28 inch limbs, and with about a 14 inch riser, come up with a bow with a string length of 54 inches more or less.... I have a couple strings that long, made in error for my boughten re-curve, it showed up minus its string new, so I had to guesstimate and do boo-boo's because somebody got half assed between UPS and my hands... Wasn't UPS..

Anyway, hoping to buy generator gas, and so start the bow project, At least get the limbs cut and shaped, that way if need be I can do the rest with hand tools, if I never see power again..

I think like that... a habit I have cultivated.. ordering what I do beginning with what makes the most absolute secure method of arriving at my goals....

One never knows these days... But if I have the limbs done, the rest I can do without further assistance from the technocult...

I want the bow mostly because of its inherent durability factor... Plus it will make a nice mate to the Nephilim Killer Crossbow......

(Hope they have a sense of humor!?)

I dont have any more brass for trim items, but a bow doesn't need much, mostly I will be interested in something to make a sight out of and can go to stainless that I can get by scrapping cheap cleavers or kitchen stuff..... I like a simple sight, and could literally dink around with the bow and a hunk of wire, until I had the spot, and then just drill the riser and set a permanent pin....

Anyway, heard some short wave last night, milking dead batteries, learned that 1.7 million kids in the US are home schooled, and its growing fast, 74% jump since 1999, and that it started with mostly Religious families, and has now caught on with other groups...

Basically thats doubling in 10 years...

Meaning the system is in for problems.... or at least a bunch of teachers are...

Actually, its this system in peril.... the teachers will find something else to do, its the system people want to edit from their lives....

It tries for more and more control...

People react by taking options out.....

Get out of my fucking life you worthless assholes....

OH! but they are going to IMPROVE things...

for themselves mostly...

At your expense.....

Tis human nature...

Lying fuckers...

Fuck them every chance you get...

just in case its the last chance.

Dont worry, it wont be... but you will wish it was before this is all over....

It all boils down to a control trip...

And they just want to help us to death...

Literally... use up our lives supporting them and their control trip that we have ABSOLUTE ZERO NEED FOR......

I can defend my own house... I dont need a cop, or a judge, or a legislator...

Think of the money I save by being a bit militant and ready.....

I dont need a fucking system, fucking me...

And thats exactly what it is;

a fucking system... a system that fucks you and convinces you its doing you a favor...

No? take a look at what has happened to the economy and your retirement and your job, house, etc.

You've been fucked.....

Maybe more than once, you slut....

Anyway was reading from the Bible a bit last night, trying to figure it out....

Thinking to play “Let's Assume” that its all more or less true....

What would it take to make it all plausible?

OH! shit!

I see star-ships, anti-gravity, and either time travel, or inter dimensional, or mass hallucinations?

Also the Ability to literally conquer death?

And the ability to predict the future, in some method...

Also the ability to insert thoughts or visions in your head...

What is interesting to me, is someone can die, and be returned via live birth several times...

That smacks of genetics... and maybe the ability to store personality or spirit and insert it?

But what if you had a culture of humanoids, that got its shit together and somehow survived to make it out of its cradle planet... and they figured out life extension etc., and how not to trash themselves, they could literally go on learning for billions of years... Look at what we have figured out in the last 100.....

I.E. They could conceivably have learned a million times more than we now know...

Making all the strange shit well within possibilities.....

And we have these agents that show up, and actually allow themselves to be killed to get messages out over time......

And the messages all seem to point towards us getting our shit together individually and collectively.....


Why haven't we done that?

The interesting thing to me, is when I analyze the teachings of Jesus, Lao Tsu, or Buddha,
its the same....

Get your shit in order, live simple, dont get too un-natural, grow your own food, live apart...

And Jesus even points out that we dont need clothing.... I think his point was actually on vanity, and not on cold weather.....

I think the main point comes back to us wanting too much for ourselves....

Covering endless square miles of the planet with subdivisions seems a bit stupid to me.... and very very egotistical...

“Lets all group up and still be apart...”

Herd Vanity?

Humans are a bunch of fucking assholes.... literally, assholes, bunched up, and fucking to create more and more of themselves....

And thinking there is no end to it.....

Its mentally no better than Wildebeests on the veldt....

“This is our herd, and we trample the shit out of things, and what we dont eat, we shit on..”

Not what I would call enlightened...

I was thinking this morning how nice it is with my neoindigenous trip, that if I want to, I can pack up and move over to the reserve for the wet season.... indigenous peoples often did such things, summer camp / winter camp...

Where I live now is literally magnificent..... most of you would be open mouthed if I could transport you instantaneously from where you are to my living site.....

And now I am thinking to wander between a couple different incredible living sites.....

I could do it with a pony cart....

And you cant get out of your normalcy rut?

That has you living like boxed rats....

And an overburden of fellow assholes......

“Hi! We are your elite status quo, and we milk you for lots of money, and make you wish you were us, to keep it pumping!”

How about wishing you weren't connected to them in any manner?

It would be healthier...

And Happier....

Why admire total shitheads?

“Yea, we're better than you.....”

“How 'bout I just unplug you bastards from my life? First starting with the TV, and using the spare time created, to work on my neoindigenous hobbys that free me up, one step at a time, until I dont need your suck-ass job, or the fucking house payments, or your banks or stores...”

And thats what 1.7 million home schoolers says to me... about 1.5 million families, out of say 100 million? i.e. 1% and doubling, are very serious and very beady eyed about separating themselves from the system in a concrete manner....

Thats good news, what ever their reasons are...

And thats just one statistical grouping, made up of diverse other micro-groups....

I wonder how many people are growing their own food more and more now?

I suspect its a climbing number....

My guess is that plenty of people are figuring things out...
And I am not very far ahead of the curve with the neoindigenous thing....

If one in five houses are under water, and one in ten in foreclosure, that means 2 in 15 are in trouble, thats 13%.....

Thats a fair number....

And its growing, and it feeds on itself....

And the technocult is so fragile... the economic system is it's blood, communications is it's nerves, it's infrastructure is it's bones, and the working person is it's muscle, and agriculture is its alimentary tract...

All the blood is going somewhere....

I hear off shore banks....

Dont you think its time to begin separating yourself from the technocult, if somebody is vampiring off all the blood?

Plenty of places to park a pickup truck with a camper off in the brush... better of course is total separation from it...

I dont think Gold is the answer, I think its Ground, Guns, & Garden....

Best you be inhabiting some realistate, and have the means to defend it, and grow food on it....
And you had best be able to pack up and leave there with your tools and seeds and food any time....

Because in whats coming, far realestate, is good realestate.....

I choose in another country....

And this morning I am munching on ripe bananas.....

They sure are easy to grow.....

The best places are going to be places with mild climates that you can remain hidden and grow food if necessary....

Also there is the defensible aspect... that usually means in the mountainous regions....

Rugged country is secure country...

And the third world country of Viet Nam, or Afghanistan can keep a huge nation busy trying to hold it... when the system actually collapses, there will be no outside force holding vast areas, it will be people holding what they have against DP's or Displaced Persons, as they were known in and after WW2......

The economic thing is going ugly.... Obama is trying to do something correct... but the Vampires have been very busy, and a transfusion may be a bit late...

The victim is looking white and staggering....

People all things have limits.... including greed and materialism and vanity and hubris....

You cant just do whatever pleases you....

There are certain truths.... just like dirty dishes and cooking fuel are to me.....

There are certain limits.... if you want a reality without imaginable Limits you have to get into space.... I dont know what the average size of the ice hunks making up the rings of Saturn are, but I do know one of them equals a lot of water bills...

I suspect there are individual asteroids that have more metal in them than ever mined and smelted in all human history....

Energy is free in space....

I once did a little exploratory project when studying Construction, what it would be like on the Moon to try to design using passive Solar heating etc.

I quickly discovered you had to imatate Earth's numbers as much as possible, and that you would need to have domes over craters, with lakes for thermal mass, and the housing built into the subsurface, with some kind of blown in insulation in the dome structure....

You would also need some kind of energy storage to be able to continue growing food during the Lunar night.... either that or genetically modified plants that could go dormant for half the time.....

But it is do-able....

And with Space Elevator tech, it is possible to do fairly cheaply....

Perhaps as cheaply as buying a house in a subdivision, except with the money going to actual costs, and not into fat pockets.....

There is also the possibility of moving and hollowing out asteroids... it would be easier in some ways, because the asteroid could be made to face the sun, or rotate more rapidly...

Imagine carving living spaces etc., out of a fairly pure Nickel/Iron asteroid...

Know any serious sculptors?

I suspect Laser would be the tool.... explosives? Forget it... beyond hard rock...

Carbides would also carve or cut it... perhaps using the cuttings as Ore? To resource a metals plant with? So that when you got done you would have a habitable asteroid and a fleet of spaceships?

We shall see, I hope....

But as long as we are limited to this planet, we must live by it's rules or die.....

And the Ranchers are doing what ever they do for their own purposes.... is it altruistic? Or is it in self interest?

Why would they need or want to play this game?

Breeding humans like cattle...

And if the Bible is correct, one faction contaminated the Genetics on purpose...

And the other faction wants it set back to right, and is going to make us go through hell to get there....

Why not just fix us?

Why let us trash a beautiful planet with our vanity? Seems like a waste to me....

Friday 09 January, 2009....

Morning... Home alone.... my modem showed up yesterday, but it will likely take a couple of weeks before it works as a modem.... One problem after another here... fertile ground for human stupidity is Central America.... The local government hands out monopolies....

Guess what that means for the people....

Yea... it sucks....

Anyway, I will be gnawing towards getting on line.... but now I know I am only a week or two away from that.....

And just thankful that it made it here... the package had been opened, and I think they fished out a cap and lanyard for a flashdrive USB chip, unless my son sent it that way, but the phone/modem was luckily wrapped in some un-interesting brown paper, and the plain brown wrapper syndrome made it past Latin eyes filtering for bright and impressive objects to steal for one's ego....

Yea.... if the thief only knew.... that he missed one of the newest phones on the Market, not yet available here....

Latins and cell fones.... the only thing that gets their attention faster is porno.....

A few years back when cell phones first started coming into the area, women would judge whether they wanted to talk to a guy by his cell phone..... does he have one? How new of a model?

Also it rained decent last night, the corn needed it bad, and now the fertilizer can start working..... the red corn... have quite a patch coming.....

Also found out that a friend of mine in the Canoas area was asked by the Taxi Drivers to teach them English.... I must have stirred up the town asking about places to teach, and they didn't know who I was, but they all knew a gringo..... My friend doesn't have the personality to teach, and therefore no desire.... plus he knows what a pain Latin students are....

Anyway he left me a message.... and I will be going to Canoas this coming week and talk with the Taxi drivers, and maybe already have a place to teach......

So, that was good news....

I will also be trying to connect via text messages with Pretty Woman...

If I can get that to happen, and the English course booted, I should be able to make her life more interesting if nothing else.....

I also had a bit of an epiphany... I was reading in the Bible, and read the first Chapters of Ezekiel.....


Get out your bibles.... turn to Ezekiel....

1:4 looks to be an aircraft flight, coming in low, stirring up desert dust etc.
has a reflective look; “something like the look of electrum...”

1:5 “In the midst of it there was a likeness of four living creatures.”
The looked like men, ( read; looked like men diving from cliffs.)

1:6 each one had four faces
(Read four insignia)

and each one had four wings.
Read two wings and a tail section.

1:7 “ And the sole of their foot was like a straight foot, like a calf's foot.”
(read: landing gear)
“and they were gleaming as with burnished copper”
(Read: reflective metal)

1:8 “And there were the hands of a man under their wings.”
(read: robot arms.)

1:9 “Their wings were joined one to another, they would not turn when they went.”
(Read fixed wing aircraft.)

1:10 “And as for the likenesses of their faces, the four of them had the face of a man, face with a lions face, and a bulls face on the left.”

(Read insignia of a humanoid face, a lion, and a bull.... not sure if lion and human face are merged.)

“And their wings were spreading out upward.”
(Read Gull wings, and or V-tail)

“Each one had two joining to each other, and two covering their bodies.”
(Read tail section, and Parasol wing above fuselage.)

1:13 “And as for the likeness of the living creatures their appearance was like burning coals of fire, something like the appearance of torches, was moving back and forth between the living creatures, and out of the fire there was lightning going forth.”

(Read holographic insignia?)

1:16 “wheel within a wheel”
(Read: tire on a rim)

1:17 “They would not turn as they went.”
(Read landing gear that didn't articulate, like on the aft gear common with our aircraft.)

1:18 “And as for their rims, they had such height as to cause fearfulness..”
(Read: very large diameter wheels and tires, as one would design into an STOL aircraft for use without improved runways... early bi-planes had large diameter wheels for this reason.)

“Their rims were full of eyes all around them.”
(Read lug-nuts etc.)

1:20 “And the wheels themselves would be lifted up close beside them.”
(Read retractable landing gear..)

1:22 “And over the heads of the living creatures there was the likeness of an expanse like the sparkle of awesome ice, stretched out over their heads up above.”

(Read: Plexi-glass Canopy.... this is some camel jokey from over 2000 years ago describing things he's never seen anything like...)

1:24 “And I got to hear the sound of their wings, a sound like vast waters.... and when they stood still they would let their wings down.”

(Read roar of jet turbine engines, and either wing that droop when aircraft is stationary, or folding wings.)

1:26 “And upon the likeness of the throne, was something like a man.”
(Read: Pilot)

Ezekiel 2 goes on, the pilot talks over a loud speaker and claims to be the creator of the universe... A bigger bullshit story has never been told by a pilot, in any base watering hole and believed by anyone... he got believed by poor Ezekiel.....

It goes on and on.....

Hey folks, this is a fixed wing STOL aircraft, a flight of four of them coming in at low altitude, and landing and scaring the dog shit out of some primitive, and convincing him to go tell his people some shit, part of a manipulation scheme, that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people, and enslavement, and mothers boiling and eating their kids....

These are not likely “nice guys”...

They have an agenda... and I think you can see that I'm spot on, on this one.....

If they had fixed wing aircraft on the planet over 2000 years ago, they may have left some to them behind..... knowing they would be back to take over..... Assets in place.... my guess is there is at least a depot.... you dont haul assets back with you at stellar distances, that you will soon use on return.... You would stage assets each trip....

Where? Out in the desert where no one goes...

Out where the Bedouin legends have the Jin at... the places the Bedouin dont go, and close enough to the Mid-East to be within striking distance of the Planet's Strategic Navel...

Jin= Giant/Genie/Demons

I would look for an outcropping of rock in the desert.... I would use Satellite sensing, drone aircraft, trying to spot anomalies.... I would guess its carved into solid rock, high enough above the plain that people passing wouldn't have access, and then the openings camouflaged...

Another suspect location would be a flat high plains area, dry, covered with sand.... with depot buried....

These Jin eat humans.....

And are hard to kill....

I wouldn't send in the Special Forces without due preparedness and advising them all that was known.....

I would send in un-maned vehicles/ robots first....

Anyway..... We are soon to have an ALIEN ARRIVAL.....

I wouldn't panic.....

but I also wouldn't automatically assume they came all this distance to teach us Love and Human Decency....

Do I expect the government to do anything?

Yes.... ignore all this... until the Military gets surprised by the astronomers, and then again surprised when busy looking at what the astronomers spot, by something already here and waiting.....

knowledge is Power....

So if you dont look for those depots, and get surprised, you commit the unpardonable sin in military thought....

And I have warned you here...

And I know damn well my blog has enough key words/groupings to have your attention....

If you find something, you might consider running what you find past me.... I may be able to figure something out...... With what my best friend calls; “My mental prowess”.....

Anyway..... I had a Tico the other day on the street ask me if I thought I understood what the Bible was about.... I said yes calmly, and he snorted, as if I was crazy, and that it was impossible to grok.....

I have become inadvertently, the quintessential Heretic.....

Sorry... all you priests and preachers are going to need a new way to make a fat living off of sheep.....

There may be two factions.... if so, the one on planet is perhaps the most dangerous.... if they are telling the truth.... But if a pilot is the creator of the universe...... I wouldn't assume anything is the truth.....

You had better find those depots.... This is FAR beyond National Security issues.....

And for the rest of you?

Same advice as always....

Get prepared, get mobile, scatter, dig in....

If we are prepared collectively, we can at least bargain from a position of strength.....

Or fight to the last man...

Expect mind control weapons....

And you had best activate those assets you have in space, and point some of them the other direction....

This has been somebody's project, the size of a planet....

And they could have just as easily had a growing colony with constant truthful communications....

Instead, its been a manipulation game, and thousands of years of needless human suffering....

And they seem to be planning to set off a nuclear war....... and then come in and “clean the kill”......

As Sun Tsu points out, best to give your enemy an escape option, and then nail him when he goes for it.... If most of humanity is starving, and Aliens show up to Save us.... they may go for it... Sure would be an easy way to get cattle to march into freezers.....

I dont know what they are, or their motives....

But like Napoleon pointed out, one had best be prepared for the worst.... and then wait and see what gets thrown at you, and win, because they never think of everything, and so always fall short of the worst.....

Anyway, I've read that passage several times in my life, and always knew there was something to it, and yesterday it dawned on me what it was talking about... the Faces threw me before.... but once I realized they were insignia.... I had it.....

“The faces of men, but with the teeth of Lions.”

If I could do DNA enhancements on myself, using animal genetics, I think the big cats would be my choice to pick from... I would likely go for Puma or Mountain Lion genetics for personal aesthetic reasons, rather than African Lion genetics.... but it would still make for a rather serious Warrior.....

They may come here expecting stupid unprepared victims....

And they may get their wish..

And only the most wacky of nut cases will have adequate weapons to take down 500 to 1000 pound half human, half Lion warriors.....

Another dichotomy pair?

Nut-case = survivor?

Sane/normal = dead meat?

We shall see... what interesting times......

Later... thinking about the symbols.. a Bull is hard to stop, and a Lion kills very big game no problem.... The Man's face? Who knows? The Leader most likely...
We will never know until too late...

Leads one to speculate on everything from Taurus, to the Leopard gods of the Aztecs...

Its like I told the Tico friend; “There is only one legend, told many ways...”

We shall see....

All I know is there is now doubt that the Ezekiel thing is a fixed wing aircraft event...

More than 2000 years ago....

Read it for yourselves....

Again.... dont panic..... The reason we may be “wolflings”, is because they had other colonies going elsewhere, and had to have us survive the hard way while they were gone....

Upping the Egocentric genetics would result in better individual survivors....

Nash's Equilibrium a bit on the gory side....

And with time dilation, they may have had little choice....

All I know is we should be changing.... getting less and less egocentric, and more honest....

And I think we all can see now what aggressive dishonesty and personal greed can do in leadership.....

Its like I was thinking last night how to explain to students, the difference between Bush and Obama.....

One was a greedy liar and mass killer....

The other wants the truth and to fix things.....

Night of horrors
Day of dreams....

I hear the extreme right wing badmouthing Obama before day one......

Most of them are greed based.. they see him as a threat to continued stockpiling in the back of their cave....

I see him as the beginnings of “Walking upright”.....

We dont need credit or gold...

We need to use our brains....

And we need to fan out....

They cant beat a billion Geronimos.....

Kiva your corn......

Saturday, January 10th, 2009....

Morning, did some design work on my boat concept, and then worked on a letter to my son...

Also called a friend about my english course... The Restaurant owner wanted to shuffle me into his conference room and charge me.... Typical Latin, me bringing clients into the Restaurant wasn't enough, wants to ding me for my profits too... So I will go talk to other restaurant owners who dont have conference rooms they want to rent....

And thats how it is here, nothing ever works, because there is always someone creating a blockage by trying to milk all the potential into their own pocket...

I also found out the Taxi Drivers want a private course... I really want to do an open course, and would be happy to teach them whatever they need, and others can learn listening in to their needs being met, but evidently they have some attitude going, and think they need private lessons... we shall see what Happens there, they may be able to get me a school classroom, and I offered to do it, if I could then continue with an open group after they went away....

We shall see, but what I do know, is logic is useless with Latins... they are SOOOOO egocentric.... these people have a box for a wallet, and they cant think outside it, ever.....

So its blockage after blockage....

And I dont play games anymore.... I either find the path I want, or I dont go there.....

I've been screwed so many times by so many Latins, That I'm not into economic sex with them anymore....

Its like I told my son this morning: “If sleaze was even just a decent lubricant, these Latins would have all slid into the Ocean's deepest trenches long ago.”

You cant help them..... I'm sure even God has given up on them.....

If he hasn't, he's more of a glutton for punishment than I am....

Anyway, it was nice to talk to my friend... asked him about his relationship he had going with a woman, and he said he didn't know if he had a relationship still or not.....

Latinas want your head and your money.... all you need for a relationship with Latinas, is a fat wallet, and hole punch your ears for snap-reins......

I am so thankful that I have learned how not to give a shit!

What happened, was I just got burned out on all the self induced stress, trying to do things like I should, and just running into piles of human shit across my path....

So I just let go.... Only thing really important, is if I have water to drink, and some food to eat for self and dog every day, and the rest is optional.....

I'd like to do this or that, but I have learned that anything that includes others, is worse than being alone by magnitudes..... I am a very social person.... but its been nothing but a breathing exercise with added resistance for engaging my vocal chords.... Noise.... just noise, wasted, Birds singing get more effect....

So I do my daily routine, use this blog as a form of expression, and a good day is when its just me and the dog......

I may not have attained spiritual perfection, but I know how to be a boy and his dog......

And I have literally learned to go back to where I left off on a lot of stuff when I was younger, and graft back onto who I am and was, before being trashed so many times by so many people....

a lot of my concepts stem from those roots....

Being a success in the normal sense, was being a failure, at being me....

But being a failure at normalcy, has paid some incredible “me dividends”....

Its like Jesus said; you cant work for two masters at the same time.....

So either I work for money, or I work for me.....

Because the me guy really likes working for Natural Causes.... i.e. The great spirit guy.....

And now days it doesn't matter what does or doesn't happen.... money, woman, dreams, what ever, the bottom line, is I can just be a dog going down the road, on my way to where I think I need to get to, and other than for having a direction, I'd just be a lost dog...

I realized that even on my boat designing, that I can keep working on it.... worked on it this morning....

And if it never happens, I have still gained... We could have a nuclear war any year now....

And the Ranchers could come after that.....

And everything I ever did could end in total failure, and something ugly could happen in my life....

And I would still have had those happy times designing for the sheer pleasure of designing something better than what exists now.....

I have let go of the ends, and learned to focus on the means...

I work on my design... it gets better and more complete....

And if my doggy day comes, and I get metal to cut on.....

I will finish with having art....

My Son wants to build Pangas, Pangas are a style of boat here, kind of a flat bottomed dory with no rocker, and a bit more angle at the bow..... Wave slapper hulls... add a motor and some yahoos and go fishing.... And I told him if I have to go through all the shit, and sell a hunk of the farm, I'm not building a fucking Panga..... because if something else happens, and I get stuck with what I build, I want it to be my design that I have worked a decade on... and not some boat I do, thinking only of money......

Sure, I can lay out and weld up Pangas...

But My dream isn't to build Pangas.... my dream is to build my boats.....

And if I cant do that, I will find something else I want to do and do it....

Its why I'd like to snag a small hunk on the reserve, and have river access.... then I can build a small Kayak, or a canoe, and go fishing all the way to the sea and out on it and back....

Then my dream is so small it becomes do-able without anyone else.....

And thats what I have learned.... how to be me no matter what......

And thats where most people fall down on their dream.... they let the world take them....

An analogy might be a kayak on said river.... if I go downstream, it might be hard to get back home..... but if I go upstream, when I run out of energy, I can coast home again...

Going where the world takes you, is like drifting downstream... nice trip, but you end up far from home....

Home is where your heart is.....

That means you will never return home until you find your dream....

And any dream worth doing is up river......

Once I go up river often enough, I will also learn how far down I can go and still get back OK......

Later, got wood for cooking, also worked a few minutes with machete in a place I want to plant more Bananas...

Was thinking about the thing in Gaza... Heard woman from UN complaining about human rights violations....

Whole fucking world wringing its hands, but nobody can do anything eh?

Gutless morons....

Enact emergency legislation in your country that no products or services from any companies out of Israel, or owned by Jews, be allowed in country, for the next 10 years, and watch how fast they clean up their acts......

Talk wont do shit....

“More words are worth less.” (Tao)

Why does the UN even exist? So a bunch of chimpanzees can jump up and down and scream, and the big Gorillas can have the final word....

If I were king of even a small country, I probably wouldn't bother sending a delegation...

A waste of money, no results possible.... its a way the big countries control little ones by letting them think they are important, by having a big “Talk-Talk” for them....

“If you want to make sure nothing happens, assign a committee...”

Anyway..... to the people of Gaza, I am personally sorry for the whole human race.... while you at least have the guts to actually fight and bleed and die for what you know is right....

Allah be with you....

And to hell with everybody else!

I would rather see you achieve your goals in a non-violent manner, but I suspect with the Jews that isn't possible... their skulls are too thick for good sense to enter...

And inside of them, there is no room.... its all filled with Greed and Ego.....

Be heartened... the universe is designed soas the weak overcome the strong...

It just takes enough time....

The problem is the rocketry..... too fat, too short... If I were Gaza, I would focus on range and accuracy first, and just Target the Capital and the business districts, and give a warning on launch.... Or maybe better just target the TV stations that the talking heads use to program the Jewish sheep....

I dont know.... but 30 km isn't much of a missile.....

And your target shouldn't be the common folk, that just feeds the fire....

You need a “Robin Hood” missile, that you can consistently put through the window into the Israeli parliament and prime-ministers offices...

And the Jews? End the world types.....

They would cause the Extinction of the whole human race for their Vanity.....

And after grokking Ezekiel's first chapter, I suspect their “God” was more interested in spreading out his little Genetics experiment, and crossing Them, with the other races, than anything else....

Why have other races in a genetics lab experiment, if it isn't to cross and compete with?

Any Pilot that claims to be the creator of the universe, is not telling the truth....

If it has wheels, its a machine stupid.....

What that means, is their “Rights” to Israel are nothing but part of a manipulation game to cause us to trash ourselves for the Manipulator's benefit.....

They want Genetics that has been through HELL...

What do we want?

We the Humans, including the Palestinians and the Jews.....

Wake up, or die ugly...

We dont need their experiment....

We need to get our own shit together, And ACE/CHALLENGE the test.....


We are not Nuking each other so some Assholes with an ego trip going, can come in and spoon up some samples.....

I Now KNOW the difference between Jehova, and the Great Spirit....

Jehova was an obvious fabrication.... the Great Spirit an obvious reality....

See the Beauty in Nature....

There is the True god.... He's not in a fixed wing aircraft with lion and bull insignia....

How many deaths did they cause with their Religious games?

Thousands of years of humans killing humans while they watched from above....

Best get your Geronimo suit out of the closet.....

They made the mistake of giving us a planet.... lets take it and keep it, and go from there....


My Advice? Same as always.... Get mobile, scatter, grow and store food, dig in...

Grow all you can..... Dont think about just yourselves... We seem to have a collective enemy if you think about it...

Thats all we needed....

“The pen is mightier than the sword”

so your laptop is more powerful than Nukes.... use it wisely....

Morning, Sunday, 11th, January, 2009....

Worked most of the morning on a letter for my son....

Also played with the new phone a bit... learning... will likely have it going as a modem this week sometime....

likely a trip to I.C.E. The local telecommunications monopoly....

Which will waste a day, doing what we could do over the phone in the US....

Worked a bit this morning on boat design....

Got two good ideas...

one very good....

I once heard an “Expert” on a radio interview state; “Nobody can be creative on demand.” I just laughed....

I like the phone already, its a Nokia, with the wide screen and qwerty keys.... I have a foto in a magazine of a similar one by Samsung, I like my Nokia better...

I keep hearing about Blackberries on the short wave, and wondering if they are similar? I presume so, that this is Nokia's answer the the blackberry....

Funny huh? I live so far away towards the edge of the empire, that I dont know what a blackberry looks like....

Well... all I know is I now have a “Hand-held device”....

I see they are still infants.... no camera and inter-communications video yet...

Really my only complaint is its too small to type on with all my fingers.....

I could go for a hand held device that was a fold out wide, say 8 or 9 inches, and a screen that folds out the other way, kind of a four-plex folder, that created a comm board and screen arrangement, big enough to type on...

I know the wireless notebooks exist.... the problem is that the electronics is too small for the ergonomics.... and most folks want a pocket sized communicator....

I suspect in a couple more years you will have a notebook and blue tooth style headset, with the headset being voice operated, and all the heavy work done by the notebook....

This unit is only a step away from that....

Until then I will be more than happy with what I have... I would suggest to the electronics companies to incorporate better calculators into the mix..... I want to find a 10-key to buy for my laptop because its such a dud as a calculator... I usually use a scientific, and the shit on the laptop is an insult considering the potential... it should at least be equal to the best programmables, with a minimalistic version software option for the morons... ditto on the hand held device, its calculator, has me still needing a calculator....

When what it needs is two programs, and better labeling on existing keys....

What good is a computer if you cant use it to compute numbers with?

