To continue on my vein of Management/Status Quo manipulation, I'll give out a concept I've been stewing for awhile..........
That peaceful protests in the classic sense are useless, and just an opportunity for the status quo to identify, video record, beat with clubs, zap with Tasers, bruise with rubber bullets, hose with cold water, tear gas, arrest and fine, and eventually totally ignore via mainstream mindwash on the TV news etc., and then continue doing nasty things to us...........
And soon they'll have the technology in place, to burn you at the protest, with an open air microwave, like you were a hunk of cow meat....
I think mass protests need to go underground in a virtual sense......(the virtual underground)
An Example: All the Dads who are getting totally screwed with child support, they dont seem to be getting anywhere, just boo-ed on Oprah Winfrey, And Batman got arrested in the Queen's Boudoir in England a couple of years back, And the shit continues unabated....
The pen is mightier than the sword, therefore; the Internet is more powerful than nukes.....
Lets use it............
Here's how;
Lets say people who read this blog decided to spread the following idea, and did the cut/copy/paste routine and used it as an addition to normal E-mail correspondence......
And the plan is to stage an Internet event world wide....
Say every June, just around father's day, say the nearest weekend to said bogus holiday,
All the “BEAT DEAD DADS” (correct word order.) took the Friday and Monday off on both sides of said weekend, and took the kids fishing, camping, what ever, as long as it was outside the system, and taught the kids how to do something outside of same system.....
And on their way out the previous Thursday, they threw their switch, lost some papers, or jammed a cockroach into a relay somewhere at their position in the big machine....
And No Males with the old CSD grudge, fixed anything, did anything, were around to give advice, etc.
Kind of a yearly Y2K event, where everything goes down.... but the Dads buy their car fuel on Wednesday or early Thursday, and are off camping with the kids, and couldn't give a shit what happens to the system that weekend.....
No announcements need to be made, nobody needs to say anything to anyone, just decide to do it yourself as your chosen form of protest......
This is how to hurt the status quo....
No profit on those days for the greed heads.....
And all the guys, disirregardless of color, size, shape, or class, could take part in a grand example of male solidarity..... as could the “second wives” who often suffer along with them....
Leaving the Lawyers and judges and women who are doing all the cunt trips, to ponder why nothing works for 4 days in a row every year..... And the legislators would have to re-adjust their bogus numbers on taxes, production, and national pass times....
It would cost the “filthy rich” billion$, Give the oppressed guys a snicker/Ha! Ha! Ha! Day with the kids, and within a year or two, politics would have noises in its gut, Gas pains, and maybe do something to recreate a tich more amicable and balanced system for their little problem, that's the result of Lawyers getting Greedy, Judges on a power trip, and Legislators who think they can improve on their own sex life by insuring plenty of divorcees with kids, looking for Rich status quo bastards, to be mistresses for......
And the kids would love it!
Off the couch guys! Into the car, its off to the lake for the weekend......
Across the entire planet.......
Now think about how to use similar techniques to solve other problems.... like what ever it is thats your personal axe to grind......
Mass protests in the street? No longer effective...... but mass protests that result in work stoppages..... very effective, and what ever the issue, anyone can join in, and the idea can be used in myriad variations and levels of Gremlins put into the system by disgruntled or disenfranchised groups......
Why continue to pull their cart if they're beating you? Kick them in their economic teeth....
Same techniques could be used for everything..... Whale hunts? Well nothing Japanese seems to get anywhere..... papers lost, numbers juxtaposed on computers, flat tires on forklifts, and not enough workers around on the same day to make anything function.......
And the better you can focus the event, the more effective it will be..........
A very focused laser type cutting edge to do a little economic surgery on the status quo with...
Let's start cutting on their “Huevos”...........
It could give father's day some real meaning, rather than another day of programmed spending, buying silly gifts for the guy with not much in his lunch box these days, and even less paycheck......
No taxes that day for IRS..........
Anyway, you catch my drift, have fun with it!
These days I'm working on some concepts in Social Engineering.... I mentioned some in the last file, which I'll expound on slightly...
What I have going is a little experiment using the net and my innate rebel creativity to see if I can cause a paradigm shift in human thinking, using things I have learned as a worker combined with my said creativity, and use the paradigm shift to provide a little suction in economic terms, and milk the status quo just a tich, taking from those who have too much, and giving to those who have too little.... Nothing illegal, as the whole concept relies on my ability to come up with an idea thats new......
Now lets back up a tich.....
Remember me talking about management not having too many marbles when it comes to actual comprehension of the reality where the rubber meets the road, and that the workers shouldn't give away intellectual property unless they are highly paid to do so.....
Now imagine that my little experiment turns out to be even marginally successful....
If it does, you'll here about it here first.....
A then you can evolve your own versions of it, using things learned at the job site......
Things management has a hard time grokking....
And us begin to milk them economically on a regular basis.....
We're who makes the system function, could be a way to become the rightful heirs of our own labor's fruits........
They really dont know shit.......
“When the people are oppressed, They become more cunning.” ( the Generic Tao)
So..... this is just some hints, and I'll report on the experiment at its conclusion......
Just keep this in mind for a few months..... using new ideas to cause paradigm shifts that result in slightly different flows in the economic system.......
And being ready with the catcher's mitt to catch the proceeds......
Also I have in mind to use the paradigm shifts to alter the future..... to fix things, correct problems, and fine tune things for the common good..... Guess I've watched too many Robin hood movies or something?
Besides this is fun.... and a form of revenge for past injustices to my person....
'You got any past or current injustices?
The Internet is incredibly powerful, because it allows creativity to go forefront on leadership, and bypass the dysfunctional status quo......
And we can all try our hand at it...........
Very democratic......
The “Virtual Republic”.............
Thats us.......
The Fascists, thats them.......
Another related concept I came up with this morning, is to use a similar technique to allow common man to get a handle on things in the corporate world.........
Imagine our Johny Lunchbox types all joining up and buying stocks in the same company......
say the controlling interest....
Stockholders with controlling interests can remove CEO's, change the course of companies, or put the profits into the hands of the workers, (read; Themselves.....)
instead of it all going away into the big vortex of Capitalism...... workers owning part of the company is nothing new, but using it to change the course of future history via united action across the whole planet is..... the ideas also have potentials in screwing with companies causing problems, say with retirements, pollution, or what ever..... people joining up, unifying their power through Internet and doing leveraged buyouts, and then changing the corporate bylaws etc., with the economic political power, and then fading out and going on to the next corporate victim.......... Its a way to wield the power of the masses and play holy hell with the big boy's games..... Another method may be “bubble building” i.e. Target a bad guy's corporation like say Monsanto, and have a loose alliance start buying up stocks.... and of course if their stocks start going up, plenty of capitalist wannabees will jump on board.....
And then when the bubble is big enough, pop it with a timed sell off, like all the sell orders timed for the exact same second, or whenever the price got to a certain point...
And try to bankrupt the corporation through through bursting the bubble and turning the stock into junk..... Basically an effect like drop kicking them off the high dive into an empty money pool.... It could also make some money, for the good guys to roll over, into the next “victim corporation”......
Back to the Whale hunt thing.... get control of the corporation who owns the whaling fleet,
drive them into involuntary bankruptcy, sell off all the assets, and consider the loss as a positive to save the whales........ or use the boats to do something else with, like whale watching tours.... also it would be possible to fire CEO's etc., and give them something to think about....
So imagine a “political corporation” that does leveraged buyouts and makes a better world, one corporation at a time.... plus there are those profits to work with..... ( a “Killer-Whale Corporation”)
Use your heads folks, and use your wallets.... to power a revolution..... imagine the fun seeing the bad guys frustrated..... And they can't beat us, so they have to join us sooner or later, or we take them down......
Focus the united power of our opinions.......
Realize what you have in your hands with the Internet.......
Use Economics against those, who have used it on you, for generations..........
They have kept us divided with national borders, which are nothing more than Feudal era fences to keep the serfs on the farms owned by the assholes.... Time for an economic French revolution, and haul the Rabid Capitalist dogs destroying the planet, up to the economic chicken Guillotine kicking and screaming.......
We have the power in real terms.....
And it can be totally non violent...... the most revolutionary revolution of all..........
Turn their system against them..........
fix what needs fixing......
And it will snowball.................
When I was a kid, the scientists discovered an interesting anomaly, that humans were only using a small percentage of their brains.... everyone thought it was something mysterious....
I began to do a little observing, and sure as shit, they were right..... but what I observed, was that the strange part, was that it wasn't anything unusual, except everyone not being in the habit of thinking.....
Think about that statement.....
And begin using your noggin for more than Bay Watch..........
The TV burns your brain with useless trivia and even more useless TV personalities....
Its the modern equivalent of a mass opium dream.....
TV heads have no brain function.....
Their brains are nothing more than transponders for the mainstream brainwashing soap products..........
The Opinions with the most value, are the original types..... if you got it from a TV, it isn't technically an opinion, its in fact, a running program like a virus.....
Real opinions come from internally, after one observes something, comes up with a thesis, and tests it if possible, maybe with a little kitchen science.........
Science has nothing to do with labs or lab coats, nor university degrees, it is nothing more than a thinking tool, a process to learn what is true, and what isn't......
And it has been taken out of the common man's mindset, by being told it is the real estate of experts from the “better” universities.......
Bull shit! Think about it! It is nothing but a technique......
And anyone can do it.....
Ditto for doing changes on the system..... it doesn't require a talking head from the tube to make changes..... common sense is much more powerful, and its what the status quo obviously lacks, or we wouldn't be in the straits we are in..........
They “experted” us a long ways down the road towards Hell.......... and made a fat profit all the while.........
Time for common folk to do a major correction.....
Even Colin Powell alluded to this on a BBC interview on free speech.......
We can feel it in the wind....
Another interesting thing I've noticed, is that there is a song that never, never, never gets played these days; “Where have all the flowers gone?” Dylan I think? Peter, Paul, and Mary did a version in the 60's and it led to the anti-war sentiment on the national level...
Haven't heard it on mainstream recently, have we.......
I think we need to teach that one to the children every generation, like a lullaby..........
Maybe its time for a new cover version? Say with a stadium full of us normal cannon fodder types singing it together, with a band like U-2, and get it on the airwaves, I-pod's, and CD's......... Lets hear it in the street!
And make Halliburton happy they moved to Dubai..........
Which brings us to boy George's Sub-prime economic stimulus package.....
Gee? Smells like the S&L bailout...... bushie and company, Read; Ali Bush and his 40 corporate thieves, once again are going to have the body politic pay off another one of their “Great Train Robberys”..............
Its an Economic stimulus alright, stimulating normal folks kinda like the Proctologist does...
They're talking giving you $500 of their bogus money back, so you'll run down to China-mart, and buy more shit, to prop up the big lie, so it keeps functioning, You keep prostituting yourselves, and taking orders from them.... they feed you, they own you, and the food crisis is about to hit, and they just want the cattle to not stampede until fairly close to the cliff's edge......
Wouldn't it be better to throw them all into Guantanamo, until they cough up that missing Trillion dollars?
People, quit being stupid victims................
If its on mainstream TV, its at the very best, a partial lie..........
If you insist on being a part of the hyena pack, when the “Die-off” happens you'll be in it.....
Normalcy? Fear it for your lives, literally.......
And all you have to remember, is that economics/business is a form of warfare.....
And it can be turned around, like An artillery fire base position over run by a special forces team, and the gun used on its past owners........
Also dont look for leaders.... just do what you can, that you see needs done....
Individual action is worth much more than mass protests with no product.........
My Advice is the same as always, best start packing your bags....... because when there isn't much food, more and more people are going to go a bit beserk, resulting in more and more control attempts, which cause negative reactions in the masses, because people seem to just like running their own lives.... and its a spiraling nose dive for the big burning Zeppelin....
I was thinking about it this morning, how related to basic emotions it all is, From the vanity that leads to the desire, which feeds the materialism, and the insecurity that leads to the pack-think mentality, and the arrogance that leads to the control trips, and the fear that causes people to obey at least for awhile, and the boredom that makes people watch really stupid shit on the TV's, and the laziness that keeps them from growing their own food,
And the automatic belief that they have to be specialists, instead of learning to make and repair their own gear, you notice the connecting link, its all in the head, all emotions and emotional reactions, and learned behaviors, and none of the real problem is all that external....
Well except for that little fact about climate change about to trash everything from the food supply to the infrastructure as the quakes etc., increase......
Heard last night on BBC that they've discovered this new huge volcano in Antarctica, that went off two thousand years ago, leaving some residual heat..... the reason they found it, was because they are looking for where all the heat is coming from, and of course they're still in denial, and blaming it only on sea temps....
I have bad news.....
its likely coming from below..... the electric blanket effect.... insulate a planet that produces heat at it's core etc., and it's inner temps will go up.....
We're OK for a little while, just the little food and floods and earthquakes and storms problems, but down the road, and not very far, we're going to have problems with increasing volcanism, and mega quakes, and its coming like a long slow freight train, but when it gets here, and hits the wall where the tunnel used to be, shit will happen.....
Basically folks we have a few years, less than a generation.......
Also heard on short wave a thing about the Vatican's observatory being renovated and upgraded with technology..... Hmmm? What does the Pope need a bunch of nerds on telescopes and computers for? Could the “Christian secret” mentioned once in the bible be something about What is coming from space? And funny the renovations will be complete in the next couple of years, like before 2012 and the Mayan Calendar date....
And the New world order types are trying to get their shit all in place before the same timing.....
He folks....... Cattle to the slaughter yard or what?
Remember the reason Sailors put goats on Islands.......
Reality is a conspiracy, but not some little one........
Anyway, best work on your refugee kit, keep gnawing on it, and if they give you $500 of play money back, you'd best spend it on something like food stash, or ammo, or a horse....
Me? I'm pretty much there.... why? Nut case........ Crazy like a fox.........
But What I do know is when the Mega-quake trashes all the cities, and the volcanoes do a nuclear winter trip, any of you that snickered at my advice, will be effectively dead meat, if not already so in real terms......
Best get your little hind end out of Babylon baby!
Find someplace far away and easier to live, without all the help provided at a profit to an elite class of snobs..........
Best Go Wild...... and I dont mean party animal..... I mean get out and elbow with the critters who are avoiding the Crazy Monkeys.......
A boat, a cabin beyond the portage, a yurt in the brush somewhere, a sheepherder's trailer, it doesn't care, as long as its far from ground zero and nuke power plants......
And you have to get it sustainable.... like I mean food and cooking fuel wise, and it has to have water to drink too.... lotsa fools buying houses in deserts that require trucked in water.... going to be new ghost towns sooner or later.........
Anyway..... The Assholes will go down with the ship.....
But unfortunately not all of them......
And the ones that are left will be a real problem, and have to be treated like rabid dogs....
You gotta be prepared to defend..........
and mean it...........
A few days later.......... Just came down from the ridges, went up on horseback to teach a worker how to shoot a grade and pioneer a trail with an Abney Level........
Got an entrance started for my best friend's hunk of Costa Rica.........
Things have finally gone dry and dusty, and hotter, the forest looks stressed, more rapid evaporation now, and more time for the locals to rob anything of values genetics wise, when it comes to wood...........
Basically the area has been populated by European stock for 50 years, and has been totally raped for same 50 years.......
I was thinking all the way down the mountain, that one can't expect to do much theses days,
The Greed heads robbing trillions, with millions being considered peanuts.......
And the climate change thing means empires, civilizations, and relying on other people, are out, and that I wanted to write, that a good survival mind set, is to dream of a little shack in the brush, with a few scrub animals, and a garden spot right there beside the orchard.....
Big dreams, hard crashes.........
little dreams, get by, some how.......
Don't want too much..... dont dream yourselves into a nightmare in Vanity land, just want that shack in the brush, and you might get that.......
If you are very very lucky...........................
Expect disappointments, failures, back-stabs, lost loves, and buried dogs....... thats life as we know it these days........
But also expect to find yourself, and to find the basics in life.........
Simplicity has its own balance and tranquility...........
And a shack in the brush, or a hogan in a creek valley, or a gypsy cart with chickens, a cow and some sheep.....
All that matters is you got out in time, and got away from the insanity of overcrowding......
Because after we quit feeding most of the food stocks to meat animals, and the real food crisis hits and not just the one speculated into existence, and After you've heard wolf cried a thousand times at least, there will come the day what you have going is it.........
No resupply....
Good luck, God/Great Spirit/etc., Bless you, and allow you to make it through whats coming even if reality makes Jerky out of you in the process.......
Few beauties will survive whats coming.....
But 'tis in our nature to try to survive and prosper.......
Whats coming is basically nothing but reality trimming some human stupidity off the human genome...........
A little fine tuning, less violence, less greed, less hate, less dishonesty, less gullibility, and less vanity...........
Just a few surviving humans who're a bit more wild........
Leaning more toward becoming one with nature...........
A few more days have gone by, did a trip up the mountain on horseback.... started an entrance trail project for a friend on his land.... got the worker lined out and started in the right spot and at the right angle....... a few months from now He'll arrive where he's more or less 'sposed to.......
Listening to the news these days has been an exercise in futility.....
All pretty much political fluff......
Al Gore did come out with another warning including the fact that the technocult may not survive what is coming......
Best get your Neo-indigenous and Neo-nomadic trips together folks, the Big Jowls in government aren't going to save your bacon, they are too used to stuffing theirs........
We also started work here on the farm cutting lumber for my house.....
will be at it the next couple of weeks, and hopefully get all the flooring cut, and hopefully some of the structural lumber too........
Hard part is this first log, its been laying across a draw for 50 or 100 years, and is still there because of how hard it is to cut up there over plenty of space.... and that its too big for most saws..... about four feet in diameter....
I'm happy, because I get to build a nice artistic house this year.....
And I can use my mind to figure out how to do it all..... something to keep my thinking habit busy.........
My son will be here in 3 days for a visit..... bringing some gear, and will be teaching me how to get my writing on the net.........
Meaning thats when all this goes into a blog........
Soon.... about a year of work on computer, this being only one part, all will get released in a week or less.......
A year of hiking up and down a mountain several times a week........ hope you like it.......
I had a good hit riding down the mountain on the horse, realized how appropriate what I am doing, and the house now being built are for the local environment.... I harmonize.....
better than anyone around the area...........
the Neo-indigenous designs and concepts work to make one a part of the ambient.....
The Mountains, the carved trails, and soon the stylish structures.... I am coming to completion on plans of over a decade......
And when I am done, it will be an example of how people can live very comfortably without having to hold down a job in Vanity Land to do it.........
The Permaculture food trees are the foundation above the earth.......
The trails give me access carved into the character of the mountains......
The horses and dogs and people are like futuristic toys to populate my little reality with......
I will have managed to combine what is good in modern, to and with, what is good in traditional living....
And meanwhile the economists grind on nightly talking about recession/depression and how great their system is..............
Ain't gonna get better folks......
Its designed backwards......
Basically the economy is the rich filling your backpack with stones......
Its nothing but a burden you carry for them so they dont have to.......
45% tax rates......... what do you 'spose that means in real terms?
That means they do nothing, and you get no where...........
I wonder how long until others make these realizations?
And here I've gone way out of my way to express the cure for people who haven't a clue about where to start...........
And so few are likely to get my new philosophy and make it out in time and get set up for whats coming......
Its all pretty much here.... this blog, all the basics......
And I've been long used to being a leader in thoughts.............
We'll see what kind of reaction I get.............
How many of us will there be?
Those with faith in their own hands and in whats natural winning through the destruction, disease, quakes, starvation, and mass migrations..... and for a grand finale the Nuclear winter effect, and maybe a nuke war or two....... making the only real life insurance be in getting out in time.........
The good news is that the hard part is in letting go.....
letting go of the artificial, and subscribing to what is natural and good instead......
Get rid of the several tons of shit you've been programmed into thinking you just have to have, and trade it for some nice neo-nomadic, or neo-indigenous items that allow you to live in harmony with nature............
Less items, less money needed to get them, and less costs afterwards to maintain it all.......
The truth is, the technocult is 90% hype, and 10% necessity.....
Meaning the natural path can remove 90% of your problems, just for taking it and sticking with it until you're shed of the technocult...........
The formula is so simple.....
trade what you have now for what you'll need next, and go for it.........
And I know there are many of you who have the collected abilities and knowledge to do it and be successes.....
Remember simplicity.... first, last, and always.......
Keep the numbers low on weight and numbers of items......
Study the basics of your desired lifestyle.......
Learn to think in your new reality......
Realize that one's needs are for very little actually....
if you give up plastic bag food, and go to simple stuff, you can get by for a year on a few hundred dollars.... I know, I'm doing it..........
And most folks from the industrialize cultures have a “too much” problem..... so its a matter of yard saling all the shit you dont need and getting the items you do.....
Think about it this way, if you have a nice car, and want to go neo-indigenous, how many goats, chickens, cows, and ponies, is your car worth?
With current Dream world pricing, that hunk of metal sold would go a long ways toward setting you up...........
and a house? Equity translates into infrastructure in the trade off.......
All you have to do is to decide to do it.... change dreams..... give up the glitz and glamor, and go for the gritty real life..........
Also.... dont forget to get decent genetics on your animals and plants.........
Thats where to put any excess money.....
The neo-indegenous movement.... thats us.....
The ones intelligent enough to realize that going back to what is more natural, is better.......
A weird topic.....
but its something thats bothered me, a problem I've had to deal with, is that I can never keep enough metal files around for all the sharpening, which caused me to think about what no resupply of files would be like and what I would be able to do about it?
I figured stones, natural ones if necessary, to sharpen axes, hoes, machetes, and weapons......
Luckily a couple of weeks ago I was able to stock up on some boughten stones of various grades..... came home with at least 5 stones.... nice boughten sharpening stones.....
So it will be awhile before I'm down to rocks out of the river.......
But my point is that you need to learn to think long term about the basics.......
