Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oil well leak...

listening to short wave, just heard interview of geologist, not
good... Toxic gases coming ashore...

was happy to hear no mention of extreme high temps at drilling depth,
as some things on short wave have suggested... if temps arent
excessive, it means its just an ugly disaster, and not going to get
much much worse due to an excessive heat factor..

I personally think we shouldnt be still using petrochemicals....
plenty of cures, no use thereof.... all the money still on greed...

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday, 28th, June, 2010.....

Morning, a couple hours until dawn...

thinking about the BP disaster, heard some rumors last night on short wave...

I suspect the problems are just beginning.....

here's why; they've cracked a hole in the egg.. when it quits
spurting oil, which could be awhile, and the pressure drops on the
natural gas and oil coming out, to the same pressure at the well head
nearly a mile deep below the sea surface, what they will have is a
rather large steam bomb...

old faithful gieser, created by BP, with a chamber equal to the
volume of the oil and gas removed by the current blowing...

when those pressures equalize and sea water begins down into the
holes, we'll see repeating steam explosions.. and likely even more
cracking.. much much more... leading to bigger explosions and
more cracking... and add a bit of spark at the ocean's surface,
and alot of natural gas explodes and burns and sets off the oil...
and when the steam explosions start, they will pump even more oil
up.... and there is potentials for a fuel air bomb explosion on the
ocean's surface, perhaps aided by the concussion wave of the steam
explosion... what we are talking about is the physics of an
explosion perhaps exceeding a hydrogen bomb if certain conditions are

my only questions, are how hot is the chamber theyre into? and how
big? another question might be how much oxygen is in the water at the
well head depths? excess oxygen, like fish breathe, because its
going down the hole with the sea water, and when the steam explosions
happen, could add to the effect by being an oxydizer for a diesel
effect with the hydrocarbons...

which makes me ask one more question....

at what temperatures and pressures would water diesel? I dont think
we'd see that, but I could be wrong, and it would be a good thing for
the physicists to ponder...

as I doubt such a direct hole to such a hot and deep chamber has ever
occured naturally....

and the rumors keep repeating that its some kind of volcanic or magma
chamber with oil and gas on top...

I think we'll be very lucky if we dont get a catastrophe far beyond
what we're looking at now... and I'm really glad I'm as far away as
I am.... steam explosions are no joke, and if the first ones blow
a big enough hole, the follow ups could get even bigger... kind of
an increasing chain reaction, like a piston engine being given more
combustion mix... acceleration and into a power band...

perhaps much more impressive than a volcano like Saint Helens or
Krakatoa.... its a direct shot for sea water at high pressures to be
injected into a deep hot hole... which will grow the size of the

another thought to ponder, is how did we get here to this problem?
well two factors; greedy leadership, and gullible sheep.....

the reason BP was drilling and pumping, was because you were buying
what they tanked...

is a little thing like an un natural disaster going to stop the
mentally ill in the elite from being greedy?


they are terminally greedy... and will gladly kill billions to make

I suggest you quit buying into the system, and I suggest people with
brains start leaving the area now, and taking their guns with them,
before martial law and checkpoints, to remove them from their means of
real defense before installing them in FEMA camps instead of having
them stay at their cousin's house...

my point is dont trust the same system that caused the problem, to
save you from it's effects...

also realize that the chances of nothing happening when the sea water
goes down the holes, are zero... they have drilled several miles down
into the crust, which is thinner under the sea, and whatever the
temperatures are in that hole, if theyre hotter than a hundred
degrees centigrade, there will be an effect.... also realize there
is vocanic activity around the Caribbean area... meaning its not a
cold area..

I think the problem could get very ugly as its very focused on one
spot, and there will be alot of energy at work..

makes me happy for the distance, and the mountain ranges... and
being on a non connected sea...

because they've started a toxic explosive pus sore with their greed &
arrogance, and the number of deaths will begin to rise exponentially,
and you can expect the government to do the exact wrong thing at any
given moment... theyre a bunch of stupid drones who are habitual
liars... their only clear thought is to stuff their own pockets
anyway possible... no matter the costs to others... Its absolutes...

so trust in the Scarecrow in the white house on Pennsylvamia avenue
all you want.... I personally would be stashing guns, ammo, and food
in plastic pipe tubes burried somewhere north of the gulf by several
hundred miles... past where I thought checkpoints would be... I'd
also be looking for off road transportation options... ways to
scatter and live... because I'd know counting on the government for
anything except absolute extreme stupidity, would effectively be
suicide... theyre bleeping villiage idiots on steroids.... & they
only know one thing; "get the money"....

Sent from my mobile device

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday 24th June 2010.......


almost dawn, slept well, feeling OK....

got fire going, thinking about the system, and how badly its screwed up...

and how badly its getting beat up....
they did it to themselves....
Because they arent intelligent enough to realize their own shit stinks...

Alex Jones? A rabble rouser, his model for success based on the fact
the rabble is fed up with being twiddled with...

he gets infinite help from the system..

its very easy for him to sensationalize on how screwed up everything is..

and the status quo has made every mistake possible, so it creates a
fertile seedbed for anger & discontent...

I listen via short wave, because there isnt much else there... BBC
discontinued coverage in my area, VOA has been castrated, so a
billion and growing short wave listeners have a clear channel to
dirty laundry....

I think Alex means well and is right on alot of things, but I also
know he's missing the boat on some important issues... not important,
as short wave listeners have been filtering information and coming to
their own conclusions, and acting on them since day one....

nobody likes the government, not even people who work for it... the
top down approach is disfunctional by its very nature in a world of

most people want left alone..

most people arent gay, or feminists, and anybody with any experience
knows they are sick and tired of being twiddled with by management
freaks with arrogant attitudes, and having their lives trashed by
legalists and money gougers...

rotten fruit falls early....

people dont like boring jobs, people dont like stress, people dont
like being milked, and people dont like being told how to manage their

and they dont like the rat race...

people like free time, people like doing fun things with their kids,
people like being wholesome....

the system in its current incarnation is doomed...

more & more people are realizing the same things I have; that freedom
from the crap is more important than money.....

people want space and freedom, and social activities, and good food
and drink... people are sick of living meaningless live packed into
cities & subdivisions..

