Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday 31st March 2010.........

actually just midnight, I woke rested..
Full tropical moon, ting frogs chiming in the jungle around me..
things a bit wet from an evening rain....

slept good... had to wake up to turn off the short wave... then woke
up again half hour ago, built a fire...

thinking for awhile about my last visit to the states, and the
culture shock of it all... I doubt I ever go back again... It was
getting bad, people I'd known all older, many almost
The general public turned very yuppyish... that was before the
economic crash, so I suspect less arrogance now... I saw people
spending as much in a week on designer coffee stops, as I'd lived on
for a year in the third world....

It all looked like a mass psychosis to me.... I was happy to get home
to the jungle again, lose the weight I'd gained, get back into my
life being me outside the packthink mentality...

basically what I've realized, is maturity as a person has alot to do
with how little you need the social system... I'm not 100% divorced
from it by any means, but I havent bought food in about 3 months,
living on stuff my fruit trees give me, feeling fine diet wise, and
the only stress I have seems to be human related....

Its a far cry from life in the city, where I see governments have gone
preditory.. we have drones all over the planet acting like economic
breeder reactors, doing a cultural meltdown, and thinking more of
the same will fix it.....

the Office heads are about to get a reality check I think... they
will soon run out of rope.... all their imaginary money is heading
for worthless.... and what will happen when all the police they've
hired and equipped with machine guns, cant buy shit with their
paychecks? here, they extort people on a good day, what will they
do when it gets bad? and how long before backup becomes a myth, and
they get taken out with agricultural tools?

The myth of good government is dying a cancerous death...
everywhere.. it wont be long until they are universally despised...

And when the food supply goes down, all plans become meaningless...
the Economic Titanic turns into people in food lifeboats, and most
crying out in the cold water of hunger....

I get the BBC news email, I dont see any sanity.... I see infinite
insanity.... a world based on an artificial reality paradigm...
where everyone is still pretending great, as the ship noses into the
deep dark cold water....

the people in the office mentality think they can go on robbing the
fundamentals forever.. that there are no limits to what they can do
with their packthink mind..

no limits to damage?

there are always limits to everything....

even a technocult has limits....

and me? I sit an ageing fool on a hill.... figuring things out...
knowing the end approaches by various paths.... I'm betting I'll
see ships in the sky in my lifetime... after the apocalypse....
things are accelerating now... I wonder if Dodos & Dinos were
politically correct at the end? Good chance...

I've got it pretty much figured out.. got the fundamentals down...
me and my campfire, and my wolfy dog are a bit wild.... I know how
to crack a coconut, I can bake a banana... I can wander around with
my sack and a machette gathering food... my fruit trees drop the
stuff everywhere... I have degrees that are worthless, I've had
experiences in far places... I have figured out how humans really
are... and forgiven them for being so stupid.... got the same
disease in my own mirror...

all I can say, is let go of arrogance, its a short movie.....
arrogance is like the snail wheel in a clock movement, when the trip
drops over the edge after the high climb, the bell chimes....

high climbs are often followed by long drops, and sudden stops.....

and I will at least be wandering my mountain, filling my sack, sharing
it with the dog, watching the full moon setting towards sunrise,
long after the offices are burned out rubble, and their inhabbitants
long dead...

a man has to keep with the fundamentals at the end of an era.... the
alien preditors among us are terminal... People are figuring it out...
that there is decency, and there are preditory liars.....

well the preditors will fall into their own pit trap....

and the decent types will help each other thru the bad times...

which are you?

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday 29th March 2010.........

morning, and another pretty one...
this morning's thoughts seem to be around taxation with
misrepresentation... or maybe its; pissrepresentation...?

I've been thinking this morning about how the neoindigenous concept
cures most of the problem... taxes on a hopi hogan in a desert, and a
few sheep and a couple ponies cant be anything compared to those who
get caught up building ranchstyle (read; "Burb-style) houses....

its all in getting caught up in vanity rather than practicality....
much better a beater 4wd pickup than a shiny Egomobile sedan....
the key to success in the future is apparent borderline poverty,
plenty of distance, and a simple life.....

