Sunday, June 19, 2011

saturday 18th of June, 2011.....

home alone today.. pretty morning, sipping cafe, practiced guitar etc.

and pondering why people so lack a sense of us...

I think it defies ego.. so is a rare commodity..
Who can be one with anyone else? Who is into sharing these days? Who
cares about anyone but themselves?

I think we're really lost.. no real familys anymore, no real shared
adventures.. No horizons going to together..

just individual egos against the world.. With people only joining up
because of what they can get for themselves by being part of this or
that pack of Hyeenas...

I observe the monkeys.. theres alot of human traits in them.. They
have the social habits of the three stooges... humans are very much
like that, pushing each other in the face, trying to get the most
banana for themselves... When theres no shortage of bananas...

makes one appreciate days past, when people got together & shared
things.. Now sharing is an inconvienant expedient between seperate ego
trips... who looks forward to sharing a meal with family in these
times? they all want to stuff their faces, and run off to do their
own thing, with little apreciation of being together...

people more into social events as a parade of their vanities.. dogs
are better company, and I feel like a dog lost in a world of cats...

anyway, I hope you have a quality group experience going... And are
able to feel it..

the closest I get to it, is visiting my little niece.. playing with
her, the laughter & teasing, the sharing conversations.. she's still
really there.. Will look you in the eyes, delighted to tell you a
story, or listen to you...

I think being adult sucks... too self serious...
No sense of play.. no appreciation for the amazing miracles of
life... no sense of adventure, no feeling of happiness just being

I still have the capacity.. Happy watching bugs...

I wonder what it will be like when the technocult goes down... like
some shipwrecked suvivors on a beach, really looking at each other for
the first time... realizing theres an us componant to the future..
Talking to find out who knows what?

where are we? Where do we go from here? What do we do first?

who are the natural leaders?

what is each of our parts from now on? who is going to join up in sub
groups with who? who needs to be avoided? Who is best not to listen

a real assessment...

minus the social hierarchy.. Minus the falseness...

life seems to be a disaster we are unaware of...

I think we've been enticed into groups too big, artificial
constructs... no sense of the self in balance with those around us,
no sense of place.. We have no value other than to groups too big to
appreciate who we are, or what we add to the collective pot....

too many complications... too much going on... No focus on
fundamentals... No real need for each other... No love.. just me, me,

we group up to acquire money, then split up to spend it on ourselves...

what will we do when there isnt any money? Nothing to buy? when we
find ourselves stranded on an island not visited by humans in

when theres just us, and a reality that is, like it or not....

does anyone have a knife? Any other tools? Is there a way to build fire?

what will it be like when the isolation of ego is broken?

I'd likely not be real happy to find myself on the desert island with
most people...

all they know is from TV... knowing stats from a sports team, or who
won a Grammy isnt really knowing anything of value pertaining to

mental masturbators... no sense of even the fundamentals of life..
if they could make a computer fill in the blanks, & push a shopping
cart, theyre well adapted survivors in their own minds...

nothing without their beloved system...

pudgy morons, who'll look alot better thinner before their boughten
clothes wear out and they really have no pretenses left...

me?, I'd do fine even alone... I know how to peel & open a coconut
with minimal effort...
I generally carry a few tools.. I know how to make things from
available resources..

"Oh, I think I'll go for a walk.."

why? give them some time to think past stupid questions... give them
some time to realize what it really means.... let them think about
what they dont have any more..

in minutes I'd have a staff cut... in an hour I'd be fed... in a
day I'd have a shelter...

& I probably be looking for someplace nice to hang out, looking for
signs of water..

start making other tools for survival purposes, and likely content doing it...

if I'd had any warning, I'd be really well equipped..
I am a survivalist by nature... Its what I like best...
Nothing pleases me more than lack of bullshit...

I'd probably wander off from the group, and set up my camp.. Let them
have their soap opera...

While they debated the chances of rescue, I'd be enjoying the process
of bettering my situation, likely unconcerned with getting back to the
outside world.. I'd be curious about the fish on the reef... what
kind of plants on the island... How does the sky look? Will there be
rain soon?

to me the thoughts would be familiar & comfy.. No stress other than
getting a roof before it rained.. Simple task.. Gather up some sticks
and palm fronds, arrange properly, like a baboon building a nest...
And I'd know where I was, just by looking at the stars, knowing the
water temperature, seeing what kind of plants...

all arcane knowlege to the average city dweller.. Hardly a clue...
wouldnt know a fish trap from a deadfall...

Women more likely to have makeup & a credit card, than a pocket knife
or a lens...

might be fun.. observe their trips... would the socialists try to
convince me that my possessions were group property? would the
capitalists try to cheat me out of my things? would there be
politicians making speeches about the betterment of all?

I probably wouldnt notice, would be off doing the fundamentals.. Not
hearing their crap... I'd be on my way to fish roasting over a small
fire on sticks, sipping coconut water, gathering resources to upgrade
my materialism.. thinking about small projects...

