Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, 27th of September, 2010...........

awaiting daylight... and to be able to start my day... all the
usual routines... chopping wood, carrying water, doing dishes,
cooking food...

its a daily ritual, and a pleasant one... a bit more difficult now
due to being the rainy season, and having rain to contend with...

I try every day now, to do something to organize, or repair, or
improve my gear or living situation...

making constant progress...

kind of in a gap w/online relationships, usually get scam attempts
when I check my traplines...

mostly its a waste of time... women these days want their butts
kissed 24/7, and want to run your life... By getting you in love with
them... old game, getting real old with me...

human decency isnt enough for them I guess? Gotta be manipulative?

well, I'm fine alone, and know sooner rather than later the fall of
Babylon will have them in shock, and less difficult to deal with, if I
decide to bother...

theres no shortage of them, like a locust plague in the streets.. all
depending on the system continuing, and their fairy tale illusion
providing them with everything they desire....

the economy is on the verge of nose diving into collapse... The Liars
on TV continue to shovel out sanitary mindfill....

I'm thankful I have food falling on the ground...

breadnuts are pretty good, bananas are great, Yucca is OK, and coconut
is pretty good stuff...

right now, its a bit of a lull, waiting for things to start
producing... While continuing to plant more...

the last owners of the farm were into cattle, and didnt plant much,
the grandmother did, collected tree starts, but she didnt get much
help from the rest of them, and the cattle and pigs trashed things

S no coconuts replanted, they just used off the old ones getting
taller and taller, and older.. mostly now dying... I realized the
problem and the danger, and started planting more, but now the
surviving old ones are hardly producing, and the new stuff hasnt
started yet... but the good news is I do have some getting of size..
in another couple years will be just starting to produce... when
that happens, things will get better.... I have three coconuts
planted that have maybe 3 years left to go, that will drop cocos
right beside my kitchen.. And just those three trees likely produce
more than I need... we're also planting more, another area, on the
far end of the garden, other side of the banana area.. also planting
more bananas, more yucca, and will be multiplying Papa Chilicanas
when the dry season comes soon.. the bananas in the new areas are
starting to produce... We have enough planted now to burry us... I'm
about two years from being 100% food self suffient.. its been a long
struggle.. but it will be nice soon.. To live in a cornucopia...

should start just when the shit hits.. Glad I did it....

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday 17 th of September 2050...........

half an hour from dawn, just got a fire built..

listened to short wave last night. A health program.
One of the issues discussed was narcistic behavior...

and the woman started with a quote of some expert about us living in
the narcistic era....

very true....

its also what the bible talked about... "lovers of themselves" etc.
but the woman doing the program, didnt make that connection.. Instead
she went off into a diatribe about spousal abuse by males...

well my experience and realisations have been different being male...
And having male friends etc...

I know abusive males exist, but I suspect they are much more rare than
abusive females... just the problems they cause are more obvious...
a black eye is more apparent than an unwanted life...

I notice on playing the internet date sites, that the women play the
games I've figured out the hard way, they want you to fall in love
with them so they can pull your strings... and if you dont allow
that, youre a cull....

and thats the state of love..... modern love is mostly used as
leverage in the narcistic culture game... has nothing to do with
human decency or putting the group ahead of the self.. Be it only a
group of two.....

how many men are working jobs they hate because its what they have to
do to keep the wife from playing emotional blackmale games on them?

there's a serious amount of spousal abuse.... more by far than all
the black eyes on women...

I also heard the woman doing the program comment on the girls working
in the business that sponsors her program... and it dawned on me what
was going on.... a little Christian femminist Group... running a
business selling overpriced products you could grow or gather
yourself, if you werent holding down the job to please the unpleasable

Hey guys, I've lived alone for 16 years now... its been really nice
managing my own life... havent missed having a manipulative woman
making a nigger out of me for the system...

freedom is more important than sex.....