I did some drawings the other day, of an 8x8 foot cabin, I was trying
to design an absolute minimalistic dwelling for one..... sounds
pretty crazy, but I'm living in a 10x10 ft space and its much more
than I need... i'd consider a 12x24 roomy, and would want some of that
to be porch...

my point is you dont need much.. and happiness seems to be more a
function of simplicity than excess.....

especially at tax time... and one wouldnt want to feed any arrogant

basically in a small cabin, I'd cook in a fireplace just as my
anscestors did... I cook on less now, and have for years.....

folks its getting bad... much better to scatter, dig in, hide, get
low, get self sufficient...

get rehooked up with the power of earth... Disconnect from the system..

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday 28th, March, 2010...................


interesting thoughts this morning around neoindigenous concepts, an
online friend sent me an artical from a Dutch group.. very
interesting, went into the back to nature movement in Germany, that
was taken over by the Nazis, and turned into one of the best examples
of a techno-fascism the world had ever seen.......

I think the root of the problem is hypocrisy...

people who pretend they can live in the cities, that are sucking the
planet dead, and somehow if they form Natural, back to the land
groups, or political groups, like the greens,or join new age
religions, it some how makes their hypocritic lifestyle Kosher.....

You have to actually do it to be real......
Being pretend real isnt real.....

being politically correct is not the same as being correct....

being political is being part of an egocentric collective.. And very

political groups invariably are herds.. herds are easy to turn &
stampede as the nazis proved so well......

naturalism is the antithesis to politics... you dont get there by
voting for representitives, who pass laws to force others to obey your
ideology, you get there by actually adopting a more harmonious life
in nature.... you have to get off your ass and out of the city...

the Dutch artical also expressed Indigenous people's critisizm of new
age copy groups, and suggested they focus on their own roots rather
than insult native americans with their plastic pseudo indian crap....
I agree and disagree, and have stated many times in this blog that
going to one's own cultural roots is a viable and good idea.... but
I also come from the Western part of north america, where Indigenous
culture is part of the mix, I do have indigenous genetics in my
personal mix, and I do currently live in a place with two distinct
Indian tribes, and I have friends in both of them...

I also follow my own likes, and I like doing my crafts, which turn
out indigenous in style without me trying to copy Indian crafts......
its just how my art comes out.......

once when much younger and a bit more foolish, I tried acid a couple
times.... I didnt like the physical effects at all, felt very much
like I'd been poisoned...

But I did learn something interesting; when I began to halucinate, I
got nothing but Native American patterns...... a few months later,
tried it again, and got exact same results...... which I thought
interesting, but mostly forgot about, and decided I didnt like
chemical drugs, and never tried any of the laboratory based
recreational drugs again...

what I realized years later, is that there is something in my genetic
make up thats not only attracted to Indigenous Arts & crafts,
lifestyles etc., but CREATES such stuff..... I get well taken by
local indigenous people.. I have come to suspect in part its
genetics, the native american on my mother's side, perhaps combined
with the Germanic Indigenism from same side of my family..... the
other side of my family is mostly Irish, another people with a long
history of living close to the land and with each other in clan and
tribal-like ways...

I think its too late to be pure anything....

I think I'll run with the ball I have.....

I think I'm happy with my crafts, and I couldnt care less what anybody
thinks who would critisize me for "copying" native americans...
I've never seen a packsaddle like mine, so how can it be a copy?

my point, is I'm going forward, and I'm actually doing it, and living
it, and anyone living in the city who thinks their new age religion,
or their political affiliations gives them the right to critisize me,
is wrong... until you leave the city, and begin to grow your own
food, and make your own things, you are a hippocrit wannabee....

being a City friend to Indigenous peoples does not make you one of
them.... actually adopting the life and living with them does....
its tribal folks... join the tribe.......

get real....
Get natural....

quit being another facet of the big lie......

city people expounding on naturalism, is like Virgin Nuns teaching sex

you have no rights until you actually do it....

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Another moonset........

Three in the morning.....
Just practiced guitar, new chords mostly....
Doing ok, learning them, aint instant, but am making headway...

know the more chords I learn, the more repretoir and ability to choose....

for now they sound strange.... when I know a hundred, I'll be able
to float around between them at will....

what I realize is its like in Asimov's Foundation series, where the
Mule plays his musical instrument and effects people emotionally,
that the chords in music set the mood... and a good bard should be
able to cause emotional response in his audience.... for now, I dont
know much, but I do know where I want to go in due time....

it will take me years, but I've nothing better to do....

eventually I will be able to put it all together... and not just
copy, but create... it feels good to be learning something new...

on another subject, heard on radio last night a discussion about
truckers and new laws etc..

the drones have insidiously slimed their way into there too, going to
refuse CDL's to truckers with a half inch too much belly... and the
middlemen have sucked the profit out of it...

basically whats happening is business as usual... an elite improving
things for themselves at other's expense....

what they are going to get is a collapse of the transpotation system....

and I realized its the same everywhere... going to be collapses on
all fronts; economic, transportation, food production etc. and that
rolling blackouts were soon to happen in more than electricity...

not a nice realization.... the transportation and food production
systems are a tich necessary to function...

basically we have drones busily improving things to terminal levels on
all fronts....