Something as simple as basic sharpening.......
I've discovered in my process, that its things like this that are most important....
how to start a fire everyday in a world short on matches..........
And I'm still working on that one.......
I'll stash files if I can..... long before I ever looked for silver or gold to stash, I'd have me a serious stash of files......... probably in a bucket of roofing tar............
What I see coming will be ugly, but its going to be like a ski-jump I think, the long down hill, the short flight, and the quick crash......
was realizing yesterday that if one of the diseases breaks out, things could get empty quick....
Diseases run like wild fire when food supply is threatened...... I worry that the premature crisis due to meat raising, using veggie proteins and other human consumption foods, combined with the Speculation effect might be enough to allow a disease outbreak to happen...
My point is we dont know where the trigger is set on diseases to control human populations, and that if we dink around with lifestyle eating, and Forestaller economies, we might just find out too late where the trigger point was..............
Listening to radio, again talking some new bureaucracy in Barbados, to help moms beat up on dads.......
Moms having a bit of a problem with rebel kids, the result of no dads, and having a problem feeling nice when they collect their checks, that its degrading to have to bother with collection, and couldn't there be a bureaucracy for that too?
Well, you think having to collect is degrading, try being forced at gunpoint to pay.....
Is it the male's problem? No, not for much longer, soon the system will collapse, of that and other such stuff, and we men will be free of Bureaucratic/feminist agendas, and women will have to go back to trying to be decent to their mates as a security strategy for raising families......
Didn't see much of that this last generation.........
So.....Foto-copy laws across the planet, total control, totally manipulated minds, total catastrophe inevitable....
Nothing personal, but it just wont work..... You cant tweak a million years of custom and culture, and try to improve it with idealistic twiddle, and expect it to work........
Women? Always the same complaint, they think they're such a protected species, that they dont have to worry about their mate, in any way............
And soon, no mates, surprise!
Going Lesbians? Fine....look for a good lesbian mechanic that pumps out the fixed cars......
Wont find one..........
You might find a few that take a month to fix one car.....
Bad news girls, theres more than swinging a hammer or throwing a baseball hard, that you cant do..... you cant think mechanically......... wrong brain......
My point is how long until the men get tired of being ripped off for their families by an attitude co-operating with a corrupt and evil legal system?
Oh..... not quite forever......
And what will be their natural reactions?
And what can the system do besides throw them in jail?
And what happens when a large share experience that........
It's a down hill trip, with Anarchy and Gangs, and Mercenary Heads at the far end....
Family? Kids? Single mothers?
All will be meaningless to males who have had their hearts cut out by the system........
Whats coming wont be fun to watch..... just sick things as the results of other sick things......
And it could have been averted.... but everyone is so happy thinking inside their favorite box that works for them.... never mind what it does to the guys who make things work.........
My Advice? Same as always.... lighten up your baggage, get mobile, leave problems in the rear view mirror........
The truth against the whole world.............
What we have is a mass psychosis, called Family Law.....
Whereby Nerds with power think they can keep a chain of lies going forever.........
And Women suck up anything packaged with enough vanity or ego..........or especially money......
Well, I apologize in advance for whats coming... Not that I wanted it to happen, I would have preferred a life in times where relationships actually worked........
'Didn't get that did we...........
Interesting thing about males, we dont talk much about this stuff......
We just Nurse the anger forever..........
And eventually we will all realize that civilization isn't working for us........
So lets UN-civilize.......
Cant squeeze blood out of a turnip, cant find the swamp man, Where is he? In there...........
Wild cards, jokers, Jack of hearts, poets, singers, Explorers........
Living alone and away from the system is 1000X better..... I know......
Well, these days We are working on my house, cutting lumber, collecting pieces, and in a year or so I'll have it......... No payments, no interest, no bills, and only taxes to worry about, and me wondering how long things will hold together enough to have to pay taxes?
Hopefully not long........
Also the house will be portable, a kit of sorts, so I can move it quite easily.... 'Hoping to eventually build a boat big enough to haul my house as cargo........ then anywhere is potentially home..........
Plenty of uninhabited islands due to lack of drinking water...... and now the reverse osmosis desalination filters are with in reach.... Grok? Anywhere there is sea water one can now exist apart from humanity as long as your filter continues to function and you have a way to power it.............
Its a paradigm shift... unrealized by most folks...................
And it opens up a lot of space for those intelligent enough to want it...........
Recently heard a thing on BBC, part of an interview, where a Muslim woman complains that in that culture women are expected to have sex with their husbands when ever he feels like it.....
Funny..... I've been seeing for years that women have a hard time comprehending the male mindset.....
It first started for me when I once heard my usually tight lipped Grand Mother complain about the same basic thing; “That men wanted to work the women, and use them for sex too....”
Not the kind of thing Grandma usually brought up, so it got me thinking and observing......
And coming from a male point of view it was easy for me to understand the same male viewpoint, and hard to see what the problem was....
So I spent years thinking and observing and listening, and discovered that women tend to think that they are such “Sacred Cows” due to motherhood, that us guys owe them a living just for that, and that every desire or whim of theirs existed to be filled by men at no cost what so ever......
Sorry Girls, it ain't that kind of universe.......
I watched the self same attitude ruin my marriage, trash my kids, ruin my friend's marriages, trash their kids, and make Lawyers rich, and give Judges Godly feelings, screwing over decent guys, and giving everything possible to a bunch of cunts.....
So now there are millions of us, disenfranchised males with serious grudges, more arriving at the station daily, thanks to family law day in a courthouse near you, and one wonders why, and where it will all lead.......
Well girls, I have bad news for you.....
Your shit stinks, and generally these days women are miserable company....
And the only thing men need from you is your body..... and we can learn not to need that.....
And we are learning.......
And I see a lot of anger rising in the male body politic.........
And all the shrinks can talk about being well adapted all they want, but it wont change whats coming....
Whats coming? Why men figuring out that they are wasting their lives trying to please women and keep the civilization booted up....
Meaning its all very temporary.....
And Where will Women be when that paradigm shift hits?
Will they be “Sugar and spice and everything nice”?
I doubt it..... I hear the complaints on “Human Trafficking”, and I know why it exists, and where its leading to, and thats the re-enslavement of women.......
Do I like the Idea? Do I gloat on it? No, of course not, human suffering is nothing to feel good about.... Can it be stopped? Yes, but not with more laws, more courts, and more lawyers........... its a natural reaction to a very un-natural situation in human culture....
Just like homosexuality...........
Do I blame homosexuals for being homosexual? No, its just a natural reaction to excessive population densities of humans..........
Is it normal? Somewhat, but generally only a small percentage of the overall populations...
Is it a warning sign? Most definitely.........
Is anyone paying attention to this? Apparently not.....
More or the same, in the pipeline.......
What happens if you ignore warning signs?
What happens if you pretend everything is OK, no matter how weird it gets?
What happens if you think you dont have to lay your husband, and that he still has to support you?
Why he finds some other woman not quite so stupid.....
And then you can hate him and divorce him, and steal from him and oppress him, with the system's help, and everything will be OK..... right? Wrong! Soon you have rebellious kids with no stabilizing male influence, just females running house holds with the minds of neurotic poodles.......... That wouldn't affect the kids any would it?
Bad News girls, many of you are very emotionally unstable..............
And you are easy suckers for anyone with a job title.....
Very sales prone.......
And a generation of you are busy trashing the lives of yourselves, your husbands, and your children, and calling it good..........
And we are about to hit the “restart button” collectively......
And when things get booted back up, women in general will be back where they were 500 or a thousand years ago.....
Raising kids, cleaning and organizing, cooking, and being liberally used for sex...........
Only there will be a lot less of them, less men and kids too.... all trimmed off like the excess fat of human stupidity, Genetically edited.... most women will die of AIDS, from being gang raped in the days during and after the collapse...........
And there will be no system to save you............
Just a man..... one with a heart, and the needs of a man..........
It could all be prevented.....
How? Women would have to wake up collectively, and realize that the ugly cities exist because they are a reflection of the female psyche, that men build to please women, and when nothing is ever enough, pretty soon you get way too much..... Sky lines of industrialized hell, and the women not seeing anything outside their doors, or that isn't on the TV.............
Look how humanity lives these days......... every rat in his own cheese box..........
There is nothing good and wholesome to modern culture........
Just 7 billion egos trying to get whatever they can for themselves.........
Men would rather be fishing or gardening or exploring... or making love.....
The moment females begin to want more natural lives is when the change begins.....
And that should come fairly soon.... when they begin to see the only people still eating regularly are those with more natural lives..........
Most will turn to the system.... and more of the same.....
They will die, and kill billions in their vanity..........
And only those wise enough to accept whats natural will make it through whats coming.......
Accepting what is natural includes accepting that sometimes a girl has to have sex with her man even when she isn't in to it.......
Its just how it is..... and women having a problem with that, is like hens complaining about how the Roosters are..........
Well, these days I'm getting closer to having this go on a blog and website, a bit more work to be done until thats ready, and running, but soon, anyone who's bored enough, will be able to access it.....
I'm interested to see what kind of reaction if any........... Some of what I've said should raise a few eyebrows..... which is what makes it so fun to write.......
Normalcy is boring.........
Getting “natural” is always nicer.......
How many times in my life have I been beautiful places, with no sign of man's destruction, and just felt good being there..... that alone is enough for me to search for more of whats natural.........
And having rediscovered full time camping as a life style, it only gets better from here..........
Heard an interview with Willy on short wave yesterday, I like Willy, and I was happy listening to the interview.... mostly about people going back to more natural lives, growing their own food, getting out of the rat race, and other affairs of planin' to keep alive.....
Made me feel good to know I'm not alone being a Willie Nelson lookin' Indian......
My son's response was: wait until I get net access so I can listen to short wave via the net..... that I would likely find plenty like minded types....
I hope so, and I hope plenty find use for my writings, as I have been doing the sustainable living for many years now, and have learned plenty the hard way, and would like to use it to better my life and other people's at the same time.....
There is invariably much gain in co-operation, if done in a balanced manner........
Willy also had a song on the interview, about liars on the TV etc., which also made me feel good knowing I'm less alone on that issue....
Anyway, will be working this all toward the net in these coming weeks, and hoping when I do that I get a decent response for my efforts.......
I feel that some folks wont like what I say, thats good, maybe it could get lively, debates are fun stuff for me, and I often learn most from people who like me least....
My guess is I'll get plenty of Ideologic Feminist Clones setting up a clamor with hisses, spittle, and venom, And they'll figure out too late that I dont hate them, just want to point out that imbalances of any type are against my philosophy, and I'll gladly stand on my side of the balance and hash it out with anyone.... When one fights for balance, the whole universe is on your side, so whats a few loud mouths bad mouthing one? If it wasn't for men, they'd be turning over rocks and boards looking for something to eat.........
Do I like the suffering some women go through? No!, and I've tried to help women many many times, and just generally got burnt for my heart's effort, so now I see them kinda like street dogs, best not even to stick out one's hand unless the dog is obviously friendly and good natured........
Feminism is about to become moot......
It is being superseded by reality.......
Nothing personal girls..... but being bliss ninny air heads with an unreal agenda isn't going to get you what you want anymore....... I think you will soon find that us males value the co-operative types, and problematics will get the boot, and soon have a thin look, due to a minor problem coming up with food......
There is a reason there are both daddy birds and mommy birds, because it takes both kinds to make little birds happen, and to get them out of the nest safe and sound.....
And the last generation, all the mommy birds have run off the daddy birds, with the help of shit birds, who sell them a concept that charms their free lunch vanities........
Ain't gonna fly girls, your lawyer wont be there after the collapse, and if he/she is/are, they will probably be used for entertainment purposes.......
Best just pair up, and have your head set on solving problems quickly and efficiently, instead of causing them endlessly, and then stringing them on and on like beads on your emotional manipulation chain..............
what do Afghanistan and Wall street have in common? Well not much, except I heard interviews about both of them today on BBC, that had parallels with what is happening on the larger scale, Afghanistan was an interview with the author and traveler Rory Stuart, very lucid interview where he suggests that the attempts to help Afghanistan by the outside governments are doomed to failure due to micro-management and endless manipulations....
and Wallstreet? Well, an interview discussing how market speculations lead to over extension and bubbles due to a pack think mentality.....
Both interviews could have been talking about world situation instead of just their isolated issues..........
What it amounts to is all of our problems come from similar roots, and both pack-think and over control and manipulation have been common topics in this blog............
Basically the world is Afghanistan, getting trashed by proxy wars continually, and the status quo doing manipulative help mostly directed at status quo goals, i.e. Ripping off the common folk for this or that resource.....
And the world is also like Wall street, in that the speculators fairly regularly trash the economic system doing stupid shit, basically making up a bunch of fake investment crap and believing in it, and all following each other like lost Elephants following their own trail around and around the same mountain..........
My point is that micro-manipulation and pack think wont work as a business model in the business of survival and subsistence.........
Governments should be helping common people fix the problems, and prepare for whats coming. But instead they attempt more and more of the same shit that caused the problems in the first place and go round and round the same mountain stuffing greens in their own fat cheeks, and pretend they are getting us somewhere beyond lost.........
It isn't going to work folks......... and even as big a fool as I can see that plainly.......
And personally I wish they'd get politics and business off the news and replace it with common folks coming up with and doing common solutions....... Get sports off the news too, its nothing but Placebo Warfare, like two groups of primates doing a standoff, and screaming and throwing dirt, feces and sticks at each other.........
Its time to grow up folks..... the old days of playing economic/materialistic packrats is about over......... and one group being Pigs while others watch their children starve isn't a viable path for humanity........ nor is more and more central control and micro manipulation of people's lives.............
Basically we could cure 90% of humanity's problems by eliminating governments and speculators........ neither group cures problems, both only create more and more problems until both invariably collapse and take a lot of pack think fools with them into hell............
NO? wait and see what happens....
In the interim I suggest you get your own trip in order literally....... pack your bags for a one way ticket on the last train out............. and consider taking an earlier train....
spent the last couple of days on the Indigenous reserve, had to take a dugout boat across a river, and hike in a ways to get there...... its family, my grand-niece-in-law's grandparents......
I've kinda got roots here now........
they live in this place that just makes me want a pup-tent and my fly fishing gear, and to go into the area, and just not bother to come back out of......
'Also got to talk to my ex-wife this morning, for the first time in say 15 years?
We did OK, I think we must have fought to a good draw.... kinda like a Mexican standoff, she even said “A Dios” in Spanish to me this morning on their way out, and on to San Jose............
They'll be back in a year or so..... I used to ride the school bus with her current husband....
Her first trip here, loved it, likely learned a tich more respect for me..........
She's doing OK, growing up, just like the rest of us.....
Had a saying for my son, but got sidetracked talking with his step dad, whom I used to also work with.... small town in Oregon Syndrome, saying was: “Humanity's enlightenment, is likely to be a rather sudden event....”
Anyway, also just got a smaller casting net for my refugee kit, like $20 here, a tich on the heavy side, but definitely has a place in any boat I have in the future........
Food security device.... like having a flat screwdriver and access to the barnacles on the jetty........
Ain't gonna starve possession......
So, home alone, except its back up on the side of a mountain in costa rica........
Dog was happy to see me come home..... another day in the life of a retro-guru?
I dunno, but I know I taught about Taoist philosophy and its connection to the indigenous philosophys to a young girl this weekend who's half Indigenous, and painfully pretty, about to start her first year of high-school.....
And like I told her, I could be in the US making $20-$30/hr working as a construction boss for Latin workers, And instead I spend my morning teaching her about The Natural Path, and also about Indian Crafts as appreciated by all in the US.............
Gotta instill some pride and self esteem in the kid....
Its common folk that count.....
the rest is bullshit....
And whats coming is a lot less perilous if we could all find our hearts and our honesty and go from there... Ain't none of us likely to live long enough to be worth the effort of becoming rich..........
Better a simple life, thats good and wholesome, with bawlmy breezes, and casting nets hanging in the trees................
My main survival plan is to do as little as possible.......
I know its going to be a long trip.... so I wont wear myself out by trying to be too aggressive about it........
Realizing minimalism has been an eye opener for me.... and I see that it can protect you against other people and their trips......... The less you need, the less you need other people, and that means less problems....
And in whats coming over the horizon, that could mean a lot..........
I Dont think much of humanity these days, I see a bunch of lying users..... One looks in the mental mirror and sees why men in olden days would sometimes become Monks and spend their days praying for their own souls..... I think thats a result of enlightenment....... Being flaky has its own comeback..... We are trashing the planet, and its going to hit like a freight train............. Then what good will all that shit you got for yourselves, and what will it be worth?
These days I'm fairly content, I watch all the trips, and just keep leaning into the Neo-indigenous/Neo-nomadic mindset, and know its a form of security.......
Its like having an insurance policy, where if all goes to hell, I've got living in the results, fairly down......
And its such a fun hobby.....
Its also such a relief to realize one doesn't need to spend their lives filling the nest like a pack rat.... Just keep all the materialism between the fences of Neo-nomadic/indegenous thinking and all will be well..........
The guiding concept also gets me closer and closer to a better life.....
Sometimes these days I think about all the things I was taught to want by my culture, and shake my head in disbelief...... my hegira has brought me in a big circle to back closer to where we started from, and I realize that I don't even need a house, that living open air is fine..... and so my house project becomes art and craft, instead of interest payments, and my life is that much more improved....... basically modern first world people have been hyped and twisted, into thinking trashing the planet to fill big houses with things, eventually en route for a land fill, is a culture...........
So being mentally shed of the need for a ranch style in Beverly hills, has allowed me to live in someplace much much nicer, and allowed me to improve my survival odds markedly.....
I think its funny these days, how the system wants to raise taxes, to fix what the system and all its great thinkers have thought up that isn't working all that good anymore.......
Well, I have bad news for them, Carbon Tax isn't going to fix the problem fast enough, and the root of the problem is them, the manipulators for money............
So how can you fix whats existence is the problem? With out getting rid of the causes?
Best begin to let go of money, instead of grasping and groping harder for it...........
Best lean towards a more natural life, instead of a more artificial life....
And better we use our technology to get ourselves out of the one-planet box, and to get our industries out where there is nothing to pollute and plenty of room to clutter before it gets to be a problem.........
I don't see humanity getting its trip together in time, and blind faith that it will, is more likely a death sentence in time than anything else.........
Dont bet the lives of your kids on something that is having grave difficulties, and headed into a vortex.................
Best take the kids camping real regular like, and make it THE family hobby............
Get out, enjoy nature, maneuverer yourselves to be outside and wandering more and more, and in a job, house, office, less and less....
How? By wanting that and limiting your expenditures to things that get that, as much as is possible.........
Every cent, every breath, every daydream towards freedom and reality, and away from what is false and twisted.............
Or stay and get milked to death by the system....
Minimalism is the main tool.....
Start “buying down”......... where you evolve yourselves slowly out of houses and jobs, into a camper and a gym membership to have the shower etc., to the day you sell the camper, or use it to tow the horse trailer out to the hunk of land you found in the brush....
The idea is to use relentless application of willpower and energy, to get OUT.........
Release your vanity like a butterfly, and get gritty with your goals...... living in a camper with a tarp lean-to on the side is much better than any penthouse in a city..... maybe it doesn't have the snob appeal, but it doesn't have the payments and taxes either, and what you save by limiting your vanity can go towards buying more freedom......
I once found myself in a big mega-store with a friend, he was looking at some garbage on the shelves, and asked if I thought this or that piece of shit was a good deal or worth buying....
I just commented:
Which you can do by limiting yourselves as much as possible to spending your economics on just that.............
If it isn't something that makes me free, self sufficient, or helps me sustain my life in simple terms, I'm not all that interested in it any more....
Best place to start, is the TV....... When I gave up TV and Job, I learned that I can bask in laziness for days and weeks if I've a mind to, and still have plenty of time and energy to do what ever really needs done............
Most of you people run yourselves ragged chasing numbers on a plastic card, because this black box you buy, tells you thats your purpose in life.........
Me? recently spent $20 on a second casting net.... why? Life insurance, health insurance, fun, refugee kit, fried fish, bait, fish fertilizer, sharing food with friends, and an excuse to be on the coast or beach wandering around content and worry free.............
So was your last $20 expenditure as good? Did it get you a life time of health insurance?
I saw my old work buddy, now married to my EX, and he brings up health insurance.....
It kind of set me back, a shock, and it took me a second to boot to his page, and I realized he/they were still in the same mindset as when I left the public works job some 12 years ago......... except now they don't count days until retirement....... they just think about what little other security they have left, after being robbed of their retirements.......
I felt kind of sorry for them.... there will be no Health insurance soon... not if we dont get some “planet insurance” going in real terms.....
I bet some shysters start selling diet insurance soon eh? A paper game version of all those selling dehydrated foods to wanna-be survivalists..............
No...... none of that is real insurance....... I've got more real health insurance in one lemon tree than my ex-coworker has at his job...........
I've also been turned on to a plant that I've used to get rid of a tumor......
And I have thousands of food plants going, multiplying them, trying to boot up 100% food security for my group....... Am I crazy? Well I hope so, normalcy appears so very boring, That I wonder why so many aspire to only that?
Anyway, I bend my thoughts toward a harmonious chord, to be one with my nature... which is one with the “Greater Nature,” and steer my little group towards a viable future, in insane times............
We have martial arts seeping into our clan, food growing, fishing, building things and doing crafts, we have a few babies etc., and some livestock, so I guess we are getting somewhere back towards our roots...............
And now even my Ex wife is back into my vision........... looks like the years of beating each other up, so lawyers can make their payments, are over...........
And my dream won........
What I envisioned is the path we are all on now...........
I could tell she wanted to be part of what we have going here..... as did my old workmate.......
This was a nice feeling..... to be proven out, over the test of time..........
They all thought I was crazy..... and now they come home to my dream............
