Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Preparing for the Future 07

The other day I was talking to a friend on the fone, we were discussing economics, the sub-prime loan scam thing, and my friend stated he didn't believe anyone controlled economies.....
I.e. That it was just something that hummed along on its own, and that its ups and downs were the result of common forces and the agglomerate of human actions and reactions....

I disagreed..... What I realize, is all the puppet's strings lead upwards somewhere, and although they disappear out of my sight, that doesn't mean they cease to exist, or that they dont go anywhere.......

We have engineers.... some design structures for the architects to hang their visual effects on, others build systems of pumps and fans and motors to heat and cool, others engineer circuits for electricity or electronics...... and they all analyze the systems and have known values for all the equipment and other resources available to them....
With sociologists we study cultures and now manipulate them, with psychology we alter thinking patterns, and sell people much that they have no actual need for.....

All of these fields have their proprietary language, all have flow charts and lists of available resources, and all use measurement of one form or another to gage how the various energies and results are taking place.....

And most people think that Economics functions out side of all this? I suspect that the Free Market is the most known, most gaged, most manipulated of all human actions, and that the engineers in the field, actually do something, and know something, rather than just react to a juggernaut conglomerate, and wring their hands when its sick or lurching, or going lame.....

I think part of the problem, is we call engineers in other fields “Electronics Engineer” etc. and in economics they're just called “Economists” and not “Economic Engineers”.........

Gee? What do Economic engineers do? Is it similar to electronics, where one designs a circuit to do a particular job, juggling one's resistors, and capacitors, and transistors, all affecting the flow of current, and affecting the outcome in the form of work done......

To an Economist, a Central bank of a country might be like a battery supplying electrons to a circuit..... and a good Economic engineer might use something else for a resistor, and another item or technique for a capacitor, but I'll bet they do measure and control for the desired outcomes...........

Fractional Reserve Banking is like a system that supercharges an economy...... its an economic transistor that amplifies the “money-trons” at that point in the circuit.....

My point is, that its a designed for a purpose thing, and somebody controls it, and they get the results they want, or they twist the knob a bit to get it back where they want it.......

And if one follows the money as it goes round and round and builds and builds, it all goes somewhere like electrons to the ground side of the circuit, and the effects or the results benefit somebody, and it ain't all the little slave units who are doing all the work......

So where does all the money go? Why to the richest people..... and they must have tired of watching it go around and around generations ago, and have to spend all their time in creative vanity trying to use some of their resulting power......

And they program our women to chase money, its a great way to turn them all into potential mistresses, or to have a nice time with them incidentally, if one has enough of Caesar's coinage to be impressive to the little simpletons......... and it works to get male prostitutes too, and lackeys of both sexes, and basically if you analyze economics, all it really does is enslave the gullible, and it does it on level upon level, from top to bottom, inside and out, from the beginning until now...............

Taxes? Cost of living/working? Birth to death? Where does all the money go?

Well the flow charts pretend that it just goes around and around, but I think it has a focus.....
I think it goes upwards through the confusion of corporations and into less and less numbers of hands until its a tiny group of humans who unfortunately are also just silly monkeys, just like the rest of us.....

Economics “freewheeling?” not a chance.......

Its all a power game, the ability to control humans and work them to death, and to have economic engineers tune the system to give the little worker units the least possible......

One technique that seems to work very well, is selling honorary membership in the upper classes via Political Parties, and the religion of economic ideologies like liberalism, conservatism, and any other ism thats useful...... I've seen people who thought they were accepted by the upper social levels who fought like dogs to get rich to be in accordance with their political beliefs, and who were running out of lifetime, and burning up their health doing it, with no chance what so ever of being anything except the next level of stupid slave to be manipulated......

And of course they thought they were better than all who were below them on the food chain, even though they themselves were pretty much bottom feeders..............

Big pigs, little pigs, pigs in the middle, religious pigs, political pigs, banker pigs, and little slave pigs who squeal when they get screwed, its all pigs folks............

Monkeys with the personality of pigs......

This little piggy goes to market..... so you wont see him anymore.... but he has made some little piggys to take his place.......

This little piggy ate roast beef, because some other little piggys grew soybeans and corn to make animal feed out of......

And this little piggy had none.... Because he lived in the third world, either physically or economically, and all the other piggys were so piggy, that thats what they left him; nothing....
And this little piggy cried “wee! Wee! Wee! All the way back to reality when the dream began to collapse, and he figured out where all the pig futures everyone was buying and selling actually ended up.....

The whole system is a system of slavery......

Thats why the “back to the land” phenomena that Scott Nearing talked about in his book “the making of a radical” always crashes every three generations, on the rocks of speculation constructed as a breakwater by the great speculators...........

No Free PIGS...........

Thats why the property taxes to run you out of your house, so some one else can pay the bank to live in it by paying all their lives too......

Now the good news..... You really dont need any of it.....

All you need is to be dry, warm, clean, and fed, and safe, and all of those things can be had at minimal expense, if you swim the river at the right angle...

The idea is to get across the river and up the other bank.....

And its not to stay in the river and swim to the sea.... like all the other lemmings, who feed sharks with their lives.....

Economics has currents.....

Smart Monkeys dont swim in DE-NIAL river, because the crocodiles like to eat monkey meat.....

And Economics is like denial river....

And if your goal is to float along on it instead of getting to the far bank, the crocks and sharks will be well pleased.......

Whats on the far bank? More planet... more time, more potential to make it farther down the road of life, without carrying all the other pigs on one's back......

The far bank is when you have your trip together enough, that you can see denial river down below the high pastures you live on, but you dont go there anymore because you know better.......

Its still a wide planet.... and anyone 30 miles off a coast, or 30 miles from the nearest road, is free........

The idea is to get separate from it.... spend as little time in it as possible...

and the only way to do that is to give it up..... give up the monkey dream......

And go back to the forest or the sea or the mountains, and live like as is appropriate for the ambient you choose...... The keys are humility, courage, compassion, honesty, etc., and not just money........ sure it will take time and money, both of which you dont have enough of, and you'll have to spend a lot of humility, to make up for the time and money lost playing the monkey games......

I see the problem as it's opportunities.........

I see it as finally being free......

And I've lived on very little before, and have no fear of doing that, if thats what it takes......

I have little to lose, and plan on giving away most of what I have now, that others would consider wealth..... As I age, I learn more and more, and need less and less.....

And I'll not live in a freezing apartment eating catfood sandwiches.........

I'll live free, some where, somehow......... And be as happy as an Otter doing the very same thing.......

All that you've been taught to consider valuable, isn't...........
All that you really have is your life, which is time...... How much? Nobody knows, but do you really want to spend it working for a retirement that wont be there, when you get to it?

