Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday, 24 October 2010.............

about one O'Clock in the morning...
I've been up since just before midnight.
Woke refreshed, after falling asleep at sundown...
The moon is up, a pleasant night, built a fire and made coffee.. Now
sipping slowly while it cools...
The creeks are roaring, the crickets chirping, and all is peaceful...
ocasionaly an Owl calls in the distance. The temperature is near
perfect, cool but not cold.. I sit in a sleeveless shirt, comfortable,
content, and alone other than my wolfy dog on the floor sleeping
Far away, people hustle, trying to make it in the technocult.. They
have none of the above.. I am infinitly wealthy in comparison...

They eat until it kills them, or on the other end of things economic,
have nothing to feed their children...

All struggling against each other, competing for the collective pie...

I rise now and then, to poke sticks into my tiny fire,
and apreciate my reality...

Yesterday my worker came, brought up my 25 lbs of corn, and as we
shared cups of coffee,
he told me his wife was using the sewing machine I bought her, he'd
cut a hole in the plank for the machine, mounted it on the old treadle
bottom I'd given them, and she'd been patching clothing for them all,
altered some things for my little niece, and altered her kitchen
curtains to fit better, and also altered the covers she had for
kitchen apliances etc..

We moved the solar panel back to the south side of the shelter's
roof, here at 8+ degrees north the sun actually is on the north side
for half the year..

then he worked around the place, chopping brush, and Planted 6 more
healthy banana starts in the area we are filling up.. Its maybe a
quarter of an acre... he cut two stalks of bananas, and we divided
them in half, and he went home with a bag of bananas for his wife and

I always send my little niece, now three, fruit whenever we have it,
something to fill little cheeks as she plays... she's a happy little
girl, shares well, and is very social... she knows nothing of the
world's problems... Nothing about the greed and social injustice..
Just the dead body's nightly on the TV... With talking heads looking
important, explaining why nothing can be done about it...

Funny how they never realize the truth, that the entire system is
twisted and evil...

anyway, I got my corn into a plastic bucket, safe from damp, insects
and rodents, and I made some chord lanyards for the stainless water
bottles I did from thermos liners..

I havnt listened to the short wave for days, so dont have a clue as to
what you all are suffering thru lately.. taking a break for my

Nor have I practiced guitar, low battery, due to rainy season skys,
and the panel needing a relocate...

but maybe today I can unzip it's case and continue learning...

We had a large hawk come sit in a tree, maybe 25 feet away as we drank
our coffee... My worker commented on it.. I whistled softly to it and
got it's attention, and then it went back to preening it's feathers
and we continued talking... no fear at this camp site... Only thing
in any danger here, are the grasshoppers the dog catches, or the
ocasional giant beatles she crunches down happily, or the rats she
hunts and gobbles down.. She leaves the lizards alone because I told
her not to eat them, she ignors the toads that hop over her on the way
in and out of their daytime hiding places...

So we live fairly well, as part of our brush patch... Not doing much harm...

and we plant the fruit trees.. and the animals come for windfalls...

anyway, I think I'll go back to sleep, snooze away a few more hours
until dawn... I just felt like expressing the tranquility to you...

Sent from my mobile device

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