I would never live like that.. i'd live out of a kayak or a backpack

it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out life sucks in the system...

and as they get more fed up, they look for other options... as they
get trashed economically they realize a house and garage full of shit
they dont have time to use is meaningless...

and that there are other options...

there is a revolution happening... its not inheriently violent....
But is being pushed that direction by the absolute stupidity of the
status quo...

I've won my own revolution... got out, doing fine.. Hardest part was
figuring out what all I didnt need, and that the neoindigenous path is
always functional...

love cheese burgers, havent had one in years.. so what, I eat every
day, dont kill any cows, and am healthier... there is more to life
than stuffing my face with dead animal parts, or swilling beer....

freedom is more fun...

no woman, no problem, at 54 they tend to be mentally classed in the
option department, not the hormonal necessity thought space...

and theyre a bit slower on the uptake about getting out of the system
due to being the better vanity heads, but theyll figure it out in due
time as things inevitibly worsen due to constant skewed

all the real men are getting out... All the real women will tire of
their meaningless lives with pet twits....

the rest will go down with the Titanic, and worry about the poochy
fat sticking out of their bikinies and worrying about the correct
mascara for swimming as their husbands wait on them and miss a place
in the life boats doing so...

it will all be a fun social game to them until their nipples hit the water.....

heard a woman on a call-in
yesterday, out of work, running out of unemployment, and they want to
drug test her before "allowing" an extension...

I dont think failing was an issue, but she was figuring out it was degrading..

so much for being a protected species in the system...

no doubt on social sites looking for a knight...
Good luck lady, all the yuppie schumcks are in the same boat...
would you be interested in a nutcase living in the tropics on a farm
he planted a thousand food trees on? I never was handsome, or rich,
or all that pliant.... But I might be willing to make a deal if it was
sweet enough, and stayed that way....

heres the deal; you learn to live outside, cook over a real fire, you
scrub my shorts with a brush, and when I get silly ideas, you giggle &

for that, you get a place at a plate, plenty of spring water to keep
clean, share a blanket, and get to help peel breadnuts, yucca, and
cut up the breadfruit, and pack in bananas...

plenty of time to plant flowers, plenty of nice romance, plenty of
laid back conversation, and you'll only need enough clothing to cover
the more interesting parts if visitors show up, which they seldom

you can brush the dog, swim in tropical rivers or sea, learn how to
fish, and keep the shelter swept and better organized than I do...

theres no shortage of food, I give the stuff away regularly, and if
you want to do alittle work, we can make exelent wine by the barrels

anyway, the curve is catching up with me...

welcome to reality...

or stay in the system until it flops..

Sent from my mobile device

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday, 22nd June, 2010..........

an hour or so before sun rise...

thinking about the ranchers this morning, looking forward to exploring
more of the dead sea scrolls, which are thousands of pages of

heard the doctor from piecing together things from
Enoch with other things from the scrolls I havent read yet... it was
obvious he understood the alien connection... talked about the cloud
moses and elijah stepped out of to talk to jesus on the mount, as
having something in it....

the cloud trip is common in the bible, and interestingly enough my
sampling of images in the online UFO community had me run into a
series of fotos of a ring shaped UFO, that in the sequence begins
emmiting vapor, and turns into a cloud....

ring shape makes sense for stealth purposes... if we see light tru
the center of a cloud, we assume its not got anything unusual in it...
also would be good to prevent a solid image on RADAR, even from
directly below....

I saw alot of things in my searches that could have been hoaxes...
much that could of been real....

I find withholding belief or disbelief is a good mental technique in
my quests for truth.... put the info on hold until you've made
enough connections.... I was onto the cloud trips in the bible before
I saw the ring UFO images... Jesus taken up into a cloud, coming in
cloud etc.... very theatrical... its quite obvious to me that
I'm onto truth.... and the government denial and mis information, and
the use of alien stuff as laughing stock in popular culture, are
symptoms of cultural camouflage...

the laughter will stop when the arrival happens, and those guilty of
crimes against the planet get lined up for ritual execution..
"cutting of necks"

personally I take it very seriously, in spite of catching alot of
flack for it in my personal life, I've put together too much, and
know what the overview is, and know the times fit the descriptions...
it all fits...

we have a ways to go yet... but not long enough to do much laughing...

I think its funny too.... like some movie where one guy is onto a
coming alien invasion, and gets disbelieved by everyone...

well, it aint just one guy.. millions are making the same
connections... and being laughed at is being shoved to the social
bottom... and those on the bottom end up on the top... world turned
upside down.... and those on the top will get to stand in death row..
glad as hell I'm not the CEO of BP..... he's in for a little bit
of a sore throat fairly soon I think...

folks, it all makes sense... its all connected, and we've been played
the fools... thousands of years of manipulations, and proxy wars,
and human suffering..... personally I find it all disgusting, and
dont think more killing is the correct answer... if people can be
fixed mentally, why the ritual executions? why not just fix the
defects and go on? there is much talk of forgiveness, and yes the
elite and their machinations have been far beyond evil, but if I
could fix them instead of running rivers of blood, I surely would...
and it makes me question the supposed perfection of our overlords...
to me the truth is an absolute.... the truth against the gods if
thats the way it is..... I've been screwed over by people my whole
life, but if it was me that chose between fixing them all or killing
them, there would NOT be ANY corpses...

I've not been perfect either.....

do unto others as you'd have them do unto you...

imagine the shame of the BP exec, if he was fixed mentally, and could
realize what his arrogance and greed has done... he has
responsibility for the deaths of fellow humans, and countless dolphin
people.... yes, he could deserve death in his current

but if we could fix him with a greed, honesty, & arrogance lobotomy
pill, which would be the right thing for us to do? more killing, or
more fixing of problems....

look in the mirror, think about your own imprefections... What if the
line of judgement fell just beyond you... that you were the least bad
person in the line to the chopping blocks...

which would you choose if you had the power? To fix everyone? Or to
just fudge the line up one person.....

Sent from my mobile device

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday, 21st, June, 2010..........

Midnight again...

fell asleep listening to short wave..
Now woke rested...

thinking about the BP spill in the gulf, the usual federal government
botch job, and the mainstream media's sensationalistic but missing
some important truths coverage.... its like keystone cops, or the
three stooges, no accident, entertainment instead... they do this
hilarious routine making money all three, while killing my friends the
dolphins and company....