So close, and they miss the boat by stepping off the pier and into the bay....

Its all there..... except the missing piece of logic in the designer's heads.....

A world designed by and for morons.....

Anyway it will all get ironed out in the next 25 years or so.... people will figure out that they need one device that does it all at any level of knowledge or ability....

The good news on the Nokia, is that its the first electronic computer device I have seen with a “Help” program that takes you key by key from point A to point B...

the rest, even my spendy HP Laptop come with “Help” programs in Computer Jargonese that is totally meaningless, and only defines useless shit, and doesn't show you how to get there...

Its like having instructions for how to drive a car, that define the steering wheel, but dont tell you how to unlock it....

Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing the looks on people's faces here, when they see me yard out my HHD, nobody here has one yet.... first kid on the “big” block syndrome!

And Latins too! Its like making them all look Naked and Savages to boot....

The only thing more important than clothes to a Latin, is his Phone or computer....

Its their “I'M HIP! And RICH! Device.....

To me its to communicate with.....

I had to insult my worker the other day.... he thought he needed a day off, to go talk to the communications company... I pointed out that he has a phone, and they have phones on their desks, and I had to literally piss him off before he could grok that he could call them and ask his question, that the fones weren't just for looking good, or calling your girlfriend, you could use them to prevent un-needed trips to town etc.

It literally never entered his mind that he could call the phone company on his phone and ask questions about phones...

He thought of course you had to go in person....

I had to literally tell him the Alexander Graham Bell quote; “ I invented the telephone, so any one at all, could call and talk to anyone else, for any reason.”

He didn't yet get the “any reason” concept....

He's a latin... he thinks you have to stand in line with your hat in hand, at all public offices...

No stupid, you can bug them on the phone, thats what its for!

Boy did he look sheepish when it dawned on him...

He grew up when the village only had one phone...

And Drones in Offices were GODS!

No! They are demons, little ones, and you can exorcise them royally, with just a phone....

I was a professional communications specialist with a top secret clearance starting at age 17....

I was trying to figure the other day if I had that clearance before my 18th birthday, I think I did.... and so am on a very short list, and perhaps the only person to every be on that list...

I finished High school 3/4's of a year early with all my credits and was in Radioman A school and working with Crypto gear before my 18th... in fact, I had a personal run in with a petty officer named Pollard at the A school.... he later became world famous.... was convicted of spying, and has occupied a Federal cell every since... he threatened to write me up over some bullshit... The guy was a jerk.....

My life has been like that.... always having run-ins with people who are famous jerks....

Makes me wonder what Wheaton's friends and co-workers think of him?

“Not again!....”

Anyway.... I need to go drag up some sticks to burn under my food.....

But I did want to mention that I am still thinking about the Ezekiel one thing.... boy thats a heavy one if this blog gets out... I wonder if anyone else has figured that one out yet?

If not..... I will certainly stir up some shit this time......

Its what I do best....

One of my earliest memories, at about three years old, was looking up at one of my dad's friends, and him looking down at me and saying; “Kid, you are a rebel!” & I didn't know what the word Rebel meant.......

And now I R one.....

Well, a good one... the White hat type.....

I'll shoot them in the knee if I can......

Monday, 12 January, 2009....

Interesting morning...

little meeting with the worker...

Going tomorrow to iron out the internet thing with ICE the local telecommunications monopoly jerks....

Also had a little emotional run-in with my worker...

I brought up some uncomfortable points, which were not his fault, and he saw it as an opportunity to criticize me... which felt good for two reasons, one that he knows I dont mind, and the other was because I had already realized ALL of his issues, and was already IN PROGRESS on fixing my end of them......

Boy! Thats a nice hit.....

To be criticized, and be ahead of the curve on them...

I thank JC and Buddha for that minor success...

Focus on your own defects, and dont have to rely on anyone....

Perfection is a small target to hit, but I realized the value of small bulls-eyes on my cardboard box many years ago....

I want my bulls-eyes just big enough, I can see them good.....

I Have been thinking about Buddha's point; “Dont have to rely on anyone.”

it holds two absolutes.....

And I grok the value and meaning of absolutes.....

And I think my next girlfriend is gonna have a problem she is not used to dealing with....

And the more I think about that advice, the more I like it, and the more I see it's value....

On another Issue....

Listening to VOA the other night on Short wave....

Heard a thing on the new aircraft carrier.... the USS George H W Bush.....

That was an embarrassingly stupid thing to have to listen to....

Surely its another of George's miss-spellings? And what its really named, is the USS Martin Luther King Jr., and as soon as bush is out of office, the Congress will fix the little spelling issue....

And have it painted white, and turned into an airlift/hospital ship, using Nuclear power to arrive at any disaster site on the planet, as fast as is possible, with Atomic Coal...

Oh! I'd keep some fighter aircraft, Marine contingent, and add a few UDT SEALS, and give it the motto; “We will FIGHT to SAVE!” and anytime some petty tyrant drags his feet after any disaster anywhere, we “soften him up a bit” and get the doctors and supplies in.....

I would also make it where three things were required to serve on her.
One; that you specifically request the duty.
Two: That you be nominated by your peers for that duty.
Three: you be the very best in your field that America has to offer.

And I also suggest a minor change in Navy traditions;

That all new arrivals (Crew) be piped on board, with “New Arrival, Crew, and their name and rate”, and all aboard, including the Captain and any Admirals etc., come to attention, and then at-ease, and that it be considered a National Honor to be assigned to her.

George HW Bush? These people have no shame!

The guy isn't even dead yet.... and even if he was, his presidency and that of his son's would be a stretch to name a Septic system/Garbage Barge after....

If I named a Ship the Bush, it would be to make a bombing run target out of.....

Put it in water so shallow, that it sat on the bottom, and then just blow the shit out of it......

Maybe if we offered to pay for their citizenship paperwork in Paraguay, we could get them to leave a few days early?

Surely Barak wouldn't mind starting a week early?

There is so much to be done, fixing all the shit The Republicans fucked up...

“Worst fuck-ups in the Nation's history!”

And the Bush/Bush presidencies should go down in American History, as the “Two Boobs” era....

Only separated by the Clinton Cleavage......

Lets hope Junior Bush doesn't manage anymore national insults in the next week....

Anyway, found out on the cell fone modem that I need a “Data Plan”... (Shows you how much I know....)

You know I am beginning to realize why blogging and reading them are so popular.....

I've never seen one.....

But with the Mainstream news being no better than Communist Party-Line Programming,
I can see where common folk commentary is fun to have... There must be some real doozeys
out there.... with plenty of sharpened points and no shortage of humor......

Well, drive a wooden stake in the “Two-boobs” era's heart, and lets go back to making haystacks with our pitchforks.....

Was having some thoughts this morning on agriculture, still amazed at how well the hoeing technique has worked... If I was in the US, I would want to try it there....

Take an area with brush, throw out corn seed, chop the brush down and chop it up some, and then hoe the area and inch or so under the soil level... I think it would work there too....

Would have to be at spring planting time etc., but sure to amaze one with the simplicity...

I remember how amazed I was with how the Latins did it.... same trip minus the hoeing stage, and it did work well on good years.....

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

Morning, sun just frying the panel....

Spent the day yesterday in Canoas, and to and from....

Talked to Taxi drivers about English course....

Got a dear Juan message from Pretty Woman through her boss.... she decided 3 kids, 2 nieces weren't enough and is now supporting the Parasite too.....

And everybody's comment has been; “Well, if she wants to do that then its OK..”

I'm enjoying it..... I played well.... good sportsman award due....

And ran into a couple of Quaymi women on the bus, fairly wild ones, barely spoke Spanish,
One of whom knew who I was talking about, when I asked about a particular Quaymi woman that I ran into and when she spoke to me I went too stupid to get her Name etc., due to how pretty she was.... so I left a message, and offered a reward for her name and connecting data...

I know where she lives roughly, and she's tall and thin and elegant, and most of the Quaymi women are short and stout..... and the elegant Lady picked me out and wanted to speak....

So.... left enough info with the wild girls, like fishing.... that I could make contact someday....

I'm not worried.... no shortage of women here, and economy is going bad, they'll get hungry....

These girls knew whom my Quaymi friends were too..... so if the Elegant Lady hears I am looking for her, she has in-tribe info sources with history about me.....

Ran into a Nicaraguan friend on the bus, had a nice chat, told him about the red corn and the hoeing techniques.... he's got wife and kids and grows corn.... also others were listening in to the conversation, one campesino, was asking questions, has a couple hoes, but didn't know when to use them to best effect.....
My friend also started talking about electric fencers after I told them about the 8 inch Pizote' fence.... come to find out the fencer he knew, was my stolen one.... a French guy has it....
I know who stole it etc., just not where it ended up.... and sent a message to French guy that the I.O.J. (read:FBI) has it listed as stolen on computer, and that I would appreciate it making it home finally....

I also bought some shit in Canoas, got the second $20 camo backpack for bug-out kit....
its cheesy, but my plan is to put it on the neoindigenous packboard, and make a net of Nylon cord for it, to strap it in and keep the pressure off the zippers... I consider zipper packs to be “Organizers” and not weight carriers....

Also got an even cheesier 2 ton hydraulic car jack, to string the crossbow with....

And I got a second 2 lb Chinese digging hoe head for $3.........

And I got internet on my phone.... but it wont work at the house, signal iffy, but I think I can hike to the top of my pasture and use internet.....

Wont work for a modem then, until I get a new battery in the laptop....

Also I got notified that my ex girlfriend's mom died... she was very old, and still looked young.... I only met her a couple times on bus, to and from hospital appointments, she'd go to the hospital with an appointment and wait several hours, and be given another appointment date for her trip in from the Reserve...

Piss me off! And they do that to everybody here......

Also I bought some food, mostly dry corn, prices up from .36 cent/lb to .41 cents.....

Funny aside on fone/internet thing.... I loaned my SIM chip to my worker's sister in law, a school teacher, as there were no lines available..... I stipulated I didn't want her giving out the number to a bunch of love sick Latins.... I also gave my worker money for the last bill, which wasn't my bill.... and tell him to get it paid a couple of weeks ago..... and we get to the phone company to do internet, and lady says it owes a bill..... he has to hike to the supermarket to pay it while I, phone co. lady, and his wife all wait twiddling thumbs and fingers..... this is Latin Land...... People as Flaky as snow in Alaska....

And evidently the sister in law put the number on a dating service text message trip, because I keep getting Text messages from different guys introducing themselves; “HI! I'm Juan, I have blue eyes, nice lips, and a shapely butt, and I am a great conversationalist.”

I notice every one of them has to say something religious too.....

What the Latins probably dont realize, is if God has anything to do with them, its probably being polite enough to twiddle with his gum under his Judicial Bench for five minutes or so while they talk about how great they were, before he foots the “Go to Hell” button on the floor by the throne..”

Anyway, I also talked to my Niece's mom and told her about snub by pretty woman, which means my ex girlfriend on the reserve who isn't happy with her last choice male, will hear about it.....

I like the woman, but if she shows up looking friendly, I'll milk some serious concessions out of her....

I like being single too much, and there is the possibility of Elegant Lady showing up on my Radar screen somehow....

And I did see my niece's aunt do the attraction body language and then catch her self.....

This is fun... being 50ish, and still hormonally evil.....

So.... hominy boiling as I write.....

Also saw a really nice pressure canner at Canoas, same model as the two smaller units that I have and really like, if the economy makes another month, and its still there, I'll try to get it...

Why? Because I am a country person and know the value of food processing equipment.....

And the most useful pot in the kitchen is the pressure cooker......

So this morning I started packing stuff into the second camouflage backpack... what goes where, being mostly mandated by size and shape of items and pockets etc.

Both will go on packboards.....

I'm no fool! I just look and act like one!

Actually the more I learn, the more I realize what Einstein must have realized....

That he wasn't so smart.... it was how stupid everybody else is..... the guy was likely the most intelligent human in a couple thousand years, and considered human stupidity likely more infinite than the universe.....

Basically the truth folks, as Buddha points out, is the road to enlightenment is through realizing what a fool one is..... usually wisdom comes just before enlightenment; wisdom being when one realizes what a fool everybody else is.....

Even in the Tao; “The wise see the people as dummies.”

Well, there are reasons for that, and if you think about it, the other side of the dichotomy pair, is that to be wise, you must therefore realize how stupid people are....

Enlightenment is found only in the looking glass.......

“Oh! Man! Am I stupid? Or what?”

yup! You and everybody else....

And so it makes little sense to believe anyone is going to save your worthless butt but you.....

If we could all become enlightened, the problems would all go away like morning mist in the deserts, and gentle rain would fall.... in a few hundred years, after the climate rebalances itself...

Until then, I suggest you prepare for hell.....

By the way I am getting some interesting emails from a friend.... he got wise to how stupid other people were years ago.... and years ago I also predicted all the shit now happening to his reality.... Well, he is obviously becoming enlightened..... now that its too late to do anything..... I could and will point out the focus/nexus areas for his mental digestion....

But the guy has gone from occasionally voting republican and dabbling in the stock market, to needing my hoeing technique to have a retirement plan.....

Basically he's wiped slick aft..... after a good fone poling by his republican heros....

Gay guys generally fuck the wannabees too....

Also ran into a young guy from Denmark yesterday, he seemed to think somebody would be reading my blog.... I found that encouraging to think, I figured only the government snoops with shitty noses had found it....

I'm enjoying blogging.... its like fun... knowing the government cant resist reading what we say about them.... as if they bug the company lunch room to listen in on the workers...

and then get pissed because they realize we know what a bunch of deep throats they are, getting fat on the fecal matter from the next tier up....

Also got an interesting email from my son, he wants to build a crossbow, and wants dad's design.... Gee? Drawing? I've asked him for an XYZ axis, Zero center point drawing program, used joystick, and used scientific 10-key, for doing the math etc. for drawings for a few years now......

Yes, if that shit actually showed up, he might just get some nice crossbow plans......

As would the rest of you....

That and a lot of other stuff.....

I put it here so he might read it and get the idea, when he posts this for me....

Anyway got the hominy cooked, now waiting for more water at the spring to rinse it with....

Cheap food.... now .41 cents a pound.... but, with new hoeing technique, I should be into some corn 90 days after the dry season is over in April....

I figure it will be about 60% of my diet....

Well, I didn't have enough money left over for generator gas... living on $75 this month....
$75 gone.... but I made the concious choices, got the pack, the hoe, and the jack....

The jack has been on my list for over 6 months, $10.....

the Pack on the list only a couple three months, $20....

And the hoe only on the list a month, after buying the first one and finding out how good it was... wanted one for my son... so he could feed his wife and kids after the shit hits....

Also learned yesterday my friend with the yacht is buying fuel... has half enough now.... its Rip-cord investment; Geronimo!

His cushy job is starting to smell bad.... management types tight lipped and white faced....

I think some public entity austerity is in the pipeline.... Obama isn't an economic yahoo like those last goat roper/fuckers were....

He knows the US is in deep shit, and he's the guy with the big shovel....

Its starting to feel wintery to the drone bees?

“Now that you guys are done fucking the fat queens, how are your cold weather survival training stats?”

If I grok anything about economics, its that you pay......

Its like physics; “No Free Lunch.”

no matter what kind of shit device you design up.....

A Quadrillion dollars in Derivatives?

Read; “Rainbow Niggers.”

That was your bill of sale.....

The Slave auction block is on Wall Street in Jew Nork...

Is that hate speech?

No, its “Extremely Strong Disgust Speech”.......

here to fore known as; ESDS

Himey done fucked you white darkies too.....

And now you hope a dark whitey will save your rainbow butts?

Well, presidential decree isn't a magic wand Dorothy... Somebody has to clean the pig sty now the swine are on their way back to Crapford.....

Yea... we are all incredibly stupid......

And just figuring it out.....

The Obama Renaissance after the Dark era of the Bush enlightenment.....

To change anything, you have to actually do something.......

Or else its more of the same, Bozo....

And its your tax dollars paying to do war crimes in Gaza....

That means you too are responsible if you do nothing about it.....

And you might not make it to the Hague, but dont forget those Ranchers...

Due home soon.....

And war crimes and environmental destruction both seem to be capital offenses in their book...

January 21. 2009....

morning, haven't written for a few days, busy learning new fone on internet, chat situation with my group, emails, and causing fights, now that I can have my say with them.......

We'll get it all ironed out soon.... a minor readjustment for all of us. Phadrus is awake....

got to search my website, and realized the chances of not being known to be zero, has exact same name as a special channel a group has up on u tube with videos of Asensor related stuff... also I see another website up now, criticizing NASA's concept, due to harmonics problems, something I discussed on my treatise, so I suspect my concepts of having gotten out, and that my return comment loop hasn't worked, as I have never gotten a single email through it......

So I have asked my sons to do a link on the treatise to this blog with a warning about NON politically correct content, and to try to email another group asking for link up and forum if they are interested.....

I suspect there may be some folks wanting to talk to me... too early to be NASA, they are a bureaucracy, so it will be awhile before they get around to a renegade rebel space pirate freelancer.....

First they have to be jolted out of Wheaton's space, which wont be easy, most of them played with electric cars as kids, and wont see what the problem is.....

I hope to forum and put a lot more heads than mine thinking along similar lines and other tangents as well.... the days of the intellectual monopoly are over with internet...

A degree, a lab coat, and a high salary are no insurance of potential creativity...
its time common man came out of his basement and garage workshop, where he has been inventing widgets, and begin competing with the tenured eggs...........

I dont think the eggheads stand a chance, they are outnumbered, and out-brained....
Those Garage Guys have had to work in the real world, and know you cant use an O-ring for a head gasket......

They also know ships have lifeboats, and they dont like airliners minus parachutes....

hopefully I have caused at least a small revolution; “VIVA EL CEREBRO!”

Anyway, I have to learn all the internet stuff, chat, email, from near zero, so it will be awhile, just stepped out of my time machine into this century practically speaking....

I am trying to learn the telephone before I hook it up to the computer, and need an external antenna on my phone, which could be awhile getting here due to economy etc.

My best friend ran some of this blog under the nose of a co-worker at a municipal utility, a guy of intelligence..... to ask his opinion....

His comment was: “This guy is a genius, crazy, or both....”

I sent him a thankyou message for the compliments.....

Yea, thats what I think too... not sure about the genius though... I feel very common man most of the time....

Here on the farm things are going pretty good, got a few light late season rains, and got the corn fertilizer washed in, and the corn looking good... basically the hoeing technique has changed the dynamics for us....

Plus we have a lot of other stuff coming along... getting into big numbers on seed stock for various crops, have figured several new techniques to grow different stuff....

I think within a year we will have total food self sufficiency for our clan well underway....
The worker is doing better now with contract working half the time..
And he's seeing a change in attitude of even his wife, she's ready to experiment and try new stuff now, which is abnormal in this culture...

In fact he was telling me this morning about a recipe she came up with, She just invented Yucca hash browns.....

I gave her the grater.....

It was so pretty there in her kitchen she had to use it for something......

I've taught several women here corn bread... and I think we are going to go into fairly serious production on the red corn... if we get a decent crop, come April we will be planting a much larger area with hoe technique, and the area we have is fairly impressive... I think the system will pretty much feed us.... if it works with corn and beans it will work with sweet potatoes etc. and the vines are dying back now and we have tubers, meaning when the rains come they will sprout and we can begin multiplication again, doing a couple big bowl fulls of cuttings in the spring every week.... and likely be covering entire terraces within a year or less.....

Basically the truth is this, the money game is a trap, and if you get into growing food, and doing crafts, even 20 years ago it was a better life.... and now with the currency trashed and everything going into a banking black hole, there is no way on earth that it still pays to nigger in the technocult....

Meaning if my blog becomes even marginally popular, the word will get out, and soon plenty more nut-cases with big grins and plenty of food in storage.....

And letting go of the houses, and migrating a bit south, and staying mobile are all positives in whats coming....

Its like I was telling my niece in an email, now that I have realized the potentials of portable housing, happiness is any creek I camp by.....

I sent the worker home with lemons today, regular yellow lemons like in the states... rare here,
but he packed a fat lug.... his girls will be sipping lemon aid in 15minutes or so....

Found out the woman who did the double take on me is his mother in laws sister... in her forties... got a guy hitting on her, but no contract...

Perfect situation in my mind, I can go scope her out at little personal risk, what I do know is I like and respect her older sister a lot, her mom is a beautiful grandmother, and her dad is as good a man as walks earth these days.... and I was planning on buying some land over there somehow, and if she isn't the right woman, there is an entire tribe in the area.....

and they may like me and understand my crazy indigenous streak better than the Latins....

“Why would you want to be an Indian?”

well because they live free, catch alligators, and eat them raw, what other reason should I need?

Sounds better than a day job to me....

Sounds better than Latin norms too...

I also got an email from my sister... haven't heard from her in a coon's age....

She has a horse now.....

My sister is also an animal person, but married a city guy, and it looks like after 40 years she's finally won the battle, as I dont think horses grow in the cities much...

I sent her info on this blog, which she will like most of.....

We grew up together loving animals, and she was into dog training when I was small...
still is..... horses too now.... must have finally got the husband trained.... they are really hard sometimes... worse than appaloosas.....

I'm happy about the horse, know if the worst happens, one they dont live on a ground zero, and two they can pack off the basics for survival if need be....

To me having horses is like the Indians in Alaska holding on to dog sledding, or the Arabs holding onto their Camels..... if the shit hits one has a non petro-fuels option......

Showed my worker an article on algae oil cropping, 100,000 gallons per acre/year, I want the local palm farmers to grok it, they think they own oil wells at a tiny fraction of those production figures.....

And have over planted the palm in the last few years.....

those little manifolded algae bags hooked to a pipe system are going to be really cheap to produce, and the Arabs better start funding space elevator en devours if they want to keep buying a new Mercedes regularly.....

I was happy to see the other website talking Harmonics problems with the strap system elevator..... Surely the guys at NASA are getting nervous....

“Oh! Shit! We are looking bad!”

Join up guys, its a big project, no shortage of need for guys with programmables and all the laptops with the great software.....

'Just going to have to let go of the ego problem, and start letting in the guys who grok the rubber/road dichotomy pairs....

No man is an island...

and no bureaucracy Sacred....

You got any cows, we're going to at least help milk them....

You'll get used to it, look at Google, they realized that the most intellectual creativity was out side their organization, and adapted accordingly their business model.....

When NASA realizes the same, guys like me with Bazaar talents, will have a place at the

Anyway, should only be days until I am linking up with others on the issue....

As soon as my son recovers from Comm-Shock, i.e. Me being able to jump in his shit at will now.... I suspect he had assumed I had retired as a dad-guy.... off the radar screen so to speak... and now I pop up, armed to the teeth and looking deadly.....

He'll re-adapt, he has no choice....

Especially with what is about to happen with the Web site.... I am thinking to start some kind of forum to brainstorm ideas and have people with better math skills check them out....

I suspect my treatise has established my credentials as a proper nut-case designer....

Look out NASA.... I will be going over your stuff with a fine toothed logic comb.....

because its important to me too....

Will be fun to find out Wheaton's reaction..... hey! Bill, your only way out of this one, is to work WITH me..... a fate generally worse than death.... We can turn this into a great beer drinking story.... for at our favorite watering hole on Luna, the “Earth Rising” pub.. in Lunatic City.... Watch the foam, need taller beer steins..... and boy wont the waitresses bob nicely....

Lets make her happen....

Never Piss off a class clown....

They will get you, but good....

Anyway, I need to go take a bath, grind some corn, cook, etc... got this neoindigenous eating habbit to keep up.......

Later, the corn bannock is over the sacred flames, bath taken, thinking about the local Electricity/communications monopoly, they done stepped in shit finally, tried to raise the rates on text messages 5 X in one shot... and if there is anything Latins love more than fat blonds, its text messaging......

I.C.E, the monopoly is as big a bunch of Pricks as have ever existed... people literally died here for their games... Greedheads extraordinair....

So now a boycott of their text messaging svcs, and even the legislators pissed, they used text messaging as much as anyone else... personally I hope they get their monopoly status totally removed....

Get this, they have external text messaging blocked, so people here cant text family members in the US etc. and vice versa... spendy spendy calls only at rates that would shock Americans...

Especially if you factor in differences in wages etc...

Hopefully its: Adios Mother fuckers, literally, many mothers get to talk less to kids in far away places so ICE can pocket more of people's change...

Personally if I was lord emperor of Latin america, I'd get rid of the death penalty for every thing except corruption, and malfeasance...

And most of ICE's upper management would at least get a job in a contract Chinese work camp in Mongolia....

Send them to Bush Camp in Guantanamo first, to get their Swiss bank account numbers, then off to the cold deserts to pick Yak Litter to fuel refrigerated cells for themselves....

Another thing my worker was talking about here, is Costa Rica has evidently gone to a sexual equality system in the courts... no moms getting kids automatic, no un proven accusations trashing men, and if a woman hits her husband and he nails her, he gets the free shot....

As I suspected, the System would figure out they had been bamboozled by crocodile tears and feminist lies, and after a generation of problem kids in the courts, and everybody including the legislators seeing the reality, guess what girls, your shit stinks, and if you cause enough problems you could see yourselves paying child support and explaining your excuses to hard judges...

My worker also mentioned Obama, wondering if he was in yet.... I figured tomorrow he'll loosen the neck tie...

Should be good.... Lets solve problems....

Instead of create them like Bush Regimes one and two....

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it..... get some batteries for the old short wave, and sit back by the campfire and listen to some Put up or shut up diplomacy....

Well its been fun thinking that NASA is starting to catch some flack... definitely broke public trust more than once over the years... the Space Shuttle was pretty cool, but the morons in charge evidently weren't equal to the average backyard engineer... Yea, lets glue the tiles on her, no decent overlap like the lowest snake's scales have, No wings at all so she drops like a rock, no lifeboats/pods, rubber O-rings for gaskets between sectionalized rocket motor sections....

Yea they killed some good people who trusted them....and I'm sure there were those screaming ahead of the problems, who got ignored by arrogant drones with superior job titles, and who screwed the “right guys” every chance until they left...

Like a public works job on steroids....

Maybe NASA's head guy should open an office in the Space Station, and have to commute regularly? Might get some better brakes on the bus....

Personally I'd have a little talk with my design team, do a nice presentation on the DC-3 project, how many air miles, how many accidents and what kind, what the people involved in the design had to say over the years, get the mindset firmly established for the team, and then tell them; “Lets do and even better job on our project.”

Anyway, was fun thinking someone was punching numbers into scientific calculators to see if Gris had anything with the Harmonics/flutter factor... hopefully others are grokking my concepts and doing feasibility studies... The concept will win out.... unless anti-gravity tech arrives first.

And that is the reason my treatise is copy righted, so one can easily date the concept's arrival on the scene... I dont care if people copy and distribute it, all I care about is somebody with no scruples stealing my intellectual property credits... I dont care if I make a cent off of it, I'm used to living poor...but I would like to make a living somehow working on the project though, even if its for wandering around NASA with a bull-whip and a Zorro costume...

Getting the bad guys by the neck with my bull whip, and pulling them off their high horses, until the Peons were cheering, and it was hard to go home at night, because everyone co-operating and buzzing the place with some real “Lets do it!” energy......
If I ran the place, it would need a Pizza factory in the budget, and money to keep the lights on late too....

Calisthenics at six a.m.... get plenty of oxygen into those designing brains....

Imagine the eggheads with their tounges hanging out, puffing up stair flights for their yearly qualifications...

Yea, I am crazy....

But they've bad mouthed the Jocks for years over academic scores.....

Anyway, I need some trons for the light bulb in the morning..... just happy dog to see that I have affected the game some...

Thursday January 22nd, 2009...

Morning, trying to comm this morning with my email phone.... got a bunch of fun emails from my son.... about trying to link up with space elevator forums... I tried the links, got blank pages and advisory notes that it wasn't possible... I suspect either its my phone, or more likely ICE the local telecom shitheads....

Anyway, my son sent me some articles on antarctic warming, I found the increase in sea ice interesting and suspect a refrigeration effect from winds/lower air pressure, at the shore/sea boundary...

Also a thing on using surface tension as a boat propulsion force, I suspect that is limited to very small items, but asked for more info....

I asked my son to email the forums, explain the limits and ask if they are interested in emailing with me? If I cant come up on the forum.......

I dont know for sure to date, what kind of effect my treatise has had on the space elevator crowd, hopefully some, and done some good in some small way........

My motives are generally good, and my methods horrible...

So I should know in the next couple of days if anyone at all is interested in my concepts, or if they would like to send a cruise missile my way for being such a quack....

Or both...

I suspect my ideas have merit, and I also suspect I may have created a stir of some sort....
not my first....

So sometime later today, my son will be further realizing it aint like he thinks here, I'm sure he thinks we are surfing the web from our fones like everybody else...

And will likely be a rude realization that it looks like ICE has us screwed down to emails...
Hopefully some of the forum folks will want to comm with me, As I am curious as to what they have figured out about my concepts.... hopefully there was enough on the website to get them thinking, and beyond Wheaton's blockage.....

No doubt in my mind, some form of the idea will work... its a very simple concept, and only a question of how much acceleration and for how long before you start up the steep hose......