And the rest of you can do your own versions of the same things............
Catch the Neo-indigenous virus in your psyche.........
Bend all your moments in that direction.....
Make it your driving force and reason to live.......
And others will follow.... humans learn best by example........
We have the opportunity! We can pick and choose! And come up with a “designer” culture that is a mix of all human cultures........ and have it be wholesome and good..... and one with nature......
This is why the push in my group for martial arts, horses, and soon some Dexter milk cows, so we can make ice-cream and cheese, and butter, and set ourselves up for whats coming....
I dont know how much time we have.... but I know I want it used wisely in my group........
And I constantly push in that direction and have for years.......... I even got to see my Ex-wife nod positively when I mentioned working on food security for the group....
My point is that I am pushing that my Clan be more than ready for the coming changes, actually to be aggressive and positive on positioning ourselves for it.... and so not be in fear, and so easily manipulated by the great liars and manipulators who have us all trashing God's green earth for things we really dont need or want.... between this paragraph and the last, I spent a few minutes talking to my niece, explained to her about credit spending and a bedroom vanity she wants to buy.........
How to get a nicer one, with out being ripped off by furniture salesmen.... How?
By taking fotos of the stuff she likes, and then we can make such items.... I do wood work, including furniture.... and just trying to teach an 18 year old girl how to get pretty things by co-opping with us guys in the group, and not have to lose the money for some pretty varnish over really poor quality wood and poor quality workmanship.....
What I do in this blog, is pretty much the same thing, but as the Radiomen say: “Passing in the blind” i.e. Attempting one way comms due to lack of two way communications.....
When all you can do is send, sometimes its still a good idea to do so..........
In this case sending to people I dont know and have never met, so that if I ever do, they are doing better for my time spent writing..... thats what friends are for.... making life better for each other, however possible.........
And that also happens to be the cure for what ails humanity and the planet.... less time in ego-trips, more time being good friends to each other........... Quit admiring the greedy self centered types, and spend your time admiring good examples, and learning how to become a better person in your group, The bitches on TV are seldom worth admiring.... but a good woman in her home and group, who struggles inside and out, for a better world, is some one we all admire....
There is a passage in the bible about what a good wife is like...... I suggest you find it..... its worth reading..... also Budda had some to say about this very subject, as did Lao Tsu......
Security isn't a result of blind pack-think mentality.... its a result of humans thinking and doing good things.....
And the Bastards trashing the planet are using women's vanity to push their own money making agendas, and they have the same females thinking that its good to be “normal”........
well, thats all lies, if its trashing the biosphere your babies need to have a family in, it ain't good............. no matter how normal it is...........
The technocult is twisted and sick.... but we shouldn't throw out the babies with our bath water, we need to pick and choose a tich more aware, and vote with our love, time, and money, for something much much more wholesome than what passes for a life these days......
As soon as more females begin to understand that true security can only be found in the flowers and herbs along the natural path, the sooner all the dumb guys will wake up, do a course change, and get us back to the garden......
I'm quite sure many females will turn me off.... i.e. Not read all I have to say, due to judging me for some of my opinions..... like feeling the elephant's leg and pronouncing it like a tree.....
My goals are invariably to make a better world..... I have to teach myself to be egocentric enough to protect me from some of the rest of you.......... I am not naturally self centered....
and its been a tough row to hoe all of my life, living in a world where so many have been sidetracked into ego and vanity by hollywood and madison ave., and so few examples of “whole wheat” lifestlyes........
I suspect you will soon notice more such programming on the boob tube, on the nightly “Shit-calms” we'll see people doing nice environmentally positive things, but I don't think you'll be seeing people offing their ego lifestyles and excess clothing, and going back to nature anytime soon.....
I've often thought about the TV survival game shows...... how fun it would be to compete for a person such as myself..... The problem is all the fake rules etc., I'm not into running laps and calling it survival.... thats entertaining for the audience, but also a waste of time.... I'd rather do a teaching show......... Imagine a TV show on getting one's trip together on everything from growing and catching food, to natural home births...... Survivalist skills, with recipes for the kitchen, martial arts skills, stress relief mental skills, co-opping communications skills, food preservation, traveling tips for the Clan soon to be on the march, and how to have enough in your sack and in your heart to help others along the way......
Nobody has to die...... if we can learn to share the shining path......... “Sendero luminoso”
Words used by Peru's insurgents for two generations, while fighting corrupt governments......
Am I into Communism? Hardly, no more than into Capitalism....... but I am into us all learning to share in common, and to produce what we need and a bit more........ enough to trade...... i.e. The roots of communism and capitalism, minus the parasites............
Its more divide and conquer folks, they divide us and hype us, and push us to be envious and want what our neighbors have, and to kill them if we dont get it too...........
No! No! No!
Learn to make things with your own hands............
Make a life for your mate, make a life for your children, make a world where we all have enough, a world where no moms and dads see coffins of sons and daughters put into the dirt covered with flags of nationalism, covering the sins of politics...........
Bush and his buddies? Best hope I'm not on their jury.........
The ultimate crime against the planet and humanity, is greed..............
Don't be guilty of wanting what you dont really need...... thats greed....Know that less is better, than too much..... having less, leaves more for others, to have some too...........
Anything done with out thought of limits, soon finds them.........
Anyway..... this is all a call to freedom.... a revolution where nobody has to die..... a revolution that doesn't just change puppet masters..... one where the individual is supreme.....
With rights, comes responsibilities.............
Take up your responsibilities, and your rights will follow, like flowers after gentle rains.........
Quit selling yourselves into bondage............ divide and conquer depends on you being lazy and stupid, be neither........
Anyway..... I give sermons like this, in Spanish, on public transit.... And in english, on mass communications.... I am driven to do so...............
My motives? My own heart and mind...........
They motivate me.... create a better world they tell me, speaking in soft whispers and sighs......
Go where the creek bubbles over clean moss covered rocks... find your heart there......
When young girls dream of weddings in wild places, we will be halfway home............
Anyway, got a charge in my phone and laptop, need to boot my own butt back up the mountain, loaded, packing food and fuel for the generator, so we can saw out the floor boards for my Neo-indigenous house.... all of which will appear in pages ahead as we gain on the struggle..........
Share whats wholesome with us........ be part of the greater family........
Well, another morning, a few days distant from my last entry, had a cold, lucky I bought a tiny 250ml bottle of rum..... alcohol is so nice when you have the flu............
Anyway, feeling a bit better this morning, actually did some dishes etc., and thinking about all the “stuff” in my life these days, from learning more about people, more about life, more about myself, and more about the future.....
On short wave I hear some folks starting to get a bit excited now about global warming.....mostly its those being affected already, and the rest are plugging the either with the usual shit, absurdities, politics, sports, business, etc., and my thoughts are generally thankful that most of that is all far away, and not part of my “real” life, due to living in nature and not in a city, like all the Office Chimpanzees in their vain billions............
Heard on Caribbean report, BBC, that governments in the Caribbean are setting up multi-million dollar funds to keep bureaucracies up after storms........
I thought about that, and thought how nice, of them, when people's houses are to get flattened, family members killed, livelihoods trashed, that the preparedness funding goes into the bloated bureaucracies just like the rest of the economy does.....
Gee? I wonder what it would be like if we had more of a “home extension” approach?
People from the US countryside have one Bureaucracy they appreciate, the county home extension office..........
Do you suppose the Caribbean bureaucracies spend all their time and money helping people afford and build stronger houses, grow and store more food, build more boats for the flooding, Educate on storms and quakes and the diseases that follow them, and how to prepare your family for whats coming?
Or is it just another political “Bloated Spider”?
We've got billions of people on this planet who seem to think their reason for existence is as God's gift to humanity to run other people's lives and liberally charge them for the involuntary service.....
Place not your faith in bureaucracies, they are parasites, and need to be treated just like ticks, fleas, and intestinal worms........
Place your faith in what you can do for you and yours, and let the arrogant bastards who spend millions on bureaucratic preparedness go down with their Titanic...........
These days I'm feeling pretty good, collecting pieces for my Neo-Indigenous house... which will allow me to move all my shit collection into some space, and I won't have to live “clogged” into such a small area..... it will be nice to kind of wander around in my new house when its done and breathe in the openness, start organizing things, building shelving and furniture to match the house, and being able to live in a structure with some actual style I created myself, and finally make it into something beautiful to live in, that I did with my own hands, and feel satisfied that I did it without Whoring myself to the Monkeys in the machine....... Something not quite as mundane and classless as the average Ranch style house built by the millions on what used to be nice desert, farmland, or forest......
And the fun part, is I can move this house one stick at a time if I want to, and put it anywhere on the planet if I can get it there..... and the big project that will come after my structures will be a boat big enough to haul all my shit anywhere............
Hopefully big enough to move my house as cargo all in one trip............
I like the idea of a house that doesn't trash where it sets........... like the old analogy about what America would be like if the Indigenous populations had poured continuous concrete foundations for the last 15,000 years...... we'd all need shin-guards to walk in the grass or brush...........
So the concept of a house thats just borrowing the area it sets on makes me happy.....
The last few days I've also been thinking about how low overhead living in the brush is......
Seeing my ex-wife triggered that..... she's got her house in the burbs, and she and he are paying dearly for it...... They looked worn out........ I feel in my mid 20's physically......
And the nice part was knowing that her and him seeing what I had going here in Costa Rica was the beginning of their enlightenment, was a wholesome thought to me......
They'll be back.... they'll have no choice, simple economics..... when the thieves steal all the money, one has to go back to the basics like living simple and growing food etc...........
I have become their teacher......
Which must be fairly humbling for her, after all the incredible shit she did to me with the system's help........
So this week, was the end of a long hegira, a story, a novella, where I got to turn evil into good over time through following my heart.......
People who wont listen are insisting on learning the hard way.........
And the best way to teach is by example.....
which is why I write, to use what I think and do as an example to others behind me on the road of life.............
Its always nice when people pass word and warnings to each other in times of danger............
All we have to do is slip our grip a bit on the ego-trip, and get back to being simple humans who aren't stupid enough to fall for the shit of the Great Liars, and so get sucked into their big machine that rolls and processes its victims and squeezes the life out of them one 5 day work week at a time...........
Give it up folks it ain't worth it....... 'just doesn't make any sense to me why people should slave all their lives for houses and junk in the drive way, trash the planet, and call it good....
All you really need is something simple.........
And if you cant take it with you, why own it?
So if you follow that logic, why are people working all their lives for houses to lose when they cant afford the taxes.....
Shame on the people who design a system that boots our elderly out of their homes for any reason at all.............
The Greedy Controlling, Manipulating Demons of bureaucracies, and their Judas goat Politicians, Who kill people with their power and vanity trips.............
Its all a big fake..........
The big lie with its tentacles like a cancer in the Human Body Politic..............
Its like the millions for financing continued bureaucracy in the Caribbean, I suggest they spend the money on brooms and shovels, and hand them out to bureaucrats to help with the cleanup............ then they could be doing something positive to help the people who pay their wages..............
We don't need more of anything..... except maybe good sense......
We need less government, we need less taxes, less lies, less greed, less packaging, less control, less manipulation, less economy, less environmental destruction, less wars, and less people in offices moving billions of pages of really useless information to and fro..........
As I was hiking down the mountain today I realized that the arrogant will soon be like the Rich smoking cigars in the club car as the train rolls through the night, with the engineer trying to warn the bosses that the bridge is out ahead, and being ignored and ordered to pour on the coal..... If I were that engineer, I'd let 'er go down to a low fire and slow up the train just enough to be able to jump off, but before I did, I'd choke the firebox with fuel.....
Give them what they want........
And know that the Club car will run out of track just like the rest of the train....... And its those who jump off the train that will live to tell the stories and write the Folk songs.....
Last night I was doing my usual short wave listening, and on a Christian program was an interview with a woman who wrote a book on how to improve your relationship with your husband.... it was mostly New Age techniques, repackaged in Christian format for those of that Brand of bliss ninnies..... but the good news was that she was talking about women not being all that emotionally stable, and that she'd discovered that if she tried to get away from all the dialog in her head and focus a bit on being nice and loving to her man, instead of crabby and nasty, that very soon her emotions naturally followed a pattern where she felt better and could lose the garbage emotions with out having to dump on him......
Gee? What would that type of mindset have done for my attempts at getting along with various mates over the years....
She discovered that having a really good guy was handy, and that if she got outside of her own ego trip, and was loving, that there were positive dividends for her.....
She also advocated that women try to learn to control their own emotions, and when they slipped up and did bitch mode, that they should apologize to their mate.......
HMMMMM? Doesn't sound too feminist..... sounds like maybe the tide may turn and women wake up and realize that its not us guy's fault that they are a bit “Poodle Brained” sometimes.....
Yup! I think that kind of thinking, and realizing also, that sex, and having sex, with their man when he wants/needs, is all part of the job of being a good and real woman, always has been and always will be, and that how men are made is due to biology, and Nature has insured the procreation of the species by making sure the females get mated with a little more than necessary, rather than less, by having the males be a bit more focused on that than the females........
Its natural girls! And can be fun..... and hating us for it, wont get you anything but problems over the long term.... And Gee! It is when you girls are at your best form, from a male point of view....... You should at least learn to do really good theater during those hormonal low times.... it is a social activity, and one should dress and act accordingly..... its also “Play time” and one can play out all kinds of fun vignettes...... so much better than watching TV...........
It also happens to be the glue that holds your relationship together in spite of your personal failings...... much better you use a little too much glue than not enough, if you want your pet project to not de-laminate...........
I think the root problem is that many females are embarrassed by having sex they aren't in to at the moment, maybe residual baggage from the Victorian mindset of past generations?
I dunno, but I do know what works and what doesn't.... and the last generation had failure rates on relationships that were probably unequaled in human history.... which isn't a good sign, now is it?
Especially with whats coming over the horizon.....
Anyway, I'm low on battery, and have a batch of bread starting, which means I need to herd my activities toward making that happen...... I was just so happy to hear of some women actually beginning to think and fix things from their end, that I wanted to share it..........
What Pakistan and the rest of the world have in common.......
What? Well, the rich are getting richer and the poor much much poorer........
And in Pakistan the working poor are starting to go hungry..... The same will happen elsewhere one domino at a time...............
But where does it lead? It leads to civil war...... which is why the political scumbags of human history have always tried to produce and create enemies, and start cross-border wars, to take attention away from themselves causing the problems due to greed........
But it gets uglier.........
When populations get food stressed, is when diseases get going.......
And having a fat diet is no insurance against microbes..... why? Well because the microbes attack what is out of the natural..... the people who eat Twinkies and drink Cola wont have a very high survival rate.....
How do I know this? By studying natural processes....... When I first came to Costa Rica I noticed the ants and biting bugs were having a field day with me..... I also noticed a few months later when it tapered off...... Then I observed the same effect with others, Tourists, new arrivals, people from the cities.........
Then I noticed the same effect with garden seed...... anything from out of the area got attacked and killed........
Eventually I evolved a thesis, that nature fights anything that is un-natural, as if there is some plan or goal for things to be a certain way and no other.......
And that once I had eaten the local food, and drank enough spring water, I became part of the local ambient, and was left alone..............
Recently I heard this very thing, discussed on Radio, and that the people with the chemical diets are not going to have the nice survival statistics when the shit hits...........
The more natural you live, the longer you live, the better you live, and the happier you are......
The more fake your life is, the shorter, worse, and unhappier it is............
And the rich and poor in Pakistan will all be victims of their own stupidity.......
The rich for being greedy, and the poor for feeding them through a bogus economic system
and letting themselves be used.................
Like the rangers say in the US Parks system.... signs up everywhere: “DONT FEED THE BEARS”.................
How? Anyway possible.... deny them sustenance however possible.......... ditto for the rest of the rich.... don't use the economic system anymore than absolute necessity, and bend all your doings and dreams towards using it less and less every day.....
And when you find yourselves growing food, think enough ahead to realize that the parasites will be around sooner or later to try to “TAX” the dogshit out of you so they can have another social party at their house, while you watch you kids go hungry..........
What to do?
Oh, hidden food stashes, and arming up and sniping the bastards, anytime they come outside their barbwire and chainlink compounds..........
The coming class war wont be won by a rebel organization, such organizations would invariably be infiltrated and massacred...... it will be won by individuals who get fed up at the shit in their lives, and decide to have enough guts to get even........ And who start being “Opportunistic Revolutionaries”........i.e “monkey wrenching” when they see really nice opportunities to do so...........
Back to food stashes......
During the Mountain Man era in North America, the Fur Trappers would dig underground vaults, like small “Kivas” that were a hole in the earth in a dry area, these pits were small, 6 feet or so in diameter, and 6 ft or so deep....With a bottle shape, i.e. Small hole turning into a larger chamber as it got deeper, they were often lined with stones, and had a raised stone floor...... We're talking a day or so of labor...... the mountain men wanted them hidden, and carried the fill dirt away from the site, and covered the hole with a flat rock etc.,
so that when finished they were not noticeable..... These stashes are occasionally found to this day..... I have a foto copy of a drawing of one from a book on mountain men.......
This type of hidden cache would sure work nice with some plastic buckets or waterproof jugs full of grains and other foods..... one could have them away from the house/living area,
And make it impossible for Homeland Security (Read: Status Quo Insecurity) to raid and take from you.... Nomads could even use them...... As being Nomadic is the other really effective security enhancer against the status quo types.......... the key to success would be in choosing sites with the very best drainage possible, generally on humps or rises or hill tops...... under rock ledges would also be ace sites......... if the containers used were non metallic, even a metal detector would be useless for finding them........
And consider this, that when we are talking basic grains and dry foods, one small stash such as described, could be enough to feed a couple of people for a year......
Don't be a victim of the system......... not now, not ever.......... Prepare, prepare, prepare..........
Prepare for your life as a free people....... Thats whats coming one way or another, the freedom of the hills, or of the grave..... choice is yours...... and being a tich paranoid is a survival trait, as is being a tich cynical of what the system tries to program you to believe....
Being a stupid cow isn't a survival skill............ being a tough as rawhide maverick is..............
I've heard recently a couple of times, Bows and Arrows in the world news, different places where people are using them to fight or defend their homes with such........
GOOD IDEA! Archery is truly organic weapons..... you make them from native materials.....
And no government can stop people from making them....... If the Palestinians all became archers, The Israeli Army would soon need to draft more troops.........
Here where I am in Panarica, there are even plenty of snake and frog poisons to use....... Making even a small woman with a small bow very deadly..........
The essence of what I am trying to teach, is that we need to go back to basics to survive whats coming..... the academics and the snobs will not save you, and the experts will figure it all out too late......
First make it your dream....
Then make it your hobby.......
Then go “full time” and call it a life............
When will I see you? Will I meet up with you some day on horses? Will I see you and your clan herding your animals, and living in a camp in a meadow by a creek in the mountains? Will there be buckskin and homespun clothing, and beautiful woven blankets?
Will your food be wholesome and your sons and daughters have a healthy look to them?
Will their be laughter in your camps? And beautiful singing as the women wash clothes by the creek?
There's only one way to get to that camp..... by starting now............
Yesterday, I went down to the village to charge batteries and write “hooked up to shore power” as the sailors call it...... I talked with a couple women friends, and the subject was food prices, As one of them helps me get bulk flour, and wanted to warn me the price per hundred pounds had gone up nine mil, about $10/ per 100 lbs.......... thats about a 25 percent gain in one hit.........
But I watched the women talking about it, and I realized that they still dont get it...........
They were chatting merrily, as if about their laundry..... no surprise to me really, as the locals in my area have seldom in their lives had any real problems..... the climate is warm and sunny, the Government shows socialistic tendencies, and has been giving away free new houses etc., to any women who wish to apply for them...........
The houses aren't much, small, but fairly well designed and made from cement pre-cast sections small enough to be manhandled by a few guys........
The local economy is Palm oil based, and doing OK due to all the bio-diesel hype, and there is fairly constant inputs from this or that foreign aid program, to the point locals dont bother to clean culverts, they just let the road wash out, and then ask for money for a new road.........
There is also a billion dollars a year tourism economy, most of which seems to disappear into black holes........
And its been so bucolic here that people actually have a hard time believing that problems can happen to them............
Its been this way my whole 12 years or more here...... What they dont realize, is this isn't going to quit..... that human stupidity combined with global warming effects are going to do more than just raise prices for silly women, who all their lives got what ever they needed by whining to men.............
No grasp of the reality coming over the horizon, and my decade of trying to warn people has only resulted in a reputation for being a little crazy this gringo...............
What do you suppose they will talk about when there is no food in the stores?
Will they chat as happily about being hungry? And watching their children starve?
The Vignette is also a parody, of the rest of the world that isn't starving yet.........
Everyone gaily gossiping and expecting the crew to patch the little leak made by the iceberg ripping a gash down one side of the ship......
The band plays on, the officers still look smart in their uniforms, albeit now running to and fro.......
its all the same movie folks............ haves and have-nots, separated by their televisions, and thinking as they watch into their window on the world, that it will always happen somewhere else to someone else, and never to them, as they are god's gift to the universe...........
Not a clue that their turn on the news is coming.......... I saw the same attitude in the US 15 years ago...... I remember having discussions with co-workers about the potentials for violence and war etc. affecting on US soil, and I was looked at like I was crazy...... I left, and a few years later was in the US Embassy one September morning , and had a vice-counsel come in the room and turn a TV on, for the folks waiting for their turn at the window.........
As Planes flew into the twin towers...............
And I dont expect it to be much different in whats coming..... people pretending to business as usual, until the paradigm shift hits like concrete falling 100 floors............
I've tried to warn people, I've tried to push growing food, but in this culture there is little food gardening, a result of an attitude left over from feudal times, that only the poor grow food, and anyone who makes a dollar an hour doesn't have to........
So for most of these peoples lives they have been beyond the need to grow food, and there are only a few die-hards still growing beans corn or rice by hand..............