God damn the asshole bastards...

what can I do? more of what I've been doing.. not supporting the
system in anyway I can figure out how not to support it...

Hey Johnny Sixpack, and Suzi Soccer mom, wake up! Its a nightmare, and
youre feeding into it...

Johnny Jockhead Couch Turd, best you turn off your boob tube, and
not pop another top until you've made a decision to personally change
your meaningless niggeroo life.....

and Suzi gotta do what all the other stupid bitches do, maybe its time
you found something better to do with the kids than dress them like
cutesy sports paper dolls and drive them all over hell between guzzels
at the BP pumps....

maybe its time to do more than carp, belch and fart....

maybe its time to change your actual lives, and give your kids an
example of real parents, real humans... not fake yeah, yeah, yeah go
along with the system dumb shits...

I suggest you find a place in the country, and arrange to trade one
reality for another... sell the TV, sell the house, move into a
tent or camper, or school bus, and get away from the comfy insanity
routine, and into the uncomfy exploratory and learning mode, and
challange yourselves to be better.... learn to grow food, learn to
build things, learn to aspire to something better than being
co-dependent planet trashers...

Hey! I've been there, done it, many times....

moved from a burbish reality as a kid, into the brush, bathed in cold
rivers, learned to use a chainsaw and an axe, lived in expedient
plywood shack built onto a relic trailer, had to be ashamed of how I
lived compared to other kids... had to teach myself to fight to
establish my space among redneck's kids... had to milk cows, weed
corn, dig basements by hand as slave labor to an asshole father....

it was survivable... it could have been done better, but it was
accomplished on a shoestring in comparison to what the current crop
of social vomit yuppies have to work with....

if you are lazy and gutless, stay in the system, get the dogshit
nuked out of yourself and your little clone prototype cookie cutter
kids, when the system decides to prime the war pump, and push the
button on the big industrial switch....

or find something better to do....

it aint no joke....

its time, its past time, and youre running out of time...

your decision, try or die....

because if the nukes dont get you, the aliens will..

I dont think they have nice things in mind for the footsoldiers of
normalcy... I think theyre pretty serious guys, and after things
get trashed enough, they show up to fix them, and genetically edit the
factors of causation....

from what I read in the book of Enoch, they have ritual mass
executions in mind.... "cutting of necks" is how its translated, so
I'm not sure if they bring a ship load of swords, or expect us to
provide dull kitchen knives, but they entend to kill enough people to
create rivers of blood up to a horse's bridle deep.... sounds fairly
sobering to me.... and to get that much blood, it aint just
Government officials and corporate CEO's providing the necks, their
"cut off line" seems to be much farther down the food chain.....

personally I want to be as far from the planet trashers as I can
get... I'm a planet fixer by trade these days, and looking in the
mirror and knowing I've got farther to go, than time to get there on
getting my own act cleaned up....

and I've become very unpopular at times pushing my group to change
mental paradigms.... I take alot of flack from people who think they
are better than me because their decisions have resulted in more money
than mine....

well, I'm trying to result in survival.... and I'd rather be
unpopular than dead.... and I'd rather my friends and family were
angry at me, than staring siteless at infinity....

wasnt 24 hours past I had people telling me how screwed up I am....
people I have tried to herd to safety for a generation.... people who
have been arrogant at times and good to me at others...

I do what I can... I dont do what I shouldnt....

I live by abnormal criteria.....

and sometimes it hurts alot what people I try to help do to me...
but I keep trying.... and failure has become the restart button....

will I suceed? I doubt it....

most likely I lose my kids, my entire family, and all of my friends,
in whats coming... but it wont be because I didnt try, and keep

I have been hurt so many times in my life, that I had the strange
experience the other day of physically sobbing, and being perfectly
calm in my mind.... catching abuse for trying to help others...

I have lived alone for about 16 years, no woman, because I stick to my
path and its not economically lush enough for a cow of civilisation..

and if necessary, I will keep on or die trying.....

because I do know the difference between right and wrong... and I do
know what getting over the finish line means, and I do care about
others more than they care about me... and thats all OK if I can herd
them over the line too, before the time runs out.... abuse I'm
used to... Its all I know...

its a hard path to humility... getting there, thats what counts...
Keep my eyes on the blue mountains, one foot in front other, turn
blue mountains into green foothills via relentless fortitude of
steps... tape the blisters, drip sweat in the noonday sun, walk by
moonlight, whatever it takes to move body from the desert of
civilization to the high medows of hope.... to lay my bones beside a
mountain spring if thats my last erg of energy...

so laugh at me... laughter that hurts... I dont care, its the
laughter of desert demons who dont yet know theyre dead...

I've been laughed at my whole life.... wouldnt know what happened
if the canned laughter stopped....

anyway, its my 54th birthday... just after midnight, alone on a
mountain, jungle noises, creeks running, dog sleeping on my floor...
Blanket over my head... Writing my insanity, trying to herd others to
safety too, with words most likely no one reads.....

Sent from my mobile device

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday, 20th June, 2010.......


about midnight really... woke rested, built a fire,
fed the dog, gave her a few hugs...

thats whats important to me, the simple stuff... Its pretty much what
I have left in life...

I really dont qualify for the mating game anymore.. Too burnt
emotionally, too many years living in peace via being alone & learning
solitude to be an undisputacious friend... solitude has never
insulted or tried to hurt me... never attempted to manipulate me or
twiddle me emotionally... solitude has never expected me to pay the

I've lived so long, so alone, so humble, that I have problems dealing
with people's Fatland attitudes...
I also feel I'm doing some woman the favor of not having to put up
with me.. and I appreciate the same from her... what I lack in
closeness and affection, is more than made up by not have deal with
somebody else's garbage dumping emotions and opinions.. alone, I
can be me with no critics...

When one lives alone, its chop the wood, carry the water, cook, do the
dishes, and think about the world outside the trail into the house...

yesterday heard a thing on radio Netherlands about 25 years after the
Bopal genocide courtesy of Union Carbide, now owned by Dow Chemical

sleaze and greed fascism... the ranchers are going to have a field
day with those monsters... Guillotines would be too good for the
sleaze bags in government and the boardroom who did the dirty deeds
quick & low....

made me glad my chemical/government support footprint is so small...

made me wish I could make it smaller...