"name one thing that isnt screwed up!"

then tell me where we are going to end up if we keep heading the
direction we're going now?

its none of the drone's fucking business whether truckers have bellys
or not... this is absurd... and we risk our transportation system
with such arrogance? baboons in business suits! these arent
intelligent sane people... These are absolute idiots in charge....

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Wednesday 24th 2010.............

Listening to short wave.... talking about preventing civil war... I
hope so.... but wonder about the time factor....

I suspect we arent as far from all hell breaking loose as we'd like
to think...

plenty of people know the story.. Plenty dont..... what a can of
worms.... I think the status quo are total fools... Basically a
bunch of drones who have little common sense....

you cant go against the public's wishes and call it a legitimate government....

the new heath bill is another straw on the Camel's back..


I'm looking forward to the Rancher's arrival... thats the turning
point for the better.... until then, it's downhill.... I try to
understand how it's supposed to go.... sounds ugly....

there is no need for any of this...

most people now realize the economy could collapse.. welcome to the
nutcase club! Everything going bankrupt....

I spent the evening reading in the bible, sifting for clues.... I'm
not a religious guy... a bit spiritual at best... but as always, I
was comparing my thesis of alien involvement, with text, and coming up
Bingo... also what I do know, is same types Jesus fought against,
and who thought to get rid of him, are same types causing problems
today; scribes & pharasees, i.e. Bean counter drones & Lawyers...
Busily heaping shit on common man, in this case me, for no good
reason, other than to justify having a paycheck by pretending to do
something important...

Which isnt going anywhere good, anytime soon...
As the bible points out, they heap the load on us, and never lift a
finger under the same laws themselves... its your necks guys... when
you crash things being arrogant & pompous fools, and then the aliens
show up for the clean up, youre going into the causation column...
and Enoch says you get your throats cut, and other places the
translations look more like being beheaded with swords... I'm not
sure, but I get the general idea, and dont want in that party... It
would be much better I was somebody humble with no success in the
system.. as my neck is rather fond of my head....

I appreciate Jesus as a teacher, now that I've gotten past the
hypocrisy of mainstream Christianity.. do I believe he's coming back?
You bet!, and I'm on his team when he does... I try to collect
wisdom from whatever source, and apply it personally in my life.. so
far its been a good business model.. and knowing the overall game
plan from Enoch, finding same game plan in the Koran, etc. I'm
pretty sure where we are heading..

Do I shut my mind to other teachers? no! if you put Buddha, Lao Tsu,
and Jesus at a company picnic together, they'd do fine, have an
enlightened discussion, and leave good friends....

their followers have had a thousand years, and not managed to get there....

Me, I seperate the followers from the teachers, and group followers
according to their results... and I'm not going to argue internally
over petty details... bottom line is always the same; human decency,
which includes all the other stuff like honesty & humility..

anyway, I'll probably feel sorry for all the drones that get lined up
to add their blood to the river up to a horses bridle deep... do you
suppose their vanity and arrogance will console them much waiting
their turn to play dead chicken? Will their car or clothes, or job
title matter?

one clue I found recently, was about decent people being surrounded on
all sides by the nasty types... what that told me, is according to
alien opinion, the bad guys out number the good guys by several
times... meaning there's alot of people assuming themselves to be
good guys, who fall short of the standards..... means I best get real
religious about cleaning up my act, if I want to make it up the ramp
to the stars...

I dont assume anything, I'm no fine Christian wearing a Rolex....
I'm just a moron trying to figure things out, and apply what I learn,
not to make a profit, but to make a better world...

It aint about me.....

I've made serious mistakes.... but I aint making those mistakes
again.. and I feel bad about all the wrongs I've done... but every
dawn is a new day, and the struggle is against the human condition,
same struggle Buddha & Lao Tsu taught about... and I see myself as
another warrior for peace, on the road of life... I cant win every
battle, but I can keep trying daily.... I can fight my own ego....
I can step back and look at myself... I can start over... to
continue trying is all we have..

