Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday 29th January 2010.............

Evening... woke, feel rested...

thinking about things from short wave..

heard VOA, nothing much of substance.... Israili MASAD accused of
killing palistinian terrorist...

the killing continues...

also heard a preacher disecting in genesis, something I've pondered
upon, the story of the forbidden fruit, and females, which if one
reads Enoch there's more to the story.. that the watchers start
problems with the women.... I need to read more of the koran, sifting
for pieces there...

there's a mystery... and I've been hit in the face with it's results
in my own life, and still trying to figure it all out...

but what I am suspecting, is what's coming is going to fall harder
on women than on men...

like I said, there is a mystery of sorts.. and the judgement is
going to be incremental, i.e. one gets for what one gave... a
reordering of things... not just the throat cutting and burning..
there will be other levels of judgement... and I dont think the
ranchers think very highly of some types of human females.... Which
after personal experiences, observations and thoughts, I have to
agree, a major part of the problem is from the "better" half.... I
really dont care anymore, living alone going on 15 years, one learns
one lives fine without a woman, better in many ways, but my mind
loves to gnaw on a mystery...

And I suspect that feminists arent going to fare well on judgement
day.... all I can say, is they done it to themselves.... my own
worries are more than enough, glad I'm not them..... they've ignored
the legends, and when the sky fills with ships, their imagined
security becomes whisps of vapor on a desert morning...

I've been planting seeds... things here in this blog planted
elsewhere, heard one sprout today... heard another awhile back...
And some before that... which is good, I plant the seeds for the
same reason I do the blog, to try to help, to try to save more, to
wake people up.... I'm not getting any recognition that I know of,
havent a clue how many I reach with this blog... but I am aware of my
own gifts, and I would like to be able to use them for common good to
the best extent possible... what I do know, is someone fairly famous
is using concepts that originated in this blog... that person is
doing well... but he's missing some overlooked logic, and needs to
search back into earlier entries here concerning tectonics, global
warming, convection cells, north sky effect, electric blanket effect
etc. all things in this blog, or else he's going to eat some shoe
leather.... His own.... and being a life long expert at sticking my
own foot in my own mouth, I would hope to help him prevent that....
denial is universal... overlooked logic is generally embarassing
and dangerous.... I would be more than willing to help him, he knows
who he is, and he can contact me with a tad of homework to find the
emails I sent him that started him onto some concepts...

I need to check something out online, got a hint awhile back... Just
need to make sure.... If the hint I got is correct, global warming is
a certainty.... with me having proof, and maybe able to point it

my guess is not all of it is coming from man made carbon, that much
is due to the sun etc. but if the hint turns out true, I'm
definitely on target as a predictor concerning the biblical mega-quake
possible causes.... and Mr. Fairly Famous needs to backtrack some,
or experience an eventual downfall that could have been

"Failure comes on the verge of success."(Tao)

and being right 95% of the time is little consolation, if you turn
out being wrong on the big event that was in the wrong 5%........

anyway, I'm happy to hear my seeds have sprouted, and would hope said
person is wise enough to contact me, and hear me out, and consider
helping me do what I do better also....

a shield man at one's back is a handy thing.... and I am an
experienced and older warrior at many aspects of battle he fights....

I'm quite sure this blog is a potential asset to many.... scattered
among the ramblings are some diamonds... and I know it must be a pain
to have to wander thru my mental maze picking them up, but they are
diamonds... my guess is this blog for the most part is lost in the
garbage dump of internet... but I did set the search parameters on it
years ago... I know basically who, what types of people will find
it... that has evolved some... As it has evolved with realizations
and discoveries.. its a living thing.... there are many things in
this blog that will have to wait for the arrival to proove
or disproove... I'm not worried, I have confidence in my own mental
abilities, and if only one diamond is real, it was still worth

I think I've happened onto many diamonds... and look forward to
learning the truth.... to date its all conjecture.... but I have
made some unusual & potentially shocking realizations... and I am in
process of rethinking myself... and I do take actions.... and I
have a keen sense of the obvious... something most lack.....

morning, an hour until dawn... Beautiful moon light, the toads just
came in... the smaller male sometimes now comes over to me and shoots
out his tounge and nails mosquitos and other bugs off my feet...
another wild animal with no fear of me....

of which there are many now....

I consider that a good sign, the reverse of the Nephilim "Sinning
against the animals" as mentioned in Enoch... I dont sin against
animals if I can avoid it, I appreciate their company.....
Like yesterday O.D. My pet wild bird was in the elder berry bush
singing very prettily.. he's around most days, comes within 6 feet or
less of me, no fear.....

anyway, remember John Lennon and his song "Imagine"? he wasnt
assassinated by accident, it was because his message was dangerous to
someone's warbucks profit agenda, and their plan to rule the world....
same folks did & doing other assassinations... still killing
prophets figuratively & maybe some what literaly.... Well killing
Prophets doesnt stop the future from getting here, nor will it stop
the arrival, nor will it sound good at one's trial, nor will it
prevent having to feel a knife hacking at your throat Mr. killer
Sicko.... snuffed like a goat for the barbecue, burnt soul and
all.. visions of conquest into smoke & ash, the vanity of insanity
finally paid for personally.... die by the sword....

me? I know afflictions and poverty, and people's backs, I know
being ignored by my own family, I know being laughed at, and
considered crazy, I know being backstabbed by people I have helped,
and most importantly I know my own versions of the same things, and
struggle to do better....

And I know I am not far off on my understanding of who put us here and
why, and what is about to happen...

So I am thankful I am not the same unconscious person I was.....

I think it entertaining sometimes to know denial of my concepts...
that only lasts a while.... one thinks about concepts, truth wins
out... good does triumph over evil in due time... the universe is
ruled by letting things take their course, not by sleazy manipulation
and arrogant ego games of an elite.... people are waking up....
and if we dont stop the Apocalypse by changing ourselves, well then
we get to go thru something alot worse than Haiti, and deservedly
so..... who am I? just another fool on a hill... but guess where
the star troopers land first? on the hilltops and mountains, with
the sound of chariots.... I think that means mechanization...
should be interesting to see... what flag should I wave? as they go
past? maybe they'll want a local scout? have to wait and see...
get my kit in good order....

anyway, I want to see a better world, I'm tired of liars and
killers with their noses in other people's lives... I'm tired of
profit motives and more lies passed off for reality, Madison Avenue,
Hollywood, Wall Street, its all the same... The big lie, it's
players and puppets....

get real folks, find some space, grow food, plant a food forest......

Sent from my mobile device

Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday 29th January 2010..........

Listening to short wave, a survivalist program in the 31 meter band,
coming in a bit iffy.. guy did a pretty good explanation of DC soap
operas, and he pointed out that all the machinations are not equal to
the little finger of the body politic...

which is what I've tried to point out in this blog, that the status
quo is nothing in comparison to the people...

I hear other people make realizations equal to mine constantly now...
I'm seeing survivalism becomming a popular hobby.. probably
giving the home land insecurity nerds nightmares... they've awakened
a sleeping giant.... thanks guys, TV was soooooo boring.... Now we
can all have fun playing overgrown boyscouts, activate, educate, &
evacuate.... Adios Babylon!

I got to hear a Debbie Medina interview out of Texas, those are fun,
pistol packin' Mamma RN running for governor, and I wish her more
than well, the Lady has guts... she can be my nurse anytime......
I'm more than a bit libertarian, a green libertarian really.....

Also alex Jones was talking today about doing a social net website....
I think thats a good idea, have to see if there are any lady
survivalists eh?
i wonder if any would know my blog...?

its fun to have some community amongst those on the way away from
Babylon... there are more regular listeners to anti-system radio,
than there are military and police, and plenty of military & police
are with the constitutionalists.... you know what that means? it
means the Junta has a problem... arrogant fools who think an order
given is an order followed, legal or not....

the word is out, the government isnt by for or of the people.... That
means its illegitimate...

its unraveling by the day.... best they get stopped short of
WW3...... No beer & pizza if they dont....

I'm enjoying the nick names people are handing the resident president,
I'm not hearing enough respect to wiggle the pointer on the
respectometer... I dont think the guy could ring a bell for
salvation army at christmas and get anyone to donate to his cause....

a friend of mine described it as hero to zero....

I think he blew it... Going to go down in history as the most
ineffective president ever.... worse than Bush Clone 2... did the
guy really think he could say this and do that, and we wouldnt notice?

I think Geitner in congress is a powder train leading under Obama's
door..... his political life expectancy is looking less than 3 more
Could be first president to leave office in handcuffs?

welp, he could be his own lawyer at his crimes against humanity
trials... people have starved to death while he fed his buddies

so to me, I wonder what will happen? will the people rise up, or
world war three, or will the sky fill with ships? have to wait and
see what really happens, but definitely keeping me on the edge....

and it makes me glad I'm some fool on a hill, and not in the halls of power...

morning, full moon, daylight in an hour or so, feeling pretty good,
Alex Jones is talking about setting up a social networking site, I
think thats a great idea, I'm more than tired of searching thru
women only interested in money, bisexuals, transvestites, city only
people, people without a clue, etc. would be really nice to be able
to go thru fotos & bios of people who are fellow survivalists, back to
the landers, and aware of how screwed up the status quo is....

I suspect I could find a mate, and connect with new friends in short order....

Sent from my mobile device

Thursday, January 28, 2010

thursday 28th January 2010..........

morning, and a pretty one....