Solitude has become wholesome and sane in comparison to the world....
Solitude has no attitude of vanity, no excessive pride, no big ego
trips.... its just the basics, breathing, cycling some food thru the
body, the chores, bathing, and some time to think... solitude savors
my guitar practice, registers the smallest amount of progress learning
the skills of instrumental expression...

Solitude is truthful & respectful... it never mouths off... alone I
can feel good watching a giant ant, or talking to a friendly lizard
that has no fear of me... they jump on me, they climb up my back,
they get in my hair for a ride... and never tell me how screwed up I

alone I can be less screwed up, less stressed, less hurt... I can
just be myself....

solitude is painless once you let go of the people....

I spent so many years alone... without decent communications....
then I get modern communications, and soon burnt out on the
bickering... I was better off alone... have decided to cut back on
my communications some... Too much communication isnt good... it
makes you realize the futility of dealing with egos... idealism is
the result of not understanding how bad we really all are...

I love to communicate... But I dont find the results impressive..
talking with the dog is more fulfilling than trying to communicate
with humans...

silence is sanity...
And the world is a bedlam of noise... human noise....

me? i like to blend in to nature, wear earthtones, walk without
stepping on things... I hear the bugs, I know fruit by it's
sound.... I've used an axe so many years I have to remember to focus
to maintain accuracy.. too relaxed... my axe has its handle
unmarked by splitting, even though I split wood daily... I seldom
have to sharpen it, because I'm careful to not dull it...

I'm well harmonized with solitude...

Sent from my mobile device

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday 19th June, 2010......


overcast, trying to burn off....

did the town run yesterday, got the worker's pay..

also food for myself, spent $21 for food for the month, including a
loaf of whole wheat bread, for my little niece....
Had the clerk try to overcharge me near $10 at the register, which I
caught... was it an honest mistake, or the common screw the gringo
routine? you never know which here, but you do notice errors only
work one way.....

my niece asked me when I got to her house, if I got her peanut
butter.. I had to say; no, I couldnt afford it this month.. what I
didnt say, was the reason my budget is so tight this month, is I'm
trying to get a sewing machine for her and her mom, in time for her
birthday party... so her mom has a tool to work her way thru
school.. and to support her daughter's education at a better level as
well.. we shall see what she does with it....

She likes craftsy things, loves clothes, and is hard working, and
sells women's products from catalogs to other women...

including clothing.....

anyway, doing something similar to the micro loans in Nepal, and other

my niece's mom is doing a public raffle to finance a birthday party
for her little girl.. She's worried she will only make the prize

I bought a ticket, and told her if I won, to use the prize money on the party...

while I was there, got to watch a bit of TV news...

interview with a mother who's son had just been killed in prison...

they also did an interview with the head of what they called; "the
department of mental adjustments".... he was obviously a shrink, and
explained in such nice words, why the system couldnt possibly be held
responsible for the death of somebody they were guarding.... it was
very Orwellian, felt just like reading 1984.......

the other bit of news was an attempted rape of a young college girl...
At knife point... within earshot of a police guard station.... the
guard heard her yelling, but somehow she made it to the police
building, before the police made it to her.. She was running minus her

its always the same on San Jose news; dead bodies, rapes, often also
dead bodies, and officials who explain its not possibly the fault of
the government that public safty is disfunctional....

should sound familiar to anyone living on this planet.....

well, going to be interesting to hear what well dressed public
officials have to say at their trials when the alien arrival

funny thing about the bible, somehow the aliens knew what was going
on in Sodom and Gomora, seems they must have a pretty good monitoring
system, if they can keep track of remote human cities thousands of
years before electricity..... do you suppose they could be
monitoring internet, TV, radio etc.?

I suspect so....

anyway, I've been having some family problems.. The usual....
individual vanity versus group balance.... had an interesting
experience, I was physically crying, and realized the pain didnt
hurt... and I'm not doing psychotropic drugs.... strange experience
to feel pain in my body but not my mind, at the same time.... one
for the shrinks to ponder?

I think it was that I've just been trashed so often growing up &
living in modern culture, that I've gotten used to emotional pain on
such a regular basis that it's run out of effect.... its been a
lifetime of getting trashed by other people.... glad I've finally
realized the truth, and am speaking up, and speaking out.... and
trying to do good things, and trying to not do bad things.....
trying counts... repeated trying counts.. especially with the usual
in life repeated failures..... I dont mind the failures so much
anymore... to me they have become restart buttons to try again....

attitude is everything... and everyone seems to have an attitude
these days..... mine is working towards humble and honest, whats
yours getting to be?

anyway was good to see my little niece, played with her awhile, she
got out the little plastic alligators I gave her for christmas, and
we had fun giving each other alligator bites and giggling... its fun
being 3.... even at 54...... she also insisted on giving me a kiss
when I left... good hearted little girl... worth saving a world

read my BBC headlines this morning.. IMF saying Greece is doing the
right thing.. thats like having a Vampire Doctor convincing you, you
need a blood transfusion.... just let us get the big needle into your
neck, and you'll feel much better soon....

you notice they have you sign the bill first now... thats in case
they help you just a little too much....

I notice BBC has degenerated into a politically correct mouth piece
for feminists and vampires these days... I'd be ashamed to work
there with some of the headlines..... like the IMF helping anyone
but themselves? do I look that gullible?

or suspected terrorists being killed by death from the sky.... gee?
Then they find out later it was another wedding party.... funny how
they never start out; suspected wedding party killed.... slant only
goes one way, and repeating intel produced by governments, is less
reliable than cheating husbands giving excuses....

come on! nobody belives a bleeping word any of you say any more....

you've run your course... Politically correct flim flam yuppies! get
out of town while you still can...

anyway, pretty morning here... and just want to close, by saying I
forgive everyone.... and hope you try to do better... because
thats the only way to save the world for my little niece, so someday I
can play alligator bites with her kids.....

Sent from my mobile device

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday 15 june, 2010.......

hard tropical rain last night..... the creeks are roaring this morning....

but looks like a nice morning in the offing...

heard a few interesting broadcasts on short wave the last couple days...

one was a strange christian broadcast, out of Arkansas, a man I've
only heard once before several years ago, now deceased, but this
time it was him piecing together christianity of the bible with things
from the book of Enoch and other things from the dead sea scrolls...
very obvious he'd made the alien connections...


it was on sunday night on WBCQ......

