Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Preparing for the Future 06


The way to be prepared for whats coming, if anyone can, is to start now if you haven't already..... I think we have a few years, but not many, perhaps only two or three, perhaps less..... But if you adopt the Neo-indigenous logic, and begin filtering your reality, and moving in that direction now, you will be better prepared when the time comes......

I suggest you think long and often about the logic of and for the Neo-indigenous and Neo-Nomadic mindset..... The world is going to go through many changes, many of them made worse by human reactions to them, not to mention denial of them until denial is no longer possible.......

But if you begin now, to alter your direction, you can start vectoring off..... like edging yourself to the edge of the lemming pack, and get out of the main-stream........
Simple actions, simple decisions, made in manners that reflect the reality..... its a fact of life now that we are going to slowly start losing the cities, which will be a godsend for some, as many will opt for higher ground, and perhaps not be in the cities when the quakes get really bad... Imagine the Twin Towers, except, its the entire city..... just a massive quake, and all the Engineering is found wanting due to a reality not realized by the engineers........ And it is possible that it happen to the entire planet at once.....

Where would you want to be?..........

Especially with all the Nuclear power plants........ they aren't going to stand Richter tens......

And if the Volcanism begins to increase even more dramatically? Its going to get very dark and cold over most of the planet's surface....... I think I would want to be somewhere near a tropical or equatorial sea..........someplace that will hold its temperature and not go to
Sub-Siberia levels........ Also theres the food aspect........ a Nuclear winter type Volcanic effect will trash all agriculture in the northern and southern hemispheres for a period of years, until the planet manages to re balance somewhat..... At the end of that time, the world will look like “ Day One”............. Forests burnt, Cities rubbled, Lowlands erased by Tsunamis, followed by even more flooding.......... Basically if you aren't on reasonably high ground hundreds of miles from the nearest nuclear power plant, near a warm sea, and growing and stockpiling as much food as possible, you are unlikely to survive........

Having a stash of food and a diesel generator and staying in place isn't going to do it.......... not if staying in the technocult until the last minute etc. is what you have in mind.... Even the most prepared Survivalist in the wrong place, is a dead survivalist..........

Location, location, location.......... yea..... its still the most important thing about Real Estate, and I'm not talking about a nice neighborhood near all the Services and Conveniences of the Technocult.... I chose a place with a climate where food growing is generally easier than in the temperate or colder areas..... I also planted FOOD TREES, and did it right away, and not as a half-minded addition to my personal comforts.......... The reason for food trees, is that trees are fairly tough living things, and they also are good in quakes generally, with the weaker trees or limbs going down, and the majority likely to do OK unless the quake is a nine or so.......... Trees flex in the wind, Trees can lose their leaves and recover, they have deep roots to access water from moist soils farther from the evaporation zone at the surface...... they also often give really big crops of food, meaning one is able to harvest and store food in large quantities without mechanization....... The textbook on the subject is “Permaculture” by Mollison.... Planting food trees needs to take on a religious aspect with humanity..........

To be best prepared, one needs to be self sufficient.......... Relying on the group is iffy business the way things now stand......... I see most people who are supposed to be co-operating in their relationships to spend most of their time bickering and fighting bitterly due to petty mindless trips caused by overlarge sized egos in proportion to the actual value of the person to the collective reality......... Take any serene location on the planet, add two or more humans and it becomes a bedlam of insanity and fighting.......... Gee, life is so very very simple...... At least it is until you add egos in quantities..............

Many people are trapped by the Mate in Denial syndrome, Mostly its women in denial, and the man trying to wake her up...... Well, she's not genetically designed to the same levels of stress awareness, and to women historically, changing mates by having one killed, and the killer being the next, has been very common, and to the more egocentric, males are a disposable item to such an unconcerned female, ready to ply her influences on the next guy........

That probably wont work very good this time in the long haul, And a woman's best insurance is a good man, and I'm not talking about one with money...........

There also exist the awake female, with a dud of a male in denial........... How I would love to find one of those type women....... I hear them on short wave radio survivalist programs etc,. Wanting to do something, wanting to prepare, and they have some less than worthless bastard who only wants to watch sports on the tube, drink beer, eat pizza, and belch and fart........ I suggest they use the Internet to look for a new mate, and leave the old one on his couch alone......... Any man who isn't aware we have a problem and that he had better be doing something personally to prepare, is either really stupid, or just plain bad genetics.........

Personally, I have been REWILDING myself for years now, learning to break all the programming, and rediscover how to live natural, this is also so preparing for whats coming....

What I am doing on my farm, is this crazy paradise for a survivalist..... you know, food trees and plants everywhere, a system of trails carved into the nice character of my mountain and jungle, gardens for food, and upgrading my house site area, preparing to begin constructing a unique and artistic Neo-Indigenous house, with a playful design....... some whimsy to entertain myself, and to enjoy living in, and other people's reactions to.......

I make constant discoveries, a recent one was that one can toast breadnuts instead of boiling them like the Ticos do..... (breadnuts are in the breadfruit family) it makes them easier to peel, doesn't dirty up the kitchen as much, just uses a dry Wok, and now I have a way to process them in bulk, and dry them further after roasting, to create a good staple from.... I've already experimented with them chopped up in breads, and as a stuffing ingredient they are incredibly good, and I want to try grinding up the dry nutmeats, and using them to make tortillas etc. and I think a veggie burger is in their future.... I remember on my first trip to Costa Rica, the place where I stayed had a nice sized breadnut tree, perhaps 16 inches through the trunk, and it kept me awake all night plopping food on the ground.... I have a friend who has a tree planted by the banana company 50 years ago, and the tree is very large now, and produces probably tons of breadnuts every year.... I being the crazy that I am, have about 15 trees now producing, and many more planted that will begin producing in another two years....... basically I have total staple food security for myself, family, and friends going..... and it all looks pretty........ areas I can play JUNGLE JIM in.........

And breadnuts are just one of many such tropical food plants that I'm trying to work into larger numbers of......... What I have discovered, is that here in the tropics, it is possible to live on only an acre or two and still have 100% food self sufficiency... this is important, because the speculators are driving up land prices to higher than U.S. Levels all over Costa Rica, and so the Days of most Americans being able to come here and buy bigger farms is at an end, and now limited to only those with wads of cash..... but my point is that smaller hunks of land in more remote areas, are still going to be within most people's range, and so instead of 50 to 100 acres, people can buy smaller tracts, and do fine if they are into organic food growing, orchards, and gardens etc., and it is possible to plant and rehabilitate the old and totally trashed cattle farms, and create something that has great beauty, and produces all your food, and excesses to turn into personal economy....... as I told my worker, that after the collapse, people will still have to eat, and no plastic bag food from stores will exist... meaning what I have going will allow me to create a lot of bartering stock of the first quality to those who were foolish enough to pray to the money gods......... Also I consider the mountain to be my fortress, it already prevents many problems, like the thieves are less likely to bother me as it would entail a lot of work just to get up here, and then to come in to the center of my farm is a bit of a hike with plenty of opportunity to see them coming....

Mountains are natural defenses...... and Sun Tsu in THE ART OF WAR, has names for the different types of mountainous terrains, and explains their values and risks to would-be Generals.........

Another defense is one's reputation, and the locals like to think I'm a bit crazy, for being such a naturalist, and also being into primitive weapons etc., and they tend to fear an arrow in the guts more than a gunshot to the head....... I once had a Tico thief type looking for me, and was asking around to neighbors where I lived etc., and one neighbor read the guy for what he was, and advised him to go elsewhere, or his head might end up on a stake.....
He went elsewhere.......

I have gone out of my way to create such a reputation, and put local a policeman in a corner physically for not doing his job and trying to run off, rather than bother to arrest a team of pickpockets on a bus..... he was a bit pissed, but I had plenty of witnesses, and nobody got off the bus until we got it to the police station..... This was in front of some of my neighbors.... a few weeks later the same cop tried to harass me, but I keep my trip in order, and he could find no leverage point....

This added to other happenings that I have gone through, and stood up to local bully types, some with murder histories, and so I got this reputation for being a tich crazy, but very correct in my actions..... assholes leave me alone now.......

Another point that I would like to again mention, is one's ability to plant food trees on one's migration routes etc., in the future.... if a Neo-tribe made it a habit of planting such everywhere they went, pretty soon we'd be back to the garden of eden......... and nobody would need any money, or doctors, or be short on food......

One of the best attributes to the Neo-Nomadic/Neo-Indigenous mindset, is the peripheral benefits... it allows me to control my discretionary spending better: I see some item, and if it isn't within the parameters, I often can say No....... the down side, is when one sees items that do fit the criteria, they are harder to resist..... Another point I'd like to sell, is that we do perhaps have some time..... certainly much less than the denial heads like to think, but enough time that one can change from well fed slave, to lean and trim free-person, and have a good trip going..... make it a hobby.... like a new religion, and begin becoming ready, instead of relying on chance and stupidity to insure your personal survival....

The hobby also allows one to begin to learn to save money on the food bill, Nomadic food is simple food, and if you can get into the mindset, you can start thinking about food from a non refrigerator point of view........ I now cook up enough for just two days, beans for instance, as I dont have refrigeration, so I not only save money on not having a refrigerator, but the food is simpler...... also often healthier..... no packages of Twinkies, and Ho-Ho's, no three liter Cokes, Just back to basics...... What you find out, is that you really don't need the processed and packaged junk food, and that the girth finds a new norm, at many inches less than what it was.... The mindset is in fact a diet plan that works, if you work it.....

I have heard that one thing all weight loss diets have in common, is that they don't work.....
Well, try moving to the tropics and going subsistence, as a diet plan, it gets results.........
I find I like to dink around in the kitchen, experimenting with subsistence foods, perfecting recipes, as if I'm some Gormet Chef with ingredients from afar...... The Idea is to come up with food that you can store, process, and cook, and produce it all your self....To me survival- -ism is a hobby, so being at a subsistence level has an aspect of “play” in it for me....
I also play with the lower limits.... i.e. Learn to live on foods minus all the added seasonings.... Being already used to such realities should have me experience less stress and mental trauma when the collapse comes........ I have my survival cook kits set up to not have things, like I figure on drinks, that being set up to do tea is a good idea, I like mint teas, and I do some Medicinal teas from available plants too.... this will have to replace my usual coffee, at least until I get the coffee area booted up and producing.... one beauty of the tropics, is the sheer number of food type plants available... things that are imported to northern climes do grow on trees here.... I remember getting Tangerines in my Christmas stocking, now I'm waiting on a tree to grow up and start to produce, and there will be a lot of tangerines on the table in the fruit bowl a few years from now.... The base problem with the current reality, is that everyone has gone out on a limb, and is considering it normal to be there...... one half of the shock people will go through could be prevented by already moving away from the problem...

In whats coming, one had best be prepared to move for any reason, and in a reasonable hurry too.... but which way to head? For now the best direction is south.....with the main reasons being lack of Nuclear power plants, and the availability of food plants....
and yes, I know things are heating up, but if you study a bit of Oceanography/Weather, you will learn that global warming will affect the cooler temperate areas most, first.... also in winter the Arctic winds are coming farther south, and doing it at higher velocities.... I suspect that the desert areas of the U.S. Will increase very dramatically in the next 20 years.... the U.S. Is already about 3/4's desert, so it won't take much to extend the dry line farther east and south in the near future, creating a dryer summer climate, and a much colder winter climate........ this is already happening...... what this means, is if you dont want to spend most of your time in the future stockpiling mountains of firewood with nothing but muscle power, and when you are not doing that, trying to pull a food storage trip to make it through the colder winters, and trying to also reboot textiles for clothing etc., i.e. Its not going to be easy, especially with raiders, bad workers, and problems with the climate....
going south is also good for the problem with nuclear power plants, and the Nuclear winter probability..... I feel that eventually I may have to migrate back north again when things really heat up..... but I suspect no.... that once the Volcanoes start going, heat won't be a problem.... an Ice Age is likely.....

The southern U.S. Has some areas, the Ozarks perhaps, but avoid low areas like Mississippi or Florida, unless you keep a boat tied to the house.......... personally I think getting entirely out of the U.S. Is preferable, as its target number one in World War Three............. If you have an ethnic background, consider researching the old country...... But I would avoid Europe for the same reasons as avoiding the states........

If you research third world countries, be aware of problems with parasites.... some parasites are worse than others, I'd rather have Lice than River Blindness..... in the tropics, even the parasites have parasites...... the most important thing really is to know parasites common to the area, and avoid areas with incurable types, and maybe avoid areas with more benign types that require boughten drugs that may no longer be available when the shit hits..... Also be aware that climate change will cause plagues, and parasite's populations to fluctuate wildly.....also their ranges and endemic areas will change with climate..... I have observed traveling the third world, that all the parasites and diseases have one commonality, and thats population density, in my area Malaria, Dengue fever, Chagas's disease, etc., all exist, but to catch them, you have to go to town..... the reason, is thats where the victims live close enough to pass the disease via its vectors..... out in the brush and beyond the palisades of over-socialization, and the diseases don't exist for lack of victim density, when their vectors and all other requirements are in fact in place...... This is fine, unless you go to some place like Africa, or South East Asia, where populations are even crowded out into the countryside, or if there are also natural victims in the form of wild animals or cattle........ Safety in numbers is only a myth.... in the future safety will be in small numbers and large distances....... I suspect that the eventual end result of A.I.D.'s will be a human population density so scant that it is virtually impossible for any single person to have more than one sexual partner............ I see the local Latins as being a very high risk group, as marital fidelity is an unused concept, and in due time the statistics here will be very similar to Sub Saharan Africa, with its empty villages of ghost town, populated by the very young and grand parents........ There are reasons that humanity has evolved social constructs like marriage and monogamy, some of the reasons are ancient, but still have the same values, its only our own belief in the infallibility of science that puts us at risk.... Another golden drop of learned wisdom, is that most parasites are more common at low altitudes and higher temperatures.... If you get up into the mountains a ways the chances of problems are less, and the quality of even the drinking water is more likely to be better, and besides any Sociology major can tell you that mountain peoples invariably conquer valley peoples..... one gets a lot tougher surviving at even minor altitude, and in the future a bit of altitude and its inherent coolness may allow you to grow food and get a decent subsistence crop in spite of extreme heat in the lowlands.... an example is rice, which is affected by night time temperatures, and if nights are too hot, yield is reduced.... meaning that in the future, subsistence rice attempts should keep this in mind..... as should subsistence anything plans... you wont be able to count on your area doing this or that crop like it always has...... And this is why I stress mobility... its your only real insurance from now on..... Even if you are a dyed in the wool sourdough survivalist from back before it became quite so stylish, with a survival farm already booted up, you could still get run out....... having your trip all meet the Nomadic Mobility Criteria isn't a bad idea....

I think its a good idea to push minimalism.... it cures problems, and makes life so much easier... I feel sorry for the average person who is racing along with the Lemming-Joneses,
burning their life-force up like rocket fuel, and using it all to fill a vast area of ranch style house somewhere in some suburb with a bunch of junk they really dont need, use even less,
and mostly forget they have...... The big possession is the house, and they enslave themselves to the ownership demons for a place to eat, wash, and sleep.......

How much space do you really need? A room for this, and a room for that, and a rent-a-storage space on top of it all? I find that I like living mostly outside..... my current floor space is 10 feet by 10 feet.... its all I really need and more.... I didn't see it that way at first, when I moved into it, but I've come to realize that the reason we need so much room, is because we think we do, and for the materialism, and for no other reason......

People used to live in their barns...... and for good reasons..... People also used to live outside...... now we are busily destroying outside, creating more and more inside for more and more TV inspired ditto-heads...... WHY? Why do we need so much inside? And why dont more people appreciate outside, and whats out in it? “Come out and play!”

I've long thought about a piece of clothing....
The Travel Cape that was so popular for so many thousands of years.... I realized that a well made travel cape is like a tent, blanket, and coat all rolled up into one pack behind the saddle, or on the pack load....

And I wonder why no one has ever bothered to realize how much a travel cape could lighten one's load by being several items at once... Gee? The backpackers are always worrying about ounces, why no travel cloaks? Well, because they represent a lost pathway due to Capitalism running them over, and replacing them with new “styles” that have no connection to anything except the profit margins of companies....
I have a Mexican Blanket poncho, its made from recycled fibers, and I've used it for 30 years..... Its really a simple travel cape without the hood.... and I like it enough, that I want to replace it with something better, but along the same lines.... I'm thinking of doing a blanket cloak or cape, thats more tailored than the Mexican Cut a hole in a good blanket method.... An old Variation was the Capotes used by the French Canadian fur traders........ basically a coat made from blanket material..... one step modern of a cape..... patterns for capotes used to be available during the blackpowder fad eara in the late 70's.... I'd try googling related subjects....
Another example of something obviously descended from the travel cape is the Australian duster style coat... But I dont think I need or want the sleeves.... I suspect they are a result of military history in uniform design, allowing some poor fool to stand guard duty and not have to put his piece down to keep his arms warm.... Many will wonder why I haven't mentioned sleeping bags..... well, its because I dont think much of cold climates.... I've lived in sleeping bags in cold climates long term more than once... I've kinda given up on doing that.... and figure walking south with a blanket is a better idea......

Basically one thing I have learned, is the importance of climate.... I spent a couple of years in the Aleutian chain Islands, and realized that without regular fuel deliveries, it would be hell to live subsistence anywhere north of 30 degrees..... I've also cut plenty of firewood in my life, and now appreciate being able to cook on just sticks and deadfall........

One point I'd like to reinforce is the availability of materialism appropriate to nomadic or rewilding one's self..... instead of a home range style stove, there exist smaller lighter stoves,
instead of a city water system, one can improve the camp with nothing but a rain barrel or a couple of big pots to hold water.... what one really needs is a set-up balanced to ones economic situation..... take a look at your personal future, Eliminate credit and fossil fuels from the vignette, and shut off the endless chains of ships, trains, and trucks delivering food to supermarkets.... What do you have left? And what can you do to ready yourself to live in the coming reality? Can you afford to sell out, and move to some place more remote? And still have a way to feed yourself? It takes years to learn to garden with consistent success..... Can you create an economy for yourself in a group situation?
What can you realistically do? My advice is to let go of materialism thats inappropriate to the coming reality, and if possible trade it off for other items that are.... add up all your equity or material worth, and decide what the number will really buy on the open market of goods needed to set yourself up outside the fall-out zones...... Can it do a couple of horses and a camp set-up? Or does your economics look more like some poor fool on foot?
If so, dont let it bother you, just set up accordingly, and know that your lacks have a free side to them... less baggage..... Can you move to another country and climate and set up?
I did, and did it on a budget that wouldn't pay for a decent vacation in some circles...
Consider going and exploring a target area.... nothing cures uncertainty like seeing for yourself.... The main point I would like to make here, is that one can live almost anywhere on very little, if you've built yourself a little culture to assist yourself, in the form of kit and camp..... It kinda' makes paying house payments seem more than a bit insane..........


In the very near future, things will be a lot different.... No stability for the most part...
the reason being that the effects of global warming are happening at the roots of civilized culture... Everything is already being effected, even the amount of denial....

So, One needs to create a culture of One...... its like playing a board game, or Sim City on computer, where one invents from the ground up.... in your personal case, it isn't imaginary people, and imaginary cities that one is imagining into existence... its one's own future in a dance for survival on a personal level... and its going to get very very real, and your life is forfeit if you make the wrong mistakes.... Nobody is going to take care of you, nobody will be there to help you, and nobody is going to care in the least what happens to you..... The only thing between you and being dead meat, is what you have going and what you know....

The good news, is that it is your trip..... If you do your homework, you'll have fewer problems on the final test..... I have at least attempted to head you in the right direction.....
And I suspect there are no shortage of newer survivalists...... many of them in it for a business of some sort..... Avoid the temptation to group up...... follow no leaders..... Leaders decide how to expend their followers...... Be your own leader by doing the best you can for yourself, and by thinking ahead, planning creatively, and acting relentlessly, as being relentless is the only way to accomplish anything..........
So, what you need to do is reinvent something thats expressly you.... i.e. Come up with your own version of how to live in a subsistence style, in a sustainable style, and you'd best be a tich Nomadic politically......... History is full of working examples of such cultures, ethnic backgrounds bring with them a rich cargo of gold in the form of wisdom from common sayings, and even religious culture often has its sources of treasure for the open mind.....
A main point will be to follow your own interests while relearning to reinvent....
Incline towards your own leanings, its how one starts to walk, by leaning, overbalancing, and then catching themselves, and then cycling the movement.... with learning new skills, or preparing kits, or shelters, or forms of transportation, One chooses their own path, and the future will decide whether its thumbs up or down for you............. Focus on the basics.... I've spent fifty years learning that I should have focused on the basics instead of being sucked into the big lie......... The big lie is now experiencing technical difficulties fairly regularly.... What do you suppose that means? And aren't you tired of doing what you are doing? What a perfect excuse for a change! To save one's own bacon..... Also don't forget to play at it...
Do what you do, and have fun doing it..... go camping often, then go more and more often, until thats all you do.......... Ditto with food...... Grow food anywhere and anyway you can........ Then figure out how to stash it......... Go fishing, make it a family habit, be the
guy on the pier with fish in the bucket, Dig clams, Hike, Explore, Buy maps, read books, warm up your library card often......... learn skills; I'm still learning; I just found out that a friends wife knits, and its something I want to learn, and is a traditional Sailor's skill... (As its a traditional Sailor's wife's skill too...)...... So now I know that I can get the friends wife to get me started, and after that I'll be able to turn natural fibers into natural clothing...... With nothing but a couple of sticks..... and a spindle, which I can make and have made before............

So imagine yourself ten years hence....... what will you be? Stuck at a desk with a computer? Not if you have more of a brain than that thing on the desk......

Will you be free, walking along some creek or lake shore fishing? Will you be on your horse, herding sheep? Or will you be gardening in an opening in some Tropical jungle?


And its also time to start making it happen.... forget about retirement, ain't gonna happen.......
You can work at Walmart until you die on the lunch hour of old age, or you can get out now, and go somewhere the rain is still clean........... The less you decide you need, the easier it is.............


Recently I hear a lot about Carbon Tax..... everybody jumping on that bandwagon.........
What do I think? I think its mostly just more of the same, more Big Lie continuing.....
The basic premise as I understand it is that things will get taxed according to their caused carbon levels in production etc. Gee! That sounds good, except for a couple things.....

Do we really need anymore tax burden anywhere? And who do you think is going to pay all those taxes..... It isn't going to be the polluters, if they are making money, they are getting it from somewhere and someone..... its the guys and gals with the lunchboxes who pay for everything inevitably...... is that you? Recently a lot of discussion on carbon taxing air travel.....
yea, thats a good idea, tax our transportation systems to death, instead of changing them to run on bio-fuels.... yea, I know, the idea is to make things that pollute more costly......

but wouldn't it just be easier and cheaper for everyone involved if we just went green engineering instead, i.e. Begin changing all the industries without raising taxes on everyone? What do we need the taxes for? More money for the politicians to spend like water on stupid Pork Barrel projects that make them look good on paper, and us look like fools with the results.......

And what do common people use the airlines for? Mostly vacations, and gee, thats what we need, less ability to take a decent vacation, or to go visit family etc... Mostly I see it as a game where the richest dirtiest polluters get you to pay for them to continue doing more of the same....

I've got a better Idea.... lets UN-TAX everything that doesn't pollute.... i.e. If you grow an organic garden, and grow a woodlot for cooking fuel, and you live in a portable structure of natural materials, none of that gets taxed...... And if your transportation is horse or pedal power, or sails instead of motors, none of that pays any fees, licenses, permissions, etc.

No bike licenses? No property taxes on horse barns, or property taxes on land used for subsistence living in a green manner, and in fact, I propose that such activities be entirely un-regulated.... no speed limit on anything that is naturally powered...... no control..... no building permits, across the board, if its NATURAL, its taxless, and not burdened by regulations.....

So.... if you choose to go on a vacation on a sailboat, even the money you spend should be tax free, Natural Vacation tax deduction...... Natural vacations would become very popular.... and we wouldn't have to strangle the vital air transportation industry any more than we are now.......

And this concept would go a long ways towards downsizing governments etc....... Everyone goes more and more natural, until funding dries up and Governments cease to exist, and everyone is trading flower starts, instead of trashing the planet continually, and calling it progress..... its progress alright, progress on the road to collective hell......

MANIPULATION, REGULATION, CONTROL, and reality............

We live in a bi-polar universe...... what that means, in real terms, is that everything you do has a natural reaction.... “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction..” Newton's law... but it applies to everything, not just planets in motion etc., and this thought is also the basis of Taoism........

So.... how does it relate to manipulation? Well one effect that I see, is that manipulation always results in catastrophe...... whether its humans manipulating the environment, or perhaps somebody's manipulative spouse, the eventual and inevitable result is disaster.......

A problem with modern manipulation and control, is it isn't the person doing the whatever that controls the job, and people more distant from the reality are in control of it.... this disconnection causes problems, and the guy doing the work has to put up with asinine decisions made by drones that wouldn't be able to do the job if the tools and materials were all laid out for them.... So instead of people learning by effects, you have employees who don't give a shit about the job, because some moron with a job title will show up any minute, and insist on doing more of the same to fix the problems..... The Big Lie isn't really functional, it just pretends to be......... You cant trash the entire Biosphere, and throw up your hands and say it's good because one group made a profit off of another group doing it......... I've worked for the government before, and I noticed that understanding of the job and its realities became thin air as you progressed up the chain of command...... I and a friend working at a different government job compared notes, and it was the same story, the days of foremen who had climbed the ladder the hard way were long over, and their replacements had a fancy sheet of paper to replace the decades of experience carried by those promoted for personal merit and good results... this causes continual problems, and those doing the work quickly get tired of being told what to do by people who dont know how to actually work, and who make more money every payday, doing much much less.......

So what we have now, in reaction to the more educated and less experienced management
is workers who do less and less..... and when it gets bad enough the workers even quit offering ideas at meetings etc., because they know they will just be used by management to benefit management, and when promotion time comes around the worker with ideas will be seen as a threat to management, and the job will go to some other management type because they went to a good university, and/or came from a good family..... (read; they have money too..)