Read Obama's speech was about jobs creation....

He thinks we want more cotton to pick huh?

no! We want emancipation from instinctual liars, killers, and
thieves.... jobs isnt good enough any more, we want 40 acres and a

hey folks, being jobbed up the butt is how we got into the straits we
are in now... more of the same isnt a viable fix... the answer to
fascism is freedom, freedom from banks, moron bosses, bogus
economics, killer doctors, worse agribiz companies, city water with
liquid happy pills, and overseers who think they are gods.....


its gone too far now... being offered a place in the chain gang on
the plantation has somehow lost its appeal... dont want the slave
cabin, dont want the fat wife, dont want the job security with the
company store getting everything plus more via credit....

we want our freedom...

the Anti-Drone Revolution.....

and like I've pointed out, its the country people who fix things in
the cities, and any of them with half an IQ, is headed out of
town... fix your own shit morons! the future isnt in jobs in the
cities, anyone who falls back into that toilet deserves what they

take a look; Port Au Prince.... thats city futures, how much would
you like to invest? care for some more bogus retirement, medical,
investment plans?

or a house in town, to pay taxes on until it folds up......

I dont know about you, but I'm not headed back into a slavery of lies......

I dont think the game is over yet, and until I see a sky with ships in
it, I'm going to assume the bad guys are still trying to screw me
every chance possible....

how about "Absolute Zero Trust"? thats what I feel towards all of the
worthless bastards..

theres no going back, Babylon? No thank you!

put your jobs where the sun doesnt shine......

the real future is in freedom... freedom futures? Yeah! Sell me some of those!

Sent from my mobile device

Thursday 28th January 2010.........


its just past one, full moon heading west... Very bright... I seem
to be awake....

thinking about the bullshit on short wave.. i.e. the corruptocracy
calling anyone who doesnt like being oppressed extremists... huh?
whats wrong with this picture? its status quo taxing the dogshit
out of everybody, and using part of the money to oppress everybody,
and giving the rest to themselves by one route or another, and
inventing jargon and using media to justify their doing so, and
pretending to be better than everybody else in the process...

hey! it doesnt make any real sense folks, its all bullshit!

Hillary is a busybody, Barrak is a puppet, and the Congress are
Christmas pigs who've figured out how to sacrifice everybody else, and
get fat in the process... and there is nothing noble, true, or good
about any of it, nor is it at all necessary....

youre being hoodwinked by heridetary con artists... and to the tune
of trillions of bogus dollars.. every one of which is nothing but an
enslavement device.....

I really shouldnt be warning you I guess, because if you are anything
like me, your own imprefections are glaring and obvious too....

its all sick.. which is why I write this blog, as an attempt to get
others to think.. survival & subsistence are humble concepts... how
low can you go? well, I think we are soon to know...

it might be a good idea to get ahead of the curve some.. my main
thought tonight, is that you have to quit beliving in the lies...
hillary carping, and calling people willing to risk their lives to
throw off tyranny extremists, is calling good bad.... its all
relative... she's just self righteous status quo, justifying the
unjustifiable, and raking in the dough in the process...... Her
Buddy Barrak is a conniving lawyer... who hasnt done a thing he said
he was going to, and who is doing everything he said he wouldnt....
where I come from we call people like that habitual liars..... and
we neither respect them, nor do as they wish....

basically the system is so corrupt, that total collapse is a moral
improvement.... its like Haiti, the party is over, back to growing
food or you dont eat.. the big city is gone, no more 80% of the
people using jive games to eat off the 20% growing the food, while 5%
make all the money...

its all gone... if you want to eat, its going to require scratching
some dirt...

well, Haiti is just a precursor.... I hear people saying theres no
connection between what we are doing to the planet, and the quakes....
thats like saying theres no connection between your mouth and your
asshole because you like to think differently... its just more
denial, as everything, everything, everything, is connected, its one
of the primary truths of reality, that anything in the material
universe is in relationship to everything else...

what this means, is its only a matter of time until its your turn to
go from smug to post disaster reality.... are we going to wait around
for it to happen, or will we take the bus out of town while we still

pretend to normalcy as long as you want... just know its a risky
mindset.... that you can live under your tons of house, but the
longer you do, the more likelyhood you will die under it....

politics? squawking heads robbing everyone...
I think its time one get their trip together on all levels.... funny
thing, the Koran points out that its all a big test, and all designed
to eliminate the bad genetics fighting etc. and that the good folks
figure the game out and dont get caught up in it....

in other words if you are bad mouthing Muslims and paying for the
missiles, you are catagory asshole, same as if you were a Muslim
killing people for your own status quo.... to ace the test, you have
to refuse to support the sickness.. and get out of Babylon before the
crash... Simple physics.... dont be there when the roof meets the

its a survival test, with the most greedy the least able to leave,
trapped by their own vanities...

anyway, I'm going back to sleep, I've expressed my thoughts now, I
can quit thinking about hearing the wicked witch of the east bad
mouthing people for fighting to be left alone by her and her evil
buddies... Hillary in hell... an eventuality..

Sent from my mobile device

Wednesday 27th January 2010......

Morning, hours until dawn, moon dropping in the west, I'm awake..
rested... built a fire....

Thinking about the American Follies, people waking up, and people
still sucking up... Its all more than a bit imaginary... there's
less than 5% of the people controlling the other 95% with fear of an
imaginary construct... demonic dronism....

quit feedin' 'em....

start worrying more about feeding yourselves, providing for your own
needs without money...
Its fun stuff, but if it all went away tomorrow, what would you do?
and why wait? too caught up in monkey materialism?

Sounds like the Haiti rescue turning into the usual fiasco, a circus,
another example of how effective government aint.... I'm hearing
plenty of what sounds like fraud... people doing pretend aid and
raking in money...

I think in some ways its a preparody of the big melt down... they've
trashed the forests, built shit cities, now a collapse, and nothing
in the countryside except eroded and denuded land thats well on its
way to barren.. best they start planting food trees... the US
isnt much different...

just waiting for the crash...

are computers edible? do they have a button for spring water? will
they transport you out of a disaster zone....?

its all vanity....

what is real anymore? not much.... the ranchers seem to suggest
that the bad guys fall into their own trap.... I wonder about the
mechanism.... I think part of it is a natural reaction, i.e. The food
supply goes down due to climate instability... no food, no
civilisation.... one bad year would do it....

and civilisation would crash... check out Haiti, about a sixth of
the people in the city died... but the other 5 have a bit of a
problem.... the place was barely hanging on to civilisation before
the crash.. too many favors by the French & the world bank types....
vampires .....

I hear critisizm about Voodoo.... from people who do Voodoo economics.....

I measure my own life in neoindigenous victories...preparedness...
upgrading a knife, planting food, maybe acquiring a music
instrument.... I dont think digital music will last long.....

later, late afternoon, listened to radio today, sounds like
Geitner has a little problem... Perjury to the congress over stolen
money from banker bailout.. glad it wasnt me so tempted.. children
are starving because of the manipulations of the bankers.... the
whole system.. its corrupt.... glad I never had that kind of
success.... I'd rather be the fool that I am... A long way from
perfection, is better than being first in line for hell's gate...

I dont think many kids went hungry due to me...
I seriously regret my not good actions, and hope for a better path
from now on... every day I get, is a day I can spend on a better
trail... every day I learn.... I learn I never was what I thought
I was...

but the truth is liberating.... knowing how far I've come, isnt how
close I am to the mountains... gotta keep my eyes on the goals...
one foot after the other......

every day figure myself out more... every day I realize how far I
really am from where I want to be.. the great battle
eternal/internal ........

nobody else can fix me....

humility is the key.... because arrogance is toxic...

better a lost dog on the right road, headed the right direction, than
to be a smug dog on the wrong road....

later, napped out at sun down, listening to radio...
Caught an interesting broadcast, a survivalist show...

they were talking about AK-74's, cold weather clothing at night, and
some politics... its obvious homeland security has done more to
promote survivalism as a fun hobby than its fans ever could have...
nothing like having the government bad mouth something to make the
people love it....

I also heard some on Yemen, Hillary ragging, calling the fighters
extremists, I guess thats the buzz word now for anyone who doesnt
like their local corruptocracy? thats everyone.. hey! the planet
is finally united! not by world government, but by disgust for
government in general....

I also heard a Saudi complaining about snipers... yeah, those are
real effective guys, not much influenced by rhetoric, they want you
out, and theres not much you can do except leave, or eat lead...
high tech military has a hard time staying arrogant, when they're
getting sniped regularly.. it creates a decidedly unfriendly
atmosphere for domination and power trips... its a real cure to
politics.... puts local control into local hands...

extremists? Eh? everybody not working for the status quo is an
extremist ... nobody believes a word they say now.... I heard Obama
is about to make the state of the onion speach, that should be
interesting, 300 million Americans frowning, while he makes dog shit
sound yummy....

I find the news to be really sickening, worse than bush era, and
thats an imposibility.... Liars replaced by liars..... chatterboxes
for the status quo..... credibility lower than the temperature at the
north pole....

I know others are having the same reactions, people are turning off
TV's in utter disgust, the spell broken, never to return to sleepy
sheepy mode again....