This is kind of funny really, me sitting here a day or so from knowing what others in the field think after time for it to get checked out......

I think Wheaton's reaction was reactionary, and he didn't take time to think about the actual physics aspects, Just considered me a nut case due to being used to the harder tech of rocket motors etc., and pneumatics seemed absurd in comparison....

We shall see....

I've been waiting and waiting for internet connections, and now trying to learn how to get the phone to work, on the net, I think when I get an external antenna for my phone, but who knows what I will be able to do with the system at hand.... I haven't a clue at this point, I'm a total moron until I learn, and also find out what the limits are, that aren't mine or my gear's..... I would like to talk to the forum folks, and if my concepts are gaining some ground, maybe be able to improve them....

My son sent three forum connections, I tried all three and nada....

I suspect from seeing the other website on the harmonics/flutter problem, with claims of having the physics in its banner, that I have created some stir... that was only one aspect mentioned in passing on the treatise, and easily fixed by various passive means...

Its the guts of the main concept I am interested in exploring most.... how far up the hose what pressures will push, and what kind of pressures and distance to give velocities capable of making the jump arrive at destination, and what kind of resistance the air ahead of the mass creates, and where the numbers are in reality and not in my noggin....

I know the physics is there somewhere, just not exactly where....

So if I can join a group even second hand, should be interesting, as everyone there will know more than I do, but I will likely be more creative.... fill me in guys.....

And if they have already run numbers on my concept....

It had to be a strange one for them.... if nothing else some shock value... get them out of the little car on a strap notion anyway.....

It will be fun to see if my son gets any response....

and I just had another idea to improve the concept if need be....

One could use the air pressure to at least launch above lower atmosphere, say a bottle of liquid CO2, and when it was in mostly vacuum, crack the end off, and use the surrounding vacuum in the tube to exit the CO2 as reaction mass... very passive, and just another example of something Bill may not have thought of.....

Poor Bill if nothing else, his immediate buddies are likely enjoying his discomfort at having a nut-case like me on the nut's case....

My worker told me this morning Obama has an economic diet plan for government drones....

Yup! He knows which end of the economic system sucks....

The guy has been on the street.... he knows where the biggest rats hang out.....

My worker said its getting obvious his wife isn't a wall flower either... she's gonna kick some butt too!

Boy.... politics has gone from really sick, to really fun...

You dont suppose he will be hard on corruption do you?

Or good for the technologies to solve the problems....

I doubt he thinks much of Liars either....

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

slept OK. Was up late thinking about space elevator stuff....

and up early thinking about people in my group...

years of little contact, due to how and where I live, now better contact, and I have managed to piss most of them off in the first week.....

Well.... I guess thats really a good thing, because if they get pissed at me being me, then I'm better off me being me elsewhere... and not wasting my time thinking about them...

What did I learn? Well that everybody wants a certain level of dishonesty as a lubricant....
that we all have to kiss each other's butts plenty, and often, or we are a jerk....

And that nobody really appreciates honesty on any level with meaning to anyone except themselves... back to square one: ego.....

And I was thinking about the butt kissing requirement of personal relations, and I'm just not into it.... I think I'd rather have the brutal honesty, and so a better marker of my trail, just look at all the bared teeth along one's route, jump as a few snakes strike at you, stop and watch the pretty Caterpillar, step in a hole now and then, but at least the jungle of honesty would be pure, and fewer parasites trying for a meal and a ride...

And you know, there are specialists in butt kissing, several types, and you can pay them to do it..... management is generally full of them.... each kissing uphill, and pissing downhill,

Yea.... I dont miss that world...

The good news, is having pissed off everyone I know, I had nothing left to do but twiddle with my hand held device, and finally got it to get me to Radio Cuba's website, and got to email arnie coro... asking for an email of the plans for the super islander 3 radio, built out of junk from light-bulbs and old TV's....

I've been wanting to do that for a long time...

Also tried craig's list. But couldn't get signed in, their spam filter included a test to check to see if you were human, and I failed repeatedly and couldn't get in.....

I thought that was really good!

Neither spam nor human, what am I?

I'm so computer/internet illiterate, it took me several tries just figure out what it was they were after, and even then I didn't manage to pass the test in several more tries...

Just stepped out of the time machine too recently..... gotta “shlep” around here some more, and try to figure out what these folks are all doing.... sure seem busy....

So... I was thinking, now that I have alienated all my old friends and family, should I bother trying to find new replacements? Or just appreciate the solitude?

Most likely a bit of both... plus now that I have the techno junk, I can go play in virtual land like everybody else if I get real bored too....

I'd surf ebay, but I never have any money...
I'd put an ad in the personals, but I'm too ugly to bother....

I did find something interesting, a chat-room situation with everybody talking in russian....

I did some questioning, and found out the topic was the chat room, and that if you talked about anything else you got booted off...

Hmmm? Looked strange to me....

Talking about the talking system... and no talking about anything else?

In russian too....

I thought it was just Americans who were crazy....

Trying to find Arni Coro was interesting, finally got to his email situation... Radio Cuba's web site covered in banners, about UN types wanting to prosecute Bush and Cheney for torture at Guantanamo.... I strongly agree! And put them into Guantanamo until they confess under torture that they ordered the torture, were responsible ultimately, and beg to be shot at sunrise...

Oh... who are we going to scrag without George? He needs to be placed in the center of a vast meteor crater for his firing squad, so a few million can stand on the rim with their guns, and wait for the word “Fire!”.....

Moamar Kadafe was a better more professional president...

And Idi Amin about as friendly....

Glad he is finally gone, hope its permanent, and Obama eliminates state funerals for past presidents so we never hear the jerks name again...

I did do some thinking this morning about a way to fix something.... the US patent system...

My son tells me it costs about $40,000 to get a patent.....

Gee? Is that how we want to front load our inventions system? Where you have fat lawyers, waiting around like Vampires outside a red cross blood bank by the dumpster?

So I got this idea....

Why not make patents free for the people with Ideas, and have them become kind of a national treasure, and tax their use to anyone who makes money off of them...

i.e. Get rid of the current IRS, and replace it with one that is in part a system of taxation for using intellectual property..... that way, anyone minding their own business and doing their own thing pays no tax, but those in production, and raking in dough by one means or another pay tax for using inventions of the “Garage Guys” to coin a phrase.....

I have several patentable ideas, and seem to be lacking the $40G......

So I just sit on them... nor would I work for a corporation and give them my ideas to patent..... in other words the world can go fuck itself, until there is a way I can make something out of my concepts, and if that never happens, you'll just have to benefit from what I give out publicly, which I suspect has been plenty, but no one will realize until long after my grave is lost....

My point is there must be millions just like me, sitting on ideas, and just thinking “screw you”, if this is the best you can do for a patent system...

you dont suppose an improvement in the form of creating a low or no cost to the inventor patent system would release any ideas for the creation of new technologies and the solving of problems? You bet it would, a flood, and its all just another example of the big lie being dysfunctional....

So as far as I am concerned that fat bloodsucking lawyer sits between you and a better world...

I see the internet as being the patent office of the future.... its why I did my website on space elevators and had the document copyrighted, in case big brother collecting everything was just a myth....

First on internet with something.... there is a fair patent system... its not too hard to do, doesn't require a 600 pound lawyer beating the fuck out of you, and its international...
so instead of the Nobel Prize committee, we need a patents research bureaucracy that analyses the net for new concepts and inventions, awards patents, and the guy who came up with it gets a regular check in the mail and anyone who uses the concept to make money, gets taxed to make it happen....

Sounds fair and just.... meaning is chances of happening on this planet are zero....

But I did it any way, as an example....

There it is folks, how to build a better space elevator, and if you use it and I die a pauper, its not my bad Karma......

I did my part....

and if you all milk the idea and leave me to starve, well then its me and the great spirit who will laugh about it in due time, and you who pay the eventual ultimate price... something dirty stuck to your soul....

That wont wash off....

Not even with the shit they advertise on daytime TV.....

So..... I'm happy dog today.... found out how valuable the truth is between friends...
And that expressing one's needs and feelings to friends and family is like asking for a Modern Chinese execution...

no surprise to me these days, I was already starting to figure it out.... and also I have been warned.... had a person in my group tell me I really needed to quit believing in other people...

You know it was a bit of honesty, like the sun through the clouds... and me wanting to group up and do things in a group oriented social manner was just my usual foolishness...

Its like my own generosity... I finally figured out it was my own mental problem, and now most of the time when I get that urge to be generous, I catch myself, lower my head, and get humble and stumble off....

Because I realized it did me a lot of damage in my life, was never appreciated for more than seconds of time, and that most of the time the people I helped went on to later screw me somehow......

lose, lose, lose.....

so now you lose.... because I have figured it out, and have learned to suppress my own wish to be a decent and generous person to a large extent....

The last time I was generous, was to pretty woman, it was nice to be able to be generous, but I guess I didn't make it over her threshold, and instead she runs off with some guy I wouldn't want my daughters to see me running off with, if I was a mom....

What did I learn?

That you really cant get anywhere on this world by helping others....

except Used and Discarded...

I wandered past the corn patch this morning, its looking good, the recent evening rains have been slight, but they have washed our sparing application of the last chemical fertilizer I could afford, probably forever, in.....

The good news, is I see with the hoeing system, and my soil, that by the color of the plants, all I was really lacking was Nitrogen, and that if I replace the brush with a lugume, like manicillo, that the same system of tossing out seed, chopping and hoeing the cover crop/plant, would work, especially with the manicillo doing soil building below with its nitrogen fixing...

So if I used it for “Brush”, and the hoed up stuff on the surface as mulch, I can get a system to use this lime based rain leached soil, and get a crop of corn... as the manicillo would re-sprout from the roots, unlike the brush, which seems to get fungus into the roots, in this tropical climate, and the soil would have higher nitrogen levels before, during, and after....

Basically a bit at a time I am figuring out how to grow stuff on depleted soils...

modern seed genetics for food crops is used to the heavily fertilized modern farm or garden...

this is great if you have it, but many dont.... I used to live in Oregon, got chicken and rabbit and horse manure by the pickup loads, leaves by the garbage truck full, compressed, to put on my garden, but here, all I have to work with is poor soil and brush, and in this tropical climate organic material is gone in six months, period....

Meaning I needed to come up with a system.... that used the available resources in a successful manner.... and I am getting there.... At 52+ I dont have the energy to hack brush all day and pack it to the garden....

But if I can come up with a system I can set in place that uses the brush on site, and maybe replaces it with a better plant for the job, and then grow my staple foods with very little labor, then I have done something useful with my brain, that has helped feed my freedom addiction... not to mention food in my mouth too....

And if I write about it here, maybe someway, somehow others will learn from my trials, errors, and occasional successes, and they too may be able to grow food for family on poor soils...

Because thats what the technocult is leaving as its main legacy, a trashed planet....

We have a system feeding vanities, until each falls off the end of the conveyor, and replaced by new vanities, created from human clay sat in front of a TV a bit too much...

Someday, the TV will go cold and dark, the end of the downhill run, our bad habits and ego trips finally run out of environmental destruction to fuel on....

And there will be poor fools like me, marginalized, pushed out onto the trashed land by economics and the personal disability to take the rat race any more....

And some of us will have figured out how to eke out a meager living by using what was left after the big Fiesta of the Glutton Saints....

And that and brush will be the building blocks of the next culture...

The internet is a wonderful thing, but it reminds me of small fish in the sea, swimming in great schools....

Very Impressive, unless you think about where they are all going inevitably....

Hopefully some will use it to some purpose....

Pass some information of more lasting value than how to compost in San Francisco.....

And if I cant get humanity to realize the potentials to fix what ails us with the elevators, then the other side of the dichotomy is learning how to live by the hoe and brush patch....

Where Man arrived in ancient times there were forests.....
Where Man departs there will be desertification and scrub brush at best....

The Hogan on the high spot... nothing at all for miles except clay, rocks, and scrub....

I can literally see it coming now.... more and more construction in the valley...
more and more destruction on the mountain....

Someday the wood will all be gone...

And the springs of life as dry as bones....

and the people in the valley moved off in search of even drinking water...

In a world too hot to wear clothing in....

And the great populations dwindled to few.... the diseases having run their courses in those crowded along the drying rivers....

And it will just be people like me... brush rats...

sitting in what shade we find or make.... humming our song, shelling our peas and beans, winnowing grains, husking dry corn....

By then I should have figured out that doing things, good things, in a social manner was fruitless imaginings of a hopeless young romantic.... who knows what will happen to friends and family caught up in the big lie... I couldn't help them....

But you know what? Even that could be a good life.... better than the rat race....

To be an old man alone, carefully preparing my evening meal, putting excesses in my storage containers, sleeping lightly in case the raiders come again.... it is a life...

Perhaps a good one to finally learn to play a flute for?

Being alone has a beauty to it too.....

Alone with my friend the Hawk...

And my enemy the Snake...

Making arrows in the morning sun....

Smoking a pipe at sunset....

Bathing in the heat of the day...

It has a nice rhythm to it....

Anyway I have three chores between me and a full belly....

to chop some wood, grind some corn, and carry some water...

chopping wood and carrying water do lead to enlightenment...

Grinding corn means you've gotten there.....

When you know yourself good enough to know, it all boils down to a bowl or two of food a day, and the rest was all bullshit of a type un-usable for gardening...

Later, hauled water, chopped wood, did up a few dishes, and did a six liter bath.... water container fills up so slow this time of year..... I was thinking as I started my first stint on the grain mill, grinding corn the slow way, that there really is no bottom to neoindigenism....

The lower you go economically, the more indigenous you become and the less Neo, or technocult..... I saw a banner on craigs list about instant shanty towns, that it must be be like I suspected, and all the neo-homeless, attempting to occupy empty city lots and such, to eventually be picked up by the van loads at night to go to the body parts recyclers....

I can see it now, The police trying to keep their Mistresses in air conditioner bills, realize all these homeless types could be a way to do it in style.... smack them in the head with a billy club good and hard, and off to the recyclers and get a kickback, prob'ly worth an easy hundred grand in used organs, surely one could get a thousand dollar kickback for some ex office worker who lost their job.....

You think its a joke? My worker's uncle got hammered by a car walking down the road at night.... a couple three months back, off to the hospital, obviously not going to make it, but the family all came, and took turns with him....

This guy was pretty tough, worked hard, so it took awhile to die....

One of his brothers is there at his side, and a doctor comes in with orderlies..

and tells them to start cleaning him up some, so they can send him to San Jose to have his Organs removed....

The brother freaks, tells the doctor, Christ! He isn't even dead yet!, and you dont have permission from anybody in the family to take his organs anyway!

In other words, if nobody would have been there to watch him, they would have sent him to San Jose live, and killed him and took his organs to sell.... This is a third world country.... you dont suppose they have a thriving market in body parts and kickbacks?

And do you think the US is actually any different?

I think I would not be building any shantys in town.... I think I'd be taking stock of my resources and seeing how neoindigenous I could get how fast....

How long do you think it will be before the cops are coming around and taking out this or that Neo-bum, “Just have to fill out a report.” (how many livers, hearts, eyeballs, lungs...)

Its not going to be just street kids in Rio De Janeiro that disappear into the Organ removal factories.... and it not just going to be 60,000 kids from NYC who disappear into CIA run toxic chemical testing labs to die or disappear... in Canada... On Radio Canada International...

Yea... soon no shortage of homeless.....

I dont think I'd want to be in a bunch anywhere, I think I'd want to be out of town, living behind the dunes, eating barnacles or grasshoppers.... Moving some direction where I thought I might be able to be successful at reverting to the wild..... best you use your last resources, even if its trading food stamps for bus tickets, and your last possessions for a backpack, a knife, a hatchet, and a Norton stone, and roll up your tarp, and blanket and get out to were the city isn't even a smudge on the horizon....

Better to live in a hole covered with brush, and eat bugs, than end up as body parts....

Living in a hole is temporary, one can lay up some stone, and build a small hogan....

Eating grasshoppers would be temporary too.... theres grass seed to pick and store... and one could grow corn and beans if your pack had a hoe in it.....

If you wait in town for the system to save you, the same one that trashed you, remember?
They will save you in hunks, refrigerated, and piece you out a hunk at a time to the highest bidder with a serious health problem...

No, I think I'd be playing lunar lander with my resources, trying to get the basic items to free me from the City.... but you all dont know any better... most wouldn't know a donkey from a mule....

But learning is easier than being on a gurney with a smashed skull....

Later, got my cornmeal ground, fire going I think, on my way to some corn cereal....
I threw in a few lentils, When the water gets hot I'll add the corn.... Maybe throw in a starfruit whole, to have cooked as desert...

Today I was lucky, I get prevented from entering websites, because I cant pass the test for being human...

Great Spirit what a compliment!

Living so long in Jurassic Park, they think I'm an exhibit......

A little short on Raquel Welch, but she probably wouldn't be into being honest either...

She'd want me to be nice to her when she was feeling Nasty....

Do a lot worse to me emotionally than I ever would to her, and hate me for it.....

How 'bout when we see her climbing over the rocks escaping the dinosaurs, we hide, and see if we can get her to run past without discovering where we are?

Let her go on to find some other fool to help her.....

I saw this banner on craigs list for some “Over 50” club... somehow it didn't sound good to me.... oh? I'm sposed to hang out with the dried raisins now?

Quick! Back to Jurassic park!

Get back into the time machine.....

Twiddle the dials, a good hard spin to the left....

Whats the number? Before human history? Perfect!

Hit the goto button....

Spearing Dinosaurs sounds better than a Raisin club....

Smash the TIMEX in the machine... knock that shit off... better to be in the land TIMEX forgot.....

I could see some granny taking a liking to my farm, and she knowing several good divorce lawyers already.....

Yea, better a Tyrannosaurus Rex, than a Family Law Judge... they eat less....

Anyway, running out of solar energy, so will have to wait until another day to send more messages from Pelucidar.... Tarzan here, with Jason Gridley, signing off...

Saturday January 24th, 2009...

Read some emails from my son, on the forums, interesting experiment: to see if they accept me.....

Who knows? Will be fun to see what the forums consist of, my son has me signed up for three, if I can figure out how to get there in Virtual Persona....

I'm going to definitely be a Jack out of the box, I haven't a clue what goes on at forums, except its plenty of people, and one topic.....

If anything, I'm sure to be a curiosity to them.....

And Later, a pain....

Maybe already? 'twas quite a bombshell I dropped on the issue.... a whole 'nuther way of doing the business...

Commed with my son about linking my website to this blog... He's half Polish.... guess what he did... yea, blog with website...

I'm wondering if they discussed the elevator differently after my rock hit the water?

“What if he's right?”

I think they will figure out that I am.... Physics has been a life long love, just never got into the higher math... hopefully will be able to resume studying online soon, I like math, do well at it since the invention of the calculator, I have a bit of a learning disability, and never could learn the times tables, but a calculator got around that problem, and formulas I have no problems with... in fact, I like to collect them.....

I'll need to do some remedial math, its been 25 years, but I do keep my scientific used....
I want to find a scientific ten key used if possible so I can hook it up to my HP.....

Lately I have been thinking about the lifter/lowering device, come up with some concepts, getting the YO-YO worked out in my head... actually more of a dual spindle....

One problem with the design, is I suspect it would both raise and lower a tube... I started thinking off just to lower one....

Who's going to complain?

When I can get an external antenna for my modem, and get online with my computer, I want to read up on the concepts others have, find out what the strength numbers are on the carbon nano tube fiber, figure necessary pressures, acceleration distances, velocities, tank sizes and tank presures.....

Fun stuff... hope I can rig something in HP to keep it all in order...

Who knows, may already be people working on some of that... most likely attempting to disprove me.... good luck guys, ain't gonna happen.... the concept is so simple it will work, just a question where the physics is....

And its all relative....

I suspect the concept could result in a tube hot enough to launch all the way to the moon no problem... would have to be like a magnetic accelerator but long... likely too slow for humans, but to ship UPS to the moon?

Dont cross the cargo stream just before Christmas....

Another possibility is a two stage, first stage an Asensor out of the gravity well... and the second stage is one more for an accelerator to the moon, it would be better electric I think...

“Puff” followed by the “Tron-gun”

They could have all decided I'm a nut case.... if so I'll definitely have to archive the rejection slip...

But I suspect that wont be the case... that 1.6 million pounds of thrust on a 12 ft tube will raise eve-brows... they'll all have pulled their calculators on that one....

And realized its at only 100 psi......

I tried to keep that number low, boiler maker's formula, get that tube too big and the wall thickness goes up too fast....

I wonder if they give at least a precursory web search for applicants to the forums....

They'll find this, and then figure out they are in trouble....

Ah! Yes to be a fly on the wall...

If they dont connect the name with the treatise, a web-search would...

I could imagine the emails...

“This guy is a total nut case... what do we do?”

“well we cant very well reject him, and then have him be right...”

All I know, is I will enjoy the process one way or another....

Already enjoying thinking that others did web searches after the Treatise and then read this....

I think the best part is being signed up for three forums... like hitting the issue with a safe dropped 40 floors...

Anyway, fun conjecture... have to see what it looks like when we get there....

I once had an experience in college where a professor who was a licensed and practicing architect made a blanket statement in front of the class that all solar houses would be elongated rectangles, and look pretty much the same because of how the physics was...

I raised my hand, said: “bullshit” (literally) and showed him that a rounded or faceted structure with movable insulation was superior to the elongated box by being able to clock with the sun and keep the least amount of reflection... i.e. The aperture facing the sun, and the more angled glass insulated....

Things got real quiet... There's the physics guy....

Hmmm? Nobody thought of that before.....

Thats the problem with being human, we aren't nearly as smart as we automatically assume to be... meaning we are always missing stuff and never realize it, because every generation builds off the lasts, and if you leave a passenger at the station, the bus goes on and on and nobody on the bus realizes.....

And my little learning disability always has me starting out all over again at the bus shop....
I learn from the basics up in a way.... and seem to catch a lot of missed fish...

I'm not like a woman who drives a car, and may know how to parrot words like injector, or valve train or transmission, but who never actually knows what those things are, and how they work....

I grok how the stuff works.....

And how it interrelates....

No rocket scientist.... just common man, with no sense of place thats limited....

That acceptance process tells me they would like to be elitist....

I should present them with a quandary....

Anyway... time to wander down to the spring for a bath and get some cool water for a lemon aid....

Sunday, January 25th, 2009...

Trying to hook fone to computer, it says its working, but not very fast I see...
got a message via chat system on the fone at my house site, so maybe I can get them even if I cant send replies..... marginal signal, and phone having less power than the cell tower?

I dont know, what I know about computers, I can count off on my fingers....

I did manage to find a route through to one of the forum websites on my fone...

So I maybe able to go that direction.... until I get a better antenna..

My son was exploring and explaining the system to me..... and looks like I have to do comments on other people's stuff for awhile before I can post my own... but I am looking forward to that, and to knowing my own treatise is finally known about within the circles of discussion of that particular issue...

Its been a long haul, especially with me living poor, and my son being a workin' guy..

We aren't rocket scientists, just practical fix-it men....

I just have some un-usual gifts I'd like to make use of, for the benefit of all...

I look forward to the forums, to learn things, use my mind, get a chance to post my own concepts in a field I consider critically important, and wish to take a part in seeing come to exist...

Monday, January 26th, 2009...

Woke early, baked bread this morning, playing around with a corn bread, using cracked corn rather than a finer grind corn meal... I like it.. hearty, man food....

Realizing from recent learning hits (Read:problems with people.) that I am definitely on track with the concept of going solo on my neoindigenism.....

I am beginning to suspect the only relationship with much hope, is a marital one, and I dont think the hope is excessive even there.....

And I was thinking about my latest “Novela”, and realizing that if a woman was capable of being really stupid, why should I want her?

I have enough problems with my own stupidity...

Living alone, also has its problems, like having to eat all the food myself, spend all the money on myself etc., but somehow I have gotten used to it....

And after figuring out that not giving a shit was the weapon of choice, I learn it even can turn off your sex drive.... That after you get fed up enough times with enough people, and throw the switch on them, Same switch works for other stuff too.....

Well, what I am doing these days is a reset of my head... realizing the neoindigenism cures all...

Bottom to Top... What ever my problem is/was/or will be, a good stiff dose of neoindigenism seems to work like Cod Liver oil.....

This week I am experimenting with zero sugar.... so far so good, dont give a shit.....
I think a no coffee experiment is coming up....

Well, I have been enjoying the internet communications, its like a man who is a mute, and one day gets connected to his speech centers somehow, and is able to talk, only to learn nobody likes what he has to say.....

I have also been realizing that going over to live on the reserve is likely to get me netted by a woman.... but the good news is maybe one who understands doing crafts, raising food, and other affairs of plain living..... The average Tica spends 24 hours a day watching TV, and all they can think of, is being a rich bitch, & they are already half way there or more...

The indigenous women probably like TV Novelas too.... but in this culture have less chance of getting there....

Too dark, in latin culture, means too bad, when it comes to men.... at least non indigenous men, and with the indigenous peoples traditionally being oppressed, Those guys dont own fancy cars etc.

Its quite common here for people to pay Indians less than Latins.... and treat them like shit comparatively, if you can treat anybody any worse than the Latins treat each other and foreigners....

I keep seeing all these problems, and looking inward, asking the ugly question, and the answer invariably yes... I too am an egocentric asshole...

But I do think having to continually see and experience it in others, it gives me a serious flinch factor when I see or trip it in myself....

These last few days I have gotten ragged on for not acting nice, not kissing people's asses, and I see where the Latin smooth frontage is a real gold mine.... Be as nasty as you want, just be peaches and cream on the surface, and its all OK.....

and I look, and yea, its there in me too....

Anyway, what I know, is the best way to deal with it all, is alone.....

Any shit I experience is my own that way....

And my own shit is pretty much a constant, its other people's problems that vary, usually with the number of others in my life... less others, less problems.....

Yesterday I heard some stuff fall out in the cooking area, I looked out to see this four foot green snake take a frog out of my fire pit, the snake has been hanging around, very fast, thin body, but I didn't get a good look at its head until it had the frog, and the head didn't look good, maybe toxic.... not sure, need a book, but poor Mr. Frog only squealed a couple times, and his song was history, and the snake took off with him....

No shortage of snakes in the world...

Another mini-realization I had, was how much easier it is to grind my corn at night or early, before it gets hot.... goes much better....

I like the corn diet, and will be doing more of it, and more and more after that....

Realizing that my life's goal from now on needs to be getting more self reliant..

be neither frog nor snake..

Later, nice day, Got computer to hook up with the phone but knew the signal wouldn't be enough... more waiting... not a problem, very used to it...

Patience is potentially infinite...

Hmmm? Just got a nice idea. Boomerangs made out of cutting board plastic? i.e. Something I can get?

I'll have to think on that one...

it gets down to toys...

Interesting to communicate with my son, and sense the other world feeling of life in the rat race... Short on time, often short tempered, sometimes very very good... He actually thanked me the other day for hooking him up with his wife..... That was nice to hear, appreciated for something....

Humans, including self, are not very good appreciators... I think about people's criticisms of me, and then what I have done for said person in mutual history, and the two dont Jibe very good....

Talking with my son about options for doing a major library... he say my other son has built an array of hard drives all inter connected, and has terabites of memory in it....

I see that as too much... want downsize and low power, even if I have to reduce the number of books...

Even one chip, if I could get a hundred books on it would be a major amount of resource...

I see a lot of cultural differences between self and sons.... I live more in the future and they the present, and I am missing the now, by not being online etc. all of these years...
and before that, my focus was often retro...

But I am learning... every day something...

Tuesday January 27th, 2009...

Nice day, did a food hike this morning... got more than I wanted to pack, do it again tomorrow I guess...

sent out some emails, got a nice one from my son... comms still a bit difficult, years with no good communications, and so its like cats with raised backs somewhat....

Talking a lot of computer stuff something he likes and knows, and that I am learning and want to know...

I want to do a library, for survivalist/stargate purposes...

And he is filling me in on available tech....

He likes to put things together from components, me too, but I keep thinking about stuff that he thinks is already out there, and He doesn't realize I dont care about that, what I want is stuff custom to my desires.........

Like a library, surely plenty of book readers out there, but I'm thinking one with serious memory, and maybe a solar panel so it never needs batteries...

Also I want stuff more weatherproof than it tends to come...

The center of population on the planet is in Oceania.... its tropical there, but nobody is making tropicalized gear.....

Everybody in New York thinks everybody lives in New York or something....

I am slowly learning the internet stuff starting at ground zero... Its too garbaged up for my tastes... too much clutter on the pages... mostly I am still trying to figure out how to use the Hand Held Device, and with almost zero experience, and a bit of a learning disability, bad short term memory.... today when proof reading, I found I reapeated the same line twice in immediate succession, a common thing for me to do and have to edit....

Its hard to learn to use menus, when you cant remember what you just did.... if it works, you have no idea why.... I've been this way all my life... have a niece with the same problem...

I never knew exactly what my problem was, until she told me her story, they tested her in school when it became apparent that a bright kid was having problems.... defective short term memory... learns a few tricks, and goes on to become a Veterinary Assistant....