They all blythly watch TV at night, thinking that the discussions on rising prices are some kind of theater.......... no connection in their minds to anything other than the economics of the moment.........
It cuts down on their beer drinking, and its cut down on the number of Restaurants in our little cow town.... the cost of food and labor and rent to run a soda just didn't make it possible to continue.......
But it still hasn't dawned on them that today will be followed by tomorrows that get progressively worse, until they slip back into the third world reality that they just climbed out of this last generation, mostly thanks to outside money and technology.......
They have awhile........ but in two years to five years I expect the local women to look a lot nicer minus the excess body fat............ I also expect them to be a lot more available to guys at the economic low end where food is grown..........
Will I feel sorry for them? I dont think so.......... they did it to themselves by insisting on following the rest of the lemming world over the same cliff..........
Another reason few grow food here, is that its such a rat culture...... why plant food if your neighbors will just steal it from you? Or run their cattle into your garden and pretend its an accident.......
Should be a fun movie to watch............
And I'm glad I prepared, and I'm glad for my reputation of being a bit ready to get people who do me wrong.... the law here is ornamental, it only exists on paper and TV from San Jose, like my local area being someplace it takes a murder to get the police off their chairs......
For me, I see it as more grace period to prepare...... I need to make more arrows, finish the crossbow, maybe do a shield, kill a neighbor's cow or two, build a smoke house, get a few more items to process bulk food with, and put more lime and zinc and copper around the fruit trees..........
And mostly wait..... thanks to having planted so many food trees........... I've spent the last decade living below the local economic levels, and used as much of my economics as possible to boot up the food plants......... and I am still doing that..... I figure I have a bit of time now to get my house built, and its design is mostly a food barn, a place to hang plants to dry underneath, dry storage high off the ground, plenty of roofed area, etc., and is more like a big Hops drying barn than anything else.............
Where did I get such strange ideas about housing? Well from studying Europe's feudal history, and about how people often lived in big barns............
There was a reason they did that.... maybe several reasons.....
Meanwhile Rome burns everywhere on the planet............
And all those who consider themselves citizens of Neo-Rome, have a couple of things to learn.............
First being that it can happen to them.........
Second being what do you do with out an economic system?
Third being, what happens in a culture with no respect for other's rights?
And not a one of them has thought to stockpile an extra machete, the main agricultural tool here...................
Should be fun to watch unfold...........
I just hope the collapse happens slow enough that my family and friends have time to realize the truth and make it out of Babylon in time....... its like I told one friend years ago: lets just dig the trenches, they'll jump into them when the shelling starts..............
Well the shelling has started, you can hear it in the distance getting closer and closer, but it will take a shell into the town square before anyone here quits their siesta............
And my friends and family are just starting to get restless............
The reason I mention the primitive weapons is that they make sense here...... many people have guns, mostly .22 rifles. .22 pistols, and a few really poor quality zinc .38 cal. Belly guns........
Nobody has more than a box of shells, and most have bought ammo by the single round most of their lives due to the price after import duty and excessive profit gouging so common in Latin cultures..........
Meaning that when the collapse comes ammo will disappear within days as they all shoot each other over the first food disputes, likely over bananas in the yard, and when they are out of ammo, it will be down to machetes, and they'll hack each other up as they all try to steal their way into food security............
And by the time any of them will think of bothering me, there will be no ammo.....
And there are only two bows in the village, mine and my worker's, whom his brother in law, my son gave him.....
And what it means, is with simple organic weapons I have all the advantages except numbers, And I do have the guts to kill a few of the Rats if they threaten my food supply.......... and if it comes down to a pitched battle, I have the only spear, and if I do a shield, I'll have the only shield, etc., etc., and people who thought my primitive arms hobby was quaint, will learn that such weapons are still very effective..............
I expect I'll have to decorate my gate posts with a couple of heads, and after that I can relax again..... I've done all my homework for years and years........
Have you done your homework??
I heard mentioned on short wave the other night that there are new survivalists beginning to happen in the US, people waking up and starting to prepare who never have before, new comers to the club...... I find that a pleasant thought after a life time of being pooh-poohed by others.......
I wish them luck....... but I dont think anyone in the US has very good odds..... the chances of nuclear war increase by the week, and the US wont survive a nuclear war..........
Another reason I'm not personally too worried, is a friend of mine has been playing with Palmfruit soup recipes, and the valley is full of the stuff...... Nobody will actually starve.....
The ticos don't eat palmfruit, and the guy doing the experiments is an american.......
But I've already started doing Palmfruit soup sermons at bus stops and on public transit, and so by the time they need to know about it, they already will, and my last sermon had a guy challenge me good heartedly, and when I asked if he could stand food prices going up more than last year, he winced in front of the crowd..... and they all saw it..... now, a few months later, and prices climbing like a fighter jet, and I'll make sure to continue harping on them.....
Its cheap insurance......... I think they will use up all their ammo on each other, but they'll be fighting over their god given rights to steal, & over food a little higher on the desireability scale, and it won't be actual starvation, meaning that they wont be bothering me too much as its a stiff climb to get up here, and I have a reputation for militancy.....
Which is something I did on purpose; psych ops.........
They also know my clan is into martial arts and weapons......
And a reason I've given for buying a farm on the mountain, is that mountain people invariably conquer valley people....... they're just tougher and smarter, because they have to be to live in the harsher ambient.......
I live in a big poisonous snake reality...... I hear the leaves move....... I walk softly, and I have big sticks..... And my house site is out on a ridge point, to come at me you have to climb and be in sight for good distances..............
I also have a German Shepherd who isn't afraid of too much when it counts............
And I've figured out about how low many of the locals are on the trust scale.......
They've done me the favor of ripping me off enough over the years that I've been able to use it to build a reputation as a “get even somehow” kind of guy........
Humans are problems....period.
The more humans, more problems, less humans, less problems.....
One thing I've learned over the years, is how hard it is to have to count on other folks.....
The days of farmers helping their neighbors has transmorgrified into the days of everyone only thinking of themselves............
And its getting worse and worse, as thats what happens during the Fall of Empires........
Empires become corrupt at the top, and it filters down to the bottom...... soon the barrel is apple compost........ time to throw it out and scrub the barrel before the next harvest....
Everyone loves the big lie.... but eventually politicians robbing those stupid enough to believe in them, evolves into everyone robbing everyone..... then the wheel falls off, people learn to grow and defend their own food, and pretty soon another big lie is started somewhere, and everyone jumps on that bandwagon and it begins all over again....
We are now approaching the time when everyone has to grow their own food and defend it too.... and my point is you had better figure out how to do that with as few people as possible, unless you are willing for the crop to disappear with the guy who was your friend before he ran off with your food...........
Mechanization has the potentials to eliminate excess humans in your food growing en devour....
a normal rototiller could make life fairly easy for one trying to subsist....
but theres that little problem with fuel and parts.....
Same problem as for guns.... the ammo.......
Ammo is heavy shit..... as is fuel for the tiller......
both may have to be left behind if you have to run for it......
10,000 rounds of .308 will do you no good if you can only carry a thousand, and must abandon your area due to radioactivity, or if it is over run by people who think you would make a good slave, compost, or who want to tax you for half your meager crop.........
Ditto for rototiller and fuel....
the good news is you dont really need the ammo...... or the tiller.... and I'm not saying you shouldn't have them, I am saying you shouldn't count on continuing to have them.....
I can make arrows anywhere there are decent wood products available..... that means my ammo grows where I find it..... I can grow food with nothing but a grub hoe and a knife......
So my point is the bow makes more sense in whats coming...... as when its out of ammo you'll soon have more, even if living in the brush..... I think many will die defending excess food and excess ammo...... and guns will be common, you'll find them laying on the ground empty......
Some will point out that a gun is better defense.... true.... and I love guns..... but I'd rather do a retreat than die defending more ammo than I can carry...... and a cashe in a radioactive area has zero value.............
Security from now on depends on your level of Natural.......
Being totally mobile and able to forage for food and ammo, is better than a stash that costs $50G to put together.....
Its why I invest in fishing gear, and not in cans of Tuna......
Now back to my point again, that you best minimize the number of people you need to survive.... the perfect number is one.... one people, who grows his/her own food, defends it, and stores is properly.....
Most have a spouse..... so far I've been lucky, all my spouse types knew better, and ran off the chase money and things like retirements and medical insurance......
This is a classic dog sled... and one of the best drawings I've seen... a pony sledge is built much heavier out of planks, but something like this of aluminum tube T.I.G welded and with rollers like from skateboards or in-line skates, or perhaps even industrial quality rollers?
These days we are cutting lumber with a chainsaw mill, on the way to build my house, and the process is creating plenty of scraps to use for other less important things.........
One thing I've long been attracted to is sleds and sledges, and I am thinking of building Costa Rica's first pony sled.... Am I crazy? Of course, thats how I got where I am.....
but wait, there's more..... in human history sleds and sledges have been very ubiquitous items, even in places with very little snow..... most farms a century ago had more sleds than carts or wagons according to Eric Sloan, in his beautiful books on early American tools and implements.....
Sledges have some interesting properties for the survivalist, as they work fine on wet grass, mud, and in forests where wheeled carts and wagons run into serious problems with not having enough flotation for the conditions....
I once had an Uncle, a very good person, who was a Tire man, i.e. Most of his life he worked for Firestone selling tires..... and he was the first who pointed out to me the importance of flotation versus traction............ on sleds, they rely on a lot of flotation, and as little traction as possible to allow one to move even heavy loads easier than dragging them with out the improvements.........
Arctic and Antarctic explorers used sleds and sledges, and not just because they worked on snow and ice, but because the way was often blocked by rough going, over ice hummocks and ridges, making the way a serious obstacle course impassable with any thing else....
Nothing equals a sled or sledge in obstacle crossing..... wheels are wonderful things, but sometimes they are nothing but problems if you are trying to work in areas without improved road surfaces......
The reason I mention this, is for use for the future survivalist...... as things worsen, there will be more and more obstacles in the road of life, down trees from storms, down bridges from quakes and fault line shifts, dead vehicles, rubble where buildings once stood, etc. etc.
The man of the coming future would be well behooved to consider the sledge and a way to power it via beast of burden, as a survival transportation choice option...... especially in areas that do have snow......
I've played with designs, and would like to build eventually expedition quality aluminum sledges, perhaps with rollers or wheels as an add on option.... But for now I seem to be limited by my circumstances to wood, and so am thinking in that medium, and drawing up ideas on how to build a nice pony sledge of 8 feet or so..... I could use it on the farm for firewood, compost, rocks, food harvests, etc., and if I have to migrate, it would be a prime tool for the job, even in post disaster conditions...... and its not impossible to build one in wood with the add-on rollers or wheels..... making it a dual duty device capable of speed in smoother conditions............
We have a harness...... we have the mountain pony, and we could use the tool......
And soon I'll have the lumber, of Ajo a very rot resistant wood used for docks and decking in the tropics.......
One interesting realization I have made thinking about this item, is how my limits in tools and materials push me towards the neo-indigenous style in my designs.... the good news is I think a very pretty sledge is possible with what I have, and what I can get, and afford, in my reality.....
I'm thinking in style it needs to be somewhat like my packsaddle design, which I did with rope lashings to make it repairable in the field with nothing but a knife.....
On the sledge I'm not thinking so purest, and thinking I can afford a few nuts and bolts, and some steel strap to shoe the rails with... and at this point in the design process, I'm trying to figure out how to do it all with minimal amounts of tools needed to repair it, and how to build it as strong as possible..... I figure to limit the use of bolts to holding the large rails to the cross framing, and perhaps inlay some diagonals, to prevent tortioning as it ride over uneven conditions........... I am also thinking to add a frame with a handle bar like on a dogsled, so that I can jump on and ride if I choose..... this frame I'm thinking to lash on, so that the sledge can be somewhat taken apart for storage, or for hauling oversized items where the upper frame would get in the way..........
I also find I like the aesthetic effects of the lashings on my projects, very neo-indigenous looking styling results from the technique...........
Not to mention the repair-ability factor........ I've also found it to be a strong and most flexible way to connect and attach wooden structures, which is why I'm planning on using it to design and construct my very house also..... with modern nylon rope, and good quality wood, it will create a very quake resistant structure.... especially if combined with notching joinery in the woodwork......
What I am thinking, is to do the project and photograph it, as something interesting and useful to put into this blog for you.......
And perhaps there will be some who decide to make their own versions.........
The logic is sound, the tool is proven, and ponies are cheap..... and the roadsides have plenty of fodder for the upscale homeless person......
And 80% of humanity lives at or below 5 meters from sea level....
And many who live inland are just beginning to learn that continental desertification means them....... I pity my friends and relatives these days, they seem to insist on living in places where its now getting hotter than hell in the summer and almost Arctic winters due to the convection cell cycle speeding up..... Siberia may be warming up, but many places are starting to inherit some of that flavor in the winters now.... places where winter before was just a fun and interesting season..... now its becoming deadly.....
There is also another reason the sledge makes sense to others, that when enough Volcanoes start popping off at the same time, its going to be Siberia anyplace more than 20 degrees or so from the Equator.... the coming mini-ice age that the planet uses to rebalance its temperature, and to get rid of those pesky little fleas causing the problems.........
Some of those fleas may want to migrate south to the edge of the snow line, where there will be better odds of continuing to eat and stay warm.....
And when those volcanoes go off, the will be accompanied by plenty of strong quakes, like a dog shaking off said fleas.... and in our case, turning cities and houses into piles of rubble and piles of kindling..... Nature will gladly cover the rubble with greenery over time, when the snows recede, and humans who survive will gladly repopulate the areas with people who have evolved more sustainable cultures............. The descendants of the Neo-indigenous clans.........
I think if I could be remembered for anything, I would like it to be as one of the originators of the Neo-indigenous movement..... I'm sure there are others making the same realizations I am, and that when I get a net connection going I will find them.... I had a friend call yesterday morning, who said my kid is working on my website, and we discussed what I am doing, and he stated I was wasting my time trying to warn people.... I know that, but I feel that preaching to the choir is a good idea, especially if it looks like the choir is going to grow and grow.........
Basically what I see, is a future with three types of humans; Survivalists, the very very lucky, and the dead............. meaning survivalism is fairly likely to have a Renaissance............
And I've long felt that my projects will help make my blog “funner” and more interesting.....
Also I might be tempted to do some of my stuff as small production runs to sell..... no doubt plenty of folks who would like one of my packsaddles......
And I hope to do porta-shelter structures too!
And I will invariably include fotos, drawings, etc., for those wishing to do it themselves, whom I consider to be the salt of the earth, and persons well worth my hobby of designing nice gear.........
When I was a kid, my father had a few books, not many, he wasn't an avid reader, but he did have some..... part of his small collection was a set of do-it-yourself encyclopedias, which were a dozen or so books on how to make and build things.... Now days everyone seems to have the attitude that all they need to make is money, and have some other poor slob in China or India make things for them to buy.....
It will be a short lived mindset......
Thinking others will do everything for you for money, only is as good as the economic times.... and very soon many who know only about money now, will learn what its like on the dark side of the moon in economic terms..... the chance of a bogus fiat currency system making it in whats coming is ZERO...............
Plus the folks in China and India are making things based on the current reality and not the up coming one...... no porta-shelters and sledges at Walmart yet, unless you want to count the cheap and flimsy nylon tents.....
And by the time everyone figures out the error to their ways, it will be too late for the economic system to adapt and begin making the things you will need.......
My overall point is that Neo-indigenous projects are fun and interesting now, and are what will save your bacon in whats coming.........
Its a hobby that will evolve into a lifestyle........ for those lucky enough to break programming......
Its like the thing with the Banks these days, the Governments are having the taxpayers bail out the greed heads..... they've made billions off of common man, charging interest that results in him or her paying up to three or four times the cost of their house for the privilege of living in it while they pay for it.... and now they've had a bad year, due to their own greed, and the politicians sell the bail out as something good for Jonny Lunchbox.....
'Couldn't be farther from the truth could it?
And has anyone realized how stupid they look sucking up that logic?
Its having the Slaves pay off the Plantation owner's gambling debts, by him moonlighting them all as prostitutes for the other Plantation owners.........
You are once again getting screwed folks, and are too stupid and gutless to do anything about it..........
The way out, is in this blog......
But to do it, you cant be stupid or gutless........
I made the decision many years ago to let go the great teat of the technocult, and begin to walk on my own feet and live by my own wits.... it was my best decision to date.........
I'm still incredibly poor, but then, I dont need much anymore either....
I've learned how to live a free man at least in part, and the part of me that isn't free, will become so, the minute the technocult crashes, and for me it wont be a painful shock, just a “ho-hum...” and go on about my business..............
The crash of civilizations are the great equalizers of humanity.....
And its all a house of cards based on human stupidity and blind faith.......
But a few are beginning to wake up.... not enough to be a threat to the status quo, but enough to re-seed the planet with genetics filtered slightly of greed and stupidity.......
The status quo types think more of the same will save their fat butts...... Never happen....
And they are wasting everybody's time and money looking up our butts and feeling our women's teats at airports, looking for terrorists....
Grow up guys, the reason there are terrorists, is because of a greed based system where the rich scum support other scum regimes, across the wide planet, which results in human suffering on a vast scale, and ignoring that fact, and fighting, killing, capturing, and torturing, people wont cure shit... it will only make it worse..... the only security is change.... a version of mobility, if you want security, your only real option is to quit ripping people off and calling it a blessing.........
I'm willing to bet that their mental illness wont require terrorists to finish them off.... terrorism is a symptom, like a runny nose for a status quo with H5N1........
Ego invariably leads to disaster...........
A Taoist concept, as are most concepts in my writings.........
I heard the other day an interesting program on short wave, it was Radio Kuwait, discussing a requirement in the Koran, which evidently requires that the law adapt to the social reality, and that the Academic and Political elite are required to study the culture and make laws that are effective and just...... What an interesting concept.... they also stated that people needed a new creed for whats coming..... I agree, and I think the Koran undoubtedly has some mileage in it for all of us...... But I think there are other sources of wisdom to which the same logic applies, especially the Tao te Ching..... Even the Bible is as full of wisdom, as the churches are full of fools shelling out their money to people, one step up on the food chain, from Morticians........
I personally think the Tao is the most important philosophy to the survivalist, as its about merging with the natural world..... basically you have to adapt to it instead of the usual vice versa of the technocult......... modern culture was based on the concept of conquest, residue from our less than polite past...... We see nature as an enemy, when in fact its our best friend, and is what it is, and can be counted on to be that way..........
Man is obviously not man's best friend..... take a look.... I find that the farther I separate my self from other humans, the less problems I have, and the closer I get to nature, the more I learn and the better I live in real terms........ People are inherently unreliable..... they bounce around with good intentions, but invariably drop into the hole of egocentric thinking habits......
Nature functions just fine...... always has, always will....... but little monkeys who assume themselves to be gods are sure to have some problems........
Lately I'm hearing on short wave that the sub-prime thing is going into the bond markets and trashing them..... Gee? Why were right-wing moron level types on short wave able to see all this coming, and all the brightest of elite economists hadn't a clue?
Denial filtering...... one group outsiders and the other insiders?
Anyway, should be interesting..... looks like a total collapse of the economic system is a possibility soon, and to avoid that, Governments traditionally use war...........
You know; Wag the dog..... beat the drums, incite the tribe, get everyone jumping up and down and frothing at their patriotic mouths, Arm them up, and then point them at the neighbors, and let them go........
The good news is, you still have some time...... maybe a few months..... maybe a few years..... but things are getting worse at an accelerating rate, and any fool can see it.....
The vortex created by human stupidity.......
The cure is the other direction...... people going back to human decency as a common denominator, and not using money for everything including social status......
Think of how twisted we are, turned from admiring the good people of our tribe, to a bunch of insane types chasing rich celebrities around.........
We've come a long way.......
There was a reason that earlier in our cultural history we focused on things like honesty, good deeds, hard work, good planning, responsibility, justice, etc. etc., Its because thats what it takes to maintain a functioning social system.....
How are we doing?
And where are we headed?
The good news is that this too is part of a natural cycle..... the one where humans figure out that being egocentric liars and building big fat civilizations isn't a good idea.....
Its like big trees in the jungle...... the bigger that they grow, the more likely they are to fall..... And humble moss growing on the forest floor doesn't often fall.......
Anyway, my advice? Same as always, reduce baggage, get total mobility, strive constantly to get out of the system, get out to the perimeter of the empire somewhere, set yourself up in a little camp or cabin, get a garden going, dig out a spring, get a few domestic animals, grow bulk foods, go fishing often, make craft items for personal use, Have a little library of books on self sufficiency and small farm tech, find a mate willing to be in sync with you on it, and use the time you have to melt into the ambient...........
This is a path to a long life, and a good understanding of the reality of natural law.......
These days I like to stay home..... its nice and quiet, nobody climbs the mountain to bother me, and for anyone who does, I appreciate their efforts, I enjoy the peace, I like to draw and think and plan...... I like to do craftsy stuff, And I manage the farm and its lone worker on mental auto-pilot, just another hobby to me.......
Living simple has its benefits.... packing boughten food up a mountain reduces ones desire to eat so much, No fat American with heart problems here..... I packed a 25 pound sack of flour, plus my laptop, clean clothes, a motorcycle battery, a book, and my own butt, up the mountain yesterday, doing the equivalent of 50 floors in 15 minutes or so, in tropical heat and humidity............. yup! Was dripping sweat when I passed the hammock, got the stuff all put down, walked down the the spring, took a bath in cool water, and then got firewood together and baked the bread dough I had rising, turned on the short wave, and listened to a program on economics from a survivalist's point of view.........
Its a world far away...... I see it all from the outside....... 'been inside the box, wanted to escape like any lizard in a terrarium.........
'Found my way out......