I was wondering today if we could get the Russians to start a "Radio
Free America" broadcast into the US, like we did for them during the
Soviet union? you know, tell the truth, give the people something
worth listening to, some hope of escape beyond the capitalist
economic curtin....

you know, it would be an improvement, a serious improvement, to shut
down mainstream news... life would be better... but I guess thats
kinda happening, news papers losing it to internet, and online
alternative news grows while fascist sources become literary ghost

I used to listen to public radio years ago, and then years of the
BBC, and now I dont listen to mainstream sources much, BBC is like
listening to a feminist station out of north korea...

Now I'm a news DXer.... I spot check, get disgusted, look for some
folk music, or a travelogue, or a report from some country nobody
important lives in... anti-talking head....

I'd watch TV, if they had a Hillary and Barrak puppet show....
some comedy, with an element of truth to it.... but as long as its
them in the flesh pretending to be real, I know where the off switch

paid yappers.... they arent real people, cardboard cutouts, glorified
paper dolls.... the status quo has become monochromatic, and

I'm more interested by what old women on the bus say....

Sent from my mobile device

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Monday, 25th January, 2010.........


slept awhile after sunset.. it was raining... food cooked in the
pressure cooker as I slept...

woke, ate, and have been thinking about the bible, skygods etc. and
how far off the mark people are if what I suspect is true....

I listened to a preacher today on radio, he got questioned about the
little book, he didnt have a clue.... I suspect it's Enoch...

Enoch stands alone pretty good.. its an overview...
It clarifies the mystery quite a bit....

I think I'm on target... it makes too much sense...

later, after midnight, awake, thinking about stuff from short wave,
crazy world.. humanity ruining the planet... not good, liars in
power, and people waking up to it... plastic personality
politicians... Versus practical people.... I dont place much
trust in politics anymore... what hope I had, learned its lesson
with Obama....

morning... a pretty one... got an email fm a friend, he said
people leaving the city in haiti, stench of death....

also read in news, Obama talking tighten up on the national
budget.... theres a joke! I think he's a year late for that

on BBC statement about UK coming out of recession.. another
joke..... they twiddled the bogus govt. Numbers a bit more, and got a
couple tenths of a percentage point, and calling it a miracle for
public consumption....

the technocult has a stench of death too...

just keep working on your escape... thats sanity...
Like me & my wolffy dog, would probably scare the average city person
to get caught at a bus stop in a rain shower with us, fairly wild,
marginally crazy, with an out of the brush look to us... but you
know what? We'te fairly happy at it...

all of the problems in my life are human related....

short wave is about as close as I get to humanity...

and its happiness that counts most... not living in a dream world....
I used to read alot of fiction, its not that interesting now... I
discovered a real life was more interesting than a fake one with
escapism via reading etc..

to me making a piece of gear, or doing a meal from whatever I can
gather is rewarding.... my projects dont win any shows, but they all
harmonize with my needs and my art....

The Spring water isnt Starbuck's coffee, but its likely healthier for
me... and it will continue running as long as there is rain...

What hit Haiti, is inevitable everywhere.. like some sci-fi movie of
a corrupt culture thats used the profit motive a bit too long..
people sitting at their computers, and the walls begin to grind and
spurt dust... and there will only be one question, will you get out
in time?

the people leaving the city now in haiti will leave with little...
just what they can find in the rubble, and fill a sack with...

their delusions are ended.... and what they have doesnt equal a well
planned bug out pack...

I have more in my shelter than they will likely ever acquire now....
I collect very little these days, and all of it with an eye toward
mobility... one reason for the recent flute purchass.... very
compact, high quality instrument... looking forward to learning
it..... I have done much on very little... while others exceeded
me economically, I got a food forest going...

I dont have the best of everything... but I do have what I need and
plenty more..... I have things to give away.... projects replaced
by nicer ones...

I got a field kitchen collected, big pots etc. what would that be
worth in the countryside in Haiti to a family regrouping? I have
tools collected for growing food by hand... my son is also
collecting such and practicing backyard farming... Its Exodus

and it will accelerate.... first those with outdoor skills will
filter out, they will leave behind cities with fewer repair guys....
the cities will degrade faster... The trend from now on is to get
beyond a house payment, a car payment and a job....

later, listening to short wave, USA follies, illuminati on thin
ice... they skate along fine, but everything they do is self
They wont be so smug when it all implodes on their powertrips....

I sometimes suspect people could do nothing, and the collapse would
still happen... I hear them talking on radio about civil war etc.,
and yes, could happen, but its also possible that the collapse
happen spontaniously.... i.e. the vampire's victim dies from blood
loss, because the vampires got a little carried away....

the thing to remember, is that whats going on politically is only
superficial, even the economy is a fake problem.. the real
important points are damage to the ecosystem, and one's own battle to
improve within......

the eventuality is collapse... being in good shape mentally is going
to be important...

later, listened to short wave, caught tail end of the radio china
bcst in spanish w/classical chinese music, which is generally really
good... Then I caught VOA talking about Yemen, and how billions fed
into the place and only 106 million? made
it past the corruptocracy... you ever notice that its what happens
everywhere? US & Europe always feeding money to Alligators..... they
never seem to learn that it doesnt work.... air dropping money, or
anything else would be more effective... instead always backing up
corrupt governments the locals are trying to overthrow.... are we
seeing a pattern yet? personally I'd suggest air dropping small
arms and ammo to the people, so they could take out the corrupt
governments... would cost less, win more friends, and do some actual

its like I joked to a friend the other day after hearing latest
hype/fear about Ben Laudin getting a nuke and cratering washington
district of corruption..... first, Ben Laudin is mostly a fictional
character, bad news Ben, I classify you with the tooth fairy....
used mostly for scaring mental children... second, if he did manage
to nuke washington, the biggest negative would be the post offices
getting hundreds of millions of thank you cards addressed to Ben
Laudin, and not know how to deliver them...

it could improve Obama's popularity..... we tend to be more polite
describing past presidents, dead ones, than the current liar who ever
it happens to be....

modern politics reminds me of a chicken yard....

mostly shit, and the same tracks overlaying the same tracks
everywhere in the shit.... it never changes, never improves, never
dries up, never smells good, and never will, as long as we keep
feeding them...

washington is a political barnyard... animal farm on steroids...
its a shame the black folk outside the capitol have to live with

hey folks, government is the problem.... Invariably.... as Einstein
pointed out; that throughout history, great spirits have always
encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds... What he was too
polite to explain, is that means government....

Hillary, Barrak, Congress, all sounding like a broken record.... deja
vu..... same words, same bombs, different victims, same taxpayers,
same talking heads on TV.... R we bored yet?

the only thing that changes is who they are calling terrorists this
month... cant use last month's, those men, women, and children got
their guts blown out....

wake up america, smell the napalm, and think about what our alien
buddies are going to do on judgement day to those who stupidly paid
for it year after year.... have a nice throat cutting....

Sent from my mobile device

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday 25 January, 2010..........


day, my worker is here.. I spent time online, got an email from my
son, he got me a used metal flute on ebay....

so I searched info online, learned some things....

people arguing over flute types... I just want to play music, not
argue... I got the metal flute as an investment; self futures...
its not to resell, not a money investment, its a happiness
investment, I know I am happiest learning and doing, and playing
music.... its something I can do alone....

I hear an insane world on short wave.... to me sanity is peace, a
place with no arguements....

I also read some news online, rescue/relief efforts in Haiti being
critisized.... no surprise, they put people in charge who only know
how to function in an intact culture.... office drones, city people,
what are they going to do in a place where the hospitals had no
functioning bathrooms before the quake... they'll be wishing for a
texaco station in a Mexican neighborhood...

I also read an american general is talking about a negociated
settlement with the taliban.... gee? couldnt that have been done
before all the killing and maiming and spending money supporting
corrupt governments?
do we have to invariably lose wars before we think about them?

I also got to see some fotos of my son's sharpening tools... very
nice collection, I enjoyed giving him tips in the process, and
teaching him things.. its not every young man these days who sets
out to become an ace sharpener... easier for him to do, he had a
decent example.... I learned to sharpen as a kid, mostly starting
with the boyscout field book... and my first hunting knife, which my
son has.... he mentioned it this morning... what took me years
to teach myself, my son picked up by osmosis and a few good
questions.... he also showed me a foto of a straight razor he
bought used.... now highly polished, and very sharp.. he's learning
to shave with it... I shave with a straight razor he bought me years
ago.. before that, I shaved with a blade I made out of the tip of a
broken french knife... like a bronze age razor.... which I still

sharpening is an art.... and a most important art... anyone who has
no sharpening skills, has limited survival potentials... I'm sure
you can learn plenty about it on line, or a boyscout manual... its
something not taught.. not in school, not in bootcamp..... its
either the boyscouts, or father to son.... I was lucky in some
ways, my father never bothered to teach me anything.. he and my
mother had this opinion it was better to not teach me .. bazaar but
true.... they felt I should have to learn everything the hard way,
for myself..
which I have managed to do..... many friends over the years have
critisized me for being a know it all... kind of a compliment if you
think about it, for a kid who had to figure it out for himself...

I always tried to teach my kids as much as possible... they've done
fine with it, a bit arrogant at times, but they're even learning what
that gets you.....

and I have enjoyed sharing knowlege with my son... we get along fine
generally, better when we are physically together...

basically the problem with modern civilization is a childish urge to
control..... we have drones in offices trying to control our every
breath.... it aint gonna fly.... they are an endangered species...
terminal Dodos..... as climate change and Haiti are connected... I
wrote about quakes, tecktonic plates, and spikes in magma temps long
ago in this blog... climate change is linked to drone management...
All that profit motive went somewhere.... it wont work guys...
Profit motive isnt natural....

greed may be good, but only for a little while, until it's effects
catch up with Mr.Cause..