Opting out is getting to be the only sane option.... but most people are in denial and wont admit that to themselves..... and so go down with the ship......

I don't write for most people...... I write for people who have the guts to break through their own fences......... the big fence, is in your own mind..... the corner posts are made of ego and vanity etc., and as soon as you realize how little you need, and start doing something to get shed of what you dont need, Why then you've started your journey to freedom...... The big secret, is in wanting your freedom, and wanting your real security, more than you want to continue to live in Vanityland.......

Get practical, go simple, and make a date with the near future to slip out of the rat race, and take to full time fishing or gardening etc., even if its on public lands..... Do you spose the FEDS will be disappointed when they have their big drug bust, and it turns out you are growing food.........

Last Night on short wave they read out a paper by Ron Paul on personal freedom.... very lucid.... I suggest a web-browse for it....
IT went along with many of my concepts about us needing to take personal responsibility for ourselves, and so eliminate government.....

I would like to add some to the Internet Village concept by pointing out first that there seems to be a bad smell coming out of the voting machine black boxes across the planet, and it has also affected some of the areas using paper ballots still.......

Vote Fraud seems to be the norm now across most of the planet for illegitimate political players to use to stay in power.... sound familiar to anyone?

So morons voting for their favorite TV political actors aren't likely to change much until we find our way around this pothole in our reality path.....

I suggest we quit using politics, and start using a combination of NETPOWER, and our money..... sure we dont have much of the shit these days beyond the cost of living, but even that can be channeled into political purposes if we use our collective noggins.....

You vote with your wallet daily.... and its a hard black box to rig if they haven't got you hooked up to a TV life support/programming unit.......

In other words, if we just start using the power of computers to sniff out the rats and expose them to daylight, we can starve the bastards economically, if we cant choke them politically....

If you dont like bush and company, find all the places they have their wealth invested in substantial hunks and do not use any products and services of any of those companies....

Black ball the bad guys big time..... and figure out how to get your clan and tribe with you......

They will literally dry up and blow away..... Run them to ground, smoke them out of their holes, and stomp on them.....

Ditto for everyone else deserving the same......

NET RESULTS? (pun) if everyone does this, what we end up with is my Liberation Fascism,
And the only things to make it through the filter, will be clean products............

Once the corporations catch on, they'll gladly play too, as the profit line will be based on their NETREP or public reputation....

Differences of opinion? Well, some businesses will do better than others, like Toyota compared to Dodge, but those who do the best will be those who are clean, and the dirty birds will be looking for the bird bath in short order.... greed controlled by common sense....

The businesses that are cleanest will represent the things we all agree on: ECONOMIC CONSENSUS CAPITALISM to coin a phrase....

Space Elevators? Everybody votes for that in anyway possible....

The bad guy's nasty oil company? Sorry guys we all went to bio-fuels, and then phased into pneumatics from there, and you scumbags have been blackballed, and wont be allowed to even invest in the new companies, until after you turn yourself in for crimes against the planet and humanity.....

My point is we dont need governments anymore, not at all..... problems can be solved by people making money solving them, and others who are in the know hosing the money in the right directions instead of spraying it all over.....

We take our power back, and there isn't shit they can do about it.......
We as consumer/worker types, have two major keys to twiddle the system with, and with NETCOMMING, three keys..... its a fatal formula for rat poison......

They done screwed up..... we've figured out their little complicated game, and found which shell the pea is under.....

And you dont think the Corporations will go along? I doubt they like Governments any more than common man, and they hate taxes too, so I think I know who's side they will be on once they grok how we play baseball...........

Imagine you using your computer for 100% of your purchases, and it warns you if this or that company has a little problem...... From the bank you bank at, to the car you buy, to where you choose to live, its all effective economic voting potential.....

The beauty of the Idea is we dont need anyone's permission to do it, and they cant stop us, and it will snuff out the current shit...... You dont think the Japanese corporations will change things but fast, if everyone starts buying cars from Taiwan etc. due to the whaling thing?

You'd see the Head of Toyota on the boob tube kissing the whale's butts, very suddenly.......... And their political prostitutes in the Japanese Diet, would be spouting the new whale religion in short order.....

Trash the bastards at their bottom line, and tame the rabid dogs............

(And if that doesn't work, we can always buy Green Peace a used submarine with a few torpedoes still in the tubes..... maybe the north Koreans have a spare sub they'd like to sell?)

Kinda like Rajneeshpuram, amazing how money can be used if you know how to use it... they did a lot of interesting things there in Antelope Oregon, much of which the status quo got nerved up about, and not all of it good, but it can be used to learn something.... i.e. The power of people grouping their resources into pointy Weaponized cash...........

Its also a great opportunity for the hacker types to do something positive and useful with their skills, sniffing out hidden rats in the NETSCAPE..............They can have fun finding all the hidden rat trails, and we should reward those most successful at it...........

Hmmm? Weaponized Hacking? For positive purposes, what a fun concept....

With a website like U-tube for them to hang their “DEAD-RAT” trophies on?

I also suggest the concept be used to eliminate sleeze politics..... corporations that give to scumbags should be spotlighted.... And the beauty of it is we all get to play! Its not an elitist's only game....

Trash the status quo with a new one.......

Just like the effects of Internet and digital files technologies on the music industry, a bunch of crooked promoters and agents are crying, and any artist with real creativity is doing fine in the more democratic waters, selling their product without having to submit to anal economic sex, to reach the public....

More choice, less control, And the little liar piggies go Wee! Wee! Wee! All the way home....

The power is there, lets use it.... everybody do what they can to set it up.........

Another point I would like to hammer on again, is how we need to do some things now that will line us up for where the baseball is coming in political power...

Control and Manipulation inevitably lead to collapse, it just never works, because some bureaucrat telling you what to do, wont solve problems where the rubber meets the road....
Its gotta be common man learning from his own mistakes, and coming up with corrective actions, and not some “GOD! Of politics” putting out a decree..... the turn around time is too long for today's real world/ real time problems and decisions........

We dont need leaders anymore, we are all leaders in our own way...... May I draw your attention to the Chinese, and their staggering Growth..... imagine the same effect without some left-over communists running it.... what if it ran on general economic consensus?
And if it was all of us building space elevators, instead of them building just cities....

Would we have anything to worry about? Would we be trashing the planet and killing each other? Would Fanatics get much traction? I doubt it.....

Economics can be cleaned up, speculation can be eliminated, and politics can get a new wing in the Smithsonian..... Thats where the current dinosaurs belong..... George stuffed, and in a glass case for school kids to file past and look at?

The Internet is the Town Hall of the planet, and we all get to go home and vote our conscious..... and its still a secret ballot.....