Me, no testing, just a violent home...

Read a bit of somebody's blog this morning, first time ever read anything bloggish besides my own drivel...

It was a pleasant experience, some poor scientific type I think, with her tropical fish dying....

I grew up around tropical fish, raised them myself later as a hobby.... I'd guess it was her water, that shit they use to dumb down and tranquilize the rainbow niggers these days, isn't much good for the fish.... Many people having problems with chemicals put into the water supplies, and the Municipal Utilities drones think you solve problems with lawyers, not by not doing the problem....

Its one of the reasons I'm fond of spring water, fairly healthy stuff, nothing added by those with arrogant attitudes....

Got an email from my sister, a very short one, I sent her one, a longer type, I'm sure she thinks I'm crazy.... I've been crying wolf! For years, that its all coming true doesn't seem to register....

Oh! well, gotta do my part... She can think I am as crazy as she wants, as long as she gets warned....

I figure most folks are in denial land so deep they dont know where the county line is anymore, But if they read my shit, maybe when it all comes down, they will at least react correctly.....

Laugh all you want, just remember to run the right way... out of town, and cross wind from any nuke power plants....

And know that unless you live on the Olympic peninsula in the north west, theres a lot of them up wind.... East coast? Either get way north, or way south in a hurry...

I've been working on the new bugout pack, enjoying it...getting stuff in proper pockets etc.

Also starting to think again about building a kayak, especially if I move over onto the reserve...

Another thought I had is maybe making some kind of tool for hiking here, like a snow climbers ice axe, so I could hike the river thru the mountains, and be able to chisel steps up banks and around waterfalls.... they are as common here as garden slugs in Oregon, and a serious impediment to foot travel... I figure to go the 40 km or so between here and the reserve by the back way, would take 3 days or more on foot, and that I'd need climbing gear for some of it....

So I will Keep my eyes open for something to make my Ice axe out of, some kind of hoe, small, I can weld a pick on to pull myself up banks, do a handle with spike etc.

A Tico would just use his machete for everything....

I have one I cut down for such use, a thin rula cut to 18 inch blade, very nice, also did a leather sheath... I think it should go on that pack...

I need to get my butt in gear on the wooden frame for it, then I can put the Russian style
E-tool and an axe on board... Also thinking today I need to do a net bag or two, to keep stress off the zippers and also in a survival situation having a bag to lug stuff with, could be nice... could have used one this morning for coconuts....

I am really thankful I finally happened onto the neoindigenous concept, its fixed my life for me..... before it all never made sense, I was attracted to such stuff, but never put it all together mentally, that I could use hobby to escape slavery, and evolve it into a much loved life style...

Endless summer, endless camping, what could be better?

One thought I had today is what a comfy feeling dream to build a small yurt and live in it permanently here, Dont need a Gym to live in, the weather is nice, no pool either, the water is warm...

I've kinda become more than rich.... An alternative form of wealth....

call it Natural Reality.....

Natural Living.... What? no publication for armchair wannabees stuck in chitty life?

No Balls, No Freedom...

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

food hike this morning, brought back all I wanted to carry and then some...
Coconuts, Cuadrados, Breadnuts, today is most definitely going to be a Neoindigenous food day...

This morning's thoughts have been around what I have been figuring out about People the last couple of weeks with renewed decent communications.... That everybody has their own trips going, and anything that slows their train down is unwanted, this is life in the technocult I am talking about... No better than wild animals in many ways, A raccoon doesn't remember it's own mother in a year or two, Humans have Mother's day....

Anyway I'm happy my food hikes aren't prices in the grocery store...

Another thought I have been having lately, is maybe doing less boxes than I had planned for my stuff, and go more towards bags....

At the border in Paso Canoas bunches of stores selling factory seconds and over runs...

Mostly stuff from China now, and I have been filtering it all for several years for anything that relates to my then unconscious Neoindigenous lifestyle....

Now that I have figured out what I really am, I continue.... Trying to fill in and upgrade all my Bush-rat's gear...

Only now I do it a bit finer tuned... I want less, due to realizing the mobility factor, the clutter factor, thief factor, etc., And I want to use what I buy in a manner that gets me more prepared for whats coming.....

One item there is no shortage of is bags.... all kinds of bags... I have started buying them as I figure out what goes in what kind of bag....
I make mistakes.... Sometimes I get bags that look better quality than they really are...

I try to learn....

I am also continuing my habbit of trying to pick up kitchen and food processing stuff.....

Filling in there, want to get another large Wok, I have the big 24 inch, and a 12 and a 14 or so, and thinking an 18 incher.... why? Well, because there are plenty of things to roast and toast in my neoindigenous food supply, plus I like cooking in them....

its like the breadnuts, I'm now sometimes using my 14 inch wok, just because of quantity...

as the trees get bigger they drop more fruit....

As people age, families get bigger...

I see in my family future a lot more food hikes, maybe several people doing it... meaning we could easily fill the big 24 inch Wok with breadnuts etc. in the future and maybe need other sizes too, for other things....

I also envision a day that the cheap materialism comes to a halt, and if I have extra things, my grandkids may once or twice scratch their heads and think grandfather was thinking ahead...

Which could inspire them to try it.....

Another thing I have been thinking about, is the forums on internet in the science industry...

I am starting to learn how to use the computer tech, the hand held device thingy, and figure its a matter of time until I can function on the system at at least a hobble...

I see on the science forums that they invite comments, which is way cool in my opinion...
I had started into the forums to sell my own intellectual product, the space elevator concept, but now I am seeing a delightful opportunity to do mental things I like doing, help others which I also like doing, and create some social life for my self in the process...

What I am really good at is catching things others miss in processes and realities....

I read these articles, and have a pretty good idea how to solve the mystery aspect, or at least a plausible idea, which is a sure assist to anyone with no idea, or an idea that makes less sense...

So when and as I begin to be able to function, I will likely spend time each day cruising the forums, reading, learning, and making suggestions....

This could at least result in some short term appreciation if my assist turns out to be a good one.... and my more personal long term friends tend to take me for granted, so I think its time to wander off and do something social for and with others, and make some new friends...

Also I have traveled most of my life, and the internet is a form of travel if it is anything...

To me new places and new people are a great joy.... I love going to the airports just to watch the people...

I also know its time for some changes in my life.... and if I do really well at helping others on en devours, sooner or later it could turn into some form of employment doing something I like... and maybe some travel “en Persona”.....

We shall see... its a bit early, need to get an antenna for the cell/modem, get working on the computer online, not impossible stuff... but I am feeling good knowing that maybe I can do something worthwhile, and also put out my own concepts, even the Neoindigenism......

Who knows? Maybe someone needs a “Have Gun, Will Travel” Intellectual Mercenary? Someone who can go look at a problem and tell you how to solve it....

Surely there is no shortage of problems....

Later, hike out to pasture to work online... Got a message from my sister, nice story about getting a horse... someone went way out of their way, spent lots of time and money, including a road trip to get her a horse, basically made it happen, and then told her its yours.. my sister has always wanted a horse... always....

Also tried finding my way around a bit more at a forum website....

Sent an email to my son about the tech problems with computer modem....

Thinking this morning how well the neoindigenism works for me... There doesn't seem to be any problem the mindset doesn't solve by itself.... its kind of a hands free fix it device for whats wrong with your life.... I suspect due to most of ones problems coming from people and the technocult, and when one rewilds themselves, people get few, and the technocult less and less effect on one as you progress...

I figure the computer and such as likely temporary in my life... first you have to have a technocult to support one, and I dont think the technocult is 100% secure these days....

I think Obama will try to fix things, but I think there will be many who dont want fixed.
And much he never gets told....

I started my Canoas list this morning, the shopping list, I do one every month, and usually ignore it totally...

But making the list is a fun hobby....

One item, high on said list is epoxy glue, and plenty of it, I have several handles I want to epoxy on....

That is how my life is, do my stuff, wait for this or that item to finish up projects....

My life has gotten a lot better... soon to take a quantum leap into even better... one learns, and one reacts to problems, in the technocult, it moves you many times more than you move it, so when you have problems, its like beating your head on a mountain... they have mechanisms that pretend to solve problems, kind of a pseudo process generally to make the low life think their grievances get a hearing etc., but in my experience its all cardboard cutout problem solving, with more pretending to have a process, than having a process that really does anything more than pretend....

Getting away from the technocult fixes that.... you haven't been processed, you've slipped out the back of the machine, only to discover that the planet is still out there, and that the Army has long forgotten to round up Indians...

The Buffalo are still gone.... but most of the country side is still intact...

And if your transportation device is vegetation powered, you go anywhere theres vegetation....

Well, I need to go round up some fire wood... and clean some breadnuts for self and dog...

Friday, January 30th, 2009.

morning, first rays on the solar panel.....

been munching breadnuts this morning, more to cook up, coconut too, feel fine, wish my bananas would ripen......

Feeling pretty good, no sugar, and backing off on the coffee...

Got another item cleaned up and in 1st pack of bug out kit....

Got an idea to do a tool kit for same... gotta have my block plane for making arrows, my favorite blacksmithing hammer etc., thinking to rig a kit for my most used tools....

What I realized long ago, that in my case here, if I have to move, its most likely to be up into the mountains, i.e. To get away from a human problem... And that if so, there was a chance I would have some warning.... Meaning I could stage a bunch of packs off in the brush, and do the Portage routine, like hike a pack up a few miles, hide it, next day another, etc. and get away with more than the minimum single pack....

And that I needed to have my stuff all organized and ready to go as a habbit....

Which has also helped keep my living space more organized.....

Another kit I am thinking about, is a seed bag, with all my favorite eaties in nice air tight bottles, plastic, made up into a kit, where I can grab it also and at least have the genetics to restart with in a new location.....

I also haven't forgotten the pony cart project, just waiting until I can get the stuff....

Then I guess there is the farming tools kit.... at least a way to grab all my most important refugee type tools.... For Gardening I traditionally use two hoes, first is a grub hoe, or heavy hoe, now a cut down pickhoe... second is going to be the Chinese Tilling hoe.... to this I would add my Russian Army style E-tool/shovel, and an axe or two....

I have also thought about doing a cut down garden rake, maybe take the outside tine or two off each side, and make a short Cortesa handle.... this would pack well, and match the other stuff, and be very usable in a survival garden.... I figure a lot of this stuff is pony cart stuff, or packed one trip at a time on my Mule/self, or on a packsaddle....

The idea, isn't “Puristic” I'm not going to abandon everything I own if I dont have to.... but what I will and am doing, is organizing my stuff and life in a manner that I can leave in short order, and if the technocult is still functioning, do it with a small truck in one shot, and have it take only a day or two to get everything into the truck alone...

Cover all the bases, have a life style and style or personal organization conducive to any form of mobility...

Also seeing I need to build more shelving, preferably wide shelving to take all the bags and packs and such...

And thinking about my yurt project... want to do it in either Manu or Cortesa....

Another thing I have been thinking about lately is rebuilding my fiberglass canoe... it wants to be re-glassed inside, due to age and the plasticizer beginning to go.... if I added another 40 lbs of glass and resin it would be fine again, And then if I moved over to the reserve, I would at least have something for the river until I built something better....

Its also the cheapest fix to my boat lack problems....

My main point in all this is that I already live in a really good survival spot...
I am trying to get to an even better one...
and in the interim, I am trying to get my own trip in order... in a manner thats Neoindigenous and capable of long term survival...

What I am thinking to set up over at Terraba, is a survival specific project... try to do everything right, in correct order, and all that I can to give me a sustainable life style based on a personal culture that echoes the indigenous cultures of the past... This morning I typed up an email enquiry, to a friend who has sheep, thinking I need to People my farm with something to remind me of home and the folks I worked with.... Last time I talked to the friend, she had a type of sheep specifically for meat, and not for wool, but was planning on changing Rams, to a wool type... I see the area in Boruca as being prime sheep country with a ready market for wool... And would like to introduce them into the area....

And so my Hogan on the Mesita vision continues....

And you know, I think it would do the Indians a lot of good to see a white guy set up and live in an indigenous style... they all have houses these days, kids in school, you know the routine, but I think they would like me doing that there, and if Great Spirit lets it happen, I will probably take up teaching english to the kids, and if I had fotos of my lifestyle etc. when the shit hit, All the kids would know what to do.... head for the hills, live like Gris.... and nobody would panic, nor likely even mind much at all....

And if I can get them to take to sheep, they would soon be producing blankets etc., and I will be looking to try growing Cotton too, and have Ideas to build a spinning machine, not just a wheel, but something you got serious production out of....

Filling in the missing pieces for them....

And so being an accepted part of the neighborhood....

We shall see, all just concepts at this stage..... but one lives by dreams... they are your guide for your plans... and if you aren't inching your way toward your dreams, you are living a dead life....

Another thought I had yesterday, is how the indigenous end of the neoindigenous concept could allow us to keep the tech end up and running, its a dichotomy pair, and I see the imbalances being too much shit, materialism and tech garbage, plastic reality stuff, and realized if we let go of the trash somewhat it would take the pressure off the problems, and we could keep what was good in the technoculture....

And have a better downsized more natural life that so many wish for....

That Ranch style house, is like having a pet dinosaur.... boy does it eat....

And I seem to have gotten by many years without ever owning one of the pieces of shit, even managed to get a farm, and maybe soon another....

Folks, its not the house that has first priority in your lives, its the land... and the water and fresh air, and organic food.... you've been sold the houses by a chain of swindlers....

If somebody sells me something I really dont need, and gets me to enslave myself most of my life to pay for it, what would you call that? And why are you doing it?

Have a yard sale.... turn the money into your new lifestyle in freedom....
Leave the houses to the bankers, turn the burbs into ghost towns following your dreams....

There are some really nice wall tents on the market, stuff out of Sunbrella etc. avoid cotton and nylon.... If you can get some land, someplace nice, and put in a well and a windmill and a water tank, you are home... add a little wood stove, and a bucket, and a cot....What else do you really need? You can dig a latrine. All that stuff in your bathroom, from the porcilain throne, to the pipes, and septic tank or sewage hook up, is all nothing but a
Deep hole with a bunch of vanities added to it... One could see the City Sanitation Department as the Asshole Vanity department.... everybody thinks their asshole requires all that, to open properly....

I got news for you.... if you are out in the brush and eat, things will come out your other end.... even without all the chain of vanities......

Its more that you got sold that you didn't need...

Later, hiked over to the area with signal, have signal but no internet, ICE stuff varies minute to minute and day by day....
So I picked up some dry sticks, and came back....

Had a rat this morning when I awoke, was on the top of the solar panel and like most animals here seemed unafraid... 'Guess when you are used to having Tercio Pelos after you for breakfast, a skinny Gringo isn't enough snake to worry you...

The corn is still looking good and growing, the first is flowering, my worker will be building a fence come Monday, 8 inches tall.... for the Pizotes to touch their little noses into and learn about electricity same way I did as a kid....

Things like a good solar electric fencer, and Rat proof containers are very important in a subsistence reality...

Personally I think the key to surviving whats coming, first is location, i.e. Out from under potential nuke power plant down wind plumes, and second is having a subsistence trip going that can feed you, and after that, being able to store food and water and defend it....

I just looked up subsistence in my dictionary and thesaurus.... lots of related words that suggest hardship..... i.e. Its not the soft life.... but humans did it for thousands of years...

And often also supported heavy taxation at the same time...

What I see now with the bank trips, is them increasing taxation, just so you feel good and oppressed, and will do as they order in whats coming....

I dont think I'd be there for them.....

I think I would leave them holding the bags of gold, and all the imaginary paper wealth, and all the binary data-bit wealth, and I'd go for freedom, the only real wealth....

and if all the land is “Owned”, best you own some fence cutting pliers....

Another item of thought lately, is doing some net bags as panniers for my pack saddle... there is this fairly heavy nylon cord available here by the roll... various sizes... its about $10 a roll, and two rolls of heavy stuff to do a big nice hammock....

So thinking to net up two ten dollar bags, about 2 inch mesh, that I can use to bag up stuff and hook over the horns on the packsaddle, also want to so something similar for the packboards....

I will be exploring options, and if I can get some land over in Terraba, I will want to know the back way there from here... I suspect there is at least a trail into the area on the other side of the mountains I live against on this side.... if its only 15 to 20 klicks from here, I can literally move stuff a bit at a time using the pony... set up a yurt there, go back and forth, sometimes on the bus, sometimes with a vehicle, and sometimes with a pack pony....

Nice country....

I personally think the way to survive whats coming, is move into a subsistence country reality, and keep preparing until it gets here....

Beats sitting on ground zero waiting to watch you kids die....

Later, nice afternoon, I was reading a bit from the old testament, and boy what a bunch of yahoos the Jews were, killing each other and everybody else for any reason at all... What amazes me, is how many people the area supported, and how many killed each other....
Some battles with hundreds of thousands of dead.....

This is a dry country, and its boggling to imagine so many being able to live in such a small area on a subsistence level... makes one wonder about it, that it might be a fairly productive lifestyle, if millions can live in one small hunk of planet...

Animal husbandry and subsistence agriculture must be very effective....

Personally I dont like the Idea of constant fighting an killing... it bespeaks an inferior being in my point of view, and I know it wasn't just the Jews doing it, it was all over the entire planet....

As I once read, cant remember where, that if it wasn't for such bickering wars and killing, the planet would have been over run with humans long ago....

Who knows, all I know is there has to be a better way... and it supports my thesis that the Ranchers seeded the planet with some Nasty genetics to survive and get the numbers up, and then have engineered things to get more techno and less brutal... We are changing very rapidly.... getting bigger, living longer, etc. and the next visit, the God thing isn't likely to sound so good, as the creator of the universe wouldn't need a spaceship....

Personally I ponder their motives... And if they are anything like us, we are in deep shit...

Its all a big question mark.... all I do is try to figure out what it all means, and what it really is, and not some bliss ninny moron believing in Gods out to give them their every wish.. glad I dont have to see the buffoons on TV...

I'm sure I say some outlandish things, but I dont get to pass the plate around with the social coercion to have it filled with money.....

To me, the good news, is the ability of subsistence techniques to feed and clothe so many humans... if it worked for them, it will work for us... and when the technocult goes down there are going to be a lot of people looking for a way to continue eating.. I think all of the problems are solvable, but I think the chances of us getting our shit together to be able to do it is minimal... cross my fingers, hope I can get my own trip in order, hope you can too...

Its like the thing with the sheep, all just ideas at this point, but it is putting together ideas I have had for decades.... And if I can pull it off and get the Borucas something to weave with, and relink them with crafts as an economy source, I've done as much good as
Micro-banking, or anything else to help people come up with a way to live outside of the technocult and its garbage results culture...

I once worked at a Solid Waste Department for several months, and I realized all that consumerism had an end destination.... sooner or later everything made of plastic becomes garbage.... Meaning there is a reason Municipalities are running out of landfill space.....

And I would often look out across a sea of garbage being compacted with Caterpillar tractors and special compactors, and thought about the indigenous peoples of the planet, and how all they left for trash was pottery fragments, bones, and some stone points.... all of which are collectors items now....

Will there someday be museums full of our trash on display as something valuable? I seriously doubt it....

Anyway, my inevitable point is that living as indigenous peoples was in many ways better than life in the modern era...

They may have been ignorant of what the common cold was, but then they were also likely very healthy....

I suspect modern humans are a sickly and pale lot in comparison to their more outdoor ancestors.....

And many starve, while others are dying of over eating.... this is not right....

Nor is it right we destroy the ambient ecosystem with our lifestyles and call ourselves politically correct...

Politically Correct, Morally Absurd....

Anyway, I look forward to some day being older and wiser, and to have homespun cotton to wear, and a good wool blanket to keep me warm at nights, from products I have grown or raised, and that my neighbors do likewise, and remember who started it with them....

That last part is the most unlikely... I have observed people dont remember things, and once they adopt a concept, its theirs as if they had it patented....

I constantly have people in my group telling me about their new concept....

Something I taught them a few months or a year or two back at most.....

They forget the source, claiming the idea....

Its frustrating to me, I could use a bit of credit now and then, and maybe get them to think with a faster learning curve if they tried my concepts first, and claimed them later, instead you'd think I had never had a conceptual success by the way my group acts...

Its why I write this blog in some ways, to give them some competition....

And recently I expressed my frustrations, and boy what a bunch of puffed up egos resulted....

Leadership is definitely a lonely outpost...

“Orphaned, Widowed, and Worthless.” is how its described in the tao....

Well, Whatever, I have gotten in the habbit of just being patient and seeing what really happens....

In the interim I head my directions...

Saturday, January 31st, 2009.....

Morning, went for a food hike, got some bag....

munching, Rat was in my ripening bananas last night, tonight a trap set....

Got cocos, breadnuts, bananas, not too many, but more than self and dog can eat today...

It rained pretty good late yesterday, a nice shower, just what the corn needed.....

Got some less than satisfying emails, more Denial.... OK, your movie....

I have at least done my part and tried really really hard...

Guess the bible is going to turn out right; “The Great Delusion”....

And you know I should remember to be thankful for the warning the Ranchers have been nice enough to give to any with ears to hear and eyes to see, as they put it....

Maybe I'll like them? Dont know if they are cannibals with Lions teeth, or if there is two factions or what ever... have to just wait and see....

But who ever gave the warning, needs to be appreciated for it.....

So far I'm seeing it all come true in front of my eyes... grokking it and being able to do anything about it are two different things, and they certainly are right about the delusion....

Everybody into their own ego trip.....

Well... I am also thankful I have my path.....
I cant do shit for anyone else if I cant warn them because they think everything is going to getting better in “Two Years” to quote an email from today....

Obama is good, but not that good, he cant turn the tide of global warming fast enough now...

not only is it a downhill trip, we are at the steep part and accelerating wildly....

If I could wish one thing for Barak besides being hard to hit, it would be that he had enough foresight to see ahead some.....

If he relies on reactionary thinking and actions, not a chance.....

I think he is smarter than that by far, but I worry about his limited city culture knowledge...

But he is a very good listener, such an important mental skill.....

But from what I realize with the sea level stats, we are in deep shit.... ten years from now it will be another planet....

And not much Barak can do to actually stop it, Bush and company ran us out of time being greedy.......

Anyway, I'm doing ok, got over a 5 gallon bucket of bananas ripening, and a milk crate of green ones, and now that I have some going, I can use them to gas the green ones, thats what the bucket is about, and payday is this week, so soon be able to buy some food..

Likely buy mostly hard corn, have to check prices, last was .41 cents/lb... I have figured out that I like corn better than rice, it cooks faster, more nutritious, and I love it as a hot cereal with fruit etc., and since trying it just cracked, I like it even better, one thing I want to work on is a recipe concept I have for cracked corn thats been screened, so the little stuff gets used in other recipes, and then the larger run, cook it like rice, with just enough water, and maybe even toast it a bit after its cooked... I've played around with it before, but never got it just right, mostly from inattention.... I am suspecting I can work it down to something really good for a staple diet, other than hot cereal and hominy... I do cornbread bannock, tortillas sometimes, and also thinking I will try the cracked corn in soups... it was just flat good eating every other way I've tried it....

I was thinking about it the other morning, and the number one insecurity thats real concerning going neoindigenous, is food... but considering the technocult is experiencing serious problems there, I'm beginning to suspect it might be wiser to devote more of your time to growing food, and less of it to working and paying half your labor away in taxes...

Mechanized agriculture is efficient, if you dont count the energy consumption, hand labor gardening and staple food growing, is the opposite, its very energy efficient...

And one can come up with a hybrid style....

I've basically realized I dont really need the machinery, that with the food trees, bananas etc.,
and now the hoeing technique, I can grow plenty of food, even alone....

By the way, I have worked in mechanized agriculture, owned tractors, ran combines for other farmers, I dont think there is any mechanized action I have not done, except spray chemicals...

I like organic thank you...

I was also the guy who got called by other farms to come fix shit they broke....

My first job after a paper route was moving irrigation pipe....

And my family had a root cellar, and a pantry when I was growing up, and my first garden was about 2nd or 3rd grade, in France ......

And I've grown organic gardens that astounded life long gardeners.....

Agriculture is one of my favorite things....

and I got an email from my son today and he asked me to grow big crops from now on....

Which means he's getting worried a bit....

And he knows Dad can save his bacon if need be......

So we will see if we can fill the barrels for him....

Now that we have done all the homework....

Sunday, February 1st, 2009...

Morning and a pretty one, cleaned breadnuts, boiled and roasted, also roasted some ripe bananas.... self and dog now stuffed....

Couldn't sleep very well early last night, bumble bee got into my boot and taught me a lesson... had to do an aspirin for swelling and pain.... So I read a bit, wanted some self improvement literature, Bible too heavy, so I read some Buddha, filtering bullshit added by others, grokking what I could learn... one statement I liked, was that one should live like you own nothing even while surrounded by plenty...

Buddha is way down on greed and egocentric thinking.... I think I would have liked the guy.....

And that statement reminded me of an indigenous mindset... the Indians lived in fair harmony with the ambient ecology, thousands of years, less damage than the technocult in a few hundred.... and they lived in plenty by not having ownership of more than their tent and horse, and things they made with their own hands, and the land was a tribal thing....

Buddha also talks about the constant struggle against one's own dishonest and greedy self.... it aint just the Latins.... Me? Used to walk blind through life, believing people were decent....

Well they are, at least on the surface... then I watch the Latins with eyes wide in disbelief!
And then see the same shit in my friends and family from the states...
And then in the mirror.....

Buddha is right..... it aint just the other guy...

The world has never been a nice place....

Read the history books, wars, revolutions, Palace intrigue followed by beheadings, social unrest, starvation, migrations, conquests, cannibalism, Slavery, economic oppression.... all given a nice coat of Icing like your birthday cake....

Humans suck!

Only way to fix it is the daily inner struggle....

A reality taught by many great teachers.....

I've come to the personal conclusion Buddha was right about being self dependent.... I'm now moving that direction more than I am doing anything else.....

I also know I am on to the right track with the neoindigenism..... Makes sense to me.... get away from the shit I dont need, re-harmonize with nature one step at a time....

Its like the cracked corn cereal, or bannock, or the breadnuts toasting, and bananas roasting....

Doesn't hurt a bit, in fact I'm seeing my body respond very positively...

I feel better, skin problem is minimizing.... no pork sausage in memory, just really basic “Eats” that keep me alive and bitching....

Glad I have a love for studying other cultures somewhat.... sure have learned a lot that helps me personally.....

About to re-start my hammock making project.... got one half done, set it aside after some frustrations, now washing it, and starting over on second half....

I know how to sleep in a hammock.... most people dont.... I wrap up in a blanket and go into a fetal position, which prevents a sore back... here most hammocks are hung like swings, very close together on the tie points a fairly high... I heard them comment up on the reserve when I went to spend the night in a hammock: “He's going to wake up with a sore back!”

Never happened.....

stretching out the tie points American style also helps.....

I used to use a mosquito net... now often dont bother, learned to roll up in a blanket, Indian style, and these tropical mosquitos are real wimps, wont nail you thru things like the Wisconsin or Canadian version... The Thunder Bay variety can penetrate motor cycle jackets and some body armor....

What this all means, is if I can stretch a good tarp, and a hammock under it, and I have a blanket, thats home......

Add a raised floor out of gravel, stone, boards, etc. and it gets cleaner and dryer...

Add your Webber Barby, and a place to lean your shit shovel, a bucket with pitcher for water, and you're really living.... Affordable Payment plan, Easy Contract....

The weber will work really nice with wood chips and small sticks, by the way.... I'm hoping to get one in stainless someday, they exist, then line it with clay to extend its life.... its the best primitive cooking system ever devised for warm climate outdoor living.... Portable too!

I'll give them the Neoindigenous Blue Ribbon for that one...

Decadent neoindigenism; is living by your barby in a hammock...

You can do that in town... practice up!

So when you get the pink slip at work, you can just drive out to the river, unload your stuff under an oak, drive the car back to the nearest rural mail box, mail keys and description of Car's location, and begin taking up smoking fish and growing corn......

Funny thing about growing corn, beans, etc., is you can live on the stuff....

Add a few yummy veggies, some fruit in season and dried.....

The occasional fish...

90% of the Technocult addiction is over eating.....

If I had to eat three big meals a day, like I used to, I'd die!

The doctors are making good money failing to save over-eaters....

And its that eating that has you in the slaughter house...

Was thinking yesterday, how easy the Chinese materialism glut makes it to go neoindigenous...

Bet I could walk into Walmart and walk out with every thing I needed....

Later... did a siesta, still a bit poisoned by the bee stings.... was reading Buddha before I crashed, ran into a passage:

“Where is the source of human grief, lamentation, pain and agony? Is it not to be found in the fact that people are generally desirous”.....

Boy, that pretty much says it...

The Human condition is a mind-space of want... what can I get for myself? And “want of the week”...... And we all want so much, that some people get left out on needs......

Its one of the things I am fairly constantly thankful for these days, that by adopting the neoindigenous mindset, it edits a large share of that, still wanted the Electric Guitar, but it never happened, was gone....but these days my wants are getting fairly simple... and the simplicity/mobility/minimalism of the neoindigenous creed have saved me from wanting a lot of stuff I dont really need, and now is helping me organize what I do have and want to keep no matter what/if possible...