Realizing the Alien/Ranchers involved script has been a help..
knowing things are going to get totally trashed, has me not placing
much value on wealth or materialism.... I focus these days on what I
need to live day to day, and I think about my materialism from a what
I can go refugee with mindset...

the Bible stories are all a collection of examples for us... It has
created a culture of passover & exodus, of having faith in whats
right etc. I believe it was done that way on purpose.....

bottom line is treat others as you'd want to be treated..

and prepare for what's coming due to the collective stupidity...

I dont think politics is the answer, we can do nothing collectively
that isnt tainted by our ego problems.. I think the answer is getting
ourselves in good order as individuals, and resisting the stupidity
rather than going along with it...

I write in this blog about violence.. generally as a warning... but
I also know peaceful protest not backed up by resolve to fight in the
trenches if necessary, is meaningless to those with no value of human
life.. mass murderers love victims.. it makes them feel more
important to kill more people... and the only thing they are afraid
of, is losing their own skins...

I think it will come to violence, but I know the real targets are
few.. I heard a comment yesterday about who do you target? as if it
was impossible to know.. well, that aint the case... anybody who has
been a victim of injustice knows it was people, specific people who
did it to them....

pretending to be innocent by just doing your job, isnt any insurance
against get even day...

anyway, I hope we can head off the violence, but I dont count on
that... I think the people in power are terminally stupid... they
think they can twiddle with everybody's lives and call it an

They have no shame....

They do have an end.....

With the new national health plan,
they write up several thousand pages, telling me how I have to run my life.....

I have a better idea... Considering they in no way represent the
wishes of the people, arent anywhere near constitutional etc,

I have a suggestion for them;

"Fuck Off!"

I dont need them for anything... and I have a duty to not support
what I know is wrong.... they are wrong, the whole US government is
as evil as any, and I dont believe a word of their shit.... nor does
anyone else these days with half a brain.....

public belief in the governments is lower than whale shit.. they
have absolute zero legitamacy..

and I dont blame people for wanting to exterminate the bastards...
and I suspect that is what's coming....

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday 22nd March 2010..........

Morning, going on one thirty...

been up since midnight, woke rested...
Built a fire for company, gave the dog a hug, then squeezed a bunch
of lemons into a tumbler, ate a miracle fruit, and drank the pure
lemon juice....
Boy is that good.. The miracle fruit changes your tastebuds, and the
lemon juice tastes like the best orange juice... serious vitamin
hit, I do them all day long until I run out of miracle fruit.....

anyway thoughts seem to be around government this morning.... good
governance is another government related oxymoron....

no such critter, just varying degrees of shit heads trying to run your
life for you at a profit for them and their sicko cronies with the
straws in your neck..

the answer to the system, is sanity.... most of you wouldnt
recognize the phenomina.. sanity appears as insanity... anti social
behavior is a form thereof.... all the shrinks have head problems...
And are busily judging you... generally referred to as hypocrits...

I hear people on radio describing government, or its effects.. lately
the census, and national health care.....

cenus is a nose up your butt... answer the questions truthfully, i.e.
Its none of your business...

national health care? No such animal.... the animal going by that
name is national insurance company care.... has nothing to do with
they are the bad health guys.. anti-health... suck you dry, give the
corpse to the doctors to disect and sell off the hunks, while all
involved wring their hands and tell you how much they want to help

the problems in the world all have a singularity for a beginning; the
human ego....

and very soon now, we will be going into the sudden destruction phase
of reality... thats where all those believing in the big lie get
squished like bugs, and burnt too most likely, and scream for
help.... all to no avail..

its the anti social behavior that will save your worthless butt...
best you cultivate it.....

if you think money is really important, thats a sure sign of terminal
insanity... if you think humans are good, you are missing half the
movie... most people these days think the glass is half full, the
upper half... how the bottom half with nothing in it holds up the
upper half, I havent a clue, but the analogy fits... its all
supported by mental fluff... Undue belief, and beautiful lies, and
gullible morons sucking it up......

basically sanity is getting away from the insane humans with their
mass psychosis of Hyennas & jackals pretending to be good buddies and
great citizens..

the only thing worth doing now, is getting out...

dont waste your time with politics, dont believe its going to get
fixed, aint likely... the best possible out come, is common man
waking up in time, and shooting the system like the Rabid dog it
really is....

chances are slim... People are waking up some, but they keep trying
to revive the poor vampire... he's OK, just so bloated he's sick...

me? still figuring out how crazy sane is.... Living one day at a
time, wish the world would go away so I could live in peace..
every day less vanity...