Buy what you want to fly..........

And turn up your nose at the Rat-brand products...........


Heard a program on BBC, on the food crisis, its here folks, and if you aren't sitting on a stash with a loaded gun at hand, you have no security..... I suggest that the sane and wise person begin to re-allocate the food budget away from meat and junk food, and more towards long term storage foods...... I also think its time to start putting some of the personal long term solutions I've proposed into action... if you sit on your duff watching the tube and never actually do anything, you will end up much thinner soon, kind of a comparatively shriveled up couch potato...........

And the key to success is to stay ahead of the curve..... pro-act instead of react... and this blog is to help you be able to pro-act.... if you read it and do nothing, I'm wasting my time, and you are risking your life.....

By being ahead of the curve, what I mean, is that you should be way ahead of the food crisis, and on into portable shelter, and non fossil fuel transportation of your minimum materialism while everyone else is wringing their hands over the food problems...

How to solve the food crisis? Get rid of the speculators and middle men, and set up a system where by food is grown on small independent organic family farms, and they get at least 50% of the final price..... let the middle men and transport take out of the other half, if for any reason they are allowed to continue to exist.....

Control wont work, chemical solutions are just more of the same problems, and for the first time in human history since the invention of money, the growers will have to be paid well, or the non-food-producer types will soon all look like Twiggy, a very skinny model from the 60's...........

Personally I suggest you not count on the system re-organizing itself in time.... its built backwards, and there will be all kind of resistance and denial preventing us from turning the status quo inside out, as must be done........

The ship is going down, every man for himself..... And be ready to defend the lifeboat you built, against the very types who made that necessary.........

If the raiders knock on your door, blow them all the way back out to the mailbox on the highway...........

And do work on that little mobility thing..... its your only real long term security..........

Whats coming will be worse than an ice age........ its the end of the materialistic culture.....
and the beginnings of survival cultures........


I got a call recently from a family member, and learned of a death in the family, cancer, which 50% of Americans are now headed for statistically, And I tried to get these very same people in my family to think outside the box, and get out of the “Chemical Heartland” years ago..... But the Siren's song of the materialistic lifestyle chalks up another victim, Someone I cared about and tried to get out........ but you cant help someone who refuses to be helped, and now my own family gets to suffer and think......... hopefully they will wake up and realize that I'm not such a black sheep, and they will all get out in time.... I would bet they end up reading this blog.... which they would have given zero attention previously to the very hard reality check.... What can I say? I try to wake people up, and save lives, and have been trying for over a decade.... and mostly get “pooh-poohed” by those who have managed to have the money game work for them.... well, your cars and houses, and plastic bag food aren't worth losing your lives for..... nor your children's lives either.....

And the Vanity land lifestyle is a very poisonous life in real terms, with pollution and chemicals laced throughout it all..... there is no sanity in endless materialism.... its a mental illness,
And greed is a crime against the planet and against humanity.... and there will be a price to pay very soon....

I also talked to my son, who found another used copy of the Tao, an out of print version, that I consider the Definitive work in the English language.... which will make correcting of the other butchered version very easy..... So, later this month, or early February, I should have it, and as I am working steadily on it as well as many other projects, for when I have an Internet connection, and hopefully I can include a complete Tao as a bonus in this blog........
I ask that if you see the worth in the Taoist philosophy, which you should if you have a brain and read much of it, that you spread the free digital version as much as possible....

The Tao was mentioned in the Gaia Peace atlas, as being what humanity needs to know....

Well few know it still, which is why I spend the hours typing it all out.........

I also suggest you search diligently for a hard copy, preferably the Gia Fu Feng/Jane English translated version from 1972, published by Knopf ISBN 0-679-72434-6....... and NOT the downsized Vintage Books version from 1989 which is much butchered, I suspect for copyright avoidance reasons........

Consider the E-version as an advertisement for the Knopf version.... I should hope if Knopf is still in business that they do a reprint.......... if not, I suggest that you be prepared to pay good money for a used Knopf, and happily do so, as it will change your life for the better, and help save our collective bacon, if you APPLY its teachings........And I do recommend that you have a hard copy..... it could survive the collapse and continue teaching what is perhaps the oldest human knowledge ever passed down..... Books I have read on oriental martial arts give the Tao credit for being the origin of the soft style martial arts, and also being the origin of the Native American's Natural religions.... in other words its concepts were taught word to ear, father to son, before written history, before the invention of paper, and before the land bridge connecting Siberia and North America disappeared under the sea.....

The Knopf version is a very nice coffee table style book.... And if I have to go nomadic with only one book, it will be that book.......

Studying the Tao Te Ching will double your chances of survival in whats coming....

Last night I was listening on BBC to the meltdown in Kenya, people fleeing for their lives,
a genocide beginning over politics and economics, and food supply getting too expensive due to speculation.......

Take a look folks, its the same everywhere, and the food supply is going down....

Its happening at the edges of the empire, out where the economics is marginal....
soon it will be happening more and more.....

And when you read this blog, it will be all the more closer in time......

I've made a good case, I've given solutions, both personal and collective.....

What I cant give you is more time..... that, you are busy spending doing the business as usual routine......

People in Kenya yesterday fist fighting each other trying to get on buses......

Kenya will get off comparatively easy in the long term.....

In the US, 300,000,000 people with have to migrate to a 50 mile strip along the coasts....

Might get crowded, and expensive......

And I doubt the police will be very polite......

And its inevitable now.......

So, what color is your parachute? Best be O.D. Green.....

What I am seeing is all the opportunities and time used up in denial....

Sure, still lots of food being produced, but social problems can put a stop to that long before the actual drought arrives.... the edges affect the center.... and social disruption at the edges could bring down the Technocult....... I chose my edge very carefully, some place with water and food enough that the wave would pass over small.....

Not all edges will be so...........

And the center will be very ugly....

Cannibalism in a week or two if total collapse happens............

I dont expect it tomorrow..... but I expect it soon......... sometime in the next 5 to 10 years at the latest..... its already beginning.........

Security in the future will only be found where there is water to grow food..... and you'll need to be able to defend it.... I suspect we'll see people clanning up on farms....

All the office types are going to get blisters on their hands...... and sore backs...... but they'll be thankful if they do, because it means they're growing food........

When its all over, it will look like 10,000 b.c., not a wall standing, skys darkened by volcanoes, And survivors wandering around looking for anything edible...... dried meat on bones.... human........

This will happen because some silly monkeys started a fad.... and all the others followed them, playing the pyramid scheme....... we call it economics.............

Some areas will be empty of everything except plants and insects, and will stay that way for a billion years..... Radioactivity from what used to be power plants etc.

