home alone today.. pretty morning, sipping cafe, practiced guitar etc.
and pondering why people so lack a sense of us...
I think it defies ego.. so is a rare commodity..
Who can be one with anyone else? Who is into sharing these days? Who
cares about anyone but themselves?
I think we're really lost.. no real familys anymore, no real shared
adventures.. No horizons going to together..
just individual egos against the world.. With people only joining up
because of what they can get for themselves by being part of this or
that pack of Hyeenas...
I observe the monkeys.. theres alot of human traits in them.. They
have the social habits of the three stooges... humans are very much
like that, pushing each other in the face, trying to get the most
banana for themselves... When theres no shortage of bananas...
makes one appreciate days past, when people got together & shared
things.. Now sharing is an inconvienant expedient between seperate ego
trips... who looks forward to sharing a meal with family in these
times? they all want to stuff their faces, and run off to do their
own thing, with little apreciation of being together...
people more into social events as a parade of their vanities.. dogs
are better company, and I feel like a dog lost in a world of cats...
anyway, I hope you have a quality group experience going... And are
able to feel it..
the closest I get to it, is visiting my little niece.. playing with
her, the laughter & teasing, the sharing conversations.. she's still
really there.. Will look you in the eyes, delighted to tell you a
story, or listen to you...
I think being adult sucks... too self serious...
No sense of play.. no appreciation for the amazing miracles of
life... no sense of adventure, no feeling of happiness just being
I still have the capacity.. Happy watching bugs...
I wonder what it will be like when the technocult goes down... like
some shipwrecked suvivors on a beach, really looking at each other for
the first time... realizing theres an us componant to the future..
Talking to find out who knows what?
where are we? Where do we go from here? What do we do first?
who are the natural leaders?
what is each of our parts from now on? who is going to join up in sub
groups with who? who needs to be avoided? Who is best not to listen
a real assessment...
minus the social hierarchy.. Minus the falseness...
life seems to be a disaster we are unaware of...
I think we've been enticed into groups too big, artificial
constructs... no sense of the self in balance with those around us,
no sense of place.. We have no value other than to groups too big to
appreciate who we are, or what we add to the collective pot....
too many complications... too much going on... No focus on
fundamentals... No real need for each other... No love.. just me, me,
we group up to acquire money, then split up to spend it on ourselves...
what will we do when there isnt any money? Nothing to buy? when we
find ourselves stranded on an island not visited by humans in
when theres just us, and a reality that is, like it or not....
does anyone have a knife? Any other tools? Is there a way to build fire?
what will it be like when the isolation of ego is broken?
I'd likely not be real happy to find myself on the desert island with
most people...
all they know is from TV... knowing stats from a sports team, or who
won a Grammy isnt really knowing anything of value pertaining to
mental masturbators... no sense of even the fundamentals of life..
if they could make a computer fill in the blanks, & push a shopping
cart, theyre well adapted survivors in their own minds...
nothing without their beloved system...
pudgy morons, who'll look alot better thinner before their boughten
clothes wear out and they really have no pretenses left...
me?, I'd do fine even alone... I know how to peel & open a coconut
with minimal effort...
I generally carry a few tools.. I know how to make things from
available resources..
"Oh, I think I'll go for a walk.."
why? give them some time to think past stupid questions... give them
some time to realize what it really means.... let them think about
what they dont have any more..
in minutes I'd have a staff cut... in an hour I'd be fed... in a
day I'd have a shelter...
& I probably be looking for someplace nice to hang out, looking for
signs of water..
start making other tools for survival purposes, and likely content doing it...
if I'd had any warning, I'd be really well equipped..
I am a survivalist by nature... Its what I like best...
Nothing pleases me more than lack of bullshit...
I'd probably wander off from the group, and set up my camp.. Let them
have their soap opera...
While they debated the chances of rescue, I'd be enjoying the process
of bettering my situation, likely unconcerned with getting back to the
outside world.. I'd be curious about the fish on the reef... what
kind of plants on the island... How does the sky look? Will there be
rain soon?
to me the thoughts would be familiar & comfy.. No stress other than
getting a roof before it rained.. Simple task.. Gather up some sticks
and palm fronds, arrange properly, like a baboon building a nest...
And I'd know where I was, just by looking at the stars, knowing the
water temperature, seeing what kind of plants...
all arcane knowlege to the average city dweller.. Hardly a clue...
wouldnt know a fish trap from a deadfall...
Women more likely to have makeup & a credit card, than a pocket knife
or a lens...
might be fun.. observe their trips... would the socialists try to
convince me that my possessions were group property? would the
capitalists try to cheat me out of my things? would there be
politicians making speeches about the betterment of all?
I probably wouldnt notice, would be off doing the fundamentals.. Not
hearing their crap... I'd be on my way to fish roasting over a small
fire on sticks, sipping coconut water, gathering resources to upgrade
my materialism.. thinking about small projects...
I'm the guy, who carried a bag full of survival tools for years
everywhere I went.. crazy I know, but it was fun watching people's
reactions to a man with a heavy leather shoulder bag that bulged with
things that boggled airport security types in the old days before
they'd been hyped into insanity.. often carried rifle cases in
airports.. never thought of a terrorist act, not even once...
and every time I've been to sea, had a rather serious collection of
the basics with me... wouldnt consider going up a gang plank without
such stuff in my sea bag...
Do you suppose the women would be eyeing the men in a new light?
would the preditors be wondering if it was a good time to dump their
rich husband? cut her losses? Can always get half or better, if she
makes it back to a judge...
How long before the yuppie jock type would be thinking to take my
tools by force? would he expect an unpleasant suprise? Would he come
puffed up with physical authoritarianism? threaten me first to see if
I was going to be easy?
would they attempt a democracy, and a pseudo polite meeting? "we've
all decided.."
would there be anyone worth teaming up with? Or just a bunch of
useless social parasites, pretencious, & self important?
you dont suppose there would be any manipulator types do you?
looking for the meerest leverage..
well, this is kind of what we're all facing...
the Hyeenas have followed the Jackals into a trap..
but they way outnumber the jackals... looks like carnage ahead if
they all dont wake up suddenly... And realize that none of their
assumptions are going to apply...
Its a big island... Safety in numbers is a myth...
safety in solitude is more real... To be apart from the group thinks..
To not be caught up in who's who etc....
I suspect I'd try to help others.. But I doubt I'd like most of them
until they started getting real....
anyway, thats where we are collectively... A few are preparing, but
even fewer likely have a grasp on how bad things are going to get if
they keep supporting the system...
fatal ego..
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