How can greed ever be good? The logic only works if the gross negative effects of greed are discounted or ignored......... look what greed is doing to us and our planet....... is it good?
Do you see beauty in Cities? I dont...... the only time I've ever been able to see a city as beautiful is at night from the air........ on all other occasions I see ugly........

Modern culture idolizes greed, and to the lowest slave all aspire to get all they can for themselves with no care what so ever as to what it does to others and God's green earth.....
Check out your T.V. And see it for what it is, a tool to program you to want what you don't have........ it is the carrot and stick, with the tube providing a virtual carrot, and reality beating you with the stick for wanting it......... so do I envy the people on TV? Not hardly, I know whats coming..... I saw a vignette of it in the Twin Towers, the workers doing the clean-up were finding fancy Gucci womens shoes, with the feet still in them.....

Some really high priced secretaries followed their greed, and ran into the results...... they got literally ground up, like meat in a sausage machine by tumbling a hundred stories with the concrete..... and thats how the future is going to be......... if you are in the wrong place for the wrong reasons, at the wrong time, the reaction will grind you up too........its an impersonal universe.....

If Greed wasn't so highly esteemed, less people would be greedy, and there would be no have-nots to be angry.... greed is what creates poverty..... and I think it would be far better for us all, if doctors were writing prescriptions for Psychotropic drugs to burn out the brain's greed center, rather than writing prescriptions for people to burn out the reaction/defense areas of the brain, so that we can continue to take functioning in a dysfunctional system....
But I haven't heard of any of the big Pharmaceutical companies investing a few billion to come up with anti-greed drugs..... and the GREEDHEADS do a lot more damage than do all the kids they stick on Ridlin, so the teacher doesn't have to maintain their interest.....
Yea..... chemical lobotomies for our kids, thats better than coming up with a reality they can live in thats more natural....
Imagine a world, where it is a high crime to be greedy, and those found guilty are not put in cages, but instead they are given drugs to help them with their mental problem, because thats exactly what greed is............... Maybe even the shrinks can come up with a new name for the various greed type behaviors? Like they have with Attention deficit.... which is really; “Interesting curriculum deficit syndrome”....... ( and notice how they blame some poor kid who just needs to be outside playing...) and make a lot of money frying his brain on drugs with worse effects than the illegal drugs used by many to forget the system on your days off, and management types in the system piss testing the workers to control their free time too..... Do you feel enslaved enough yet?

And what would the world be like if politicians had to pass a psychological test to prove they weren't greedy? Maybe we should test early? Test for honesty too, And those found guilty of Greedcrimes could have nice court ordered Greed-lobotomies.......... and be back to work in a few weeks as different and better humans.......... what a wonderful world it would be............

“Whats your Relative Greed Index? It affects your survival futures, you know... best get that taken care of....”

What we have is a world where everything is backwards...... lies for truths, smiles for stabs in the back, and no justice anywhere, unless you get it for yourself through revenge.......

All of this ANTI-TERRORISM shit is nothing but cover for continued greedy behavior on the part of a few that have more than they could ever really need..... the “CLASH OF CIVILISATIONS” really isn't about religion, or race, or culture, its about poverty, greed, and control..... it isn't Muslim Fanatics causing the problem, they are nothing but the reaction to greed and its results, which are billions in poverty, while the rich steal their resources just like during the Colonial era......... only the names have been changed.... Replace greed with a desire for balance in all things, and all will go well, and gentle rains once again fall..............
Well, the good news, is that the current game is on its last leg..... it will not continue to function by any means..... and everyone's personal survival will depend on how natural they are living..... as the Tao states;

Gee, why would it say that?


In the future, almost everyone will have to be at least semi-nomadic, even if its just to be ready for the unexpected effects of Global warming, not to mention the expected ones.....

There will be different types and styles of Retroprogression, from crude to well adapted...
Those who do the best, will be those who literally have their own trip really together....

Who will have their trip most together? The ones who start early while its still easy to do....
Plenty of stuff available, still have functional currency, (more or less..) and many have time on the job they can liberate from the capitalistic tyranny, and apply to their escape plan....
One could spend some time gathering all the necessary items, Internet shopping, just like normal, with the only difference being you knowing the inevitability of your job and existing life terminating, and using your time and economics for something important........

So, my point is that you dont want to be a low class refugee, when you can be a well adapted, well equipped, and well prepared survivor.... one could possibly thrive on the new reality, in spite of all the suffering........ it doesn't have to be you suffering, and its also going to have all the usual social aspects to it, you can either be a poor slob, or somebody still doing good, or maybe happier than you were before........ So instead of keeping up with the Lemming-Joneses, you can pass them with a better personal survival culture.......


In the future personal relationships are going to get some reassessment, and some re- -balancing attempted very seriously..... I suspect its going to be a bit harder of lives for us all, and it would be a good idea if we had our social trip working very well......

To work well by definition, will require results, and not just somebody's opinion of how this or that should be.... The truth is impersonal, and the new reality is going to be the true reality, like it or not..... What that means, is being “politically correct” isn't going to be what makes it.... Any group worth its salt and water, is going to have to take a very dim view of people who cause problems...... it isn't going to be time for Ideology, it isn't going to be the time for things like feminist agendas, or immature Mommy's boys, and it isn't going to be time for marital disputes...... in such a reality, its going to be more like martial law within the group, and people who un-necessarily cause problems may find themselves standing next to their baggage pile and watching their group/mate/friends walking off without them.....

Divorce could get pretty ugly without a system to skew it.....

One might think about trying to find ones natural place in the group or relationship without resorting to childish games and manipulations........

Equality? No such thing other than as a mental construct, or a moral objective...... We're all too different....... Equality as a concept has some merit, if applied in a balanced manner.... I suspect future equality will be more a function of one's value to the group, i.e. That everybody is necessary to improve the chances of the lot....... And depending on One's attitude in the day to day..... equality is a form of respect, and like respect there are various levels, for various reasons, and equality is something so very worth striving for, because it is in itself a form of balance... yes? To really work well, any relationship has to have equality and respect, but there are those bothersome differences....... I dont think anyone is going to have much time for bullshit, and so using such really undefinable terms as issues to push people with, in an attempt to control agendas etc., isn't likely to fly far..... What is going to be important is trust, and trust is a result of the truth being a very very popular commodity in the group..... what this means, is sometimes people are going to have to listen to things that aren't all that nice, but if its the truth, its what everyone better had be able to count on getting...... “Beautiful words are never truthful, and Truthful words are never beautiful.” according to the Tao.... So my point is: Cut the crap, speak the truth, and forget the petty issues like who's equal and who's not, because we're all Going to be very equal in real terms, All in much trouble, and struggling hard to just survive, and thats as equal as you can get...... Humanity will then be divided into two groups; good guys and bad guys,
and the difference will be good guys helping each other, and the bad guys are who victimize others...... Many good guys will survive, and statistically less bad guys will survive, as they raise their personal risks by causing problems.... And as always the hard part will be telling them apart......... which is why the truth is coming back in style when the shit hits....... Liars? No place for liars........ Politics? As little of that as possible, even the small town levels, forget politics, Do whatever you can to make things better, and if somebody is causing a problem, it wont last long.........

I tend to distrust Human Politics on any level......

This is a subject thats been on my mind my whole life...... The extermination of the buffalo was one of the worst crimes against the planet ever..... As was what has happened in Africa, and everywhere else...... I suspect that the animals will do better than the humans in the near future, like when we quit raising them in boxes, and let them go back to a life thats more natural.... Livestock have been with humanity for thousands of years.... and always there has been abuse..... abuse of range area, abuse of people's gardens etc., by herder types, and abuse of the animals themselves..... very soon, that will all begin to change..... when the big day arrives, it will alter the human/animal paradigm forever.... because it will be the day that humans discover that they aren't exempted from natural law......... we are animals too..... forget all the ego, forget the intellect, we live by the same rules...... and if we overpopulate, and cause damage to our range, we too will become diseased and die off in great numbers, which is exactly whats happening now with the mutation of microbes etc.,
and resistance to anti-microbial drugs.......... And with the Economic and Political Insanity that passes for reality now....

Now to my point, that when the collapse comes everything changes..... There will be no Purina trucks delivering feed...... and everyone from your worst neighbor, to Homeland Security will be trying to get whats your's, and at best, give you bogus promises etc., as payment......

Anyone with livestock in excess is going to have a problem..... especially close to human populations....... Should you turn them over to anyone with more guns than you?
I suspect in the long run one would be better off to run them off into the brush and make them difficult to round up etc., and if possible give some a chance to re-wild...... As most humans will only be thinking in the moment, and slaughter everything in short order to “feed survivors”..... leaving the next generation with not much to show for the thousands of years of genetics improvement.....

Buffalo? Same..... Cut the fences, let 'em go, Protect them with your life, Work for generations to help multiply their numbers in any way, and tell your children and grandchildren the story, and teach that its their responsibility too......... Because the best insurance for immediate human survival, is a planet with an intact, repaired, and protected ecosystem.....


PRIMATIVE CULTURES WERE OFTEN BETTER CARETAKERS OF THE AMBIENT, THAN THE MORE TECHNICALLY ADVANCED MODERN “GEARED FOR CONTROL” CULTURES..... things don't need controlled... They did just fine before we started messing with it........ LEAVE THINGS ALONE! We don't even really need to even eat meat..... so we can certainly afford to let things get back to normal, while we eat lower on the food chain for awhile....

Many people have camping as a hobby, hunters, canoeists, nature photographers, etc.,
Most of these people are pretty much “car campers”, with hikes off into the brush as necessary..... Some seem to think that a huge motorhome parked on a pad owned by the park service is camping too...... well, I have bad news for them, their pet dinosaur is getting expensive to feed, and when the time comes, will be one dead dinosaur, if they really need it, to get out when the volcano blows.....

My point is that its the vehicle that has a problem.... and that one had best lean their camping purchases toward something minus the fossil fuels and improved road surfaces criteria..... Other than that, its a fine hobby... but I hope that people begin to take such hobbies a bit more seriously.... And instead of going fishing sometimes, and camping sometimes, it would be better if one became much more expert at it, and attempted to somehow come up with a way to make a living at it....... then when the day comes that the TECHNOCULT ends, perhaps you will hardly notice....... also its the cure to what ails us....
And when the women understand that true security lies in a more natural life, and that perhaps they really dont need to work fifty hours a week for the right to clean the house on weekends., is when women start to seek men who have the more natural existences going, is when humanity begins the path to sanity.... our civilization is a culture of fear and insecurity created to enslave us.... And both men and women are attracted to natural things that can lead to a more natural and more secure in real terms life, but we cant have all of our cake and eat it all too, but we can save a few pieces of it..... if we change now and see the climate change thing as a positive, an excuse, a reason, to give up what we really dont want or need and in its place put something a lot more fun to do day to day....

There is nothing that says your Yurt cant have a satellite up-link and Internet, or that you cant have nice floors and nice furniture and nice stuff in the kitchen area.... plenty of room to exercise your vanity, all we are getting rid of is the three quarters of your house that you really dont need anyway..... especially the payments..... What a beautiful concept, humanity freed from the chains of credit bondage, and free to roam God's green earth...... It will be so much better for the children, than being stuffed into a daycare, and seeing their parents so infrequently that they'd probably go home with the wrong parents and not know it.....

Much of the manipulation of humanity is through the females...... Us male types spend a lot of time and effort supporting and pleasing females..... These days, its mostly supporting via check, and seeing the kids every other weekend..... And people wonder why we have a generation of kids with no self discipline? Well, when the system collapses, all those checks in the mail are going to stop....... and all those women used to living quite good while their Ex lives in his brother's garage, will get to try to figure out how to survive without his economics...... And without his help either....... because they've spent years literally screwing him over for revenge, for that other woman...... which never would have happened if the wife had been decent, understanding, and easy to get along with, instead of being a manipulative complaining bitch...... Of course he went elsewhere..... she was using sex as leverage in a power trip..... And the other woman was smart enough to be nice........

When the shit hits theres going to be a lot of Karma deliveries...... I suggest any women still reading, do some research into the fall of the U.S.S.R., and pay particular attention to the aspects of how women were treated by socialism, and how the men got treated....

Before the collapse plenty of divorces, with the men and the system (read; mostly the men here too.) supporting women who divorced them and still expected to be maintained..... Well guess what happened..... When it all collapsed due to declining production etc., (a result of men feeling disenfranchised.) no one seemed to wonder why...... but people must eat, and food continued to be grown, and men are who do the heavy and mechanized work, so men had a little money or favors owed, and the women had no recourse, except to become sex-workers in a post modern reality.... this is why A.I.D.s is spreading so rapidly in eastern Europe..... fastest spreading area on the planet....
And its also why the Internet dating sites have been littered with eastern European women every since..... SOCIALISM TENDS TO LEAN MORE TOWARDS THE FEMALES, AND ANARCHY IS WHERE THE MALES DO BETTER........(and we cycle between them...)

In other words, Girls, you have a little problem coming over the horizon at you, and many of you have totally alienated many millions of males, who at the time were at least trying to be nice...... Now they're lucky to afford a beer, and the divorcees are living quite fine, if you discount their constant complaining, for more and more, on daytime TV........... But what is it going to be like to wake up in a world where there isn't a system? And the majority of the male population is deeply embittered towards females? Take a look at the phenomena like The Lords Resistance Army in Africa..... thats what a large survival group is like organizationally.... and the men Join-up, and organize themselves quite naturally, and with little fighting, according to personal abilities, and they have their women, plural, and new women get ASSIGNED to this or that male........... Gee? It might pay to already have a male of your choice, eh? One that you try to be good to, instead of trying to treat like a slave on a chain made from emotional manipulations of male tendencies to love, and our needs sexually......

What will we treat you like, when its common man back in the power position? The power position is NATURALY OURS, Women without outstanding abilities are pretty much POWER-WANNABEES in the male world, and what passes for normalcy now, is nothing but an aberration in human history.... Being pretty isn't going to get you much of a job title after the crash.....

One interesting difference between males and females, is we males are more inclined to line up our pecking order on one's actual capabilities...... we respect women who are effective and get results, and we dont respect women who got status or control positions via a bed......... All those jobs are about to be phased out..... Another point I would like to make, is the crash is being fueled in some part by the divorce dynamics, and men who have been disenfranchised and marginalized tend to evolve mindsets that are more MERCENARY........... I've observed it in myself....... I've observed it in others........... ROGUE MALE SYNDROME is what I call it.........( the Washington Sniper is an extreme but obvious example... two divorces w/children, and he was over the edge mentally....and he was even able to find a follower in a younger male...)

And any Sociologist will tell you that when a social system breaks down, before a new one is constructed, there is a time period of getting even for old hurts..... this is when the town thief's body bloats in the street...... as does the bodies of many, many other people who were stupid enough to think that a system would always be there to protect them, while they screwed over their fellow man......

Many people have an attraction to nature, its why books involving nature, horses and animals, indigenous cultures, gardening etc., and I would like to suggest that if you have such emotional connections, that you begin to see them in the light of being more than just a desire....
I see many female authors these days writing about more natural lives in their fiction, and often its easy to see where they lack real personal experience in their writings, and are getting much of their knowledge of the wild, or animals like horses, from other writings and books, and not from hands-on experience...... I would like to encourage people to nurture their want for a better connection to nature, but to switch from books, to actual touchy-feelie level experiences........ anybody with a horse would like to have help taking care of it..... and anybody taking care of a horse learns about horses on a real level.... also if you are helping care for horses, the chances of coming upon and opportunity for change, that involves more connection to horses, are much improved.... The way to get there is by doing it, and not by writing or reading about it...... Those women writing and reading these novels with more natural settings are doing so because they feel emotionally lacking in their urban lives and day jobs...... my message for them, is follow your heart, and you may find real happiness, instead of being stuck where you are by your own insecurities.... give up the house, and go for the horse..... and if its romance you want, Guys who are into horses would appreciate your company..... In other words, if you have a strong desire for a more natural life, now is the time to make that rock solid decision, and start relentlessly moving in that direction, and sacrificing what is un-real and un-sustainable to get it........

The desire is there..... only you have to decide not to get continually sidetracked by all the gross materialism, and focus on getting to that more natural life.... and you are running out of time.... getting older, and the system is going down hill..... and if you stay where you are, its likely fatal...... Plus one person tends to draw others..... in this case, away from the system and towards sanity..... so if you ignore the laughs, and build a gypsy wagon, others who aren't laughing, will see you, and take up the idea..... If you get into boats, your friends will learn about boats too........ and if you take your own freedom back, your daughters and sons will too..........



Really its been going on for several hundred years, since the beginnings of the industrial era,
and likely to some extent even before that..... The first scientist to propose the problem was in the late 1800's and That the planet has been warming up has been known to science since the early 1900's.....(Rachael Carson mentions it in her book on bays and estuaries, written in the 50's......) And I can understand science being a bit behind the curve while they were gathering data, ( just as they have been the last decade, but because of the sheer amount of work to be done...), but I don't believe that it took them over 100 years to figure out, after having it pointed out to them..... It will be interesting to see what gets written up in the history books, after the investigative journalist get done chewing up the issue due to its catastrophic results..... will it be blamed on scientist? No I dont think so, those people do what they do, very well..... I suspect other research took the funding....

So, I smell something fishy..... and as I know scientific information tends to percolate upwards on the social ladder better than it does in the direction of common man, I suspect a disconnect, and a much longer term one, than the current mass denial, which has been encouraged for a generation on the mass media..... What this tells me, is that the political elite for many generations have been aware of the problem and its consequences, and instead of dealing with it, they played the last century's wargames-with-live-meat eras, And built up a TECHNOCULT civilization based almost entirely on the very technology causing the problem, and then went on to trash the planet's forests etc., i.e. Burning the candle at it's other end too..... And when Africa began drying up, due to its latitudes, ocean currents, prevailing winds etc., nobody was able to make the connection? I don't believe that....... I think it has been GENOCIDE BY OMMISION............. The effect had a cause, and they were aware, and therefor responsible.... Generations of them....

What this means to me, is all the starving people I have seen on television all my life were starving because somebody thought lifestyle's effects would make a fine way to control populations........... Generations of decision makers (the Big Deciders?) have ignored the problem and gone on with business as usual..... what is coming is a holocaust, that will make all the wars and crimes against humanity of the last century seem as nothing....

What this says to me, is that as a group, the status quo are dangerously predatory....

Africa is only the first and worst.... the first continent to dry up..... others will follow suit.... So get a good eyeful on T.V., and prepare accordingly.....

And you also might think about your own responsibility..... and that every day you continue to live in the fossil fuels reality, you are in fact killing people, and trashing the biosphere that we animals, and the plants depend on to survive......... so what could possibly be a good enough excuse to continue? Vanity? Fear of change? Not quite as “comfy”? You believe that a technical fix will come along? You don't care, because you think it wont affect you in your lifetime?


A thought I had a few years back, was how appropriate the Muslim culture is for whats coming.... inland areas to dry up, and desertification of the continents..... Do you suppose that might affect American culture just a little? Cowboys on Camels maybe? And not just on a pack of cigarettes in their pocket...... They dont all smoke Marlborough do they?

I see it as affecting everything, and life could be a lot worse than the Bedouins now enjoy.... Clothing? Could be some new styles come in..... I wanna see Feminists wearing Burkas....... No I'm not Muslim..... Nor really all that Chauvinistic..... But I know the universe is a bit quirky in how it works, and I know hot days and cold nights are coming to a theater near you, soon, And when the countryside “dust bowls”, all the requirements are there for such a garment, for one to function in a post fossil fuels civilization.....

I also enjoy the humor in the idea.....

My point, is that the Muslim culture is an adapted to harsh conditions culture.... when one is living on the edge of survival due to just water stresses, it would naturally affect the formation and evolution of the culture..... We have things to learn from them.... Maybe we should be doing that, instead of pissing them off? And perhaps if we began to think about the “whys” behind the culture's differentness, we might be much less judgmental towards them...... I would also like to point out that copying some of their survival systems that worked, would be a good idea.... What appears to us as harsh in the now, may be seen as merciful in the future..... Will we be able to allow A.I.D.s to continue to spread due to promiscuity? There were laws a hundred years ago, in our own culture, against what passes for normal now....
These laws were based on thousands of years of survival culture... And the Muslims are a bit taken back, that they even have an aids problem..... my point is that the more strict culture has better survival characteristics now, and on other aspects as well...... And may have even more advantage in the future.... The playing field will not lean our way.....

Also in Wars there is an effect, whereby you become like your enemy......
Much of American appreciation for things and culture Japanese were a result of us having a war with them, and the Japanese business model came from an American economist..... also many War Brides changed cultures...............And this was when Americans took to Oriental Martial arts......

If I had an opportunity to go live a year with the Bedouins, I would do it gladly....Or to go live with the Tartars, for that matter....... How much could I learn?

I heard the other night on BBC ( that women in Turkey were protesting a proposed change to their law, classifying females as special, and in need of protection...

And the feminists were livid.... “We dont need protection, we want equality!”

Hmmmm? We dont need protection? OK, if you insist... but can we get you to sign a disclaimer? Because the very second there exist women not protected by their males, they will shortly be chattel property of some other males, who couldn't care less about their status on paper as equals..... So in other words, the women want the protection as a given, and no credit to males for it, and they want to be equal on everything else, right?

What about on child custody? When is motherhood coming off its pedestal, When will it not be a Sacred Cow any longer, and when will we quite trashing our kids so the women can live fat, and not be bothered with a male, and when will we quit using childcare as the leg a big share of the tax burden stands on? Women working? No problem.... Kids living with just one parent and the other one paying through the nose? This really isn't workable in the long term, and the effects are already arriving, on a grand scale.... Mommy's little Spoiled Barbarians are entering the job market of the empire..... And there seems to be some hunks missing from their psyches.... somehow a generation of one parent, didn't turn out like thousands of generations of two parents, And there are many Women out there who are now realizing exactly what I am talking about........ That their kids are screwed up, and the reason is Mommy was thinking of only herself, and trashed her marriage at a fine personal profit....

And the system? Well, it didn't want to be distracted from its Military expenditures, (that fuel the Military Industrial Complex,) by any new social spending...... So it was easy; stick it to Johny Lunchbox...... AKA; Dad..... What a nice thing to do for Dad! And the kids will be so much happier without any discipline, or anyone to teach male perspectives, or how to survive in the real world etc., Just Continually Screaming Moms from now on, and Dads sensed by check? One thing I have noticed in history, is anytime a culture does one of three things, that it only lasts a generation or so until its collapse.... one is land confiscation from the people, another is begin using credit at high interest rates, and the other is disrupting families......

As I see it, civilizations are supported on four points: first is excess food supply, second is the economy, third is the environment, and fourth is the family..... trash any one of these and you have serious problems..... How are we doing?


When some 15 years ago I decided to bag it all and go rewild myself, I was doing it due to my natural attractions, and what I had learned as a kid, keeping animals like lizards and ants in terrariums and a hobby with aquariums too.... Then I finally figured out that it would be better for myself and the animals, if I quit boxing them, and to be around them, I freed myself instead.....

After my escape from America, I went through a lot of shit..... starting with a corrupt immigration official, and continuing with problems with bad locals, etc., but eventually I came to a point where I just retreated socially, and spend more time with the animals, which I discovered was a very nice way to live..... My disconnection for many years from any sort of economy led to a decline in living standard, but I also had the experience of much time free and doing open air living..... My economics forced me into a porta-shelter, at least it was my choice of a way to continue..... But what I have learned is important, that really I'm doing fine on 100 square feet of floor space..... I read this year in a TIME magazine of some professor living in a house of a similar size to prove a point about energy conservation..... And I was instantly struck with the idea that perhaps people would do better, to do the small house trip, but make it a mobile, instead of a single room ranch style..... Why? Because if you both downsize and go mobile, it eliminates the necessity of a permanent job...... you can go south, or any other direction..... And that separation from the absolute necessity of a full time job, can open up many possibilities for one to go other directions on one's economic en devours.... like take up that hobby or craft that creates something of value that others need and want....
What I have discovered, is tranquility and contentedness, and from being more distant from large numbers of humans, closer to the animals and plants, closer to the earth, and more one with the GREAT SPIRIT........ And it didn't happen because I wanted it to, it just happens naturally when one does the right dance steps instead of the wrong ones......


Make money? Yea, its possible..... but first thing to realize is that slant towards whats natural being whats going to make it, and therefor being of real value....
An example, is My own realization years ago, that I was better off not counting on the system for a retirement.... I think I have been proven correct.... What I realized also was that things of real value were what was going to be of worth, and not anything on paper, or without some intrinsic utility.... So I bought the farm, paid $8,600 for about 70 acres in some backwater banana republic, and at its south end which has been an economic disaster zone since the locals ran off the fruit company........ What I knew, is that the climate and water, and the farm in general were going to be a much greater help to me, than any amount of money.... But my point is, I bet on what was real...... and reality was a bit uncomfy now and then, but the land values double almost annually here, and seem set to continue to do so, as long as money still exists.... Me? Spent most of my time in the hammock reading writing, doing hobbies, while my co-workers held their jobs and paid into retirement funds...

A guy up the valley with a farm on the same mountain range as mine, was offered half a
million dollars for a farm half the size of mine....... Now connect the dots..... I basically am becoming a millionaire sitting on my butt..... I dont intend on cashing in on it, but it makes a point..... I've actually done better than if I had continued working and paid into the public employee's retirement system like my friends did..... they worked the last decade, I played Tarzan..... and at the bottom line, hard economic ground gained, I did better.... You can bet on what has real value, instead of paper games, and come out ahead from now on doing it, due to the effects of whats coming..... I suspect the key to making money is to understand the effects of what is coming, and then investing in things that people will really need more of with the reality shift...... An example in my mind is wool blankets.... Its not impossible for a single person to be able to own every thing from the sheep to the loom.... meaning if your costs of living were low enough, you could make wool blankets from your sheep and market them yourself, and live free..... and I expect that with the artsy/craftsy economic dividend, i.e. People paying good prices for craft items, that a person or persons could do OK with such a family business, and never commute a day to a job in the city..... But they would have to give up the materialism and credit reality and be willing to live pretty low to make it happen..... In the U.S. Federal land is leased out for pasture.... its done with bids.... meaning if you had the capital, and were all ready and prepared, you could do such a trip......
Remember the Heidi story? From the book or movies? Remember the message? That even a little girl can be happy with a wholesome life but sicken in a less natural life....