Best not be downwind of any......

Take a look at the planet at night, the lit up areas will be empty areas......

Politics..... Listening to the short wave last night, sounds like people in the US are starting to wake up a bit.... its about time, the Coup de etat was in 1963..... when Kenedy made the mistake of going to Texas.... funny all the stuff connected with Texas..... surely a conspiracy theory trying to infect my brain...... Heard George Mc Govern came out with a statement about the Bush/Cheny/Rumsfeldt Junta, that they needed to be tried in court for all their crimes.... Exactly...... them and all their friends... Treason....... But I think before they hang, they need to answer some questions, like where all the money (Trillion$) is, Who killed who in the last couple Political generations, Because from Kenedy to Martin Luther King jr. all the deaths seem to have one commonality, something against the Military Industrial Status Quo...
King? He made a speech against the Viet Nam War and the Military Industrial complex, and a year later he took a bullet from a high powered rifle, just like Kenedy....

I had an Idea, you know how they hired Chertov, X-east German Stasi secret police, to run Homeland Insecurity department(Read; stick the govt.'s nose into your life and business)..... I think we need to do something similar when its Question and Answer time, like hire some Muslim Veterans of Guantanamo to do the questioning????

Sounds fair to me.... And a great way to rehabilitate some Al ciada types with a new Jobs program.... Interrogators........ Just re-fill Guantanamo with the current Politicians, and Military Industrial complex Owner Types, and Have the current inmates try their hand with the water, knives, and electrical extension cords..... Instant karma, and then very quickly, the truth about fairly recent world history.......

What the Conspiracy theory buffs dont understand, is Government is in fact one big conspiracy, which is why they tend to laugh at those finding this or that little conspiracy...
It ain't the tip of the Iceberg, its the tip of Antarctica......

And if it doesn't get stopped, you will die from it, you, and you, and you too......
World war three is not a joke......

I left the US over a decade ago, because I saw that everyone was too gutless to do anything about the injustices, and I couldn't fix it by myself....

Well, all the gutless types don't have any choice now, if they allow another fraud election to succeed, they wont have any retirement left, nor any economy, nor any food, nor any inalienable rights, Gone! No future......

I think someone needs to put together the short list on all the candidates, a whos who in corporate/military industrial America, and pass it around on the net...... the rule of thumb, is dont vote for any republicans you see on TV, and damned few Democrats, much better to wipe the slate, and give some new blood a shot at it......

Put the Greens across the aisle from the Libertarians, and a President that states he will withdraw from Iraq, and not just transfer the troops to Iran......

I realized a couple of years back that the space elevator tech., would change yachts too....
That it is possible to use existing materials and construction techniques and build a yacht that will double as a space craft...... I think if we have a future, that more people will go “OCEAN NATION”, i.e. Opt to live on boats... Now back to my point... Aluminum boats are the cream of the crop now.... and they are engineered to about the same structure as is needed for space craft..... It is also possible to build sail boats that fly, the sail boarders have proven that.... now imagine combining all the ideas.... a yacht you can haul up the space elevator and it becomes a space yacht..... it also will glide in, and do a re-entry, and you can sail it on the seas etc., a bazaar concept? Yes, but possible... a hatch is a hatch, a portlight is a portlight.... same basic unit.... multi-tasking.... I've come up with some proprietary designs.... would make a pretty space yacht, and sail fine on the sea.....

A Few days later.... Just got back from the Panama border, bought a very large Chinese wok,
that I've had on my to-get list for several years.... its mostly to process food from the farm with, Breadnuts is what I have in mind, and also for toasting corn before grinding corn meal.... the climate is so humid here that the corn clogs up my grain mill unless I toast it....

I also got a new motorcycle battery to use to be able to write more..... but need to get acid in it and charge it........

I was drawing last night, ideas for some projects, camp cookware, but for the entire group, i.e. Grills and such... what I want, is to have a complete portable kitchen sized for a group of a dozen people or so.... And also my daughter in law is about to start a food services major at a community college in Oregon, and wants to come here when done and open a restaurant.... and so I've been collecting stuff for her also... My guess is by the time she's done with her studies, food will be more front and center in the human psyche..... And she may end up being head cook in a refugee camp..... so its a good thing she is planning to volunteer for work in a kitchen for the homeless during her studies, as a way to gain practical experience...... good girl, one of the finest females I've ever met, and I'm quite proud of her...... She is not of my own blood, but my genetics is very likely dependent on her in many ways, if it is to continue..... she is also a very serious student of martial arts, can you sense her balance from what I describe? None of us are perfect, not her, not me, not you, but trying hard in that general direction is what counts........

I'm hearing more on short wave almost daily of the food crisis.... and many of the concepts in this blog are now becoming mainstream..... but I think I am still ahead of the curve with the Neo-Nomadic/indigenous logic......

I feel there is a good chance it may soon be soup kitchen time for many who are now thinking they are doing OK......

Poverty, homelessness, hunger, all will increase until some fool comes up with the idea how to end greed..... personally I cant believe we've made it this far with out coming up with a more real system of social justice planet wide...... The current reality isn't very complementary to us as a species....... no better than dogs fighting over food they cant eat all of......

Mostly the problem is corruption...... when Governments become corrupt, its a quick down hill trip to social unrest.... and I see the whole planet thinking that Capitalism is the cure.... well I have bad news, Capitalism will go the same way as Communism.... The only thing that will really work in the long term is balance in all things, which we aren't even close to in anything, at the moment.....

Historically the best system is the small family farm..... and a government hopefully very far away...... Anytime you have government in your face, you have grave problems in the culture... Many have been led to believe that they will be cared for by the system no matter what.... These people are sure to be disappointed... the problem is human nature, and the fact that our social systems are invariably one group of people as parasites on the other generally larger group.... and changing the political system only results in a variation on the same theme......

The truth is one needs to take care of themselves, and not believe the lies..........
Small families without outside influences will work or function better than anything else... and the long nose of the “Social Pinoccio's” who's influences are based on lies and guns and pack thinking do nothing but cause problems while pretending to improve things.....

I heard last week on short wave of a family in the US who had the SWAT team called on them because some slitch in Family Services had a power trip going, and a kid with a bump on the head, who's father was a medic in Viet Nam led to the problem just because the system insists on sticking its nose into everybody's life these days....

“Do not bother them in their homes or work, or they will tire of you.” (Tao)

which sounds fairly benign, except the veiled threat in the statement..... when people get tired of Government Harassment, the Government soon has problems.... which they invariably try to cure with “More of the same.” and respond as if it is their God given right to do so....

That ain't the way it is.....

“All power comes from the muzzle of a gun.” Mao tse Tung.........