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

friday 19th March 2010..................

morning, just turned on the short wave, sounds like the world is
still there, a major miracle considering who runs it....

baking green bananas, eating smoked coconut, and thinking about Ocean

have you ever been there? Nice place, a vast country of mountains,
hills, valleys, and vast plains.... its ever changing, but still
always somehow the same..

Its a country always in tune with nature, and its the last frontier
on this planet....

and I see it as the sollution to the economic and legal tyranny being
shaped on this planet by sucking bureauocrats.....

I've thought about it for years, and think its the answer to my own
problems.... I'm not about to pay these "playos" thousands of
dollars a year to live in their third world pus sore of a

its been a continual problem, and no matter how decent one is, they
never, never get it... locals do, the government never does..... my
guess is I'd get more respect and cost less money to move to east L.A.
California... and have better security and living conditions.... I
cant believe people still come here to retire.... it was never all
that good... unless you like having your house emptied if you
leave for Christmas.......

I live out in the brush.. and avoid the problems... but the
government is gettting so greedy and puffed up, that its getting time
to go...

there is no peace here... a country with no military? thats a
lie... count the police now, a military in blue uniforms.. I'd
imagine them to be more numerous than the army they got rid of in
1948, likely cost more to pay too..

before this is over only the worst fools will come here... the most
gullible, with the least guts... and they will get what they
deserve.. bad service, the run around, but dont be a second late on
the payment.....

I felt sorry for the girl at immigration the other day, people were
angry, and she believed the new laws were a good thing.. I mentioned
Tico Times, and she asked what it said.... I told her, that it says
the government is making things better for foriegn residents, but on
the street people who are experiencing it say its all lies.... she
lowered her face...

and I went and checked it out, and got told I have zero rights.. an
illegal refugee with no right to sleep in my own bed.... God Damn
the Lawyers!

Another thing I realized, is they have no way to allow a dependent
parent in their residency laws here.. if You marry a Costa Rican
national, and one of your parents is ageing, if they dont have enough
pension, they will be deported... sorry granny, next stop

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, 17th March, 2010.............

Morning, nice, birds singing....

havent blogged a few days, trying to get head straight around the
local problem with the CR Government basically doing an extortion
racket on foriegn nationals who have lived here long term without
doing their residency economic sex acts for them... basically some
petty tyrants have decided that common folk need to pay thousands of
dollars to sleep in their own beds, live in houses they own, or run
their small farms an businesses..

which seems to contrast at least mildly with 800 refuge cities in the US....

its a county sized country, population equals about one city in the
US, and is so corrupt it beggars description.. The issue is just
starting to build steam online...

this place is the greenwash capitol of the planet... Compare what
you've been led to believe, with google sattelite fotos of Costa Rica
versus Guatemala.. See any difference in the amount of forest?

Costa Ricans are most green, when there is money in it, thats what
gives green its color in their minds...

most of the foriegn nationals here without residency are sitting on
small farms, which generally consist of forest, which they have to
protect 24/7 from locals.. basically if we get deported, the
neighbors will steal the timber, cut down the fruit trees to steal a
single crop,
and have the entire house gone in a week...

I didnt even get a reply from the embassy.....
Your tax dollars at work..

I did go several hours by bus, to a more "major" immigration
office, i.e. one guy in an office set up to tell us the bad news...
Nice guy very professional..

but basically being here 15 years, owning land, having an agricultural
and reforestation project, a son married to a local girl, having
employed a worker for over ten years, etc. is meaningless to them..
What they want is money, and a dance, cough up, get out, or be
deported.... no amnesty, nothing for good works, no quarter, no

I suggest you think about that every time you hear, read, or see
Costa rica on TV... that the government is trashing people who have
harmed no one, brought in money continually, created jobs, and
provided the real examples of environmental works to the locals, and
not like the big money greenwash projects they so love...

Again; dont vacation here, dont buy land here, dont buy products
from here, and if you think to come here to retire, and that you can
meet the requirements, so there wont be problems for you, you are a
grand fool, the trashing you never stops here.... and you'll get
what you deserve for being so arrogant.....