(Wish I had a wind speed meter, 'bout a 35-40 mph balmy wind!)

Stargate concept also helps.... anything that makes me feel location impermanent... getting too smug survival wise isn't likely a good idea...

My son sent me an email, about Antarctic ice melting... most striking part was talk of ice shelves breaking off... it was the Ross Shelf cracking that got me to realizing the magnitude of the problem 15 plus years ago...

Ross is still hanging, a couple of smaller ones have let go, and one biggie about to go....

Thats serious shit... Ross alone capable of raising sea level 5-7 meters.... that would put a boat landing in the valley in front of me perhaps 30 miles from the sea....

That a lot of people having to swim for it...

And it could happen literally overnight.... crack! Plunk! Sploosh! Glurk glurk...and several Billion people wading or swimming.... in a 24 hour period!

Tide comes way up, never goes back down.... a tich more than a National emergency...

Them Taxis in New York aint gonna last too long driving around in a foot or two of salt water....

Could be considered somewhat of a disruption... all of Florida gone, Disney world and hotels with wave passing by them...

And thats just one factor of global warming...

Not even the most serious by far....

Am I a nut case to be trying to get ready? I think not....

I constantly struggle with my group.... they constantly Bray and pull back....

“But ignorant people of this world assume that this is a real world and proceed to act upon that absurd assumption. But as this world is only an illusion, their acts, being based upon error, only lead them into harm and suffering.” (Buddha)

The big lie at the very least....

“Fifth, there is the tendency for people to neglect their duties towards others. They think too much of their own comfort and their own desires; they forget the favors they have received and cause annoyance to others that often passes into great injustice.” (Buddha)

Yea? Who's done that one, and who has been on the receiving end? Just about everybody....

Wanting too much is not a good thing for anybody.... and we have a culture that is based on it, and the creations of wants...

I say get right with the wants trip, if it isn't for living, its not for buying... actually I think we could make most of what we really needed ourselves.... I constantly make things and better my own life....

I also constantly experiment with minimalism... Last night organizing a cook kit for bug out pack number two... Made up of an India style wok, with all the other stuff in the cook kit under the lid.... a rabbit bowl, a small teapot, a stainless cup, spoon, tea strainer, etc.

The India wok is neither pot nor pan, nor skillet, it has a flatish bottom, very rounded sides, and the sides are about 3.5 inches tall, with hoop handles... I've fried in it, its excellent for bannock with its copper bottom, I've done rice etc., everything, its just a bit tippy for cooking liquids, due to sides being less than four inches... but if I had to get down to just one pan, that would be, it hands down...

I was also working on what I call my 8 inch cook/kitchen, a collection of stuff, very complete, in the 8 inch range, and with appropriate sized smaller teapots, cup, utensils, bowl etc. that I think soon is to occupy a medium duffel bag...

That kit could easily feed two adults permanently in a refugee situation....

Or make a really complete little kitchen set beyond a portage...

Then there is the full sized stuff, which I use rarely... mostly figuring if my kids make it out to be able to set up a kitchen for everybody if they come last minute/empty handed....

I learned yesterday that about a dozen people are thinking of coming this year in a group...
friends, my kids, etc., could need those pots eh? I doubt it, all still Yahoo vacation heads who think they have money to burn... second trip down for ex wife unit....

I think a couple more wives coming first time this year.... Yea... some of the same people thought I was crazy 15 years ago..... I'm sure they still think that......

But its certified “wife-safe”, several husbands have survived fishing trips....

I know the score, its husbands bringing wives, so mommy decides living here is OK....

I suspect there will be a small colony of people from my past life here in the next 5 years or less....

Like I tried to explain to #1 son, its necessity that will eventually bring them around....

If they live here before Babylon falls, it will be due to economic pressures...

And not a one of them will remember the prices I paid to make the beach head....

Most of them dont know what I went through nor care....

And some of them caused it.....

Oh well, thats between them and the Great Spirit now isn't it.....

Monday, 02 February 2009...

Morning, Sipping my last cup of coffee...

Nice day, very pretty morning.... shelled some peas this morning, chick peas I think, tree beans here, another name, Panama, is Grandul.....

Nice plant, lives one to two years, legume, gives one nice crop per year... very good food, like a tropical tasting lentil...

My worker is bringing in the yellow beans, kinda.....

The peas are for seed, as are the yellow beans, and the red corn to follow, worker about to spend the week building Pizote fence for the corn....

I have bottles washed for the seed stashes, soon to do some larger containers for the beans etc., will build my refugee seed kit, as well as farm sized seed stash for next year... have my refugee rice seed stash, a liter of seed, we will also be planting a big area in April, (Rice) and more corn and the tree beans.... I should have my refugee seed stash in a month or two at most, Red Corn, three kinds of beans, rice...

I'm feeling good, have been realizing my own errors and weak points, and now working towards fixing me by going towards 100% self sufficiency.....

If I dont need them, they cant cause me much for problems...

Dependency fosters Abuse...

I also know if I clean up my act, and get my shit together, everyone else will have to adapt to that.... Basically I can stop the abuse single handed.... “One hand clapping.”

Two days now very good signals, no internet, I.C.E. at work....

Its a constant problem, my worker said just this morning; its normal.....

Imagine that, eh? Pay for a service and it isn't there half the time and a nation wide Monopoly thinks thats OK, as long as they keep getting the money....

Whats wrong with this picture...

Same as the rest of the trips, and why Buddha seems to have talked more about Lying and Greed than anything else in the book I have.....

What I know, and have been in progress on realizing in the day to day writings of this very blog, is that the Neoindigenism cures all..... if I pattern what I do after what worked for a million years maybe, there is a good chance it will work better for me than what we've been sold the last couple of hundred years...

Buddha's teachings come to Thousands of volumes.... over a thousand years spent translating them into various languages....

Imagine that eh? A thousand years translating the teachings of one man, who basically said do the right things, and do them the right ways....

Are we stupid or what? The technocult is Anti-Buddha, Anti-Tao, and Anti-Christ...

Its Anti-wise... widdershins? I believe thats the old English word for something counter clockwise or done backwards...

Widdershins Planet?

Widdershin's World? Catchy...

Buddha also promotes the concept of Mind Control... no, not big brother, or communist Propaganda, but learning to control your own thoughts and emotions.... I've been learning some of this slowly, on my own, through personal suffering, but I can see where a more conscious attempt might bring better results faster.....

And who would benefit most quickest?


Basically what I am seeing, is the ability to use all the teachings, from all the teachers, combine an Indigenous lifestyle, add a little technocult condiment, dig a few Babies out of the mud where the bath water went, and have a synthesis personal culture that works very very good for me, gets me past human nature etc., past my own defects, and has me up and running for whats coming.....

Not bad!

Anyway, looks like we are going to get enough bean seed, maybe 3 gallons... that will fill a 2.5 gallon plastic container for next year's seed, also a liter for house stash, and a few smaller .5 liter bottles for bug out seed kit....

Thats the yellow beans, planted late, marginal soil, new experimental technique, and we did OK in spite of it all, and learned something important.....

That Broadcast into the brush/chopping/hoeing system really works good here, and I think it would work well anywhere if one paid attention to regular planting dates for the area.....

Basically its a way to take empty ground, and get food, minimal labor, no mechanization....

Thats as important as it is simple....

As much area as you can low chop with a machete, and hoe with any kind of hoe....

What I am constantly re-realizing, is that I am on the right path.... always have problems, but being on the right path has value... only a matter of time until I get somewhere decent....

And considering what is coming, could be a life saver....

Another thing I wanted to discuss this morning is threshing.... I have a flail I made, I shelled peas by hand this morning, due to small amount and nothing to do waiting for sunrise, and I have mentioned Nun Chucks being tools to thresh with, also just a stick or club, I have a billy club I made that works fine, good for fish and assholes too!, and this morning my worker threshed beans in a gunny sack, and I think I will keep my eyes open for a better quality sack, maybe some cheap Chinese seabag? The plastic fiber gunny sacks only last a year due to solar degradation, but I could see having a better sack in the barn, stored in a manner the rats couldn't chew it.....

I also mentioned my idea of making a rice huller with an electric wire brush to my worker.... he thought for a minute and nodded..... I think key would be to have adjustable space between wire brush and a partition, so that you could set the machine were the rice would pass fine, and the hulls take the wire brush... I dont know what boughten hullers here or anywhere use, but I think I will do the saw blade stack grain mill, with the bench grinder, and build the rice huller on the other end of the thing....

Here to have your rice hulled, its spendy, about 1/3 of the crop.... for something I think I can do with a $75 home built machine.....

And have same motor make corn meal on the other end.....

Home scale tools make a lot of sense.... the ability to process a ton of dry food a year could mean the difference between eating and going hungry....

When I first got to Costa Rata, no corn shellers, still none, and the one I brought from the US, the ticos stole.....

Well, they have them in Panama... and I got one... amazed some ticos....

of all machines ever produced by humans, I consider the sewing machine, and the corn sheller to be the most amazing, and capable of doing the most good, for the most people....

Basically I am getting very close to being able to eat 100% off the home grown food....

And on all levels, from personal; Gotta do it, to practical with techniques and basic tools....
Subsistence/Neoindigenism is a great hobby.... its kind of like my country childhood; Gardening etc., but with out the store boughten “extras” that we thought were necessities....

I have learned I can live fine on a simple diet... and I like playing in the kitchen.... one question I have had in my mind for a long time, is it possible to do corn noodles?

I suspect so, even rolled out versions....

I'm wondering if I can make up some kind of device out of plastic pipe and a small hydraulic jack to extrude noodles?

I'd likely go for a large diameter corn noodle. Say quarter inch?


Anyway doing good on the beans, learning, its been a long struggle, now gaining ground....

Ditto on human nature.... Its not possible for me to change human nature, I can teach some, but it depends on the person if they pick it up or not.... but I can design a personal way to do things that is based around avoiding the pitfalls in life inherent because of human nature....

And that is where I am heading next... for now, content in the moment... I am learning, everything from agriculture to computers, and human nature.....

And me? I ain't shit, but some of the stuff I am figuring out is important...

Another little factoid I learned a couple years back, is Mint Oil is good for killing bugs in your seed and food stocks... a little on some cotton put into the container before sealing over the dried food stuffs kills all the bugs..... in subsistence living, things like rats and bugs and fungus can kill you.....

You dry stuff really good, use good gaskets, and stuff like the mint oil....

Well today drying beans in the sun on stainless trays... very Neoindigenous.....

Later today will have the pigeon peas in a bottle, more to harvest, but have my half liter bug- out bottle now...
I was watching the worker today, harvested one bush, got what will clean out to a liter of Peas.... so, 500 bushes would do me for a year, thats a small hunk of ground... roughly half an acre.... and there are my legumes for the year, and we figured out they like growing in clover very much, basically toss the seed into clover.....

What I have been working towards for a long time is low labor staples production that doesn't use fossil fuels etc. something people can do to feed themselves and opt out of the technocult, and I am about there....

The worker asked today how we were going to do beans next year for planting time... I said start November 1st, plant all month.... basically a couple hours with the hoe every morning for the month.....

Where we are going next, is the area we are harvesting beans and corn out of, will soon go into rice and pigeon peas with clover/manicillo... we will broadcast corn and chop new area, then hoe it.... probably about 2X of our current area....

The reason to rotate from beans and corn to rice, is the area has been hoed once, meaning we can broadcast the rice, and pigeon peas, and hoe it again, and the smaller rice seed will do better for the rotting brush being chopped into finer mulch...
plus it will allow us to plant manicillo, which I want to try as a brush replacer, i.e. Get my technique down to hoeing clover and planting whatever....

It should work, I have been experimenting with growing stuff in the manicillo.... basically if we hack it up with a hoe after broadcasting this or that seed, the seed will take off while the perennial lugume is recovering... so its a “Light tillage” technique......

Doing this sure is more satisfying than holding down a day job....

I think the hardest part for the wannabee, is getting used to a more simple diet....

Not impossible that one begin now.... start simplifying your diet, doing beans or lentils or split peas, with rice, or bulgar wheat, or cracked corn or corn meal... basic subsistence diet is a legume with a starch, twice as much starch as legume, “Two Hand-fulls to One” is how I have heard it termed...

Anyway, work on your simplification recipes... and when you get to where you can live on a diet with those basics as say 60% of it, and the rest veggies and fruit, you are free to go anywhere you can grow the stuff.....

Another issue I would like to mention, is I have been experimenting with forming new better habits... and have learned that humans are very habitual, and that you can make it work for you... set your sights on your goal, and alter your habits to make it come to pass.....

The funny part about a lot of this, is this is the direction I was headed 25 years ago... tried to work towards self sufficiency.... would have done OK, except I had a bit of a problem with a wife.... whom I dont think was capable of being happy with anything at the time...

She was followed by a woman who was OK 3/4's of the time, a decided improvement, but still a regular and predictable pain aft....

After that I came here and kind of wallowed around lost for a few years, wanting to hold down the fort so my kids could be landowners.... They decided that was nice, one interested in doing something and the other no...

And after a 25 year hajira, here I am back thinking of seed cleaners and grain mills, and now even rice hullers.....

Which reminds me of everything else in my life, I keep relearning to follow my own interests... and not sacrifice them for anyone or anything...

If I can pull off a wire brush rice huller, and a stack of saw blades grain mill out of a bench grinder, I have changed the Paradigm of this area....

If I work on my hoe based agriculture techniques, its more change of the base reality... no Nobel prizes in any of it, but at least giving people the chance to eat better and more time to mature as individuals and as a culture.....

How they use it is up to them....

but thievery on a full belly is less likely somewhat....

Another thing I have been thinking about is my Tao Based artificial intelligence....
I have realized that the math is going to be very close to common statistical analysis...

It will also have aspects similar to zero point XYZ axis graphics...

There will also be some programming necessary.. and in this year I am switching from windows to Linux, and will be able to hook onto stuff with new programs, even self written ones with a bit of study....

I dont know what color of rabbit I can pull out of that hat, but I do suspect something major... look at what engineers do; they model reality, then try to design using known numbers is hopes of making cheap shit that doesn't collapse and cause a law suit, or break down and get a reputation as a lemon for the company, its Minimalism from the wrong end of the telescope, but my point is the original modeling, measuring and assigning values to materials, and dimensions, and stresses....

This is also very close to what I see with a dichotomy pair based analysis system...

That basically what I am onto is a way to model the entire universe, by dividing and conquering mathematically....

First I will have to start with simple things... say the proverbial pound of feathers and pound of lead.... and model their relative dichotomy... (Coined another phrase didn't I?)

Then have to compare them with other things, and see how they all inter-relate....

Its something we can do in tried and true ways, all I have provided is the realisation that it may be possible to get something useful out of it....

Sure would keep a lot of people busy measuring and assigning correct values...

And when up and running able to model any potential action and reaction, even chains, and likely way far and fairly accurate into the future....

Tuesday, 03 February 2009...
morning... nice one, working on some comming with sons..

Longer term planning....

Soon to go on my monthly town run, looking for the big pressure canner, if its gone, maybe get the bench grinder to do corn meal mill with...

If the pressure canner is there will get it, because things come and go, and grinders are more available...

Thinking this morning about my problems with Ticos, and how Buddha's recommendations work well to counter the problems... keep the mind cool, figure ways around human nature...
Get own shit in proper order...

I add to that the mobility factor, and the neoindigenous factors....

I once met a Jewish guy in Golfito, we chatted, and I asked him what he was doing here?
He stated he was here, several years, learning Spanish, and how to deal with Latins, and when he got enough knowledge and ability, he was going to Miami to open a business....

i.e. Practicing here, to be able to operate there....

Pretty good thinking... I think I can operate anywhere now.... done figured out a few things thanks to the Latins and their games.....

Latin school of business and Nuclear hardening thereof....

Here we need a Walmart selling 4 foot by 6 foot rat traps....

I figure to go start up over on the reserve to find out how bad some of the Indians are...
bad joke, but any group of humans has problems and decency...

One thing I do notice and admire/respect with the indigenous people I see, is they have some humility....

Wont hurt to rub elbows with some of that.....

I figure I can be happier with less land, and more tools that I can use myself to take care and do things... One learns.. and I have learned plenty... mobility and tools are worth more than empty land...

Thinking on the reserve to try for a ten hectare project.... 24 acres... and try to get it all done the best I can...

And write about it here....

Reason for that size, is I think its about the right size for a small family farm...

I want to set it up as good as I can, to be subsistence and self-sufficient based...

Do the buildings neoindigenous, plant nice stuff, grow lots of food, raise good animals, have healthy grandkids.....

Wednesday, February 4th 2009

Afternoon, munching coconut, sipping tea, sent an anona de fresco down with my worker...

email exchanges today with son, concerning possible move over to the reserve....

He's like any son, thinks he can slide shit past dad...

Today we got the first dry yellow bean seed, cleaned, soon shell the rest, about 3 gallons or so... I also have some shares in some reds...

also doing small bottle seed stashes.... bug out kit.... my worker was asking about them, and which pack I would put them into.... He's a country kid, knows the Law only works for the rich, and better heading off into the mountains than trying to play the lawyer game etc. so he groks the logic of having a kit ready to go....

This area where the reserve is has several small towns, one is Curre', pronounce Cur-ray, I've never been down into the town, mostly indigenous people, its within bike distance from where I am looking at.... My worker's best friend in high school came from this town, he was perhaps the best student in Costa Rica, now starting to teach math in our zone... My worker was talking about the town today, Poverty and subsistence agriculture was what he described....

I look forward to living near there... much better than with the Palm farmers, who think they are high rollers, got oil wells, and spend their Palm checks in the first week of the month drinking and whoring, and live on credit the next three.....

So to me a town of people who go out and grow food sounds good....
And being poor I most certainly understand...

I am thinking if I sell this farm and go there, to get some agricultural equipment... small scale, but enough I can share crop with friends and others, and grow plenty of food....

We would also teach english in the schools, and my kid is thinking maybe an internet cafe... mostly to provide teaching and access, he's also doing computer repair now, and we could make a difference there....

My worker said not many computers there... due to poverty etc.

What a good place to start.....

My last girlfriend is from there.... went to school in that grade school... we are still friends...

My family has some history with the indigenous peoples, my great grand father was a German immigrant to America, and worked as a government Blacksmith on an Indian reservation in the Dakotas... My mother grew up there, went to school with mostly kids of a darker shade... and only had good stories to tell about it....

I suspect this is going to happen... that I will be getting a piece of land, doing a project from the beginnings again, we have learned a lot on this farm...

If I can start over, do another such project, it wont hurt me any to leave this one to someone who appreciates enough to pay for what we have done... most of the available land in Costa Rica for sale is old cattle land, and just trashed completely, and they love to sell it to foreigners for several times local market value... This farm was like that when I started, but not anymore, its 3/4's woods and forest now, a nice clover pasture, and fruit trees on terraces carved by hand.....

I suspect we have at least a thousand tropical food trees going on the place.....

So it will go for a pretty penny....

Maybe this month go over there and talk.... see some land thats for sale...

See if I can turn over what we've done, and go do another such reclamation project, and have enough money to do some of the things I have wanted to do....

If I do such a project it wont be lost upon the locals there... they will see and copy...

I can probably better the agriculture there just by teaching what we have learned with the hoeing technique....

And with small scale mechanization, and organic techniques, likely do well there....

Thinking to do share cropping, and so pay the rent with food... red corn etc., i.e. Better food on more tables....
I will also be building another grain mill soon and other stuff that people can copy....

I think I am about to become one of Obama's Volunteers, without Portfolio.....

It will be fun to see where it leads.... I like having fun, and doing good things while I'm at it... and you my mystery reader, will get to go along with me as I do it.....

Morning, Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Nice day, beans drying in the sun... soon to shell them.... living simple.... which is fine with me... dug out the hatchet this Morning, the one I want to round the corners on and make a shorter handle for, to go inside a pack....

May get into some Cortesa soon, left overs from a log that was cut into boards and sold,
I may get a few hunks, to do handles and such..

Thinking about crafts this morning, and how people used them to better their lives and to keep from getting bored... its like shelling the tree beans, my worker started, I'll do it some, in bits,
and between the two of us it will get done...

The hatchet is the same, I took the factory handle stub out of it, was birch and the termites had enjoyed it a good deal.... I will gnaw on it one job at a time as I get the resources and the desire to do so, and end up with a special packing hatchet...

Not a bad idea to have a spare hatchet...

Nowdays everybody is at a computer or watching TV, and the fat cats get a cut off of their hours in labor...

Taxes too, voluntary economic slavery....

is that stupid or what?

“Hi!, I want to be your slave!”

been there, done that, not anymore, it never pays worth the shit you have to eat, let alone the time, and what it does to your health.....

I'd rather shell beans and handle hatchets...

Anyway, its the weekend for my worker, payday too, and tomorrow I will eat a bit of boughten food.... have literally lived for days on bananas and cocos, feeling fine, no physical or emotional problems...

Next week go to town, looking for the big pressure canner.... every month I try to get something to better my life....

I realized years ago that most people's money went to food, more money, better food, more food, eventually to pigging and problems.....

I think there are three inventions that cause the average person a lot of problems...

A Car, a TV, and the refrigerator....

All are wonderful items if not abused....

“Grafted to a vehicle at the butt, drool in front of a TV most waking hours, frequent trips to the refer-trough to fill up....”

And thats the good life?

Sounds boring to me, never walk anywhere? Feel the breezes, smell the flowers, never make anything with your own hands, never shell dry beans? Just Zombie Slave Units living in a fantasy land, porking really good swill.....

Been there done that, and now I consider just plain noodles, no sauce, to be a special treat...

I used to cook spagetti sauce all day.....

Now I do fine on what ever, bannock, rice, cracked corn as cereal, coconuts... all grist for the gris mill.....

But I am thin and healthy, had a tropical juice drink this morning, (Sour Sop), a couple bananas a couple coconuts, some for the dog....

Planning on reading a book....

Later, reading, an old favorite...

Had a telling experience this morning, dug out some sharpening stones, my better ones, and my worker in his mid twenties asked what the little funnel shaped cans were?

Oil cans...

the guy had never seen an oil can in his life......

Makes me wonder what the odds of keeping a technocult running are, if we foster a generation that doesn't know what an oil can is....

No wonder they think I'm crazy, they dont have a clue how anything works.....
nor how to keep it working.....

I wonder what they would think of somebody building their own black-powder rifle from scratch?

Might need that oil can in the process...

Friday, February 06th 2009.....
Morning, a pretty one, cotton puff clouds in the sky, feeling pretty good, ate some boughten food, cornflour as hot cereal with fruit.....

Have learned some gastronomic humility....

Sharpened on my tarzan knife, learned something about sharpening this year, that new stones available now, will tear the shit out of a fine edge... they have rogue grit in them that needs to be worn down, especially in the coarser grades... so it took me a long time, hours in fact, various stints, to get back to were I was...

Would like to make a smaller Tarzan knife, about 8 inch blade, have to keep my eyes open for the right hunk of steel, read: cleaver....

Thinking to soon have gas for the generator and knock out a bunch of projects...

Maybe do the board thing for threshing stuff and hulling rice with the Nun chucks .....

I can use it for other stuff if I build a wire brush de-huller....

Also thinking to do a spike out of antler, for husking corn, the locals use bone, and make a curved spike, a bit flat on the out side, and a thong, for an aid to husking....

Its all in making the stuff you use to provide a better subsistence life for yourself... if enough people do it long enough, it gets called culture.....

I have books full of drawings of old tools people made and used on small farms...

a lot of it has been superseded, now steel or aluminum scoop shovels replace wooden ones...

And personally I think a lot of that stuff is un necessary if you go small scale, minimal, and neoindigenous... those type items were for farms that made a profit to pay taxes and fatten the owner with... all I am interested in at my bottom level is having what I need to eat, and enough excess to store for whats coming... I also live in a place where I dont have to store food for winter... even for livestock....

I think the secret to real security and comfort is in the things the sages talked about, minimalism, self sufficiency. Living on the land, and being independent of others.... the best of all lives isn't in Vanity Towers apartments....

Nothing but a bunch of arrogant drunks... trashing a planet, for your pride and your vanity as the Joe South song said.....

The Games people Play....

Later, heating up, almost 95 degrees Fahrenheit...

Did a bath and shave, sharpened the straight razor, was reading a bit, did some sharpening....

I like being clean, and love bathing in a spring, creek, or river.....

Got a kit I made up for one of my refugee packs, kitchen stuff... a small 6 inch skillet, a 6 inch stainless handle pot w/lid, A Little teapot, and a rabbit bowl...

The skillet I bought as a teen ager, on my way to go camping, and the 6 inch stainless pot is the one liter pot I lived out of for a year or so, a liter of cooked rice a day.....
so both have some history with me....

I have G.I. Messkits, but they aren't what I'd want in a refugee situation, Nor would they be what I would design for a military.... modern camping/backpacker cookware has its problems too, maybe theres something out there thats serviceable but I haven't owned it yet....

I once had an aluminum mess kit that was boyscout style, I gave it away, dont like aluminum cookware, but it was the best size and style wise, with about a 1.5 liter pot and lid, a plate, and a frying pan, and a drinking cup inside the pot....

If I could find the same kit in stainless I would buy it....

Have to look on line, and see what the Boyscouts are doing these days, good chance they have gone to stainless, or have a supplier.....

My own classic concept, other than mess kit style, is a small stainless wok, a teapot, and cup, a knife, and a spoon or two... I generally tend to have a teaball or tea strainer along too...

I think in the future when the shit hits, people are going to mostly be stuck where they are,
with maybe a few making it out of cities.... personally I would wish that the collapse come slow enough that everybody got out.... That people left the cities and took up growing food in the countryside...

I've heard a lot on BBC about refugees, but seldom what they carried.... TV's? I think if I could get on a bus and leave, I'd want to have a decent kitchen collection along... and preferably all packed and planned.... If it was a bus trip out, I'd have some baggage...

Hopefully I will be able to stay in my area....

These days I think beyond just immediate survival, and into the long term.. when a survival situation is open ended, sooner or later its by definition a subsistence situation.....

Subsistence cookware tends to be larger, usually for processing harvests and storing them...

When I was a kid, it was pressure canning and water bath canning, and drying things, also people had smokers... I have put a lot of thought into the roots of glass jar canning, and decided it must have originated with ceramic pottery, and stuff sterilized in it with some kind of seal... here in the tropics are several types of Latex producing trees... it would not be impossible to revert to glazed ceramics....

People nowdays do pottery or weaving as hobbies.... 200 years ago it was a different story, and before the industrial revolution, even different... people wove as a cottage industry, then they were enticed into weaving factories, and then eliminated with the Jacquard and power looms, i.e. Used just long enough to pay for their mechanical replacements, which is probably what will happen with most of humanity if we make it to robotics...

Sure could eliminate my problems with workers, unless the Robot was inclined to to argue, give excuses, cause problems, or sleep in the weeds....

I wonder how their hoeing programs will be?

“Hey, you in the line of Robots, third from the left, yea you! The nappy headed one, you're going to be a hoe today...”

(Sorry!, couldn't resist the bad taste humor!)

Morning, Saturday, February 07th, 2009....

A pretty morning it is...

Dealing with some personal problems, after 14 years of near total isolation, reconnecting with my family etc. via internet has caused some problems, much like being released from prison, and trying to re-adapt...

Nothing that wont get worked out, but I think they are beginning to realize the magnitude of the gulf between us....

My son tells me by everyone's definition up there, I am insane....

I find that humorous....
I do little damage to the environment...
I eat very little.. leaving room for others to eat too...

What I think, is my business... and if some dont like it, thats their problem....

Its like the guy up in the states somewhere who tried to warn people in his town about what is coming... and they threw him in the Psych ward.... hopefully he will be OK there, and when the shit hits be somehow protected from it...

Maybe he will walk out after a quake, and be able to get into town and help some people....
What I have learned from the experience, is that there has been more growth in the big lie area, and nowdays everyone has a culture of lying to each other to be able to use each other and to get as much comfort as possible for themselves/each other.....

Truth has disappeared from common conversation......

And I am sure many would see my writings as insane as I see the Rabid Christians,
or the UFO crazies....

Sure, I talk about aliens.... But then they're also on TV nightly, science fiction shows etc. the difference is I believe they have been here, could be here now, and are very likely to return soon...

While everyone else finds them exciting fictional characters, for entertainment purposes only....

My son did have to admit that what I found in Ezekiel is very exciting....

He's just behind my curve....

And made the mistake of asking normal people what they thought of anyone who really believed in aliens.......

All I have to say, is lets wait and see....

I wouldn't believe in UFO stories.... but if I saw one, I would definitely have to reassess my beliefs some... if a flying saucer lands in my pasture some night, and I go up there with my flashlight and see little green men unpacking some machine I cant ponder the use of, yes I will likely say “Oh! Shit!” and have to readjust my thinking some......

But what I have come up with others have realized, likely a fringe group, bliss ninnies to be sure, I've run into them before myself...