Thats everyone's reality..... we get mentally and physically ill doing the Big Lie..........

But we get healthy and happy doing the natural one.... its also more secure in whats coming... And better for kids than watching TV in a daycare center.........


Anyway, back to my point, what do you suppose would happen to our sheep herding blanket maker during the collapse? No one is likely to make it out into the mountains to bother him or her much, and many people will need more blankets........ My point is that a most secure retirement can be built out of simple natural things, if one lets go of the house, car, credit card, and all the materialism that burdens you in innumerable ways......


Most of these words I have been writing, are to try to re-enforce a certain fact in your mind, that with global warming its inevitable that the system collapse, and that between now and that collapse, you have some time to get your trip together, literally.... how well you do, depends on how good you are at choices, what to lose, and what to choose.... and also on the timing factor.... what you have the least of is time......

And think about it this way, how many people read fiction, or watch movies, and realize that their life isn't what they want in their heart..... Those women writing the romances in natural settings, with horses and dogs, whats that all about? Are we perhaps admitting in an artistic literary way what we'd really rather be doing? Well, heres our big chance, and its a gotta-do-it.......

The fun part is the adventure for us guys, getting out and doing something..... taking some risks, and winning by our skills...... and the good news, is we can do it as a hobby until we are ready to pull the plug...... Theres more than enough information here to begin to free yourself..... and if you aren't ready to leave now, getting ready until you are ready, or until the shit hits, isn't a bad idea..........


One option that I've mentioned is doing a boat trip..... I personally believe this to be the very best option..... Mobility is security, and nothing else I can afford to own and live on is as mobile as a boat.... Living in the tropics is more fun than up north, and living on a boat is more fun than hanging around any group of humans too long..... Life should be lived.... and holding down a job to please yourself with regular trinkets, or worse attempting to please someone else, isn't a life in my opinion, and wont get you into “el hogar de los bien adventureros” or “the home of the good adventurers” with the phrase in English rather than its original Spanish.... Same idea as happy hunting grounds to native north americans...

Modern life sucks, its why so many spend so much time and money dreaming about better lives that they dont have, because so many lack the guts to do it..... Gee! Folks! Its not all that hard, and thousands are doing it as I write.... which is mind boggling, considering that from what I've observed most boats stay tied to a dock most of the time in the yacht marinas..... some people live aboard, and it looks like a bobbing trailer court to me at most yacht basins...... But that all belies a certain truth, that there are many people going places on the boats we don't see at the marinas.... I've heard that its about fifty thousand Americans at any one time are on their boats en route to their destinations of choice, and they aren't doing it on cruise ships..... That number could grow almost without limits.....

The first thing one realizes about the sea when you get out on it, is that it's very very big, and you are very small..... that means that even on boats you could fit billions of people on the seas, and none of them would be able to see anyone else most of the time for most of their lives..... What that means, is one can have a life with some time to think, and time minus so many problem people so close.... basically what I am trying to describe is a form of freedom..... and of all the things I can buy or do, freedom is generally the best investment towards my personal happiness.....

Personally I've been working on a boat design for many years, to solve the problems I had with a production boat..... my goal in the next few years is to build her.... Why? Because I know if I'm 30 miles or more off the coast fishing or just farting around, the chances of anyone bothering me is about zilch....... I've gone for thousands of miles and not seen another boat.... in fact, when one does see another boat, yachts, one likes to stop and chat via yelling or VHF radio.... its a rare occasion.....

The sea can be fairly ugly at times, but a good boat takes most of the risk out of it, and makes it safer in my mind than trying the crosswalk against the light.... If I keep my trip in order, and the boat is seaworthy, its nice even when it gets decidedly adventurous.....

One is most alive when one is involved in a little risk..... and there are few places as beautiful to take that risk, than on a ocean.....

Boats are easier to manage than cars, and theres more space to manage in..... Once you get out of the bay, and more than a few miles off the coast, all the sudden it opens up, and theres nothing but you and the universe beyond the horizon.... I've seen incredible beauty at sea, sunrises and sunsets, beauty in dark storms about to knock the hell out of me, and it haunts me to return....

I came up with the OCEAN NATION concept, and had a friend check the Internet for me, thinking of doing a website.... already some other fool with the same basic idea..... but to me thats a positive, but I'd avoid any craft made out of anything pieced or jointed together...
what the sea does have is power..... And I don't think I'd want anything that wasn't a solid monolithic unit..... There are reasons they don't hook boats together except in calms..... because when things get worked up a bit, it would take more than is feasible to keep any big heavy floating items from ripping themselves into hunks at the connection points..... big ships occasionally break up in storms.... but they are also pushing some very real design limits, and my point is that if you decide to go OCEAN NATION, do it in the strongest boat you can afford..... strongest hull, strongest rigging, and strongest sails..... and dont forget strong anchors and rodes..... Most yachts barely qualify..... made out of plastic and glass fibers.... or graphite perhaps.... theoretically very strong..... but the bad ones are known to break up....... There is a reason that 99% of the ships on the seas are built of steel..... because a well designed and built steel boat is incredibly strong.... on a yacht sized boat one generally uses plating as thick as on the big ships, and with enough internal structure, you end up with a boat much stronger than even the full sized ships are proportionally.... same materials, and less stress on a smaller hull than the larger.... what this means, is you can sleep through a hurricane off the coast and not worry overly if you have the right boat, while other boats are lost.....


The Universe is an amazing thing, and theres no way to say that without it still being an understatement.... The universe has rules that it operates by.... the primary control system is through cause and effect.... Do this, and that happens..... The universe is also bi-polar, which is how cause and effect act upon each other.... such things as cause and effect are physically inescapable..... But humans have learned ways to cheat the game.... Like building a civilization based in large part on pushing the effects of greed based decisions off on future generations.... That only works as long as you still have time to do it.... And when you run out of time, is when the actual results of your actions arrive.....

Personally I've come to see being politically correct as being mentally retarded by denying truth..... If we dont talk about the truth does it go away? If we badmouth our enemies, does that make us better than them in any way what so ever? I have learned to try to listen to all kinds of people, and I have learned to let go of ideas... by realizing that what I once believed, is not what I now believe, and that seems to be a continual process that creates enough pattern in one's life to be obvious once you notice it.... So, I've realized That if my beliefs change over time, what good is believing? Belief is confidence in an idea.... and ideas have to stand up to reality to continue to survive..... What we are after here is the truth, which is reality, and which is as impersonal as the very universe..... So why should I try to believe in this or that current buzz word concept, and why not just withhold belief in anything questionable, until what ever it is plays out long enough that the truth becomes self evident?.... I do have things I believe in like cause and effect, natural laws, and the facts we humans have learned that have stood up to the test of time.....

What we take for granted now as our normal reality in large part has not yet stood up to the test of time, because most of it is fairly recent.... and I think that the universe is functioning quite well in its local response to our irresponsible behaviors.... Things generally take some time, and the results of our collective actions are coming around as inescapably as the sunrise..... We can likely continue to live here on this planet for millions perhaps billions of years, if we do it in a balanced with nature fashion.... We will not last very long at all if we do not collectively pull the plug on much of what passes now for normalcy.....

And personally I dont expect that to happen soon enough.....
Which is why I write..... because the truth is invariably liberating.... Violent revolutions result in new masters in power, mental revolutions result in actual freedom....

I once was invited to a small private party, and spoke to a woman who was part native American, basically a hippy-dippy type, who told me of her involvement in groups doing activist work, they were suing the federal government to get Indigenous lands back....

I told her it wouldn't work, that it was like asking a vampire to donate the blood that you need because it bit you......

The only way to get your freedom back, and the only way to save the planet etc., is by giving up all the nice comfy materialism, and taking your freedom, and no longer feeding into the system your time and energy and belief........ that is the most revolutionary ideology ever...... and absolutely no threat to the system, because almost no one will do it....

You cannot save the planet by buying an electric car..... doing less damage is not equal to doing no damage..... the levels of damage we can do and get away with are incredibly low....
much lower, than millions of us being able to transport our asses in high speed contrivances....

I suggest you read Chief Seattle's letter...... that is a statement of cause and effect, and lays out what is acceptable damage to the ecosystem..... i.e. None................ if you live in a natural manner, you do no damage, and if you live in a city, drive a car, and eat out of the plastic trough, you are in effect a lying pig, if you try to pawn yourself off as politically correct, and environmentally proper... it all boils down to levels of hypocrisy.... The bigger pigs are less Hippocratic, but are more wrong......

Sustainable development is the Big Lie repackaged as politically correct.... there is no such thing on earth, Sustainable development is a concept that will only work out in space...... And the planet , is humanity's womb, and we are shitting in it, instead of going out to begin living in the bigger reality......

Why do I write? Because I think there are good humans, or at least those who struggle internally to be so..... And I think people can change...... but I dont think we have time to let cause and effect teach the Hypocrites their lesson, and still insure the survival of even those intelligent enough to get out..... Thanks to our incredible stupidity and vanity, there is no 100% insurance what so ever for anyone anywhere in whats coming..... but you can improve your personal odds, and perhaps not be genetically edited by the thousand battleships coming over the horizon at us.....
Success depends on your decisions, and those who are the least hypocritical have the best odds...... its all cause and effect folks, and if you wanna stay at the Big Babylon
Bash, until the party is over and the police arrive, go ahead, but I myself plan on continuing to de-hypocratize myself as I can..... And thats where the struggle is, its internal.... and I can't change anyone else, I can only change myself, to more conform with natural laws, and often less with human ones.......

Personally I consider it all an opportunity..... and opportunity to continue to live..... And I by nature's design I will do little to jeopardize my own life...... That gets off into insanity very rapidly...... Risky behavior on a large collective scale is surely as attractive to catastrophe, as the path of least resistance is to lightning......

Me? I'm much like everyone else, I like the goodies, I find this computer I'm writing on to be totally amazing.. magic..... I love to go places and buy things, I love Christmas for its pageantry and lights, simple things please me most.... But I know we are all in great danger, and by the time all the denial is removed, the reality will be very ugly for everyone..... All I can say, is never trust a government, (corporations are “little governments” by design.) and get as natural as you can as fast as you can....
And get the hell out of the empire if you are a decent person with a heart..... If you are greedy, a power tripper, or a liar, stay there in Babylon, Please.......

What do I do to entertain myself, besides writing this drivel? Well, I have this farm in future Panarica..... When I bought it, it was an eroded side of a mountain, that had been butchered and burnt and trampled upon, until what was once incredibly majestic forest had become scrubby brush regrowth...... There are a few areas almost still natural..... the rest was trashed down to the subsoil, and the bones of the mountain beginning to stick out here and there through the subsoil...... the pastures were full of rocks and brush, the creeks altered by livestock damage, and the hillsides covered with “cow terraces” my word for the distinctive patterns in the erosion caused by cattle....... its ugly to say the least...... but I do understand a few things about mother earth, and began first to help in the recovery by leaving things alone to fix themselves mostly....... I also did this because of no personal economy to do any damage with.... And since, I've learned more about how nature works, which is lucky, because I got some economy going........ Basically I've been running a two man experiment on how to fix such damage as was done by past stewards.... Years ago I read a really good book on human agriculture called: “Plough and pasture” I think...... it was by and English person, and so the spelling of plough, rather than the American plow...

Anyway, back towards point, This book had an info tidbit, on the things humans have done, and do that last the longest.... “move dirt, plant plants, and build with stone.” and I realized that this concept had in it the seeds of human survival built into it somehow, but that I wasn't sure of all the possibilities...... I though about all the civilizations that had done such activities, and left their marks upon the planet..... some of it beautiful enough that people pay a lot of money, and travel far from home just to go see..... I suppose that some do that to go see foreign cities etc., but to me modern cities lack “Architectural Coherence” to coin a phrase.... our designers often do such ugly work in an attempt to please excessive vanities and ego.... i.e. Their clients..... of which there are many, and each has his own projects going, and isn't inclined to try to harmonize his building to anything other than what ever the current or advant guard architectural style is...... It give modern cities a “city dump” look..... mish-mash, garish, random ego in concrete....

But I had this piece of land, and it was my turn to do something..... If I just left it alone, in hundreds of years, it would still be damaged, by the forests having all the decent woods removed, and that genetics so missing..... could I possibly replace it all? No, I wouldn't be able to duplicate exactly, because of the sheer variety of what had been removed or destroyed, It was like being a plastic surgeon, trying to create a face horribly scarred by burns, You gotta just do your best, and thats all you can do..... But I'm a bit artistic, so is doing my best trying to just recopy what was there originally? No..... and I knew from personal travel that humans have created some really beautiful things, things that don't detract at all from the natural world around them.... So I decided that it was my opportunity to create something... and decided my theme was going to be humans and nature living together, with humans kind of these little gardener type creatures, who moved dirt, planted plants, and built with stone... I also had an idea of what the future was going to be like, and that I personally was going to need food, water, cooking fuel, and shelter.... I also wasn't such a purest, as to not need an economy going for myself and family.... And being a student of Taoism, I want to balance it all some how..... and I envisioned a utopia, as so many men have, only mine wasn't going to be some social concept, mine was going to just be a humble family farm, with balance with nature kept in mind all along the way....
In my area the banana company had brought in fruit tree genetics from all over the planet, some 50 years ago, and the locals mostly didn't see the value in it, no imagination beyond working for a dollar an hour or less, and having a fat wife if possible, and more kids than they could come up with names for without resorting to the bible....... they just planted whatever they liked, and never more than a tree or two..... I saw this genetics as incredible potential, the ability to turn my old totally screwed farm, into a paradise in real terms, and so when I had found a decent worker, which took several years of going through some really worthless types, we began to carve trails and accesses, plant fruit trees, and terrace the areas, and I had to decided to go with an old board shack the Ticos left, and put my money where my mouth was going to need to be in the future, i.e. We started planting the trees etc. while I lived on 25 cents a day or less to be able to make it happen..... Its been a long haul, but now I have trees I planted with my own hands dropping fruit, and even a breadfruit tree planted to drop food in my kitchen... Living in the tropics is so nice...... I wouldn't trade my farm for all Manhattan...
Anyway, the project is still small, but a lot of work for my poor worker, but he supports a family now, and we're doing ok, for struggling with problems of the third world.... I've had a peace corps guy bring out locals to see the farm, and I've taught some things to a few local people who had enough energy to bother to listen.... What I have going, is an example of the cure available to humanity, as soon as they start to think beyond personal vanities, and on into quality of living for all..... Basically whats happening now on planet, is the rich are buying everything up, using fiat currency systems to do it, and then making all the people into credit slaves using psyc-ops techniques and a television for a brain washing machine....... (The “mental Maytag”) all the land, wealth, and resources are being concentrated into the hands of a few, and common man might as well grow horns and wool, as he is used up and butchered as sure as any goat..... The good news is it wont work...... not even with their total control technologies.... because if life isn't worth living humans tend to suicide by killing their oppressors no matter what.... even at the costs of their own lives.... The results of control and manipulation is inevitable catastrophe, and humanity is going full speed in that direction, regardless of the consequences..... But it wont work, every man has to have his own thing, or no amount of coercion through lies and policestate mentality can make him produce consistently for very long, before he realizes he might as well be a slave of 200 years ago for the effects of modern reality.... At which point the more intelligent begin looking for a way out, even if its death or rebellion, or living in the brush like a wild man......

I prefer the latter option.... its kinda pleasant really, the trick is to have some style, and enough guts to make it work, and a few wits laying around somewhere, for when things go wrong.....


Anyway, now some years down the road on the fruit project, and about to have some harvest start trickling in, which will be nice.... I dont expect it will amount to too much, as the economic end is four or five hundred citrus, mostly limes, as thats the citrus that is worth most, and planted least... (here)...

We've planted many other varieties of fruit also, but in smaller quantities, usually due to limitations on starts, money, or time and energy available... but what we do have is some real food security.... and its just starting to arrive.... Fruit in the tropics is distinct from fruit in colder climates, much more to choose from, and some of it is more like staple foods, than fruit.... what that means, is I can have a varied diet, where if I had stayed on my farm in Oregon, I would have had to survive on dried apples or something similar when the collapse hit..... instead, I have all kinds of stuff, and am experimenting with it all as I am able, as it starts to produce....

We are also starting to work with stone, doing paths, retaining walls here and there, and this dry season I entend to start pulling limestone out of an area that has nice big flat ashlar style stone..... pavers, its what I have in my kitchen area, but soon should be able to start working with that resource larger scale.... I'm thinking that with the earthquake potentials rising etc., to keep the stone work fairly low to the ground, halfwalls on any structures, and use the pavers for floors and benches...... Its all coming along slow, but I think in time I will have something like a mini-Machu pichu......
The thing for most readers to realize, is that I am these days able to do all this including the worker, on about what a minimum Social Security check for one amounts to, in the $500 per month range......
And people living up in the Northern climes couldn't make it on that amount, if they lived in their car...... I have every day free, and tend to spend my time being creative....
I also cook a lot, usually bread from scratch, over an open fire.... I had fresh hot yeast bread this morning..... its a rough life, eh? If you eliminate the worker, my personal economy is about $200 per month, and thats what I live on, and still manage to invest 40% of that in something to better my life each month.... How is it possible? Well, its the full time camping lifestyle.... its very very efficient in all aspects.... I have also learned to stay home..... if I stay home I dont get attracted to materialism in the stores, dont feel like doing a 90 degree turn, in to drink a beer, and not tempted to buy prepared food... all of which are costly..... I also live alone, No woman..... which has its good side.... several of them actually..... All the women know more than me, they're all chasing little hunks of paper in towns and cities all over the planet, paying for housing, food, cars, gym memberships etc., and I and my meager little economy dont rate, not even a third worlder.... the lack of a regular house structure has protected me countless times from the desires of my own heart and body... Plus it helps to not be so overly handsome...... Those guys get into big trouble with women with endless expectations.... me? Only my dog expects to be fed.....

What I do know is as things worsen in the Big Lie, I'll become more and more handsome, from betting on whats real, and not what is normal.....
I'm seeing the local females actually start to listen when I do my sermons on bus's etc.,
I educate by conversing with friends, while everyone else is listening in..... mostly on global warming and future reality... they all listen better now, as global warming is starting to be mentioned on what passes for TV here, and the local economic reality is starting to put the squeeze on people.... their $1.00 an hour job isn't as lucrative as they thought.....

Anyway, I get by, I dont have to work, and I am able to prepare for whats coming.....
All of this is possible because I had the guts to have a dream and go do it, rather than just sitting on it and eating myself with stress from wanting this and doing that instead.....

The funny part, was how easy it all was..... Oh! I ran into plenty of problems, all mostly with humans, but compared to my fears, its been a cake walk, and I dont have to put up with a boss, co-workers, and so far not even a woman.... ( The dog is better behaved......)

These days I wonder, how long it will be before things get bad enough that people actually start to think.... I also wonder what it will be that trips the trap? The Economy isn't really a real economy, basically its a system to siphon off feed to a trough that many people eat out of and very few fill... 1% of Americans feeds the other 99%, and there are difficulties happening that put the food supply at risk, and if it all unravels, that 99% and the 1% will both be wondering what happened to their fat lives.......

There is absolutely no inherent security to a system where the majority of the people have no contact with their roots on a survival level.... If it was 99% growing food, there would be more security due to the decentralization, and the diversity of crops grown etc., but as it stands now, some bogus thing can happen to the bogus economy, and it all hits the wall...


Personally, I'm trying to edge my way towards having what I need, being where I need to be, and to be doing what I need to be doing.... the bazaar part is that one doesn't need much, where one needs to be is generally a nice place, and you can do all you really need to, in your spare time, as if it was a hobby.....

The key to it all, is in realizing that its in your best interest to get out, and to get low, low enough that its sustainable no matter what...... I've found it to be better than the results that would have taken place, if my vanity had had its way with me..... Vanity is the destroyer..... it takes you to the brink, and abandons you there.... much better the path of humility.... its slower, and often more difficult to navigate, but it leads to somewhere nice, its sustainable, and you dont kill yourself working for things you dont really need anyway...

To me its amazing that humans get so caught up in normalcy.... and I find it amazing that growth for the sake of growth has been the path chosen.... certainly no Sages in power positions for a long while..... Well, I hope some people understand my points and realize the safety in taking to the hills, instead of taking out more credit debt......


The hard thing to do is to make the leap.... we fear the unknown.... but look at it this way, you wouldn't have gotten this far in my writings if you didn't already have attractions to the things I speak of..... which means you have likely acquired some hobbies or skills that can relate...... some people are limited to what they have read in books, or seen on TV, etc., but an attraction can be fed like a small fire, twigs and bits and hunks at first, and in due time the wolves back off, and you can cook, eat, and sleep in the warmth, and hopefully not have nightmares of your life in captivity....

Subsistence is simple in concept, and somewhat difficult in execution, but it is do-able......
When sanity is relative to an insane social construct, heading for the outback becomes strange to even think about... but, it is what it is, and its roots go deep into the earth of truth....

I think very soon we will see many more homeless people..... I wonder how long it will take them to figure out that things aren't going to get better again? Will some be intelligent enough to realize the times for what they are? And go back to natural lives, like the Indians in Guatemala after the collapse of the Mayas.... The people are still there, they just quit living in the cities and sacrificing each other to the gods of power.....

These days fires in the dry west, drought in the dry east, and flooding here and there, either too much or too little, and no stability, which is what happens if you twiddle with natural balances..... Meanwhile, everybody thinks that if they just have more and more, everything will be OK..... Think about how twisted it is.... acting as if consumers control the economy... As I write, thousands of people in public shelters etc., wondering if they can go home again, or if its burnt to the ground? Will any of them learn anything? Will even one realize that to rebuild is folly, and they would be better off just letting go of the American dream, and looking for a way to live that doesn't require so much effort that goes to support an overhead of economic elite...... Think about that concept, how long and hard you work and how much of it only goes to support people who want most, to run your life for their own personal gain.... They're like some High School clique, noses in the air, held up by filthy money, and they get indignant if you presume to have any rights at all.........

I've worked for them, I've observed the snide glances, and the occasional degrading comments etc., but I've learned to not take seriously anyone with no ability to survive without a pack of hyenas to back them up..... The lone wolf becomes a strong wolf......
And the hyenas eat from diseased carcasses.....

I try to gnaw at projects leading to my goal..... yesterday I built a gaff hook for sea fishing.... It took me about two years to have the economic liberty to buy a made up hook, and the handle I did over about a 5 year period, a step at a time, and I just headed for that minor goal unconcerned with how long it took, just kept my eyes on the prize, and this morning I did the wrap for grips out of nylon twine, and finger painted some varnish over the whole...... Its drying as I write.... A very nice tool, crafted to my ideals, and I wouldn't trade it for some cheap consumer quality fake...... it will lift all the fish I can lift.... Not some cheap piece of thin-wall aluminum pipe, but of Tropical Iron wood...... wood good enough for bowstaves.....

And by doing it myself over time, I didn't need to hold down a job, pay for the costs of working, pay taxes through the nose, and then buy a made up unit from some corporation that feeds its share holders on my efforts, and allows them to think they are my betters....

Silly monkeys, you will soon be very lost and hungry and afraid, and if you come into the light of my campfire and expect me to feed you, as you have always been fed by those whom really do something, you will be disappointed......

Why did it take so long? Well living on a couple hundred dollars a month is hard anywhere, and also it took me time to go through all the steps due to lacking this or that and having to wait to get it, often things just barely connected to the project.... What I am doing, is keeping on track, and making time work for me instead of me using up all my time paying for instant gratification..... I have other such projects, all in various stages of completion, but they all have something in common, they all make my life better and add to my actual security, while you chase a retirement that was a lie the day they sold you on it...........

It all boils down to the down side of division of labor.... yes the division of labor allows more production, but mostly it allows that elite class to occupy high towers while their victims wade through whats at street level....

But, back towards my point: the other side of division of labor is self sufficiency, doing it for your self, and reaping 100% of the harvest of your efforts.... and yes its limiting, but they are natural limits and not all that bad to live with..... much better than living with limits that you can never reach, and destroying God's green earth in the process.....

I find myself very comfortable thinking in terms of 1600's era technologies, and still using higher newer tech., to make it happen.... Like blacksmithing with a torch and an electric welder, I can work the black iron easier than my great grandfather did, Who was a blacksmith on an Indian reservation in the Dakotas, but, I can also choose to make things that he would be familiar with......

Another mental construct that I use, is imagining what it would be like if the Americas hadn't been forgotten between Ericson and Columbus.... Like what if contact had been kept up and the indigenous peoples had picked up on things like iron and steel, and building boats with lumber instead of hollowing logs out.... The reason this didn't happen was due to Europeans being used to bad sanitation, and being disease ridden in comparison to the Indians.... I suspect in due time it will all play out full circle, and the buffalo will return.... Anyway, my point is that I can create that meld of cultures and technology if I want to, I dont have to let it to continue to not happen because I live inside a group that frowns on individuality......... The key to survival, is going to be in having your own trip together.... and those Yammerheads who think the government is there to save their silly asses are making fatal mistakes..... My point is there exists a path that mixes technology with nature on a real sustainable level, and could result in plenty for all..... I call it Retroprogression, going back to what works, and abandoning what doesn't work for me.... and what works for me can work for you if you let it....

Before the industrial revolution, the chances of humans destroying any fishery was fairly remote.... now thanks to growth for the sake of the wealthy, all the fisheries are on the verge of extinction.... and like the now defunct outdoor gear company Herters used to have repeated in their catalogs; “Man cannot survive where nature doesn't exist.......”

All of those cities feed like Vampires on the territory beyond the public services..... out where the money seldom reaches is where the wealth really comes from.... it all is dependent on cheap transportation, and when we wake up and discover that we must without fail quit the fossil fuels, those cities become Dinosaurs, and we are in fact lucky that the sea will take most of them soon anyway..... Few will survive, when all could have..... But they just insisted on keeping to the easy looking path.... sooner or later all downhill trips end up in a swamp somewhere...... and those who trek back into the hills find sanity there..... Isn't it time you started planning a permanent vacation? Wouldn't you sleep better with out all the worries???

Good question..... and I suspect the answer is stranger than even fiction..... My opinion?
We were planted here..... or at least so say the legends.... they also say we get visited now and then..