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday, 12 march, 2010.......

morning, its been a couple days, have been processing the latest
problems with the government here... they are busy trying to trash
the americans and other foriegn nationals living here without
residency... Literally thousands of people, reside here but arent
residents.... its like being black, and told legally youre not dark
in color....

How can I reside somewhere, going on 15 years, and not be a resident?
well its easy in the mentally ill mind to call black white, or soft
hard, or good bad...

if I lived on the moon, would I be a resident? or only if I paid the
man in the moon money, so he didnt send people with guns to kill me
for trying to live in my home, sleep in my bed etc. Without paying him
thousands of dollars for his permission..

funny how the Ticos stole this place from the indians, and now they
think they own it..


anyway they are harrassing all the long termers crossing the borders,
only giving 30 day stamps, saying you have to go to immigration in
another city, where they will be trying to milk you for bullshit that
costs a couple thousand dollars, and you have to proove you have four
or five times the national income etc....

they are also making everybody buy the useless return ticket... i
heard a lady tourist tell them she was never coming back again..

tourism is a business, in business the client is always correct, in
costa rica the client is always robbed.....

My advice is dont come here, its over rated anyway, just a banana
republic run by corrupt petty tyrants on the take..

an example; recently they have multiplied the number of police in my
area by at least 5 times... when I got here, to get the police to
come, you got on a bus to go find one, he came back on the bus....

now their are cops with submachine guns in the streets, on
motorcycles, in cars and pickups, on bikes, on foot, stopping
traffic, theres been an invasion..... looks like costa rica's
bragging point about not having a military is now belied.... sure
they have an army, they wear blue uniforms now, an army of them,
called police..... and they are busily extorting people... the govt.
Has raised traffic ticket costs to about $400 on average and is also
confiscating cars.... its nothing but a "Blue Mafia" out of san jose,
and they have 3 guys to a patrol because they think the people would
kill lone cops rather than put up with it...

so what they've done is is created a mini-police state where there
used to be sleepy villages...

and the cops are now extorting in groups of three or more... my
worker told me yesterday they stopped a guy he knew, who was going to
a party, he was hauling a few cases of beer, and the cops were going
to confiscate it... there is nothing illegal about a few cases of
beer.. then they tried to extort the guy for $100 .... there wasnt
that much in beer... the guy argued with them until people behind
began honking their horns... the cops got nervous and told him to go

so basically its nothing but Africa level checkpoints, with guys paid
by the government to rob the people for the government and

my advice, is dont come here, dont buy land here, dont retire here,
dont buy products from here, and dont believe what you see on nature
programs, its all filmed in a few small parks, the rest of the place
has been trashed..

it used to be an OK place..... now it sucks, and americans and
others who came now wish they had gone elsewhere... thieves abound,
and thieves in blue are everywhere too... I suggest the world start
equating costa rata with their best national product, not bananas,
pineapples, or coffee, but thieves....

its like I told a mexican tourist at the border, I used to think the
Mexican Government was sleazy... "it gets worse as you go south"...

anyway, if the US Congress needs to save any money, I suggest they
cut off all foriegn aid to here... it just gets siphoned off in
corruption, while perhaps hundreds of thousands of Ticos are illegal
in the US and taking jobs, and americans and others who come here
produce jobs, and these sleaze bags want to rape us continually...

"Ticos? the more you try to help them, the more they shit on you." a
quote I heard an american say, who's been here over 50 years..

anyway, boycott the place.... help the locals get rid of their
parasite government... so they can go back to being sleepy villages,
and grow their own food again...

if you like being robbed, extorted, lied to, and harrassed, come here....

The Tico Times ran a big article on the immigration issue, and
pointed out the government is saying one thing, and doing the exact
opposite... that its all lies.... they say they are "making it
better" for the foriegn community.... making it better here means
filling your boots with sewage for you....

and I hear Ticos on the street now continually equating san jose
government with corruption...

thats all they know, biting the hands that feed them...

and the decent people here just try to live their lives... it wont be
long before this place melts down.... Ticos are already leaving san
jose due to the problems... tourism is down, realestate is in the
shitter, due mostly how the government is treating foriegners, and it
aint getting any better..

you know, its so bad here, they should be paying us foriegn nationals
to stay here... a monthly check, so the kids will at least have
some form of a decent type to pattern their lives like..