I also notice that I've done really well managing my own life... Very
sucessful in my own ways..

cant really be measured by money, but I am doing well by other
standards.... I live a freeman, a modern childish Tarzan, hearing the
breadnuts fall in my private paradise...

meanwhile, my exwife, has gone from two houses to one, and that one
no room for a garden,,,

she works a job everyday.... and I fear she wont have much of a
retirement even with both of them doing fairly well in their
careers.... and my point isnt about my exwife... Its about normalcy
versus freedom... its about choosing to be a part of a system made up
of a few billion self centered assholes all pointing fingers at each
other, or one choosing going a different path...

me? as bad as anyone in many ways... but I realized long ago I was
doing someone a favor by living alone.... some woman at least doesnt
have to put up with me & my problem...

I'm still looking... but I'm also still learning...

and I do know the difference between real love, and real good leverage
to be manipulated.....

I think its funny... Women listening to millions of silly songs about
true love... Their Holy Grail...

While they all use the fools they catch so badly that they kill the
love, and him, in the process...


anyway... I'd rather be alone, than "loved" that way... being alone
is freedom.... Being able to be self reliant is maturity... and
putting the group ahead of one's self is being socially responsible...

and in the post-post modern era, we have a culture of billions of
Narcistic Motes, all thinking the hyeena pack mentality is something

Not even close... not good....

the good part of realizing all this, is knowing I can go on... I have
found myself, grasp my own Dichotomies, and can find a relationship
with a decent woman in due time... I know where the balance point

its internal, not external.....

and my point is "men's Liberation"........

its time guys... The system is terminal...

and you can be terminal too... Or you can survive..

and if you dont have the courage to live without a "Sex Mommy" then
you really arent much of a man.... I suggest you do the right
things... let her have the house and all the shit in it.... if you
can get away with the dog, your hunting & fishing gear
and your food growing tools, and other tools, etc. you got the best
end of the deal.... Central and south America are big places... 5 or
10 acres here is enough to be self suffiecient on... and if you dont
have some slitch running her own agenda on you, your alot more likely
to achieve success in your own terms....

if women want to be vanity heads, let them... they can all hang out
in Babylon when the shit hits....

I suggest you be fishing and gardening someplace nice.....

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday 14th September 2010........

just getting my head & bread together...

recovering from a trip to town, and doing some corn bread/bannock as
soon as my fire takes off....

Nice morning, didnt rain as hard last night as previous nights....
We've been getting the hard tropical storm type rains early this

I've long suspected that with climate change, this little area I'm in
would get increased rainfall...

one of the reasons I settled here...

anyway, blog type thoughts include a dawning realization that my
childish tendencies are good....

always liked camping, exploring, travel, other cultures etc. and I
see that the most successful parts of my life were when I followed
these paths, and the least sucessful times were when I got sidetracked
and trapped/enslaved by women....

Samson Syndrom; poke your eyes out with love, chain you to the wheel,
could care less about you,

cure; bring the system down...

anyway, I find being irresponsible
and immature has its good side...

its very good for ME!

my kids are grown, my wife is somebody else's problems, so
responsibility isnt a big issue anymore...

immature? thats the fun one...

immature has a creative side, or at least mine does.... And I find
that not holding down a job is liberating... I have time to do things
I like....

And also realizing how good things I like are for me in the current
situation of cultural decline...

its a week day, my contemporaries are at work, thinking about the rat
holes in their retirement bag...

yup! Leaking out & ratted off faster, than you can put it in.....

bad decision, to trust in a system, made up of other people just like
you... because they're just as two faced.... so instead of it being
like you thought, and everybody else not noticing you slouching and
sifting, they were all doing it too...

so your beloved retirement and the entire system has been turned into
swiss cheese, and the ratio, is more holes than cheese by far....

me? Immature & irresponsable; couldnt get into the retirement
mindset... seemed way early to be to be thinking about carrots on
such long sticks... And now that I'm older, I'm suprised, but I
still feel the same... filling a Me Sack with money never seemed as
interesting as making things, planting food trees and plants, or
fresh baked bread over an open fire...

funny thing, its brought me around full circle to the actual roots of

to resting after getting the work done...

after the well is dug, the cabin built, and the garden done, and the
walnuts planted...

yeah that takes awhile, especially the walnuts, to produce, but its
where the retirement concept actually originated....

had nothing to do with money or sacks thereof,
in imaginary digital vaults, where any hacker, government agency, or
Exwife's lawyer can get at it....

be better letting them come steal your walnuts....
Then you could plink them with the .22........