And when people get guns shoved in their face, and the whole family bound with Zip-ties in their own living room over such bullshit, the end is getting close....

Am I against the protection of Children? No..... I came from a home where my Father was Narcissistic, and brutal.... and a child died in his previous marriage while in his care.....

My Childhood was a nightmare of violence and abuse, but I had the imagination to know that something better was possible for my kids, and I broke that Chain....

Two days ago my daughter in law was telling her sister in law how against violence to children my son is...... that is my doing.......

And my point is that the current system of Children's services etc., is way out of balance, and they take kids from people for any excuse, and then use them for medical experiments, and think they are God's gift to us..... Whats wrong with this picture? Arrogance......

And it will soon come to the explosion point if they dont clean up their acts........
But will they realize that? no..... Not until many people die......

When the Social unrest turns into revolution, and our current crop of Elite try to use violence to maintain their power, it will just get very ugly fast..... Our Elite these days acquire their arrogance with pieces of paper; University degrees, Job titles, police ID, etc., all based on a Social system with almost Zero chance of continuing to exist.....

Our whole civilization is designed and built backwards..... It will only survive if it gets off planet. .... out where energy, space, and resources are limitless........ I suggest you go to the library and get “The Great Frontier” (Hardin) and apply the things that you read to what I'm saying about the modern paradigm....... When humans have expansion into new resource areas much can be glossed over... but when you run out of growth, certain changes become inevitable....

I will make a statement; that if we do not break into Space, we will have to turn civilization inside out to allow it to continue......

The current paradigm has two extremes, the wealthy, and the lazy.....

Neither Greed nor Stagnant Socialism have any future, Both are Super Highways with off -ramps into Hell...... Choose your exit very very carefully..........

I suggest you find the balance point and get on it however necessary.......... because only those who have a balanced lifestyle will survive whats coming..... the Greedy will become targets, and the lazy will become victims of politics.......... Neither has much chance of continuing....

From day one until now we have managed to get by, because there was always someplace people could migrate to, to get away from the local status quo...... Now its universal status quo, and soon universal destruction if we do not re-order human societies into an up from the bottom power structure, as the US government was originally designed to be.....

Power from above is fraught with dangers for all involved................ Power eats humane thinking........ it results in arrogance, which leads to disaster.......... invariably.........

Really the only question, is where are we on the social time map? I say we have little time....

“The sure sign of a terminal culture is impoliteness.” (Robert Heinlein)

Using people's kids to death test toxic chemicals on, because mom was alcoholic, is a bit impolite..... As is breaking down their doors because some power tripper wants to feel good....

It's about over folks, few will survive if we dont get our collective act together very soon.....

And those with the most to lose, will lose most...... and the harder they try to hang onto wealth and power, the more sure they are to lose it.....

Are these my opinions? No, simple Taoism....

I only interpret, and anyone against what I say, is against the truth..... you can kill me, but the truth will still exist long after humanity becomes extinct.....

Politics has no future......

Nor does greed.....

And if the wealthy cannot be taxed, and truthful leadership cannot be maintained, and those who wish to eat will not work for it, there is no hope.....

The only system that will work, is every nuclear family having its own territory large enough to subsist on..... and anything else will only go for a little while more........

Social systems cannot function with human self-centeredness as a foundation....
Nash's equilibrium only works when there are excesses of resources, when excess disappears, the downhill trip is a fast one.............

I suspect a planet wide class war will soon take place..... many billions will die, and after that I expect things to worsen..... mostly due to damage done to the planet's eco-system.....

Which interestingly enough is what is predicted in the bible...... and that after the Nuclear winter effect, our Ranchers will return, straighten things out to their liking, burn those who's arrogance trashed it all, and most of the survivors will be slaves to a new status quo from far stars....... Nothing Religious about it...... its a genetics enhancement obstacle course...

Its a set-up folks, and if we do nothing, we will get what we deserve and then some.....
As I have a hard time believing in Saviors...... The best thing anyone can hope for is to some how be left alone....... Alone to be responsible for themselves....

The universe is designed for the inclusion of predators and parasites........ thats why they exist, they have their niches...... but when predators and parasites over populate, even they go away...... the only viable path is balance.... and anything else is bullshit.... period......

And my number one point is that if you wish to survive, you'd best Exodus from figurative Babylon..... go to earth under the brier patch.... Survival is a function of humility.....
Destruction is a function of Ego..........

And I give that advice to all who will listen.... many a rich person is a decent human....
Bill and Linda Gates have little to fear from the masses...... They realize they cant keep it all for themselves.....

As Carnegie pointed out, philanthropy is a responsibility of the wealthy, if they wish to maintain their power.... Getting to the top, is only going halfway around the circle....

Things have to go in full circles........ stopping economics at one mans benefit, isn't going to fly.......

Human Decency or Extinction, those are our only options...........

Anyway.... this week I made a long term goal in my preparedness quest.... the over-sized Chinese Wok.....

Its a tool.... and if my clan has to go nomadic, someone will be carrying it......

We all really eat out of the same pot, and we must share equitably, or soon none of us will eat........

There is a story in Peter Fuechen's “Book of the Eskimo” that demonstrates what happens when arrogance replaces what is equitable..... The pig is invariably butchered..........

All human problems have simple roots and simple cures........

And the use of force only sets up resistance.... more force, and you only get more resistance...

We could have easily conquered in Iraq with sincerity and humble assistance..... War is won with mercy..... The best Generals in human history could do nothing with out the lowest troops possessing the virtue of human decency.... its why the pen is mightier than the sword....

And its why the Internet is so potentially powerful.... we can come to a planet wide consensus in spite of a lying status quo trying to divide and conquer us....

And thats what these writings are all about.... an attempt to give warning, and an attempt to advise people how to begin to think and act to save their own skins, instead of believing what the predators and parasites wish us to think......

Think for yourselves folks, its a learned skill........

The more of it you do, the better at it, you get....

And the more likely you are to survive whats beginning to happen now, due to our egocentric civilization............

Simple cause and effect.... nothing more, nothing less.........

The truth will set you free.... search for it diligently.....

Place your faith in yourself and go for it!

Anyway, I need to unplug, hike up the mountain, split some wood, and cook my bread that I left rising on the table.... simple cures folks, it all depends on you doing for yourselves.....

The less you use the system the less it uses you...... the more you do to help each other in spite of the status quo, the easier the changes will pass...... Humanity is about to be reborn into something better, and its going to improve through simple cause and effect, Darwinian genetic editing for those who dont think and act in line with reality..... Some day the Lemmings won't leap into the sea, after all those with too much pack-think genetics get trimmed off.... evolution is adaptation, to fail to adapt is to fail to continue to exist.....