I was happy to hear it knowing it would help listeners towards truth..
The guy seemed a bit racist first time I heard him, this tape didnt
have much of that....

what I know is alot of folks are making the same connections I am..
therein lies hope at least in small doses.... as its obvious to me
what the game is now..... and that Christ was real and telling the
truth, just to primitives, who may have understood better than most
people today what sky gods were....

I also caught a bit of the power hour, with joyce riley... an
interview with a back to the lander couple who have taken up
subsistence as a way to quit supporting the system... Alot of what
they'd realized is the same stuff as in this blog... that it is
possible, and it is good...

also there were callers who were doing things along the same lines...
Very heartening to me to hear others on the road to sanity...

I live so apart, that its difficult for me to know where other
people's heads are, especially in the US after 15 years of self

is nice to know I am not alone in my quest for a life not anymore
connected to the big lie than necessary... and I am happy they
discussed the idea of not supporting the system.. very important....

it is do-able folks, and is a good life.. a thousand times better
than chasing money and having it all stolen by government and
bankers, and salesmen selling things you really dont need....

the couple live in 309 square feet of home.... about 3X of what I
do.... which is a good idea... Less to heat, less to take care of,
allowing time needed for subsistance work... and eliminating unneeded

they are growing grains and other staples, living on less than $1000 a
year.. baking bread as a staple, eating raw foods..

and have discovered similar things to what I have...

its a process....

I think its very important to get out of the system, and that the
highest survival stats will be those who do... subsistence is a very
basic life.......

but a very good one....

and nowdays its not like a hundred years ago, we have rototillers and
small tractors etc. and if everybody was on intensively managed small
farms, we could be easily using only bio diesel etc. For powering farm
equipment, instead of vanity jobs in the city and driving around in
SUV's... I have no problem with SUV's but I do have a problem with
that they get used too much.. better to use mass transit more.. and
save the big vehicle for when actually needed.

a subsitence life with small farm equipment could also get
lucretive... growing things is addictive.. excesses can be used to
start organic food businesses.. and that SUV full of organic food
enroute for a city isnt much of a sin....

its all about letting go of vanity, and persuing wisdom instead...

its not about keeping up with the Joneses, its about getting a better
quality life, having time for your relationships with spouses and
children, and neighbors and friends.. its about small communities,
healthy people and happy children.. its about more traditional
values, and its about not supporting a terminally corrupt system
anymore than absolutely necessary.. make it a personal goal to starve
the vampires to death... If the
money/labor stops, they'll have to quit bombing people in far
places.... only you can change the world for the better....
Politicians and lawyers never will.. and if you let them have their
way with you, they will get you and your childern nuked...

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday 7th June 2010..........

dawn soon, slept good, woke rested, rebuilt fire, got some tea making....

thinking about all the problems of humanity, and how the pattern is
mostly doing too much.... From bankers to bombs, vanity to Valhalla,
always we arent content when enough is enough... Nothing is enough for

well, there is only one way to save our own butts individually and

and thats for every one of us to get real....

and if not enough get real, then at least those who do, have an
improved chance of surviving, and those who dont, can ride the Titanic
down, into the deep cold water...

doing too much is incredibly stupid... especially when youre so busy
doing it, that youre not doing enough somewhere else....

which seems to be the case.....

fighting wars in Afghanistan over corporate pipelines? and Mexico
implodes from lack of social justice... plenty of oil in mexico....
plenty of oil in the gulf.... if we had done all the right things in
our own neighborhood, we wouldnt be interested in putting long noses
into far places, where they will get cut off.... its doing too
much... same as the banks, credit engine economy and dirivatives...
Thousands of times the value of everything on the planet? drones
thicker than fleas on a street dog? a billion secretaries in hot
outfits? give me a break, none of it makes any sense what so ever,
its all over the top, all crackers, all insane....

its Sally soccer mom, driving all over town keeping her little johnny
future sixpack, and little Sally soon to be soccer mom too, up with
the Joneses kids.... people used to play sports in their
neighborhoods, and didnt need yuppie tanks to haul kids to social
trips miles away....

I played sports as a kid, went on my bike...

the problem is all in our heads... We're trying to fill a mental
vacuum with infinite shit... would make more sense to take up playing
checkers, and quit screwing everything up with exponential growth in
the busybody industry..

greed, vanity, pride, stupidity, arrogance...

the human condition..

anybody seen any balance lately? is there anything in balance
anywhere, that we could use as an example to teach the concept?

hello! Sanity to planet earth! is anybody home?

all I can say, is it all looks FUBAR to me, going on 7 billion
assholes who all think they deserve an infinite amout of more than
whatever they have now....

shouldnt we be focusing on making sure everyone has the fundamentals?

shouldnt we be working from the bottom up?

I think we have the classic "too many chiefs, & not enough Indians"
situation in management....

anybody got a clue why we have military in hundreds of countrys, in
the streets of the US, and we're less safe than we were 20 years ago?
maybe less management, less military & police, and more personal
responsibility might be the answer?

less laws, and more appropriate to the situation action?

we have a congress rubber stamping laws, thousands of new laws,
thousands of pages each...

thats nothing but extreme insanity... when most all law is based on
doing damage, and keeping your word....

funny, enough laws to fill a train car every year, and all we do is
damage and not keep our word...

looks to me like if current trends continue, all we will have soon is
systemic anarchy, that we call law and order....

have a nice day....

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Blog continued;

What I find interesting is its thin in profile enough for a good
fighting knife, has a nice curve for skinning or slicing, and for a
belt knife is a good choice...

I'm also contemplating doing another cooking fork of good knife
steel.. campfire cooking appreciates a good fork... One can cook
meat hunks better on a fork than a pointy stick, also good for
spearing spuds and tubers in the pot... and not a bad secondary

another point I'd like to beat on is that western europeans do have an
indigenous history, and dont need to be plastic Indian Dolls....
use you own history as much as possible... thats what its there
for... borrow from your cultural and ethnic neighbors of other colors
and languages, but dont be a wannabee, be an original.... I come
from a mix of cultures, western US, Germanic, Irish, some native
american, and I happily combine it all, and even more...

more of a progressive Retro head... than a purist....

awhile back I got a nice drop point pocket knife, copy of Gerber
designs out of the 70's & 80's... its part of my local culture..
nice knife to skin a blacktail deer with... I also flyfish and tie
flys, make rods, etc.... and I make arrows from scratch with mostly a
small block plane... very ecclectic...
i can forge arrowheads, or I can knap them of Obsidian, or I can make
them by stock removal with a grinder or file....