But the proof is there, its all over actually... hidden in plain sight....

And I was reading the Bible just last night, things Jesus spoke, and every single thing fit inside my thesis.... thats uncanny co-incidence.....

And I did show an intelligent and sane man the Genesis 6 thing at Christmas, and didn't lead the witness, just let him read it and come to his own conclusions... and he got it in seconds..
its only easy in the Jehova's Witnesses bible, they having gone back and retranslated and so bypassed the Aramaic and Hebrew to Latin to English garble.... I dont like everything in their bible, but it sure made Genesis 6 as plain as day.....

Ezekiel one is obvious in any decent bible, once you figure out the faces are holographic decals or insignia.... the rest is sure a good description of an airplane by a primitive...

Then them playing the GOD game on him with it, probably didn't help him understand the technology very much.....

But the bible even talks about people like me: “those with insight” who “Save” many people by realizing what the truth is....

But that most will insist on continuing the Great Delusion......

And that the game will be figured out by a few that get labeled Heretics by the churches....

its all there....

And I have my job....

Am I going to try to convert anyone to Christianity? Hardly.... I'm not sure exactly what Christ even is. Human to some extent, but he could be a pawn in a larger game... his sacrifices and teachings I value.... and I value his warnings even more.... each and every one fits what we are going into now....

What I want to do is go into the future with my eyes open..... If I am right about the theory, we are going into very dangerous waters.....

An alien race manipulating us for thousands of years is no joke....

Especially ones long in the tooth, and who's direct descendants were cannibals as in the passages about the Nephilim in Numbers....

Am I insane? no... I still have a discerning mind.... I seek proof, truth, etc.

And I'm not trashing the planet much with my lifestyle....

That makes me more sane by effect, than most of humanity....

In fact, I have fixed a environmentally screwed up farm.... taken it from a very very eroded/sick & brushy pasture on a very steep hill face, and now there are woods and wildlife and food plants everywhere, citrus on beautiful hand carved terraces, is that insane? If so let me know, and I will admit to being crazy....

Anyway, my son is realizing there is a problem...

Thats good, I have been trying to wake him up to its potential for years.....

And I think now he will also begin to realize his part in it....

And so things will get better....

Anyway, should be fun, especially if in a couple of years the astronomers find one or more reflective bodies coming exactly our way... Spose my kid will be as boggled, as I would be of a flying saucer in my pasture.....

“Holy Shit! Dad was right?”

We shall see....

and I would guess in my lifetime....

should be fun... Have your bug-out kit packed?

I'm working on mine....

Later; did some work, got the Chef's/chicken shears ground, now they cut better, most of the stuff one sees in Canoas is factory rejects and over runs, I think these didn't get finished before the package got sealed around them. I finished the job...
Funny thing about them is that they are very nice harvesting shears, like you'd want in a garden for clipping flowers, or maybe seed heads? Maybe even Grains? Or beans?

I think they are refugee kit items... all stainless? Very very good temper.... most certainly at least in my portage gear somewhere....

Scissors and shears have been with humans a long time... plus they were designed to cut up small birds with, i.e. One could use for rabbits, etc.....

If I lived in a small cabin in the mountains anywhere on the planet, some kitchen shears would be a nice possession......

Maybe there is a reason farm and hardware stores have had kitchen shears for at least a hundred years...

These being stainless and futuristic makes them even nicer...

These problems with my kids and friends, no surprise to me, basically I've been left to my own resources, at near or at subsistence levels for years, little outside input, no libraries, no movies, and only short wave to listen to, with one decent station after another dropping off the air, leaving mostly trash... I used to listen to BBC, but they cut english service for Latin America, sounds logical, except for all the thousands of english speaking ex-patriots with nothing left now..... they decided to spend more of their budget on internet programming...

“Taking from those who have too little, and giving to those who already have too much.” is how the Tao describes such arbitrary decisions....

So its like being lost in a time warp, stepping out into a different century.....

This one where people aren't honest verbally at all.... a boyscout would spend plenty of time in the Principle's office these days for saying things that were politically incorrect, truth not withstanding.... I see everyone as kissing each other's butts, and then screwing each other over continually with Me-first ego trips, and a verbal culture having grown up around it.....

Guess I'll stick to my hobbies, and cut down on the communications, I didn't know how good I had it in the dark ages, the Renaissance seems rather fruity......

But remember that little Tao saying about the sage taking the people back to what they have lost or forgotten....

Thrown out forthrightness have we? Gee? Where do you suppose that will take us?

I remember when we threw out the family for feminism, lesbianism, and child support checks, Children's Services Department, and Rich Lawyers, and Arrogant Judges on family law day....

yea, lots of kids grew up with no dad, never learned any kind of discipline, not even self discipline, and now jails full of them....

Also like my worker's comment about the new equal laws here, between males and females, the system was having problems due to the economy, so many men with no way to pay child support, lost jobs, lost houses, etc. and Jails full of them too.....

Hey! Visit your kids in jail with dad day​? Kids and dad both in prison, mom and lesbian lawyer having a good time at the expense of those left paying taxes....

And I remember a friend of mine commenting that my opinions were contrary to the whole country's.....

Well, that hasn't changed, turned out to be right too, just not the type of guy everyone wants to be right.....

And sounds just like my current problems; preaching against a Piranha like culture of nice diplomatic butt screwers....

We can call them “Normal people” now.....

Another point I made with my Prison analogy to my son, was living with the Latins for 14 years was closer to living with a population of Cons than anything else....

I knew an ex-prison guard once.... He made a statement about Cons lying 100% of the time...

Well Latins arent quite that bad.... but then neither are Cons....

And what I have learned from the experience with re-connected communications, is that the average american isn't much better.... Basically humanity is lying to itself 24/7........

Every day, every way....

As a modus operandi....

“I'll lie nice to you, and you lie nice to me....”

Gee? Makes one wonder? Holy spirit? Spirit of the truth... Science? Seeking the truth?

Integrity? What's that?

“Rudeness” these days....

All I know, is the people who have edited me, are going to have a hard time using me anymore.... should be fun to watch, all I ever did, was warn about whats coming....

I'll wait for the Astronomers... and then the fone calls and emails to begin.....

Should be fun....

Until then, work on my refugee/stargate kit, and the old bloggeroo....

Will be interesting to see who they are, toothy cannibals, or Christ like vegetarians....

Who ever they are they at least feign being honest... they know what the word/concept means evidently....

So maybe its run for the hills? Or run up the ramp to get away from you lying bastards?

Have to wait and see.....

If what I suspect is true, Christ is a living breathing person to this day....


Has anybody ever thought about Jesus (Ja-shua) the person?

You know he did run in the streets and play in the fields....

He had a mom and a dad, and sisters and brothers...

And grew up to work for a living....

And then something came upon him....

Do you suppose it was any fun knowing his own eventual future and execution?

That maybe there might have been some doubt in his mind at the ability for the God in his head to pull off his rescue?

He did a really good job.... Basically showing humanity that death could in fact be conquered...

Thats a pretty astounding teaching....

We play with life extension, but is there a Lab on the Planet that can make a dead rat live again?

And if the dead can be brought back to life, what does that mean for our philosophies and world views?

If I had forever to get what I wanted, would I be so nervous about it? Or so greedy and wanting?

If the bible is right, the prophet Elijah has been born twice, and will live one more time, be killed, and come back to life again just like Christ did, but in modern times, to re-prove the same point Christ made...

I wonder if that would wake a few from the grand delusion?

I doubt it... most would change channels looking for a football game or a sitcom...

What would Christ think of TV preachers, and Purpose Driven Greedheads?

I think he'd run them out of the church....

“You Rats got back in did you?”

What would he think of a culture where those in power wanted to tag the people like cattle for identification purposes?

What would he think about a science that spends most of its time either measuring the damage humans have done to the planet, or justifying further damage, working on better ways to do more damage, or designing better killing devices?

Burn in hell mother fuckers....

I've heard people spout that Christ was the only perfect human, i.e. Christ the Legend...

But he said with his own mouth that he wasn't “Good” that only the father, which I read in context as being the great spirit, was good.....

And what if I am right about the spaceships?
And he comes back in a ship with enough power to blast any thing we send at it, and to blast the dogshit out of the planet...

If I read the script right, he's slated to come back and be king of the planet.....

And that they are going to burn a lot of humans cleaning up the place.....

And I dont know who are worse, the Rabid Christian Greedheads, or the Rabid Atheist Greedheads.......

Well, I do know I am out of solar energy....

see you tomorrow...

Ahhh! Tomorrow its is.... Morning, Sunday. February 08th, 2009...

Feeling OK, puttering this morning, heading several things the way I need them....

Pulled out the handle for the Japanese scythe, going to try to make a step or two on that project... also got my hammock project headed towards completion, but have to wait on a sore thumb... strained it husking coconuts....

And working on my group dynamics problems.... by cleaning up my own component of the issue.... incredibly powerful tool.... fix one's self, fix the world around you.....

Having struggles with my group, much crying, screaming, insults, and anger.... I just realized that I needed to change myself to cure the problems, and others are having a really hard time with the results....

So I spent the morning writing emails and explaining exactly what the problem was, and what I am doing to fix it, and that thats what they are having the problems with.....

It's really hard to keep someone from fixing themselves....

And it means if you want to continue, you have to fix your part of the problems too....

Anyway, also been thinking lately about the nun chucks and the beater trough unit I have designed, and need to finish..... gas for the genny this week! Meaning I will likely finish a couple of projects... hopefully the nun chucks, beater trough, and Japanese scythe.....

And also go looking for the pressure canner, and if its gone, look for the bench grinder, to build the grain mill with from saw blades, and eventually also the wire brush rice huller...

I also am heading mentally towards a seed cleaner, using an electric fan and lumber, a winnower to be more accurate with my words... I also have a design for it.....

Notice any connections?

All the projects are towards self sufficiency concerning food....

Well, except the hammock... thats the reward when I get to Full Belly Land......

Funny about this neoindigenism, it cures problems, even social ones....

I would imagine the Aboriginals long ago discovered the power of mobility on social groups...

That if you piss someone off who lives in a tent, they may just up and move it, and you lose the benefits of their presence... if its just one of the village rainbow niggers, no big deal, but what if its the blacksmith, doctor, or the Chief?

Or what if its the best fletcher? Or the best hunter? Or the best drummer? Or singer?

Every Porpoise has a purpose....

And a smaller school of fish, is a weaker school of fish...

Its like the US government with the child custody and child support issue, back when I was leaving the US, there were so many doing it, the government was notifying exwives if a guy got a passport....

Nothing they could do in my case, I was paid up, and the kid was 14 and could choose to go with dad....

but thats not my point, my point is how many good men did the US lose to other countries to insist upon continued injustice? Surely hundreds of thousands, and most of those having the guts to do it, making them head and shoulders above those who stayed, and Giants in comparison to those making the injustice the accepted norms....

And expatriots dont go back... they make their decision and stick with it.... they do that because they are fed up with the shit, and after enough go, and enough problems, the shit back home eventually cures itself... and the ones that moved are generally in greener pastures, as they did some homework, and went to better places to be a white guy or what ever color guy, in.....

There's bunches of us... all types and colors, doing fine.... I'd never go back to live in the states.... too cold, too expensive, too many shit heads on power trips, too much a ground zero for the planet....

Later, got my liter of tree peas in the jar... more to pick, but basically have all the seed we can plant now... I've found they work fine broadcast into the clover.... they are really nice staple food, kind of tropical tasting peas, and keep well dried if you can seal them away from a small boring weevil... the same weevil attacks corn here, also regular beans... drying the seeds in the sun kills most of them, and I find that mint oil in the sealed containers kills any that are left...

So now our next task, is to finish shelling the yellow beans, will get about 3 gallons, about the right amount for a person to hoe and plant... and we have the red corn coming...if we get the fence up this week, we will get seed, how much depends on rains, so far so good, my guess is we will fill two each 2.5 gallon water containers with seed, and have some left over to eat.... plus I will make a one liter seed container, and a .25 liter container for security stash.... I have 3 each 80 lb containers of rice seed, we wont plant it all, we will plant what we can and start hulling and eating the rest.... after we are sure we have a decent crop coming...

I'd say in my observation, the worst threat to subsistence is doing half assed shit....

By using a Tico worker, I get it in double proportions, first because it isn't his and he makes his wages no matter what, and second because ticos are so self centered and have no shame about trashing anyone on the least excuse or personal benefit...

I have learned about human nature, and hired labor only works while you are watching, or piecework..... dont try by the hour wages if you aren't going to be there every single minute...
you'd be better off by far buying your food in a store....

Personally, I think the best way, is to just do it yourself... either by hand or with mechanization as fits your budget......

Partners? Rip you off when you aren't looking....

Hiding sacks in the brush....

Anyway, keep on struggling.... I hope to make it this year to 100% self sufficiency food wise....

Should be do able.... going to have an acre fenced this week, and be able to do three crops a year on it with some fallow time, broken up in various smaller plots....

corn, rice, beans, tree peas, in other words a decent staple diet... sufferin' succotash!
I dont think I will suffer, lived on less...

Another thing I would like to mention, is on zipper packs, best have a knot backing up the zipper pull. i.e. A safety device, so it cant unzip... two reasons, zippers unzip working as you walk, and zippers unzip in San Jose as you stand still with your back turned....

Most people in San Jose carry their backpacks on their front for this very reason....

I have personally been robbed downtown San Jose at a bus stop, by having pick pockets stealth my pack's zippers open while others stood around and watched and said nothing....

Personally I think the best survival plan, is to go somewhere with adequate water, and grow a subsistence food area of about 2.5 acres per person, grains and legumes, and also do an acre of other stuff and at least a couple acres of orchard of some type... i.e 5 acres per person, which is about what we do in the US with agribiz mechanization, but do it by hand, very diligently, and the excesses go into long term storage for whats coming...

I think it could be done on half that area, but I also think one cant be sure of crops anymore with climate change, and the 2x is margin of security....

I also think striving for 5 to 7 years worth of stored food is a good idea....

I remember living out of a supermarket, every week a car load of bags....

And every week eat a ration of shit at work....

now I do neither.... I live on maybe 25% of the food, and 0% of the shit at work....

And am healthier and happier...

Morning, Monday, February 09th, 2009....

very pretty Morning woke early, around 1:am...

Shelled some beans this morning by hand for something to do, while waiting for the sun, my worker didn't show up, and no message, so who knows what happened....

I am going to type out a page from the book entitled; Teaching of Buddha, and I advise you pay particular attention to the results described, because they are exactly what I am living in in this third world Latin culture.... I dont know which came first, the chicken or the egg, but the corruption is endemic, and maybe came from above as described here, or maybe started below, but this describes in absolute perfect terms everything that goes on here in Costa Rica from the family level, to village level to Nationally..


“If and important Minister of state neglects his duties, works for his own profit or accepts bribes, it will cause rapid decay of public morals. People will cheat one another, a strong man will attack a weaker one, a noble will mistreat a commoner or a wealthy man will take advantage of the poor, and there will be no justice for anyone; mischief will abound and troubles will multiply.

Under such circumstances, faithful ministers will retire from public service, wise men will keep silent from fear of complications, and only flatterers will hold government positions, and they will use their political power to enrich themselves with no thought for the sufferings of the people.

Under such conditions the power of the government becomes ineffective and its righteous policies fall into ruins.

Such unjust officials are the thieves of the people's happiness, yet are worse than thieves because they defraud both ruler and people and are the cause of the nation's troubles. The King should root out such ministers and punish them.”


This is also what I suspect its like in other third world countries, and why I think that public office corruption needs to be declared a crime against humanity, with mandatory sentences at world court levels, and why I think the Banking countries like Switzerland, Cayman Islands etc. need to begin to not shelter dirty money....

These changes could go a long long way towards making for a better world....

Anyway, the effects described are what I have to live in, people cheating each other even at the family level, often over trifles.... Violent people abusing others, the whole laundry list is alive and well in my very village... and the next village and the next....

It's indescribable...

Just got a text message from my worker, food poisoning, fairly common here... had it many times myself.... I learned to avoid eating meat dishes, and now escape most of it....

Buddha forgot that effect: that butchers would sell rotten meat....

You can literally smell your way to butcher shops here.....

In fact it just gave me an idea for something the US military needs, a device to smell out decomposing human flesh, preferably a hand held unit, it would make it very easy to find the Terrorist Killing houses....

I'd blue tooth it to a GPS..... and have a model that went on Humvies....

Might be a good idea for police to have also....

Anyway, a beautiful morning here...

My worker sent me a second message, that if he feels good enough he will go look for some bamboo in a teak farm....

Which I suspect to be Gulf of Tonkin Bamboo..... the only genetics around of that class, in an old nursery from the fruit company.... the ticos never propagated it due to having thorns... and then the land was bought by a teak company and all the genetics cut down in the nursery and likely herbicided.... Including the biggest living Breadfruit tree I know of... it was about 4 feet through at the trunk....

So goes the profit motive....

Thinking about beans this morning, shelling them by hand is too slow, and I want to do something better for my long term subsistence trips.... and maybe on two levels... one hand powered and another electric or gas powered....

I once built a threshing machine, turned out nice, started with information from Organic gardening magazine... I had to leave it behind, due to limits on my boat.... I would like to build another... thinking if I get the bench grinder/sawblade grainmill done I may try to go for an electric motor or gas, next, and do a newer version....

Basically I have the ability to design and build all kinds of small scale stuff, but lack the money to get my trip together on bottles for my torches, and steel to etc., build out of.....

Guess I'll have to work on the more humble hand methods first...

Finish the nun chucks, and beater trough....

Later, got rice on, also dug out a bow riser I carved years ago out of Mora wood, thinking It may work for the steel longbow.... if I use it, it will make a big bow out of the affair, as riser is 17 inches long, and limbs near 28 inches, so with over lap it would come out 60 to 61 inches of bow unstrung, likely about 58 inches strung... nearly five feet....

I also have some Pheybayje limbs.... so I could do this riser with them and go with a smaller riser for the steel...

Which I will likely do if the limbs turn out looking too thin for this riser as its pretty herky....

We shall see, it is a very nice riser, all hand carved....

Anyway doing something interesting on the rice, actually measured the rice and the water....
thinking to at least improve my poor rice cooking ability....

The Mora wood riser is just one color, Mora being a yellow color, thinking to maybe camouflage the whole bow?

I dont know what kind of draw weight the spring steel will give, just have to build it and measure it, but if its fairly heavy, say above 50 lbs, having it be a longer bow could help....

I might be able to take 60 lbs in a 58 inch bow... I once had a beautiful 65 lb, 48 inch bow, and it stacked up too hard, eventually traded it off....

Even though I loved all the other aspects of the bow, including its shortness....

I also once had a nice long bow, that I traded off, because it had a handle that was too narrow.... uncomfortable to shoot....

Well, twice as much water as rice looks too wet... I think next batch will be two measures of rice and three of water....

I'm used to Rice Variable, but thinking to make sure on my numbers, because I want to better my recipe for cracked corn...

Basically what I am seeing happen in my life, is heading toward that Hogan on the Mesita vision....

I dont mind the simple diet at all, in fact I prefer it, I feel better..

I have a sure diet plan, ignore the Doctors, Scientists, and Popular writers, if you want to lose weight try going subsistence lifestyle....

The reason people are overweight, is because eating is too easy....

Fat and Lazy House Slobs.....

Get rid of the House, Refrigerator, Electric stove, Water faucet, Debit card, & Car, and the weight goes away like magic...

Standard American Diet is caused by Standard American Lifestyle.....

Looks Fatal....

I dont think Supplements are the answer.....

Well, I think tomorrow is my run to Canoas on the Panama border, go see if the pressure canner is still there... also need anti-parasite drugs for my dog....

In fact I think I'm going to spend a fair hunk of change on her.... the works.... make a new dog out of her....

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009....

Back from Canoas. Got the 3 gallon pressure cooker....

Very nice, another piece of food processing gear...

comming with son about trucks, want to get an army truck, very slow, but go anywhere....
Thinking to grow some Bio fuels, we are already in progress on collecting stuff for home scale fuels production.... got a valley full of palm oil..... with the market likely to drop out due to algae farming....

Also thinking the army truck would be nice as a refugee vehicle... also farm truck in the mountains....

I drove truck professionally and also spent time in the Aleutian islands... so I know what their capabilities are, and here its a small country, size of Harney County Oregon....

Meaning 45 mph is fine top speed....its the tropics, no hurry man.....

The rat race is more of a stroll here....

I also got a duffel bag for the 8 inch kitchen, now packed...

And bought a bunch of cracked corn, and made some this morning with new beans, very good....

I bought 30 lbs or so....

Also got another camo day pack.... thinking this one for maybe seed stash....

Son sent me a news item on quake in China being triggered by a Dam project... 100,000 dead a million homeless and they were warned not to build on a fault line and did it anyway...

He also sent me one on Antarctic ice sheets cracking off...

I pointed out if filling a lake or three triggered 100,000 deaths, what is going to happen when the Ross shelf falls off and raises sea level 5 to 7 meters?

I think it was the first time my kid really grokked whats coming....

Anyway, thinking Army truck and home brew bio fuels maybe our refugee device.... a bit more upscale than a pony cart, but my son is a state champ mechanic.... and I an inventor...

And we need a farm truck anyway..... and the bio fuels makes it a bit more indigenous....

We'll have to give it a Renegade camouflage paint job, war paint and beads......

I see it as something we can use after a major disaster, maybe pull some rubble off of some people.... make a lifting device to use with the winch?

Also to haul the horses etc.....

Ah! yes... and its an interesting mix we weave being neoindigenous...

I tend to dislike mechanical devices, too many years as a “Mud Mechanic”....

But if I have a son thats a certified piston head, its better..... and at least here in the tropics, its warm mud....

And I have always felt the Army's trucks were stargate material.... Like the DC-3 aircraft, it just works.....

Most people dont like the slow speed or the low fuel milage...

I dont mind either quality.... and I know they are a specialty item....

If we get one, we will consider it a collector's item.... and bring it back up to new condition as much as possible.....

What I am thinking is to get our mobility trip in order, do portable housing, a field kitchen with the stuff for my daughter in law, set up camp Little Big Horn... (My best friend in Costa Rica is related to Custer, he'll love that one..)
I know whats coming, more or less, and being out under the sky and mobile will be worth a lot.....

Remember the twin towers? Imagine whole cities doing that....

I think thats what we are in for, and much worse....

volcanoes from plate friction, nuclear winter, radioactive leaks and meltdowns, forest and prairie fires from the volcanic activity etc. I think its a good time to get one's food trip in order....

Chatted with my Daughter in law this morning, she is looking forward to finishing school coming back home here, and getting pregnant... she was just bubbly thinking about it....

So we'll see what we can do to make some security for her.....

She's coming next month, we will do some running around together... we were buddies long before she met my son.... And she and my Niece's mother get along really well.... she has never seen her niece, now over a year old.....

If we end up moving over to the reserve, one of the ideas I'd like to try, is a project building a system of hiking trails.... thinking about buying a small bulldozer, and other appropriate tools, its been in my mind for years.... and My son commented that he really likes that idea... i.e. We come up with the tools, and try for a grant from the tourism department, and create a bunch of jobs building trails to increase fun for tourists....

Likely will start with the neighborhood, and go from there....

Thursday, February 12th, 2009....

Morning, worker is sawing up manu fence posts making mini-fence posts for Pizote fence...

Building a nice electric fence around our red corn patch....

Heard short wave for the first time in weeks, a program on catholic radio about the economy, critisizing Obama's men.... saying what they are doing wont work any better than it did in Japan.... which is true, but Obama isn't stupid, he will be studying results, and soon figure out what doesn't work, and be heading for what does...

Also heard a bit of Bob Chapman, he was ranting about people too stupid to buy gold while they can... he's right of course.... its only going up from here, but really its the money going down....

I worked on an email for my son, but ICE's internet is down again...

Have to try again later.....

Got a hunk of Cortesa up to the house finally, that my indigenous friend gave me on the reserve.....

Its a very nice hunk, a bit narrow for a rifle stock, but I have to study it to make sure, and get the best item I can out of it... also soon will get some scraps from another friend, for Hoe handles and such.....

Would like to send my son a handle with his Chinese tilling hoe head I have for him, his wife will be here in a few weeks, and he's doing a garden by hand this year.....

He was complaining the other day about spading it up with a shovel, I was just snickering knowing he took all the gardening work I did by hand for granted while growing up.... Its not easy following in an Organic Dad's boot prints... you gotta really mean it!

And he wants kids bad, as does his wife, and they know we live in problem times now, and that all the things I did for years many thought was crazy are now wise actions.....

I got wise the hard way, reality first, and everybody's perceptions last....

Village fool for years.....

Last laugh syndrome....

And this Neoindigenous concept is pure gravy, I will build myself a yurt eventually out of good lumber, and live content my whole life in it.... The hogan on the mesita vision....

No need for house payments, grow my own food, get better and better breeding stock for horses, cows, sheep, etc., better food, better tools, the new american dream is a more natural life...

My Version, is a neoindigenous one....

On another issue, I showed a Tico friend the genesis 6 thing at Christmas, and the guy got it quick.... learned this week that he and some other men want to come talk to me.....

My son also joked when I showed him Ezekiel one, that I needed to run a bible study class...

I think my class is forming.....

it will be a short course.... Reality 101....

Reality sounds unreal.....

Aliens from space? Are you crazy?

Wait and see, and while you are waiting I suggest you prepare for whats coming.....

We are.....

Saturday, Friday 14th 2009...
morning, feeling pretty good, got food cooking, been up since three or so....

Heard Bob Chapman last night, he did a section on going Expatriot, said he had a dozen emails just yesterday, people asking his advice...

I sent an email to him this morning mentioning this blog.....

That it had a lot of on the ground info......

we'll see if he responds.....

I like Bob, he's got guts, tells it like he sees it.... Harranged Bush for years.....

He also constantly plugs for people to do socially positive works..... i.e. The man has a heart as well as courage....

He is definitely worth the listening to.....

Best thing on short wave in my opinion....

His publication, is: “”

And when I get the entrance fee, I will be reading it.....

I got an email from my son recently, the antenna cradle for my Nokia is on order,
Should arrive in my hands in march..... about 3 weeks away, and get me one step closer to being online with my portable....

I am looking forward to joining some forums, social networking, etc. not to mention blogging with out a month or more delay between postings....

One survivalist project I want to work on is a download library, I think on the mini-SD chips like my phone takes, so I can use it as a reader, its a fat screen Nokia, hand held device,
and thinking to boot a survivalist's library on the chips and have it all in my stainless can, that I keep the fone in... maybe do plenty of giggaroos in text?

My criteria is the stargate thing, a library I'd want to have with, on a one way journey up the ramp.....

Bob also mentioned Gaza last night, his opinion and mine are one on that fiasco...

Looks to me like the Israelis are asking to get nuked bad..... Their Method of winning friends and influencing people really sucks a big one......

I think the Jews have a really nasty mental problem..... neither counciling nor thousands of years of having their shit come back on them, seems to have registered with them.....

Greed, power, lust, all seem to be their specialty.....

What they did wasn't all all in balance with the reality of the problem, and it was obviously the affects of very sick minds.....

Liars, whiners, Greedheads of the worst class.....

I think the world would be better off, if we helped them complete their fence, pointed the guard towers inward, and closed the gate on them..... Maybe put the Palestinians as guards?

“Here, you guys keep them inside! No one knows better what a pain in the ass they are, than you Palestinians..”

In the bible the sky gods say they are going to fix them... all I can say is good luck guys...
after thousands of years they still seem to be short some marbles somewhere......

They consider them selves to be highly intelligent, but have yet to figure out that you cant do dirt and come out clean....

Looks like Terminal Hubris to me.....

Sunday, February 15th 2009....

afternoon, had a nice kicked back morning, read some, sent out emails, chatted w/son a few minutes...

I heard this preacher on short wave last night.... he thinks he has it all figured out, but doesn't grasp Genesis 6, and so is talking out his ass... well meaning guy, very successful, surely more socially respected than I, but he doesn't have the first clue, literally....

I hear him talking about the end of the universe.... and gives this quote out of the bible, waiting to catch chapter and verse, because its not the end of the universe, its a description of a nuclear explosion, with a thunderclap ripping the sky, flash of light, melting elements, etc.

And he has followers who suck it all up.... and he does a question call in forum....
And I hear people trying really hard to figure it all out.... and he constantly misleads out of minor ignorance...

But you know what, I know I could show him Genesis 6, Ezekiel one, etc, and he would be in total denial....

In other words no way I can help the guy.....

Its a big test folks, and survival of the fittest of the fittest, and thats not Rambo Heads..
thats people that can think.... of which there are few.....

Some good news in my life, my best friend has finally come out of denial land at least mentally, fixing up his house to sell, soon to move onto his boat, and reduce baggage, and head south.... all good....

he woke up when they stole his retirement...... was a grand denial head before.... now following things on internet I wish I could access.... and hopefully soon will be able to....

My son sent me an email on global warming, some expert number one type is now saying its coming fast, accelerating beyond anyone's imagination, and going to be many times worse than anyone thought...

