Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 27th2012...

March 27th2012...

Worked on a liner for the shard knife sheath out of cutting board plastic.
Learned some things about working with the material..
Thinking about doing a nylon cover for the plastic liner..

Have been experimenting with the cutting board plastic fairly long term.. Will likely use it for other refugee kit items...

Have been thinking past couple of days about doing a steel Marlin spike. Would prefer stainless, but materials not available to me. So thinking to use some tool steel from either a crow bar or drift punch...

I have a brass pipe fitting to make a nice ornamental cap, and have figured i can grind a step into the end of the tool steel bar, and use my electric drill to turn it, as i use my angle head grinder to taper etc...

And get a nice professional job of the project.. Might have to make a tool for cleaning out the threads in the pipe fitting. Maybe buy a wood bit and re shape it..

Thinking to do one about ten inches overall, to match my bushcraft knife.
Which I also made with a sailors uses in mind.. The tip fairly wide for use as a spoon like eating device.. Back of blade for scraping and scaling..

I think a Marlin spike would be a good possession in a refugee situation..

Likely would find all kinds of uses for it..

And I do tend to work with line often..

I see my quest as making all the fundamental stuff up that one would need post technocult.. Some things are on hold for materials, but I keep gnawing at it all..

Been having fun on a date site..

Kind of pathetic really.. They want their rumps kissed... Ive been writing crit instead.. I figured out the game long ago..

Saw some stuff last town trip Id like to pick up, one item was another kid's shovel, but a flat scoop type.. Probably designed for city people with dogs or something..

I was thinking it would be nicer for my fire pit ashes. Than the spade type kids shovel I got awhile back, and would double as a dust pan etc..

Probably gone when I get back to it, story of my life. Not like I need it or anything, but it did look like a handy down sized tool..

And I seem to be collecting a few of those.. Foxhole digging equipment..
Or tunneling? I cringe thinking about those folk in Belarus digging a 24 inch tunnel for hundreds of meters... Thats just big enough for an average adult to squeeze through.. And would be hell to work in..

But i guess if you know the Nazis are going to shoot you sooner or later, doesnt hurt to try a run for it..

The Ray Mears video Belarus on you tube is required watching for any survivalist wannabee with a brain...

You want to know what FEMA camps are likely to evolve into, and what your only alternative is...

Personally one hopes that one avoids such.... And thats what the refugee gear is all about, avoiding problems.. That when problems come looking for you, you arent there..

I got out of the US to avoid problems.. Saw things starting to go over the edge of the cliff..

I think its the moments before the last hand hold gives way at this point..

The most sensitive types have already left, or in process..

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday, march 20, 2012

Tuesday, march 20, 2012

Sipping tea, fire going, awaiting dawn..

Went over a couple days ago to visit family in Buruca Indian reserve. It's one of my favorite places. Collected a few rocks, was looking for chert, but no signs of such in the sands of Rio Changuena, but I did find a couple cool specimens, one iron pirite crystals in a vein, another perhaps molibnium crystals in a gray stone.
And I got a couple hunks of really hard and fine grained basalt. Tried the basalt when I got home for sparking, and it does spark, but don't think I'd want to have to light a fire with the stuff unless I had gas or something.

Also got some tree seeds, Teak, Guanacaste, something else that animals can eat the seeds of, and a tree that covers the ground in Kapok like fluff.

I used the kapok stuff to demonstrate a misch metal stick to the Indians, they were blown away, got really excited.. Also showed them my mini fire piston but didn't take lube, so couldn't do a good demonstration...

The motor was evidently on the fritz for the fiberglass panga, so I got to cross the river in a large dugout paddled by an Indian to get across the Terraba, I was happy.. Prefer the more primitive experiences...

Was fun to show the Indians bushcraft stuff, and my bushcraft knife, one wanted me to make and sell him one, I refused, but told him I'd teach him if he wanted.. That was too much for him, Decadent Indian! Gone white, wants to use money instead of making something he wanted..

So, I will get the tree seeds into a nursery bed soon, and hopefully get one of the fluff trees going, it lit really good from spark. Would be nice to have going on the farm, for when the shit hits the fan, just gather and bag the stuff, and be able to light fire with flint and steel all year..

Would also make good stuffing for beds or pillows etc. pretty cushy stuff, not a lot of mechanical strength, but a bush crafter could make nice bedding with it..

Perhaps it would felt, and you could do a blanket?

I made a mini digging bar recently out of a small crowbar, hacksawed off the hooked end, and forged out a flat wide end, and ground a point on the other, got the idea from a Ray Mears video, on you tube, was a downsized version of one some aboriginal used for digging for roots and water.
Finding it to be a very handy little tool.

Have other stuff to dig roots, and still have water in the spring,
But I like the tool and it's sized to go into my refugee gear tool kit...