Do I believe in little green men? Sure, billions and billions of stars out there, and some of them probably have inhabitants that fit the description..... Have they ever come here? I dont know... but I wouldn't bet on it... But what I do know enough to bet on, is that we have been visited, and that we were planted here..... I've noticed a few commonalities to human myths..... They all seem to include some kind of sky gods...... The Bible for instance, in Genesis 6...... take a look.... there should be the word Nephilim in that chapter, but some bibles omit it.....Internet Search Nephilim, and you will find all kinds of myths concerning them.....
Did they plant us? Maybe, Have they manipulated us? You bet, on occasions...... There are now thousands of people who assume this all to be true.... I assume that part of it is true.... all legends have a kernel of truth... Now on to important questions, like Why? Well, if they are anything like us, it was for personal interest....... which isn't a good thing..... I dont see anyone else's personal interest as being all that good for me..... so why should some Galactic culture's? One possibility is they put us here for the same reason sailors in the days of sailing ships put goats on uninhabited islands.... they could come back in years, and have plenty of meat waiting..... And unfortunately many of the legends support such a thesis... What is important to me, is I came to this conclusion alone, and on scant facts, only to find out later that many others came to the same conclusion with even more information....

The Bad news if this is true, is that they are due back soon, according to the Mayan Calendar legend.... Which many others are also aware of.... What does this mean to the average person? Well other than entertainment value, its another reason to not get too hung up on the big lie, because if Extra-terrestrials show up, The best place to not be is in the cities etc., if nothing more than for the temporary disruption and panic on their arrival, and if they like humans enough to make a steady diet of us, one best be seldom seen and very very hard to catch, to avoid the cook's attentions.....

So far, no fleet of ships has shown up, and dropped the doors to their freezers, for all the religious fanatics to march up the ramp, and into, with drums, horns, and bagpipes playing.....

I think I'll stay home, and if anything spend some time where I can see and not likely be seen.... Might also be a good time to have the old bug out kit in perfect order.....

What would worry me most if there were an arrival? Well whether I got enough warning as to how they were... I'd be looking at any images for long teeth, and narrow set eyes, which is usually the case with predators..... After that, my next worry would be the fillings in my teeth being metal.... very easy to detect from a long way up.... but fortunately the indigenous cultures in this area buried their dead with metal objects all over these hills for thousands of years, so on radar my fillings might not show up against this background..... lets hope....

After that, my personal goal would be to be one of the goats still on the island when the ship departed..... What is the most likely way to achieve that? By being hard to catch.....
Or just not worth the effort..... Not much meat on these bones, I'm not some nice plump well fed lawyer..... or even better fed Politician..... No jowls standing out proud where I should have a neck, not much body fat, And when scared, I've jumped and run like a deer....

The biggest problem for me, would be all the other humans running for the brush and hills at the same time..... could get crowded if the cities all emptied out.....

And if they are predators, they really like hunting...... But I know the secret, its to be as wary as a deer, and to go where the predators dont want to go to get me..... I.e. Brush so thick, and terrain so rugged, that they just content themselves with the nice fat easy ones..... Lions go after the slow zebras...... and the stupid ones.....

Do I think we will get visited again soon? Maybe..... this morning I was eying the comet with my binoculars, and didn't see any tail, which I heard reported on short wave radio.... Comets have tails.... no tail, and its not a normal comet... but who knows, could be just far away, or my eyes not being good enough.....


What! Am I crazy? Killing the children? What is this? Surely insanity!

Yes, but that is exactly what we do as cultures..... Scott Nearing touched on it in his book “the Making of a Radical” ........

what am I talking about? Well it started in ancient times, kings would notice that there were lots of beggars, thieves, and excess slaves, and he would send around the troops to run a sword through the first born sons, or who ever was convenient....

This technique had a down side to it, you kill people's kids, and pretty soon there are plenty of parents training to be assassins..... with kings as their target number one, and the troops also become targeted, as they get caught, away from the pack of other jackals......

From these roots evolved diplomacy and foreign policy...... One could arrange things where a neighboring king helped by getting to play the bad guy, and his people, generally of another ethnic group, became the bad guys too, and the two kingdoms had a convenient war of limited scope or duration, and the kings would conscript the excess slaves, (read lower and middle classes.) and put the two groups against each other, kill off a few hundred thousand or a million now and then, and then the war could be over thanks to the diplomats stopping it, and everybody thought it was OK, or at least the bereaved parents weren't looking to poison the king's supper...... They accepted it as the normal way of things......

And thats where we still are today, the slaves have never figured it out, that its a big game, and war doesn't get played like chess where you go after kings and ministers, and avoid taking pawns because its a waste of a move generally......

Its a waste the pawns game, and the majority of casualties in modern times aren't even in the military, Ever notice how now days the targets seem to be civilian populations?
Check out the pseudo-terrorism, why do they target common folks? And not go after the scumbags making the policies that they don't like? Well because all leadership likes to waste excess pawns first, and terrorists are also trying to prove that the government is not in control and that they are, so as to be able to replace the old tyrants with themselves as new tyrants...........

The space elevator technologies superceed this logic.... there is no excess population for the status quo to kill off.... the problem is a status quo that lacks any form of imagination, other than what they can get for themselves by any means possible.........

Imagination is a prerequisite for real leadership........

Of which there are very few........... We dont need government....... we need to be left alone to discover our own limitations.... the reason humanity is facing possible extinction now, is because of excess manipulation on the parts of a thousand generations of liars...............

The Ruling Class.............

It is also because of the gullibility of the middle and lower classes..... there are two sides to everything in this universe..... we cannot control the lies, but we can control what we do and how we choose to live and die..... And almost nobody lives natural or dies of natural causes in these times..... these are poisonous times...... a planet where run away greed, ego, and vanity, have pretty much insured a future as bleak as the Antarctic ice pack.....

But there will dawn a new day, and those who make it from point A to point B on the time line will see the world as a new beginning.... its all a survival test folks..... and it isn't the biggest and the roughest and toughest who will survive, its the ones who use their head, and get low, cultivate minimalistic tendencies in themselves and their families, and who begin to try to reconnect to their natural roots.....

The things that are soft in the universe overcome what is hard......... water and wind use the very dust and sands to carve the bones of the mountains down over time... and what we are dealing with is the “finals” in the test of humanity....... Those who exploit others only set up bad karma for themselves, and if it takes some time to come back on them, that doesn't mean it wont happen..... usually it takes the universe awhile to come round on trouble makers, but it invariably does so..... and generally with hefty interest payments.....

People just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace and reasonable security and comfort, and instead we have all been sold a bill of goods by those who have hijacked reality and created a large pyramid scheme with themselves at the top..... The only sure cure isn't protests, or revolutions, its just to pick up our toys and not play any longer......
If you use Caesar's coin, you will pay taxes..................

If you are living some life closer to the earth, you will find freedom and real security in living by your own wits, and not have to lie to yourself and self-convince that its the Pack forever, and that your identity and security depend on defending it, right or wrong..... That my friends is the super highway to sure destruction.....

There is a reason we are each individuals, and not all part of a single entity..... individuals can make mistakes and learn and go on to survive..... some do die, the one's that dont learn or think well, like those who die in car accidents..... they assumed wrong that the bad luck would happen to somebody else..... Statistically they ran out of rope......

And some person who avoids mechanized transport has in fact a much better chance of living out a full life..... its the denial heads who die..............

Basically the universe is a stacked deck, over time we are limited to very few options, only what works in real terms, and not what only appears to work, and in fact feeds on human lives and human suffering, and the vast portions of pie go to those with the worst mental problems.... Interesting times folks....

Camel-back nukes? What am I talking about? Well the obvious end result of the current affairs in rocketry.... See Hamas there on your TV? Lobbing home built rockets into Israel?
Where do you 'spose that will end up in a few years? Well, I suspect it will be mated with micro-nukes technology to eventually produce a backyard scale ICBM..... Sure is going to be hard to control nuclear proliferation by trying to limit bigger players from entering the game.... and rocketry is getting to the point softball sized payloads can be orbited on very small rockets..... now consider the potential of carbon nano tube fiber in such en devours....
rocket motors and nukes could both benefit from its use in the construction of containment vessels... be it a nuke the size of a walnut, or a rocket an inch in diameter, stronger materials translate into more bang for the amount mass...... Imagine world war three, where the U.S. Relies on air superiority, and a bunch of smug generals plan the battles etc. only to find out that the Chinese have used such tech., to build anti-aircraft defenses that are incredibly cheap, and seriously effective...... And mass produced in factories financed by major corporations whom assumed that the Chinese had no options but to bow down before our heady military power.....

And who do you strike back at, if these missiles of the future get launched, at first from some no-mans-land area that the local government has no real control of........ perhaps even a friendly government......

my point is that technology is about to superceed current thinking by a lightyear or two....
What value will politics have if its lies and manipulations mean nothing to people who have lost loved ones in far away places due to our economic and foreign policy, and all of the sudden they can take up a collection, or sell some resources, and get a $10,000 micro nuke on a rocket that they can launch at any target on the planet.....

It wont be just the Jews in Israel needing deep bunkers to count their money in....... No place would be safe from vengeance....

The reason there are wars is because some humans are pigs, and others dont have enough to make it, and decide death killing one's oppressors, is preferable to living under their oppression...

Hoarding wealth is sick....... balance is healthy......... and to date almost all crimes against the planet and against humanity are based on a few being very very piggish, thinking that power is security.... which it isn't, power is more like a lightening rod, or better like a transmitting antenna.... any radio station engineer will tell you that an antenna transmitting power is more likely to attract lightning than an inert one......

What is evil? Real evil, is anything that goes against whats natural.......

In these times, everything is un-natural..... the lies on the media..... George is on the news this week for kissing the German chancellor's aft end, so she'll have an excuse to side with him, and collectively they and their political cronies on the nightly news can start that nuclear war they've been wanting, and blast, fry, and mostly poison, a few million more slave units belonging to rulers who don't want to play by their muchly slanted rules.....

Is that healthy psychology? Why are these people assumed to be leaders? Because they show up on your TV, and the hand-puppets called presenters say they are.... These people are really nobodys..... just little lies of the big lie........ The truth is that its them causing the problems.... and people kinda like them on “the other side”............ Its all greed driven, always has been, and will continue to be so until the GRAND FINALIE, which is about to arrive if everyone stays hooked to their programming machine...............

Ideology is always the excuse given..... wars are invariably fought over territory, resources, or slaves.....

Greedheads are attracted to power, money equates as power, power is poisonous, slaves make such good victims...... Until they've had enough, and roll out the guillotines, or lacking that, buy some rope...... Personally, I suspect the greedheads are about to nuke themselves and everyone else at the same time, and so the guillotines can stay in the museum....

its nothing more than a continuation of the present..... where do you think this is all leading to? Are we headed toward peace? I dont believe so...... Will you fry and die where you are, or will you get out in time?

TECHNOLOGY IS INERT, its what humans choose to do with it that causes the good or the evil..... I think one would be wise to use their resources to opt out of the game.....
These days I spend my time making my Neo-indigenous gear, heading in a direction that has some inherent security to it.... I feel that if I am the least bit wise, I will use resources and technology at my disposal to fabricate the artifacts that I will need for the future.....

Could you do the same?

Could you begin to play at it?, moving your life as rapidly as possible more towards a natural life, even if its in small ways...... The first thing to learn, is that you have too much junk..... Wouldn't it be nice not to have to spend all your time acquiring and maintaining such a collection of useless vanity pleasers? Why do we all have daydreams of getting away, out of the system? Because it's artificial security comes with a really ugly price tag, your freedom...... It took me years to deprogram myself.... pieces of programming falling away like dandruff on my collar....

I guess we need some anti-programming shampoo to wash our brains with, in that front loader washing machine, we keep in the living room................
The more I learn and do towards a natural path, the better things get for me...... No wealth, no fame, nothing to put me in People Magazine, but my life gets better and better.... time to think, time to write, time to make things that better my life, and not have a middleman in the mix, to rob me, between desire and accomplishments............ I desire something, I plan it, and then I make it, and after that, I use it to my greater pleasure, not only because its arty, and useful, but because the method I have employed to fill my own needs and desires further liberates me, and also gives me security, not to mention all that I learn by just doing the project myself...... If I look like some “Willie Nelson Indian” fine with me, my ancestors were all doing fine as indigenous tribes in Germany, England, Ireland, etc., before the Romans came to town with the enslavement game..... I once heard a radio interview of a Native American Shaman, and he had been going to Germany, and mixing with the Germans.. When asked why? He replied that he liked the Germans because they were often very much like his own people, at least in their heads and hearts.....

I thought about the statement for years, and realized that civilization was that thin veneer, and that my German relatives were still those tribesmen and women, they have just been temporarily sidetracked by the big lie.... Another connected tidbit I've realized, is that there are tribes on this planet that love to explore and go places and mix with other peoples on a grass roots level.... its hard to go anywhere on the planet and not run into north Americans, or Germans.... Be it the White Hunters in Africa of a century ago, or the two biggest groups of foreign residents in my local area, its always the same two groups...

We are still men inside...... And the wealth gained from travel may not fill many Bank vaults, but it sure makes for a more enjoyable life on a day to day basis, than sitting somewhere doing something to make money, that all seems to go for the costs of working....

Lighten up, first the stuff that aggravates you.... Then what you dont really need, and eventually get down to just what keeps you warm and dry and fed and clothed..... and protected from those power trippers, who will soon begin killing wholesale everywhere at once.... why? Because you have become a threat to their greed, by your very existence........

There's not enough to go around anymore, and still allow them to be pigs too.... Take a look at the news.... Darfurs? Why? Oil....... who? The Chinese and the Americans fighting a somewhat loose proxy war of depopulation....... All those black folks living indigenous have to go, So genocide it is...... Which makes it some your karma too..... unless you divorce yourself from the whore of Babylon, and get out of her...... No one steps outside the box and studies the reality with a narrow gaze....... everyone has their head inside the box that sits on the TV stand, or hangs on the wall so awesome big-screen.... Television is the box............

And you cant think outside of it, if you are on the inside......

Have some shame...... People are being raped, murdered, and starved, and all they want is to continue to farm the land and raise their children...... its not their fault there is oil under it, and if you continue to be part of the cause by sucking “the mother of all pig's teats”, you will share in what the universe sends to rebalance things.....

No? read Chief Seattle's letter..... The only real security, the only real sanity, is to walk very very softly on this planet..... and where are you? Chasing some imaginary numbers in a computer somewhere? No? Check out money..... its all fiat now, its all imaginary, and the big bankers are curing their little problem with the economic system, by infusing it with more and more imaginary money...... How long until it all falls? Do you realize what they are doing? Using what is false, in larger doses, to prop up belief, in what is false......

How long will this continue? Well considering every dose of more false erodes the perceived value of the currency, its a game of diminishing returns..... The devaluation of your paycheck is directly connected to this downhill slide..... They are infusing your life's blood into the system to get it to continue to function, sucking you.......

In other words, you are both the sucker and the suckee at the same time..... and they skim off your stupidity dividend.......

Wouldn't it be so much nicer to be someplace peaceful, some place with some nature, someplace with some beauty..... even if it meant having to live with out all the vanities........
Few, so very very few will opt out of the dance of death.... No one will miss your presence in the big lie..... it will go on for awhile without you.... and then it will crash, and you will be more than thankful you got out in time.... dont try to change it, you cant..... you can only change your own future through your own choices, just like you always have, but perhaps a tich more aware now...... awaken! Find your heart, find your mind, quit nodding at some stuffed shirt on the tube..... All he knows is what he was programmed to know.....
Its why John Lennon died fairly young, he wrote a song called “imagine” and soon he was dead..... and we still have governments, and religions, and cultures, dividing us up into groups so very easy to manipulate into killing and robbing each other......

Our defect is our egocentric minds..... its always them and us...... until it our turn to be them and their turn to be us..... what goes around, comes around..... and using Nukes on anyone, insures nukes being used on us......... its simple technology.... A tich difficult to refine the U-235, but any modern culture can do so....... if North Korea and Pakistan can do it, and India, or even France, it isn't all that hard to do..... and unless we institute social justice planet wide, its only a matter of time until some one with a serious grudge comes up with a way to make you suffer for what they've suffered, (so you can continue to live in a dreamworld of vanity)..... It wont bring their loved ones back, but at least you will not be able to continue to live in that dreamworld after you've had the dogshit bombed out of you too.....

And what am I doing these days? Working on my kit, finally got my lance together, it wants some decorative ribbons, I just need to dig out the cloth to cut strips for said ribbons,
'thinking green and yellow, somehow just seems to go with the whole.... I see myself now as a modern version of “the Green man”, that mythical character in European culture, with a face made up of leaves, signifying the human connection with nature.... I'm heading towards being more and more such a character..... Green politics? Not a chance, politics is by its very nature opposite of whats natural, and I dont believe politics of any color will save us now.... Its all just pretending to be doing something right, and allowing its adherents to lie to themselves about the house and the sport utility vehicle in the driveway, and the job for the system, which collectively results in the trashing the ambient ecosystem..... hypocrites... all hypocrites, and none of it will save you from your karma..... we are all going to suffer soon...... not just a few in far away places.... but there is an out...... the natural security of living a more natural life.... it needs to become a religion, not just some pretend pagan thing, but a heart felt, and actions supported, change in direction.... Even Jesus in the bible tried to steer people away from money and away from the system.... he trashed the bankers in the temple, he talked against money, and he talked going for a more natural life.... he also talked about being truthful, and not being greedy..... read for yourself, and then compare how it all relates to modern Christianity, with its yuppie like success models for morons.....

The real Christians aren't seen in churches, they know better, and have shame..... No? What did he say about praying? Dont do it in the Synagogue, do it in your closet.... dont be like the hypocrites..... TV evangelism? Beyond hypocrisy and into pure evil..... its all money driven..... same for other religions, they set themselves up as charities, only the money gets bled off....... if you have a heart, its much better to help someone directly, than to hire a middle man who plays on your emotions to suck you dry, and so also prevent you from having the where with all, to help anyone, even yourself.... Lies, its all lies.... and if you aren't a liar, what are you doing wallowing in their trough?

Survival is so very simple..... $40 gets a 100 lbs of flour, a pound a day will feed you, so what that means, is $160 keeps you alive for a year..... the rest is vanity.....

Look at how things actually work.... get too piggish, and its fat in those arteries.... simple cause and effect, the deck is stacked against the big lie from top to bottom, the only reason it still appears to function, is because it hasn't run out of rope to hang itself with yet....

It still has plenty of victim wannabees...... plenty of folks with access to a boob tube to make them want something besides the necessities.....

And are you one of the arrogant types, who dont care what it all does to who? Got your perks and bennies coming in, and so what if the gas pump drains the wallet a bit faster?
Well, its all coming apart.... and when it goes, you will go with it..... sure you can be a raider, and kill and maim and rob, and rape and torture, but sooner or later it will be your turn.... and you will not continue on..... Genetically edited by your own arrogance....

We were planted here to do just these things, and for the one's who survive to learn that egocentric thinking is the worst of all human evils........ humility is a life saver...... survival consists mostly of getting low.... and the lower you learn to live the more likely you are to survive whats coming, Getting low, is like the big survival secret.... the ultimate version is when you arrive at Chief Seattle's headspace, that you dont want to disturb what is there, any more than absolutely necessary..... I envision it these days, like some Hopi Hogan reality, a simple homebuilt shelter, a pony in the paddock, herbs drying under the Ramada, Chili's in the beans, at a low boil over a fire, of small sticks gathered and broken by hand..... water carried from the spring, a musical instrument hanging on the wall, and a lamp to work by in the early morning darkness.... And no job to go to.....

or it could be the little sheep herders trailer...... or a Yurt and a few Yaks, all are variations on a theme.... living low, close to the earth, and a long ways from the Capitols of ego.......

Its time folks, time to stop dreaming, time to get out, time to wake up..... or will you just choose to die in the traces? To see the flash in the sky and know its a nuke going off over the city who's lights pollute your night sky..... Flash, and crash, with millions burnt to death or worse.... We have such bad collective karma..... but there is still time to get out....
But maybe not much.... the stuff in process now is world war three........ everyone knows, just so few have had time enough to think, or to realize that there is a way out now, albeit that exit soon to close.....

Use your natural attractions, go by what you feel, take only what you really need, and Exodus...... If you like horses you are a lucky one, plenty of pasture along the roadsides, plenty of camping spots if you go for the area on the map with the least roads....

At the very least, Die free....... our forefathers fought for freedom, and now everyone thinks freedom is having a credit card with no limits..... thats the inverse of freedom.....its absolute slavery to one's own inability to control one's wants......

Welcome to the endgame....... Liquidate and migrate, or stay and sizzle? Its coming.... and real security is in solitude and simplicity.......

Well..... another day for me, went this morning on bus to the next major (?) town to the south and bought a wheel barrow.... Got a Mexican made unit, all steel, of OK quality, will be used for hauling fire wood, dirt, rocks.... not an easy life for a wheel barrow, but thats its lot, unless I need it for something else, like my refugee kit.... reason I mention it, is because I follow my own advice... why? Because its good advice, the best I can give....

Because I believe my own shit, just like everyone else does theirs, i.e. I'm not all that much different, other than being outside of the pack most of my life, and so able to see whats coming without going into denial.... poor fools who believe the big lie, genetic editing for them.... its always the marginalized who dont fall into the trap, and who manage to survive the results of “Pack-Think”....... Normal? Nothing but a concept to enthrall the gullible.... Normalcy sucks, and its busy trashing the ecosystem we depend on.....

I heard on BBC last night (short wave radio) (, a couple of experts arguing over global warming, if we had 15 or 20 years before we actually had to clean up our act...... my opinion? We have 10 to 15 years before things get really bad, and such morons
will die young, if they waste what time we have, arguing such tripe..... Forget it! Most Humans dont learn unless its painful.... sad but true... and all this effort I am taking to write this, is in hope I am able to reach a few who can learn by hearing and thinking, rather than by seeing bloated carcasses........

One best get ready..... when even Governments are advising preparedness, its a Grand fool who does nothing.....

You know what.... I live the hard way....... but when the shit hits, I'll at least be used to it being hard.... humility is so very powerful.... its why politicians attempt to appear human....
Parasites.... all parasites...... politicians, middlemen, etc., all parasites.... and when you begin to take responsibility for your own needs you will understand.... Defense? Self defense isn't good enough, Now days you'd best be prepared to stand up and fight for your own rights in a violent manner..... because disirreguardless of what you see on the boob-tube, ain't nobody gonna do shit to help you, other than verbal lies......... The good news is; you can do it yourself, without any middlemen..........

Anyway, I'm on a limited energy budget, I have to walk several miles and climb 250 meters to get an hour of writing on this laptop, having no direct connection to the “ current bush” myself.. I must be totally crazy, trying to help folks I've never met....

Anyway, I do what I am inclined to do by my own heart.....

Why? I'm not entirely sure, its beyond hope..... I just want things to work out good for the most good people possible, and good for the most things natural..... Leadership? More based on humility than ego..... Do what you can, people, but always remember that the natural world and “the valley spirit” are worth so much more than the little pieces like us......
you gotta be ready be to fight for it..... how? By survival, but with heart and honesty.... how you play the game does matter..... All I can say is prepare, work on yourself, learn that all that glitters is not gold.....

If I could, I would build a more perfect world....... How? By teaching people to be real.......
more real, is better than false, wake up people, all we have is the natural world and each other, lets break out of the programming and make the best of it.....

We can cause a new dawn by our actions.... when all is dark, and hope is a distant dream, it is our connections to what is natural that will carry us through..... Maybe its eating bugs, and thinking how they crunch like potato chips or something... I don't know, what ever it takes to make it to a better day....

And when the new dawn breaks, be sure to teach the children that security is in following the natural path.... Civilization is bankrupt, literally, physically, morally, emotionally, etc.,
and all there is now, is to get out in time, and to be prepared as best one may to reconnect with what is a natural life..... the big dream is gone.... no house, car, boat, and camper.....

The campers are you and me...... we camp here on this planet... the rest is ego.....

Wanna hear something really Bazaar? I've lived up here in the bush for years, Snakes? All kinds of snakes.... about 3/4's of which are deadly venomous.... a full ½ of the snakes on my farm are Fer de lance's, here known as Tercio pelos.... velvet snakes, due to the optical illusion in their skin pattern, it looks like velvet, and its just shiny scales....

We kill at least a dozen every year.... fat headed, evil eyed, satanic looking creatures, with fat sacks full of venom behind the ears..... how do I survive? By being humble, walking humble, no aggression, Where did I learn to walk humble? From living with the Chias, a local black hornet that likes to live in ones house, as protection from the Army ants....
And boy, what hornets, 'make a honey bee's sting feel like mommy's kiss.... They constantly move in on one... starting nests from any hanging thing..... but when one lives with the Chias, one learns to move different.... Slow, soft, humble..... And this very same attitude is what it takes to survive the snakes.... I turn and look, and see a snake in escape mode, I've already walked past, within inches... the venomous types are slow like molasses, they dont get out of your way... why should they? They can kill anything.... they react late, and some blundering human in a hurry steps on them.... and like a landmine they jump up and strike...... People die in my area of snake bite..... regularly....

My point is, that ego will get you killed, as will vanity, but humility has enduring value....

Remember..... walk soft, be very careful in what you do... plan for things to not get any better...... and if you do that, perhaps they will.... just for you.......

I just went through all the hassel of taking my binos apart and cleaning lenses and prisms, here in the tropics it only takes about 6 months to have them cloud up with a fungus growth..... if I ever get to buy optics again, I will try to go for better seals..... 100% waterproof if possible.... I bought what I have just as those types were coming on the market, and instead I went for really good optics rather than thought much about the body's integrity..... the good news is I've learned some things about optics, and become curious to learn more.... if I were starting from scratch I'd likely also go with a spotting scope instead of binoculars, and perhaps a downsized unit..... one thing I've learned about optics is that a 50mm objective lens gathers more ambient light than the unaided eye...
dusky conditions are like common daylight to 50mm lenses........ while 35mm objectives gather less, and at dusk lose effectiveness in comparison.....

I do think optics are important! To see is to know, and in survival situations being able to see like the proverbial hawk could save your bacon... in optics my favorite brands are Swift and Leopold...... their clarity and quality are equal to Nikon, and dont have the price or the snob factor..... both of which are important to me.....