anyway, doing my cornbread this morning in the banana leaf....
Turning into a favorite technique....

no stick mother of the muffin skin....

the difference between a banana leaf and a muffin paper, is the banana
leaf comes off...

funny how that got improved all the way to disfunctionalism? most
improvements arent.....

another thing I've been thinking on, is about pizza pans as an item in
my refugee kit... I bought several nice heavy stainless 12 inchers,
and put them aside.. but recently started using a couple..

fine for flatbread, the mother of pizza seems to be a tortilla?

fine to eat on, and take up very little room in a pack or baggage...
what I like about them is their universiality... could do an
omelette, or bake biscuits, or fry burgers on one.... a very flat

I'd guess one would be very nice for a refugee... That and some kind
of stock pot, and a wok, to base the cooking operation around....

I see camping kitchenware as being all based around those few items,
and a teapot...

refugeeism tends to turn into a permanent life...

Camping is getting from point A to point B on a subsistence level..
somewhere between traveling and settling down... I see little reason
to do anything else...

the best life is the simplest life...

another thought line I've been working on, is trying to connect
dots on the biblical mega-quake and whats happening now....

one bazaar possibility, is an imbalancing of the planet by build up of
ice sheet in Antarctica, while ice melts elsewhere... the north sky
effect over the southern continent would create a reversed fire storm
effect, by cycling moisture from over warmer ocean convection

and all the other melting ice, such as permafrost in Siberia etc.
would be released as water, moved into the oceans, therefore

meaning if Antarctica had a quick buildup at the same time, it would
affect the planet's center of balance.. Causing the wooble described
in the bible.. this would set off the mega quake, and volcanism..
fits the description.. and with lightning caused by volcanic
activity, and heat from volcanoes, could set off the fires to burn
forests and grasslands...

What I am seeing is a very good fit with the alien projections...

it would also slosh some impressive tsunamis...

washed away as Jesus described it...

and it would cause nuclear power plants to melt down, and create the
fires burning forever...

The south pole is a vortex, it creates most of the weather on the
planet.. the end result is ice build up, some 3 km thick now... The
adiabatic effect would create a downhill depositing formation, add in
the spin, you get a vortex sucking in water vapor like a vacuum
cleaner... Its already there.. Its been doing its thing a long time...
what hasnt happened is melting elsewhere..

any change in center of gravity of the planet, could trigger a
rebalancing act...

this would create a mega quake effect that lasted hours or perhaps
days.... this would crack up and settle mountains, and remove
islands... volcanism could throw stones... it all fits...

I think I'd be watching the wobble numbers...

and getting out of the cities...

I see it as the ultimate doom...

anyway, there you have it; another crazy doom scenario, from some
nutcase on a permanent camping trip...

camping at 800 plus feet above sea level, and able to relocate to 1200
ft and still be on my farm....

front row seating watching the tsunamis flush the valley...

which leads me to a romantic moral delima....

would it be better to steal a woman and save her life, or leave her
in the danger zone to die?

I have a hard time with that one... Too easy to come to a
justification... cant seperate the self interest etc...

so far no luck saving women.... their social life seems to be more
important than either me, or their survival to them...

anyway, still recovering from a town trip mentally..

that and continual daily rainstorms... and we still have our wettest
months ahead...

I did get some epoxy in town, can now finish an axe handle project...
also making a couple three water bottles from stainless thermos liners
with plastic pipe fittings glued into the necks... thinking to put
silicone baby bottle nipples on them... A practical expedient, I dont
much care what anybody thinks when it comes to my refugee kit, and I'm
after a spill resistant way to access the water.... And the nipples
are fairly tough... And readily available anywhere...

anyway, the only thing better than running for the hills when the shit
hits, is already being there long term, and well set up...

and thats what I'm doing.. its a fun hobby preparing for whichever
doom scenario happens to come first.....
I'm not perticular, will try to survive whatever comes.. not much
caught up in vanity anymore..

just trying to turn the hobby into a preparedness habit.... Was
looking at hoes again... have one more on my list... I operate on a
micro budget.. So preparedness comes in small pieces...

I think about the people living in the system, that its not the cost
of food thats eating them, so much as it is the other bills, and the
types of food theyre used to.. I spent $30 on food this month...about

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