I even have a few boughten broadheads stashed...

What I find doing my own gear, is contentment... when I finish an
item to my stargate quality specs, I feel good... much better than
buying something....

I also like making up practical kits.... not much into yuppie
backpacker cookware... I live the outdoor life, dont just visit it
between episodes with my boss... so I'm a bit more practical than the
freeze dried & add hot water chefs...

I find pots and pans the right sizes and shapes for real cooking...
and I'll make two or more trips in and out of my camp if necessary....
dont have a just passing thru yuppie outdoor religion..
hippocrits! Destroying the planet 5 days a week, and visit nature a
time or two during summer, and get self righteous about their own
environmentalistic fascism.... morons in cities trying to tell me
how to live in the brush with laws and political correct slobber

stay in town... more likely to be given karmic grace by a nuke just
like the ones you paid for....

the brush is destination for involuntary slaves, the ones truthful
enough to know toting barges and bales have modern equivilants...

if you watch TV, eat out of a plastic foam container, and feel bad
when your boss makes you actually do something... when the sirens go
off, it means go downtown....

put on your designer sunglasses, look up, and try to be the first
yuppie to point at the incoming missile....

if you are retro, not afraid of work, make things, put your bugout
gear in order like a fanatic religion, know how to use a hachet,
sharpen things etc.. when the first nuke goes off anywhere, youre
in the brush and digging a hole in no time...

this blogs for you....

anyway, never any freeze dried food in my camp...
Mostly do one pot meals of cracked corn, legumes, and veggies or
fruit... I dont just live out of a store, I plant food trees and
plants everywhere like some crazy squirrel burying nuts....

breakfast this morning was breadnuts roasted last night... currently
eating corn with breadfuit, and have a lizard on my leg..... he put
himself there... i planted the bread nut and breadfruit trees...
have my worker busy these days multiplying banana clumps.. I'll
hopefully have a hundred new clumps producing soon.. Thats a stalk of
bananas every day or two....

there is no food crisis.. There is a management crisis.. too many
worthless drones having meetings deciding what everybody else should
have to do...

use your brain, get out of Babylon, grow food, make your own gear,
live in the brush..

work on yourself... dont let a woman run your life...

they'll keep you at ground zero slaving for their infinite vanities....

I hope the Ranchers have some replacement women, because I dont think
many on this planet will survive when vanity land crashes on them...

going to be some sad bitches when their credit card and high heels
dont work for them..

no office jobs, no welfare, no alimony, no child support, no nice
judges, no lawyers, no cars, no 911, no doctors, no supermarket,
no social network, no family, no friends... Just scarred survivors...
sick, going degenerate, diseased, starving, vanity head

ugly dawning....

thats what youre friends the experts have coming for you girls....

thats if you dont die of radiation poisoning, puking yourself to death
with teeth and hair falling out.....

lady lemmings....

Alas Babylon....

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Sunday 6th June 2010.........


a nice sunday alone.... been puttering around, managed to realize I
could use the top off a broken bike water bottle, to glue onto a
stainless thermos liner bottle, and make a functional hybrid water
bottle out of two pieces of junk.... So I did, glue drying... looks
pretty cool....

also began searching online for info on hooded capes, thinking to
make one out of blanket material, for use camping here at higher
altitudes, and to have for nuclear winter, as it seems our wise men in
government think a nuclear war is a good idea.....

personally I have a hard time figuring out where they can be coming
from mentally? greed and vanity must be more powerful motives to some
egos..... starting a nuclear war is the absolute last thing any
sane person would do... meaning those in government arent sane....
are you? if you suck up their logic, I suspect you arent sane

I'm sane, because I know better.. only winner in a nuclear war is the
grim reaper.... and anyone who starts one and survives best have
their track shoes on afterwards, as automatic lynching is whats in
store for them, or a firing squad if its more official..

anyway didnt find much on capes... Plenty of folks would like to sell
me a pattern, and thats why I was online; trying to not buy any
patterns... luckily I do know the little secret to cloak design,
that they are round when laid flat... so back to plan B, that I
sketch out my own pattern for hood and yoke, and gore up a nice
circle for the body proper....

I suspect I'd need two blankets..... which will take some budgeting....

what I may do is try it w/cheap blankets now, and then when I've
learned from the prototype, get some surplus wool blankets and do up a
serious blanket cape....

the reasons I want a cape, are practical... a longer cape eliminates
the need for a sleeping bag.. its also nice on horse back, and
fine for working around the campfire etc....

one thing I have learned repeatedly, is going retro most often has
benefits... those sleazy salesmen have stuck it to us so many times,
we're lost puppies... the back trail, is the better trail, when
trying to recover from their help....

I'm also thinking about other sewing projects, thinking to buy some
camo cloth, and do up some more jungle clothing... I have a pants
pattern I've developed from a karate uniform, that has the diamond
gore in the crotch for movement etc.. and have some shortened "boot
pants" worked up, that dont have too much legs to bunch up, or get
wet etc...

also thinking to do a vest, likely blanket lined, and with plenty of
pockets... I used to wear pocket vests daily, and for a survival
situation they would be better than too many pockets on the pants.. I
think US Military procurement screwed up there... Bulky pants with
cargo pockets arent good in tropical or hot climates... need a
lightweight pants, and closer fitting/less cloth top... the extreme
example might be traditional Spanish costume, with the form fitting
pants and tight/short vest... There were reasons for that design...
freedom of movement in a warm climate... check out the matador...
has a cape for shade, cool weather etc. and the rest of his outfit is
a track and field uniform for when the bull figures out his game....

what I might head for, is the Karate boot pants, the pocket vest,
then a short jacket sized to go over the vest, thats also lined...
cover this with blanket cape, add my self made leather riding boots,
and I'm good to travel.... eventually if I learned enough about
capes, work up a rain cape out of lightweight rubberized tarp as a
shell to cover the blanket cape...