If I were starting from scratch, it would likely be a Leopold 50mm objective spotting scope with as good of waterproof design as I could afford... easier to pack than binos, and more magnification....

My guess is any culture advanced enough for star travel would have computers powerful enough to break human language codes before breakfast.... which is what we invented computers for originally, that and artillery trajectories......

and if they came in at solar system velocities, it could take months to cross into the inner system, just like a comet..... and if they are the folks of legends, they have a fix on this planet and would know where it was in time etc., and so calculate their swing in, to pretty much come right at us without much maneuvering..... why waste fuel or what ever their energy source is? I expect a ship would be very large, and not use “rockets”, propulsion would more likely be some kind of gravitation attraction or repulsion system....

I also don't expect lightspeed velocities.... long voyages..... basically a world in a metal bubble that accelerates very impressively over time...... I could be wrong, and have reason to suspect that they may be able to twiddle with time itself.... I'm not a believer in what gets sold as astral physics these days, Dark energy? I dont think so..... I think even time is relative, which by their theories modern eggheads deny..... they like relativity for every other factor except time..... I think they are doing some flat planet style thinking by coming up with ornate and way too complicated and intricate models to explain reality..... anyway back toward my point, that I suspect they have some way to stop time.... how I haven't a clue, but some of the predictions in the bible point to the possibility.....

These days I do plenty of listening to religious fanatics, mostly to hear sections I dont know, and I observe they talk much, but really dont understand what its all about... i.e. Caught up in their own fanaticism, and unable to see the forest for the trees.......

To me the bible is obviously a grave warning passed down for thousands of years of alien manipulations..... And I'm not much inclined to believe the great spirit will show up in a space ship...... but I am in the belief that we will soon get another visit, and this time the “gods” routine likely wont wash with anyone above about a 30 I.Q...............

what looked like a star to shepherds will look like a space ship to us...... should be fun huh? Imagine the panic? Especially if I understand the story line, and there is still a faction here that went into rebellion etc., like most myths describe.... to me its a fun hobby to speculate, and I'm plenty fine with just waiting and seeing what happens... no fear, I haven't all that much to lose, and may have considerable to gain if said aliens show up.... My only question is which faction will show up?

Friends of the bad guys or good guys? 'have to wait and see..... and as I dont live in a city, I figure the bad guys would be unlikely to notice me and waste any ammo on my poor arse..... Maybe I'll try to have some popcorn stashed for the occasion, and watch the world come unglued..... personally I suspect there may be “not good” folks waiting for just such an arrival, and it wouldn't surprise me if we got sold down the river by our own.... some of the legends are fairly explicit about aliens that like humans as a meat dish.......

And Royal families etc., seem to all trace their family tree back to such predators.......

Well, sitting down at my workers house, charging the computer and writing, just watched a neighbor lady with a hand cart on her way back from the corner store..... such a useful item a handcart, and most people could use one, but dont have one because they rely on a car......

I never found cars to be all that reliable.... new ones yes, older ones no....... and they get older every mile you use them...... I think its important that people begin to re-adapt their mindset for what reality will soon be like.... Oh.. I expect normal will continue for a while still.... but I dont count on that, and I also dont like normal enough, to live it myself.....

I'm much happier hanging out on my farm in the tropics than I ever was up in the states....
got no job, no boss, and the simple diet makes health more certain..... 100 years ago the cancer rate in the US was about 3%, and now its 50%...... guess all those chemicals on the ingredients lists on food packages are really good for you? Or the toxic shit the agricultural industry uses to earn its profits the easy way at your expense?

I like eating out of the garden if possible, and out in the garden is my favorite spot to munch cucumbers and ripe tomatoes....

Talked with my worker this morning, we are partners after a fashion, he's my son's brother in law... we both are thinking to get a corn flour/meal stash going, I have a Diamant grainmill, and I like corn as food in all kinds of dishes...... we have one patch of corn planted, and will likely do another soon, and I may buy some from a neighbor too....

I've got a sheller, and a small freezer, so we can grind in bulk and put in the freezer.....
corn is such good food, good for you too if its organic..... I consider it humanitie's most valuable food plant.... it was given to the Indians by sky gods according to legend....

I like indian corn genetics best, the meal is a bit off color, but tastes so much better than some of the more improved for cattle feed genetics.....
I've lived on it long term at times.... and come up with plenty of recipes for various levels of other ingredients depending on my personal economy at the time..... I use corn flour and corn meal as hot cereal, and as dog food..... I have a little black German shepherd female, and hot corn cereal makes the tail swing back and forth...... she's got about a 30 word vocabulary, and answers with varying degrees of tail..... more happy, less in agreement etc.,
and never seems to say anything really stupid........

Locals here make tortillas mostly, several types...... by hand, the women are very good at it..... I like tortillas and beans etc., its a staple diet that one can produce one's self......
Currently its bean planting season, and my worker just finished our patch, about 2 weeks of work...... I realized long ago it was economically smart to pay to have my food custom grown rather than buying the processed stuff whenever possible.... The job gives us our food, and allows him to support his pretty wife and cute baby daughter..... and no middle men..... we eat well, we stay very healthy, and if the shit hits we'll have a year's food stashed at any given time, and plenty of seed on hand etc., because its our regular habit to do so..... No need for expensive freeze dried foods, no need for trips to town, and the money we do spend on this or that goes much farther..... i.e. We are prepared for whats coming by having retro-progressed back to a sustainable system..... and I didn't have to wait on the technocult to get its act together.... We just did it.....

One of the things I've done on the farm, is use a single worker for years and years, and observed how much is in fact possible for one person to accomplish over time with a fairly laid back amount of effort..... its been very impressive..... all with hand tools, and I've realized the system to be a really bad bargain, in comparison to one person providing for their own needs..... the problem is everyone thinks they need everything they can get..... in reality, you just need the basics, and enough brains to realize that a simple life is preferable to a complicated one... we have a nice citrus orchard planted, maybe 500 trees or so, and starting to get a trickle of crop..... all done on terraces carved with hand tools, a few feet per day over years..... it will be our economic insurance, and semi-retirement...... I am not at all a greedy person, and so the farm is set up to support us all rather than to try to put money in an account..... real security....... is having all kinds of stuff producing food, cooking fuel, and resources for crafts....

I also want to be a good steward, and also want to produce and example for others.... and some of the areas we have done are looking very pretty.... I am artistic by nature, and like to live in beauty..... I find it helps one's attitude, and I dont need anti-depressants en route to my dream........ Bottom line truth is life in the city sucks, and only people who dont know any better are inclined to follow that path.....

Hopefully before the collapse, we'll have time to get it all humming along good enough that to us the crunch is somebody else's problem....... I've worked at it on all fronts..... including self defense.... my mountain is my fortress, but that doesn't mean I live uncomfortably, the trail in to my living area will get rocked in the next few months, and its half a kilometer at least..... very nice all carved into the character of the mountain, and I can see people coming for hundreds of meters before they arrive, and I have a system of carved trails all over the farm now, making life in the mountains more like going to a national park, than living rough....... And the view is so incredible, rain forested mountains, farmlands below in the valley, and the village lights at night....... The worst part of living here is the latin mindset, they haven't yet discovered the value of the truth, and tend to be habitual liars and petty thieves.... about 1% are trustworthy, the rest are still mental primitives.... sad, but true......

I find I like the Indigenous peoples more than the Latins....... many of the Latins are likable, but so very few can resist ripping off any one they can.....

I've not owned a pair of shoes for years now, thinking to buy some rubber boots soon, but I dont like putting on anything more than sandals on....... imagine that huh? 12 years of not wearing shoes....... haven't needed long johns or a parka either..... mostly I just wear shorts, and in the dry season its warm enough that I just go naked....... nobody but me and the toucans, and I love the responses I get in town when people see I'm white, but darker than they are..... it gets noticed..... its like Tarzan down town London...... even in clothes its obvious you live most of the time outdoors......

One thing that totally amazes me, is that so few have realized how nice life is on the basic level..... In the more civilized countries people think they just have to have a job etc., and sign up to get badly used in droves...... I'd rather stay home.... and I'd rather a life living with the animals, than the co-workers I used to see on a daily basis..... this last year one of my son's buddies came down, a really nice guy, who was raised in the city, he'll be back in January, with his girlfriend in tow...... I suspect she will like the tropics, and I have enough farm they can put a cabin on a corner somewhere if they cant afford their own land, and I wouldn't charge them a cent..... why? Because I like decent people enough to do that.... I suspect before this is all over I'll have a little community of friends all hanging out growing nice gardens, and occasionally gathering around this or that bar-b-que.......... why not? If its people I like, they're family to me...... so simple, so laid back, I'm not into it for the money.......

My best friend's son comes down now, he and his wife and baby will be here in January also..... I'd do the same for him...... but I suspect it wont be necessary, all will buy their own places...... but one thing they all know, is if the shit hits, come here...... I think these young people will all get out in time...... why? Because they know they have the out, and so aren't inclined towards the denial.......

All of them would never have come here without me doing it first, taking the risks, and getting the beachhead established.... I'm responsible for several people becoming bi-lingual....

And I hope to be responsible for them surviving whats coming..... would be a good feeling to know that I saved some people......

These days I'm slowly working towards getting an Internet connection, looks like it will be a cellphone card modem..... my son is looking for one to bring in January and after that this blog will go inter active..... it won't be 100% reliable, due to operating beyond the power grid, but I'll likely be on line fairly regularly in case anyone wants to ask any questions....

I would be more than happy to help people find land etc., but will have to charge, as it uses up a lot of time and energy, but at least I'm not a realestate agent looking for the money and not caring about local problems like flood zones etc., as happened to the second american to move into my area..... he paid 2X going rate for a house built on a fill pile in a flood zone, that requires a boat to get from house down the long drive way, to the road after any hard rain....... it looked so nice when he bought it during the dry season..... and he trusted the Realtor..... who made tens of thousands of dollars more on the inflated asking price..... and had no actual local knowledge of this area......

Everyone thinks if the Real estate company is one with the same name as in the US etc. that they know everything...... i.e. That the client knows everything........ only to learn a hundred thousand dollars or so later that that sign in the yard is no insurance of anything other than a hefty fee............ local knowledge is what counts.... you get that only by living here.... many assume they can learn all they need on the net...... many get swindled every year, sometimes out of big hunks of money, and the local legal system is geared to act like its going to do something........ but the local mindset is to rip off the foreigners any way possible......... and the legal system does its part in making that happen........ mostly by doing nothing at all.....

There is no bottom here to what people will do to you for even small amounts of money.... and big hunks attract big sharks....

I remember some twenty years or so back, my best friend showing up with a women's magazine that had an article on the different types of men, and each's benefits or detriments from the female point of view..... survivalist was one of the categories, and he didn't get much for good press..... seems he would be inclined to live in the sticks, and put the family economy going towards things like food stashes, tools, weapons, food plantings, barns, animals, etc., and not into the womans purse for new hair-do's etc., And at the time I realized that preparedness was pretty much a lost concept on most Fems....... I guess when money is everything, everything from durable goods to true love take a back seat......

When I was a kid, I spent a month in the boyscouts..... and proud of it..... what I discovered, was I was a bit advanced, and that learning things didn't require a merit badge to motivate me..... I was already into archery, camping alone in forests, building tree houses, knots, Indian Crafts, etc. etc. I'd had a copy of the Boyscout Fieldbook for a couple of years, and it was my bible....... At that time the boyscout motto was: “BE PREPARED!” And I had thought long on the concept..... I see people these days doing an old dance out of the early 1900's, I don't know what the dance is called, but its what they were doing on the Titanic, I call it ; FORMAL DENIAL DANCING, because that is whats been in style concerning preparedness the last generation..... which is sad, considering its the very same generation who is going to need it most...... but thats how the Universe works: opposite effect with some twist in it somehow.... Napoleon Bonaparte used to win all his battles in part by being prepared for the worst the opposing General could do, and then if the guy didn't do that, he had to be doing something less worse, and Napoleon was so prepared to deal with that much easier.....

I prepare as a hobby..... plus its a great investment opportunity these days in inflationary times, 'got no gold stash, nor much ammo, but my food bill gets lower and lower... whats your's doing? Also my life seems to keep improving.... Most of you would be pissed if you really knew how good I have it..... no grand economics, but all the real stuff is marching along nicely............. Most of it I can attribute to taking that boyscout motto seriously.....
being prepared was a good investment..... The best preparedness for whats coming, is to have a secure food and water supply, and live on land that you can defend with true organic weapons......... Anything else risks breaking the prime law of living creatures; Survive!

Any thing that adds or subtracts risk to your ability to survive, is worth paying attention to.....

Being prepared is the best insurance policy, and if you do it right, no agent is milking you for part of your income monthly....

Basically what civilization is, is a big trap on all levels and at all angles, where division of labor replaces doing it for your self, and theres this group of 500 lb gorillas who ride on your back while you do it.... “The elite class”......... doing for one's self leaves them chewing brush...... The Economic and political systems these days are literally UNBELIEVABLE, and anyone who believes in them is worse than the conspiracy theorists types in gullibility.....
Its all one GRAND CONSPIRACY to enslave YOU!.......... and it works good doing that too.....

And it hasn't done much to prepare you for what's coming, just enough publicity to say they did in fact warn you, and no expenditure on helping anyone not assigned a seat in the bunkers they've built for themselves and at public expense....

They're getting prepared...... and using your slave shares to do it...... you get a verbal warning, but thats all you deserve as a Sub-human class member..... Personally I dont think the people running things have any limits what so ever, and would start eating our babies rather than omit red meat from their diets..... Ah! So much arrogance, I've seen public servants beating up common people for no reason...... But what I know is that their bunkers wont save them from whats coming, and after they get a few billion humans killed with their war trips, they are very unlikely to survive the backlash..... My point is that being prepared relies more on humility than arrogance..... Being a guy your neighbors respect and like is much better insurance in a crises than any amount of gold in a bunker......

Its all they can imagine, because its all they know..... stuffed shirts that couldn't feed themselves with a shovel and a subscription to Organic Gardening..... DRONES......

Famous words, Julius Caesar? I'm not sure.... but what I am sure about is that the status quo generally uses the technique on the lower classes very regularly, so regularly its amazing once you realize it and start to pick it out.....

They have divided us from our food supply, with mechanization and middle men, they have divided us from our children with school systems, they have divided us from natural medicines with chemical synthetics, they have divided us from real money, i.e. Rare metals, first with worthless paper, and now with binary numbers in data files in the form of credit...
they have divided us from our horses as transportation, they have divided us from our right to be left alone, i.e. Laws on carrying identification etc., they have divided us from our natural intellectual property rights by having a patent system that costs $40,000 to get a patent, who can afford that? They have divided us from our right to be free on the planet's surface with borders and guards, and they have divided us from the lands and lakes and forests with ownership laws and absentee landlords, they have divided us from our fish supply with licenses and restrictions, and factory processing ships, and economic zones, they have divided us from our actual folk music with electronic reproduction. ......

The list is endless, it goes on and on... and we are dying of the syndrome as a culture.... and its always for the money game..... always we get used badly.... but there is a cure...
get out, get away, avoid the system, find a way to live as free as possible, beyond the bullshit...... some will say all of these examples have free choice in them, and yes thats true,
but the status quo spends a lot on programming the minds of common folk.... other wise you wouldn't think speculators were normal..... I heard last night on BBC that the Arabs are saying that they aren't at fault for high fuel prices, and that its working against them too....
they say the problem is excessive speculation..... they are telling the truth, a small group of people who are already are filthy rich are making dividends off of you having a hard time making ends meet.... and not just on fuel etc., its across the board, its insidious.... its the big lie folks, and the talking heads on the TV are “the big liars”................ They always have some reasonable sounding dialog.... but its always geared toward common man taking it in the shorts.... and common woman, its why the divorce craze, divide and conquer through programming disguised as something that sounds good... feminism..... and the results are women having to work instead of being home with their children..... and men living in really nasty conditions due to being separated from the house they pay for... And the system collecting twice as much income tax, and having more bloated bureaucracy to handle things like divorces and child support extortion..... none of it does the kids any good.... nor the parents... it just makes the rich richer.....

its all going to end...... and there will be many feminists who starve to death and watch their children starve to death too....

Its all divide and conquer......


The problems with people are infinite, the roots are invariably self centeredness.........
People will do the most thoughtless things for the smallest of personal gains.....

And even the best of them, with good intentions, are still problems to deal with.....
The cure is to be more self-sufficient... Any Relationship is hard to make work..... I enter them hesitatingly these days......

I think it will not be too long until people begin to eye each other and be envious if their neighbor looks well fed..... for awhile the corrupt will have the most body fat... just as they do now on TV, jowls at the public trough.... and the women looking like washed out witches, doing white drugs to keep the body weight down and still pork at the banquets and meetings...... They dont look good, in spite of the paint and putty, and going regularly to the surgeon to have their faces stretched.....

Much better to eat out of the garden, and avoid the overeating and the drugs and the knives and stitches...... radiant beauty is the result of natural health, and never comes from gluttony, pills, or money in the bank.....

It comes from living a natural life, getting plenty of exercise doing the simple tasks necessary, during one's day, to build a better life, without all the hassles.... Really the system doesn't work, it just pretends to.... with layers and layers of parasites willing and practiced at milking people out of their time, money, and energy..... These days the THIEVES are stealing pensions, houses, and entire lives of millions of poor fools who were born as slaves, and will die accordingly, if they never come up with the realizations and initiative to free themselves...

I have made almost all the mistakes I can imagine...... and have learned slowly.....

but I do have a gift to at least learn well what I do learn.....

And what I know is very important, I am not........

This Neo-indigenous thing is very very important, as its the exit in the burning theater.....
and soon there will be much yelling and stampeding, but few will ever think to get out.....
Most will spend their last days trying to work the situations to get something for themselves, generally something economic, when a wiser head would run like a scared rabbit from the situation............
The hard part is retraining your own brain to resist the vanities, and to want less for yourself in a world where you are constantly bombarded with such vanities......

When you learn to focus your wants on only goals that result in a more natural life, you are on the natural path..... Me? I was lucky, I've spent most of my life at least being attracted to such a life, and managed to learn that when people burn me, to use the resulting anger as an energy source to power up some changes that take me away from the problem..... I dont expect other people to change, I just re-adapt myself to the new understanding of the reality..... and now, I am relentless in my direction.... no matter what chances in my ambient, I'm nose towards my goals......

I work with other humans, but have learned not to expect much.... really if I had it to do over, I'd try to do more by myself and less with other people.... humans are just too problematic..... its a constant struggle even with the best....

Minimalism is incredibly powerful.... thats because of how the universe works.... and one can harness that power so much easier than harnessing economics or petro-fuels or other forms of social energy.... Just expecting less can help a relationship..... we all have limits, and we all have wants.....

Wants inevitably exceed limits........

One needs to learn to limit one's own wants..... then maybe there is a chance of getting there, instead of being continually sidetracked by new wants....

I've found that the quest for a more secure life through heading down the natural path is a way to organize my desires and place a limit on them that allows me to make substantial progress while most people seem to be pedaling faster, and going backwards......

In the orient a normal farm is about a hectare, or 2.4 acres.... this supports a family, and I suggest you try to own more than that, to be able to have a better life.. I consider about 5 acres, or a couple of hectares to be a nice amount..... one would still have to manage it very astutely to produce all the food, fuel, and clothing...... but it is possible.... especially if one doesn't allow themselves to be sidetracked into chasing money....

I chose the tropics because I knew with whats coming, that an easier ambient would mean easier survival and subsistence... I stick by that choice... And I paid for the move by learning a new language..... it wasn't easy, 'first 4 months were hell, first two years were hard, and after that it got better...... but now I can shift from English to Spanish and back without even a thought..... And I'm wondering if I can maybe figure out a way to study several more languages at the same time on the Internet when I get the connection... thinking to use my attention span in little hunks, and shift from one to the next to avoid boredom and burnout....

Speculation is the curse of our era...... soon millions will starve while landlords and middlemen fatten.... after that landlords, middlemen, and politicians will swing from trees, lampposts, and the gun barrels of Tanks........ the limits of ego and vanity are when the people cant take anymore...... And the status quo never seems to learn until the rope goes around their necks...... The truth of the matter is it never works well, unless every family produces for their own needs, and the middle men have to do the same without fleecing the soft and woolly headed types..... How do I know this? Well I'm a very diligent student of Taoism....

Personally what I have a hard time believing, is that more people haven't figured out that camping for a living, and growing a garden, in some bawlmy local' is better than volunteering to be slaves for a plastic card........ Gee! Folks! The water is fine, jump on in.... people heat their swimming pools in California to the temperature of the ocean here, and my spring water is only a tich cooler...... nowdays, I start getting cold at about 75 degrees F. and can hardly remember the days of turning down the thermostat to save money.... Its a great life for a boy and his wolfy dog, Living with the toucans and iguanas..... reminds me of going to the plant section of whatever your local version of “box-mart” is called.....
Too bad all the women these days are such “poodle heads”, and just have to live in Babylon for the bash...... I doubt many of that type have very high survival statistics in whats coming....

Think about it..... nice climate, no bills, plenty of free time, cheap mass transit, gardening year round... Where did I go wrong? I bought a ways too far from the beach to walk, but I did analyze and buy where the new coast line will be...... and gee! Everyone else bought right on the beach..... poor fools..... but they all knew more than me, and had more money than me.....

There are endless numbers of nice places to live on the planet, but it would require thinking outside the box for most, to even consider harvesting a new and better life for themselves...

Instead, they will hunker down over their rat's nest of materialism until reality rolls over them.......

I heard last night on BBC the first mention of Space Elevators.... was good to hear, and know that now many more people at least understand the existence of the emerging technology......

I also heard last week on another station a woman in an interview, mention just having moved, and her statement about it, was: “When you move, afterwards, you dont want to own anything...” and the reason I mention the point, is to touch again the necessity of reducing one's total amount of baggage to be ready for whats coming..... The more you reduce ahead of time, and organize as if to go refugee, the more likely it is that when the time comes, you walk off carrying what you really need instead of what ever struck you at the moment..... In a survival/refugee situation, one will be torn between your possessions of quality, and those of necessity... these two factors are primary..... and if you are analyzing
your materialism, I'd err on the side of quality, even if it meant maybe being short an item or two..... there will be plenty of people with plenty of baggage, and collectively one is likely to get by somehow, but the loss of quality is a long recovery and turn around, sometimes never...... its easier to find this or that item, than it is to find the same item in high quality....


There are the usually mentioned three necessities of life: food, shelter, and clothing.....
but this statement rests upon the assumption of continued normalcy.... Ain't gonna happen folks, and when normalcy dies its theatrical death, now in progress, you are sure to need a few items to continue to eat, keep a roof over you head, and keep clothes covering the parts that get cold in a hurry......

And it isn't going to do much good to expect anyone to do anything for you for any reason that now passes as normal..... 5 years or so in the future, maybe less, the only reason for anyone to do anything, will be to continue eating, breathing, or to keep the blood inside their body instead of in a puddle next to it......

To do this you will need Tools, and Weapons..... Tools can be used as weapons, and weapons are a form of tool....... my point is that there is a lot of crossover between the two.... The best weapons traditionally, are agricultural tools, why? Because the status quo can not take them from the people and still expect to continue eating..... analyze the oriental martial arts, and the traditional weapons, and you will find they are all tools for agriculture....
Nun-chucks? For de-hulling rice..... the staff? For threshing beans, the hooked blade on a short pole? I cant remember the spelling, a Japanese word, but its for harvesting fruit etc.,
and became the traditional woman's weapon, making a downsized Japanese woman, capable of un-horsing a male warrior.... agricultural knives exist in myriad styles, and even the Archery bow is a necessity for defending the crop from animal pests..... and its also a weapon of choice when Raiders arrive...... Its a weapon's Range that dictates the battle's overall strategy.... and a determined man or woman with a bow and cover to shoot from, can make short work of raiders with shorter distance weapons.... Einstein stated that world war three would be fought with rocks and sticks..... My thought is to have the best in rocks and sticks.... preferably a high quality bent stick, that launches little straight sticks at high velocity so their little stone points penetrate into the vital organs of one's Raider visitors....
You get my point? Really I hope to be better prepared than to need stone points on my arrows, but I think a wise person will not rely on ammunitions factories continued existence....
And the minute a gun is empty, and ammunition is out of the question, it is going to be useless, other than for its value in metal to be heated and hammered into something else...

I know this will go against the grain of most survivalists, but the bow and arrow are better long term security than guns are.... A good book that pieces the development of muscle powered arms into a condensed history, is Jim Kjelguard's; “Fire Hunter” its a fiction, but does a parody of what most likely happened before written history, and before metals....

Another “must read” is Heinlein's “Tunnel in the sky”...... another fiction, but He wrote the book based on one premise; that having a gun can get you killed..... in the book the hero goes into a survival test situation, and his father advises him not to take any weapon better than a knife...... Why? Our old friend EGO.......... A person with a gun thinks they are hot shit....
And it skews their choices, and they tend to violate rule one.... which is dont risk your life without absolute necessity..... While a person with only a knife will have no choice but to run, and so survive..... I use the logic with my comparisons of Bows and Guns....

When the shit hits, many will die, because someone else heard their gun go off, got a locate on them, and set a trap for them...... And a person with a bow, knives, lance, etc., isn't likely to risk confrontations with anyone in a gun-toting survival ambient..... All he has to do is use the most fruitful tactic historically: patience...... if he runs, keeps quiet, and stays low, the day will come that the raiders with guns find no more ammunition........ and after that they'll be looking for bows.... most of which will be long gone, and archery is a bit more than a bent stick, there are thousands of years of history to archery, with constant improvements along the way, and unless you are well versed, starting from scratch isn't likely to get impressive results until you travel a long way on the learning curve.....

My point is; that archery has lasting value..... As do other “tools”............. some of which can make it through a government checkpoint no problem....... as can the knowledge of an empty handed martial art....

I've done a lot gardening, mostly organic, as I'm not stupid enough to believe that people making billions off of chemical agriculture have my best interests at heart, I kind of suspect they are doing it for the money instead, and when there is a sacrifice to be made, is isn't their wallet that does the sacrificing....... its more likely my health and safety that will be degraded...... Organic agriculture has maybe more than 10,000 years of history, chemical agriculture is going on maybe 100 years, and I've heard grown men say that organic agriculture won't work....... Wouldn't it be easier and more direct, not to mention more honest, just to tell me you are a total idiot, than to say pretty much the same thing by saying organic agriculture doesn't work?........ Damn right it works, but it takes years to figure it all out, and you aren't going to go from Park Avenue to Green Acres, and get much in the soup pot, if you think its simple and a sure thing....