When I was at the Panama border a week plus ago, saw a new type of kids shovel, a flat scooping blade, thinking about getting one to use to clean my fire pit ashes out with.. Looked like a handy mate to the other round nose I got awhile back..

Was funny bringing the round nose home, everybody asked me why I bought it, told them a camping shovel..

I've been surprised at how much I use it. Way handy for whatever small hole.

Suspect it will get used more than any shovel I have. Minimalistic things are like that, small things get used more than big ones..

What I am learning overall, is that if one heads for a minimalistic neoindigenous lifestyle there are a lot of dividends, wouldn't want a real house now, definitely will be happier in a yurt/tipi cross, less bullshit, regular houses require a lot of labor to maintain..

So I find not having a refrigerator or bathroom to clean to be a liberating thing..

Basically people buy stuff because they think they need what's normal, and over look the simpler cheaper options...

And the banks, building departments, and construction companies make a lot of money, people enslaved for a lifetime of payments just because they can't think outside the box...

I wouldn't even consider it now. I know better.. Although it took being poor to break me out of the mental paradigm...

Better a poor man in a tropical paradise, than a rich man in a cold climate city..

And that's something the bush crafter types need to figure out. That they have options that would allow their skills to be turned into a lifestyle that liberated them permanently from the rat race...

And would also improve their chances of survival by thousands of times in WW3....

I wouldn't want to have to try to stay warm and fed in a cold climate after the collapse.. Would be really hard.. Don't think you'd live to be very old just due to the stresses...

But here, I can buy stuff that gives me everything I need, and do it on a micro budget..

The trick is in realizing what you don't need.. And figuring out the incredible power of minimalism...

If you don't like the technocult and being a trapped rat. Buying a hunk of land someplace sunny and warm and setting it up to live simple is the preferred option...

Doesn't take much land, 5 acres will grow all the food you need, and land in the brush is still cheap. Third world county outback is very affordable to anyone with a job in the first world.. What's key, is in not having too much... 5 acres, a shack, well, and solar panel, and call it home, plant food trees on about half, garden and grow staples on the other half. Forever free.. And all for the price of a new econo car... Everything...

I'm collecting parts to put my mountain bike back together, then going to get a little 49cc motor on it.. Will be fine transportation in the tropics, and no need of all the bureaucratic crap... Would Lilly cost me more to get a drivers license, pay registration, insurance, etc. than the motor will cost, and you don't move a foot for the money, and it just feeds the beast government...

I live in a runt country, the size of a large county in Oregon. I can go anywhere in the country on a motorized bike in a day...

Camp, do what ever, and motor home...

What would I need a car for?

The truth is this; you're most likely trapped in the first world by some woman...

There are women here, fairly reasonable.. Ten dollars gets you laid anywhere in the third world..

So it doesn't make much sense to be a slave in the rat race for some slimy hole with a total bitch around it..

They're way over priced.. All they want is a lifetime slave to fulfill their every vanity and to treat like shit while saying they love you...

Wake up fool...

Get rid of her, live cheap for a year or two, and collect some tools and bug out before the shit hits instead of after...

A guy doesn't need much, can live fine gardening year round...

Let the bitch support her own vanity.

She thinks all she needs to survive is a victim.. Let that not be you...

If you get into subsistence, and have a shack and a garden going, some third world woman will decide that's better than going hungry or living with her parents...

And is probably better looking than an over fed white woman anyway...

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, march 20, 2012

Tuesday, march 20, 2012

Sipping tea, fire going, awaiting dawn..

Went over a couple days ago to visit family in Buruca Indian reserve. It's one of my favorite places. Collected a few rocks, was looking for chert, but no signs of such in the sands of Rio Changuena, but I did find a couple cool specimens, one iron pirite crystals in a vein, another perhaps molibnium crystals in a gray stone.
And I got a couple hunks of really hard and fine grained basalt. Tried the basalt when I got home for sparking, and it does spark, but don't think I'd want to have to light a fire with the stuff unless I had gas or something.

Also got some tree seeds, Teak, Guanacaste, something else that animals can eat the seeds of, and a tree that covers the ground in Kapok like fluff.

I used the kapok stuff to demonstrate a misch metal stick to the Indians, they were blown away, got really excited.. Also showed them my mini fire piston but didn't take lube, so couldn't do a good demonstration...

The motor was evidently on the fritz for the fiberglass panga, so I got to cross the river in a large dugout paddled by an Indian to get across the Terraba, I was happy.. Prefer the more primitive experiences...

Was fun to show the Indians bushcraft stuff, and my bushcraft knife, one wanted me to make and sell him one, I refused, but told him I'd teach him if he wanted.. That was too much for him, Decadent Indian! Gone white, wants to use money instead of making something he wanted..

