overcast, just got in from the garden..
dug with pickhoe on a path, ran into alot of rock, picked out several
buckets full of gravel, and a wheelbarrow or so of medium rocks, &
pried out several big ones... so got more rocks than path...
Did plant & water several herb plants, a carnation, and planted a
Tangerine tree, and also several spinach plants, 6 I think....
shoulder packed two buckets of rock up the hill and to a repair spot
on my trail to spring, packed in a bucket of root hunks for cooking
fuel... garden project is producing an endless supply....
was happy to plant the herbs etc... Dreaming of a nice collection...
starting a buying habit every time I goto town... so add to my herb
hillock monthly...
its all slow progress, but better than counting on the system...
also planted a cinnamon start... so a fair number of things
planted... I have some peppers going too, but not big enough to
transplant yet...
And missed planting a couple spinach plants... Tomorrow if I
remember.. the spinach is some tropical plant, probably not really a
classic spinach, but its a green leafy food plant... Perenial, and
roots from cuttings or even roots in water... It likes sun and
moisture, and I have one plant that would fill a washtub, and am now
waiting on consistent rains to do a bunch of cuttings directly onto
terrace slopes... first goal is to do a big area on a slope, then
propagate from it, and use for ground cover.... I figure if I use it
all over the place in areas, my "greens" security is fairly well
also figured out recently, that a local plant was in fact Poke Weed...
Polk? its called "Jaboncillo" here locally.. "little soap plant"
I havent seen one in awhile, they come up in disturbed soil from birds
dropping the slightly used berries.... so only a matter of time until
one shows up in my garden, or I see one elsewhere & pick some
I had some husk tomatoes come up wild..
And another plant used for making a drink...
and yesterday had my worker plant corn & beans... I'll be planting
corn from now on, as I finish building a bed... about one per
morning, seven paces long.. its my favorite size...
the garden area has some topsoil, due to the rocks... the past
owners chopped the place constantly for pasture, burnt the place every
year... and ran cattle on it... A steep mountian... erosion, likely
no place on earth trashed any more effectively.. They chopped the
brush back with machetes, and so rocky areas got a higher chop...
meaning more brush, less grass, so cows went there less, less erosion
so the rocky area is where theres a bit of topsoil left... so..
Yours truely digging in rocks, removing brush roots, consolidating
topsoil into raised beds, etc... its a real tough job...
but its what I have to work with... And getting plenty of exercise...
cheaper than a gym membership... in fact I was thinking this morning
how sports, & other modern exercise, is "Pseudo Work"... much of it
immitates tasks of agriculture, like the shot put, I was shot putting
rocks out of my garden...
I think alot of sports etc. Is people who are too good to work.. And
historically they got tired of being beat by peasants... So they
invented exercise etc...
work sanitized for a nobility...
it feels good to get back to the roots and rocks of life... I've
done everything subsistence in pieces in my life... now I'm in
progress of putting it all together in absolute terms.. listening to
the news on short wave tells me that I'd best boot it.. WORLD WAR 3
has already begun.... It just hasnt gotten up to speed yet....
I figure the hard digging is good practice... sooner or later I'm
going to need a fox hole/fallout shelter... and if I procrastinate
too long, I may have to dig it in a hurry..
these resource wars have winners & losers... Not just the innocent
people they depopulate off the top of the oil, but big players....
Sooner or later, things will get pushed too far... and the nukes
will fly... And many, including self, think its not far off.. A
couple three years at most, could happen next week, for all I know..
so its a good time to be going into the subsistence crops.. & its a
good time to be improving my habits, and toughening up physically.. &
its a good time to be buying those last list items for long term
survival in a post technocult reality....
I have a couple months until my next run into Panama, and thinking to
get another pickhoe, and some machetes for stash.... I also bought a
couple files for sharpening.. I entend to keep buying files, as
theyre one of the most important consumables in subsistance living..
basically all I do now, is prepare...
people used to call me paranoid.... now I watch them playing catch up..
fallout shelters are selling like hot cakes... I'll build something
simple... just a hole into the dirt somewhere with the best drainage
three feet of dirt is a thousand half factors, and I'll rig a
blanket over the entrance to filter dust out of the air... where I'm
at, no big issue... could likely survive fine sleeping in my own
bed, unless someone nukes a Sub up wind from me, off the coast...
nearest target is Panama canal, a couple hundred miles away.. likely
the width of the average sized state in the US.... And I'm generally
up wind.. Those waves on the Pacific come in from the west night and
day for a reason... the wind pushes them..
I wonder if the canal will even get hit.. The Chinese run it, and the
US needs it most... Neither has incentive to take it out..
the Russians arent likely interested in it.. Not with the Arctic
ocean warming up.. Theyre soon to have a nifty shortcut of their own,
over the top....
its an anacronism really.. Long gone are the ships bucking the seas
around the horn....
now there is rail, and trucking covering continents coast to coast..
Canals are convienant, but they arent a necessity...
Besides, WW3 will be over almost before it starts... a couple hours
of fireworks & the party is over for the Monkeys of Hubris & the
Vanity & Greed Gods...
Governments are like spoiled children fighting...
and that will be the end of humanity, except for a few survivors, who
will be back just off the stone age.. no shortage of metal, no
shortage of things, as long as you dont mind seeing decomposed corpses
while youre scrounging...
personally I'd be afraid of residual radioactivity & dormant
microbes.. and I'd rather have everything I really needed up on the
One scenario I've thought about, is the Mega quake being set off by
nuclear winter thermal shock... if that happens, 80% of humanity gets
the toilet flush treatment... first crumble and crash the cities,
then all the coastal versions get a serious washing.. the quakes &
tsunamis to date are just the Orchestra tuning up.. meanwhile all the
silly monkeys are happy as long as its happening to somebody else...
little do they know, that theres a number line, and theyre on it
its like the peaceful protests now.... should we be peacefully
protesting the killing of millions by the military industrial complex?
what it means, is when its your turn in the gas chamber, maybe
someone will peacefully protest it.... That will make it all better,
wake up you morons.. Peaceful protests are for cattle at slaughter houses...
JC said if you didnt own a sword, sell your clothes & get one... Do
you suppose it was to ornament your nakkedness at peaceful protests?
I think not...
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