I suggest much reading in the field......

I also suggest a collection of tools, preferably quality tools, as if your life depended on them, which it will..... Tops on my personal list is a good heavy grub hoe.... the Japanese make a downsized version, and I made my latest out of a pick hoe with the pick cut off...... I like to keep mine fairly sharp, unless working in rocky areas, but my point is I consider it to be my number one organic garden tool.... and I'm not talking about some flimsy sheet metal hoe meant to weed the corn..... I am talking about a heavy duty digging tool..... with it one can carve trails and terraces, build raised beds, chop up organic material, hill up the corn, and chop weeds..... Tool number two on my list isn't available anywhere..... its one I came up with myself.... basically a foot of leaf spring welded into a 5 ft, sked.-40 steel pipe handle. With an outside diameter of an inch and an eighth, to an inch and a quarter... this tool I use for double digging beds, transplanting fruit trees, and for incorporating organics into soils.....the weight of the pipe handle helps, as does the tool being sharp.....
Another tool few think of is the common Machette..... Its an agricultural knife folks, and will cut corn as well as brush, and is the weeding tool of choice here in Central America.....
I've literally had people who made their living from hand agriculture ask me what a hoe was for?..... They use a machette for everything...... I use one much more than I used to, and I used machettes more than the average person before coming here..... They're really great for gathering small firewood, quicker than a hatchet......lighter to carry also... I like to keep mine sharp.... one cuts more,& longer, than with a dull blade...... and nothing is better for chopping up brush and weeds for compost.....

After that, I like a small one hand sized garden hoe....... great for planting spuds, or cleaning paths between raised beds..... I made mine out of an adz.... much higher quality than a normal hoe.... As I mentioned, the Japanese make some nice hoes, Try “smith&hawken”
they sell the best quality gardening tools on the planet..... including some of the high-end Japanese stuff...

Another tool that most people don't consider a garden tool, is the common axe.....
The best are made in the US, or Germany, or Scandinavia..... and I suspect the higher quality Japanese versions are likely equal, but I've never gotten to own one, so I cant say...
Avoid Chinese, and I'm not sure on Taiwanese, if you could find them made for the
in-country market, I suspect they would be higher quality than those made for export....

Why an Axe? Well other than for cutting firewood, and building shelters, one is likely to need an axe in the survival garden from its inception.... consider the likely probability of the disruption of normalcy..... few will be lucky enough to begin in an established garden.....
And the wise will seek out someplace with little or no road access to start their gardens, after they somehow survive a massacre or two... they'll be looking for small pockets of topsoil that made it past logging, and chemical farming, and that are remote enough that raiders never arrive.... These areas will be covered with brush, full of stumps and roots, and one will need to cut and gather any and all organic material possible for mulch and compost for fertilization..... A hundred years ago, people knew enough about agriculture to not waste time on ground that was even just marginal.... soon even marginal ground will be as sought after as money is now.... but marginal is marginal, and the only ways to increase fertility of soil, is to add rock minerals, and organic material, and / or to plant legumes..... Chemical farming is like drinking Kool-Aid, and thinking its as good as fresh squeezed orange juice..... Its fake food folks, and theres a reason a full 50% of americans get cancer now..... The big lie has made it into your body via your kitchen.....

Anyway, don't leave home on your survival quest without at least an Axe..... and if you can transport them, get the other tools too..... and learn how to sharpen them..... after my list, comes the normal gardening tools..... hoes, rake, pitchfork, turning fork, shovels and spades, and the little stuff like pruners and loppers and trowels etc.

The stuff I have mentioned are for the serious garden, beginning with nothing but the wild spot with the sun, water, and darkest soil you can find.... after that the rest is going to be up to you, and if you aren't already a serious gardener, I very strongly suggest that you get with a serious organic gardener for the coming collapse... after fighting skills, its food growing skills that are to be worth most.... I'm sure raiders and FEMA will be looking for gardeners to manage the slave labor........... and best one avoid both raiders and FEMA, as they are one and the same.... FEMA is the raiders coming full circle, back to their roots, They started the big lie, and they will be the finish of it, And I suspect they'll disappear by attrition from getting sniped at anytime they leave their compounds, and they'll send out slaves after a while, slaves can be liberated, raiders can only be killed............. You're gonna have to fight folks, or you'll never see spring if you have to share with FEMA... much better to go down fighting than to watch your family starve, while the FEMA types are having a Christmas party with the food they extorted from common folk at the point of a gun.... Look at it this way, they currently have 40%-50% of everybody's income to prepare with, and they've blown all that killing innocents on the far side of the planet, and now have enacted laws to take all that is yours when the shit hits.... When is enough, enough? Make your shots count........
It was Bucky Fuller who first made the connection between government and raiders..... They're Parasites folks, deadly parasites, who's big lie has resulted in undeserved suffering of humanity for thousands of years now, and Jesus had a thing or two to say about them and their game, as did Lao Tsu..... Also Jack London the author of Call of the wild, and White Fang, has a page in Sea Wolf about money, which comes the closest to explaining it all, he just stops short of the connections between money and war.... business is nothing but a form of “Stealth Warfare....” What passes for normalcy on the nightly business report is more deadly than any disease, more of a killer than any war except maybe the next one.....
And Jack London was a class struggle advocate...... and died of Suicide....or so it was reported..... I have my doubts......

after the crunch, survivors will run into a problem with fire starting, first as their disposable lighters run out of fuel, and then one by one their other fire starting options degrade due to lack of something supplied by the TECHNOCULT..... matches, fluids and fuels, all likely to disappear..... the wise man will at least try to stash these items, and also perhaps some unleaded gasoline to use as a replacement... fire starting is “iffy” without modern crutches...
I rely on a glass lens, as the most secure item to own to start fires with, but its only good on sunny days... I would like to learn “flint & steel” i.e. The method to start fire like our forefathers used, And I have information, but no access to flint or other mineral 8 or higher on the mos scale, which will spark, and in this is a lesson, that the proper rock to start fires with, isn't lying around on the ground just anywhere, and the would be survivor will eat cold food a long time before he runs into the right materials..... Indigenous cultures had established trade routes for sometimes hundreds or thousands of miles, to supply flint for fire starting, and also things like Obsidian for arrow heads...... I personally am experimenting with man made materials in hopes of finding a replacement for the flint that doesn't wear out or get used up..... Why? Because I think the flint and steel method is likely the most reliable under the most conditions..... Friction? Yes, it can be done, but only is consistent under almost perfect conditions; super dry materials.... I have long suspected that up sizing the bowdrill to a three person job might get results, but that would only work in a group situation, and I have problems with people's trips, and have lived alone for many years..... which isn't likely to get any better after the collapse....
In other words fire starting is a problem..... our ancestors carried the stuff around in pots, slung from their wagons etc., in the form of hot coals.... thats good for a few hours....
they also ran night guard shifts, with a person always awake to tend the fire and keep an eye peeled for raiders..... I've done similar things, and its fairly oppressive for two people to keep such a watch going...... a bigger group would make that easier.....
Another thing I would like to discuss, is fire size, that unless you are facing the Frost Giant of the Canadian arctic, you shouldn't need a roaring fire.... the smaller fire is wiser for all reasons, from fuel conservation, to less smoke to alert raiders to your location.... I lived for more than a year just burning wood chips in a home made stove/grill made out of a cheap cooking pot, similar to the ideas in the old boyscout field book for charcoal stoves... its a very efficient way to cook with a minimal of gear....
These days I am cooking over an open fire on a grill, using wood from my land.... I've cooked for a dozen years everyday over an open fire... but am thinking to soon buy one of the locally available stove tops with burner lids to go over my fire... mostly to allow me to have less soot on my pots......In any survival situation, building and keeping fire going will be a high priority..... give it some thought......

I'm constantly making things, a habit I started as a kid that has paid incredible dividends....
I love such projects, everything from fishing gear to structures and boats..... I make tool handles, furniture, leather work, and lately I have been making a lot of survival stuff...
I built a crossbow this year from scratch, very nice, all my own design, with a spring steel bow, an ironwood stock, brass fittings and trim, very pretty, and I estimate it will have at least a 300 pound draw.... I'm looking now for cable to string it with, and some all-thread rod to build a cocking tool out of..... I also make arrows from scratch...... Another project I finished yesterday, is a downsized double bitt axe.... Locally on the border with Panama are stores that sell factory seconds and over runs, and for the last couple of years there have been these small nice German hatchets, of which I bought several, and gave to my favorite people etc., and I got an idea to cut two heads down, and weld them back together to create a very small double bit “axette”...... I just tried the finished unit a few minutes ago, very nice, weighs a total of 2 lbs, has a 28 inch handle of purple heart, and a nylon string wrap on lower handle and then varnished.... Its like a carving axe, light, controllable, for light duty, very nice perhaps for cutting squaw wood, and camping use..... its also a very fine thing for my refugee kit at only two pounds...... thats the weight of the midsized boyscout axe.... the campers favorite...... only I have the advantage of two edges, one for keeping incredibly sharp, and the other with a less acute angle for use in the dirt....... I've used axes most of my life, worked in the woods semi-professionally, and this one is a sweetie.....

Its also likely the only one like it on the planet.......

So my point is that if you make things, especially your refugee kit gear, you can fine tune your designs to the neo-nomadic reality coming over the horizon..... The crossbow is a fine sniper's weapon, I'd rather have a 7mm Remington magnum, but I know being able to make my own ammo without Dupont, and the ability to be quiet are worth retroprogressing back to the crossbow for....

Another point I wish to make, is that one is constantly refining one's gear and kit..... the upgrade part of SMUDO..... I currently have another half dozen items on my list..... and what I've realized, is our drive for more and more materialism has its roots in such habits, that in ancient times people spent their “leisure time” working on their gear etc., or on their food stash or cashe...... and basically modern man has been high-jacked from this, into the materialism habit by TV, Malls, and Madison ave. Its another example of divide and conquer, they have divided you from your ability to take care of yourself, and are reaping constant profits having everyone work through them, taking care of each other.......... so if you think about it, and realize my point, it makes it fairly easy to shift gears mentally back to the kits and gear, and away from the shit you will have to leave behind in whats coming..... this point is very important, considering the damage humans are doing with their materialism addictions..... its another example of the natural path being not only an escape, but a cure.... Focus on your kit, and dont get sucked into anything out side that box..... this also works to fight the Car addiction,
or where I come from, the Pick-up truck addiction.... It ain't gonna go far with out fuel, so why own it? A pony cart makes more sense, which is a measure of how crazy things are....
So if you are holding down a job, and want to plan your escape, shift from vehicle, to mass transit, and put the money into building a very nice pony cart..... the average vehicle on the road, sold, will get you the pony, and the cart and harness, if you make them yourself, all these items will teach you things in the progress of coming up with them....

personally, I'd plan my escape to come up with the pony last, and be gone a week after that purchase......

What? Jonny Lunchbox in the woods? Yea, it carries through.... a Thermos is in my refugee kit..... why? Same reasons it was in my lunch box as a carpenter.... when one is cold and wet, and huddled under a dry spot, it sure is nice to have some carry over from your last fire..... I do it constantly, build a fire, and then have coffee or tea later......
its very passive technology, and likely one of the best ways to conserve cooking fuel.....
And the newer Nissan copies are sooooooo very light weight, that one wonders why they aren't in more backpacks...... I personally was in a semi-survival situation, snow camping with a friend, in the Cascade mountains, and it was so cold, zero, that the Optimus backpacker stove was having a hard time heating water, and we got to eat because I had a thermos, and was able to heat the water in small batches and get it into the thermos, and get enough to do something with... A friend who was supposed to meet up with us, missed the connection, and spent the night walking in circles to stay warm and alive..... and in the same cold snap the parks service had to go in on a group just north of us, for a highly publicized rescue.....

The food and coffee from the Thermos gave us the energy to stay warm and to walk out......

Last night I heard on short wave radio that George was to guarantee the honesty of both sides in the mid-east peace process..... Gee? I've never noticed George being all that Honest,
that I would trust him to keep the Jews from screwing the Palestinians more than they already are..... Honest George? “Al ciada cut down the cherry tree, and we gotta have a war with them to save our cherry trees.”

But why is it always George with the hatchet?

(I suggest you research the Savings and loan Crisis and following bail-out, and Know that George sr. Invaded Iraq the very day George jr. went to trial, and he got off on a technicality.......It was the biggest robbery in the history of the planet.... and they got away with more than the entire cost of world war two, to all the combatant nations...)

I've seen a chain of related events leading up to this latest peace trip in Annapolis.....
Arafat was poisoned, to get him out of the way.... he was corrupt, but not corrupt enough to sell his own people out.... Nothing like our politicians are selling us out.....
the new leadership that replaced Arafat consisted of a bought out and a not bought out wing...
Basically its a long term plan for the Jewish state to pretend to give up something, and rake the table for themselves, and call it a peace plan..... I think its a war plan..... they want to incite a war, and conquer the whole mid-east..... and one way to set off a war, is to screw somebody really bad, and say your doing them a favor... Just like the flap with Cyprus a few years back, with Kofe Anon trying to get the Greek Cypriots to cave in on a similar issue..... and I admire them muchly for sticking to their guns...... Kofe was pissed, because he thought they could be manipulated..... Same thing is going on with Palistine....

Unfortunately the Americans have all been brainwashed to think Israel is a real country..... It was created in the late 40's, and the people who lived there at the time were run out of their family homes of a thousand years, by some bureaucrats in Europe..... The Palestinians are in fact refugees, and have the right to return and take their houses and land back..... And to be paid Reparations for ALL the damage from 1948 onwards....


Peace? Not a chance..... Prepare for world war three...... the status quo is just looking for someone to blame for their next war of conquest..... in this case the Palestinians.....

My advice to the Palestinians is dont even bother going, the Jews are still short a few hundred thousand Katusha rockets, of being ready to negotiate in good faith..... Personally I think that when the common folk on both sides link up, and hang 50 to a hundred politicians of various colors, that peace will come...... who gains from war? Why the status quo, of course!!!!

Who loses? Always the common folk.... And a D.N.A. Test of a Palestinian and a local Jew shows the same basic mixes..... the common folks are one, and being divided and conquered, by the Elite Class of the Planet.....

The Jews always fall back on the Old Testament as their land title..... I.E. God! Gave them that land.... Well if God gave it to them why didn't they keep it? And if God gave it to them why is that only mentioned in their own literature, i.e. The bible, and why isn't the Dali Lama, or the Zen Buddhists, or the Taoists, all supporting the argument with excerpts from their own texts? Maybe God just forgot to mention it to the other religions???

Prepare for war....... predictions based on the words of politicians are so very easy......
They are nothing but Liars..... anything they say is 180 degrees out from the truth....
No? observe for awhile, say 5 years or so, using my believe the opposite formula, and you will see that the talking heads can be used to learn the truth..... The minute you begin to run the opposite direction as the words of the Judas Goats in Mind-Washingtown D.C. Your life will improve, as will your chances for survival.....

(I also suggest you research the difference in resources and armaments, and number of deaths on both sides of the conflict, many, many Palestinians have died for every Jew killed...
Its been one sided all along.... 'Even has been one sided on the news....... Follow the money..... And besides, even Jesus informed the Jews they had lost their inheritance.... that and his teachings against the bankers and money system, is what got him killed.....It wasn't the long hair and the beard they disliked....)

These days I see a connection between divorce laws and the future.... a great percentage of people in US prisons are there for non-payment of child support etc., these problems didn't exist 50 years ago, at least not in such numbers, because divorce was almost unheard of.....
I heard recently on short wave ( a primitive form of Internet, still in operation.) that our globalists want to make it an international crime, so they can go after all the people who had the good sense to leave this or that country who has trashed the traditional family with absurd laws..... My question, was whether the Muslim countries would go along with that? They have their own form of “politically correct” you know, and I think it leans a little more towards male benefit, than western civilization's version..... And they are recruiting converts wholesale in the prisons, as they have as much right to do as the Christian religions do.....
Looks like an interesting mix to me.... especially considering plenty of the “BEAT DEAD DADS” (correct word order) are US military vets with combat experience..... What if while they are there in the slammer, they happen to figure out it isn't really working for them, and that they may have been fighting for the wrong side........ And the long chain of events in their lives that led up to their being in prison, did seem a bit less than justice..... Also the Muslim religion has no contradiction with the Christian religion, One can be a Christian and a Muslim at the same time.... The Christians don't all agree with that statement, but they are so busy bad mouthing each other, that they probably won't notice I said it......

So.... stir the stew, and what do I see? Well it looks like bad news for the women/feminists...... good news for the Muslim faith, good news for the guys that figure it all out, bad news for the Christians, as it would dry up their cash flow, bad news for the government trying to wage a bully war against people who were civilized before Europe was anything more than a forest with the occasional wild man here and there......

Interesting conjecture.......

And if I had to place my money on the Roulette table, I'd say that the Muslim Culture as a whole, has a better chance than Western Culture of making it through what is coming..... its a culture evolved in harsh conditions approximating what is coming over the horizon....

Maybe George should add a new wing at Guantanimo? For our guys they catch in Moslem countries..... He and his evil buddies can torture them..... You know, the men in your family...... I think we should “Water board” George's dad, for awhile, and ask him what he knows about the Kenedy assassinations, all three of them...... Why do you suppose Kenedy jr. named his political magazine “George”(????????)

So what will it be like if males start going over to Mohamed? Well I suspect they'll be able to get some results in their own lives...... People are lost from not having a creed to follow...... And just about any will do, they all say pretty much the same stuff.... With the only benefit to Mainstream Christianity being you can lie and steal and kill, and still presume salvation....

Personally I think the boy scouts had a viable creed, but I doubt any kids can pry themselves off the sofa and turn off the video games long enough to learn it.....

And what happens if some really knowledgeable types swap sides? Say the Marine Gunny Sargent, who knows how to build match grade M-14's and mount big scopes on them, and how to squeeze out incredible accuracy over very, very long distances? I did hear rumor about a year ago of Iranian sniper teams, and I'd guess snipers at US quality, in any number, will keep even the Generals nervy...... Snipers are in my opinion the most efficient soldier, They don't burn up much ammo, and are more interested in that General, than some poor fool who got drafted..... Boy are we lucky everyone likes AK-47's etc., I wonder if the Muslims have any problem with the “ spray and pray” semi-autos? Can't shoot towards Mecca can you? They would do well to go back to something more accurate like their grandfathers had with the 7mm Mauser....

Should be interesting, with the inland areas of the continents drying up..... How are Camel futures doing these days? They'll be good sellers in 10 years or so..... I'd put my money on the Camel/Llama crosses done by the Saudis..... No hump, still have the alpaca type hair, big enough to ride, and not so tall as a regular camel..... done with simple artificial insemination either direction, and the resulting offspring can breed no problem..... A highly valuable animal, and with the existing Llama farms in the US, all they need is the idea, and a visit from the Veterinarian to start.... I also think there will be good money in horses.... How many more fuel price hikes until it doesn't pay enough to go to work? Actually I think we've already passed that tipping point, and other than a wee bit of denial, its de facto......

Another big money maker will be Mules that can breed..... Which I imagine is now possible with gene splicing etc., Mules are one of the best survivalist animals, and the Genetics lab that starts selling them that breed is going to make some serious money on a planet going drier on the continents, and going to brush and thorns following Wars........ It would be my personal number one choice, for a survival/stargate animal buddy..... Smart, strong, tough, agile, and can thrive where a horse will starve...... Too bad “Non-santo” (Monsanto) is busy trying to screw up all the food supply with really un-needed for any thing but their profit margins genetic alterations, when they could be doing something decent and with a future in business, which their chemically based satanic cancer garbage doesn't have.....

Going to have to shut off the fossil fuels very very suddenly folks, better get your horse now, before theres a run on the market.... And if you have the dough, remember the Camel Llama crosses.... And if some one comes up with a Mule “True-strain” itsa gotta havvit for any serious survivalist.....

And speaking of Genetics, I realized recently, that in order for justice to be done, it must evolve with our technologies..... And I think that Murderers would be well spent working at minimum wage behind bars and paying off the Victim's family having a clone made of the victim.... a one for one replacement clause, maybe with child support until 18?

Sure would be a lot better than what passes now.......

And might prevent more murders than anything to date..... And with life extension coming over the horizon, it would even work for mass murderers..... so what if it took them 1500 years to pay the bill? How long would it take George sr. to pay off his share of the 3,000,000 dead from when he managed the Viet Nam war? Have you ever wondered why the US has never ratified the international war-crimes laws? Well its because some people we all know and don't love, would then be liable for things like agent orange, depleted uranium munitions, Viet Nam, A couple of wars in the Mid-east, some torture, the list is endless really......

What is generally most important on the News, is whats missing........

I was wondering recently, how long it will take the Arabs to realize that their wish for a stable market for their oil is going to depend on getting away from using it as a fuel, and into them financing Space Elevator Technologies...... the resulting limitless growth into space would gobble up oil forever as lubricants and plastics etc., instead of burning it..... they could literally sell it in tiny fractions, and have its intrinsic value be much much higher.....

And I personally would love to tour a Mosque/ Space elevator built in Arabesque styling....
Imagine the arches and art work possible..... All it would take is them realizing they can now follow Mohamed skywards.... and they have serious populations pressure building up....
If they get the idea, they could be first..... and able to expand their numbers limitlessly...
maybe even out-breed the Catholics? Not to mention the money to be made......

Gee? I wonder where the carbon in carbon nano tube fiber comes from? Hydro-carbons perhaps? I wonder how much oil it would take to build say 10,000 space elevator cables with? And what would they be worth?? And who would want to own them?


Humans, self included seem to invariably do too much..... Work ethic? An excuse to kill yourself, making someone else rich..... big house, big car, big business... big problems.......
little house, little car, little business, little problems......
no house, no car, no business, no problems..... its why humans in the indigenous forms didn't bother to invent technocults, it was too much work, and besides, it goes against what is natural, so it wont work..... and you can only make it work by killing and destroying anything and everything, and where would that get you?

It gets you a sick mind, from being constantly hyped to do it all...... you dont really need any of it, nor any of the shit you see on TV, nor most of what they have at the Mall.....
Its all vanity..... and suicide by vanity is what we are heading for......

Ever notice that little boys play with one kind of toys and girls another?
Yea.... but why? Well I suspect its genetic learning, and that little boys for thousands of years have survived and supported little girls when they all grow up, with things little boys and big boys are attracted to, be it weapons, boats, horses, dogs, tools, or widgets built in the basement, its all gone into the hopper of making things better for the wife.... And you notice that you'll never hear a Feminist thanking men for all that we do for women.... its like thats a given, and all they can think of is; more, more, more...... And seem to be getting it with; rag, rag, rag.........

Gee... we dont have wives anymore, we're pretty much all divorced and living separately....
So why are we still supporting them? Or this civilization, that has trashed us along with the environment..... so why dont we take our toys and go play elsewhere, and worry about ourselves for a change.....

Back to the days of fishing on the pier, or down at the river, or on our boat, or exploring some creek with the dog..... And besides, if you disappear off into the brush, the Bureau-Hyenas will have to really earn their pay to track everyone down.... Why make it easy for them? Its not “Your child support,” no more than its Your taxes..... its Their trip, their child support, and their taxes......


yea... what does a guy really need? A house? Might as well be trying to feed a pet dinosaur with boughten lettuce and tomatoes...... a car? Ditto.... a business? And work to pay taxes? Its not worth it, and thats the plain truth.... none of it is worth what it does to you.....

I've seen guys with bass boats big enough a third world family could live in one, under a tarp...... And you know what, I'd rather live like that, out in some swamp, than put up with what passes for normalcy these days...... There is absolutely no future in working for the technocult, its a down hill trip, and the bottom is coming up fast...... faster than most realize, and as the scientific community is now warning, the various cultures may not be able to stand the stresses....... I've known that for over a decade..... and have done enough to prepare, that I have time to waste writing this drivel...... In the boyscout field book, they say that the secret to survival is preparedness..... so what are you going to do to prepare? Rely on the same system of fools and greedheads who have caused the problem, to save you?
The pack mentality is bankrupt, its Lemming'sville folks, and if you go along for the hayride until the end, you'll be more than knee deep in the barnyard...... there must be 50 ways to leave your civilization, and all of them are preferable to being in it in whats coming.... Its getting ugly, and I think the Mid-east peace deal is most likely another divide and conquer routine, that its like the north Korea thing, negotiate something interim, so force can be concentrated elsewhere, and George and his boys will get back to Korea when they've wiped Iran off the map after several thousand years of civilization there...
Whats wrong with this picture folks? Do you really think they give a damn about you or anyone else? I dont think so..... They are running on big egos, and don't like to think that Iran might have bought a few nukes from the Russians back during the Soviet breakup....You don't 'spose their oil money was enough? or perhaps the Chinese may be helping them on more than just the missile technology? Like something to mount up there on the nose? The Chinese have plenty of reactors going, no problem to send some enriched U-235 to Iran....... its what you don't know or prepare for that gets you.... What we have is the US assuming such superiority that its probably a rare General who grasps the other possibilities, one of which may be the actual reality.....

If I were the Chinese, I'd lay a nice trap for the Americans, give out nuke and missile tech to various rogue nations on the quiet.... and then wait for the US to step on one of those land mines, and trigger a launch of a dozen or two small to medium nukes, targeting the nuclear reactors so popular with the Hyenas of Capitalism..... The US gets to nuke the dogshit out of the little rogue state, and disappear itself into the History books the very same day... Leaving the Chinese Top Dogs on the Planet.... Where upon they visit here and there, do some major depopulation, and unload their own people to take over the lands........ Where upon the world would discover the difference between the Americans and The Chinese..... The average American at least values human life.... not all Americans, But the Majority are now very offended at the wars started with lies.... We at least mean well..... Do the Chinese mean well? Or is their help invariably connected to getting something? Like with some American Governments...