So, I will get the tree seeds into a nursery bed soon, and hopefully get one of the fluff trees going, it lit really good from spark. Would be nice to have going on the farm, for when the shit hits the fan, just gather and bag the stuff, and be able to light fire with flint and steel all year..

Would also make good stuffing for beds or pillows etc. pretty cushy stuff, not a lot of mechanical strength, but a bush crafter could make nice bedding with it..

Perhaps it would felt, and you could do a blanket?

I made a mini digging bar recently out of a small crowbar, hacksawed off the hooked end, and forged out a flat wide end, and ground a point on the other, got the idea from a Ray Mears video, on you tube, was a downsized version of one some aboriginal used for digging for roots and water.
Finding it to be a very handy little tool.

Have other stuff to dig roots, and still have water in the spring,
But I like the tool and it's sized to go into my refugee gear tool kit...

When I was at the Panama border a week plus ago, saw a new type of kids shovel, a flat scooping blade, thinking about getting one to use to clean my fire pit ashes out with.. Looked like a handy mate to the other round nose I got awhile back..

Was funny bringing the round nose home, everybody asked me why I bought it, told them a camping shovel..

I've been surprised at how much I use it. Way handy for whatever small hole.

Suspect it will get used more than any shovel I have. Minimalistic things are like that, small things get used more than big ones..

What I am learning overall, is that if one heads for a minimalistic neoindigenous lifestyle there are a lot of dividends, wouldn't want a real house now, definitely will be happier in a yurt/tipi cross, less bullshit, regular houses require a lot of labor to maintain..

So I find not having a refrigerator or bathroom to clean to be a liberating thing..

Basically people buy stuff because they think they need what's normal, and over look the simpler cheaper options...

And the banks, building departments, and construction companies make a lot of money, people enslaved for a lifetime of payments just because they can't think outside the box...

I wouldn't even consider it now. I know better.. Although it took being poor to break me out of the mental paradigm...

Better a poor man in a tropical paradise, than a rich man in a cold climate city..

And that's something the bush crafter types need to figure out. That they have options that would allow their skills to be turned into a lifestyle that liberated them permanently from the rat race...

And would also improve their chances of survival by thousands of times in WW3....

I wouldn't want to have to try to stay warm and fed in a cold climate after the collapse.. Would be really hard.. Don't think you'd live to be very old just due to the stresses...

But here, I can buy stuff that gives me everything I need, and do it on a micro budget..

The trick is in realizing what you don't need.. And figuring out the incredible power of minimalism...

If you don't like the technocult and being a trapped rat. Buying a hunk of land someplace sunny and warm and setting it up to live simple is the preferred option...

Doesn't take much land, 5 acres will grow all the food you need, and land in the brush is still cheap. Third world county outback is very affordable to anyone with a job in the first world.. What's key, is in not having too much... 5 acres, a shack, well, and solar panel, and call it home, plant food trees on about half, garden and grow staples on the other half. Forever free.. And all for the price of a new econo car... Everything...

I'm collecting parts to put my mountain bike back together, then going to get a little 49cc motor on it.. Will be fine transportation in the tropics, and no need of all the bureaucratic crap... Would Lilly cost me more to get a drivers license, pay registration, insurance, etc. than the motor will cost, and you don't move a foot for the money, and it just feeds the beast government...

I live in a runt country, the size of a large county in Oregon. I can go anywhere in the country on a motorized bike in a day...

Camp, do what ever, and motor home...

What would I need a car for?

The truth is this; you're most likely trapped in the first world by some woman...

There are women here, fairly reasonable.. Ten dollars gets you laid anywhere in the third world..

So it doesn't make much sense to be a slave in the rat race for some slimy hole with a total bitch around it..

They're way over priced.. All they want is a lifetime slave to fulfill their every vanity and to treat like shit while saying they love you...

Wake up fool...

Get rid of her, live cheap for a year or two, and collect some tools and bug out before the shit hits instead of after...

A guy doesn't need much, can live fine gardening year round...

Let the bitch support her own vanity.

She thinks all she needs to survive is a victim.. Let that not be you...

If you get into subsistence, and have a shack and a garden going, some third world woman will decide that's better than going hungry or living with her parents...

And is probably better looking than an over fed white woman anyway...

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15, 2012.....

March 15, 2012.....

Well home alone and happy about it..
Nice day, about 85f
I'm cooking, will eat in a half hour.
Balmy breeze. And the monkeys came this morning..
Have six with baby's now.

Worked on a project yesterday and this morning;
A downsized version of the Aussie abo digging bar in the Ray Mears video.. I bought a small crowbar for $3, and then hacksawed off the curved end and then forged out the other end flat and wider, then a point on the south end...

Turned out pretty cool, a non descript little tool..