I did see a few minutes of TV while in town....

nothing but Cop Shows.... hey!? cops shows suck... people who
watch cop shows must be really bored and stupid... below the
hospital shows, and above the lawyer shows in IQ?

what they need on TV now is Funeral Home shows! a new catagorie of

hey, its all sick and getting sicker... Turn off the TV, take up
gardening, youre going to need the food soon.....

they keep trying to tax the people for more and more vain stupidity...
like the woman who manages my cheap hotel said; "the governments are
squeezing everybody on the planet at the same time now.... "

its gonna blow up soon folks... Terminal stupidity...

its going exactly like the ranchers predicted.... have a nice
apocalypse.. you can tell people afterwards what your part in it
was... People who will decide if you get your throat cut or not....

did you help the beast government?

then you get a sore throat by mechanical means....

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday 4th March 2010...........

another pretty one...
Just had a conversation with my worker, looks like once again San
Jose is copying Washington...

new laws here upping minimum traffic tickets to hundreds of dollars,
just like in the US... also confiscating vehicles.... was on TV, and
it was mentioned that they expected people to start killing traffic
cops, so now three guys to a patrol....

gee? I wonder if they've thought about what happens when people start
sniping cops from the brush? Or catching them at home or alone?

"The more laws, the more strange things happen."

I dont think they get it yet where this all leads? more anger at the
control system until its torches and pitchforks time... police now
carrying full auto weapons in a place there werent any police ten
years ago... force isnt the answer, good sense is....

none of that evident anywhere...

you cant keep screwing the people for more & more and not expect an
eventual blowback....

people are eating less, and the jowls grow on the public parasites in

I'd rather not see the violence... Which is why I write this blog....
no amount of public force will prevent the eventual blow back....
this is an old movie.... it was figured out correctly thousands of years ago..

but those who dont know history are doomed to repeat it.....

also learned that a guy in my village stole and butchered a cow of a
friend of mine, and then was selling the meat.. he knew the law
wouldnt do anything and that the law protected him from the owner
doing anything...

a ticket to Chaos is what it all is.. get even day coming over the horizon....

the perfect number of laws is as few as possible....

we are seeing the collapse of modern civilisation happen every day..
thanks to one group thinking there is no limits to what people will

its going to be a sad day for the drones... here they will get
hacked to death by machetes when they push things just a bit too

prisions for profit will work fine until Bastille day....

say hello to the guillitines...

its going to go planet wide.. world war 3 will be a planet wide civil
war.. the people will win...
But before its all over there will be a waste land where once was
beauty... All because of greed, arrogance, and pride.....

sad to see this future unfolding.... ignore my words all you want....
but remember them when its too late....

Governments are a form of parasitization, no more no less... Each one
worse than the last.... Hopefully people will realize in time, but I
dont count on it... so far not a shred of enlightenment among the
wealthy... they think the gun makes them gods...

soon to implode
all preventable...

I think the implosion isnt far off, maybe months... the currency
devaluation might be enough to set it off.. Flying lies invariably

all its going to take is police killing a few peaceful protesters, and
an attempt at gun confiscation..

it may just take poeople seeing that a rogue government is not
protecting the people, but in fact abusing them....

I suggest that gun owners start volunteering to teach gun handling and
safety for FREE to neighbors etc. more guns in more hands is what
will win in the end..

"All power comes from the muzzle of a gun."(Mao)

best get your gun now, if you dont have one yet... ask you gun buff
neighbor to teach you....

just dont let a gun make you a fool..

its a last ditch defense.... Not an ego tool......

you know things are bad when space aliens would be more honest and
better than government...

do you think it will be a shock when the Ranchers actually arrive?
yeah, I know I'm just another nut case... well there are more nut
cases every day...

read genesis 6, read the book of Enoch, think space aliens, and see if
it fits.... it fits......

best check it out before they censor the web, and its not approved
for slave class reading...

also I suggest people begin downloading anything that may be unpopular
truth, so you can continue to spread it all after its censored.. its
going to be like baseball cards folks...
collect the rare stuff now.... this blog would be a good example....
plenty of concepts, some have value.... with web censorship, value of
such info will skyrocket...

when this blog gets censored, you'll be on your own... have the
info stored to share with others...

best start building serious download libraries too...
Control your own destiny, imformation is power.....
Dont wake up one day soon powerless... I dont want nor need anyone
controlling my information inputs... Search for truth folks...
organize non governmental neighborhood organizations....