Governments are monsters of our own creation, and they have a collective personality, thats made up of a bit of everything, and results in a mass psychosis we call culture.... power attracts the best and the worst, but mostly the worst, because the best find other things to do..... Who is a better human? Some Hippie with a pony tail, working for the Peace Corps, trying to get water or power,or better agriculture, or just jobs, booted up for some village locals on the backside of reality, or is it some President who uses false pretenses and outright lies to start a war to get at oil profits for his buddies..... Not much of a comparison is it... then why do we bother to vote for the scumbags? I dont, I realized years ago that it just legitimizes them.....Who are the real heroes? Its common man and woman... just trying to weave their way through the collective insanity we call modern culture.....

I realized that the only way I could be clean, was to disassociate myself from the whole ugly stinking trip, and leave the airheads and greedheads to their collective doom.... They're running it into the ground folks, money causes insanity ..... probably in most......
And the worst thing you could do to yourself is aspire to be like the people you see on TV,
Mouthing part truths at best, and going along no matter what, to keep their stinking job, and its perks..... And meanwhile the stresses build in the culture, the carrot always ahead of the horses, and we have kids going over the edge and killing sprees on the nightly news..... and everyone is scandalized, but nobody ever does anything to make for a more peaceful reality....
Its inevitably more, more, more.......and we have all become whores for the monster......
When is enough, enough? When will too late arrive? When will your TV go dead forever?
And how many must die before we grow up as a people, and refuse to kill each other any more? Self defense is one thing, bullying is another... and we wouldn't have problems with the Muslims, if we didn't help cause them by supporting dictatorships based on Capitalistic profits...
Is Communism any better? No! Not hardly, it just another form of mass insanity....

but nobody ever said we were limited to just a couple options.....

All I have to say, is you all better run like roaches when the lights come on..... scatter folks, because when the nukes start going off in the coming Resource wars, the light will be deadly...
And its not the flash, or the two shock waves, that are the most potent killer part of nukes, its the poison..... spreading poison around God's green earth, poison that can kill for a billion years, Kill, and cause birth defects on the far side of the planet from where the strike was.....

We were put here for a genetics enhancement project.... to go through all the shit, from caverns and bison hunts, to nuclear war..... Thats what the Bible is all about.... separate your self from the flim-flam of the churches, and read it for a chronicle of repeated alien intervention... or ask the Muslims about Stars meeting stars in front of the moon's face.... Heaven is Space folks, imagine primitives trying to describe beings from space with incredible powers, who regularly manipulate throughout history....

But do we have to go along with the test? Couldn't we just collectively ace it instead by being mature enough socially, to just say no to all the bullshit at any cost? If we refuse to trash the planet and each other any more, we all pass with flying colors..... and if we continue trashing the planet and each other, what will we deserve? To kill sentient life is evil, and even living on animal protein isn't a good idea.... I admire the Japanese culture for its social maturity these days..... Only they have been trashed by nuclear war, and a great many are honest good people, with integrity rare and hard to find on this planet.... but they also kill sentient life forms for food..... Not at all different from a form of cannibalism.... this year planning to kill hundreds of whales on a “scientific” hunt...... who are they fooling? Not me, I've had the Dolphins come to warn me of approaching storms at sea, again and again.... I've had a Whale swim along with me for hours, just for the company of my boat.... And I've watched the Tuna get smaller and smaller... Where is it all leading to? Catastrophe........ And if we can't throw on the brakes, we had better jump from the run-away train.....
I suggest a Boycott of all Japanese products, that only stops when they stop the killing...
And I suggest we clean up our own acts too! And quit eating all the bogus “Dolphin safe” tuna..... sure its safe for Dolphins if we vacuum the seas empty with huge factory ships, putting their food, in our cans, with the fancy label that covers our guilt with a little white lie......

The Dolphins dont have the option of living on plants, we dont have to eat animal proteins, we can grow nuts or other protein producing seed crops.... even wheat has protein.... and instead we have an obesity culture..... well, not me, mostly vegetarian, nice and slim, I get plenty of exercise just doing simple healthy things, And I have realized the Technocult for what it is, humanity going to seed.... And we had better be up there to meet those “sky Gods” when they get back...... Because some of them aren't nice folks according to the legends..... If we don't, it may be our turn to be the protein source..... and it may be our turn to be slaves..... building more ships, with more freezers to fill with excess human protein.... What goes around, comes around..... and one commonality of the primitive cultures that had contact, is they almost invariably did human sacrifices to the sky Gods.... Gee? Do you 'spose that was just a coincidence?
I think we had best quit following leaders who spout New World Order anything.... perhaps they are preparing us for something? Like the slaughter? I think we had best decentralize and dig in, And I think we had better get our trip together in a big hurry.... What if they do come back in 2012 as they told the Mayas? And Restart the long lines of human sacrifices on the pyramids......

Do I think anyone will take my writing seriously? Not likely, not until the shit hits, and later the sky fills with one or more immense ships, and they come in and do as they damn well please with the survivors of a multiple catastrophe consisting of Nuclear war, and a planet with its ecosystem totally trashed and bleeding.... I have no doubts that they exist, and I would guess that they work on Genetics as a hobby on the long voyages, So how are they going to Judge us, for trashing their favorite hobby? I think they will do as they want to us, even if its a feeding frenzy like a sky full of sharks..... I hope I am wrong! I hope I am wrong about everything! But I don't think so..... I have a track record of being right about predictions...... enough that it freeks out my long term friends, and especially their wives who just want Hubby to keep his head in her sand....... Talking what I talk about, is very very politically Incorrect..... But I know “politically correct” for what it is, a form of SOCIAL COERSION to silence Truth......

I'm sorry, but I shall insist on my rights..... And I'm not talking about rights just on paper, I am talking about those God given inalienable rights, Yes, as were best described in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of rights, but I have not lost sight that those documents only express in words what those rights are.... And that no law enacted can superceed those rights, If a government abridges any such right, it loses all it's legitimacy...... And these days the constitution looks like a bulletin board covered with accretions, additions, and alterations, until the original document is lost beneath a garbage truck full of lies and crap.... And many will not like what I say, and bad mouth me... fine, I consider it an honor..... I would rather stand alone against the world with the truth for my sword and shield, than to go along with the Jackals and Hyenas trashing e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g................ I am not for sale, not for money, not for status, not for love, nor friendship, And if you dont like the truth, go away! And if you see an error in my writings, please teach me the truth! I admire people with enough guts to try to straighten out errors in thinking.....

Pack your bags folks..... because its only a matter of time now until your life expectancy is in direct proportion to your preparedness..... The analogy I have used for years is that its like we are in a small leaky boat arguing, and there are a thousand Battleships coming over the horizon at us, and we had better get the hell out of the area..... the thousand battleships are the results of our own nightmare.... the nightmare we call “normalcy”............. And we dont just have one or two problems, its stacks and stacks, any one of which is capable of trashing us..... totally......

And so the Neo-Indigenous mindset as your guide.... its a natural for us North Americans with our shared history with the indigenous cultures, Its in our blood, and in our culture, and available to anyone regardless of skin tones.... How many Oooohhhsss! And Aaaahhhhss! Did you hear from people watching Kevin Costner's dances with wolves? Make it your dream to see your grand children get there...... The healthy father and son life, and where mothers still teach their daughters how to be good partners, instead of being nothing but a long laundry list of problems.....

Maybe its time to get back to the basics of life........

Its our big chance you know, escape when the problems start..... or even before, as the Status quo relies almost entirely on two things, that the well brainwashed slave thinks he's free, and that we cant feed ourselves now.....

Gee? You mean it ain't just the Mexican border with “virtual fences”? Yup! The fences are all inside your own noggin....... and if you solve the mental problem, you can figure our how to solve the food problem too..... Take a look at the “Foxfire” books, it doesn't look like those folks lacked for much..... The small farm was probably the most viable human lifestyle ever invented..... So of course they were helped to death by big government working for big business interests, and not for who elected them...... Well, guess what, they are going to have to turn off those tractors and trucks too people, and its back to horses and hoes......


Then Don Imus can use “hoes” to describe anyone with a job in agriculture that eats regularly...
What a jerk! But I noticed that it was never mentioned on the mainstream news that he's a professional comic, Clowns have been rude for thousands of years, and even Kings couldn't shut them up, short of beheading them... Its freedom of speech no matter how tacky.... And it wasn't any worse than some black culture humor..... just mud to sling across an imaginary cultural and racial divide... There is no pure race, even the mathematicians tell us no one is any farther than 40th cousin from anyone else on the planet..... Give it up! There ain't no them and us here, just a lot of slightly different usses........
And wouldn't politics be a lot more fun to watch on the tube if it was a Don Imus running against a Bill Cosby, or Flip Wilson type... Imagine the debates! We'd laugh until our stomachs hurt... Who do you 'spose would sling the best one liner? I think I'd bet on the black guy, he's more likely to be on to the truth, which is the essence of good Humor.... And also is what got Imus into trouble, those girls looked pretty quality to me, Imus could only wish they were “hoes”...... And a joke that doesn't point out a truth, isn't quality humor..... Imus suggested in a snide manner the opposite of the truth..... I.E. “Twisted” humor... Which is what we generally see in bigotry..... Scrub one white trash comic........


Well, I heard more of Darfurs last night, on BBC, the wheels of Bureaucracy so slowly grinding, and maybe there will be a force to stop the Genocide sooner or later, and until then, all the politicians and their emissaries are making good money, So whats the hurry?
Its just a bunch of Black Folk Being Killed Off.....

If it was the World's Elite Class being killed off, The Marines would have put a stop to it in less than a week.....

There's no excuse for whats going on, just sick reasons..... I hold the status Quo responsible.... The people living there are not hurting anyone..... The Presidential Palace in Khartoum needs a cruise missile, And the Genocide would stop the same day......

Wont it be nice, when we have the Micro-nukes on Micro Missiles, at affordable prices, then anyone can get even, for anything, with anyone else..... I hope Walmart carries them.....

Actually I'm not too worried, Because in whats coming, One's chances of survival will be directly proportional to how deep they are into the Big Lie.... Distance from Ground Zero counts.....

And the Day the Ganjaweed Militias dont have an ammo supply, they may learn that the black farmers are better men than they are.......Honorable Warriors do not kill the unarmed and the weak, and then consider themselves “Men”...... Real men work for peace...... And weapons are tools of the absolute last resort.... The Ganjaweed are Cowards with guns......May Allah curse them to hell.......


Thinking about the space elevator thing, 'was up at midnight working on design ideas...
And you know how important I think the project is......

And funny enough, designing things is what I do best....... and I've not put much thought into the elevator and station itself, thinking others were busy doing that.... but I have put much thought into the peripheral items related to it..... And also have headed our family business concept in that direction.... My sons are both T.I.G. Welders, which is the highest of the welding arts..... and I have begun to work with some aluminum, instead of my old art of steel working..... I figured if we positioned ourselves in a business ahead of the curve, it would pay dividends in the future.... Which it already has.......

Basically when the project starts, you will see the biggest construction boom in human history... and unlike the present construction business, it won't go through continual boom and bust cycles...... its an open ended boom due to the very nature of the project... and it will suck up workers in infinite numbers..... I feel personally we shouldn't be aborting babies, that we at worst case should be storing fetuses, because there is no limit to how many people can populate the solar system within our present comprehension...... In the future, historians will look back and propose that the explosion into space was retarded by various things, from stupid expenditure on excess militarism, to the “small” population levels on the planet...... Its all in one's point of view......

So, I'm excited, because I get to compete with design Ideas, on a project that will basically save humanity if we can get it booted up in time...... “Jacob's Ladder” but on a bit larger scale.... This will allow us to go outward bound, and the tickets can be affordable to the average person..... and there will be new fields opening up, and creativity will be a premium.... This is already beginning with the Chinese making “monkey copies” (Heinlein's term) of everything, basically for an entrepreneur to have any security, he has to some how stay ahead of the copycats..... the only way is to start paying creative people what they are worth, just like we should pay organic farmers for their good services.......

Also consider the side lines and connected businesses, all will boom..... Plenty of need for everything, from pilots, to Space farmers...... Jobs, jobs, jobs, money, money, money, and without the limits imposed by on planet reality...... in space both Capitalism and Communism will work just fine, and a mix of any and all good ideas will work even better...

Also there will be “Space” for the loners, Asteroid miners, Explorers, Ice transport workers,
etc., will earn their living millions of miles from the teeming populations.....

Also Family farms...... No doubt that someday the average family can own a small station of their own, that provides them with everything they need..... And people can have something better than just a “Car” for transportation, say something more like a family yacht..... no doubt some will opt for minimalistic transport devices with excess power...... just like people “build” cars today for racing and shows.......

It's the door out of all of our problems..... and its our collective manifest destiny, but only if we get our shit together as a people...... Do I count on it happening? NO! I will prepare for the worst, and work for the best.............. then no matter what the future brings, I will do OK, and will have done my best to change things..... Between here and there are a lot of problems to solve..... And if we do not solve them, we will not get there...... but what do we have to do thats more important? Nothing.....

Recently I went down into Panama, Just to David', which I do often enough, and found a kerosene stove.... I'm not much on fossil fuels, but this one I think will run on palm oil or whatever.... I dont know where this one was made, but REI used to sell a version....
And I've seen them in other countries...... got a good deal due to lack of kerosene in David', no shortage in Costa Rica, so the good deal didn't hurt me...... I'll use it mostly for cafe' or rainy day cooking..... Nice thing about the tropics is you can live mostly outside, you know with the bar-b-que and pool, and in my case its my nice stone fire pit, and the spring....

I was thinking last night how crazy the world is.... people paying for houses all their lives.....
And they are houses in nasty places to live, glad I went sane enough to not stay in the rut.....

Camping for a lifestyle is so nice, and the not having to hold down a regular job to pay for it makes it even nicer.... And these days my vanities are measured in things that fit my back to nature lifestyle.... the stove was all brass by the way, and would be what I would want on a small boat......

I just cant believe sometimes how sucked in everyone has gotten.... like with the fake money system, that if you follow it around its contorted path, ends up enslaving almost everyone and all the profits go to people who buy up all the houses, land, businesses, and resources, and they then rent or sell those back to the slaves over and over....


Does it make any sense to you?

Then why are so many doing it?

I make my life better constantly by doing it on a small scale... most other humans on the planet are going backwards economically these days, and Gee! It doesn't look like its working too good for them to be supporting not only a VAST Bureaucracy, but a very very fat upper class/elite group of sickies for dollars...... Hmm? Various sorts of monkeys on people's backs....

Throw them off......

by changing yourself into a happier person.... and no I'm not talking “Don't worry, be happy, but keep up on your payments..”

this is no yuppie self help psyc guide.......

I'm not going to tell you how to be happy as a zombie programmed slave....

I'm suggesting something else, that you throw off all the pure shit thats making you unhappy and stressed out..... Gee? What a concept, cure your problems by curing your problems...
instead of covering them up with some virtual rug.....

Don't like payments, or bosses, or taxes, or governments?

Get out from under them, silly!

The only reason humans get to ride horses is because horses are stupid enough to let them do it....

And the only reason you are trapped, is because you haven't decided to get out of it......

Chew off a leg if you have to..... Thats what modern divorce is like isn't it?

One way to look at it, is its like a retirement account, that you gnaw on it a bit at a time, and when you can or have to, you push the eject button and leave your job to someone stupid enough to want it...... and with the push for a more natural lifestyle, its like that retirement account, except you work to be more and more independent, instead of totally dependent on the system as most retirees are......


Instead of being demoted to “useless eater” status........

Anyone who believes the system will save them is about to learn what “Genetically Edited” means up close and personal......

And it can be done in any style! Express your creativity, let cowboys be cowboys and gardeners be gardeners, and let the Status quo be useless eaters with out you feeding them......

I think we are getting fairly close to the unraveling of various empires, this is what the things in south America tell us..... Venezuela, Bolivia, pretty soon everybody is going to get tired of their local oppressors, and put in new ones, who are maybe a tich less friendly towards the existing status quo situation on planet.... Empires inevitably and invariably break up due to simple human nature, they are nothing but the terminal phase of a culture......

And we have plenty of empires about to break up into smaller and smaller power spheres....

In Feudal situations when the top gets unstable, the underlings start fighting over their various turfs, and it goes from princes to nobles and de-escalates into warlords, and then on down into anarchy.... Its a process folks, and it doesn't stop until it goes down to the individual unit (You & Me) having to take our own responsibility back on things like feeding and defending ourselves.....

The Big Lie in De-construct mode......

And as big and ugly as it is, it could go fast, especially with everyone with nukes...... the Abomination that causes desolation in Mathew 24, reads real well if you translate it as nuclear bomb.....

The big blow out......

Really just a matter of when, as things now stand....

I was talking to a friend on the fone yesterday, I mentioned that my life style was totally sustainable these days.... years of living mostly outside, just ducking under the roof for shade and a dry spot as needed.......

Don't owe a house payment, nobody owns me, and so far have avoided relationships w/females, and even had one female state last week that I did it so they couldn't put me to work....
YUP! I noticed that guys with women are almost invariably badly used.......

And yes, its a tich unpleasant to not get laid, but its better than getting laid and then having to pay for it at a stiff rate of interest.....

I just decided the few seconds of gratification weren't worth a fraction of the usual price of putting up with and supporting a female..... I figure I will eventually find one of a like mind who just wants to stay home and work in the garden or what ever..... there will be plenty go sane as things get worse and worse...... I suspect when the money game no longer feeds them consistently, that they may just begin to wonder about the less vain options..... I suspect most will resort to prostitution before they think to go back to growing food etc., which will result in the AIDS rate climbing very fast.... and the population levels dropping....

Me? I dont care, I live fine, better than most on the planet..... more to eat than poor types, and less stress and worry than the successful ones... I manage to improve my own life enough to feel satisfied, wanting less is a sure cure to overwork......

And by self governing myself, and choosing the limits provided by my Neo-indigenous
mindset, it prevents me from falling for the furniture salesmen......

I am thinking some furniture, drawing ideas last night for a fold up kitchen sink, and entire water system that uses gravity water or off the roof, but all parts of said system being portable/fold up components, and do it out of whats available......

And yes I could go the usual more permanent style of system, but then I'd be temped to over do it.... that minimalism is so nice, makes everything better, from the costs to the maintenance...... and what do I really need? Well, to be able to do dishes without getting my feet wet.... would help with the foot fungus here in the tropics.....

When I was in David' Panama, went into a home store, big, and spent most of my time in the outdoor section, looking barbyques, folding chairs, outdoor cooking ware, did get over into the tools and plumbing.... which is what started me thinking about how to do a sink that was easy to travel with...... I just want things to fold up, so they can stay mine if I have to go anywhere..... tired of letting go of stuff because its more than I can move.....

One of the benefits of the Neo-nomadic mindset is you get to keep whats yours more......

I think in time I'll build up a stash of all kinds of such things.... 'Guess I've moved too many Fridges and Beds...... And I can be as happy playing an air on the harmonica as I could be, doing the same song on a piano.....

And the harmonica is so much easier to get down the stairs, through the pantry and out on the moving van.......

Another item I ran into in Panama was decent plastic tupperware style containers.... here in Costa Rata, there's 30%-100% duty on everything, and so the stores are full of really trashy products for the dollar or two an hour workers to buy.... Panama is 3% duty.... All will be going to free trade, and higher income and property taxes soon, and I'm kinda looking forward to them coming out to re-value my spread, as I tore the house down and put up a wall tent, and when the new house goes up, it will most likely be a bigger tent unit affair..... i.e. Not a permanent structure..... Sorry boys, going to have to tax me for my brush patch..... read; letting nature fix the cattle trashed land.....

I have the fruit going, but it doesn't look like much, to people used to big operations.... funny how well minimalism works like that..... it will be like the British Empire trying to tax Tarzan..... “well the house is built a bit sub-code.......”

And no car etc., to make me look more affluent.... Just some poor slob living in the brush..
not even electricity or sanitation..... Most likely I'll be the bottom bench mark on taxes.....
which are currently at $10 a year on 69 plus acres and a house we tore down a couple of years back..... so even if they go up 10X, it would still only be $100 year, and the dollar is dropping in value so fast, it will soon allow me the $100 to be worth in real terms what the $10 was anyway....

Anyway back towards my point, the plastic containers, thinking to get some for different stuff, from my binoculars, to put food into, as they keep bugs and rats out......
I'm also looking at more stainless stock pots, trying to fill in my set, not because I ever cook in one much, but because they are very nice storage containers for the climate....

Plus they are nice for processing bulk food on the farm.... I live on about $200 a month, and manage to spend about half of that every month as discretionary income.... $100 isn't much to spend, but every month like clockwork I do get to stuff this or that into my bag and come home on the bus with it....

I just keep it all within the parameters, and the minimalism takes care of the rest......

I haven't used a credit card in 15 years or so.....

I also saw a new large size Coglin's fire starter, didn't get it, but its a gotta-havit for my refugee kit..... I use a lot of matches and would dread the day they were no longer available.....

And am I ashamed of my poverty? Well no, its not hard to take as a bum in the tropics on my own hunk of land so big I seldom see much of it.... most of the local towns are physically smaller than my farm, and have many times more jerks occupying them....

There was one corner of the farm I had never been into until recently..... more than a decade of owning the land...... So I finally hiked and crawled through the brush, and found a really beautiful spot, and a couple of weeks later had my worker build an extension of the trail system up into it...... The farm is fairly steep, Juan Valdez type real estate, and the locals never think to build trails, they just spend their lives busting through brush and stepping on snakes..... And my worker also just got a contract to work on a friend's farm building a trail in, etc., another poor slob who will go from being a public works worker to being a bum in the tropics too..... its the only way to do less than a public works job you know......

So that will be fun, I'll lay out the trail, going to be 1000 feet of climb in a mile or less of trail.... should be fun for my buddy, he likes dirt bikes and quads, and will soon be living in a perpetual spring like climate at over 3,000 ft of altitude in the tropics, and still only be a 20 minute ride to sea level and the local watering holes etc., And his wife likes horses, so everyone is happy, and some other fool gets his job at the utility company....

Its my fault you know.... my friend could pass as normal in the US, as did I, more or less,
but we both had initiative and guts, so public works was too much of nothing to deal with, for us......

The best part, is another guy I used to work with, is coming down next month, he's married to my X-wife now, who is also coming down to meet our daughter in laws family etc., and I'm looking forward to seeing him..... should be fun, he can go back and tell all my old co-workers how bad I have it..... 'Maybe he'll take a few fotos, and they can all see I don't have a trucker's gut, nor look used up, nor very stressed out by morons in management.....

A few permanent grin lines on my face, but I weigh what I did coming out of Boot camp in 1974, and I'm in better shape by far..... could go back in time and easily kick my own 18 yr old ass.......

Too bad I had to waste all those years figuring out that normalcy was a trap......

But maybe life extension will arrive, and I can spend the next thousand years profiting from my learning curve..... Got a good start..... no 40 years of payments on the farm etc.

Most folks will need life extension just to pay off what they owe on their plastic card.....

It's indentured slavery, kind of dolled up......

Funny how nothing ever really changes, except what the players are called, and who the new generation of victims are......

I hear everyone talking about “Carbon Footprint” these days, but I think we should also put out numbers on the net for “Bloody handprint” for all the major businesses, and list who's who when it comes to ownership.....

The way I see it things are unlikely to improve much unless or until the space elevators go up....... I dont think world government is going to be any better results wise than what exists now, and in fact it will bring the demise single handed if we make it even that far....

Why? Because its galloping off in the wrong direction..... Like I told a friend on the fone a couple of days ago, govt. would only really work if the all knew Taoist thought.......

But then things would have never gotten to this point.......

I once heard that the Chinese had a national dialog for awhile over even going for the modern era.... like always, the group that lost, had its valid points disappear with it.....

Back towards the point, that control and manipulation invariably fail...... I suspect the working model is closer to anarchy than to total control...... Why are there so many criminals? Because the village doesn't get to kill them off like it did before we had legal systems invented and forced on us.... before that anyone causing any real problems had bad odds.....
Now they live at public expense in the best case scenario......

And common man gets to pay for all the theater that pretends to be helping us.......

Well, the one thing I count on is things getting worse....... because humans still dont have a clue........ when a few billion die off, and the rest dont escape by much more than a hair, after that, liars, lawyers, politicians, corporate types., will rate with meth-heads as far as public perception/ value goes........

This evening I was listening to BBC on short wave, and for the second time heard an interviewee comment that we shouldn't be sending signals into space, because we may bring some not friendly types down on us.... so my suspicions about Nephilim etc., are getting fairly mainstream..... Not only do I think we shouldn't be babbling into space, I think we should be preparing for just such an incident, as any who have read these writings well knows.......

Being Prepared pays, even if this or that disaster never materializes..... Its just a good habit....

I take the alien threat fairly seriously, enough so that I think about how to deal with it on a personal level..... But I'm not a UFO buff.... I figure that when everyone knows, I'll know too, and until then, its arcane to believe this or that, I rely more on a composite of legends etc., that I am personally aware of, than the front page of National enquirer..........

How do I prepare? Same as always..... keep my baggage low, don't get caught up in the current reality, and the crossbow I'm building is a 300 plus, pound pull .... strong enough to kill anything on the planet, and most of whats been on TV............

I affectionately call it “Nephilim killer”.......

I started it about the time I read the David and Goliath story the last time..... if we do have some overly large and hungry humanoids show up, the thing to remember is they will bleed profusely if you make a big enough hole in them.....

That might take some doing, and they may be genetically enhanced, and very difficult to sneak up on, very fast, strong, etc., but if they obviously deserve it, I'm sure some of us will gladly teach them about primitive societies, and the inherent risks of bothering them..... We humans really excel at one thing, and thats at being assholes, especially if we need to be....

And if our visiting monsters are twice as smart, twice as strong, and twice as hard to kill, then we'll just apply three times as many assholes to the project....

Its an old game....

And its why the description of them in the Tao, has them watching us kinda nervously.....