one thing I've also realized is I can borrow from sailors
traditions... Sailors made their own gear out of common materials....
the Pea Coat is a wool blanket at its heart, the rain gear made of
tarp, the deck shoes were also made by the sailor, Yuppies in Nikes
dont know that......

and his seabags and sailor's trunks were also self made, as was his hammock....

and often so was his knife and sheath......

being industrious is something long forgotten by modern TV Neanderthal
sports fans...

making your own gear is a rite of passage to accepted manhood...
sailors new to boats often made their first impressions with the gear
and clothing sewn etc. by themselves... I make things constantly...
Its the human thing to do... & I like the idea of starving

Starve the salesmen, and government becomes a moot point.... the
only reason the corporate Fascists pay the government election bribes,
is because there is money in using extreme legislation to twiddle all
the buying idiot's brains...

notice I'm not worrying about paying for mandantory health
insurance... Barrak and his insurance salesmen cronies can jump
off tall buildings as a social service....

and I suggest the Pentagon have a bullseye painted in its center...
give those ring knockers something to think about when they get their
hormones too worked up saluting the shit out of each other... silly!
grow up! a bunch of incompetant morons... cant beat goat herders if
the terrain aint right......

an improvement would be including a drone in drone aircraft.... like
German buzz bombs, but you get rid of a buearocrat every launch....

anyway, having fun this morning...

during my search for hooded cape info, I ran into SCA heads, (society
for creative anachronist)
which I was happy to see, that some people are still into silly
reinactments that pay serious dividends in survival potentials... I
see those types as instrumental in the reclamation of western style
sword battling, armor reproduction, some archery, much clothing,
music, and group spirit....

I feel the time period we're going into is very much a dark ages, and
a sword still defends, if thats what you got... heard recently of a
man in england arrested for defending his home from an attacker/thief
with a sword... I think the person who signed his arrest warrant
needs to be arrested and tried for impeeding justice.. and suggest
that a support group be formed to help the swordsman...

anyway, the point I wanted to get to, was the importance of making
things, especially your own gear... if you make your own stuff, you
can also repair and replace it, or teach others.... I suspect if
the nuke war is even mildly limited, and the Ranchers dont show up,
the SCA types will be one of the groups who actually are able to do
some good... being already retro leaning...

one of the big realizations I've had making gear, is that its a
finite list... when you get it really figured out what you actually
need, its a short list...

the salesmen will happily sell you all kinds of shit.. but think
about the medieval wanderer; what did he most likely have? was it a
monster backpack, goretex clothing, yuppie hiking boots, swiss army
knife, plastic water bottles, sleeping bag, groundpad/air mattress,
tent, water filter, GPS, Titanium cookware, designer sunglasses,
gas stove, spandex or poly propalene undies,
Topo Maps, and a parking permit for his car?

I think not...

I suspect he had a knife and stone, flint and steel, a warm cape,
leather over knitted clothing, maybe boots or even wooden clogs,
maybe a bow and quiver of arrows, and enough sense to build a quick
roof of poles and thatch if he needed one...

likely he had a hand axe.... and maybe a pot to cook in, and perhaps
a spoon... everything he owned would fit in his sack or on his
person... and he traveled long distances happily....

who appears practical, and who are the fools?

most of surviving whats coming is letting go of the bullshit in time....

and I'd much rather have the retro gear... including a sword and a
spear... than an empty assault rifle...

theres hardly enough metal in an assault rifle to forge out a dagger,
spear head, and arrow heads out of...

lately I have been working on a knife blade design, for a leaf shaped
blade, like a doctors lancet... kind of Elfish looking design, but
what strikes me is it's multi-tasking abilities...


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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday, 4th June, 2010.......


fool on a hill, one of many I'm sure... and likely more all the
time.. better a wise fool than a dead vanity head I guess eh?

I slept for awhile this evening, the mind freewheeling without the
spirit in control, dreamed of indigenous friends... So wasnt bad to
wake up and be thinking of them... humans to be sure, but humbled by
the vanities of others just as I am... which makes me think about the
prophecies of black elk, that the crazy whites would all get
diseased and die off....

well I think they were already diseased even in his day... but then
its likely so were the other races.. Not a white apologist here, just
somebody who knows perfection aint none of us, of any color... if
its human, its a sick coyote inside.... thinkin' its going to steal
something and get away with it..

anyway got up, rebuilt the fire... Gave the dog a hug, thanked her for
killing 3 rats today... She was diligent, I finally realized what she
was up to, and helped her by moving some lumber... less rats, a
better world... happy dogs, her with some yummy rats, me without them
chewing holes in my gear....

listened to short wave today, world still crazy and getting worse...
More rumors of wars.. A few wars too... nuclear wars... not your
bedroom variety...

meanwhile all the vanity heads persue their loves...

and I get to be the crazy white guy who thinks planting bananas is a
good idea if the big rats are going to fight with nukes....

pretty good food when the supermaket is gutted with fire and bodies in
the street....

funny how I see self centeredness everywhere.... ego monsters,
liars, people with big fancy mirrors to see their clothing and hair

me? Nuthin' much to look at.... wear simple clothing, trying to keep
the jewel burning in my hearth....

appreciate my dog, who thinks the floor beside my bed is a good place
to be.... Humble... Good rat killer... Is what she is.... a better
and truer friend than many an exwife.... and millions of men left
with a dog and a gutted heart, after the woman's game comes back on

you cant escape cause & effect forever... seen alot of hot bitches
playing the game.... theyre all getting old now, have to get their
face on to go out and not be seen as a demon.....

being some ugly guy is fairly nice...

no beauty to lose... nothing but me and my tea, a fire, dog, and
cricket concert... what could be better? I'll be doing it after
old rich men are glowing dust in the winds of hell....

ashes of vanity.....

will the ranchers return and find me sipping leaf tea? baking ripe
bananas, munching coconut...

will they say to each other; "this one's still alive" in some
outworld tounge? point their sensors at me & dog, and get a more sane
reading than they got in town? not mind blasted by catastrophy...
Just a guy appreciating some boiled leaves and a dog's company...
will they be surprised to see my bags packed? Exodus, an old
legend.... sky gods, warnings, mostly unheeded... silly archaic
scribbles from men dead thousands of years.. Only some one with a
cuckoo clock for a head would consider them anything...