also consider the power of linear amps hooked into wireless internet
shunts... We dont need "their" internet, microbroadcast internet webs
are possible... It can go low power HF radio... they cant stop us
all.... its about to become the era of people power.. also consider
learning morse code as a rock bottom info passing system..

and best get into gardening.... During a collapse if you dont grow
it, you dont get to eat it....

and shut off your TV.... Theres nothing worth watching on it... and
you dont want your kids being programmed with lies anyway.... Take
them fishing, get them gardening, get them into other hobbies, like
martial arts and firearms... the counter to whats happening now is
in your hands folks...

do nothing, and live a slave.. we all know the system sucks, self
sufficiency and preparedness is the thing to do...

besides, its a lot of fun, and a great hobby... be able to tell your
grandkids you were part of the sollution.......

channel anger & frustration into positive action...

never trust a government...

Sent from my mobile device

Thursday, 4 th March, 2010 ..........


listening to short wave daily... hearing reality unravel..... heard
an Ambasador Holbrook on VOA make an interesting speech...
interesting in that he dropped names, mentioned history, justified
the wars in Central Asia, but he never really said anything....
only that we were defending people from corruption....

I thought that interesting, that he would think bombing the shit out
of muslim peasants with nuclear waste was a good defense against them
being victimized by puppets we support...

go figure?

anybody Googled; Afghanistan/Karzie/corruption lately?

yup! and more earthquakes in more places.....

all seems to fit the Rancher's descriptions; instinctual liars,
killers, & thieves running things, and parts in the bible about this
or that place being uninhabbitable forever....

hey folks theres only one way to stop the apocalyse, and thats to
rethink ourselves, quit believing in bogus politics, money, etc. and
to take out the corruptocracy..

the longer you wait, the worse it's going to get... And if you wait
too long, you get total destruction...

so pay your taxes, watch your TV, eat your boughten food, vote for
your whore of politics, drive your Vanity Mobile, to your slave job,
be a free man on sunday, but you'll be a wage slave on monday, until
the nukes fly, you and your kids die, and the last thing you get to
think is you went along with it all.......

Me? i got out... going on 15 years ago.... because I decided peace
in paradise was better than a one man revolution with it's inevitable
end, and all for the benefit of some gutless slaves who built the
pyramids for Pharoh under the whip of economics...

the Israelites never had it so good with the fatted calf....

anyway analogies somewhat aside, best you get ready for things to get
ugly... Exodus in the future... my only question, is how specific
is the angel of death going to be? will he passover good folk
consistently? or will there be no good folk if they dont get out of
babylon in time...?

have to wait and see I guess?

funny how the bible all makes sense once you grasp that the heavens
equal space, and the Kingdom thereof is run by guys who use ships the
ancients saw as moving stars over Bethlehem etc. And who build their
ladders in the heavens... and who are going to have the throats cut
on the gutless go-alongs.... take an ID chip while you are at it...

hmmm? its all there folks, too much to be chance....
It all makes sense... and all boils down to which side are you
really on? With the spawn of demons, or with the good guys?

well, me, I always liked Christmas.. Jesus was a good guy, in spite
of his greedy churchy disiples of more modern times... angels?

and the book of Enoch makes sense of it if you have that one small
realization I found first in Genesis 6....

well, I know which side I'm on, and I dont buy into the system
much... and maybe whats coming is going to trash all my work, but I
at least tried to fix what someone else ruined, and create an Eden to
share with others... and I did try to speak the truth and warn
people.. what my real eventual tasks are, I dont know... but I'm
going to live outside the system as much as possible, and if I die I'm
going to die free, even if I'm in chains of body...

i've always liked the truth... what ever it happens to be, I'll live
with it, and if theres a fight, I want on the honest side of it...
and if I follow a leader, he's going to be someone more honest than
me, not some politician sleaze bag who cant keep his word 6 months...

You have to fight for the right cause...
You have to be prepared to give everything.

you have to let go of your pride and vanity..
You have to side with those who keep their promises..

seen any of them lately?

well, me neither, but I expect them to show up shortly, and when they
do, I hope to have my kit and self ready.... so I keep working on

People! its not one religion against another... its the good against
the evil... the evil lie and manipulate the good.. The battle is won
by turning
on those who lie, kill, and steal... Justice is more than a concept,
its a responsibility....

factionalism shows who rises above it.... who can decypher lies from truth...

The factionalism is an IQ test.. who can see outside the box..

best clean up your own act first... But dont stop there... Thats only
the beginning....

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