And I think my son still thinks 2050 or so.....

nope! If we get 5 years until hell day, we will be very lucky indeed.....

I hope to get my trip in order, get a bunch of food stashed etc. enough for years at a minimal diet....

cross my fingers eh? Pagan Ritual....

Well, I need to button up here, clouds, rain, etc. no solar....

Monday, February 16th 2009...

morning, bickering emails...
funny how money causes such problems.

Well, I still remember my goals, 100% self sufficiency.... so I know how to stop the bickering... just start becoming more of a loner.... you'd never know what a social person I am by how I have to be to deal with others.... constantly battling me monsters...

All this started because I got tired of being taken for granted...
now they want me to treat them like princes?

I'll take the high road....

Just goes back to past realisations... the more alone I am the happier things seem to be....

Time to stew the turkeys.....

In their own juices...

My what a wicked web one has to weave to treat with other humans....

But I am lucky, I know my goals, neoindigenism is a sure guide...

Not even marginally bothered, its just something to write about.... I look forward to the day I have what I want and need, and that I dont need anyone to maintain it.... just me....

The neoindigenous thing is a real butt saver.... keeps all my goals in focus, and keeps me away from most vanities...

Funny part, is the constant bickering was about things I wanted to do to help my group... wasn't good enough for them.... so back to plan A as far as I'm concerned....

Minimalism is a form of sanity.... I think about the best one can hope for is a man and a woman who get along more or less.... and thats far, far, far from certain....

I was having some fun on the bus the other day, talking with a friend, lots of people listening in of course, he asks me if I'm still single, and so I get to have a bit of fun expounding why..... That I like being alone, get to eat all the food minus what the dog gets, no one to argue with, spend all my money on myself.... Ha! What money? And I comment that I dont worry about the women now, they can get jobs and support themselves, etc. and so dont need me.... And surely happier not having to fight....

Later, worker just left.... got 2.5 gallons of yellow beans/seed in the plastic container with mint oil and sealed until next November...... enough to plant an area maybe 3x bigger than this year's, also have more coming, yellow and red beans, which I will save for seed if I can.....might end up with 5 or 6 gallons of seed.....

enough to plant perhaps an acre?

Got to send some fruit down for my niece and her mother...

Both good women....

I like helping females who are good....

Tuesday, February 17th 2009.....

AFTERNOON, busy morning, emails, making food, ground corn, kind of cracked, and made porrige/hot cereal.....

fairly good staple food, more nutritious than rice, much cheaper here...

Looking forward to making food out of red corn, the worker worked on Pizote fence today,
getting close, as is the corn.....

it flowering out nicely, meaning in a few weeks Pizotes with standing, we will be drying ears of corn and shelling them, and putting seed corn by, and likely have at least a few gallons of food quality.... it will also be time to start getting ready for the next crop, in April, which will be corn, rice, and tree peas.... going to have about an acre under cultivation....

The Pizote fence looks cute, got about 2 ft of post sticking out, one wire at first but room for 2 when I can find more wire.......

The worker decided he liked the fencing, tiny posts, no barbs on the wire, easy holes to dig...


I've got a stalk of bananas going ripe, and I sent a pineapple and some brown sweet bananas down to my niece again today......

its a hot day. 96 degrees...

I like it hot.....

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009....

morning, heard Albert Addis on short wave last night, iffy signal, but got most of it, he's predicting riots in the US this summer.. I think good chance he's right....

Chatted with a friend last night... he was talking about his this year's taxes, enough to buy a couple tractors, implements, ship here, and go into farming... but goes to government, and hundreds of millions more just like him? Gonna be ugly when people aren't eating so good and still working and paying taxes... anger, and plenty of it... and all the king's horses and all the kings men wont be able to control what happens next....

Problem is more of the same syndrome.... all the status quo knows, is create more jobs for drones.....

eventually this alone will bring the dominoes to falling....

Government types have to stick their noses up somebody's butt....

somebody will get tired of that... and all government power is an illusion based on arrogance....

My worker did more Pizote fence this morning, surrounding our big garden area..... soon to harvest corn.... in march/april start planting more... other stuff too, rice etc.

6 months from now we should have plenty of food stored, and more planted....

Also building up the seed stocks.... no saying when the shit could break loose, but when it does I want to be positioned to at least put a lot of hoes to work....

I have storage containers for about 500 lbs of dry food... will have to get more storage booted...

We will also do better this time coming on the corn, get in at perfect time of year...

I've been eating mostly corn, happier with it than rice... minimum for comfort seems to be about a pound a day between self and dog... two pounds is a fat day....

Basically what I am seeing, is subsistence diet is fairly easy, one just has to learn to not eat the other boughten stuff... I used to worry about being able to grow enough quantity, but what I am seeing now is that if we do almost an acre, in several different crops, we can have enough food for two houses.....

First me and my worker, wife, and my niece, and also boot up our seed etc. as the day isn't too far off that that will be critical... also planning on turning friends over on the reserve onto the red corn too.....

should be over there again in about 3 weeks.... nothing I would love more than to be known as the guy who gave the Indians their red corn back....

we will be shelling corn in a matter of weeks, and see how we did, coming up on second generation of picking out the red genetics only from the mixed genetics... one more crop and we will have mostly pure red.... about July hopefully.....

meaning when that happens is when we will take some seed in quantity to the reserve...

give away a couple of 5 lb bags or so, to several people.....

that should cause a stir.... I watched them carefully as I spoke about it last visit, they were struck by the concept of lost corn genetics, for hundreds of years, out of mind... no living memory in the area.... when they see how pretty it is, people will want to grow it...

Undoubtedly those who grow it will show it to friends due to the novelty and talk about how everyone has seen it mixed in other corn here, but no one ever thought to bring it out of the other genetics....

should catch on like wild fire....

Should be fun!

I missed short wave for a few weeks, no money for batteries, and my buddy told me the Chinese shot 5 people for the tainted milk debacle.....

Boy, there is a bit of an example... my response was thats what was needed here and other places for corruption.... I'm not much on death penalty, but there are crimes that have so much bad effect on so many, that I do think it should be kept as an option in extreme cases...

I have heard corruption is Rampant in China too....

I think Albert Addis on short wave last night was right, there is going to be a planet wide civil war, and likely fairly short... generally the people against governments, and the working class and the poor against the extreme rich... and it wont be like the Spanish civil war where everyone goes to test their weapons on the common folk... it will happen everywhere at once, and Militarys will go over fairly quickly.... maybe in some places less bloody and unfortunately other places more so..... but I would suggest that a person realize and prepare especially mentally for this, and to see public executions of once elite folks on their TV's.....

The current “Bail Out” of banks is paying the guilty for screwing everyone on the planet...

its only going to make things worse, like as if Marie Antoinette was passing out cake in train loads to the nobility to solve the hunger problem of the peasants.... none ever gets to the peasants... haven't you noticed?

When every house on every block is a hungry house, expect an explosion, expect the status quo to treat people like dogs, and expect the people to win.....

and all could be solved with concepts in this blog....

get people out on small farms.... as soon as is humanly possible...

Drill wells by the millions.....

put up windmills to pump water...

Start teaching subsistence agriculture in grade schools through universities....

I once had a teacher in Grade school who had the whole class each growing a bean plant in a paper milk carton.... everybody took home their plant.... what a good thing for a teacher to do, turn kids onto growing of food.....

Will any of this happen? Not likely, might disturb somebody's golf game to have to hear about it.....

Anyway, a beautiful day here, 80 degrees and climbing, my buddy on chat last night said it was 40 degrees and raining in Eugene.....

I was cold at 71 degrees and had to grind some corn and do some tea to warm up.... me up on my mountain, built a fire at 2:am, living fairly neoindigenous.....

Thursday.... February 19th, 2009....

morning, worker having problems with electric fencer, snapped when tested, now no snap....

I've been sending emails, puttering, happy dog more or less, trying to come up with a business model that will work with my kids, and I think its going to be separate farms, good neighbors...

I just dont do well with others trying to affect my decisions like in partnerships....

best we get a bit of separation and rely on our good natures to do the rest... got info thru friend on duty on tractors here, still pre free trade, and we have some time between now and a couple new realities, just trying to get ducks in a row.....

also thinking if I do the sale and move to other farm on the reserve, that I want to design everything 100% self sufficient, and have the tools to do all the maintenance myself....

i.e. Be 100% self sufficient on all fronts but have the tools and stuff going to be a helpful guy to others should I decide they deserve that....

Also got the hunk of spring steel marked out to cut for the Star gate steel bow...... an old spring will soon be limbs, tapered, and on the riser I carved out to fit my own hand... thinking to maybe use light cable for the string, instead of my usual Dacron, to make a more indestructible bow.... you could trash it in a fire, but with Mora wood riser, and painted limbs and riser, and cable string, should be a fairly tough bow... it will be a recurve, and I tested the spring its very thin, and think I will come out between 45 and 60 lbs pull estimating.... if anything the higher number rather than the lower.... gonna be a fun project....
have stainless bolts for limb attachment, and just need gas for Genny to do the work on limbs......

its like most of my projects, I gnaw on them as I get stuff.....

I think it will turn out pretty enough, planning to give it a rattle can camouflage job.... And build a simple sight, and likely an arrow rest for vanes, I like natural fletch but have yet to be able to get many ticos with turkeys to save me a feather...... the people just cant think outside their “me” box.....

Even offered money.....

it just doesn't click with them that anyone could have a legitimate use for feathers.....

And I can make vanes out of plastic from old bottles etc....

Anyway, thinking this is going to be the mate to the crossbow, the up the ramp device...

Basically indestructible in any dry climate with reasonable care, and maybe a prototype for a stainless version some day when I'm rich and famous?


More likely considering whats coming, to be my main survival bow... have a nice boughten recurve, but with laminated limbs and riser and in this climate glue is iffy stuff.....

A steel bow will weigh up some, but I still have shit to cut off the spring, and by the time I get it all cut out, shaped, and ground the limbs wont weigh all that much.... its a crazy sounding project, and I will likely leave it as it comes out pull wise, under, wont be able to change, and with it having long limbs maybe be happy even if higher, at 60-65 lbs or so... not a bad idea to have a bow in that range, considering big game, and Nephilim on the way.....

Fred Bear used bow near that range on dangerous game, bears and elephants...

And should be fun to have and shoot...
Not to mention show to friends..... Yea, check this out; a one on planet bow...

Also cut out a hunk of Cortesa for a hatchet handle, short, to do a downsized backpacker version, 14 inch handle will alter the head a bit, round all the corners into nice radius forms,
so it doesn't wear holes in the pack or other items....

thinking it will go in bugout pack number two....

Soon to be going to Canoas, spend a couple nights, hope to see my dentist, and still come away with money to go to the reserve...... look at land/farms, talk to folks.... eye a woman or two.....

One interesting thing with the Terraba area, is I know it has river access to the sea, so if I build a Kayak or fix up my old Sawyer Guide model canoe, I can go fishing even to sea if I desire.... Its alligator heaven, thinking maybe to rig the new bow for Alligator bow hunting, they are pretty shy, but maybe one could drift down on them in a kayak, and nail one with an arrow? Gee? Have to design some arrowheads? Harpoon heads, and a float most definitely.... maybe use fine cable? i.e. If you nail the bastard you have him? So maybe rig bow where it has a fair lead of sorts, or something to get the line to track right, but have the line in a bucket? Dont want me, the bow, or the boat to go with the alligator..... in a river, maybe put an anchor below the float? So he can drag it around?

Yea, beat the shit out of a day job for fun.....

And I'd guess they'd dress out maybe almost half meat.....
for the big ones I could use the crossbow.... yea, take this!

Anyway, I'm happy, got a bit farther on a couple projects.....

My Jungle Jim toys..... Maybe I'll become a famous alligator hunter? Ha! Spose the Indian women would appreciate that? Show up with a back pack full of meat?

Sounds Primal.... The Alaskans say Moose meat makes you Horny, wonder what alligator meat does?

On another issue, I asked my son what a decent frame pack costs now in the states? He said about $200....... gee, best get my neoindigenous wood frame done?

I also may be into more Cortesa soon, maybe do another thinner version? Its an avenue worth the exploring.... wooden frames came first, and what I have learned from the packsaddle, is the mortise and tenon held with nylon lashing is very very good... on pack saddle, I lashed it up thinking it would soon loosen up and I would have to tighten it up, never once had to touch it, packing truck batteries, five gallon fuel containers, 100 lb sacks of fertilizer, etc., i.e. Much more stress than a 50 to 75 lb man pack... and its all wood, and any decent wood would do the job....

Occasionally one sees Oak, or tropical hardwood pallets, often free for the hauling off.... definitely enough wood in a pallet to do a pack frame, or packsaddle...

I suspect I could come up with a portable shelter frame using lumber recycled from pallets, likely go a dome shape due to short lengths, or an arched tube, like a long house....

My point is; any fool with a handsaw and a pry bar can get materials to begin the move to neoindigenism......

Another thought I had was on the Presidency of Barak Obama, I dont value him so much for what he is doing right now, as much as I value him in a more immediate crisis... not to belittle what is happening now to folks etc. but what is coming is many magnitudes worse... let him cut his teeth on economic fixes that dont work, and have to figure out the hand wringers of the status quo system are worthless parasites, and then when worse hits he and his fine mind can be there to all our benefits...

I think the guy's biggest detractions are he is an urban person, and a lawyer... meaning he isn't going to have the tools to react automatically to things like real time security of the masses, and their rights to self defense etc., and he will think you can fix what ever with a law.. which wont be the case in an anarchy situation... nor martial law.... mostly what oppression does, is electrifies the people's resistance to control and insistence on choosing their own paths, which is the natural thing in a crisis.... its like if they decided to let a black guy be Captain of the Titanic right after the damage control report made it to the bridge....

The guy is coming from the coal bunker and going to the captains chair, but not at a good moment....

And if he tries to insist that everybody leave the ship on the port side only, or some other arbitrary limit due to advice from the officers, nobody is going to go along if they see the starboard side is closer to the water.....

it isn't gun control we need, its stress control, stress being mostly a by product of the big lie's failures....

AND we dont need more government drones, we need more people with the means of production.....

And we need to start rewarding and quit screwing our “Garage Guys” inventor types...

Friday, February 20th, 2009.....
afternoon, spent the morning doing emails and hatchet handle.... also just got a chat message from buddy with yacht, he's thinking to put a big hatch in the cabin roofs, so he can haul cargoes....

I did the hatchet handle of Cortesa, short and stout, and will grind the corners on the head when I have juice for Genny...

did it special for carrying in a pack, i.e. Bugout kit backup hatchet, have the longer handled Tomahawk, this is to back that one up....

I figure a hatchet is important enough that if I can portage a bit of gear, I want two... my erstwhile camping hero, Elmer Krepps, of a.r. Harding publishing fame, out of the early 1900's, recommended carrying at least two axes with you into the bush.... if possible I would get away with three and a couple hatchets, and several machetes etc., not to mention a hoe or three.... will need the horse to carry it all of course...

Recently thinking to fix up my old canoe, it needs to have some fiberglass added to it to make up for age, miles, and hard portages... (Sounds like me?)
as I could get to places here by portaging it to a creek, and going from there, is a nice old canoe, bought it in '74 or '75, used the dog shit out of it...

It was my trademark for years, stayed on top my truck unless it was taking a bath... me and canoeing are really good buddies....

Anyway happy to have the hatchet commissioned, just another piece of my refugee gear in closer form to finished...

I was thinking this morning about what Jesus said to the young rich man.... about wealth/materialism and the kingdom of heaven, in my mind he was talking about space on a ship, and being a bit facetious at the same time, i.e. Testing the guy about becoming a follower on the earth, and telling what the reality aboard ship also was....

Ships are usually pretty good at carrying cargo, but most folks need 200 lbs of baggage to go on a week long vacation... I figure if there is a chance to go colonize etc., people will be allowed some baggage, but likely not their TV, and Pool table....

I tend to think the Ranchers come and go, and so one is going to have to be able to be self sufficient, and I doubt they want colonists to have to start at the stone age....

So the question becomes, just what is acceptable baggage for a colonist/explorer type?

I figure bottom line minimum, is what you can pack on your body.... i.e. 75 to 100 lbs for a normal male... but if I was going to the expense of placing colonists lightyears away, I probably would allow some of them to have more tools etc. if they had the skills...

My guess is the Ranchers can do a brain scan, and know pretty much which areas you have been using.. most the Lying Cortex, they get the belt heater.... but some have used their brains and bodies for other things....

Also not much call for office drones in new colonies.... gardener types, you bet.. I suspect the office drones will stay and get retraining, likely new careers as nuclear waste disposal workers....

Sometimes I wonder what they would think about an anachronism like myself?
Definitely good colonist or good scout material.....

I know how to ride a horse, train a dog, forge metal, work wood, leather, etc. and education and experience building houses etc., from Tipis to upscale urban stuff....

I think I might do OK on the noggin scan... too honest for my own good, too social for my own good, too generous too.... and all kinds of skill sets....

Yea, not likely an office job for this one...

especially if I show up with my gear all ready and mobile....

Which is one of the more fun reasons for working on the stuff...

I figure a cart load is a good compromise, or a canoe load....

We'll see what they say at the ramp.... and between now and then I will work on my kit....

Saturday, February 21st, 2003....

afternoon, nice breezes, chatting on line with a friend, having some problems with system, which is the norm here.... a good day is when it works at all....

Finished up painting the new hatchet this morning, learned that if you do your most/best camouflage color last and the brighter colors first that the over-spray softens the brighter colors muting them... its not easy to get good camouflage colors here.... but it finally turned out nice after I learned the overspray trick, painters of art use a similar technique to solve a similar problem with oils and acrylics doing portraits etc.

They add a bit of the base color they want to all the other colors on the pallet to give the painting a “Hue”.....

Anyway, like the little pack hatchet, amazing how such a simple project makes me happy...
its like shopping at the Mall, only with out the Bill.... and I get exactly what I want because I design and make it myself...

The head is German steel, the handle some of the best wood on the planet... and a hatchet is such an important tool.... for the survivalist or subsistence type, only the knife gets used more...

In colder climates you need a full sized axe... here a Machete of some sort is King...
but a hatchet processes the cooking fuel... I use one almost every day....

And now I have a spare.... and one does break handles now and then...

Also got to chat with my buddy, he was looking at realestate prices online, I think I am in the ballpark with my tentative asking price... still fighting with my son over it all, which is why I want to sell out in part, so we can each get a farm of our own... partnerships dont work they just pretend to.... He's a good kid, but I've figured out I need to be self sufficient, and not have the people problems in my life, and with the offer on the reserve, we can perhaps trade this farm for two nicer farms there, and have some capital to do two even nicer/bigger projects.... so its hot and cold emails...... both getting angry, both feeling bad afterwards, but I know it will work out ok, because we are both decent people.... the process sucks, but the goal is a good one....

My advice? Never partner with anybody on your land or home, not even a spouse...
do twin houses.... a duplex farm? “Thats your 40 acres and your half of the duplex house. This is my 40 acres and my half of the house.”

And even then be prepared to sell out and leave... ain't no such thing as a permanent relationship.... relationships trash themselves by their very nature, the best you can hope for is some lame balance, there, not there, together, not together, it all adds up to not being worth the problems... I want my own home with nobody involved....

And I want to grow my own food, and not even have a worker... what humans are best at is betrayal....

The good news is that you can do it by yourself, millions did a couple generations back, and they didn't have cheap plumbing you could glue together, nor solar panels and nifty electronic stuff..... they lived in small houses or cabins or even tents, and grew the food they ate...
its like the Buckskins that the pioneers wore, its romantic now, on movies, but at the time the folks who wore the deer hides were considered low rent by city people, the reason they wore buckskins was because they didn't need money to do it.... it was something they could do on the back wall of the cabin or barn....

And in modern times, we have an economic collapse in the works, more of the same giving money to bankers aint gonna fix it folks... never fixed my personal economy to give my money to a banker, small chance doing the same with the National and international economy will fix the problem the very same bankers caused.... it was planned; its a fuck you melt down.....

And I am glad I am out...

And if I can do it I will be getting even farther out...

Nobody has any law about posted/lighted exit signs on burning civilisations like they do for theaters and public buildings.... we should see flashing lights and hear Sirens.... “Get Out!”

Its all due to humans being egocentric... but that goes away with separation.... its distance that counts... solitude is sanity.... no doubt many a prisoner in solitary confinement is much more sane than the Warden in his offices and on his ego trips....

Its why apartment blocks dont work for anyone except landlords.....

Everybody needs their own space, its a natural thing... and even Buddha recommends avoiding the concept of ownership... and the bible? Says we are stewards, and that the owner will return shortly....

Life is short, and I dont have time for bickering... one gets fed up with it.... and like Lao said, revolution comes when life isn't worth living.... meaning when you get to the limit, more shit just pushes you over the edge... like our governments run by the wealthy....

they will push us over the edge with their noses up common man's butt....

Like Albert Addis the other night, I suspect a planet wide civil war soon, its inevitable...

Why? Because of governments and big business... they dont know when its time to quit and get out of people's lives and business...

Yea, they took all the guns in England, and a third of the population on Prozac... and still people being murdered every day... why? Stress, usually from fighting over money....

Its the meltdown man.... its in progress as I write.... if I have time to sell this farm and get another one, somebody is going to get a lucky deal.... they will get a farm built by a survivalist, right when its time to really need one of those.....

And hopefully I will have time to do a couple more for self and kid....

I'm not too worried, a couple good crops and I subsist.....

I have learned the power of minimalism......

Survival is a dichotomy pair, and it isn't so much what you have, as what you can live without... and I have found living on very little to be surprisingly rewarding.... one wins by losing...

One gains by letting go...

anyway, had fun doing the spare hatchet, makes me want to do the steel bow... getting a lot of camouflage stuff made, I was snickering this morning thinking of the guards at the Stargate ramp, raised eye brows for sure when I arrive.... “This ain't an office worker.”

Looks more like a Grizzled Indian Scout...

Later, fairly hot... 92 degrees... feeling OK, ate, fed the dog, thinking how the Ranchers must laugh... designed us to be self centered, just so we would tear each other up like a dog fight....

its all in the bible, makes sense, once you grok genesis 6..... the big genetics experiment/improvement party, with us as victims of ourselves, and gods on high laughing.....

Well, I dont think its funny.... and I wish we would quit the shit, and be waiting peacefully and co-operatively when they got back..... but its not likely to happen, nor did they build us to be able to do that very easily.... just more and more of the same shit, while Ross Shelf cracks and grinds..... Adios amigos! You will realize too late that all the fighting was meaningless, and that our collective vanity has literally trashed us and our children's children...

At least I have figured it out, and am living simple and humble..... I have to give myself credit for that at least if nothing else... to me making a hatchet handle is rewarding, what would Donald Trump think? Well before this is all over, Don buddy will likely be worth less than me...

If what I suspect is true, and the Ross ice shelf sets of a planetary rebalancing act, the cities are the last place I would want to be... never much cared for them anyway.... too crowded, to filthy, too rude....

can you imagine blood up to the bridles of a horse from people crushed in buildings? A city, like say Portland Oregon, with more than three million people, if most of them were crushed in a major earthquake, would it fulfill the bible's description?

Trickles of blood out of houses, streams out of office buildings, ditches running red, storm drains filling up.... all could happen in an instant you know.....

I think I'll stay in the sticks thank you.... never liked the smell of rotting carcasses....

Monday, February 23rd 2009...

morning, worked on water supply. Tapped into a second spring, used the hose I bought for my portage gear, for that very purpose..... it was fun, my worker fixed up the area at my direction, and now have a place to bathe etc. maybe 40 meters farther from the home site...

Now we can tear into the usual spring, and get it better done, and get more of its available water.....

Anyway, it was something to do that reminded me of this blog, and how important having a supply of drinking water is....

my best friend was saying yesterday if I sold the place, foreigners would look askance at spring water, raised with city water etc. and I responded; That there are well drillers available, but 99% of the people here are running off of springs.....

And I and my worker discussed this morning the springs and creeks in the Terraba area, much drier, less sure....

Water is life.... soon humanity will realize it....

Also communicated with my son this weekend and came to a new consensus, he finally looked in the mirror and decided it was time for an improvement, and wants to stop the problems we have been having, tripping each other off... so I was content, I was already working on my self, my half of the dichotomy pair that was causing problems....

Makes it real hard for the other team to play....

so now things should get better, both working on our problems... its what I realized, that now that we have communications gear, up and running, and communicate daily, 'was some readaption necessary... now its in place more or less...

So should be less stress from now on.... wait and see....

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009...

morning... getting the food trip together for the day, wandering around puttering at things... Internet down... feeling pretty good...

Looking at projects, wondering what I can do next... feels good to finish something neoindigenous... Just keep gnawing on the stuff, projects, buying small items, working that direction....

And it just keeps working for me...
Chatted w/a friend yesterday.... done well enough that the new deal is going to seriously trash him, after the old deal already trashing him.... tried to tell him years ago, that the system wasn't going to stay the same...

I just keep the neoindigenous thing as a jewel in my heart..... gnaw on it like a little mouse...

Ever project give me a bit more; “Survival Culture”..... i realized years ago that culture was what people did to provide themselves with the tools to survive...

But now we have a runaway greed culture, beginning to experience rebalancing forces, little getting done about the real problem, and much being done that increases it....

My asshole neighbor number one up at the top of his property calling his cows, and shooting his gun off.... he runs his cattle on his neighbors daily, has for years, I need to make arrows....

Because I know the answer to the problem, its my legal right to kill his cows and eat them now.... he was firing the gun to intimidate all the other neighbors... i'm not much intimidated, just thinking about a big batch of jerky....

The police and local courts have been notified over and over for two generations, its the same in every area, some local neanderthal trashing everyone and the cops and courts dont do their jobs.....

i.e. The system doesn't work, just pretends to......

So I work on my own trip... arrows coming up.... Jerky when I have arrows....

becoming very picky, putting stuff where it goes, organizing fixing stuff, achieving my goal of getting my trip in order and installing new program in my mental software; tight ship, ready to portage baggage, get simple and humble, from diet to attitude....

Combining Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, and being a good boyscout into a personal survival and subsistence culture.....

Thinking this morning about my little stainless pressure cooker, my best little pot for
refugee use....

Was washing it in the spring, feeling good with my morning...

living alone is often peaceful...

doing project after project... bettering my life in real terms almost daily, in small but distinctive ways.... what is important is the from the bottom up techniques... then if the top crashes, the foundation holds... i.e. If I design my personal trip on a foundation of living as a full time camper and subsistence food grower, if the technocult crashes I will be mildly amused, while those who invested their souls in it and its egocentric lifestyles, will suffer more than a little...

What I know, is I should have generations of such culture in my lifestyle, in a more balanced and natural world, a son would inherit his father's hoe.....

Nowdays a guy is lucky or unlucky, if he knows who his father even was.....

we are scattered emotionally, and culturally, and soon physically.... and when the shit hits those with the best preparedness, and the best personal and group culture will do the best...

I am trying to get my group a better base, as well as more mobility... and we are making progress...

its slow... one moves in baby steps....

Soon to do my trip to the border, will be looking for backpacks, if a certain type is still there.... more personal organization.... everything possible portage ready....

I have repair work to do on my saddle bags, grind out the limbs for the steel bow and build it, make the cocking mechanism for the cross bow, all as I go from point A to B getting stuff and resources to be able to do it.....

I make steady progress....

And I have realised that one only really owns what you can transport, what you can defend...

What you can repair....

and in whats coming, what you can replace....

More of the big lie, wont fix the big lie....

More get the fuck out of Dodge City might be a good idea.....

Realizing if I get over to the reserve, that I can live fine in a small yurt, but would want a barn too....

storage area for tools, food etc.

Even a small barn would be a good idea...

Wednesday, 25 th February, 2009....

morning, a pretty one, feeling OK, woke early, been home alone, cooked corn and beans again this Morning, getting used to the corn based diet, like it better than rice...
got Lima bean seed drying carefully, some to plant now, some later....

Another month maybe until more rains, very dry....

Wondering about what to do for next project, have many waiting generator gas.....

Making up shopping list, not a long one, the food list only has baking soda, salt, dry corn, and peas for actual food items.... plus bleach, dish soap, and maybe a cheap multitool I saw, have one with pliers, saw one based on a crescent adjustable wrench... thinking might be nice, more blades and widgets, and usually these cheapys are cheap...

its camping gear of a sort... hope to never lose my real crescent wrench, but nice to have one in the bug out kit....

Also hoping to run into another camouflage pack, would like another of the larger more expensive type ($20 +) to mate with the one I have. I usually like two of everything for packsaddle service....

I think if I can get one, it would be my rope bag, for climbing gear and my best ropes...

They need a better home....

If I can get some decent epoxy, I will be able to finish up several projects, mostly handles....

What I have figured out, is one never knows about life, what will happen next, one's decisions, but what has become obvious to me is that if one imagines themselves to be neoindigenous, and tries to stay in that stream, things go better.... I see a lot of potentials opening up with the algae oil trips, it expands the ability of the individual to widen his neoindigenous horizons.... if one stayed home mostly, gardened, and lived minimalistic, it wouldn't take that much of an algae oil operation to keep the basic agricultural and farm tools going, and definitely within the scope of a small scale farm's ability to do...