Right now they have caught up with Mr. Haiti, but they havent found
Mr. Wallstreet....

But they will..... a 7.5 Richter will do in New York, what a 7
Richter did in Haiti...

the future is not in cities....

Later, sent my worker home with breadfruit, starfruit, sweet bananas,
a big lug of fruit for my niece, she'll be happy... so will her

my worker complimented my knife project, it turned out nice,
basicaly at home in kitchen, camp, or thicket...... not fancy, but
its way practical...

listening to radio, short wave, problems in the states, its as I
said before, we have a war of cultural divergence starting... Its city
people versus country people.. the Feds are obviously coming from a
city moron perspective.... the problem is most of the country people
live in cities now... but the tide is turning, they are starting a
back to the land movement, those people growing gardens in back
yards are soon on their way out to bigger gardens, the backyard
garden is an interim measure.... as I write Alex Jones in Texas is
interviewing a guy on vaccines, who is now in Ecuador planting a fruit
& food forest.... sounds like what I realized years ago is catching
on... my point is people are going back to the land, and they are
likely to be militant about their rights... the cities are about to
lose the people who know how to fix things..... they are on their
way out of town, the money is worthless, i.e. Not worth holding down
a job now, if you can grow a garden, cut firewood, etc. city people,
real city people, dont have the survival and subsistence skills, and
had best be visiting the library and working at a garden in the back
yard themselves, to get a place on the learning curve...

anyway, the guy in Ecuador planting food trees is an american, he
isnt just going upstate new york...
basicaly its like I've pushed for years, scatter!

the cities are going to go down hill from now on....
any one with any real skills or any guts, will be planting food
trees..... elsewhere....

its a new race folks, to become brush rats... last ones out of
town get the Haiti treatment or worse.... money aint where its at,
its real security.. that comes from good thinking and hard work...
also taking some risks.. the guy in Ecuador didnt go there because
it was a fad, he's there because he did some thinking..... there
are plenty of places... All have attributes....

Rule of thumb is if its out of town its a positive, after that its
towards warmth, soil, water, and away from bureauocracy......

98% of US police officers support private gun ownership.....

they know who their real friends are, if things get bad..

its a movement folks, exlax the bureauocrats.....

its like my knife project, any knife would work, but I make survival
& subsistence an Art, that means I push it towards what it should
be..... dont dismiss the neoindigenous concept... make a culture out
of your new lifestyle...... its a good Retro zone to shoot towards,
be the Quintescential survivalist, express your own concept of how
it should be...

I think building a Lager Wagon and living like the German tribes did
for a couple thousand years would be nice....

its an open creative market...

later, raining, I'm working towards some food, corn, breadfruit,
beans, should be good...

Raining nice, good for corn, also the pasture especially..

I had a good day, learned I own a flute now, pro quality... I like
the sound flutes of all types make.... the nice thing about more
natural living, is after the time you spend doing whats needed, leaves
plenty to do other things, not stuck at a job site all day...

its your free time... not just weekends or nights...

So now I get to continue on electric guitar, for my own pleasure,
followed by flute, also want to get back at my fiddle after I have the
guitar booted, I've learned alot on guitar, that I didnt know on
fiddle.... It all applies.... so after that, start on flute, then
thinking wooden drums, and hopefully five string banjo.... its my
free time, I dont watch TV.... I like listening to short wave,
because I can do it while doing hobbies, or getting food over the
sacred flames......

yeah, I lived to see another back to the land movement, the big
one... Mine never ended...

Sent from my mobile device

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday 25th, January 2010..........

Morning, just woke up, lit a fire.. Its a bit cold, down to maybe 70
degrees or so...

I listened to short wave last night, caught a bit of a program called
the armchair survivalist, some guy in Idaho selling freeze dried
food... he has food stashed in his fallout shelter, food stashed in
his camper trailer, and no doubt plenty in his house...

was fun to listen to, like a food travelogue..... but I wonder if he
is really ready for whats coming? quakes could trash his house and
fallout shelter, and alien arrival might make all the prep work
moot.... when the UFO lands in the yard, shooting at it with the
.308 might not be a good idea... Idaho gets cold with no house, and
its downwind from nuclear power plants on the west coast.. First rule
of survival is location... and Idaho, some parts might be OK, but I
think I prefer the tropics, where 70 degrees is a chilly morning..
and where food grows on trees, and if the aliens land I can offer
them bananas and coconuts, and know they'll get tired of those
pretty soon and leave....

anyway, fun to hear the survivalist program, but I doubt he's ready
for whats coming... my guess is total catastrophy, and alien
arrival... and I dont think owning too much will be a good idea....
if I grok the script right, most will be down to carry-on baggage
rather suddenly... I think a lightweight and minimalistic neo
indigenous trip might be in order... I think the aliens are going to
round every body up.. sort out the keepers from the weepers, have
the keepers cut the weepers throats, and either move the keepers or
the planet somewhere closer to the galactic center, and call it a zoo
or something... nowhere in that plan does a house in Idaho work out
well.... I doubt they deliver the survivors back to their front
doors.... its not the bus from summer camp.. its some aliens who
consider us worse than animals... I think I'd consider myself lucky
if I got to wander off alive...

so in my mind, it all boils down to bug out kit, and that it better
be set up with stuff to help you survive anywhere there's a planet to
stand on...

and if I had to start over with what I could carry, it would be a
strange list.. not at all like the survival kits the boyscouts make
up for something to do until the rescue party finds you...

and I think I'd want more in my skills set, than knowing how to open a
food pouch and pour it into a pot of water...

Everyone, even survivalists assume various levels of continued
normalcy.... I dont assume that.... I consider a burned over
planet, every thing rubbled, and a few wandering survivors as
normal after the dust settles...

thats if I'm not on a starship mopping floors and cleaning toilets....
either way, I think I'd want my personal gear to be fairly well
thought out... they might decide to drop me on some other primitive
planet to start another colony... here you go, have fun, we'll be
back in a few thousand years to see how you did.... and I can see it
now, drop me with some run of the mill woman like on the dating
services on line... gee thanks guys, I really like overweight
females with the attitude I'm going to do everything for them that
they can think of.....

Good chance I'd have to sneak out after dark to get away from her
too.... can I take my dog instead guys? she's at least good

no, I think this Geronimo will be ready to get my food where I find
it, sleep where I get tired, and pitch my camp where it looks
nice.... take a look at Haiti, there's what happens to houses etc.
Civilisation is an assumption, and the survivors will be wandering
back towards the brush soon, and when they get there they wont have
shit for tools.... a machete maybe... no hoe, no hammer, no axe, no
blockplane to make arrows with, no gouge to carve a bowl, no lens to
start fires, and no skills.... so I think survival is starting
over... Kind of like a divorce, you get left with everything not
worth stealing...... the wise guy never acquires the house, bank
account, furniture, or the woman for that matter....

Plenty of people in Haiti went to the city looking for a life where
they got to pretend to work.... attracted by money.... my guess is
after they realize the world isnt going to save them, or feed them
forever, they will be looking thru the garbage of their lives for
anything useful.... a knife, a pot, a bag, a plastic bottle for
water, and they will start walking towards their cousin's house in
the brush.. maybe he will have some corn & beans going? and will
give a few seeds?

meanwhile the talking heads act like everything is normal.... well it
is, until its their turn to wake up to utter destruction.... then
we'll see how they do...when its them and their family under the
rubble, when its them with no food or tools, waiting for help that
doesnt come.. do you suppose the world will be any better prepared
for the next disaster? or will we keep spending our resources on
petty fights over who gets to own the most slaves where?

Wait and see, I guess, but I dont count on any body coming to help
me... if it takes them days to get to a place they can fly to in a
couple hours, it would be weeks to get to a place they had to drive
to..... Buearocracies seem to be best at keeping offices occupied,
and the coffee machine empty... they dont seem very good at planning
for or reacting to disasters....

forming a buearocracy like homeland security is asking for a disaster
by dronism.... they'll have big plans about rounding up all the
food for themselves, and set off a shooting war with its rightful
owners..... I wonder what will happen to all the overfed females I
see online? could be an ugly story to wake up in a rubbled city with
no offices to show up at.... no supermarket either, and too late to
contact that nutcase in the tropics, too late to get a ticket at the
travel agent.... imagine if the haiti quake had been in New York
during a snow storm?
It wouldnt be hundreds of thousands dead, it would be millions....

Sent from my mobile device

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday 24th January 2010............

Morning, 3 a.m., woke, built fire, thinking thoughts related to my
topics & short wave listening....

I tend to have two sides mentally... One is a skeptic.... the other
connects far apart data....

