Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday 17 th of September 2050...........

half an hour from dawn, just got a fire built..

listened to short wave last night. A health program.
One of the issues discussed was narcistic behavior...

and the woman started with a quote of some expert about us living in
the narcistic era....

very true....

its also what the bible talked about... "lovers of themselves" etc.
but the woman doing the program, didnt make that connection.. Instead
she went off into a diatribe about spousal abuse by males...

well my experience and realisations have been different being male...
And having male friends etc...

I know abusive males exist, but I suspect they are much more rare than
abusive females... just the problems they cause are more obvious...
a black eye is more apparent than an unwanted life...

I notice on playing the internet date sites, that the women play the
games I've figured out the hard way, they want you to fall in love
with them so they can pull your strings... and if you dont allow
that, youre a cull....

and thats the state of love..... modern love is mostly used as
leverage in the narcistic culture game... has nothing to do with
human decency or putting the group ahead of the self.. Be it only a
group of two.....

how many men are working jobs they hate because its what they have to
do to keep the wife from playing emotional blackmale games on them?

there's a serious amount of spousal abuse.... more by far than all
the black eyes on women...

I also heard the woman doing the program comment on the girls working
in the business that sponsors her program... and it dawned on me what
was going on.... a little Christian femminist Group... running a
business selling overpriced products you could grow or gather
yourself, if you werent holding down the job to please the unpleasable

Hey guys, I've lived alone for 16 years now... its been really nice
managing my own life... havent missed having a manipulative woman
making a nigger out of me for the system...

freedom is more important than sex.....

I also notice that I've done really well managing my own life... Very
sucessful in my own ways..

cant really be measured by money, but I am doing well by other
standards.... I live a freeman, a modern childish Tarzan, hearing the
breadnuts fall in my private paradise...

meanwhile, my exwife, has gone from two houses to one, and that one
no room for a garden,,,

she works a job everyday.... and I fear she wont have much of a
retirement even with both of them doing fairly well in their
careers.... and my point isnt about my exwife... Its about normalcy
versus freedom... its about choosing to be a part of a system made up
of a few billion self centered assholes all pointing fingers at each
other, or one choosing going a different path...

me? as bad as anyone in many ways... but I realized long ago I was
doing someone a favor by living alone.... some woman at least doesnt
have to put up with me & my problem...

I'm still looking... but I'm also still learning...

and I do know the difference between real love, and real good leverage
to be manipulated.....

I think its funny... Women listening to millions of silly songs about
true love... Their Holy Grail...

While they all use the fools they catch so badly that they kill the
love, and him, in the process...


anyway... I'd rather be alone, than "loved" that way... being alone
is freedom.... Being able to be self reliant is maturity... and
putting the group ahead of one's self is being socially responsible...

and in the post-post modern era, we have a culture of billions of
Narcistic Motes, all thinking the hyeena pack mentality is something

Not even close... not good....

the good part of realizing all this, is knowing I can go on... I have
found myself, grasp my own Dichotomies, and can find a relationship
with a decent woman in due time... I know where the balance point

its internal, not external.....

and my point is "men's Liberation"........

its time guys... The system is terminal...

and you can be terminal too... Or you can survive..

and if you dont have the courage to live without a "Sex Mommy" then
you really arent much of a man.... I suggest you do the right
things... let her have the house and all the shit in it.... if you
can get away with the dog, your hunting & fishing gear
and your food growing tools, and other tools, etc. you got the best
end of the deal.... Central and south America are big places... 5 or
10 acres here is enough to be self suffiecient on... and if you dont
have some slitch running her own agenda on you, your alot more likely
to achieve success in your own terms....

if women want to be vanity heads, let them... they can all hang out
in Babylon when the shit hits....

I suggest you be fishing and gardening someplace nice.....

Sent from my mobile device

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