I was thinking of my ex-wife and her husband, how they'd just been down, and hearing the economics on the radio told me that it wont be long until all my little clan begins to gather here......... an economic necessity........... Many already admit that it isn't worth it anymore to work in the states, and if the bond markets take out the local governments, it all unravels in a hurry for them..... I suspect that no political savior will wave a magic wand and fix this one, and all those people relying on their retirements and their jobs will soon have neither.....
The Great Depression will be a picnic in comparison.......
Basically its the fall of an economic empire.... based on slavery just as Rome's was, but a more polite and subtle form, where the slaves have all been convinced they will someday be rich and free if they mine enough salt...........
For myself, these days I'm trying to tie up loose ends, Have a border cross coming up in a few weeks, will go to David Panama, thinking to try to stock up on salt and matches, maybe find a decent turning fork for the garden project, and thinking I should buy a stash of machetes.... last month I got a stack of sharpening stones, and the second casting net, and some shark hooks and tuna hooks, thanks to one of my sons...........
What I am doing is gnawing on stuff that I will need..... The machetes are the prime tool here, and no one is smart enough to have a decent stash..... the locals are like locals anywhere in that their religion is really the technocult, and their god of the golden idol can't possibly fail them, even though it appears to somehow be in constant downhill mode.........
I've tried to push my people in the US to be ready, gotten some half-assed results, so I suppose it will be a long walk to Costa Rica from where ever they run out of gas.........
Who knows? Maybe they'll make it, maybe a minor miracle of all listening to me at the last moment? I've said all there is to be said, done all I can do, and the length of the walk will depend on their listening skills, and if this or that email makes it or not...... third world comms are such an iffy affair............
Hopefully it will all drag on a bit longer, and get worse at a rate that gets their attention, and they pull the plug in time...... I've long wondered that when it all came down, would the universe line up all the chances, and many make it out on good luck built up with good actions? It's all a factor of time.........
I see a possible miracle situation, where all those who deserve whats coming get their just dues, and those who don't deserve it get out somehow...... a statistical miracle......
The River that flows through the universe is going somewhere, and a destination is a plan of sorts........ going with the flow is much easier than paddling upstream, and as long as one listens for falls, down river is a sure bet..............
Anyway, I do what I can..... mostly get taken for granted by my own group, but its not me who will pay for that..........
They could have all been out already, and we could have all been set up much much better, but they wanted to play some more at the pig party.........
I had to eventually come to the realization that I'd done what I could, and that it depended more on how the cards fell, whether this or that person in my group got out in time.....
I think when the jobs all go away, and the eviction notices arrive, that it will be like the dust bowl all over again with vehicles stacked with junk headed in all directions, everyone headed back to the farm..... any one who still has family in the countryside will end up camping on their cousin's back corner...... you'll see lawyers in business suits with suitcases hiking down the highway, mothers pushing strollers piled high with clothes and kids, trucks loaded to the gills with people and baggage, and police ignoring almost everything...........
One will pass bodies........ Raiders and victims of raiders..........
Scams will abound.......
People will keep a guard up at their camps at night......
Many women will be raped..... AIDs will be spread far and wide.....
other diseases set in due to lack of common knowledge.... people shitting by the roads, large camps, infected wounds, infected blisters from fancy shoes not meant for long distances.....
Hunger, hunger............. crying children, of people who ignored what they saw on TV of other earlier hunger in places far away.....
And all the dreams? Gone...... nothing but a harsh reality with pinched bellies and faces, people on the road to anywhere there might be food and water and friends.........
It all boils down to basics..............
We forgot to keep up on the basics..........
Silly monkeys on ego trips, vanity vanity the killer of billions........
The great depression was always something interesting to me as a kid..... good thing, being attentive on related info led me to many other interesting issues......
I met many who had lived through it, I read things written about it, and I occasionally heard on the news of the old people discovered with their houses packed full of boxes and bales and buckets, overflowing with a life time of hoarding anything of value.... people with boxes of newspapers, stacks of shopping bags neatly folded, rolls of used string....... They were looked upon as social anomalies, something bazaar from something that happened in the past.........
They were staying prepared.......... I presume most of these folk are now gone.....
To me it was always a wonder, how something could have affected so deeply, the psychology of so many.......
I also took the lesson to heart......... but luckily, my father was a habitual junk collector, which soured me on the concept of limitless piles of obviously worthless stuff......
Many used items are worth the gathering in and keeping, but materialism is part of natural law, and any horizontal surface begins to collect things even without human help, so if one wants to walk with out tripping over stuff in the weeds, some self control is a good idea......
I also studied Taoism...... and so learned of other problems related to baggage....
and I was a Sailor for a few years..... living out of a couple of sea-bags worth of personal possessions..........
And my move to Costa Rica had some very very hard lessons in it on excess materialism......
I still have way too much, and am now constantly struggling to get “The right stuff.” all collected.........
These days, no matter what it is I'm looking for minimalism..... I and a partner or two bought an electric welder last year..... I got to pick it out, and my drive for minimalism coupled with high prices due to insane import duties here, led me to buy a very small but serviceable unit..... I used to own pro quality........
I lost it squeezing through the eye of the needle...........
This one would fit in a pony cart, or in a small boat, or stay where its at just fine, if thats possible...
Soon on my up coming border cross, I will be picking off some items on my survival list, I always do, thats all I do...........
But I think its going to be “matches and salt” level stuff this time..... a stash, a Christmas list of things that going without would make life much more difficult.........
Can you imagine life with out the ubiquitous match? I'm also stashing other things to make fire with..... Welder's strikers, Magnesium and flint sparker, lenses.............
Another item on the list is bulk detergent......
Plus some drugs and disinfectants that I use for the common problems of living in the tropics..............
And I dont think I will get it this time, but I'm after a used bald tire, to make some serious “Continent Crosser” sandals out of.........
The preparedness list never dies! And I'm trying to get the house pieces collected at the same time........
How long will the Big Lie continue? I dunno...... but what I do know is that its days are numbered......... and getting less, very rapidly by all the signs............
And until the day of the final crash and rolling loose wheels, I will continue to try to improve my trip......
Little items..... big items, but all filtered with a minimalistic mindset and also a great depression like mind set..... this morning I was washing out small plastic bottles..... to use for garden seeds I think, perhaps for other things as well.........
And I look forward to the house, to be able to have space for shelves, to finally be able to build some trunks, and do some wooden folding furniture........
I also have thought long term about building a forge..... I have a history of interest and practice in simple smithing....... the site is leveled, soon the trail to the flat stone quarry will be rocked and so usable in the wet season with the wheelbarrow, and if I have excess lumber I will also put up the shop building...... leaving only sand and cement to want for...........
The Bazaar thing I have discovered, is that doing such things are like a Mantra, they calm the internal dialog, give me focus and direction, and help me over come the damage to my psyche from getting trashed so often by so many.........
Its a way to focus on my own needs.......... instead of my usual focus on other people.
I think the technocult has us programmed backwards..... it cultivates childish ego and vanity, and it uses up our social energy at the job.......
I think we need to learn to be into ourselves, more responsible for our own needs, and use our egos for what they were meant for...... not expecting others to do specializations that give us our needs, in trade for us specializing..........
I think our social energy needs to go into getting along with our personal group, and not be used up by the big lie.....
Humans are built to want to improve their own situations....
We have a built in dissatisfaction, which often results in difficulties in our relationships due to the specialization thing, where we blame others, instead of doing it for ourselves..........
I think its a survival trait.... inherited from a long line of ancestors who kept adding to the barrels and boxes in the cellar, the herbs in the rafters, and the corn and beans in the bin, until there was enough to spell security..........
The same folks who sewed harness by firelight in winters....... Or canned like crazy fools all fall................
My point is if you think about it that dissatisfaction has a purpose..... and you can begin to use it to motivate you to do what needs to be done, instead of using it on your mate...........
Well, another day, its sunrise, birds are chirping merrily.... I'm thinking I may have the worker show up today, being Monday.......
if so, we will cut more floor boards for the house, gnawing my way that direction, its like making payments, a lay-away plan, where each piece gets me closer to my house.....
I'm happy, no interest payments, and I get to do Art instead of something mundane and oppressive........
Free and Open, aesthetic, and will go with the rest of my reality...... Most of my stuff leans that direction, and soon more and more...... I have a personal style..... definitely Neo-indigenous........
I think it will be pretty, and comfy to live in with this climate............
and its not like its some piece of shit on a city lot somewhere dirty, noisy, and crowded.....
its on a ridge point over looking a valley, with a tropical rain forest and mountains on all sides......... its art, its all going to fit together, and not stick out like houses on hills in the US, and other places, this one is going to be “right for the site”.............
Were about the difficulties humans have working together and keeping a balance going, so as not to trash the partnership...... not an easy thing to do for a creature with more Ego than brains, and not enough brains in use, at any one time..............
Basically where we are as a planet, i.e. The human race, is everybody wants for themselves, and nobody knows when to quit, and some get ahead and some fall behind, and we kill each other over the problems that arise from these roots..........
Key to better balance is in learning not to want.... not to want as much, not to want what others have, and not to want to have what others dont........
Why? Well because there is only one outcome for humanity if we keep on doing as we are now..... we head toward extinction.............
And I'd sure as hell rather have less, than to live in a world where everyone has what they want.... because we always want too much, and its why we seldom get that and usually get about what we need..... And if we had what we want what would life be like, and what would the planet look like, and how healthy would we all be?
I think We'd be all dead...... Wanting everything is infinite, we are not, neither is the planet.......
Anyway, I've observed that co-opping in even a small group of pretty good people doesn't really work easily.... And so I plan to get as separate as I can, and as responsible as I can for myself, And to figure out what is really right to want, How I can minimize even that,
And Create a life based on independence........... And based on wanting and having the right stuff to live a balanced and natural life.... I think almost everybody else will choose to keep pumping a broken pump, i.e. The system, and only a few “Forlorn Hopes” Will learn anything from my writings......
The good news is, that the forlorn hopes are those most likely to survive.......
So although my public service is most likely a statistical failure, it will be a moral positive if I just helped one decent human, Hopefully somebody more decent than me, Somebody that deserved and needed the help..........
You know... some poor slob who's always struggled to be decent and do things that didn't hurt others or the ecosystem.....
The good news is there is sanity in what I am talking about, Lao Tsu alludes to a life where one does their thing, and leaves other people alone to do theirs...........
Sounds good to me, But somebody is going to have to tell the system that we dont want to play that game anymore, we want to do something else with our lives...... I suggest we tell them not by words, but by actions....
Its like the day for beat dead dads, dont say anything, dont make any noise, just let them figure it out for themselves..... Separate..... Quietly...
Lean towards exit stage left, like the pink panther....... I've been doing that one for years, hum the tune, arrange my baggage, lift, and in a flash I'm out the left side of the stage, and elsewhere shortly.....
And I really do see the situations, hum the tune, and thank pink panther for the Zen like teaching...........
It works!
What I know, is the Neo-indigenous/nomadic trip really works, and one can do it in style...
Face it, 90% of my readers, are probably not having it as good as I am..... These balmy breezes are hard to compete with points wise, and I know plenty of guys who would love to live camping full time, and I suspect there would be millions better off camping full time, than doing whatever it is they are doing now...........
I'm not suffering much, believe me..... and today I got 4 wide floor boards closer to having my new house.......
No Bank involved, at least not at anything like normal levels of bank involvement.... I do use some money...
Most of my friends are falling behind now........
Going backwards.... upside down on their paper..... indentured in an evolving economy, where their credit really meant “Indentured Slavery” (look it up!)
The secret turns out to be this funky motif' that limits what I want to the things that are good for me in real terms....... The Pueblo Indians made Kivas in the earth to store things etc., and they didn't even have cement..... so if I do something similar, with stone, and cement, I'm one up....... on something that worked very well........
Ditto with the rest of my construction concepts..... going renegade construction wise pays dividends, and I wont have to live in a boring house........ I can live in a fun house....
with fun no-payments benefits to it..... Permits? Its portable......... my point is that neo-indigenous has a neo side to it, I can have running water, I can have something in the place of animal hides for a roof, And I can design my toilet system to not need a toilet brush to clean it with.... nasty things toilet brushes, they get as much on you as they get off the toilet it seems....
I lived in Europe as a kid...... Squat toilets were common still... just a hole in the cement, and a pipe running water..... No hunk of porcelain to clean.... A “China shitter” how quaint! Why should I need to sit down to shit? And make payments for the privilege...
And we cut lumber this morning, but not much of it.... at least not good product.... the log has more problems than I hoped it would, didn't get much to the good for the morning's work..... but did get some, and nobody got hurt, no tools broken, so all is well........
Listened to short wave last night, and it was more of the same, the Same Politicians, telling the same lies, to the same sheep, with the same results.........
Something about beautiful lies.....
I've been following the Kurds for many years, for no other reason than they are people with problems they dont deserve.... Some fat slobs in Europe drew lines on maps, in areas they shouldn't have had any business in, without bothering to take into account different cultures....
Most of the problems in the mid-east, and south central Asia, stem from the Britt's attitude 100 years ago that conquest was the in thing to do..... Arrogant assholes drew lines on maps and affected people's lives for generations.....
Has any one ever realized that Conquest is a rather rude and socially sick thing to do?
It also never works....
Not even with today's version, sugar coated conquest: Business.
Sure, you can kill a bunch of people, on both sides, maybe get your way for awhile, long enough to rob them of what ever they have worth stealing, but eventually they get rid of you..... Like my Irish Ancestors and the English..... 1,000 years of resistance against the Queen's lackeys....... And like my German ancestors, Rome made the mistake of bothering them..... They turned the tables, and sacked Rome......
Anyway, I hear shit on BBC, politicians acting like their boundarys on the maps are sacred,
And Nobody has any right to change them...
Screw them.....
If you have a culture, its natural border is where you break over 50% population with the neighboring culture..... The real line is where its half and half..........
Its more of the same shit.... just like all the hype against Iran.... Iran has as much right to nukes as the US, or France, Israel, Russia, China, etc., And on the radio you'd think we owned the bastards.....
Well, At least the Iranians know better..... I guess their propaganda is different than ours?
I spend a lot of time listening to short wave radio..... Filtering everybody's lies, for shreds of the truth..... BBC, VOA, ABC, RNI, you name it...... alphabet soup, and from Russia to India, its always their points of view are right, and everyone else is wrong..... Its like Religion..... Billions of humans arguing, over what no man can know for certain......
Short wave would be better if Politics, Religion, and sports were outlawed on it...........
But then, what would they have to talk about? The truth? Theres not enough of that to tint a glass of water...... but lies? Enough of them to tint all our doings black...........
Me? just trying to live a decent life, do things as good as I can, and figure out how to avoid as many problems as possible, and solutionize the ones I cant avoid.........
And stay away from those building Karmic Bombs....... Karmic bombs are like Nuclear bombs, i.e. Not a good idea to build any of them..... Screwing other people over for any reason is wrong........ They'll get their's, Bad actions attract bad reactions.......
These days I focus more and more on my own trip..... I cant fix the world, and no one would listen if I could..........
But I can fix myself, albeit a difficult job..... I figured out years ago that expecting others to change, never got results, but if one alters their own behavior, one controls the problem no matter what the others think..........
Its why I'm up on a mountain in Central America..... I changed me.
I figured out that borders were imaginary..... And that learning another language was a small price to pay for not having to hold down a job to pay the oil company to warm my butt nice and comfy.........
Or hold down a job so somebody could sell me their TOXIC food............
Anyway, I noticed in a foto in TIME magazine last year, that the Kurds were of two races....
One looked Central Asia, and the other group looked Germanic.......
Bad news for the Turks; Don't Pick on anyone with German genetics...... Even if it is only 10% or so..... They'll win......
Its the Celts...... Irish, Scottish, Germans, Scandinavians, etc., the “Thin Tall Walkers”.......
Built to cover ground physically, to co-operate efficiently socially, And Mentally able to create serious problems for anyone foolish enough to spit in their Beer............
Pretty good folks, and a good additive to other races........ some Celt/other race hybrids are pretty awesome......
I Admire their lower statistics for Corruption...... Where on the planet are things humming along OK? Northern Europe..... Where on the planet are there mostly problems? OH! About everywhere else......
I think the Celts have a habit of using their brains a bit more than most..........
But I love when I'm listening to short wave and hear people of other races talk who are obviously also very keen...... To be lucid......
These days I hear mostly bullshit........
Glad its just a hobby, and that I dont count on the technocult continuing..........
These days, I work toward bettering my life in simple ways... working on the house pieces thing, and thinking how to evolve the building as I can acquire materials for it....
Most likely it will start out as kind of a yurt, and as I add pieces tranmorgrify into the house I want.... currently working on loft floor boards, and next will be rafters, and then we'll see how much lumber I have.... the process could take a couple of years..... but it will improve my life at every stage...... and the kicker is the no payments thing.... not to mention me using the Nomadic aspects to my advantage..... it would be hard to put together a ranch style and change it as you got more materials, and still maintain mobility potentials........
I was listening to short wave last night, a survivalist program, talking about the little economic problem from the sub-prime loans thing.... sounds like the greed-heads may have
gone a tich too far, and are pretending to be in control, but I suspect they have a single choice, and thats how fast to crash it with their inflating economy reality..... inflate it more now and have it crash, or inflate it a bit less and have it crash a bit later.....
I suspect it will be a lot like a house fly thats been hit in mid air by the flyswatter, it may fly a ways, but erratically, and at a bad glide ratio until it bounces off the wall and drops to the floor..........
How do I feel about that? OK with it, got food and water and cooking fuel, I worry about family members in Vanity Land, wonder if any will make it out?
At this point I'm thinking to stash some unleaded gas for my Zippo, and try to come up with the money ASAP to stash a few machetes...... actually, I'll be shopping in Panama in a couple of weeks, and the list is things like salt and matches in bulk..... flashlight batteries too... hmmm? Where did I learn that?
Its getting closer.... but if I have time I'll do OK, and the more time I have the better I will have it....... my years beans are drying now, its time to transplant and multiply a bunch of root crops, I have fruit coming in in small amounts, enough other stuff like bananas and coconuts to keep from going hungry, and my stash of fishing gear is enough for my entire life..........
I also plan to buy bulk threads for sewing this trip, I have thread, but I consider it a trading item....... Mostly I'm tying up loose ends...... and it will be no problem for me to go years with nothing from the technocult if I need to..........
And I have stuff on the line like a Candle-nut tree, we are wait for it to produce seeds so we can plant an area...... Oil for my lamps and stove..........
I've spent years thinking about how to be best prepared, and it all boils down to simple stuff, like starting fires, lighting at night, having enough veggies going to do a constant soup....
I've been here before in some ways due to the years in poverty...
Basically you learn to live low..... you drink water, or in my case lemonade, as I have no shortage of lemons ever now..... and you spend your days peeling and washing veggies, building and maintaining a fire, carrying wood and water, and wandering around with a sack looking for food ready to harvest......
The folks up in Babylon are going to have it a bit different.... they'll be glued to their TV until it goes off when the power system fails..... no one will bother to hold down jobs if the money they pay, doesn't cause things to happen...... and the food shortages are just beginning.... going to be cold winters in places like the mid-west or worse the Dakotas, with no heat unless supplied with an ax........
People will stare hunger ally at their TV and wonder if it will ever come back on.......
Anyway...... Glad I got out, glad I'm still preparing, and glad I've learned how to live by my wits...... I've had many hard years to make whats coming easier for me...........
I guess I wasn't crazy planting all the food..... and just yesterday I was appreciating my little spring and its good tasting water......... I can do OK.......
And all happening due to greed and vanity and stupidity..... silly monkeys!
For me the struggle will be lighting fires and the lighting at night...... but I can lay in the dark, and I can learn to build fires with friction if I have to...... thinking maybe I should do an upscale bow-drill type device, like for two people? Or maybe figure out how to do it with just one person and have a weight for pressure and a supporting frame, so I can get two hands on the bow and make shit happen.......
another idea might be having the tips replaceable on the drill stick? We shall see, but its definitely a problem needing a solution..... starting fire on a daily basis from now on with no resupply of fossil fuels or matches will be a struggle.... sunny days are no problem with a lens, but not all days are sunny, and I would rather not have to wait for one, to be able to cook........
other than that, it boils down to defending my property from a bunch of shit heads who took wrong paths due to their own stupidity and ego...... if it goes nuclear, I have a foxhole to dig......
Anyway, I will continue to push, its all I do now..... that and write this, and wonder if I will have it on the web in time? I'm seeing things accelerate, and don't know if these writings will be posted in time, or if shit will get too bad too soon?
I suspect they will prop up dominoes for awhile, and sheer desire to believe will continue the present denial based reality................
But sooner or later, the store shelves will be empty, the auto-teller won't spit out cash, and it wouldn't do any good if it did, because it will only be worth its value in toilet paper.....
My problem will be figuring out how to trade food for work from the locals, all of who have an ego problem at present..... I've done my homework, got a thing going, but will it hold together? And what kind of group will I get? Will any of my people show up?
I cant count on that...... but things like a few spare machetes give me a lot of leverage in a culture where its the prime agricultural hand tool, and the average guy would have his stock used up in less than a year.............
I have other things...... like sewing needles and such to trade.......... I would like to have more other stuff.... the bad part is going to be when the Ticos get to learn I wont trade a machete for anything they have except a lot of labor.... I'll send them off to think about it....
In a reality where another machete may never happen, any machete becomes worth more than gold............
And these fools are used to thinking they're a disposable item......
Anyway....... got my shit fairly well together for some bum living under a tarp.......
And I will be buying stash items every month from now on............ to me the best items are lenses and fish hooks...... they weigh the least and are worth the most.........
But who knows? Maybe we'll have another few years? If so, I'll be more ready......