I realized a few years ago that alot of the stories in the bible were
archetypes... I.e. More to them than sunday school stories, more than
legends.. but even after realizing the skygods/Ranchers
realizations, many bible stories didnt click, I didnt know why they
were there... one thats clicked recently, is the children of Israel
in the furnace....... the bible states many places that mans
destruction will be by fire, and his works tested by fire.. it also
says the good guys will escape and be unharmed... I looked mentally
for mechanisms... was the fire nuclear war? or caused by volcanism?
or was it Lasers from death stars? as in Sodom? I looked for
mechanisms like karmic luck enhancement to provide logic for escape of
the good guys... what I do alot these days, is listen to Christian
radio programs that do bible studies, and I try to fit pieces into
my puzzle... no shortage of such programs, and all the various
factions arguing with each other and trying to proove they are right,
means its a serious amount of material being studied over time...
they also follow themes around all over the bible and piece them
together.. and its become obvious to me the bible is in fact
designed this way, to be a puzzle requiring study & piecing
together... a piece that I was able to get yesterday concerned a
realization I've had for a couple years, that we could be being
watched without knowing it... yesterday I heard a passage that stated
the very issue, and that we were not only being watched, but that it
was being somewhat televised... i.e. alot of skygods studying or
observing... what I am suspecting now, is that the fire is lasers
from space, and they show up by surprise, when they decide the
experiment has gone far enough... and that the lab rats get put
into several groups... those who died well fighting against the evil,
those who survived the evil, and had their trip in good boyscout order
helping others, and those who were evil or went along with it...
first two groups get rewards, last two get bad news... death seems to
be no object.... i.e. the resurrections... which is why I
discussed some possible thesis potentials on spirit world stuff

what I am seeing now, is the bible, enoch, koran, etc. Are very
litteral... that when the test is over, bazaar things from our point
of view will happen....

I think it will be shocking... especially to those too arrogant to
believe in any thing more than their own ability to get away with
shit, that they think nobody knows about... I suspect its more like a
reality TV show... that there is plenty of audience... and when its
over the prizes are awarded... Some incredibly good, others not so
pleasant... having one's throat cut on galactic TV? And body & soul
burned? could be a bit of a whailer...... And the other extreme? be
given the Eagle scout badge and immortality? and allowed to travel
the galaxy? thats a bit of a spread between thumbs up & thumbs
down... there is more to this game than we are capable of
realizing at this point.....

what I do understand from the clues, is its no joke, no silly
religion for blissed out folks with small intellects... there is
much more to it than that... I only see small parts of the puzzle....
and beginning to realize that perhaps it is something vast.....

what I do know, is it would be very wise for common people to begin
getting their own acts in order, quit going along with the corrupt
system, quit feeding into it, quit believing it, quit fighting and
killing over petty differences... the divisions and cultural
differences mean less than human decency.. non violence is better
than violence, enlightenment is better than evil.... Dont be lead
astray by people doomed by their own evil instincts... best we all
be good boyscouts...

its a worldgame... this is the endgame happening now.....

anyway, its daylight now, I went down to the spring to peel green
bananasm and rinse the beans & corn, and a young red squirrel came
up to within 6 feet of me... he sat there as I talked to him and did
my chores.... A nice way to start the morning, visiting with another
life form who is un afraid of me.... some would kill him for food,
others bulldoze the trees he depends on, others live in the city and
support the bulldozer culture while pretending to be holier than thou
via a green political party etc... me? I try to be the least
hypocritical and the most natural possible... I try to be a good
scout.... I try to fix myself, I try to make a better world, I plant
food to share with the squirrel and other animal friends.... I try
to live humble, I try to figure things Out, I get sickened by people
pretending to fix things with more of the same, or people playing
divide and conquer games... i'm not a Hillary who keeps harping about
helping women and girls, as I really help an industrial military
complex fascism rob them, and enrich myself as I help kill their sons
and brothers and husbands and bomb the dogshit out of even the females
with drones and non-depleted uranium cluster bombs and call it
righteous and good.... sickos!

anyway, my pressure cooker is simmering over a small open fire, I
live pretty much outside, I work on my hobbies, I pay almost no
taxes, I live alone because all the women think they are too good for
me.... thats OK..... what I try to do is sustainable....

I live humble... I think about my own defects and try to improve,
I'm no poodle head neurotic who thinks I can drive my yuppie car and
be politically correct.... I'm just a neoindigenous scout on a small
planet in the big universe... I listen to radio, I learn the guitar,
I'm looking forward to a flute pretty soon.... maybe the squirrel
wont mind me practicing? maybe the birds will cock an ear and admire
the trills? its something to do while I'm not being a slave.... I
love my crafts hobbies, I am pleased with my latest knife project,
its stargate quality.... I'm thinking about more projects.... its
addictive to make things.....

anyway, my food will be done in a few minutes, I didnt eat much
yesterday... I find I really dont need all that much to stay alive
and healthy....
i have a big stalk of bananas going ripe.. I'll send some down to my
little niece... she can pull open the refer door now and stuff her
face happily.... shes starting to grow taller and thinner now,
turning from a baby into a girl, someday soon to be a young woman....
she'll be a pretty young lady, she' 3/4's white & latin, and a
quarter indian, with pretty eyes and a very social personality....
her uncles and grand fathers all love her, she has fruit delivered to
her by many men of three races, she doesnt need Hillary's carping to
help her....
she has men who care about her even at less than three years old...

later, eating, beans and corn and green bananas, pretty good,
living humble isnt bad..... plenty of women in Haiti getting by on
less, less future ahead, less hope.... politics never did anything
good.... greed isnt a right, arrogance isnt a good idea..... When
the game is over less than one in ten will still be alive on the
planet... Quite the circus for the galactics to watch.... then those
divided into two groups, thumbs up and thumbs down....

there wont be Christians versus moslems, or asiatics versus whites,
just the decent who survived and tried and helped others, and the
dishonest... and those stupid and arrogant enough to support them....

the game isnt looking better on the outside, its becomming better on
the inside......

Sent from my mobile device

Saturday 23 January 2010..........

Morning, cooking, grits and starfruit....

worked online, a dating site, trying for two hours to fix a glitch,
it had me listed as belonging to a transvestite's group and wanting a
relationship with another transvestite....

I dont much even like seeing nude men in art work... I'm about as
straight as is possible to be..... had problems due to ICE'S shitty
internet, took a couple hours to find the right list and get it un
checked..... how embarrassing! I really dont care what other
people do, as long as they arent hurting anyone, but I sure get tired
of homosexuality in my face... and I really dont give a fuck what the
legal system has to say about hate speech, if they try to curtail my
right to free speech, I will suggest they do auto/homosexual acts

i.e. Stick it!

I suspect the political/legal system has been over run by a bunch of
busy body faggots and perverts....

and I can relate to why the Ranchers of bible fame consider them bad

scewed up enough to be sexually confused....

anyway problem fixed...

you know, If I was to survive until and after the arrival, I would
look forward to living in a culture of honest people.. it would
have to be nice....

no scammers, no perverts, no power trippers, no greed heads, no
liars, no politicians, what would we do without them? in a word;

my guess is the screwed up types are going to keep pushing their
agendas until they get shot, lynched, burned, etc.....

I wont miss them....

I promise!

anyway, think a bath is next followed by guitar practice... I am
eying my other knife blades, thinking a project, but better not, my
projects tend to be intense... I need to take a break between them...
the one I finished up yesterday is a practical beauty....I feel
fortunate to have it...thinking about a sheath.... an ace camp

what I have realized in my life, is that reality is 95% bullshit...
and if I had it to do over, I'd be focused on my neoindigenous trips
to the exception of all else...

pony cart, yurt, horses, a small patch of land somewhere remote,
and build some boats.. get a couple small milk cows, some sheep,
make my own blankets and clothing, grow my own food, make my own
things, try for that quiet peaceful life the Amish aspire to...

I think they had it right; get out into the countryside, avoid
governments, teach your kids privately, avoid the technocult, call
it good...

I think my big difference from them would be a neoindigenous flavor to
my life... less community... I once passed thru an Amish
community, and the people who interacted with me recognized
something in me... they thought I might be one of them...

and interestingly enough I have always been attracted to some of their

later.... epoxied a couple handles into heads, my Vaughn
carpenter's hammer from my days /years as a professional carpenter..
I made a new Cortesia handle awhile back.. and my nice Chinese
forged tilling hoe also got permanently attached to its handle.. its
31 inches overall, also Cortesa...

Well, it will be interesting to see what happens now...

later... Checked emails.. Read a news brief, I see humanity isnt
getting any better.. still killing each other... people are

people kill each other and we have some morons sans neurons who want
to remove our rights to protect ourselves.. thats like outlawing
fallout shelters to prevent nuclear war..

well, you know what? I'm going to protect my self no matter what
anybody's law says... my law says I get to protect myself any way

modern law is absurd..
how can anyone think endless more laws is a good idea?

the ten commandmants of the old testament covered everything
necessary... Few people obeyed all of them... so I doubt adding
thousands of more did anything meaningful........

the bible terms the law a yoke... that pretty much explains it, laws
are an enslaving device.... how many new ones do you like paying
for... ? do you suppose the economy would change any if the
government was eliminated?... anybody with a job would instantly make
twice as much money..

later, after dark, heard VOA, shortwave for the orient.. for an
hour or less... I noticed they spent less time on the news than on
either sports or movies.... i.E. the reality to fake reality ratio is
worse than two to one... and most of the news alotment was taken up
by general betrayus playing the talking head routine, and saying
nothing substancial or meaningful... semantic content effectively
zero.... then a talking heads discussion about Haiti, with honorable
mention of France using political clout to drain Haiti with
reparations for over a hundred years, and world bank helping drain
them until recently... and that the substandard construction due to
poverty resulting from being milked is what caused all the deaths..
But not to worry, the bureauocrats have a plan to fix the problems
via bureauocracy...

yeah right......

the best thing we could do for haiti, is line up all the rich on the
planet, and hit them in the forehead with medium sledge hammers...

it wasnt the quake that killed them, it was people pretending tp be
their friends at a profit...

a trend set to continue...

the Ranchers are right.... I spent most of the day listening to the
world call evil good, and call black white.... the big lie is

I also heard commemtary about climate change causing migration...
notice this has already started but is being ignored, and all the
government players are more worried about money extraction from
foriegners than facilitating anything meaningful... also mention of
future drought in the US.... I've known about that for 16 or more
years,tried to warn family members & friends, got considered crazy,
might as well have saved my breath... mention on VOA that some would
stay.. Yea? And drink what? I discussed the phenomina a couple years
back in this very blog, i.e. Dry line moving east and south... when
Kentucky is as dry as Nebraska is now, the US wont have an economy, a
government, or a population....

the news is liars doing oral sex for their economic masters...
sucking and gagging sounds with positive vocalizations... do you
suppose we'll ever get to the plain truth? yeah, when its one road
warrior talking to the other about all the skulls one trips over...

maybe its time the French paid Haiti reparations for a hundred years,
and the world bank returns all the money they filched plus interest,
and to the people, not to some puppet government corruptocracy working
for the CIA.....

will that happen? yeah right.. expect more gagging & sucking sounds
with yum-yum noises by pundits....

people of haiti, forget money, forget help, just start planting
trees, food trees, lumber trees, shade trees, nitrogen fixing trees,
dont believe a fucking word anybody says, just plant trees...