This technology could see one be able to live a 60's or 70's era lifestyle as an organic gardener type, and never know the technocult was having difficulties....

I grew up in the county, and the fuel tanks on most farms were only a few hundred gallons..

Its the running around lifestyle that uses up the fuel.... put everybody on small farms, small houses, small machines, and you get a great carbon savings.... we have most of humanity working in offices blowing fluff, and sucking resources.... those people need to be working in something more productive....

And if labor is effectively free in China, that means the rest of the world better find something else to do.... I suggest growing food for one's family and friends, and doing crafts items to fill in the missing economy.... I think it possible now if one eliminates the drive to work and back, the drive to the super market and back, and the big house to heat, one could live fine off some craft like blanket weaving, or dried herbs, or perfumes....

I think within a couple of years we will see algae oil kits come on the market, much like a solar panel, where you can add to the system and use the same extraction system for more area.... and people will be doing it in their back yards in summer for heating fuel for winter if nothing else...

Most garage guys have enough tools to go into production on something.. if the wife would turn off the soap operas and go out and help him boot some little production item, it would be better than chewing your fingernails because one of you lost your job....

And with internet, not impossible to do production on neoindigenous stuff, survival stuff, and sell online....

if enough people did it, one could get all the items they needed, and not have to buy Chinese anything....

Its like pricing a frame pack, my son says about $200 for a good one...
which makes me want to finish the wooden one I have, I know it will carry stuff just fine. And thinking maybe to do another?

$200 would buy half a year's basic ration, if one bought corn and beans.... thats a lot of money for a few ounces of Aluminum and Nylon cloth....

And as belts tighten, shopping lists lighten....

and if one can fill in with home made stuff, one can be well on their way to freedom in short order....

and packframes and packboards were made out of wood for thousands of years and worked just fine, the modern ladder style aluminum tube frame has a design that is an evolution from wooden designs....

I was thinking of shirts yesterday, maybe buy some cloth and make some clothes....
here one wants a long sleeve shirt for at night, due mostly to mosquitos, also long pants, and in day shorts and light shirt are in....

What I see is less $200 packs, and $30 pants and shirts, and a lot more home made stuff... is that bad? Not at all... home made is actually better in my opinion, if you made it, you can fix it..........

Some guy named Strauss got a sewing machine and some tent canvas to California during the Gold Rush, and has made more money off jeans than all the gold in them thar hills.....

Friday, 27th February 2009...

Morning, and a very pleasant one... eating coconut this morning, dishes soon, cook food etc. the usual day's routine... my worker said this morning he was thinking about bringing the wife and baby up more, that we could maybe cook together occasionally... Basically I think food is getting expensive enough That he is starting to realize we could do a day every now and then on the farm, process breadnuts, gather coconuts, plant more bananas, and make it profitable food wise.... Get together for a meal on the farm and all of us get bagged food to last a few days from doing a sweep of the planted stuff, and get more stuff planted....

i.e. The beginnings of subsistence family co-operation... Had a nice chat with his wife yesterday, had fun doing things with my niece.... I suspect we could start once a month, when I get back from my store shopping, have the horse down in the village for the next morning to bring the young woman and child up along with the food to cook.....

Its a pretty vignette; the mother of my niece is a young indigenous/white cross, dad with blond hair and blue eyes, mother indigenous, and this daughter is the prettiest of several....

She's a good kid, just 18, and a good mom... Raised back in the sticks with 8 siblings, and a tribe to boot......

My niece is just learning to talk, and still walking a bit unsteady.... she wanted to go places and would come get me by the hand to help her in the rough footing of a camp and farm... she's intelligent, and well behaved and a very social little person, pretty too....

And I would like to see her earliest memories be of horses and gardens and climbing into the mountains... and then we see what we can do, to make sure it gets even better after that......

I will do my part, she will see the crafts I make, the gardens I grow, the things we do as a group.... Like I asked her young mother yesterday; you do want her to know how to grow and harvest food? Got a definite nod on that one....

So she will grow learning how to saddle a horse, ride, make things with her hands... going to see what I can do with a little neoindigenous girl...

Later, Spring number one got its dig out started, finish Monday, thinking to build a catchment box of limestone, and a secure pipe out, more permanent etc.

We are using off two springs now, very dry year....

Morning, Saturday, February 28th, 2009....

internet worked this morning, got an email from number one son, sounds like he may soon be unemployed... Superman runs into Kryptonite....

Personally I dont expect things to get any better... Giving the Vampire transfusions of the blood of the Village peoples isn't going to be what saves the village no matter what the Big Vampire's CRONIES try to tell us....

And so my shopping list for this week got a lot shorter... everything on it survival related....
Lets see... get some dental work done... also get a few machetes for the reserve stash... try to get a better stash of butane lighters, get some epoxy glue for a few handle/head mounting jobs. Get a couple last minute items for the new steel bow project, gas to cut out and shape the limbs, etc., maybe look for another hoe... the Chinese units were about gone, maybe one left, odds slim.....

If its there, I'll get it..... if not, I'll be glad for the hoes I have... I own 6 or 7.... before this is all over, we'll be using all of them....

Got an email from my buddy, he's working overtime trying to get his house ready for sale, said he hopes to sell it before everybody figures out the big fix isn't going to work....

Personally I think that the wise person... best get to somewhere one can survive on an acre or so, and not need the job.....

i.e. In the tropics... not impossible here, due to 3 crop seasons, four with irrigation....
meaning one acre gardened intensively would be like having 3 acres up north... one could grow even one's staples on that amount of area....

I was talking with my best friend this morning, we may decide to build some houses, both have construction experience, and I have the land, and him perhaps some financing... we shall see what really happens, but I may be doing said one acre survival homes.... big problem here in Costa Rica is that the locals have all the springs pretty much taken up, well drilling goes on, but also there is a need for Cistern based water supplies..... it rains a couple hundred inches a year here, like what? 16 feet.... and so a cistern makes a lot of sense.... very common systems in the third world.. very simple too, and dont cost much... what they do require is being stingy with the water during the dry season..... but the dry end of the dry season is only 90 days here... not much time to be stingy... the rest of the year your cistern would runneth over most often...

So we shall see.... going to price the subdivision paperwork, and the building materials, and see if its worth doing...

Might be nice to build some tropical houses, plant fruit trees, do a garden area, and sell it to people who want out of the technocult......

Sunday, March 1st, 2009...

a beautiful morning here, chatted with a friend last night, system was working, not this morning though.... Thinking this morning about my subsistence trip, I'm drying some seed beans in the yard on trays.... got yellow beans behind gaskets etc. three levels of storage, .25 liter bottles for bug out pack, one liter bottles for Portage load, and got 2.5 gallon containers for the bulk quantities.....

Dont think I'll have 2.5 of red beans, but what I have is enough beans in total for planting an amount that would yield all the dry beans necessary for a subsistence diet for a small family for a year....

Doing fine on a zero sugar diet, no coffee either, doing tea from Sour Sop leaves.... my worker likes the stuff, and is talking about picking some to take home regularly for self and family in place of coffee.....

Just too easy to drink sweetened coffee all day, and my teeth are worn, and started getting cavities like never before..... OK, time to cut out the shit.... get down to something more simple in the way of diet... I am doing fine on the corn and beans diet, also regular coconuts and bananas, and have an idea for a recipe... basically a tropical succotash of the corn, beans, with ripe bananas, Pineapple, pigeon peas (Tree Beans/ Tree Peas) and a couple other tropical ingredients to make a sweet dish, but thats all good natural food I grow.... something to work out a recipe to take to pot luck meals and watch the women wrinkle their brows as they look at the ingredients, and then smile as they taste it and realize how it all works...

Kind of a tropical staple dish.....

Looking forward to the next couple months, we'll get more rains in April, the best time to plant rice and corn, and we have the big garden area going, and will expand it muchly.... Hope to have an acre under cultivation 90 days from now.... have to wait and see if my son gets laid off etc. at his job, but will do what we can here....

Hoping to find Epoxy Glue this week, and get the Chinese tilling hoe on its handle permanently.... then I can start working the soil on my rice beds area, carving up more beds, extending it, and going into other areas and doing the same...... go out and hoe a little each morning and turn it into a lifestyle... when the rains start, we can also start multiplication of sweet potatoes again, cuttings, and fill a few areas, the stuff is weed food... finally got a variety that does well on the poor soils... I think this type is in the Morning Glory family... a bane to farmers where I come from.... anyway, sweet potatoes are one of my favorite foods....
And will be a welcome addition to my diet... I think in the next year I will make it over the hump, and into 100% food self sufficiency, and a varied diet to boot.....

And Likely just in time.... I see the Technocult as doing a down hill trip from now on, Barak Obama is as good a president as we have ever had, but he is dealing with the Bush/Cheney Legacy, and what they did was totally trash the planet's economy as flim-flam men...

Taoist saying: “lean years follow a great war.”

The reason is the profit motive in overdrive under war time conditions... Greed and insanity Reign.....

The Problem Obama is having, is he is trying to use expertise, and all of the experts were trained inside the very system thats the cause of the problems.... and they have near zero ability to think outside that box.... unfortunately, thats where the real solutions are....

But the good news, is that the non-experts, i.e. Body politic, has enough doers and thinkers, that they will come up with the real cures... its happening already... more focus on gardening, doing things one's self, no doubt a movement started back to the land...... these are root rock basic cures to the big lie.... and very Taoist.... they will work, even when what the economists do just wastes money.... and things will eventually work themselves out, people will do better on the land, discover real security instead of false paper security.... and the economists will go away like smoke from a forest fire....

My Thesis, is that this is just the beginning, that the big test the Ranchers left us to go through and/or figure out requires more depth than just everybody growing a garden in the back yard.... Going to be a lot of back yards with no water...... and in time the Mega Quake, which will leave not a wall standing..... Heard it discussed on Christian Radio Just yesterday, but not a one of them made the connections to global warming as the cause.....

What this means, is a wise man/woman/family with prepare by separating themselves from the Urban Technocult Reality, and get out under some open sky, and a lightweight portable structure for a home... I hope to get totally mobile, get a couple more horses, a truck, and a way to make Bio Diesel on the farm... We shall see what we are allowed to accomplish by the times.....

What I am focusing on now is trying to get my personal trip in order from the bottom up...
i.e. My subsistence agriculture and food storage, and also my Star Gate gear, so that basically I dont get side tracked.... I make it almost a religion... certainly a creed....

And I find it a very enjoyable hobby.... Last couple days sketching arrow rests designs for my steel long bow, using a couple of tooth brushes as the arrow supports, so I can use plastic from bottles to make vanes in place of feather fletch...

I also know when I get the bow done, I will get energy from it to do a bunch of arrows...

Tomorrow we will work on the spring again, build some kind of box out of stone as a catchment, get that better, the spring and the fire pit are the two focus points of a camp...

One realisation, I've had recently is how Buddha talking about being surrounded by plenty, but keeping a mindset that you are the owner of none of it.....

This is a very important point.... and would create a philosophy much like the American Indians lived by... Think about Ownership as a mental illness, and the problems it causes...

Ownership will go extinct during the survival test... best to give it up now, and get down to only owning what you can relocate personally....

Say what you can move in a pony cart, a few canoe trips and portages, or a truck you have the ability to make fuels for and are doing so, and not just pie in the sky excuses to hang onto a vehicle.....

Anyway, what I see coming is everybody bickering about everything, and then the collapse hitting like a ton of bricks.... I figure the Ross Ice shelf could do it...... you raise sea level 5 meters or so over a period of hours, and it changes everything, including the electrical charges between land and sky and sea.... it would also cause serious amounts of uplifting of the continental land masses... and release a lot of Volcanism... i.e. Hell Day......

My guess is when Ross goes, civilisation is down to a few hours duration.....

And afterwards some nut case like me will scramble around in the new rugged territory looking for something to eat, and a place to grow food, if my original location is trashed and I managed to somehow survive......

What I hope to do, is slowly prepare as a hobby, have food stashes in maybe three locations, get my weapons and tools collected and in proper order, and try to get my group to do likewise... we shall see.... Then when the shit hits, try to survive until the Ranchers arrive... I do believe they will come, to retrive their wanted genetic material, hopefully humbled people like me, who have seen it all, groked it all, and survived using our wits....

And so, a vision of a brave new world? Not very brave, definitely a new reality, and then a bunch of happy aliens show up and say I told you so.....

Monday, 02 March, 2009........
Afternoon, Balmy, nice breeze... My worker planted several hundred Giant Lima beans in the citrus today.... I think we are about to be into Limas.... 90 days out and we should be starting to get some harvest...

Rained over 4 inches last night, first rain since mid December maybe? Lodged about half of the red corn, but I think we will get our seed, which is the goal.....

I worked on drying seed the last couple of days, now have 6 liters of various types of beans, rice, and one, a liter of red corn, plus 5 each .25 liter bottles of 4 kinds of beans for the bugout kit seed stash... want to get corn and rice into that group also...

I'm happy about the Lima beans going in in serious numbers, about a 4 year struggle, worst part was getting past my worker's mental blocks.... he didn't believe the giant limas could be food.... and so always avoided caring for them.... I finally got it through to him, and also it was me who figured out they needed to climb to get air under them so/as not to rot....

but as of today seed planted in the hundreds.... he'll be trying a few to eat for the first time this week, I gave his wife a few to mix in with the black beans normal here........

My daughter-in-law will be in-country tomorrow I think, wont see her for a couple days after that, I have to do my border cross..... but then I think we will be going to the Reserve, want to go see whats available there for my next reclamation project...

Also go get to check out the Indigenous woman who gave me the exceptional body language...
my niece's mother is her niece, and asked me the other day if I had a retirement? I knew where that question came from..... her aunt.. so auntie is still thinking about me... poor woman, must be incredibly near sighted or something... or else she likes Willie Nelson Indians...

Should be fun; big grins scoping each other out really good for the first time... I like her older sister a lot, and her mom is the prettiest Indian Granny I have ever seen....

And her dad is the old Indian that I really like a lot...... hmmm? Hope she's nice.....

Anyway, clouds coming in, and I need to save some solar for lighting tonight....

Morning, got my package with the fone/modem antenna base this morning, not the right one for my fone model.... Never marry a Polish woman, the kids come out really strange...

Did get some stuff that worked, and some that worked kinda..... also got some info from my buddy on hard copy to take to the reserve after I get back from my border cross....

Thinking how much I am learning these days about human nature, and I am 100% certain that Buddha was ex-fuckin'-zactly right on, when he said DONT! become dependent on anyone for anything...

Also learned a bit more this morning how still in its infancy computer programming is..... nothing standardized yet, too much shit and shinola to even function.... I think we need to use Chinese Programmers, and have their Government shoot any who come up with things that dont work... the occasional mis-used or mis spelled word would be nothing in comparison, to the problems from using spoiled little decadent american brats as programmers....

Also my friend sent some stuff from an online realestate company selling land over on the coast..... funny how people from that area are selling farms at cut rate/quick sale prices at the same time they are up here on my mountain looking for land now.... you dont suppose they are seeing high tide just a bit higher these years than when they bought so close to the beach do you? Buyers beware.... And Google; Ross Ice shelf, before you go buying anything along a coast anywhere.... if Ross slides, all that beach front is clam habitat in less than 24 hours...

Thursday March 5th 2009....

Well we are still here.....

I spent the morning trying to learn my computer/fone modem connections, going to be in a hotel tomorrow maybe with good signal and can go online for the first time from my celfone...
we shall see... I know so little, and dont have the vocabulary etc. almost no one around that knows enough to help, and of those, even fewer care.....

But with a couple days in a hotel room, I will surely figure out a few things...
Going to try to make it a budget run, get a tooth filled..... exist, eat simple, try not to bother too many people....

Thats the beauty of a blog, if I bother you, you go away.... and considering I havent a clue if anyone has ever read any of this tripe, it doesn't bother me if you do....

To me its a form of expression...

Well, I see the world is starting to figure out whats coming..... Denial is dissipating...

And people like me who have been crying wolf for a dozen years or more are becoming as popular as an Occupation Army.....

Lucky I was never popular to begin with, Lucky I realize what a jerk I am, And lucky I got prepared as best I may while so many were in denial...

I have noticed in my life, that humans are happy to use each other, and instead of appreciating the help, there is an under current of deception and derision... Too bad.... but I guess if thats how we are, I have to learn how to surf through the rocks.....

I find living alone helps..... today thinking about the possibility of finding a woman, and thinking I should do her a favor and not find her.....

I get along fine with my self, why ruin it? Or ruin someone else's happiness with my shit?
I've been in relationships before, they never work.... just problems for both persons, no matter what I do or dont do.....

So guess I need to just continue being a happy dog as a lone wolf... its not a bad life you know..... I have my hobbies, I have my life, and its plenty of fun being me.... preparedness is an interesting diversion, I like it.... I noticed this morning that my new better habits are having an effect, my life is getting better on all levels.... more organization in my living space... more organization in my mental life... less problems... I cant fix the world, but I can do the occasional patch job on myself.....

Thinking about the hunk of Cortesa my indigenous friend gave me.... to cut it up and make several projects out of it... a staff to thresh beans, maybe another handle or two? Trying to get all my refugee tools with Cortesa handles.... One thing thats haunted me for years, is the deck gear on a classic Eskimo Kayak, have wanted to build the stuff, just for a fun project... maybe make a few items out of Cortesa?

Heard the President? Of Sudan has been indicted for crimes against humanity.... boy now there's a past-due event... Darfurs going on for years and years....

I always get emotionally effected by such happenings, not the indictments that come years too late but for the victims.... all the Genocides.... and the pretend help... and then the better late than never punishments....

I think the planet status quo is as guilty as the Sickos doing the bloody work.... They seem to be so attracted to power over anybody and everybody, but cant seem to find enough power to stop the smallest of petty Tyrants from killing hundreds of thousands...

I hear Britain's Gordan Brown on Radio talking about the banking flap, sounds like a broken record for the new world order, Plagiarized Martin Luther King jr's saying about threats to justice and changed it into a threats to banking statement and is repeating it in his speeches to create a buzz word.... I wondered what the guy would be like? Tony B'Liar's replacement, Well if he's a friend to big bankers, he's no friend of mine.....

People are starting to figure it all out.... I heard Chapman last night, echoed my thoughts and words of a day earlier, to my worker, that everybody knows now the system is sick, broken, kaput, fucked up, and they cant get that Cat back into a sack...

Too late fuckers... your new world order, is just going to bring Chaos... because there is nobody stupid enough to believe in wonderland anymore.... Santa Claus has more Credibility with the body politic, than the Political/banking system does....

I also heard that Burpee seed co. in the US sold 2x more seeds this year than last year... that made me feel good, millions of people taking up gardening, hope some of them make the same realisations about bulk food that I did 30 years ago, that if its so easy to grow grains and veggies with just a bit of exercise and care, why should one want to support a system that sucks you dry in taxes,fees,rent, etc. Maybe soon they will be growing cotton, raising sheep, Making a tent, building a packsaddle etc.?

Lets hope.....

Lets hope there is time that many get out of Babylon....

I heard mention the other night on radio, of “Tent Cities” already forming in the US....

All I have to say, is dont expect any help from the Bureaucracy.... the Churches will do more, but the best help is inevitably “Self Help”, and the sooner you get those tents out into the mountains the safer you are....

Makes me laugh.... no doubt people buying used horses now and making carts, packsaddles, etc. a few, a trickle... soon a flood....

It makes me happy.....

The Neoindigenous movement begins...

Hopefully some will have discovered this worthless blog, and learned a bit easier about Nylon tents, and basic foods and survival items and tools....

I learned everything the hard way... but I would feel good if somebody else was actually helped by these writings... theres a lot of bla-bla-bla, but also plenty of really good information
that could really help those with less background in what we are about to collectively do...

I find myself a lot happier working on my neoindigenous projects than I have ever been doing anything else.... hoping to come back from my border crossing with some items to push that direction....

Epoxy glue to set my Chinese tillage hoe on its handle with, money for generator gas so I can cut out the limbs for the steel bow.... super glue to tighten up my dry Tomahawk handle with before the wet season comes, sand paper to work on my mountain bike with... batteries for my camera so I can take fotos of my neoindigenous table and other projects.... screws for to finish the carpenter's tool box with... and will at least check prices on Micro-SD memory chips to hopefully start my download library with/on...still trying to figure out how to use the tech, and get my fone to work as a reader.... Hoping to download all the survivalist's type titles, also the nicer stuff from all humanity... art, literature, etc. been a sailor long before the portable computer, and know how nice it would have been to have had such stuff...

I will also be looking for another camouflage backpack, to mate with the one I have, for a pack-saddle pair up.... if I can afford it, I think I will use it to store/carry my rope and climbing gear in....

And thats how it is.... one scratches along, trying to better one's self small steps at a time...
The good news is you dont need anybody else to do it, and if need be you can get all your materials from nature... people made pack baskets and bark boxes, and hollow logs became; “Trunks”..... pack frames can be made from round wood, packboards from boards, whats important really is you get away with a few basic tools, hatchet, knives, axe, etc. so you can process such stuff into what ever you need....

I'm not a purest... I just try to get by... just as peoples did a thousand years ago anywhere you want to talk about....

What happens, is the more you make and do for yourselves, the richer you become in real terms.... the money system impoverishes while pretending to make us all rich.... many people worked their whole life, and now have been ripped off for it..... if they had been chewing Caribou hides to make tents with, and eating clams raw, they would have come out better off...

Well, I promise not to miss the big lie too much..... it was no friend to me....

And I have managed to collect some basic tools and other items from it... enough that I can live out my life.... and if there is another generation, they will divide up such materialism, use it up, and replace it with home made items and eventually nothing of it will still exist...

Morning... Friday, March 6th, 2009....

Had a visitor this morning, my son's Brother in law, brother in law also to my worker.....

He came to deal for some rice seed, brought me a 5th of honey... May be able to get me some brown rice seed.... and he also wants to copy my pack saddle, Heard about it from the mother of my niece.... an Indigenous woman.....

Which I consider a complement...

He was talking about how bad people are now in these times, said stuff that sounded like this blog.... Well, I suspect that soon the assholes will run into their own Karma....

Its like the Gordon Brown thing... he envisions a world where we are all easy credit slaves....

I envision a world where no one needs credit, or governments, nor the medical system, nor shitheads of any kind.....

A new paradigm, where we combine everything and take out whats good...
The Tao says the universe is ruled by letting things take their course....

On credit, course is getting close to the end... and giving the bankers another couple of trillion dollars for stealing so much and then causing a collapse with bogus paper games, is just going to set common man that much more against the current system....

Gordon Brown would consider me a piece of trash.... but what I know is important, more important than his Job Title....

to me the true sign of the turning of the credit tide, is the number of people getting in subsistence agriculture.... soon literally billions all around the planet will discover “Retro” works better than modern.... and many flushed out the bottom, will get a horse and a cart and plant their seeds where they may..... The work camp concept will be short lived, as will the Neo feudal concept of the illuminati.... I'm afraid Gordon Brown is in for a surprise... because the cat will be out of the bag in a year or two... and the status quo will have to back-pedal so much that pretty soon thats all they know....

I will happily do my part to stick a dagger into the eye slit of the status quo.... Coup de Grace...

Thats what this blog is all about, getting concepts out.....

While I write my worker is chopping area for the new corn, beans, rice, tree-peas, clover, sweet potato patch....... its perhaps an acre all told....

Our brother in law also took seed for sweet potato....

He's a serious Organic Gardener...

The truth of human nature is we dont need any land lords... nor banks, nor factories for that matter... we need people growing healthy food, running small farm Smithys, doing crafts, growing medicinal plants, and living Natural....... we can keep what we want of the technocult and throw out the garbage....

Its like this Morning talking with my worker about computers, he's learning Linux and very happy with it and realizes Bill Gates is about to have serious competition..... Open source means soon there will be all kinds of extra add-on's for Linux....

Plus if there is something that bothers you, you can remove it....

but my point is in either software, or computers themselves, over time, its what works well that will pass the test of time.... I am currently struggling with trying to get my fone modem to work with the computer.... this tells me the tech is still in it's infancy... in ten years you will be able to connect any computer to any printer, fone, or other device and it will just work, no program on disk to run, no problems.... and until it is that way, the engineers need to be on half rations pay wise... and while they are economically dieting, they need to study Taoism, to learn to think in minimalistic paths.... I shouldn't have to dance my mouse around and push three different buttons to shut off my fucking computer... I think we need to do that to the light switches and everything else in the house of who ever came up with so many steps to do anything and everything with on the computer... maybe if they had to argue with their light switch three times to get the light to go on or off, or same to get the toilet to flush, Oven to work, door bell to ring, they might get the idea that their programming for arrogance sucks big......

I dont want my computer to kiss my ass..... I want it to work....

which tells me those Engineers are more used to sucking up than to working......

And the companies and Engineers that dont “Get IT!” are going out of business and going to be unemployed very soon....

Because every one is sick of their complicated shit that wont work....

And the first company to make computer gear that will work with all other add ons by just turning them both on, with be the company with the most future...

Ditto for other reality, if it doesn't work well for the people, be it economics, government, or technology, it will in time go by the wayside.....

The Future only has a place for what actually works.....

And all those who now prosper creating shit, be it bankers to software engineers, are going to be unemployed, because thats just how the universe works, what functions well, continues, what is heavy with glitches and blockages dies....

Anyway, nice warm day, typical here.... best be thinking Neoindigenous.... thats where this is all headed....

Still shaking my Head at Gordon Brown's statement, that we need more credit for everybody...
no, we do not need more credit.... we need less of it.... much less, about zero credit and zero money makes for a most sustainable culture.....

The problem in the modern era, is the tech makes people lazy... we now have more people pretending to work than actually working.... how long before the same effect hits China and India? That they produce a middle class that shuffles virtual paper, and an elite class thats much worse....

Truth of the matter is the only really productive worker is the worker working on his own business, getting all the proceeds, and trading off excesses...

The rest of the society are bloated Parasites...

All bubbles pop.....

All civilisations fall....

and the growing of food in gardens continues through it all....

As does the making of crafts....

and the teaching of children through wise sayings.....

I hear on short wave, they are talking about going after those who dont pay “Their” taxes....
what are they going to do about those who make a lifestyle of avoiding all taxes? Throw us in jail for slave labor? Until they get a Storming of the Bastille? All shit has limits....

and they aren't “My” taxes, they are the status quo's taxes.... which they can stick up their ass.....

If you dont want to pay taxes, or be part of those who pay for the bailout, then I suggest you get your trip in order, and “Bail out of Babylon” because the status quo only knows one path... more of the same....

Personally I will be in some ways happier after the mega quake.... we will be living on a “Ground Zero” planet, but at least most of humanity will have some hint that coming up with large organizations doesn't really work out......

Later, my worker just left, he actually got quite a bit done.... hot day too....

We talked about the problems humans have with each other, so much self centeredness more in this culture, but also more growing in the first world too.... and its going to all come to a flash point.... this thing with the banking system is part of it... greed...

The good news is things can go back to normal after the shit is all over....

Anyway he was bitching about his brother in law, and I tell him; everybody has problems with everybody....


Its like the statements about going after people who dont pay taxes.... why dont they pay? Because they know its gone too far.... go after them, and what will happen? A few go to jail, but most will leave or find a way out, or eventually fight.....

No, all those people planting big gardens will eventually realize that tomatoes are good fresh or canned, but you need staples like spuds, wheat, rice, beans, and especially corn to make it to next harvest... and when they start growing the staples, they will have knitted brows when they realize how well they really do.....

Why must I hold down a job and work growing my food too? It will dawn on a lot of people, they will incline themselves into the natural direction, and we will see a new culture emerge...

We dont need more of the same, we need to go back to what really works....

Anyway... the brother in law also left with giant Lima bean seeds... and a promise of more soon.... he has 6 kids.... they will grow them, they will eat them, they will give seed to friends and family....

I also explained the hoeing technique to him... and showed him the corn with no brush growing up in it.... he will think about it and use it... he has 6 kids and a wife in these times...

He did understand, that I had come up with a new system that worked better for here... and he knows the old system... its a small thing.... no great project, no Government program, it wont change human nature, it wont save the technocult.... but it will allow folks to grow more food, and have more food security.....

I heard the other night about some group, women for women's something or other, teaching women in 3rd world how to farm and sell produce better... all well and good, but the objective seemed to be mostly money.... and I dont know if any one else has noticed, money isn't worth going after anymore.. I think it would be wiser to teach couples to become better at 100% self sufficiency... but I suspect Women for Women's something or other to be a Lesbian/Feminist group.... and their agenda is more in eliminating men than in helping women and kids.... thats all well and good too, right? But when the fertilizer stops being made by the men who work in such plants, drive the trucks, invent the technologies, etc. most of the women will go right back to needing a man, and our feminists will find themselves out in the cold again... Agendas dont much affect ambient reality....

Feminism is a form of Cultural Parasitization...

Much like Bureaucracy....

Much like Tax systems....