Looks handy for whatever...

Have been searching info on chert here in Costa Rica, trying to find some close to home...

Transportation is an issue, would take me a long day each way to go up to the Nicoya where there are deposits, so the searching online for geologic info...

Have been playing on a survivalist date site this last week, fun, but no results...

I doubt they liked what I had to say...

American women. Generally spoiled and conceited....

Not my problem, and I have women hitting on me here that are younger and better looking..

But, I dont respond well, not interested in problems, and have figured out that the price is way too high for their services...

General theme seems they just want to get fat and be nasty to someone trying to be decent to them..

Don't need any of that..

Much happier alone than being twiddled with..

Many mention work.. I think they just want a slave with gonads they can emotionally castrate..

I'm happier doing my own hobbies, than I would be with some woman providing a list of things she wanted done, tapping her foot, and creating a toxic emotional ambient to emotionally blackmail me into some bleep she wanted to feed her body fat or tickle her vanity...

Basically what has happened, is each generation has upped expectations, to the point it's all insane..

They don't seem to be able to fathom that some guy in a tropical paradise who's got acres of food trees and plants, is as good or better than some guy with an iffy job in a rotten climate, who thinks freeze dried food and lots of ammo is real security...

They won't figure it out until north Korea uses tactical nukes on the west coast nuclear power plants, and the whole US becomes permanently uninhabitable in 48 hours...

Playing survivalist and actually using your head are two different things...

They want their cake, and eat it too..

Gotta have all the money and vanity trips, and try to feel secure at the same time....

Dues to pay on that one... Most of them, even the preppers would be dead meat if there's a nuclear war..

Look at it this way; hundreds of millions killed in WW2, and 3/4's of the planet only read about it in the papers..

Nobody invaded Belize...

Not enough there to fight about..

What it all boils down to, is the most important thing in what's coming is location..

And the closer you are to money, the less your chances...

I think the US is going to get totally trashed. much of it will look like the face of the moon.

And the rest will be so radio active, the Roaches will stay warm, if they make it thru the nuclear winter.

the place is likely to be burnt, crushed, and extremely toxic...

So I really don't see it as worth hanging out up there for the right to pay taxes..

I got an email from a friend recently, he did the math and figured out that if he works overtime, it raises his tax rate to the point he's working for free...

That must be where the saying the land of the free came from?

Universal cotton picker ism?

Most are still fat dumb and happy.
But they've never been free a day in their life.

And things are starting to rust up and crumble...

A city where there might have been Twenty homeless people on the street now has a couple hundred.

And thousands bunched up two or three families to a house..

And the rich getting richer faster than ever.

So it's obvious where it's all heading..

Hell is too good of a description...

Anyway, I couldn't live like that.

I'm fine at maybe one twentieth the cash flow...

Anyway, got a few small items in town...
Several were survival related stuff...

And I always see a few items for next trip... I really don't have interest in most of the stuff for sale these days...

If it isn't self sufficieny related I'm not into it. And even then I'm looking for downsized or minimalistic stuff...

On the digging bar, I already have one that weighs ten pounds or so, wanted something that would fit into a pack or duffle. That I could use with hand tools in the garden if I ran into a small Rock etc.

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, March 2nd, 2012


Finally got my communications back up and running. Now using a 3G iPhone hooked to a solar panel...

Have been busy doing projects, and also checking out the bushcraft zone online..

I did a couple of fire pistons, and a couple of knives, and rehandled my double bitt axe with a Cortesa handle I made.

I also did a border crossing into Panama, And got some UV resist greenhouse plastic for my shelter roof,
And I got a few items of other materialism since I last did blog entry...

One item I got was a kid's shovel.
Only to find that a lot of bushcraft types are coming to the same conclusion; that a decent kids shovel is better than a heavy & clunky folding E-tool.

Also I see Ray Mears stated a machete is the number one survival tool. Something I have realized for some time.

I also found and bought a couple downsized 22 inch and a 24 inch rula style machetes in Panama....

One has been sharpened and camo painted via rattle can.

The others will follow suit.

I really like the 22 inch rula for a carrying machete... It's not for clearing large areas, but it is nice for small jobs, and especially for crafts where the shorter blade is easier to control while hacking on and shaping wood items...

I've been enjoying surfing the web from my own camp cot.. For the first time I don't have to take a hike to get signal. And everything works. And I am starting to learn the iPhone and the web...

Have mostly been watching bushcraft videos, and analyzing the social movement I see going on there.

I watched Ray Mears Belarus series, on you tube, and it was the most right in thing I have seen in years....

Message being; you can't trust the system to be there for you, and sooner or later you can count on it being against you in a seriously sick way...

I sent the link out to several people.

Anyway, wanted to make an entry, and get back into blogging.


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