Sent from my mobile device

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday 23rd, January 2010...........

Morning, about 3 a.m., just woke up..
or at least starting to...
Worked on the new knife last night, made a lanyard/wrist thong out of
parachute cord, with a plastic bead I made from blue 55 gallon barrel
plastic... The bead is a friction tightner, so knotted thong can be
easily fastened to wrist, allowing one to let go of the knife, and
have it stay attached...... sometimes handy... its turned out
to be a nice project, an honest & no frills hunting knife... I've
made fancier knives, owned expensive boughten knives, and boughten
hunting knives tend to be more show than practical... or like
military knives; overly heavy & clunky... I feel sorry for vets
(earthquake as I write) who must have packed so much un necessary
weight thru major wars, due to military procurement being
impractical... anyway, this knife is nice, practical, has a good
hard stainless blade, and will undoubtably be a personal
favorite.... its heavy duty with out being too thick and massive,
has a nice blade shape that will improve with a lifetime of
sharpening, the handle scales are of the highest quality tropical
hardwood, and is a nice practical size and shape for kitchen or
garden chores, or cutting rope, survival purposes etc. and I made
it myself, with about $5 in costs, and a good day's work... its a
perfect knife for big game, nice shape for skinning & butchering...
and sized for doing Elk, Buffalo, etc. the shape was also popular
with sailors a hundred years ago... a knife for all reasons.... its
a bit big for fine work, not a spud peeler or whittler, but would
cut cabbage, slice bacon, or be used with a wooden pin to cut large
diameter rope, or could be used in a pinch as an eating utinsel....
I could use it every day for a lifetime and not use it up... there
is a quality to home made gear, it tends to get more practical with
experience... I've seen gear turned out by people not nearly as
skilled that I thought was very good, asthetic & practical.... often
much better than anything on the commercial market....

I strongly suggest that any person interested in survival,
subsistence, or stargate colonization, get into making their own
gear.... what I've learned in half a century, is that what is
commercialized is most often impractical... its like everything else
done for motives of money, the ends affect the means... which
effects everything... its incredibly easy for greed to effect the
human mind.. People will do atrocities for greed.... they will kill,
maim, steal, lie, or do genocide, all the while thinking it good....
basically the human genetic spectrum was contaminated, and we've
spent thousands of years working out most of the worst of it... but
there are still those who can justify anything & everything for
selfish ends... and another group too gullible and decent to believe
everybody isnt like them.. which makes them easy victims...

what this all means, is we are in for extremely serious trouble...
my guess is the Ranchers are precise in their predictions about human
future outcomes.. we are in for total hell, due to how we are.. and
the wise person best be ready to run....

I often think as I write this blog about NSA or CIA type data
grinder employees, reading what the computer spits out, catagorizing
my drivel as insane rantings, and I often hope they think, check out
what I'm saying, and if they are decent humans, that when things come
unglued, they are ready to run... and manage to do so..

Civilisation is in fact a form of collective insanity held in place by
very base motives... It relies heavily on fear, insecurity, and
foolish trust...

if when the Ranchers show up, they do proove to be enlightened and
wise, and decent, I will consider it a relief... the people that
gravitate to leadership and power positions in our own cultures are
most often the worst of us... it is a million times better to be a
renegade than aspire to normalcy...

I hear alot of folks on the verge of realization as to what the bible
is about... I see my own realizations & writings as a catalyst...
one of the first motes that the process of paradigm crystalization
begins at.. many will deny, no few laugh, but some will begin
thinking and check it out for themselves...

Last night I made a realization about the bipolar nature of the
universe, and that some things in the bible that seem totally
incredible may have practical cause.... I am talking about a
connection between the material universe we inhabit, and the other
dimension we cannot sense... the one I suspect can be crossed over
into by exceeding light speed... well, most of the metaphysical,
which I tend to be skeptic of has biblical roots.. and I realized
last night that there may be other ways to cross over into the
anti-Time dimension.....
a way we all have had as an experience perhaps...

Where were you before birth or even conception? where will you go
after death? did you just start with a beginning point? and when you
arrive at an ending point, be snuffed out in spirit? well, our
tecno-manipulators of bible fame seem to be able to pull off some
tricks that proove otherwise...

and I realized, that the phenomina we describe as living spirit may
be a tangible proof of bi-dimensionalism... imagine a bipolar
universe, with two halves invisible to each other... In one time goes
one direction, in the other its reversed, in one life is being there,
death is not being there... In the other its reversed.... total
anti-reality... now imagine beings who have used genetic manipulation
to achive immortality, and who study reality scientifically, and who
develope faster than light star drive, and realize when they pop or
fade over the line, that they are in the anti-matter universe, and
that they can tap an infinite energy source by tapping into it..
they also perhaps discover strange side effects, other life forms,
other crossings... other forces; matter/anti-matter,
gravity/anti-gravity, energy,/ anti-energy, life force, / anti-life,
time,/ anti-time..... and they give these things names, and
learn to work them.... imagine it as a negative universe..... Now
lets presume that the non existant seperation membrane has tiny
leaks... That there is something like an electrical capacitance
between the two dimensions, and one of these effects is the spirit
dream.. i.e. The little life force that animates us... and that with
a billion years of scientific inquirey, they learn to manipulate
even that.. time, matter, energy, and even life versus death become
just two sides of the same universal reality to them.. and that in
the process they come to the point of complete grok.... One with the
absolute... ulitmate god-head.... Alpha/Omega......

and they begin to use the knowlege to create....

with unlimited energy, anti-gravity etc. they can move planets,
affect stars, or create living beings....

this would easily explain everything in the bible....

that there might be higher truths... and that those who scoff, might
be fools to their own small knowledge, and those so simple minded as
to believe, might be accidentally wise....

Sent from my mobile device

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday, 22nd January 2010............

a couple hours before dawn... got up, lit a fire for mosquitos, and
put the food on to rewarm...

I hear the vehicles on the highway, car O'clock in the morning, a
billion slaves, thanking God its friday, and that they get a couple
days at home soon so they can pretend to be free....

Poor fools... Kept poor by their own minds... not enough imagination
to dream a better life, not enough guts to leave their rat's nest
security behind.. not enough will power to quit endebting themselves
to more and more of the same.... not enough time in their lives to
justify it all.....

I heard a program on Radio Deutchevella, about Mongolia, it was
about some park, to protect some animal near extinction, signal was
so faint I never caught what the animal was... but they talked about
a city of 300,000 yurts, called; Ger, and people living in them thru
cold winters heating with wood & coal... I happily listened to the
vignette, also heard the Mongols are getting into better quality
genetics with livestock now, rather than just numbers of head.... a
good sign...

And I thought about how close freedom was....

a small yurt is cheaper than a big house, and freedom is cheaper than
a big government....

the average person now works to pay taxes, sit in a huge house,
heat it, drive a ton or two of steel
in the rat race to the salt mines, and their only rest is sitting in
front of a TV having their head deusched out by talking heads
pretending to be somebody special...

the Mongolians have a better life...

Yurts are still warm inside, coal still burns, and its fairly cheap
shit by the BTU or Kilocalorie...... in the US, millions heat
their houses with coal, via the electric company... with the company
making a stiff profit conveyoring coal into the fire, losing half the
energy in line loss and bureauocracy, so you dont need to open a
stove door a few times a day, and toss some in yourself.... check on
prices of coal by the ton, compare BTU's per unit cost with
electricity, imagine your house morphing into a yurt, and subtract
from your budget the costs etc. in house payment, energy, taxes,

and wonder how terrible it would be to live in a warm snuggy yurt,
heat bathwater up on the stove, perhaps some tea also?

I paid off a farm that way once... I cut firewood instead of bought
coal, and I'd still be there now, if not for a once a month Drama

moral of the story, is that happiness isnt found on the path marked by
vanity.. happiness is a form of humility... its when you are
physicaly comfortable; warm, clean, dry, fed, and relaxed and
puttering on your favorite hobby... it has nothing to do with elegant
houses weighing tons, Cars weighing tons, taxes weighing tons, and
40 hour a week jobs trying to pay for it all......