will I have seen the lights in the sky? known what it meant? we
shall see... A planet gone crazy.. nuclear war is insane.. Game over,
thanks for playing.... time to collect the statistics... see what
made it through hell.... Look for anything worth saving, like
scavengers at a dump...

will we all have visions? Know we are being taken? Will we hear or
see what happened to those guilty of the insanity? have to wait and

I will be content not being a part of the problem...
Better alone on a hill..

morning, awaiting dawn... its been an interesting morning, stepped
out w/my flashlight, and walked into a heavy duty spider web...with
spider attached, always interesting here, if you'd seen how big, and
how bazaar the spiders are here, you'd understand how interesting....

then, for an encore, I managed to spill my teapot into the fire, and
had to start over on the tea.... now sipping tea, awaiting dawn,
listening to the cars on the highway, it's car O'clock in the morning,
and all the vanity heads are on their way to jobs...

poor fools, trapped by their own lusts for things etc... been there,
done that, took years and alot of bad luck and people's trips to
break the programming... I'm now down to being a micro vanity head..
budget so small.... still works the same, and what I've discovered,
is I really dont need much... no garage to stuff with cool shit, no
TV to make me think I've gotta havvit....

most of my materialism these days is $20 or less.. generally $5 or
less.... but I do still make progress, and often use money to buy
ingredients, and then add my own labor and do crafts rather than
buying... and I do save up for larger items etc....

what one realizes, is how little one actually needs, and how
addictive materialism is....

its a cycle; want, get, forget, lose or get rid of....

so these days I try to focus on things I can actually use.... and I
dont need much that I dont already have.. I also try to stock up on
survival gear, subsistence stuff etc... these $2 kitchen knives might
seem like a good investment after the factories are rubble... going
to be hard on the survivors, I know what its like to be flattened
emotionally... being used to a culture of convienance, and then
waking up to a none of that reality is a bit hard.... causes
dispair... takes serious fortitude to overcome the shock...

anyway dawn here now, birds singing.. Time to go send this....

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wednesday 2nd June, 2010.........

Raining lightly... Fire crackling, me contemplating the extreme
vanity of humans.... amazing, truely amazing.. one of the things I
like about living in the brush, is it trims off vanity like a
sythe... mine, and anybody elses that gets anywhere near...

would be pathetic if not for the ranchers...

what I have figured out, is the less you bother with other humans,
the more tranquil life is.... I appreciate being alone, dont get
other people's vanity in my face....

I've watched enough humans to figure out where they are at... always
seem to be at their own level of vanity, where ever it happens to
be... no vanity ever too extreme....

being trapped at indigenous levels, one learns about vanity observing
others... from the bottom, the only direction is up...

best I pay attention to other more fundamental things, therein lies hope...

yesterday happened upon a tree type with good bark for lacing, not as
good as another type, but amazingly strong... its the missing link
in a long term desire.. I have Balsa, which is good for boxes and
other projects, just needed lacing...

what I have discovered, is neoindigenism gains more results than the
big lie... a humble guy can do OK as "world reject" if he leans
towards the neoindigenous stuff..

though I be abandoned, by family and community, I will carry on alone,
because it gets steadily better...

I was thinking about it last week, how good I have it... everyone
seems to consider me crazy, but what I have learned, is not only am
I better off in real terms, but being close to the earth has
incredible dividends.. not only do I get to watch the osprey and the
vine snake, I am shielded from humans to good extent... Today I cut
a breadfruit, and added it to my corn.... not bad for free... just
me and the dog eating it...

to me getting an $8 pocket knife is a vanity.. or a $2 kitchen knife
I can use for bladestock, and turn into something more custom......

people in the US measure their vanity in thousands of dollars...
Babylon is still an enticing whore... under her paint and wig, she's
a cancerous hagfish.....

its been a good year for me materialistically... But didnt get
anything that wouldnt go up a ramp of a ship.... in fact,
everything I acquired in the last year is stargate stuff..

minus the $12 short wave...

and it would go on a ship at sea just fine....

also most of my projects are stargate items... hoping to get some
epoxy glue this month to finish an axe project.. did a cortesa
handle for a 3 lb single bitt, with finger grooves etc. In handle...
a large axe for a smaller man, but perfect for the bigger jobs....
it wants a few finishing touches, but it's 95% done, complete with
custom reshaping of the head.... the head has been tested working by
me personally.. This is the second handle.. likely will be it's

I did the project with stargate criteria in mind... the best
serious axe I could do.. I have a smaller mate for it, with a purple
heart handle thats long and thin, its more of a pack & portage axe..
does serious work, but less load getting it far into the forest...

I also saw another couple axes I'm interested in, one may be gone
when I get there.. axes are in the top 5 survival and subsistance

having several isnt stupid... Its a tool so important its better to
carry a spare than be without....

thinking if I do get another, to also do a cortesa handle... more
attempts at readying for Exodus....

its like Heinlein's Classic; "Tunnel in the sky", I think its the
fundamentals that count most.... he had at the end of his book
colonists going thru a stargate in animal drawn wagons.. which was
thought provoking to me as a teenager... Science fiction? Wagons?
then I thought about it and it made sense.. No highways, no oil wells,
no refineries, and no car parts...

myself, I'd opt for metal wheels, and timkin bearings.. wagon wheels
of wood are a marvel of human ingenuity, but problematic...

I'd use solid rubber tires, like on early steel wheeled horse drawn carts....

no flats to fix....
I would likely fabricate my own wheels, and use bandag type retread
for the tires, go wider wheels, more floatation, less getting

I'd also go as tall as possible or practical... the reasons for
tall wheels were they are easier to pull, have better ground
clearance, etc., I'd stick wit a cart, not a wagon...

a cart would be the most I'd want to deal with...

key to success with animal drawn cartage is keeping the weight down...
like the surrey racers at the county fair using bike tubing
construction, and motorcycle wheels.. Not what I'd want for hauling,
but its starting from the light end of design that counts... I see
the latins here building pony carts using small truck differentials..
The last thing I'd use.. HEAVY! and they leave the gearing intact,
so poor pony is pulling the gearing, over 500 lbs of cart empty, and
perhaps 1000 lbs of palm fruit.... some have built better carts,
and they make incredible haulers with a single horse.. definitely as
much hauling capacity as I'd need..

I'd want my load less than 800 lbs...
A lot less if possible..

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