This morning I worked out in a garden patch..... turning some dirt, looks like I need to get some additives on it...... Organic material, lime from the deposits by the dry creeks, some silt from a type of semi-shale like stone on the farm, its soft enough to bust up with a pick hoe, and some zinc and copper from scrap metal that I cut up, or powder with a hand file......
Things grow good here, big problem is weak soils from so much rain.......
Was thinking this morning how strange it was that so many millions of humans would rather be gardening, and instead chase money and materialism in filthy dirty cities, with bad air, bad thieves, bad governments, bad food, bad economies, bad living conditions, and bad futures in the pipe line and coming fast......
Gee! Folks, its only a game..... its like Monopoly, with funny money, a limited playing field, that you go round and round on, and all is already owned, so you dont really get anywhere, just past go, and owe $200 on every piece of plastic in your wallet.........
Gardening? An honest way to put soup over the fire......
And it has a bright future..... at least south of nuclear winter it does........
I was feeling good, working in my shorts, chopping grass and weeds with a Rula 28”, and then turning dirt with a spade, and loosening soil deep with a MacKanna that I made from a leaf spring and a hunk of 1 1//4” steel pipe..... I think I used 6011 rod to weld it with, have figured out its soft enough to do spring steel to mild steel........ I like using stainless rod for such applications generally..........
I have Yucca soup cooking over the fire, thinking to add some Sagu to it, and some seasonings.......... Bread is rising in my deep skillet, soon to bake..........
Though about going down to the village to charge batteries, and decided to stay home and harvest a fine morning for myself........
Was thinking about projects in my mind, want to do some stuff with the wood scraps from the house project..... Trunks, to store stuff in............ Also thinking my table wants some legs,
the list is endless...........
Its fun thinking about the stuff, how to best design it to be Neo-Indigenous and/or Neo-Nomadic............ I gnaw on a concept, drawing on paper, looking for simplicity and aesthetics, and easy to repair etc., and often come up with very nice items when they make it from brain to hand to paper, and then on to wood and rope............I hope other people are also discovering the Neo-Nomadic logic, I'd like to see photographs of thing others have made in a similar style, thinking yesterday how nice Neo-Idigenous stuff would be in Japanese style........... Every culture has roots..... and if Dimitri Orlov is correct the last thing to crash in a collapse after economy, commercialism, politics, social system, is CULTURE, and I think it would be a lot nicer, if we just re-rooted ourselves in Natural soil, and booted up a culture of cultivators....... We have the know how...... We have the need..... Nothing to stop all the back to the lander types from doing it, even if its with a Gypsy cart and pony......
You only need a dry place to sleep and a dry spot to cook in on rainy days..... The average dog house is almost big enough.........
Was thinking this morning how strange that people think they need a big house, and that they need to live in the middle of millions of other people.......
Money...... they think money is real, and are about to learn different.....
They think TV is real too.... well bad news; TV is the inverse of reality.......
Just like politics is the inverse of truth..........
And Government is the inverse of freedom........
Money is the inverse of real wealth..... real wealth comes from enjoying sunny mornings, from going fishing, from working on projects with your hands.....
It comes from doing things with kids, from being close to one's mate, from inviting friends over for a cookout..... even if it means raising the chickens.......
Money? Chase that stuff too much and its like Cocaine in your coconut...... it makes you crazy..... take a look! Billions of fools totally crazy for the stuff, and it didn't exist for 99.99% of human history..... its as if they discovered sex after a million years of looking at each other over the cooking fire.... after that, its all you do ............
Well....... economy is about to run out of hormones for awhile..... best you wander back down to the garden and get busy there, if you want to keep eating..........
Listened to short wave last night, BBC talking about the food crisis, realizing the current incarnation is due to Bio-fuels production.... I've long been a fan of Bio-fuels, but would have preferred they'd been gone to over the last twenty years progressively, instead of trying it now all at once with everything else happening too.... But it was so easy for the Mainstream news to badmouth Carter, and so easy for Reagan and Bush sr. to lie, cheat, steal, etc., and deal with the Iranians, and Screw Carter, who is at least a decent human, which Reagan and Bush were not..... Well, Reagan is stoking coal down in the boilers these days, Bush sr. is waiting his turn to meet his maker, and his “Defective Clone” is on his way out as Leader of the Mind-washed world, and they are trying to replace him with another of their War buck$ thieves........ Only a rope will stop these Cowboys............ Una Soga Buena, But not by their horns......
This morning I took a bike to the store, a couple of miles, saw lentils there, which aren't carried in closer stores..... got there, out of Lentils of course..... Talked to a couple of women, me doing my usual programming, I'm trying to get the local people prepared mentally for whats coming..... if I do my part, I can eliminate the panic, and my local world can pass from this reality to the next, in a seamless fashion..... I've lived alone for my time here in Costa Rica, Due to my focus being on preparedness, and the local focus being on money and cars, and clothes..........
Its been a long haul..... but I know my day is coming...... wealth in the near present will have little to do with money.... and everything to do with security of food, water, and cooking fuel.....
Met a young woman today, that I liked, but I think she's got a claim check with a guy, and thats the way it goes...... I don't want just any woman, I want one who I can count on, and who has more going on in the head than seeing how much she can extract from me....
Whats coming will make a good relationship all that much more important......
Best get back to the foundations folks...... Life is short, too short for the games we play......
No one has time to get rich.... because if you spend your time getting rich, you will have no time left to enjoy it.....
What I have re-discovered, is one can live fine without all the perceived necessities....
House? Hell of a load to carry these days, and some areas in the US there are more evictions and repossessions than sales........
It doesn't pay........
It never has.....
The good news is not having a house, in some ways exceeds having one........
One doesn't need all that much..... 95% of our house needs concept is contrived......
Houses are mostly vanity....... and you can choose how to fall...... its like in Judo, they teach how to fall, why? Because its something normal in a fight...... in this case the fight is for your personal survival, and you can keep your Vanity, or you can continue to eat fairly regularly, but almost no one will be able to do both.......
I suspect as I write these words, thousands of fone calls to family members looking for a place to live, people who up until last year never dreamed they'd be homeless.........
The Problem is manipulations......
There would be no food crisis, if Agriculture hadn't been “improved”.........
I heard them last night on BBC talking like small farms were the problem and that big chemical farms were the solution..... WRONG!
The reason small farms aren't making it, is because of middlemen and chemicals.....
Not because they are inefficient..... they are in fact more efficient than big mechanized farms if you calculate fuel cost and fertilizer costs....
And if small farms are eliminated, you can kiss your ass goodbye in whats coming....
As the petro-dinosaur system has zero chance of making it............
It goes directly against nature...... which is what EVIL is, anything which goes against what is good and natural......
Our whole civilization is built backwards..... from top to bottom, front to back.....
And if you're a Hyena brained pack-think moron, you will soon learn the truth the hard way......
Whats coming could be described as 80% of humanity genetically eliminating themselves over stupid vanity.............
I've worked on Chemical farms, have health problems related to the $2/hr I made as a kid moving irrigation pipes..... sprayed fields, now an allergic person.....
Its part of why I am how I am.....
I like Organic food, just this morning explaining to my niece that food off the farm is better than the chemical stuff for her baby....... next Tuesday about 25 pounds of Bananas will come down the mountain for baby food..... Free...... Organic....... and we will be multiplying that type.........
Housing has been improved too..... people used to build their own houses, each doing what they could, and each one a home...........
Now you pay all your life... and its never yours..... is that an improvement?.......
For something that could be replaced in practical terms with a more simple structure.....
It doesn't take 4,000 square feet of ranch style...... A young family of 2.5 people could live fine in a 24 ft yurt........ which would cost to build, about one monthly payment on the ranch style.... its all a contrived artificial reality, with the real reality over the horizon and coming fast..........
And if you hang onto the dream until it evaporates, you will find yourself between earth and the sky, with no shelter.........
But if you started now, acquiring the pieces, when your eviction letter came, you could have the pick-up truck already loaded with all the things you needed to begin your life in freedom......
Its nothing to fear....
Its nothing to fear....
Its nothing to fear.........
You will find yourselves happier carrying water, splitting firewood, and growing food, than you are shopping in a supermarket.....
There is something very satisfying to know your year's food is in the sealed containers, under your humble roof, and guarded like you guard your children.....
Take a look in the mirror..... you could use a more simple diet......
I've found controlling my own weight to be very easy..... eat a more simple diet.....
The reason diets dont work, is few can resist temptation......
FIRST, remove yourself from the temptation... i.e. Get away from supermarkets and refrigeration, and quit buying so much cooking oil, and the mirror will soon be much more complementary........
Its that simple..... begin growing peas to shell and dry and put in the plastic buckets, begin growing wheat, to dry and get into the buckets too, and begin living within your real means, and you will find life to be longer, healthier, happier, and making more sense......
Give your TV to someone you despise........
Give your job to someone who would back stab you for it.....
Get out of the city, even if it means living in your Aunt's barn......
you'll be glad you did........ and it wont be long.....
The arrangement that will most likely work, will be with older family members.... ones with land, and looking at their retirement evaporate into the Accounts of the mega-thieves.... all that money went somewhere......
But now they are looking at a dark future..... and a favorite young family member, with kids, would likely be welcome in the barn and working on a garden.... with the food being shared.....
When money ends, people who can co-operate will be who has the best chance.....
The problem currently, is your expectations of more out of life..... Well... bad news, thanks to generations of vanity, there is nothing left.... no time, no excess of anything.....
What could have lasted a hundred thousand years if wisely used, has been used up in 300 years........
Silly Monkeys! Now pay the price.........
All is not lost.... but you have to change your thinking, or else...........
And those who accept these truths early, and find their situation in places where food can be grown, will be those with the best odds of seeing their kids survive to adulthood.......
And if you think the big chemical farms will save you and allow you to continue a life in vanity, you are dooming your children.............
They are one of the many reasons for the 50% cancer rate in the US.......
Cheap chemically grown food is poisonous, to you, to your kids, to the wildlife, to the planet.... and if you are stupid enough to continue sucking up the lies, you will die.......
Will be that social justice is an absolute necessity.......
And all of the high tech weapons in the world cant insure the status quo....
Small farms could easily feed the world...... but it would mean paying people enough for their food products to make it work for them.... we have small farmers in various countries committing suicide.... WHY? Because they have invariably been ripped off.... for thousands of years.... And the governments intend to continue more of the same......
It wont work.....
Prepare to be 100% self responsible......
Anything else is suicide........
The reason small farms have problems, is because the deck is stacked against them....
The good news is the deck is about to be reshuffled slightly, and all the King's horses and all the King's men, wont be able to feed themselves, or the vast majority of office drones, ever again.........
They'll try taxing and raiding.... they'll get mostly “Fed with Lead”.........
It wont take too many Fema Raids, until the people who grow the food begin trashing any infrastructure they can..... like after the fall of Rome, some areas tore out bridges and roads, to make passage all but impossible into their area..... why have nice roads, when the majority of humans traveling on them are coming to kill and steal?
And so areas isolated themselves.... I personally think FEMA types will have a foreshortened life expectancy.....
They'll dress up their SWAT teams, and go raid a few farmers, and after that, the other farmers will be waiting for them....... With all the “neighbors” joining up..... us farmers are naturally more co-operative with our neighbors.... and the secret with fighting Police heads, is to divide and conquer.... police are jackals....... without the rest of the pack they lose their balls and ability to think, very rapidly...
Personally I suggest the police begin co-operating with the farmers instead...... and supplying family members as farm workers, and taking seriously the guarding of crops and the guarding of local areas, from any raiders, especially Federals........
It's a natural thing that when Empires collapse, Warlords arise....... A wise “Warlord” is one who realizes he has a job to do too........ its like a punt in football...... when the big system collapses, little ones spring up.... a good time for town meetings, and only those who are willing to work get fed........ And thats the beauty of the American system..... it can disintegrate and still function if people dont panic and use their heads.... in fact, it was designed to work from the bottom up, and not from the top down...
Thats why many of the current problems.... Top down is an unstable system.....
Bottom up is a pyramid.... very stable.....
I hiked down the mountain to write, and also to buy some fossil fuels..... I'm not much on dinosaur drippings, but I do know I had better have a stash of lamp oil for whats coming....
I have a Polynesian Candle nut tree, its my great white hope for vegetarian lamp oil,
But I'm waiting for it to go to seed, soon I think.......
So for now, I buy kerosene, and pack it up the mountain..... my weekly use of fossil fuels doesn't come to two gallons.......
I lived for many years on a half a dozen candles a week...........
Nothing in comparison to the average owner of a S.U.V.
You know...... kerosene replaced Whale oil..... Maybe we could Render Japanese Whalers and get lamp oil? Have Greenpeace Harpoon a few of the little Dolphin killers..... its worth trying......
The Japanese Whaling makes one thing obvious...... That we nuked the wrong ones, in WW2.........
Even the bible mentions “The creatures with souls in the oceans.”
And which would you rather live in? A world without whales? Or a world without Whalers?
Harpoon The Whalers!
(I think I just did......)
Basically if you want to save the planet, you do it by saving your own ass.... get out of the system, get low, dig in, and grow what you eat..... the more who do..... the less system.....
Got some battery charge to spend, And have been thinking the last few days of some points to hash and rehash.....
Here on the farm, we started cleaning some terraces near the house, and multiplying both Sagu and Papachilicanas..... My Worker says we have more papas seed than we can plant unless thats all we do for awhile..... Unfortunately, we have other items on the agenda too, and like most things in a fairly natural life, you have to go with the ambient rhythms .......
So I'm thinking a sked where its a day of chopping, a day of gardening, and a day of sawing lumber...... The gardening being the time to multiply the papas...... I think we are at the stage that we can do a few hundred square meters fairly solid.... i.e. Thousands of plants, and a good plant can produce a five gallon bucket of spuds......
Its been a long haul....
Ditto for the Sagu, we started with three little roots.............
And I think I can plant a section of terrace.....
Funny thing.... I usually like raised bed style gardening...... and now I am seeing how nice it is to expand the creativity out to planting stuff by the terrace fulls....... Its fun!
Power Gardening! Going for the illusive 100% garden, i.e. Where 100% of our food is from the farm...... I'm doing it by struggling for 100% of this, and 100% of that...... in this case Papa spuds and Sagu root, which is a gormet quality veggie...... also recommended as baby food for underweight babies...........
Nobody else here is much interested, They are Rice and Bean Heads..... Ticos eat rice and beans 3X / day all their lives...... And they have emotional problems if they dont get rice and beans........
I'm working with all the other ingredients they dont use much.... things the Banana company brought in and they wouldn't use.....
Why not used? Because the locals are only interested in rice and beans..... There is a cooking show on channel 7 now, I consider it an attempt at enlightenment level teachings for the locals........ This rice and bean thing is like horses with an addiction to oats, and starving in a corn crib......
Anyway..... their problem, and my opportunity.... We multiply the good stuff, and know the economy is going to make rice and beans expensive enough that locals begin to have this funny gnawing feeling, and many will go to the doctor to ask how to fix it......
Its Hunger..... something they have never experienced.............
And I wonder if they'll need counciling to be able to try other stuff? You think I'm joking?
Anyway.... by the time they figure it out, it will be too late, they will have wasted the years, and when they look around for starts and seed, they will all do it in unison.... so there wont be enough.... meaning more human stupidity caused hunger.........
I will be sitting on terraces of stuff.......
And could make out ok in the “seed” business....
This morning we cut lumber, the old Ajo log has a lot of bad spots, and I'm working around trying to get as much good out of 'er as possible....... but getting more odd sizes than flooring.........
But I need furniture too..... and thinking lots of trunks/panniers...........
Ajo is very rot resistant, pretty enough, and I've got some! So I'm planning a bunch of neo-indigenous projects, and to take enough fotos to share with you folks, so that you can get some ideas and go from there with your projects.........
'Turn the old blog into a do-it-yourself magazine now and then........
What I'm hoping is that people will see and like the style, and see the benefits to portable stuff in whats coming, and start making similar stuff for themselves........ The beginnings of a viable and pleasant survival culture...........
And I hope to get some creative feedback, i.e. Get to see fotos of other people's neo-indigenous stuff........
One thing I've learned in the past few years, is when part of your clan/tribe is pooh-poohing survivalism, to ignore them and get one's own shit together, and count on the “Neggers in Denial” being along shortly, when they get hungry, homeless, or unemployed........
Like I told a buddy: Don't worry about them, they'll jump in the trenches when the shelling starts, so we just need to dig more trenches, and let them laugh......
Maybe show up to collect “trench rental” once they have their pants cleaned out again aft, where the surprise left a nasty stain.....
Yea? Because everyone will think I should just give them everything? Because they have an emergency? And wouldn't listen? And laughed at me?
I think I'll collect some gold chains...... not because I want them, but as a teaching experience for those who had so much fun laughing at me.............
No currency? Whaddaya got?
Gold chain? Ok, you can have some seed........
Another TV? Naw, got too many now...... And who knows when the electricity will come back on....... How 'bout those ear-rings your wife has on?
My point is dont let it bother you if your peers are “ Denial Neggers” and go negative on you when you talk preparedness...... Stash some shit for them, do some of their preparing, and also think of how to make it worth your effort....
Say do a labor trade..... after the crunch, and they cant weenie out........
Then watch them sweat........
The last laugh for survivalists..........
Position yourselves to gain from human stupidity...... (its such a sure thing!)
Its like during the fall of the Roman empire.... a few had the guts to go Martial, and ended up starting the feudal system, how did it work? The ones with balls offered to protect the ones lacking said cajones, but in turn they had to be the serfs to pay the bill, and Swear allegiance, and do what ever told to.... our modern military is a pale descendant of this reality...........
And they did it.... why? Well because the raiders were no joke, and the Martial types were the best prepared, and probably tired of listening to the beet growers bad mouth them.....
Out of that logic came the British Empire....
In any crisis, the best prepared become leaders automatically........
Which brings me back 'round to my main point I've been thinking about for days, that the status quo are mostly folks who have figured out how to “manage somehow” on vast inheritances of wealth.... They lost or forgot or genetically watered down any justification for their positions long ago, and and are pretty much invalid as leadership.... the current problems are proof..... we got where we are because leadership has become a bankrupt economic function rather than a function of who has and uses the best brain.........
Social Status has become a floating hulk of a sailing ship..... it still floats, lists a little maybe, And yes you can raise sail and go in 'er, but come first storm, she's going down, as she's mostly wormholes and punky rot..... 'tis the paint, laddie, thats holding her together......
So my point is: be the people with the guts to prepare, And go the extra mile, and prepare a little for those too good to prepare now..... and be ready to defend your work with force of arms against “new laws” whereby the Status Quo thinks their own survival is an easy matter to legislate into existence.........
If there is no functioning economic system, there is also no function legal system......
And it doesn't take many bullets to teach people that their game, was maybe a bad idea........
And if there are no bullets, poison darts? Pungi sticks? Rocks work fine, but I think those down to throwing rocks should think to build slingers like the basket devices on a handle for the strange ball game..... Just that idea could allow a people to run off high tech invaders.....
Effective rock slingers.... Hard on military helmets...... Imagine a million Palestinians with rock slingers.... Israeli foot patrols would be in deep trouble.......
And when the system goes down, is the very last time you'd want to be a an easy victim....
'Tis the time to take your freedom, and to keep it........
The collapse will be an opportunistic field day for those with good habits........
But a bad day to be a jowly fat political pig.........
Or a rich bastard with an attitude...... 'could end up like the snob on Gilligan's Island....
Yea, you're rich, but not here and now...... if it has no survival value, its bullshit........
Last Night...
I heard on short wave that statistically only one in twelve persons on the planet have a gun.... this re-enforces my point about indigenous and true organic weapons..... if not everybody has a gun, those with better “secondary” arms have a statistical advantage over those with no weapons..... I recommend everyone who has emotional control of themselves own a gun or two..... its another of those bi-polar universe things; power trippers prey on the weak, like any other predator..... people who own and know how to use guns, aren't weak by definition..... They make their own choices and decisions........
I also recommend that anyone serious about personal survival own organic/indigenous weapons...... and that they study a martial art............
Be “complete”...........
I'd also like to hit on outside living again..... this morning I busied my self making a place out side in my kitchen for the little kerosene stove, for nice days..... to get the noise and smoke away from my person......
Also because I just like living outdoors........... I would never try this in a cold climate, but then I was at least awake enough to use a logic chain to bring myself to a place where I have a great foundation from the ambient to base an outdoor lifestyle on.....
I moved Mohamed to the mountains so to speak...
Last night I was designing lamps, thinking to build a lamp based around a motorcycle battery, and using high intensity 12 volt diodes........ thinking a wooden box for the battery, and an adjustable wooden arm for getting the lamp positioned, and a stainless bowl for a reflector...
Why the motorcycle battery and such? Why not just buy some plastic piece of shit lantern that eats drycells? Durability factor..... also with the motorcycle sized battery tech, and diodes I can get a single solar panel and be in balance with out having to spend any more than I have to..... economic and materialistic minimalism..... I know several folks with thousands invested in solar panels and inverters and such..... I'd rather my system all fit into a pannier.....
It all swings on the living within your means logic.....
Take away the average moron's credit line existence, and their means becomes humbling very fast........ Take away the job, say in the depression arriving now, and one's means becomes very vaporous........
basically what we have now is an unknown quantity of time for one to get out.......
Most, are lollygagging along in denial, and you'll see them as bloated bodies after the shit hits.......
Well, spent an hour or so on the fone this morning....... Talking with my best friend......
He's in process, on plug pulling...... has a concrete sail boat of some size, a retirement diminishing by the day in real value, and 50 acres or so here in CR, that I got him for $1500 ten years ago..... Nobody else would listen, and he was in denial at the time too.....
But he at least had the guts to come up with the $1500.............
My old work buddies will pay about $100 grand for 50 acres here now, if they want to not live on catfood in a cold apartment as a retirement plan.....
