Just did a second stint on guitar rita..
Its a beautiful day, I did some putter work, more to follow..
have a pineapple that I need to eat today, but currently full of left
over flat bread from yesterday, so the Pinya waits...
learned a couple neoindigenous tips for you in the last few days...
one, realized that my new little garden trowels would be nice for
working cement laying stone... the mason's trowel has flat
construction due to working with regular flat and square shapes...
bricks, or block... that flat tool is fine for what its designed for,
but stone is a different medium.. and I think a garden trowel would
be alot more ergonomic for laying stone...
another thing I figured out, was a way to make coffee more
efficiently... thought about the classic great depression Hobo
technique of boiling the coffee grounds in the water... and began to
suspect that maybe the perculator, espresso maker, and drip style
coffee makers were something likely pushed by the coffee industry &
general electric... so, now having a stove top for my fire pit, I
decided to dig out my stainless on the burner style perculator, and do
an experiment... kitchen science, my specialty...
I havent used the perculator due to wood handle & open fire.. and
I've always hated cleaning perculator basket, lid, and stand pipe...
so I gutted it, filled it halfway with spring water, and threw in
three eating style teaspoons of coffee, & placed it on my stove top...
and boiled it awhile, and poured thru a fine screen filter/strainer I
got for tea... then the crucial taste test... no difference....
in other words, a few billion people have been duped into buying some
junk that if you study the physics, is designed to give Yuppies, &
Proto Yuppies something that uses about twice as much coffee, and
requires a special purchass of a dedicated item.... hmmm? are we
stupid sheep or what... yeah, lets just believe everything we're told
by the experts on TV...
anyway, I've been doing it a couple days, and using about half the coffee...
coffee is affordable in Costa rica, but with food prices escalating,
and the money value going down shit river into greedy pockets, I
think its a perfect time to dispell the urban myth about not boiling
the coffee in the water...
suggest you try it for yourself, and think about how much you spend
annually on the drug habit...
so basically you can make coffee in any pot, other than the
politically correct versions & come out way ahead on money... might
not seem as classy as the piece of shit plastic coffee dripper thats
taking up counter space, and costs money to buy etc... but
considering the Corporate Fascism now trashing everybody, I think
figuring out how to reduce cash flow to corporations is a good idea...
so, all you survivalist wannabees, take note... also a nice technique
for camping or backpackers....
it follows on the heels of a similar discovery with Tobacco...
I like to use tobacco for ceremonial/religious purposes, & as a
calming drug for mental grounding... but not into the cigarette
so I built a nice long native american style pipe.. and quickly
realized the bowl was way too big... might be just the thing to
Pow-Wow with a bunch of buddies, but it used alot of Tobacco...
so then I made a much smaller pipe, with a bowl that might hold half
a thimble... only to discover it was also too big... so then I made
pipe number three, with the bowl being a 1/4 inch brass compression
fitting with the threads bored out ... its the size of a hash pipe..
And about right...
what I realized, is big pipes & cigarettes are again designed ways to
waste product...
if you study the anthropology of modern smoking culture, you notice
people light up a cigarette or pipe, and then they either smoke it, or
it burns up...
this creates an artificially induced excess habit, and as the body
builds up resistance, more cigarettes follow...
I find the ritual of filling & smoking a tiny pipe to be as nice as
the ritual of making tea... and with the bowl holding maybe a gram of
product, I never smoke too much at any one time, body resistance stays
down, as does likelyhood of ill effects...
also keeps from feeding a corporate monster...
so, all you smokers take note... get a hash pipe, reduce the amount
you smoke by 90%... Still enjoy your drug... keep the doctor farther
away from your kid's inheritance etc....
all you have to do is alter the habit.. in other words those
cigarettes were designed to get you to smoke too much...
what got me started on this logic was thinking about how small teacups
were... designed in another era... When people had to work, and didnt
have machines to make decadence the in thing...
so I downsized my coffee cup... still enjoy the drug, enjoy the
ritual, but use less coffee...
I also use a similar technique for drinking Rum...
I like to sip rum out of a shot glass... I buy a 375 ml bottle, about
$2 here for my favorite taste, which is Ron Abuelo from Panama....not
too sweet, not too watery.. and via the sipping from a shot glass,
this Sailor goes on a two day binge, for a dollar a day... I also
like Rum in coffee, and in green coconuts.. Which is the smoothest &
best mixed drink on the planet...
I do something similar with cooking fires.. Make the smallest fire
possible for the job.. Less wood to hack & pack... And its why I
searched for the downsized two burner iron stove top, and not a bigger
unit.. my stove top would go into a canoe without being noticed...
minimalism is incredibly powerful...
and money is incredibly toxic stuff.. Think about it... I suspect
that our whole reality has been skewed by money & greed... universal
slant, no innocents...
I find living on a micro budget of $100 a month to be fine.. I
generally spend about $30 on food, and the rest upgrades my
neoindigenous lifestyle one piece at a time... what makes it work
well, is heading for a lifestyle that has less need for money...
which is one reason I moved to the tropics, and into the brush on a
mountain, with the big wild jungle for my back yard.. was tired of
cleaning the toilet, & defrosting a stinky refrigerator on my "free"
time... Free from working a job to maintain the pieces of shit
materialistic life style... I have no plumping to fix, no electric
bill, doing fine on a single panel & battery, w/a 375 watt inverter...
my "House" has a ten by ten foot floor.. 100 square feet... not much
to impress the tax man if he ever gets lost enough to find me...
I dont need a gun either.. been into bows since I was 10 years old..
I suspect I could kill anything on the planet with my bow... Fred
Bear, and numerous others have proven the point...
and I make my own arrows from scratch using native materials...
homeland security types are going to have a hard time shutting off my
ammo supply, or preventing me from building bows.. and if they get as
nasty, so can I... Plenty of really toxic snakes & frogs here... you
wouldnt want to harass me excessively...
I know snakes here with no antidote.. all I gotta do is hit you...
and I've had alot of practice in my life, and shoot fine with bow
sight or instinctual... and I once had the pleasure of pissing off
some good old boys with spendy compound bows... I went to the local
indoor winter shooting club, with a recurve... had a bicycle spoke
taped to it, and bent around for a site.. all the red necks
snickered, considered me a fool... Mind you, I was into archery
before most rednecks even thought about it... I shot some groups as
good as theirs... things got real quiet.. I saw angry looks on red
faces.... matched necks... The next month I bought and installed a
sight... the bike spoke was a tempory expedient... not a stunt...
Sure learned something about human nature though... aint the price of
your toys boys, its how good are you with what you have.... never
owned a compound, never shot one... I figure I'm not too much of a
pussy to pull and hold a real bow... I tend to be fairly stubborn, an
asset when it comes to full draw, and getting on target...
Sent from my mobile device
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