Sanity is Retro....

I heard Alex Jones even saying that yesterday, that people need to do
two things, get back to the land, and fight big government...

Well, if you got back to the land humble enough, government would
have a harder time taxing the dog shit out of you... what are the
taxes on a couple thousand dollar yurt, and a thousand dollars worth
of horse and cart? and how much job would you need to buy them and
ten acres of land?

add a windmill pumping water, some fences, garden, pasture, small
barn, a couple dexter cows, a few sheep, a spinning wheel and
loom, a woodlot and a pond, and what would you need in government
services? maybe get a high powered rifle, a shotgun, and now you
dont need the police either......

My son is starting to look for a used flute for me on ebay...
something to do after I learn guitar...

I retired at 39 years old....I'm now 53... its been good... I did
it by letting go of normalcy.... I risked my life to make it
happen... I do what I want to every day...I dont own a car or a

I listen to the problems on short wave, I add my two cents via this
blog... I work on hobbies that add to my life.. I pay about $10 a
year in taxes... I planted lots of food......

and now, I'm going to stow this blog page to send out after daylight,
and as the sun rises in a few minutes, I'll be practicing my guitar,
while you start your car and head off to your job... I'm free, you
are not... and you probably think you are better than me....

think all you want.. the only thing you get working for the
technocult these days, is old...

Sent from my mobile device

Thursday, January 21, 2010

wednesday 20th 2010...............

Afternoon, worked most of the day on a knife, got it pretty much
done, maybe do a little special touch on it tomorrow.. it was a
distinct knife project, I usually get a bit more fancy, this is
utilitarian... what I was after, was something back towards the
roots of the hunting/camp knife that I have described in this blog..
the knife of the outdoorsman living in a cabin in the brush 200 years
ago perhaps? it wouldnt elicit much attention from most people, the
average city dweller would think it was an old kitchen knife, due to
shape and wooden handle... my uncles, with their individualistic
edged hardware, would eye it closer, especially if I make a sheath
for it...
they know me well enough, to pay attention to what I have going...
where it differs most from a kitchen knife, is thicker blade, slightly
larger handle in the hand, lanyard hole with grommets and liner tube,
and it's subtile shape with its ancient lines...

It was alot of work start to finish, I dont have most tools garage
guys have... so its definitely hand made... my guess is 8 hours into
doing it..
and working Cortesa by hand is generally a bitch....

but, now I have a lifetime posession, practical, durable, unique,
and quality... funny thing; with mass production using victims of
socialism's dark side, and inflation of money, due to capitalism's
ugly head, the only thing that has any true value, is what you do for
yourself that needs neither..

I listened to short wave awhile today, sounds like the US is
still on a collision course.... The twits of government arent smart
enough to leave people alone.. I cant think of any mistake they
havent done, with trumpets sounding to announce how great they are...
the only mistake they havent made yet, is actually starting the civil

and I'm curious in a macabre way, just what it is they will do that
gets them over run and feet shy of the ground... I've known a lot
of rednecks in my life... not people you want to piss off or

they're pretty good folks generally,, some real shitheads, but most
mind their own business, and make decent neighbors...

later, woke, now after midnight.... thinking about bazaar stuff I
heard on shortwave, human sacrifice in Uganda, and slave labor, and
human meat for sale in north korea.. humans are fairly sick critters,
be it bazaar things in remote places, or another line I heard today
about american justice system being admitted by cops to be a money
extraction game now...

it all adds up to insanity... I realized the money extraction/legal
system paradigm years ago, and have heard others personally who have
made the same realizations... So to hear it on short wave was no

what I do know, is it all leads somewhere...
That as a civilisation goes corrupt, it's demise hastens... and
when the civilisation thats a planet wide technocult, an economic
empire of
techno-vassels, with capitalistic fiefdoms, disquised as states or
multinational corporations, that its collapse will likely be sudden &
catastrophic.... road warriors without any fuel...

people are starting to realize how bad it is... petty
corruptocracies, nukes bleeding from one petty tyrant to others,
doesnt take a prophet to predict where its going...

which leaves the small guys best having got their personal trip in
order... interestingly enough, exactly what sages & prophets
invariably push for... if it wasnt for the nukes, and the trashed
environment, a crash of the Titans wouldnt bother me too much, I'd
feel bad for the stupid and innocent types, but figure it a learning

unfortunately, I supect the warnings in Bible, Koran, etc. To have
been left for us by a higher authority, who kinda knows where it all

and the words; no flesh left alive, are fairly serious, that if the
skygods didnt come, we'd be facing extinction... this is sobering to
the thinking man, but does nothing for those armored and Teflon
coated by arrogagance and greed..

but the good news, is they get their's, and some of us who do get
personal trips in good order, can maybe survive, and be waiting when
the skygods pull into orbit... I think its all we've got, because
who ever poisoned the human genome did a good job... everybody is
screwed up some, and some are really sick.. the mild cases can cure
themselves, if they'd try, the sick ones are beyond hope.. the good
news is there is a chance thru realizing and paradigm change, to avert
doom... chances are slim,too many people more into garbage, than
into looking sternly into their mirrors....

and the system and all its TV & money Zombies, is headed for an ugly ending..

Sent from my mobile device

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday 19th January 2010..........

Morning, a very pretty one...

home alone, just got food going... now starting to work on my knife
project... its the Puma style , got brass washers epoxied into
handle slabs... will wait for that to harden & start working on

got stuff in Canoas yesterday, now can complete it hopefully... will
be nice a refugee kit item....

funny part, is the glue cost more than the blade...

I got a hunk of copper tube for lanyard hole liner, and I also bought
a new short wave radio, cost $12 And was missing AC cord & carry
strap, but the good news is it has good sensitivity.... used it
last night, caught a ham net bcst, guys were talking about coming
civil war in the US, and they were being professionally jammed...
Which is common now on patriot bcsts..... yeah, I'm a nut case, knew
this was coming years ago... But I have been surprised at how fast
people are figuring out the big lie... and that it sounds like they
are going to do fine, understand the govt. Will try to plant people
in their groups, and are working around the problem from the get

I talked to locals on bus yesterday had another woman say it was the
apocalypse coming, and a local man talked about the disfunctional
legal system where thieves go free, and they jail common folk for
bullshit to extract money via fines.... same as in US... eh?

basically government has evolved into public parasite number one
everywhere on the planet.....

doesnt matter where you go, its a money & power grab... soon to
implode, as the people are catching on, and more than a little
disgusted... I think it will come unglued in the US first.... heard
a cop telling people on short wave to stand up for gun rights...

personally I think theres going to be a rope shortage.. people will
have to hang the tyrants back to back to get two into the same

not a problem rope is adaptable stuff... and will choke off their jowls.....

I think it will be the status quo that starts it.. they will start
killing people first... but by the time they do, people will be so
fed up with their shit, they will be outnumbered thousands to one...

sad, but wait and see....

more people are waking up every day... Realizing how bad it really
is.... the ugly american is quickly becomming the awake and angry

my guess is more shennigans next couple of elections, black box & ken
& barbie politicians...

and people will know it and the war start fairly soon.... I think
all the plans of the status quo will come to naught, they picked on
the wrong guys....

i.e. Everybody....

anyway due to new radio purchas, only spent $10 on food for this
month.... no problem, green bananas in the soup...

as I've said before, all the government info gathering on people will
only result in them knowing everybody hates their guts....

control is an assumption..... all asumptions are wrong.....

and the Ranchers have predicted that the people win.... the more
bloody it is, the more of them will hang.... justice, real justice
is mostly a form of getting even.... And so far the status quo has
made every mistake possible.....

greed is about to become a capital offense...

people pretty much know the score now.. most everything I've realized
is common knowledge now.. its only a matter of time...

God help us!

which he will.... aint gonna help the bad guys...

basically its all a trap for them, genetic editing.....

the status quo has planned this for decades, the Ranchers have
planned it for thousands of years...

later listening to short wave, VOA, talked about corruption in
Afghanistan, it makes up a quarter of their gross national product...
must be a copy of US government..... I heard the US govt. Is now 90%
of gnp.... its insanity.. all we actually produce now is
politics and conquest....

losing conquest... and corrupt politics..

meanwhile we badmouth others for doing what we do too... the US is
no better than Iran, it just likes to think it any tyrant
better than the others?

I dont think anything is going to get any better until after total
collapse... sad but likely true..

when we remove our nose from the business of others, and the
government quits putting its nose into the lives of the people, things
will get better, you cant cure politics with government or vice
versa.. the US govt. Has no better credibility with Americans now
than the Iranian governmet does... things will get better when the
government collapses.. Until then, things will get worse... its like
some insane person who has to confront their own insanity to allow a
cure... it may take 5 Californians to change a lightbulb, but it
takes everybody to change a fascist government.. And as long as
politics is partisan, they'll have their way with us... when we all
agree we've had all the shit we are going to take, is when change

and that day wont come as long as people are badmouthing each other as
liberal or conservatives... so far, divide and conquer is alive and

morning, just woke, thinking about something I heard on short wave...
it was a comment about the government, and Waco texas massecre.... "
that people expect the government to try it again, but this time it
wouldnt be free."

in other words they wouldnt be able to do it without citizens coming
to help...

A lot of people think the status quo is running scaird... all I can
say is if they arent, they are incredibly stupid... I suspect a
little of both...