They didn't listen... laughed at me behind my back etc., and about now are being told how nice it is here, by the one who married my ex-wife.......
I'm coaching my friend on his boat, trying to bend his thoughts towards the reality at sea and how to best be prepared.......
And I imagine I'll get to help him sail the boat down here in a year or so... Co-Captain until he gets the shit scared out of him enough, to make a decent sailor......
He's always had plenty of guts, but he'll meet his match and then some, with Mother Ocean.....
He got a good boat, a well done ferro-cement hull, Not very popular with the yuppies, but ferro-cement has a quality that will be important soon.... the ability to stay out at sea for years if necessary........
He got into boats because of me..... saw what I did, on a fraction of his resources.......
A funny aside: he told me this morning he's doing a work trade with a hippie woman, he working on her truck, she working in his garden.... Yup! That organic gardening is worth more than money these days.... He and his wife always garden, but anyone with half a brain can see the value of having expert help growing food now.....
Funny how those hippies had it figured out 30 years ago.... what happened is they hit the denial wall early...... and got treated as third class citizens instead of listened to........
And their social betters have just about trashed us via the planet..... Hippies with gardening skills will be welcome in any enclave after the crash.... they will rate next to doctors in desirability to have in your clan.......
Most are really excellent food producers, and more in tune with nature than most city people....
There is a difference between city and country hippies...... Totally different animals.....
Its the country type with the most value to a group.......
I know, because I came from where it all really started, the Eugene area.....
The California hippies were copy-cats....... and some how missed most of the main points....
Anyway, my friend's son is starting to deal on a small hunk of land, and if there is time I'm sure other people in my sphere of influence will wake up and get out if things get worse slow enough for them to grok in time........
God! I hope so...... mostly fairly decent folks.....
And all of them are looking at reality with wide eyes these days......
The bottom line, is there is a way out..... a very pleasant one in fact........
You just have to give up on the money-pig dream.......
Birds just started chirping and such...... I'm sipping some of the $2/lb Costa Rican coffee.....
Bet its a tich more expensive where you are.......
Getting close to having this all on the web, will be sending it in a couple of days.....
I've spent a year working on things for my website..... it took that long due to having a problem being minus the electric connections... the hike down and up the mountain made it a less productive year, but I am in better shape physically....... about a 240 meter climb between home and the current bush.........
This year should see plenty of changes in my life, one will be a few more motorcycle batteries, meaning less exercise hikes...... I've really come to like them for a 12 volt battery option.... its the high intensity diode lights that make the down sized batteries feasible, that and me not expecting a washing machine and a refer full of beer off of my system.....
My point is: that with the moto-batteries, you can have a twelve volt system that fits into a backpack, and everything from a laptop, to a downsized short wave radio, to lighting systems.....
Most modern electronics is very energy efficient.... except the laptop computer...... and its problem isn't anything inherently in the circuits, its in the design and the operating systems.....
Too fancy, too many clicks, balloons, menus, and icons you dont need..... and not enough math keys, simple formatting, and standardization.......
Also, you'd think those highly paid design engineers would think of incorporating a solar panel into the top on the screen's backside, so it could charge the battery off ambient light.....
It's got everything else in the way of an electrical system, except a couple three millimeters of solar panel.........
I also think a screen more like a liquid crystal display, instead of the lighted screen..... to conserve the juice.....
You cant type on the thing in the dark, it hasn't a lighted keyboard to see the occasional non-routine key.........
I'd go liquid crystal screen with a glow option that lit it up, and also diode lights that lit up the keys.....
I'd also have more battery capacity even if it made the unit a quarter of an inch thicker....
the problem with engineers, is so few have any creative ability.....
Me ?I'd make the lid thicker, and sandwich a battery between the solar panel and the screen......
I'd also change the mouse pad into something more like the cursor buttons.... like on graphic calculators...... I also notice that laptops have minimal math functions..... Hmmm? Have they forgot its a computer, like to do math with......
And I dislike all the moving around of a cursor from one corner to the other and to the center of the screen to do anything..... that all should be simplified..... three moves to shut the damn thing off.... what is it? A chess game?
Give me buttons and knobs, and use the cursor for things that cant be done with physical keys or buttons....... the designers are obviously in love with their own ability to Program stacks of menus and endless pop-ups nobody wants to see even once....
Simplify it guys........
Good design is invariably simple........
it should never take more than two actions for any result...... the general rule should be one action, one result..... I guess they think we have nothing better to do with our lives than have to tell the thing over and over that yes I really mean that I want to do this or that....
With these concepts power usage and time usage could be cut in half, and the solar panel is so obvious....... and the first company with a solar laptop will sell a lot of them........
I hear all the “Kids” are going to Lennox...... bad news for Bill Gates..... where the kids go, so goes the technology..... We want simplicity Bill..... and systems we can modify to get rid of insulting and distracting crap that is there, only because some nerd was puffed up in the head...
My advice is fire half your programmers, the ones who design, in manners that eat up time, moves, or electricity, and keep the ones who design efficiently.........
And on Electronics engineers, fire any of them that cant think to put a solar panel on a lap top, to help with that little problem with the battery's inherent limits.....
Anyway.... rag, rag, rag........
And you'd think somebody would come up with an outdoor/water proof laptop..... its obvious the designers of most electronics have never lived in the tropics....... humidiy takes out electronics, all for the want of some lacquer on the circuit boards, billions of dollars in plastic shit ends up in the landfill prematurely........
E-Waste........ by design........
A portable computer goes outside now and then.... maybe it should incorporate that into its design parameters? Like use sun, and resist rain? Would also be nice if it would tell the temperature, humidity, air pressure, etc....... as well as do g.p.s. Functions..........
And get rid of all the cords.... everyone is packing around bags of cords with plastic lumps on them..... the charger should be built into the unit..... and I suggest one power cord, thats 110 volt two prong standard on one end, and an aircraft standard on the other, both ends male, and the computer having two female outlets, actually inlets in this case, and if the male 110 volt plug is into the computer the cord is ready for 12 volts on the other end, and if the aircraft plug is into the computer, the 110 volt plug is ready for use... and get rid of the stupid cigarette lighter ends....... have the car manufacturers put an aircraft standard into the dash, and get rid of the stupid cigarette lighters that cause wrecks, burn up cars, etc. and now that everyone is switching from tobacco to Marijuana, are less needed.... smoking pot doesn't require chain smoking..... and all laptops need to run on 12 volts....... I suspect the design teams had to come up with enough bells and whistles to make it look like they were working, to the boss, and they didn't have enough “ 'trons” left to make it all work on 12 volts, and so they sold the bosses on 18.5 volts at a meeting, and now a billion humans will have to carry power adapters, and create millions of tons of E-garbage, so the neurotic engineers could feel emotionally secure about their jobs.......
(And cigarette lighters should have been downsized years ago...... “Dinosaur standards”)
12 volts is the universal D.C. Current on the planet, so why the 18.5 volt crap?
H E L L O ! Earth to designers! Earth to designers! Is anybody home?
And Gee? Why all the different port configurations? Are we being excessively proprietary guys? Don't you suppose the clients would be better served by everything having the same ends? Instead of “radio spaghetti” hanging out of overstuffed PC bags..... Should not a joystick and a mouse use the same cords and ports? And shouldn't accessory cords be removable from it's lump, so I could decide if I want a 24 inch cord and not a six footer... lots of wadded up cord on desks.... how many miles of excess cord hanging out of computers on the planet? Do you all think we have 40 acre desks? Say go to USB on everything.... & CD's are as on their way out as vinyl albums were a couple decades ago.... get rid of them on computers, use the space and energy for something else.....
I want to use a joystick for graphics, and my computer-extremely-literate sons are scratching their heads on that one..... “Gee? Dad? How come you dont like a mouse?”
Well, because its not as sensitive to anyone with artistic abilities.... its like handing Van Gogh a crayon...... Here, Gogh for it Van!
And if I'm going to have to navigate a cursor around the farm, I want to fly it, and not drag it with my finger......Besides, I need that finger for my nose, so I can prod my brain awake occasionally..... I'd also suggest that if you do have a mouse pad on a computer, that it be arched slightly so one could learn by feel, to know where Mr. Finger is on the pad......
And how about moving it over to the right lower corner instead of the center? Thats where most right hands are..... its not democratic to do collective punishment on the majority because a few “Terrorist” insist on being left handed..... (Any body different is a terrorist now... or so it seems to Ali Bush II, and his 40 thieves....)
And in that space I just cleared, how about a full function scientific math calculator style key pad, for those of us who are NOT secretaries......... Some of us have more to do, than dry our nails on the computer's top surface..... A computer should be a totally integrated system.... “one black box does all......” TV.... Telephone......... Computer.... calculator...... Navigation device......... Ambient sensor, (Star Trek One level ideas) and the damn things should come with more information in them, like dictionaries, encyclopedias and maps etc., so one doesn't have to be connected to the net to have the things to function for very normal uses....... We have the storage potential to put the sum total of all human knowledge into each and every one..... and instead we have spell checkers that are about half marginal as a tool..... Kinda like the tool kits on motorcycles.....Cheap Shitty Honda pliers when we could have had Stainless steel Vise-grips...........
And I'll believe the companies have done their jobs well, when there is no add-on software to buy, that the thing does what ever it is I want in a standard manner..... If need be, it asks me what I want to do, and it designs the software itself..... my brain does that.... why cant it's?
Artificial Intelligence is when I dont have to spend any more money to graft more software on to a platform with so much potential to be really complete........
And Gee? Guys, how about a universal box? One where newer tech goes into the old favorite keyboard flop-box, instead of everyone having to buy a whole new Goddammnit every five years or so..... that is a lot of E-waste.......... make them to last, and have shove in upgrades....... standard components........ even the keyboards etc., so that computers evolve seamlessly with the tech advances, rather than being “Lurched Forward” one model at a time.....
It shouldn't matter who the manufacturers are, all screens should fit all laptops, new screens fit old laptops, All keys fit all models, all add-ons use the same jacks, and everything designed to self analyze problems and advise the monkey..... right down to the part number, and where the closest dealer is........ and what the current cost is.......... Its a brain! Get it! Make it useful!
Imagine the business in parts upgrades with my suggested system.... most folks would sign up for a plan where even the physical upgrades show up in the mail automatically like a software download or a podcast........(Read “Sales Continuity”)
Make a computer we can really add to, and not lose what we did on the last out of date model..... You have us continually starting over....... PC's are a personal thing.... some people like new cars, some like classics.... put the power in the hands of the people, And quit selling us the same box over and over like a new year model of car with the same motor and drive train.... COMPONENTS! And lets be able to put Chevy parts on a Volkswagen.....
Gee! What a concept? I like that new wizmo from Apple, I'll put it on my HP....... which would drive competition for components sales harder...... more competition, better products....
A laptop a hundred years from now should have direct linear continuity of components with a current model....
I should be able to change keys out on my keyboard, and have the new function programmed into the key, and the computer reads it....... i.e. Custom design of personal keyboards a commonality...........
I should also be who decides where which key goes on the board...........
Was thinking about the future, and how Johny Cash's song “Going by the book” seems to have it.......
As I read it, after groking Genesis six, the whole game is a survival test, starting with normalcy, and going through cause and effect on its way to planetary disaster, and humans being put to the test, like some survival game show....
the good news is that the winners get a star ship ticket out, and turned into immortals, and the bad news is the losers and those who caused the most problems get the incinerator.......
Sounds fairly fair, except we aren't in total control of our individual destinies, and the worst drag the best into the shit with them.....
Its taken me years to figure it all out..... only to find thousands already there.... I even hear the short wave preachers leaning now in the direction of this understanding......
For years, and to date, most organized religion was/is a dead skunk in the path on the way to truth..... Fanaticism turns people off...... so the story is everywhere but nobody listens, because the story tellers are a bit strange........
The good news, is knowing all this is liberating..... no need for a big house in a reality that will be like the beginning scenes of Terminator two..........
Basically where one wants to be is where nobody else is..........
And everyone will be on the move.........
Materialism? Forget it....... what can you pack on ponies? What should you be packing?
And which direction should you be heading?
The goal is surviving, and how you play counts..... bad guys may last awhile but in the end the referee thumbs them into the hole..... you have to be honest and good hearted and survive to win....
Greedy doesn't make it, and I doubt theres much baggage allowance on the star ships for those who pass the finals............
I'd only count on what I could carry.... and hope for whats on the pony, and the pony and dog too......
But even naked I'd be OK....... as I know I'd have everything important.......
I hope for others to make it..... but I dont count on it.... although I constantly try to improve odds for others..........
Went down in to Panama, not far; David'..... about an hour from the border......
I like it as a city, its a farming center city.... i.e. Plenty of hardware and farm related stores,
Plenty or agricultural products, and about a million people for a potential market for my farm's products....... and its about 2 ½ hours from my farm by vehicle........
I also did some minor buying of trinkets, some survival related, like a hunk of vinyl hose like I'd have in a survival portage load, to get water from a spring to a catchment........
Its hose like used for feed lines after the under the cabinet of a sink shut off valves.... re-enforced, a little less than a hundred feet......
I'll also use it for a water level in the upcoming construction projects..............
and I got some 12 volt diode lights, for lighting...... very important technology for the survivalist wannabee, as it allows a very minimalistic cabin lighting system........
And I got some “Hotel Survival toys” i.e. A folding pocket knife with fork and spoon etc....
And a travel iron for clothes.... well not in my case, not much on ironing things since my military days......... but it is the perfect “Stealth Stove” for heating water etc. in a hotel, for tea, cafe', or for heating food, just turn it upside down, and set a can or teapot on its face......
My sister had a nice one when we were kids, bought in Germany, and it got a lot of use, and she also loaned it too me while I was in the service..........
She now has it back, and I now found a neat little unit for my own........
I tend to wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning, a wee bit early to find a cup of cafe' in small Latin towns.....
I also had a chat with a woman I like..... very nice lady.... humble in some ways and not in others....... humble in heart but not in looks, very pretty, to the point other men were hitting on her while she and I talked, Gets a lot of attention this one, but also the guys she works with are all big brothering her, the ones that are too married to make her a decent offer, but who appreciate how she is...
So I feel good...... I'm picky, and this one, I like who she is, and the first time she ever spoke to me, I was kind of motoring along semi-zombie on auto-pilot, and when she spoke to me, it sent an electric shock through me, like none other ever has......... so this time we talked for an hour, and Every issue was a direct hit both directions I think..... getting to know each other..... I sense a good person and am thankful for the opportunity to make my case with a woman obviously special to me and to other guys who know her..... she has a heart, and has had a hard enough time to be sure, a widow with kids........ some of them not hers..........
Some readers to this point might think I was totally anti-female, not the case, I just divide them into two categories; the “really good” ones, and the ones “only pretending” to be good.
I'm sure its more complicated than that, but the dichotomy explains my viewpoint......
So? which type is this one? Have to wait and see, but I at least expect the possibility of a good one.........
I also bought some fish hooks, about 1400 I think, trout sized, for stash, and barter stock in a pinch.......
They cost almost nothing now, but in any “reality” situation, from economic crash to alien invasion, they have a very high survival value to weight ratio........
And so they are now in proper storage, and will be cherished like the treasure they are, if one stops to think about it...........
Fish hooks are valuable enough and light enough and dont take up much space, you could have several thousand in some container in a pocket of a backpack..... and they are one of the items Native american and indigenous peoples held in high value in early post contact days..... like the stuff the Indians traded for Manhattan Island, beads, mirrors, combs, hatchets, etc., which was a rip-off at the time, but now I'd rather have the trinkets than the island after the whites have trashed it up a hundred stories deep......... some folks may admire the great cities, I consider them a form of cancer on the natural ambient.....
And if “God!” does come back, I wouldn't want to be in a city when he did.....
I dont think he would approve of humanity's idea of improvement, on his gift green and blue world.........
If I was him, I'd rubble them, and have the wind blow seeds from the nearest forests onto the rubble.........
We shall see maybe eh?
Anyway, I'm happy to be home, thinking about the woman more than I should? Or maybe not?
I also got a stash of heat glue sticks, for sewing clothes, and also for attaching arrow heads.....
Think about adhesives, and you'll sure to realize their importance in a survival kit........
I have this endless list..... and I add to it when I can, items to be best prepared as is possible.......
I also got a tire pump for my “Car” i.e. My wheel barrow......... brand new with a slow leak....... story of my life.... but thankful I have the thing.......
You see, I have a struggle to struggle, but I've figured out that basics and minimalism are whats most important, as is melding into that natural ambient as much as is possible........
Thinking about downsized survival kits, like pilots carry, and the new “hotel survival”
Tuna dipper and peanut butter spreader knife has me thinking about a sub-mini kit based around a sierra cup... my kits generally have the same basic items at the bottom end,
Sharpening stone, Lens, Fishing kit, etc., and I thought about a nice kit designed to go into an army field jacket's pockets......... And with the addition of a couple of non-pocket items, like a tarp, a blanket, etc., you could make a bug out kit that was a bedroll over your shoulder with a rope, and what you had in your pockets and on your belt.......
So it was a fruitful direction to go, thought wise........
I found some new territory in my mind in minimalistic land..............
It's the grab and go concept thats important, just various levels of grab-n-go.......
from a hand full, to a truck full........
Lit a fire made cafe', thinking about a radio program on shortwave last night, they spoke of some law the US govt. wants to make to make it illegal to use a pen-name on internet and do a posting.....
I dont know if the story is true or not, it sounds stupid enough to be true......
A railroad car or so of new laws every year, for which the citizens are held responsible for knowing in courts of law, Gee? Are we sounding absurd yet?
In this case, it reminds me of Ben Franklin's statement about not passing laws you cant enforce.........
Basically that makes it a “Boogey Man Law” that the status quo wants to manipulate you into not being able to exercise your right to free speech and they want to infringe your right to privacy, or they will send the Boogey men in blue (more likely plain clothes boogey men)
out to get you with guns, and take you away and mistreat you in a prison for profit slavery gulag.....
Well.... they have no more actual right to make laws than I do.... their only power is fear, and it comes from the muzzle of a gun......
Its the big lie folks........
And if you suck it up, it makes you look foolish to them...
“Those who know, think the people are dummies” (Lao Tsu)
Well the people are not dummies.... they just act like dummies until they get hungry, and then they act collectively in whats called a mob, and come with torches and pitchforks for an audience with the nobility....
Do I incite violence? no.....
But I do warn the nobility that they aren't really doing their jobs, their leadership is bankrupt as is their bogus economy, and that they are running on pride, vanity, and extreme arrogance....
All of which are the main prerequisites to catastrophe........
You see the universe has this inverse kinda thing.... action and reaction, cause and effect, stupidity and learning experience, and it makes things self correcting......
And yes it takes some time, and there are constant oscillations, the swing of pendulums,
But its inevitable as the sunrise in a few hours hence, that their shit wont fly....
People are figuring out all around the planet what is and has been going on........
And when the shit hits it will be much like a tsunami, and engulf the vain and prideful as well as incredible numbers of dumb sheep who hang out admiring the sleeze bags who think they are gods because they got this or that education or job, at this or that university or other organization........ Yup! They're gods too, just ask them, royalty descended from the sky gods.....
Where do you think the concept of royal blood came from?
Anyway, wandering, back towards my point, I have a right to privacy, that also then means I have a right to anonymity..... especially if I am exercising my right to speech, which is god given... the now ignored constitution is merely a statement expressing the obvious existence of this right...........
Their laws aren't worth anymore than the paper they are written on, same as their money.....
What counts is people doing what needs to be done, and no more and no less.........
And when arrogance replaces competence, we're getting closer to catastrophe.......
They have no more right to make all these laws than I do....
I make a law they suck........
I make a law that says gutless slaves live under petty tyrants.....
I think my laws are closer to the truth than theirs........
The only real law, is natural law, like cause and effect.......
And paper laws are great for wiping one's backside with, or for scaring the faint hearted.....
Do I advise breaking laws?...... sure, There are so many laws now, I don't think anyone can exist with out breaking some of them, and I promote existence, meaning I think if you have to break one of their silly laws, you'd better do it, survive, and hope the boogey men dont catch you this time.....
Do I advise you break natural laws? no.... including ones like people have said rights to expression and privacy.... Anonymity is privacy...... and unless you are doing damage to others or not keeping your word, you are not breaking any real law.....
So Gee? Is trashing a planet with lies hurting anyone?
Is creating poverty with the creation of a system of wealth extraction breaking any laws?
Yes, natural ones......
it only goes on for awhile until the arrogance collapses the lie in on all its believers.....
Reality sandwich folks........
Best get your shit together, because its obvious they aren't going to....
They have a bad case of status quo jitters, and for good reason.....
So you try to get your shit together, and if you see something that needs to be done, do it and don't bother to ask permission.......
When you abuse people, they get angry... so then you sell them on Prozac.....
That only works for awhile.......
And you can have endless bread and circus with TV.... but I think theres this little problem with the bread supply coming over the horizon...... and when the bread supply goes down, so does the status quo, whether they like it or not, and whether they are stupid and arrogant or not.....
its a fact of life.........
I listened to Radio China last night, they have all these crash programs going to help the farmers... even medical insurance now, and doubling maintenance money payments....
Gee? Are we getting nervous about food supply, and after forty centuries of growing rice in yellow mud, its time to think about being nice to farmers?
I think they are too late......
I think it will be too little too late....
and not just in China.........
The last thing farmers will grow is food for themselves.....
And long after the cities are stinking rubble there will be people poking seeds into the ground, and kids climbing cherry trees........
Anyway, they shouldn't waste our time with stupid laws.... And if they want to come stick a gun in my face for using a pen name, go ahead..... should be interesting to see what happens... I know where the edge is mentally, do they? And are they comfortable operating over the line? Or are they just looking for easy victims with their endless laws?