Violence begets violence, Understanding begets friends.........

There is a story here in the urban legends of Costa Rica, that during the Colonial era Spain sent out a new Governor to Costa Rica, and when he got off the boat and made it to his residence, he tried to order everyone in the area around... and no body did his bidding...
Finally a longer term resident took him aside and explained to him that everyone was really very busy just trying to make it, by growing food, Gardening, and that nobody had any time to play politics and nobility games.... and the Local said to him that if he wanted to keep on eating, he'd best start working on his own garden.....
The Governor went livid, but a year later he was happily working in his own garden, and things went well after that.....

The story is a good one to keep in mind.... it didn't result in violence because everyone but the governor already knew what the reality was..... well thats kinda where we are now..... but the Governors aren't listening...... too busy robbing the Indians..... well, not quite India, Iraq really...... But thats the usual game.... they're invariably busy robbing somebody somewhere, or as in our times; robbing everybody everywhere all the time........ you'd think they would get bored of being spoiled immature brats...... no amount of toys is enough......

Don't play with them anymore..... its not worth it....... better playing at home......

Another thing I've been thinking about lately, Is some things I've heard about the artificial muscle invented for use with Humanistic Robots in the future.... On BBC an interview, discussing Sexual robots, and that by 2050 such will be affordable, and indistinguishable from humans on the street......

Well, I'll throw my two cents in..... first, 2050 is a long time away, and I have yet to see a futurist get anywhere close on such numbers...... We were going to have cities on the moon by 1986 remember? Maybe the budget went lacking due to the Great S&L train robbery?

And robots I cant tell from humans? Bullshit! It will be simple; rather dumpy overfed human women will be escorted by “men” who look like some rich gay guy, with a muscle beach body, that acts insecure or co-neurotic, and rushes to please her every whim.....

And normal looking men will be accompanied by small thin well built females with happy personalities, who act like best friends......

Sounds good to me..... but I want a biologic “bio-bot” thats human in every way, i.e. Breathes, bleeds, can have kids, etc., except she comes with a remote and a mute button, and her menus have things like “happy camper” on the attitude scale, and “cuddly” as a choice in the disposition menu............

One tires of incessant problems for little cause...... and hopefully the “real” women will then all decide to head for the next Galaxy, and leave this one to have some peace for a change....


(“Politically correct” is a form of social coercion, used to silence the truth, and allow sanguine lies and liars to prosper.)

If people always talked in “comfy” platitudes, instead of less easily digested truths, we would very soon end up where we are now......

I listen to the short wave these days, and hear the morons squabbling over who gets to pollute the most, and who is at more fault for the fix we are in.... everybody wants to live in Vanity land............

The have nots all want what the haves have, and that it will end up totally trashing the planet in short order doesn't even seem to register... China and India coming on line, and the rest of the 3rd world following.....

Well, today I saw a foto of a 14 year old girl in my daughter in law's family....
Died of leukemia this last year..... nice looking kid, and I thought about all the rich bastards as the result of chemicals and radiation in the environment.... I sure hope God doesn't miss any of the Satanic turds, when clean-up day comes........

Humans? A poor excuse for a sentient being.... more related to pigs than anything else.....

And how can I expect for things to get anything except worse?

The longer I live the more I realize how low humans generally are... I look in the mirror, and see Mediocre at best..... I dont see many even trying.... the only things humans are really good at is lying through their teeth....

Well.....I know where thats gonna lead, and I dont wanna go there.....

So instead, I live a solitary life, and try to remember to appreciate it.... and I know things will soon be much worse, including the hand wringing, and finger pointing, and denial....

But sooner or later its dues to pay...... And I'll hunker down and take it as best I can....
And I'll feel sorry for the kids who haven't had their chance to morph into adult egoheads.....

But will I feel sorry for those still hanging out at the pig party in Sin City?


It will be a relief, and I'll know that at least the planet will repair itself in time.....
And hopefully the next attempt at sentient life will be less egocentric and vain........
If not, it will go the same way as this one...........

I hear now about debate on human animal genetic crosses.... is it moral? Is it moral of we do it and then kill them two weeks later, etc., and people thinking we need some committee
to decide for us if its moral or not etc..............

Some see it as a threat......

I see it as a hope.....

If I could twiddle with my own genetics, I'd definitely go for less human.... and more humane.....

I'd want some animal DNA grafts that would allow me to live easier in the environment, and so aid in my escape from humanity.... some pick and choose genetics, maybe a nice fur coat? Webbed hands and feet? The strength of a large cat? The long distance travel abilities of a dog..... What would I not want? Well, I wouldn't want pack tendencies, I see that as being causative in the human condition...... more ability to lie? I dont think so.......

Power tripping? No I see what its doing to humanity.....

I'd want the things that helped me escape the money world...... Money isn't user friendly, unless you have excesses, credit isn't user friendly ever, and Governments are friendly users...
Until you resist, and then they become unfriendly users.....

Anyway, transhumanism? Sounds good to me, if I get to pick and choose my genetic assets.... Personally to me the perfect Novel scenario is me with my genetic enhancements leaving the solar system in a fast star ship..... Thats how highly I regard my fellow humans..........

The Root of my problem with it all, is the duplicity..... everyone acting like they are nice folks, and care about everything etc. and then you slowly learn that its a sick act.....
Its like all closets have skeletons.....

I just keep getting urges to build a boat and go to sea for long periods just to get away from humanity and human effects.... sometimes I stay on my farm for months..... and I find it to be pleasant........... Its as if my life was a cartoon, where this ship goes down in the first scene, and you see a sailor in the water..... then a dolphin comes along and tows the sailor to an island in the second frame..... the third frame is the sailor sitting against a palm drinking wine, and watching the sunset with content......

The vignette shows what I've figured out....

But we, none of us, get to live totally alone on an island, and so I see the need for a crash improvement plan for humanity, including self...... but where to start? Eh? First I think I want to focus on mental flexibility, i.e. To adapt to the paradigm shifts coming at us, and hopefully before they hit us, and not get sucked into the denial vortex, as is the norm at the moment.....

Next I'd be worried about just what to improve, as most improvements aren't, in real terms, and good always comes with bad etc., so I want to pick my problems as carefully as possible when going for my opportunities....

After that, a focus on basics, as they are invariably most important....

We all fall victims to our own egos and human stupidity, so I think humility might be our only saving grace......

Money? Money is a tool...... and all of us had better be using it wisely, or the tool will cut us.........

The future arriving by the second, is fraught with dangers and opportunities, and if we don't clean up our acts, we will get gobbled up by the dangers.......

In any crisis situation, its one's good habits that saves one's bacon...... so I want to improve my own habits.....