All their macinations, and corruption, and history of genocide and
murder are catching up with them now... and they have been so busy
feeding their own neurosis, that they havent noticed that their
insanity has become obvious to the general public...

the technology of communications has allowed a revolution in
realization, and the genie isnt going back into the bottle... if
they try censoring the web, people will start passing out CD's and
blue toothing info, at an increased rate... every action causes a
more powerful reaction... censorship would actually be a really good
thing for the awakening movement, it would create increased demand
for the truth, and more people would activate... the status quo is
like Wiley Coyote on Road Runner, they had a big plan, but have
painted themselves into a corner using Acme Rubber glue.... and
their explosives are about to detonate on them....

And yes, police & military will confiscate guns if ordered to.... but
only for a little while, until outrage and anger cause such a backlash
that they start getting sniped at.... people arent buying those guns
to give them up... they are buying them for self defense against the
effects caused by corrupt and assinine government... the status quo
is about done waving pieces of paper, and getting the people to obey..
it all boils down to belief, and a big corrupt government is pretty
much like a smaller one... their days are numbered... they can do
some damage for awhile, but you notice Marcos didnt hold the
Philipines forever even with the CIA etc. Backing him, and unending
martial law... every dog has his day, and shooting the opposition
just pours gas on the fire.... the tyrants are sowing the seeds of
their own destruction every day, every way... they are just too
stupid to realize it.....

Ruby Ridge & Waco woke up thousands of times more people than they
killed.... they helped wake me up.... I realized there was no call
for what happened in either case... other methods could have been
used.. Instead, the big power trip resulted in wrongful death....
and I wasnt the only one to realize that...

millions made the same realizations.... where we are now is like
the night before the big battle.. the people are moving, loading
clips, sharpening knives, lashing their packs, and filling canteens,
and getting some rest... when the battle starts, it wont be the
cigar smoking industrialists, bankers, and bureauocrats who win it, it
will be boots on the ground & well placed shots..... and the tyrant's
mercenaries are as nothing in comparison to a citizen army.... the
Grand Militia......

Sent from my mobile device

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday 18th January, 2010.........


had my fone eat a stack of outgoing emails.... technology is
amazing, but not entirely reliable..

listening to short wave radio last few days has been amazing... the
Haiti quake shows one thing; that all the king's horses and all the
kings men wont get you out from under your house if it falls on you,
in time, no matter what the tax rate is... lets put it in
perspective; Haiti is one small place, half an island, one major
city, mostly poor people and a few rich to keep them that way.... it
has a disaster, and the whole planet takes a week to get them a
drink of water...

what would happen if the disaster was more than one spot? say a
nuclear war, a real plague, a quake more than Richter 7 under a
really major city with a nuclear power plant?

The Technocult is an assumption...

I hear talk about some Lakey lawyer appointee of Obombout's wanting
to outlaw both free speech and private ownership of firearms..

The guy is a drone moron... nobody is going to give up their guns,
nobody is going to quit talking, and if they try it the reaction
will have more effect than the law... Law has gone beyond absurd....
and people have figured it out... the control freaks keep racheting
things up, with not a brain one able to think about the actual
outcome, just think about what they want....

Government is at best disfunctional.. the only thing the thieves
all agree on, is greed... but where does greed take you? greed is
not good....

what if they had a war and nobody would fight, what if they passed
laws nobody obeyed, what if they levied taxes nobody paid?

The Federal Government is planning on a civil war..... the Federal
Government is terminal....

these people are stuffed shirts, professors without a single
practical experience in their whole lives... they look good on paper,
but tying their own shoe laces is about the real level of their
practical knowledge..... they can start a car, and drive it... but
they cant fix a flat tire.... if the kitchen faucet leaks, they have
to call a plumber....

people arent going to go along with their shit.... people have other
things to do, like struggle to extricate themselves as much as
possible from the big lie..... people are realizing the truth now...
but the people at the top are still living the grand delusion...
the human reality constant, is actually closer to the great
depression than it is to pie in the sky credit culture..

The big dance is about over... time to go home, and milk the cow &
feed the chickens...

theres work to be done to get your family thru whats coming.... and
your congressman isnt going to do it for you...

basically the more absurd governments become, the less people do as
told... I heard a guy on a call in yesterday, from Oregon, reporting
new taxes on every thing imaginable... well, dont buy the shit..
just do what you actually need to... the assumption is you'll buy the
shit and pay the taxes.... if you go absolute minimalistic, fascism
crumbles... its all based on excess...
The people in power have words, while everybody under them has other
things they'd better be doing... I suspect FEMA vehicles will have
their tires shot out it the future... do you suppose they will take
the warning seriously? We'll see....

In Haiti, they got their political puppet a squawk box for comms,
before they got kids out from under houses...

See how important the theater is to them? its all they know...

I heard a woman on a call in yesterday, asking about other countries
to go to... because she knew the US was going to crash.....

Hmmm? thats where I was about 16 or more years ago...

my point is you have practical things to do... like get out of the
city, get your guns and ammo and food stashes hidden, start teaching
your kids reality not political fairy tales.... time to wake up
folks... Its the Apocalypse you are looking at.... its not a
Sitcom..... and when its all said and done, those who survive will
be divided into two groups, the decent ones will be saved, the rest
burned..... so its not just about personal survival, its about
helping others too.... its about doing whats right, and its not
about morons who think they can wave a piece of paper and you'll bow
down to them and say yes master!

Ignore them, they are totally insane....

you have work to do......

Sent from my mobile device

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday 14th January, 2010............

Morning, munching coconut, baking ripe bananas, did a food hike,
then sat in the garden on my rock, and read more in the Koran...

Amazing, same story of the future as the bible, Enoch, and very
readable.... also just as filled with wisdom.... the basic theme is
a warning of judgement day, and you'd better clean up your act....
legions of angels coming down from the heavens, in battle order, and
the works of man blown to dust... blasted.....

also ran into a verse about some being put here to test the others....
i.e. the bad guys....

so I think its time to get out the Karmic Hoover, and start cleaning
on the self.... funny thing, Koran is down on same things bible,
Enoch, Buddha, and Tao are..... hmmm? Why do you suppose that is..?

the battle lines arent between the religions, its between good and
evil.. and the field of battle for now, is within the self....

What can send troops down from the sky? what can create living
beings & animals, what can terraform a planet?

well, I'm not sure, but they think they are in charge... and said
they'd be back..... so am I going to badmouth any one of many
messages left by them? hardly.. I'm going to read them all for a
more full realization, and I'm definately going to clean up my own
act as is possible...

the Koran, Bible, Tao, and Buddha, all teach humility...... and
pretty much everything else is the same.... So which versions of
the message are you ignoring? and when the ships fill the sky, its
going to be a bit late to start doing better things.....

also I ran into lines about it being good to fight the bad guys
hard... it was strongly encouraged.... and I suspect thats what the
Muslim fundamentalists see themselves as doing.... funny how its the
same people they are battling with as we are... The bankers, Elite,

America may be breaking out of the left/right political paradigm
nationally, but are we breaking out of the them & us paradigm
created by mainstream media concerning the Muslims?

these guys are trying to defend their turf, and throw off a greed
head status quo being imposed on them with the help of the definitely
not humble types...

Who really is the Enemy? is it us? Or ignorance? Or both?

folks, they are going to blast the dogshit out of anything they dont
like.... and I dont think they build industrial zones on planets....
From what the bible says, they construct in space.... what would a
culture that was able to build huge things in space think of people
who trashed planets for greed?

planets they set up & seeded? I dont think I'd count on a house in
the burbs being there too long after arrival either... so I think
you'd better quit paying the bankers, and start thinking about where
humility is, and how to get there..

take a look at the fotos of Haiti, theres whats going to happen...
I think the Ranchers are just going to finish the job....

and they are going to take who they want, and burn those they
dont...... and the dividing line is like Santa Clause, if you have
been doing bad or good..

later, listening to short wave, listening to the collapse in real
time... Rome took centuries to collapse, the current one will only
take days.. once it gets going.....

and its going to get a serious boot by arrival...

govt. Using injections of alien conspiracy theory to discredit
critics.... do you suppose they'll be surprised when they show up?
I suggest the reader try a little test; read Enoch, Bible, or
Koran, and imagine I'm right.. just play with it, like a mental
game..... where you pretend its aliens who seeded us here.. read the
stories, think about the stuff you dont understand... everything in
the light of extraterrestrials being to core reality.. it really
works folks, its the obvious paradigm once you try it.... nothing
else fits as good....

it really really works...

and thats not good news, at least not unless they are more enlightened
than we are....

and I did find passages in the Koran that complimented what is said in
Joel in the bible.. about the invasion forces... they're going to
land them on the hilltops, so they start out fighting downhill...

imagine being able to land a million troops from space and place them
on the high ground... should be impressive....

and its likely they are genetically enhanced for the job...

time is short, all the stuff happening now points to it being
close... I dont think it will be ten years...

People are figuring it out... it aint the Muslims, its the bankers,
fascists, etc.

its all about whats right & whats wrong folks.... wake up from the
money dream and become a real human......

the truth of the matter is that the Koran and the bible are about the
same message/warning from the same source... and the two groups have
been played off against each other for a thousand years of killing and
butchery... the test isnt which religion wins, its which people
realize the truth and start throwing off the instinctual liars,
killers, and thieves... Muslims and Christians are natural allies...
no? well read the koran for yourself, and dont just listen to
someone badmouthing them... pundits have agendas... thats how they
get financing...

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