Also heard tonight on BBC, an interviewer talking about the bank failure crisis/subprime loan thing, and he commented about the central banks injecting another 30 billion or so dollars,
and his comment was: “they must have incredible reserves.” I guess the guy has never studied economics back to its roots? The Central Banks make the money out of thin air these days, so yes they do have incredible reserves, ( incredible in Spanish is increible, pronounced in-cray-ee-blay, and they use it like we use unbelievable.... crea the root word is to believe....)
In other words yes, its unbelievable money, because its bogus money, and it does a big loop through a string of banks, governments, companies, and individual hands, and goes back to the central banks to be “re-bogufied” with interest, thank you, which they use to buy up everything thats real and worth any thing as I've explained before, and even moron level Christian survivalists know this, but everyone in mainstream river is swimming along without knowing this... I found it in the economist Galbraith's book “Money”, 25 years ago.... And have seen it explained in other publications, and even made sure my kids read it in Money......Its called “fractional reserve banking”

Now to my point..... its the end game folks, like in the monopoly game, and when it all goes, its how much reality you are holding that counts.... gold, silver,? Real? Yes, but of limited use in a survival situation...
Now think about all the things I've been talking about, from land to tools to weapons to food planted, to water to climate.... thats the hunk of reality I've managed to bite off for myself...
Some will bite off being warlords, and most likely die for it.......

Basically its a reality grab, and what you get, is what you can grab and hold on to, as the ship goes down..... I dont recommend force grabs.... but I do recommend wise do-able personal grabs..... Any thing from a pony cart to a mountainside..... but you have to be able to hold it......

And a more humble grab is more likely to be held......

And more likely to be sustainable.......

From now on, its what is real and tangible and that is in your immediate possession that counts, paper games and imaginary wealth, and excesses of anything, are valueless...
To survive one must be lean and in shape in all things..... Most will die, in an attempt to keep what they do not even need.......

If you survive and prosper, it will be due to a return to balance in all personal aspects...

And a return to the preparedness and independent mindset of past generations.....

We live in a decadent society.... where the rich oppress the poor, and get away with it by lies, saying that the poor can be rich too, if they copy the rich.... this has created a culture of greed... and it will very soon be nothing but history, and perhaps things will go bad enough, that the future history is again unwritten......

In whats coming, its the minimalism that will save your butt.... not grabbing more than you can carry, both figuratively and literally.....

A big bite, will bite back big...

One lives fine on small bites.....

Another point: in nature that which is gluttonous usually gets trimmed off too....

I had a friend who liked to maintain bird feeders, and one time there arrived a bird who pigged the food and ran off the other birds, one day my was looking out his window at the greedy fat bird, doing its usual routine, and the cat's paw came out of the shrubs and snagged it..... a thinner bird might have reacted in time and escaped...

Moral of the story: greed is a natural target, i.e. It goes against what is natural and is followed by effects that result in balance once again........

I just learned this morning that Mel Gibson has bought a place in Costa Rata, (Rica)...

So our favorite actor from the Road Warrior films now has a back door out...... You don't suppose he knows anything you don't, do you? Road Warriors, I describe as “near prophetic”.... The films have some of the finer nuances of whats coming in them, and they're from 30 years or so ago...... its all fairly obvious once you begin to see and hear......

This morning I woke thinking about the Neo-nomadic housing thing, I'm working on some designs, thinking to try starting a small business based on what I see coming, and have some concepts for a simple structure for use as a house after disasters or what ever....

I've long loved Tipis and Yurts, and have come up with a cross of sorts that I call a “Yurpi”, and will be building one or more in the fairly near future I hope, and would like to do frames for sale, out of the locally farmed second growth Teak wood.... I have a friend who is supposed to be checking on prices, for teak poles, and I'm thinking it would make a nice jobs program for my area..... I'm artistic, and have come up with some pretty concepts on paper, and have built enough stuff that anyone who knows me personally knows how my ideas on paper transfer into reality.... They're even better in substance than pen and paper..

Any Readers who are interested can e-mail me on the subject.... I think owning a porta structure is a very wise idea these days, And I will try to keep a sharp pencil on prices and costs, and provide something affordable to all.... I'm thinking to have it for profit, but maybe do my business model as a cost plus, i.e. Client buys units at ten percent above all the costs... my reasoning for this, is that the seed motive in my mind is to allow people to reboot neo-nomadic/indigenous lifestyles, or to recover from their personal disaster into something sustainable instead of just being given a hunk of plastic sheeting............

And to do that, profit needs to take a back seat to production, and I know how I am, and that I'd channel the 10% profit into other stuff along the same lines, it would give me some funding to begin turning my ideas into reality for all.......

You see, the problem with the current pseudo reality, is the profit motive in the hand of those prone to abuse..... I don't emulate the rich..... in fact I think they are fools.... basically they have this economic perpetual motion machine pumping everything into their pockets, and in effect are quite busy sawing the limb off behind themselves, and when it all crashes they will be lucky if it crashes on them and kills them instantly......... otherwise they may have to face the music for what they've done, And I dont think the very harsh jury that mobs tend to be will be prone to truth and reconciliation, I think it will be whatever local form of genetic editing is thats popular.....

There is a hungry Lion...... Its the body politic of humanity...... most of the time the lion sleeps...... but when it gets hungry, it wakes up...... And when this lion roars, even Emperors fear.... The roar of the lion is the roar of the masses........... and the various systems have various ways to pretend to placate the lion, public meetings where the status quo pretends to processes, pretends to be listening, pretends to be doing something, and have “Facilitators” to incite the security guards to remove anyone who doesn't go along with their little games.....

But when all their little greed and control games result in a crash, if it gets bad enough, the lion roars, and still they listen not, and call it “Radicals protesting”, or call it “Conspiracy theorists”, Or call them “Terrorists”, and send their jackals to exterminate......

But eventually the lion gets hungry enough, and jumps through the “ring of spears” guarding the rich and powerful, and it bites their head off and scatters their blood and bones in their very palaces....

The lion is about to get very very hungry..... And the rich have their armies, and the rich have their sharp weapons, and none of that will save them...... its like fortifications, Forts buy time, and anyone caught in one when the enemy cover the hills like ants, soon learns that Ivory towers only buy time, and they should have used the hidden sally port long ago.....

Mobility is security.....

and counting gold in a bunker wont save you from the lion........

When the food supply goes down, the rich will be dragged into the streets and killed....
And so their options are limited..... currently they poison the lion, they shoot it with their guns, and bomb it with bombs with casings of nuclear wastes, and the lion only gets more angry....

And eventually and inevitably, as sure as the sun shines and the water flows, their time will be gone, their opportunity to create a just world will have passed, and they will be paid in full for their arrogance and vanity.......

Is that they all have humans running them, and so reflect us, and like any good mirror, are incapable of reflecting just pretty lies..... i.e. Our greed invariably corrupts our systems.... in fact the only system that works even marginally is the common household variety family......

And even they exhibit the problems.......

Communism? Capitalism? Both result in an elite class sucking off the rest and becoming arrogant and greedy, and justifying it with this or that “ism”........

The cure is in the roots..... go back to the forest, look for the medicinal roots, dig up a few, hang them to dry in your shelter, make tea of them on rainy days when you have the stove going and a good book to read...... Go not to the city in search of happiness.... in its pure form happiness doesn't exist there...... at best its tainted..............

The cure to greed and “isms” is to avoid them.... go for what is good and natural, and you will someday wake up healthy again, and it will have just happened like magic..... a stealth miracle..... you dont need self help books, you dont need a guru, you dont need a group, you dont need a leader..... you just need to do it for yourself....

How much? Nobody knows, but all who know anything, are beginning to suspect we're in deep shit.... but there is time between the lightning and the thunder, and in our case the warning has come before the strike....

Its the “pack think” thing that will trash the most people..... absurd buffoons who think nothing will happen to them because they have a position in the hyena pack.....

Even hyenas get diseased when the food supply goes down, and the population becomes stressed.....

And only the animals out in the ranges that are still eating natural and healthy will survive....

The hyenas with their bodys full of chemicals from their poison food supply wont have a very high survival statistic..... the imbalance the chemicals cause will only allow the correcting microbes to be more effective.... chemical imbalances in plants attract pests and plagues.....

But people living where the sky meets the earth will be ok if anyone is......

The only security any of us have is proportional to how natural we are and how naturally we live..... Money? Its not security, its selling your security in trade for pretend security provided by the big lie......

Its time to pack your “pass-over” kit.... do you have a good walking stick seasoning in the corner behind the fireplace? Have you a coat of wool woven tight against the chill?

Is Matilda packed full with all you can carry like Saint Nickolaus's bag? Have you a pot to steep tea in? And a pan for your Bannocks? Is your knife well sharp, and of good steel?

Have you a good sheaf of arrows straight and true in your quiver? Is your bow long and strong? Did you make that yourself?

Have you a good blanket or two? Are your boots broken in and well greased? Do you have sandals in the pack?

Are your pony's hooves clean and trimmed? Is your dog well fed and healthy.....

Are your animals well taken care of? How many can you herd with your family?

Do you have food for travel ahead?

Is everyone looking forward to the journey? Are you starting out early before the traffic on the roads make for difficulties?

Are the cart's bearings well greased? Have you oil for the lamps in strong containers?

OK, all looks good, God's speed to you!

Hmmm? thats a fairly absurd idea..... why should we want to fight with our mates? That would be like wanting to beat our children....... it wouldn't do anything good... there are other better ways to make things work..... I often say things against Feminism.... and generally for good reasons.... Do I hate women? No..... but I dislike inequity where ever I find it...... and I'm not stupid enough to believe in equality between apples and oranges... I see a lot of over fed people mouthing words in support of those who have little..... words are a fairly low calorie form of help.... look in the mirror of your soul, i.e. Your own thoughts... observe and analyze them from your other side..... This is where the field of battle lies, as your survival isn't enhanced by others being blamed..... it is enhanced by knowing the truth and acting upon it..........

I hear of women in far places suffering.... I have food, I would like a woman.... But I have not the economics to buy her out of her pen..... fences..... borders are fences to keep the human cattle in.... Its the Feudal system all dolled up and everyone given more modern job titles..... Do I want a feminist? Not hardly, been there, done that, it was a miserable experience..... do I want a normal woman? no... been there too, and normalcy is terminal, so why would I want to harness myself to someone who believes in it..... the relationship with the woman who's aspirations were to be as normal as possible also failed..... I want a woman who's aspirations are to be a good partner...........

I get emotionally effected by the suffering of others.... and I am intelligent enough to have figured out where all the suffering comes from..... it come from inside us ourselves, its the egocentric desires that are insatiable in some, and hard to resist in most of us.....

The cure? Aspire on a personal level to something better..... Aspire to a healthy life on a pretty blue planet, and instead of watching animals do animal things on a TV, carry your sofa out into the hills and throw it down in any peaceful glade, kick back on it and wait, and soon you'll see everything from bugs to owls doing their movie right in front of you.... sure saves on the electric bill to eliminate all the middle men, and go watch the critters up close and personal, instead of paying someone to produce an electronic connection to your rented couch position......

Back towards my point..... it isn't working for us.... the whole civilization isn't working, and arrogant nasty bitches pointing fingers at men and bad mouthing and blaming us will cure nothing and help no one.....

But I could appreciate somebody who likes to weed the garden and plant flowers and food......
For therein lies the cure to the problems..... let go of the system that rents us our lives on a planet that they certainly didn't make.... Get Natural girls, Observe “women's group” for what it is, a rag-a-thon with social games played, and fingers pointed, but it never produces anything of substance or lasting value.......... Why focus on something that has no good result? Its like YIN saying YANG, is the problem, instead of focusing on maintaining true balance..... its divide and conquer, with some stinky slitches who think they are better than you, manipulating your mind, and sucking quite good incomes off the fame.....

No? check out daytime TV with open eyes.... lowing cattle and a herd lead cow or two orchestrating the chorus and refrain..... the bulls make less noise and have more power.....Basically what I am saying, is: “Cut the crap girls!” or when the shit hits we won't be inclined to help you.....

I give Secular survival sermons in Spanish, for years I've used mass transit in a third world country, and used my talking with friends to do more than pass the time.... I realized everyone else was listening, and so I developed a style of conversation that teaches.... People used to listen and grin, and give me these looks like I was more than a bit derailed..... But these days reality is catching up with me, and low and behold my train is right on the track and chugging up the hill no problem..... Now when I talk about food being security, and us men just wanting good women who are willing to help us get the food to and on the table, I get a different response.... I have women thank me for my teachings, in front of all who are there.....

And nothing and no one you see on TV will fix anything.... try that person in the mirror... thats who can fix your end of the universe.....

Give up greed and desire...
and have plenty......

Give up manipulation and control,
and have security.....

Give up stuffing as much as possible into only your sack,
And there will be fish and bread for all.....

Share the food, share the toys nice, share the experiences, share the help..... Share the work, and share the being tired.... share the rest, share the feasts and famines....
Share the love...... share the suffering..... share the joy..... share the children... that they may have many examples to learn from.....

Eliminate specialization..... we are all special......

Networking now possible on the net has incredible power, It allows us to control our political ambient in a way never possible before.... I suspect this will be proven out over and over very soon, from the Ron Paul candidacy, to the Japanese and their little blubber expedition, to
whatever the next problem is that gets our collective attentions.....

I suggest one use one's networking to do some work.... I'm sure plenty are passing around info, but is anyone designing software to sollutionize humanity's problems by allowing them to act upon economic and political realities in a joint fashion?

I see the ability to use the Net to put pressure on anyone who needs it put on them....
Japanese Whaling? Boycott all Japanese products and any of their Chinese spin offs by Japanese companys etc.......... So we need software that allows someone doing purchases over the Web to have a pop-up anytime any product is Japanese.... And if the Military Industrial Complex wont quit with the Greed and Resource wars, we need info passed out just as actively that allows us to use our leverages on them..... Politics? Ditto, Figure out how to analyze away the lies, spread the truth via good statistics to home computers etc.....

Technologies exist to know when someone is lying..... Might make a nice program on the home computer, that it alerts you, when the talking head is talking shit......

Or how bout some software that eliminates things, like people who use the timing to Mute TV commercials.... I listen to BBC and other news on short wave radio, sure would be nice to do it on the net, as I will be doing in about a month, but have a program in my computer that eliminates any mention of say Tony B-liar, and Honest George....

I wouldn't waste my time listening to them and any or all of their shit, if I didn't have to to get the other stuff.....

I also see the need for an ECONOMIC VOTER'S GUIDE i.e. Use computers to analyze everything and give you a synopsis on reality, and how to channel your expenditures in the best way to affect that reality towards what ever your personal goals are.... i.e. Vote with your pocket book in a very very informed manner, and have the results be very pointed in their applications.... Say something like Google, or Face book, but that allows users to surf specific areas in their shopping that amplifies their economic effects by never never getting any money outside of their very well tuned parameters box.....

That way corporations and their political Call girls in DC wont be able to hide what they do... analyze the web from below, just like they want to spy on us from the pointy part of the political pyramid..... most of the brain power and other types of power are at the bottom of the pyramid folks, and those people on the tube who pass themselves off as intelligent are trashing the ambient and total planet you need to continue living..... and they've got you helping them do it..... Intelligent? No! Beautiful Liars? Yes.......

So my point is that we need to create;


very democratic, to allow the individual to see and effect the results of his actions and choices in life on a daily basis...... Freedom of choice would become freedom from problems in due time..... Nothing like actually fixing things to make them better..... And I'm not talking about some kind of radical anarchists system, I'm talking Granny sets her own parameters, and if the status quo dont like it, they can dry up and blow away economically..... I wonder how many political supporters would support their favorite team of liars, if they had to limit where their money got to go to do it? Could be hard on the hypocrite normals.....

Mostly I see a bright future for those who get their trip together, we need not throw the baby out with the bath water, we can let go of that and choose this......

I think its way late to stop global warming from trashing civilization as we now know it, but nothing says we can't manage something better from the opportunities provided by the problems...

Me? I'd like to see an idealistic future, a utopia of being on the right path, instead of the hell we are heading for like a Calvary charge.....

What do I see? How about everyone living happy, in their Neoindigenous lifestyles, where the kids dont have to go to school, nor dad to work, its all right there on the farm, and there is a satlink net up that covers the globe, thats free, and everything from education to sales of the family's yearly excesses are done with out middle men or speculators, and government no longer exists even as a term in common speech.... We dont need governed, Greed needs Governed...............And who is running government now? Why the greedy and the liars...... I suggest we get rid of it before it gets rid of us......

The truth of the current reality, is that its made up of a fabric of greed and vanity beyond my comprehension............... just the tax burden imposed is unsupportable with any sane logic.......

STOP! Think............. dont just accept what is as well and good, normal isn't right anymore........ Things are going from bad to worse at a velocity that screams a warning to anyone with any mental instincts at all...........

I hear people on short wave radio; “What can we do? What can we do!”
Well, here it is, in this blog..... 'best get into your life preserver, and find your boat,
And hope like hell the crew gets it under control.......

What I have done, is more than anything put out two points; that its the space elevators that make the difference for the long term, and that its the individual heading towards a more natural life that will save your bacon in the midterm, (and in the short term You'd best be doing whatever you can to make things better any way you can .........)

I see humanity going decadent so fast...... and nobody stopping to check out the overview, nobody asking why, everyone caught up in a vanity, and destroying all that is really good and wholesome in the process.......

I see politically correct types being arrogant fools who think; “ Not me!, I'm better! Why I'm in with the right idealism, and I do the things that will make a better world for everyone!”

Well, if we're all so right on, why are things getting worse and worse so fast? Maybe its that not enough of us are in the right clique?

I dont think so..... I think we're lost and still pretending to be not lost.......
And we aren't going to get un-lost until we admit we are lost......

The current leadership on the planet is worse than incompetent...... mostly its just evil, and any good gets swallowed up by so much greed and desire for control......

It just flat wont work...........

The operating guide for spaceship earth has been with us for at least 10,000 years.....
Lao Tsu didn't just come up with the Tao one day..... He was just the first to put the ancient teachings in writing, on bamboo strips, before paper.....
Its perhaps the oldest surviving human knowledge............... Its main premise is that stability and peace can only be possible if thats what you make happen by not being detoured from living natural and humble......

Any thing else is a form of mental illness............

And human history has been driven by our sicknesses...........

Today we have people running the planet who have no idea what so ever that improving things and controlling everyone is the exact opposite of what it takes to continue.......

I realized years ago that most improvements aren't..........

Its a bi-polar universe, improvements bring their problems with them........

Control only brings Chaos.......... more control only results in more chaos..........

The only control that doesn't result in more chaos, is self control, as all good and evil stems from the individual.... this individual, that individual, all the same.......
And we are such silly monkeys, never happy with our forest, never content with our river,
Always trying to fix what isn't broken, and never never think of the problem lying at the center of our universe, i.e. Ourselves........

The collective is a sum of its parts.........

I repeat: the people running things dont know the first most basic thing, that it wont work.....

Their beloved system is designed backwards............ I guess its not taught at the better Universities? No one has taken the Reality 101 course? Its a do this and get that universe.... simple.... do this get that, do more of this and get more of that, so what happens if you do more and more and more of this? Do you eventually get to a point where the universe decouples for you so you can get some more this? no..... its always invariably more that that you get.......

The secret to the puzzle is in not doing..... dont do this, dont get that.... simple......
the less you do, the less things get screwed up...... and if you must do something, do the least you can........ the power of minimalism stems from this very fountain.......

Our forest was fine before we cut it down, our river was clear before we trashed it......

And its physically impossible to be Politically Correct and live in the technocult, and be right with whats natural and good.....

You can pretend, you can tell yourself I'm good, I'm better than everyone else, but in reality we are all pretty much the same...... silly monkeys.......

And no matter how much bath water we throw out, theres always some baby in it, because its all one system, its all interconnected from here to the farthest star.....

So how do we get our forests and rivers back to real normal? Well we have to quit improving things in the other direction..... and start improving ourselves and wanting less and less of the bright shiny things that enthrall us so.......

How do we cure our mental illness? Well, I suggest we first realize the problem.....

Only you can save the world..... you cant hire someone else to do it for you, it doesn't work like that......

Any way, I'm working on a copy of the Tao, about half done, and when I get it all typed, it will go out over the web..... I'm having a bit of a hard time, as my best copy was stolen from the friend I gave it to, and I'm left with a version that was butchered by a publishing company.... Somebody decided to improve it..... guess what happened.......

and they added many many more words to a document that teaches a philosophy that more words are worth less......... So I'm trying to get it back towards what I consider to be the
Definitive Translation...... and I'm working from memory, and I didn't have it memorized by any means..... When I finish it will be a file in this series, and I hope it spreads like oil on water on the web, because its the info everyone needs to save our collective asses....

And I shake my Head thinking of the reaction if some publishing company or academic twit had decided to improve the Koran or the Bible.......

“Well, I think Mohamed didn't really mean what he said here.....”

Or; “Jesus probably meant “pay your taxes”, instead of “dont use the money....”

Read it yourself, look for the translation thats most exactly like the original.... Its hard enough to decipher ideas coming through thousands of years of cultural differences, and linguistic translations..... We dont need academic accretions, we need the concepts they tried to teach...

And its an example.... Muslims would have rioted, Christians would have carped all over their TV programs if it had been their book changed......

But the Taoist thing to do was to just fix the problem however I could, because if I fix just the problem, and dont wait for someone else to, then it will get fixed some.......

And maybe there will be others fixing what they can fix too?

Case in point.......

BUYING POWER..........
yea, lets hit on this one again..... Want to affect the far side of the planet? Use your buying power...... Want to fix things? Only buy what leads to things getting fixed......

The only thing more powerful than buying power, is “not buying, power”

If you dont buy it, it sits on a shelf, and nobody gets to make another one until that one sells figuratively thinking, so you've stopped it in its tracks.........

Its like my point on corporations making pony carts and tents if thats where the market is......

You are in total control.... or at least you should be........ and thats why all the programming based at separating you from your money..... it keeps you not having control of yourself, because you're always seeing something more desirable, or at least its presented that way...

What do you really really need to live day to day for the rest of your life?

A bowl of rice and a fish head, a bottle of tea, and a roof to sleep under, and a blanket to stay warm in, and a sword to protect all of that from those who insist they have the right to take some of it from you, so that they dont have to grow or make their own...........

You'll also need enough guts to mean it, with the sword thing........

Cowards make the best slaves..........

Anyway you get my point...... you have the control.... not them, you can eliminate them and all they do, by not doing it too......

And if there are enough you's not doing what they do in Rome, pretty soon the Romans will realize that they don't own the initiative any more....

And if the worst happens before the change, those very same habits will serve you well in your struggle for personal survival.....

Thats all thats coming..... just survival........ fix you now, or screw you later.....

Use your leverages........ put your stick between two rocks and pry as hard as your stick will take........... Thats how you move heavy things, and if your stick is economic? Well thats a good stick, very strong, and also flexible, it will bend a lot before it breaks........

But you gotta use it.....

Every chance you get use it..... get your friends using their levers too......

Its a big rock.......

And if we move it out of the path, we get to use a better path from now on......


I've never owned one..... been into plenty of animal raising, been around sheep and sheep farms, worn wool clothes and slept under wool blankets most of my life........

I know a bit of the history......

But why would I mention sheep, when things are getting hotter????

Well, because the planet will only get hotter until it trips the getting colder reaction....

Volcanic remineralization is likely the other end of the carbon cycle on the planet, more carbon, less carbon, countered by more or less minerals available for plant and animal growth,
Its a key factor.... More of this is going to get us more of that..... remember?

And when the big quakes get here, and the volcanoes are tooting in concert, and agriculture goes impossible, and all the cities are “really-stinking” rubble, It would be nice to have a wool coat...... and to be somewhere far from said cities........

I'm seeing more sheep here in Costa Rata, Makes me happy, as at least the genetics is now in the area, and so will be getting cheaper etc., and more and more people will raise them instead of just cows..........

And some fool will reinvent the blanket loom, and pretty soon his neighbors will want blankets too, and so they'll get some sheep, and it will spread..........

What I am seeing is people reinventing the old testament lifestyle with out knowing they are....

Its early in the process, but thats what I am seeing..... If nothing else reversing economics will drive us all back toward reality..... And it wont just be nut cases like me harping absurdities.......

Sheep are fuzzy little buggers, and their mouths are mounted low to the ground, and they eat what rabbits eat........ Their meat is tasty grilled over a fire, which is their bane, and their coats are traditional with many Nomadics, also to the sheep's bane......

Goats? Kinda like sheep, except they eat higher on the bush..... they also strip its bark and kill it if overgrazed............... they come from drier warmer places than sheep do, and both will do fine together, and they get along fine with milk cows, and ponies, and most decent dogs....

Camels? Never even smelled one.......... well Llamas excluded from that statement, I have had a Llama experience up close and personal.... it was in Peru, and I was looking at this Llama in the street in Ica Peru, thinking that if I lived in Peru I'd want me a few Llamas and go for the mountains beyond the desert, and carry a sack of potatoes in search of a place to plant them......

Because what passes for normal in the streets of Peru these days isn't as good as what passed for normal when it was the Incas, before the Spanish showed up and began fixing it.....

I heard a few years later on BBC that many Peruvians were going back to spuds and hairy little camel units.... that it was still better than hanging out in a shack in Lima with no income, waiting for the Government to quit driving Indians out of the hills with Army and death squads.... Seems the rich were into cattle ranches, and the Indigenous peoples weren't in those social circles....

But all empires fall, and Fugimori's was no exception, and these days its his trial news coming out of Peru..... Shooting him wont fix the problem, but it would give other greed heads food for thought....

Lima? Declare Exodus, and when its empty, nuke it and start over......

And realize that it was likely overgrazing that led to the coastal desertification in Peru, i.e. I recommend everyone up the ratio of spuds to Llama meat in the cooking pot, and try having sex in more creative ways, that don't result in so many kids..........

I give the same advice for everywhere else too, Buy some good pliers, get your little survival trip together, and take off walking towards those mountains, and just cut a swath right through all the fences, etc., until you get out in them, and then don't come back and you'll be fine..... Poke your sheep in the hind end with the stick, call the goats, touch your pony with your spurs, and head it back towards the tent when the sun goes low on the horizon....

The dog will be happy to get home after the day's adventure, the woman will have the tent cleaned and organized, and she'll slip you the tongue when the kids aren't watching.... so hug her and kiss her, and complement her on the tent and the hot food, take the kids for a walk along the creek fishing to give your woman some time to set things aright for the evening, and meet up with her in bed and pinch out the lamp, and then pinch her where it gets a fun reaction, and laugh at her, calm her and start doing the things she likes, but hates to admit how much she likes them......

Job? Whats that? Does something need fixing? The cart? The loom? A new spindle? Tomorrow.....

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