Keep it simple....... If we, the dominant culture on the planet begin to make changes in how we do things, and the changes are good, we will be copied by all........

E$pecially if it results in economic benefits....

And economic systems can be changed to produce good results, just as corporate law and systems can be changed to get slightly different and better results......
There is nothing new under the sun.... and no matter where you go you always wind up at home somehow.....

In this case, human nature, and the incessant corruption and greed etc., that has caused problems since humans first grouped up..... that and vanity and class games......


Its toxic..... do everything on merit......

Corruption is the number one crime against humanity, and greed is the crime against the planet..............

Case in point: I will try to avoid buying Japanese products until they quit killing whales......

The Japanese can find something else to chew........ eating sentient life forms makes them no better than primitive cannibals....

So, by changing myself, I change the Japanese so very slightly...... but if others see and begin to do the same, it will become a tsunami, and the Lie will collapse, and instead of “scientific hunts” they can leave the whales alone, and respect their “human” rights.... “Sapient rights” from now on..... or the Japanese can dry up economically and blow away........

And it as an action by-passes all the politicians and their lies, and crooked systems that pretend to solve problems and never do..... direct individual action is so much more effective than believing in such scum......

Take your power back folks...............

Its your Sapient right!

And with it comes responsibility, which I recommend embracing whole heartedly....

THINK TANKS.............
Lately I've been chewing on a concept, That the system is basically built backwards, and so has some opportunities, if we connect them with their problems......

One such problem is that Management really doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground these days.... they go to fancy universities, get degrees in this or that, followed by high paying jobs, and when they arrive at the job site they invariably dont really grok whats going on, nor how to fix anything at all.....

This leads to a syndrome, where by they have to have meetings, do a lot of talking, and the idea seems to be to impress the workers with their big plans, and in the process milk the workers for concepts and corrections via suggestions, which they generally seldom like to hear, because the reality invariably shoots holes in their big plan, which they take as personal insults to their class status and mental abilities, and any workers foolish enough to try to help are generally disliked by management, albeit their ideas used out of necessity, and the management soon forgets that anyone except themselves deserve any credit, and the pigs take the money and run, trash the workers emotionally continually, and thats today's reality in a nutshell in many organizations.....

You see, they have begun to believe their own shit....

And they think they are a better class of genetics...........

I have bad news.....

Yes, they are forming a different genetic class, a sub-species if you will, (pun intended.)
but it isn't the one they think........ mostly its a class that exceeds norms in a couple of areas, one being arrogance, and the other being increased levels of human stupidity.....
generally as a result of said arrogance......

Not all are this way..... but the system does seem to filter for it......

So, I see some possibility to improve the overall balance......

I suggest that workers begin to withhold suggestions.......

And let them bump their head on reality for awhile.....

this will help some with the arrogance problem.....

Also I see an opportunity to use the problem for economic purposes to improve the lot of common man...... Make them pay for the worker based intellectual property...

I.e. Establish a worker co-op, similar to a Union, except its function is to insure management gets no help with out paying for it, and also it resulting in improved chances of promotion, even into management.....

That their class based opium dream be violated by reality........

I suggest the worker with the idea be paid one half of the amount the idea saves or gains over the “management matrix”.....

Its just like with food growing..... farmers should get one half the ultimate retail price.....

So anyone good at farming ideas should be a well paid leader, and merit shouldn't be given to the Snob Management Class with out proper, balanced, and substantial rewards, including elevation on the social and economic ladder......

If they have their meetings, and you are a part, do not under any circumstances give them suggestions or ideas, let them do their little song and dance, and when they ask for suggestions or ideas, just smile and nod knowingly, and go back to your work station, and do what ever it is they decide is best, disirregardless how stupid, if it isn't a safety issue....

Let them fail, obviously fail, fail miserably, and then offer up the fact that ideas are intellectual property, and that it is management's job to supply such, and that if they cant supply it, then they are nothing but intellectual usurpers, and do not deserve the job title, pay, or class pretensions........

Gee? Do you suppose they will like that? No, it insults their mental paradigm with the truth......

But, it will also lead to a better world, a better work place, and better economic compensation for those with the practical knowledge or mental skills necessary to be real leadership, and eliminate job positions for those who come in through the front door walking on a Class based red carpet!

Gee! What a radical concept! And I ask that if you can relate, at least cut/copy/paste/ and send this little vignette to others who have the handle on there being a “little” problem between workers and management......

It will also help prevent excessive meetings...... which invariably alienate intelligent workers, and add to their un-deserved stress load......

Let the arrogant idiots sink or swim, and if they want us to keep failure at bay, they can damn well pay us some of their beloved economic leverage to do so..........

They always, invariably want us to assist them, and turn around and back stab us incessantly.....
The whole system is a screw job, and all kinds of ideologies have been tried to solve the problem, short of the solution, which is to eliminate management if possible, as in my concepts on government by Internet referendum, and not just to re-name the assholes in charge depending on the current ideology.... which invariably screws the workers, even while they pretend to be walking a “worker's party”.........

its a worker's party all right, with workers used for a form of figurative anal sex, by their “betters”, who are only better, at propping up the big lie......

Ignore the flowery words and beautiful verbiage, make them do their jobs effectively, or give them up to those with the natural abilities and skills, and if they want us to keep things going, they can learn to quit screwing us from cradle to grave.........

The only way to eliminate the problem, is to not allow yourselves to be prostituted by your own good intentions, and their skill at sucking ideas out of people they despise due to false class pretensions.......... Make them eat their own shit.......

Now to my point..... workers should also start think-tanks, and use their experience and wisdom gained by actually being the ones to do the work, to make their own lives and those of their families better, and to be able to afford to send their children to “better” schools......

Don't GIVE the bastards shit! Make 'em cough up and pay, and make them move over and give space to their actual betters at thinking and leadership..... and worker's think tanks pretty much have the patent on reality, and management generally lives in a Na-Na land fairy tail where they are the nobility in their own vain and pretentious minds.........

Take a look folks! Is what I am saying true, or not true?

How do I know? “been there, done that”, until I got wise to the shit, and left their unjust little system..... the rest is history, and now I try to help free you, running only on the hope that you will begin to find your own humanity, focus on human decency, and turn the tide to make a better world......


So dont expect it to be easy.... but know that what is coming requires the elimination of the very bullshit I am pointing out..... otherwise there is no chance, no hope... and do expect them to try violence..... think about all the great proponents of non violence, many came to untimely ends at the hands of hired assassins....
Jesus, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, etc.......


its for our children..............

Any way, pass this around, please..........
Should be fun to watch the reactions........... Lets laugh behind our hands at the buffoons......