Why dont they quit wasting our time..... go pass a law against human stupidity, especially their own....... And if they dont like what common man says about them, they can stick it....
Even Colin Powell, America's well respected “Generic General” did an interview about freedom of speech and how we have to listen to things we dont like, and how he had some faith in the Body Politic to fix things........... it was a good interview....Much to read between the lines..... I've always liked him..... If Generals must exist, I hope they study his traits...... Too bad he and Condeliza were wasted on a ultra-sleeze republican administration.... both would have accomplished more in any administration that was as it should be......
And it was obvious Colin realized there were things to be fixed.......
Which is what I'm trying to do here in this bla-bla-blog, is adjust the settings in as many minds as possible, to improve individual and group survival......
And part of that, is trying to point out that it ain't working, which about everyone except the greed heads and power trippers can see, and I think the airwaves full of Economic Mafia run planet news isn't going to fix shit.....
We gotta fix our own lives, and not spend all our time watching “Leaders” do things real leaders dont and wouldn't do............
Hey! Whats coming is ugly...... best get ready, and part of getting ready is the realization that the system is on fire in a tail spin, And the talking heads pretending to be calm stewardesses shouldn't keep us from getting our parachutes on, and dragging the life raft bags to the hatches........
Theres a reason people like you and me exist, its so humanity can continue after the latest Lemming run...... And this time its some too smart for their own good and very fat lemmings, and a bunch of too stupid to know when they are screwed soon to be skinny lemmings doing a good run for the cliffs......
Why do I listen to BBC on short wave? Because they color in the big lie for me......
Its something to do after gardening or cooking or whatever.........
was thinking about how the farmers have been traditionally screwed....... those who do the most important and basic services often receive the least compensation for their efforts, while worthless and moronic drones get paid the most.....
Well.... the times they are a changin'..........
And fairly soon there wont be enough food for all, and if anyone wants the economic system to continue, its going to take some input at the bottom of the pyramid, or the whole thing is going to rubble itself....
What do farmers need? Well first they need fair prices for their production, like 50% of the final selling price.... I hear them bandying numbers on BBC now like 20% or so should be good enough for the bumkins..........
Won't work... not enough and surely a sign that middle men and retailers and haulers consider themselves better than the goose that lays the golden eggs..........
and its why theres no shortage of middle men, and a definite shortage of food coming at us.......
They need governments off their backs on taxes...... Tax worthless drones, and there will never be a deficit... as their numbers are apparently infinite, and thats where all the money seem to go........
Get the farmers off chemicals..... you cant spray poisons all over the land you grow food on and then have “pure” food...... use your brain.... If I spray poisons all over you, will you be more, or less toxic?
The chemical inputs are not necessary, the reason they exist was because they were a way to boost the production, but unfortunately the quality was lost in the insanity of quantity.......
I've heard people say Organic farming wont work..... Gee? What did we do for the first million years of our existence for food? Not all of that time was spent looking under rocks....
I've gardened and grown staple crops organically for years.... not only does it work good, it works better than chemicals, and produces healthier and better tasting food......
Loans..... farmers shouldn't even need loans..... it should be a matter of national security that they get what they need in capital provided at extreme low cost...........
The banks have been screwing farmers since banking was invented....
Banks are going belly up fairly regularly, and the governments seem to think that we need to save the money changers...... humanity would be better off without them.......
I heard this week, that banks consider farmers bad risks.....
Why? Could it be because there are so many parasites in the food chain that its grinding to a halt? Yea... I think so.........
Also, create more farmers........ by breaking up the Agri-business lands into small farms again, and putting people on the land instead of putting chemicals on it......
Teach “Hoeing 101” to city drones, and get them out on the farms..... bus them out there if you have to..... it will do wonders for their health, and likely get rid of their Gorilla Guts without any faddish diet plans that never work.......
Facilitate education for farm kids by subsidizing Internet in farm homes and by building a system of education based around staying home...........
Instead of Home schooling being seen as something mostly the religious type do to avoid the sleeze factors in modern education, it should be the national goal to put school buses in museums...........
Get small farmers small mechanization.... the reason small farmers get lower yields, is because there are limits to what you can do with hand tools and a tired back.....
And do all these things planet wide.......
Greed invariably leads to a bad end............
Good thinking, good cooperation, good work, all lead to a good life for all involved...
And there are millions of people who would rather be growing food than working in offices....
Free them!
We have a culture of bean counters..... bean counters counting beans, bean counters counting bean counters, bean counters counting counters of bean counters..... and if we dont start having more bean planters, there soon wont be beans for counters to count, nor to eat......
Another thing I heard was a statement on BBC in an interview where it was commented that small farms couldn't make it and we'd best subsidize the agribusiness types more....
Thats absurd, and like subsidizing Vampires working for the blood bank........
And its why I wrote on this subject.........
Agribusiness is part of the problem, and the sooner we get rid of it, the sooner a viable long term solution...... Agribusiness is based on chemical and fossil fuel inputs, often more energy is input in fuels and chemicals than is gotten out in food value, by mechanized agriculture....... this is part of the reason food costs are going up, input costs are going up....
And the inputs are replacing people......
and I dont think big farms with migrant workers are the answer....
I think paying those migrant workers fair prices for things grown on family farms in Mexico or Africa or where ever is a much better idea......
Free Trade is more big lie.......
Free trade is only free to big companies.........
the little guy gets squeezed out, and is replaced by pure evil in the form of companies like Nonsanto who poison the planet and all of their workers too.... you dont suppose they poison their clients too do you? We need a new labeling law on chemically grown food, it needs to have a skull and crossbones on the label.......
And thats the truth......
Change or die...........
Get back to the land folks, or starve.........
Get out of the cities, or they will be your tombs.........
The whole system is sick and corrupt....... guess what that means........
Its time to Exodus.........
Stay and pay, or stray and play.........
Working in one's garden is much more profitable in real terms, than working for someone else......
What is Wrong with us that we are so crazy for money to the point we trash our very planet with our vanity and greed?
I think we had better fix ourselves and quickly......
A main secret is minimalism...... owning what you need.... and not much more..... the rest is excess baggage, and reduces the ability of others to have what they need.... The reason the third world is skinny, is because the first world is fat..........
The diet that gets the most results in improved life, is a diet against excesses on all levels....
Moderation leads to satisfaction and a longer life..........
I've found letting go of excesses to be very much a release.... And all is connected.... once one sees the benefits, soon excesses in food consumption are as alien as excesses in materialism cluttering one's house.........
Its a learning process.... The reason the average Diet never works, is because it doesn't alter the reality or the person, and so how could anything change? You cant have your cake and eat it too.... To lose weight, you must escape the things that cause or allow the excess eating... A move to the countryside and working mornings in one's garden and evening on one's hobbys and soon one forgets to do the “boredom eating”..............
I have weighed near 200 lbs twice in my life...... getting out of the system and trapping myself in a reality of basics has both time gotten me down to 145 lbs in a matter of months, with no silly diet plan...
The reason people are fat, is because we are too successful......... “ Too much success is not a good thing” ( Lao Tsu )
Focus less on what you can GET for yourselves, and more on what you can DO for yourselves... Capitalism and materialism make it too easy....... one needs self control, or your own desires will ruin you.... If the Universe itself is not infinite, neither is the amount you can eat......
Humans want to eat the entire universe, and then complain about the belly ache........
At least it is here, how I love mornings in the tropics......
The nights are long, due to the Latitude and the way the Earth is inclined, days are more uniform in length here all year, about an hour's difference between summer and winter....
And the price is nights of about 11 hours or so..... As I live without connection to the electricity grid, I notice the long nights......
And this is important for in survival/subsistence situations..... the importance of artificial lighting to humans........
Trappers and Foresters of a hundred years ago worked by the light of a campfire.... But when they could, the Camp got a lamp, and Kerosene was packed or portaged in.....
Well..... in whats coming, there will be no sure guarantee of things like kerosene, or electricity, or anything else for that matter, and the potential absence of artificial lighting could be very hard for many, many, people..........
Especially those NOT living in the tropics, and needing to repair gear, cook meals, and defend themselves against raiders............... Especially during the long nights of winter....
I've thought about it of course, with the thinking enhanced by sometimes not having so much as a candle, and having to just lay there in the dark for hours.........
I think the answer if possible is to have a solar panel and 12 volt diode lighting....
Even if the panel is a small flexi-panel type, and the battery is motorcycle sized.....
Lighting is so very important....... Another option, is to have a stash of kerosene, and some kerosene lamps, which is a route I am also doing... I also have a Polynesian candle nut tree growing nicely........ from which I can make lamp oil..........
In a survival situation I think the standard sized lamp would run you out of oil very rapidly...... they come from an era of plenty, first it was plenty of whales, and then plenty of oil wells...........
But I have seen residual items from the era before.....
I once saw a small lamp, of glazed ceramic, that might have held a half pint of oil....
the wick came through a small ceramic bead, that set into the top of the neck of the lamp...
The wick was cotton string.... Basically it was a very minimalistic lamp, no glass chimney, no mechanism to raise the wick, other than being able to pull the bead up with one's fingers and twiddle with the wick.....
I've made lamps..... basically all you need is a container and a wick..... I've used tuna cans and hunks of fiber from coconut husks, or cotton cord, or cotton cloth from used up clothing....
And I have a nicer one from a pretty glass bottle, a flat washer, wine bottle cork and a piece of small brass tubing.... the tubing had a hole thru both sides, and I made a prick pin to go through the holes to hold the wick, and to use to pry it up without getting the hands dirty....
It will burn 2 or three nights on a single fill up......
This morning I was thinking that if this blog works out, I may be inclined to do some survival projects that I really dont need for myself, but as a way to prefect designs for others to see photos of and copy.... things for you folks.....
and a nice one, nice clouds, nice temperature, lemme check; Hmmmm? 87 degrees......
I thought it was balmy, but that rates Bawlmy...........
My worker showed up today, when he should have stayed home, has his second cold in two weeks..... must still be winter in the cities in the northern hemisphere?
Anyway, I look at him, think he should be in bed, and so we go to try a wee bit of gardening, landscaping actually, down at the spring..... I want to build a stone floor down there, got a nice carved and stone topped trail down to the spot, and so needed to rearrange the existing cow terrace into something more aesthetic.....
he got the weeds off and some dirt shaped, but I stopped him and sent him home....
But not before he spotted the Tercio Palo that I've had a couple near “misssssssss” with,
And he took its head off with a few inches of neck....
Which is why I sent him home, he usually in normal health doesn't leave an inch of neck, even in panic swipe mode with the Rula.........
The kid opens green coconuts held in his left hand at arms length with a swipe with a 28 inch blade held in his right hand..... but then he's been wielding the long knife seriously since before he started grade school.........
So, the floor at the spring gets its start, but you know how it is living in reality, this always has to come before that, that is missing batteries or something, and then someone didn't show up, and you find out you had the wrong story anyway, but eventually somehow some-when you get back to the project and finish it......
Because you have to.......
I want to open it from a hole in the brush to a nice area with pavers..... If I'm gonna live outside, and the dirt cries out to be reshaped and renaturalized from when it was victim to a coyboy yahoo's wet dream..... yea.... lets cut a mountain rainforest, burn it, plant grass, install a herd, and watch the gullies run brown mud for a quarter century....
Back toward point; floor at the spring..... with point being that if you decide its the thing to do, you can do camp improvements that are lasting in nature, done with available materials etc., that are very pretty, and useful also..... Just moving rocks..... but we're digging the dirt first, then moving and building with rocks, and after that we'll plant some plants, it already has small bamboo, and so in a couple years it will be this spring area with a stone trail system around it, a stone floor nice trees, including Arabic Coffee tree..... i.e. Original coffee genetics, also a tropical cranberry type fruit tree, several really good coconuts, some egg lemons, a bunch of limes, etc. etc., Have you realized yet that my survival instructions lead to something better than how to live in a hole in a brush pile......(?)
What I am teaching is a culture.....
And the cool thing about Neo-indigenous, is that it takes from all worlds, and is a better life than you are living now..... it also costs less, like mostly free once you get it set up........
Anyway I like the idea of the site being something really pretty long after I'm elsewhere....
And my point is that survivalism need not be a hole in the brush..... it can be a hole in the brush with class..... now think about this..... nothing to clean....... the rain cleans my bathroom and shower......
Its not all that bad a looking area now, but it will soon be prettier..........
All of the trees and bamboo and trails are in........
There is plenty of planet where one can live outside comfortably.......... funny how nobody realizes.... you'd think by now someone would have realized the potentials of being homeless.....
Well, I have a home...... its a camp in the brush.... and we've planted a couple thousand food trees in the last ten years.......... “Really Green survivalism”?
This morning I'm trying to eat as many bananas as possible....... I gave away maybe 25 pounds....... I have another stalk of cuadrado bananas I'm feeding to the dog.......
Are we surviving yet?
Hey folks give up the american dream, its a nightmare...............
There are better options, like the one in your daydreams..........
How is it on land? Same as in the sea, the big fish eat the little ones........
Listening to short wave these days, hearing that Wannabee millionaires are living in their houses as squatters, waiting for the bank to boot them and auction off the houses to people who are rich enough to buy them outright.......
Gee? And all those wannabees voted republican and everything.... What happened?
Well, thinking you are upper class, and really being so, are evidently two different things...
Although I'm sure votes for predatory capitalism were at least noticed, if not almost appreciated by your social betters........
Same game across the board; include them, bleed them......
The difference between now and back when the system used to appear to work, is the rate of worsening.... in the old days you made it to seventy or so before it was cat food sandwiches,
Now you get to work and retire at the same time to pay interest and taxes, and pay for the cat food........
Things get better for you, if you quit believing in the game.... its like takin' the little fish out of the ocean and putting him in his own pool........
Don't play with the big fish, and they go hungry.........
The BIG LIE, it only works if you believe in it....
And there were camps of homeless during the great depression, who marched on Washington to express their grievances, and who got shot by the Army for their efforts........
I suggest you march the other direction.... like Robin Hood.... in King Richards England poverty from status quo games had thousands living in the forests, only the Black Death killing 30% or so of Europe and causing a lack of workers ended the “Back to the forest movement”.......
And England is no tropical paradise to live outdoors in...........
But they did it, and many probably got good enough at it, to feel good doing it...........
So.... if the big fish are going to gobble up your house, dont you think its time to get rid of all your excess materialism that needs the house, so that you dont?
Wander south, wander into the hills, wander up creeks, fish every day, work odd jobs, act a bit crazy, come up with a boat or a pony cart, a hunk of truck tarp.....
And kiss your days of living to make payments good bye..........
Don't march on Washington..... march on the bureau of land management......
Like I've said before, the average bass boat is big enough to live in with a tarp over it.......
And most rivers in the US run somewhat south..........
Or use your rebate check to haul your boat to one that does...... Join the swamp man club........
Me? got a ways south...... Currently talking to a very pretty widow with too many kids to make it on today's third world economy............
My offer? Food security..... I'll go to see her in a couple of weeks...... see if she's thought about my offer?
I hope so.... I like this one......
If not? Been there before, I go on..... and know the day is coming that food security gets attention from many women..........
Thoughts On investments.........
These days I invest in simple stuff, things to be better prepared for whats here now, and was what was coming until recently..... you know, the problems......
But I've been thinking about the poor fools with more money than they need to do that, and I wanted to mention that the collapse is likely to be partial in some manners even if Nuclear war is an ingredient........
A lot of things are done in many places by many humans.... some of those things could and should be primary re-boot priority items..... Like making matches, cloth, rope, metals, etc., and also we may get through this all better than I fear, and so there are also things more technical that one could sink some ownership into.....
I'd go basic, and I'd go diverse.....
And I'd also bank on the future some....
Once years ago, teaching English to kids, I realized that there weren't all that many materials made by humans or used by humans.... any of which is a good investment long term, as no matter what the economy does after being “robbed and rescued” by greed politics, humans will still make such materials if they are able........
Myself personally thinking long term would invest long term, in things I thought would make the space elevator thing possible... aluminum, carbon nano-tube fiber, portholes and portlights, insulation, refrigeration, etc. as the right choices being a necessity for the big necessity of breaking out into space makes it as sure a thing if there is anything to be sure about later....
If not it won't matter anyway...........
For a person with medium amounts of resources, I've long thought of a shop full of tools and especially materials, all pointed towards something everyone will need and nobody will have type items during a collapse........
For myself, at my level of economics, currently about $200/month, covering food and everything, I'm limited to $50-$100 a month, and I'm currently stocking up on things like kerosene, fish hooks, and soon matches and salt...... I can eat bananas and spuds and coconuts no problem, especially if the spuds are cooked.........
Here where I am the Pizotes (and animal similar to a raccoon) are hard on corn and yucca crops, but a single wire electric fence keeps them out, so getting a solar panel is a priority......
I'll also stock up on AA Duracel batteries, but thats way down the list at this time.......
Yesterday I lived on a bowl of corn mush and fruit..... I was happy...... total cost to live a day less than 25 cents.........
If I can come up with the solar panel in the next year, I will have 100% corn security...
and no shortage of fruit with 2,000 fruit trees planted.........
In other words 100% food security...........
And we are growing so much more.....
There is really not a food crisis.... but there is an Organizational crisis, with a food shortage as a result......
If you put all the middle men and speculators on hoe handles, the food crisis would go away in 6 months or less.......
If you added all the secretaries and bean counters, We'd have food to give away.......
Will this happen? Sure, when enough people starve that the guillotines go into the town squares........... figuratively speaking I hope........
I dont like violence, which is why I warn about it..... preventative fear generation, to avoid the nightmares..........
is a day well spent.... especially if its out of incredible tropical hardwood, and its for your favorite gardening tool, in my case a pick hoe........ actually I like cutting the picks off and just having a heavy grub hoe.....
To grow grub with.........
The Cortesa was hard to cut with a carbide toothed wormdrive saw...
after that, a blockplane, followed by a rasp, then a scraper, and tomorrow I'll set the head its last inch, and rasp and carve my favorite shape into the heel end of the handle.....
What I end up with, is a handle I wont break, and that wont rot.......
Cortesa being one of the finest woods on the planet....
It also makes for a prime refugee tool.... with a heavy hoe I can terrace hillsides, carve trails, work raised beds, dig up spuds, dig ditches and drainages, latrines and pools..... After an ax, its a most important tool to me.....
My worker made his own custom handle for his pickhoe, He's long and tall, and made a pickhoe handle thats a foot or more longer than normal.... And he's currently doing a contract swinging it, digging about a mile of trail for an entrance to a farm....
He learned making handles from me, which I taught myself.....
I find that living at a camping/gardening subsistence level is very satisfying..... today I ate bananas and some hot cereal from ground corn.......
And come tomorrow the hoe will put me to work on my terrace garden planting spuds, and soon it will help build the new corn patch, which will be on a steep slope.... I have some interesting seed, its from local genetics, and we worked to get this embedded genetics out of mixed genetics corn.... normal corn colors in this area are yellow, white, and a purple Indian corn called; Pujagua (Pooh-hawg-wah)........ This corn is red, blood red, and transparent, with the red going all the way thru it.......
And now I have enough seed worked up to plant as big a patch as we feel like doing.....
Which is going to be a nice patch as self and worker guy, both will have a fair portion of our diets be corn, Tortillas are homegrown here, several types, and eaten in both the latin and indigenous cultures....
I do a lot of stuff with corn.... I consider it to be my number one choice for a stargate seed....
So.... soon a corn crop..... Rice planting time is also coming up.... and I'll be planting rice...
And tomorrow we'll be planting seed for this giant bean we found, that lives a year and produces constantly........ I think I own some red beans too.....
Do I sense a food shortage? Well, not for me......
Growing staples pays, not in economics, but in security....
Also I get quality, home grown everything..... not to mention lack of cancer chems........
And being in the tropics gives me all kinds of veggie options... like the breadfruit on the tree beside my kitchen area/firepit.....
Breadfruit in green stage is really good in the beans.......
And I have breadnuts producing too... 15 trees last count.......
Basically what I have been doing for years is leaning everything towards that 100% subsistence diet..... and I'm within a year of having it... and in numbers that if I want, I can take on a woman, even one with kids if I feel like it, and be able to make a difference...
Is it this woman? Who knows, or that woman? Haven't a clue...
But what I do know is having food security is more important than having money.....
And if things get bad enough, any woman would put up with me to continue to eat...
And its not an easy job....
This morning, planted a few yucca sticks, Worker came, still sick, sent home with citrus and a pineapple........ We did do some planning, he's into the corn patch idea, wants to plant all the seed we have, some 6 &1/2 gallons...... He shelled it all yesterday, His first time using a corn sheller......
So that means job security for us gardener guys..... six plus gallons of seed is a fair patch.... will be mostly the Mayan Red..............
All done by hand..... no tiller..... The good news is part will be tico method of chopping brush over tossed seed...... meaning about 3/4's of that seed will go in needing about 3 days work? The other quarter will go on worked terraces, and take weeks of stints to do......
With all the areas we work over then going on into full time growing.....
The good news is, We're a couple of weeks away fm the time..........
and 90 days or so tico time, we'll have corn enough to augment the diet of several people....
And I can do 3 crops and maybe 4 a year here..........
But now, we have the seed to do a nice patch.....
I cleaned some beans this morning, first of the season, red, now boiling.... rice to follow....
Basically my push from now on will be to do mostly food growing.... Will still need to saw lumber, build the house, work on trails, but it gives us something to do, because we are so bored not having to make payments for a hobby........
One spends much time cooking...... outdoors its pleasant..... I've washed dishes in a spring for 12 years now..... but thinking to put in a sink or two.... I have all this free water.....
We planted more of the giant beans around the citrus..... growing 4 or 5 crops on the same terraces at the same time............. I'm hoping to multiply out to beans on all the citrus, 500 plus plants......... the idea is if we have to harvest beans every week all year, we can care for the citrus and other stuff in the process.......
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
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