And leave a few copies laying around for them to find..... Then, hide and watch!

By the way, one of the reasons for the Gris Bosque byline, is to avoid credit.... it wont keep them from finding out who I am.... but its a mental game whereby I try not to take credit, and give it to common man of whom I am only one example of..... Its Taoistic, and when we get our better world, let us say “We did it!”

I dont care about credit, too much might spoil my work towards humility..... its better this way...... and its been done before, like Ben Franklin's “Poor Richard”.........

And I will let you in on a little secret.......

Computers were first invented for warfare, the first were mechanical devices to calculate trajectories for ballistics, read: mass murder and power trips.....

After that came computers to break codes and cyphers, encryption.....

And Bucky Fuller talks about this in one of his books, and states that with the invention of radio and radio communications information could be passed that the ruling elite families could not capture or control.....

Well, Bucky was wrong, because they soon learned to use better and better computers to analyze all radio traffic, especially during the cold war, and after that somehow the military technologies became internet, and everybody thinks its just a benign communications system....


Its a system by where they can follow and track all information, as in their “Total information awareness department”.............

Internet didn't just happen...... it was a conspiracy to snoop on us all... and thereby control all....

Well, it wont work, because to last forever something need only be perfect, and a class based social structure is dead meat facing the truth..... and its dead meat that stinks.... and they have sewn the seeds for their own destruction as elite by doing it....

yes, they can track and maybe control, but they cant change the truth, and unless they adapt to the whole truth, they too will go down in the test of time... Violence, manipulation, and control all have their natural reactions that push the pendulum towards stillness at the balance point; centered, pointing at gravity, at natural law....

There is no other option......

their “STATE OF LIES” is on it's way out folks, to be replace by the truth.......

They aspire to world government, we aspire to our rights and freedom from their tyranny,
and with Internet they have created our tool to spread ideas and truths.... and they get to follow along, but it is common folk who will hold the initiative inevitably, as we are the wellsprings of all.....

My recommendations on ideas at meetings comes from Taoist thought: to let things take their course..... Helping the bastards is hurting ourselves....... let them fail..... and you, each and every one must prepare for the great collapse of the big lie.....

Its the why of this blog....


Because after the collapse comes the new dawn, with some hope in it this time.....

And try to remember to cultivate the virtue of human decency, its all we have between ourselves and certain disaster and destruction....

Yesterday I was at a new friend's house, and he was showing me how with the new social networks, He has friends all over the planet.... What a good thing.... It's Classless, its universal, and its incredibly powerful... The Human Village sings together now.......
And management can either humble themselves and jump on our flatcar, or they can watch the train go by.... there will be no Club cars on this train......

Their very arrogance will bring their own down fall, and our job is to stay out of the way when the giant falls headlong, into the cabbage patch.....

They will try to blame and abuse us..... it wont work.........

When they clean up their own acts, is when they begin to have a future.... and if they start to use violence, they insure their own violent deaths.... Its one issue where Jesus and the Tao agree.... Live by the sword, die by the sword,; A violent man will die a violent death....

sound similar?

If they start violence its suicide... but their arrogance and their “Death technology” will enamor their minds.... and they will be like spoiled children thwarted..... expect the violence..... they are already doing it, and have for much time...... Police state and class warfare through economics..... Economics is a form of disguised warfare.... the loser's children starve and sicken, and die in masses, and the winner's children go to better universities........


So you choose.... use their bogus economic system, and get used and used up, or go back to simple human decency, and help each other.... thats what existed before “metallic currency”

now computer credits.....

People helping each other in friendship and common necessity, read; brotherly love....
None of us are perfect........

I once spoke to a man, then retired, who had been agriculture commissioner for a major agricultural county in California..... I was living with one of his daughters at the time.... he was an intelligent and decent person, and had started out as a nobody with a pregnant wife......

And he told me, “If you have problems with the system, why dont you get into it , and change it?”

And I replied; “Because I know people dont change systems, systems change people.”

He had no response......

Change yourselves, and a better world will follow as naturally as the dawn follows midnight....

Expect others to change and get nowhere.......

Humans change when they see a better way demonstrated... struggle internally, and so achieve success, and others will follow suite...... They pervert us with things like People Magazine....
Holding themselves up as something better.... It couldn't be farther from the truth.....

The struggle is an individual internal struggle...

And the external example of the very very vain is not an example to follow.....

They manipulate you through Jealousy and Envy, which is the exact causative factor in Warfare...... when one group oppresses another through manipulations, and causes envy, jealousy, and eventually death through the Marie Antonette syndrome, in due time they are turned on and destroyed..... If you study wars, this is the usual cause....

The elite insure their own demise when they make themselves elite...........

“Civilization is the terminal stage of a culture” a quote more or less, but who's origin, I know not..... but analyze the two sides of that coin.....

Yes, civilization is the final stage, but it is also the terminal stage.....
And collapse can be avoided by limiting civilization..... Balance.... its why the Chinese have had civilization for over forty centuries..... They came up with philosophies that created some semblance of balance...... good enough to allow continuous activity....... Think about the Classic Chinese focus on humility..... there is their secret to success!

But now with serious problems due to separation from what is natural.....

They didn't limit their own population growth until almost too late.......

Same for the rest of us.......

Its why I began studying other philosophies, I realized that older cultures had made the common errors earlier, and learned from their errors....

This is why I like the cool fresh water of wisdom, from any fountain........

Books are powerful tools in saving ideas from being lost over time...
And the Internet is now our collective “Big Book”...........(“THE BIG BOOK OF HUMAN IDEAS!”)

Use it wisely! And it will not fail us!

Its like my personal discovery that folk sayings applied, improved my life more markedly than any other factor..... there's a reason things get passed down in common knowledge....

Its what works..........

So there you have it! A fine morning's work for my fictional character; Gris Bosque.....

Which are the Spanish words for; “Gray Forest” a little vision, a vignette mentally, something natural, like a forest at dusk or dawn or in the fog, or moonlight..... Anything can come out of the fog....
Friends, enemies, wild animals, Ideas.... anything.......even hope.....

But the forest is our natural home.....

and cities, and urban living, is nothing but a form of slavery..... the freedom of the hills awaits those with the connections still alive in their natural souls......


I wrote this morning's words in a little house in a third world village, with a young woman friend nursing her baby, Who's husband works very hard to keep fed and healthy and happy, while investors and speculators, and the elite try to kill us all, with their vanity........

The winning side WILL BE the humble side, be on it when the time comes , no matter your “position” and many will not have to die, before the vain learn their own vanity.......

“Let's have a non violent revolution, a revolution that nobody dies in.... then it will be the most revolutionary revolution ever!” (Edward Abby)..........

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