I'm the guy, who carried a bag full of survival tools for years
everywhere I went.. crazy I know, but it was fun watching people's
reactions to a man with a heavy leather shoulder bag that bulged with
things that boggled airport security types in the old days before
they'd been hyped into insanity.. often carried rifle cases in
airports.. never thought of a terrorist act, not even once...

and every time I've been to sea, had a rather serious collection of
the basics with me... wouldnt consider going up a gang plank without
such stuff in my sea bag...

Do you suppose the women would be eyeing the men in a new light?
would the preditors be wondering if it was a good time to dump their
rich husband? cut her losses? Can always get half or better, if she
makes it back to a judge...

How long before the yuppie jock type would be thinking to take my
tools by force? would he expect an unpleasant suprise? Would he come
puffed up with physical authoritarianism? threaten me first to see if
I was going to be easy?

would they attempt a democracy, and a pseudo polite meeting? "we've
all decided.."

would there be anyone worth teaming up with? Or just a bunch of
useless social parasites, pretencious, & self important?

you dont suppose there would be any manipulator types do you?

looking for the meerest leverage..

well, this is kind of what we're all facing...

the Hyeenas have followed the Jackals into a trap..

but they way outnumber the jackals... looks like carnage ahead if
they all dont wake up suddenly... And realize that none of their
assumptions are going to apply...

Its a big island... Safety in numbers is a myth...

safety in solitude is more real... To be apart from the group thinks..
To not be caught up in who's who etc....

I suspect I'd try to help others.. But I doubt I'd like most of them
until they started getting real....

anyway, thats where we are collectively... A few are preparing, but
even fewer likely have a grasp on how bad things are going to get if
they keep supporting the system...

fatal ego..

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday, 16th of June, 2011.........

home alone, contemplating world situation, and how obvious it is
that world war three is coming over the horizon at us...

one thought I had this morning, was how easy it would be to use the
high tech survielance stuff in US, to create an automated elimination
system for patriot gun owner types etc...

I think theres a digital trail that leads to your door, and with GPS
connected to your ID, house number, car, etc. would be very easy to
work up an automated elimination system using drone aircraft flown by
a computer, that flew around, launching missiles into houses, much to
the suprise of the good old boys sitting on their pack rat's stash

"oh? You didnt turn your guns in? well that gets you to be first kid
on your block with a hellfire missile launched at you..."

like I've said before, best you not be on your hoard when the shit
hits... best your hoard be elsewhere, and you in the same general

they know your house, they can track your fone and car... And even
have programs to predict your future movements..

only option, is to think of a place to go you've never been before,
and have your bug out kit get you there.. and have your stash divided
up and hidden in several different locations.. so you can go hide
out, then later pick which stash to use first etc..

personally I suspect whats coming will require absolute mobility, and
none of that on existing roads...

really I think its better to keep materialism minimized, and mobility
maximized... I even have questions about the wisdom of relying on
firearms.. I think hiding out until its down to primitive weapons, is
a better option...

there will be no shortage of killing, what there will be a shortage
of is surviving..

guns are for killing, primitive stuff is for survival..

much wiser to hide in a thicket up on a mountain, than be in a fire
fight on your stash heap...

I think Robin Hood would have a better chance of surviving whats
coming, than Rambo will...

you notice robin hood didnt live in town, and fill his house with ammo & gold...

The Sheriff might have been capable of coming up with a plan to snag
him if he had...

I think the demise of a good many good old boys, will be from
collecting toys, more than using noggins...

first, I try not to live in town.. I also dont own much.. most
people have several times more in their garage, than I own...

I'm suspecting that most people trying to hang onto too much will be
their downfall.. Then theres location.. Living in town, is laughable
from a survival standpoint..

like building a fallout shelter on ground zero..
Its not going to be quite good enough there...

personally, I'm happy I dont live in a target country.. anybody who
nukes Costa Rica missed their target.. and all involved laughed at
forever if there is anything left to reboot from...

theres nothing here.. Its like a movie scene copy of a california
county.. but theres really not much behind the plywood.. no
industry, no agriculture, whole economy based mostly on tourism..

"come see the mudhole on top of the volcano etc."

all the parks look good on maps.. but the place is so small, that it
doesnt add up to anything...
you can sail a boat from one end of the country to the other in a day,
if theres a day with any wind...
there are lakes bigger than this country...

anyway, I think the US is going to get nuked, as in a first strike..

its like a bully on steroids, and all the little guys have guns...

Chinese correctly claiming US in default..
Fighting multiple wars, using a fluff based economy, is going to be a
short movie.. basically all the US has is a military.. Financed by
stealing lunch money from smaller kids...

anyway, all way above me, I just get to observe the insanity from a distance..

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday, 14th of June, 2011.......

just got a small cup of coffee made...
Recovery day, did town trip yesterday, went for the copper bottomed
India pot.. Got them..

paid $4.60 each, for 5 pots, stainless, "belly" pots, which is a shape
I like.. They nest fairly decent, have metal handles etc. So I can
use over the open fire... now I'll give my old pots to my nieces
mother, kind of mix & match belly pots also, she can use them, & give
to my niece in due time..
They'll match what she already has pretty good.. So I think getting
shed of them in that manner is the thing to do..

visited with my little niece on the way home, she was happy to see me,
I played with her, we were both laughing, she's a live wire.. going
to be a pretty woman some day, has kind of sandy brown hair, darker
eyebrows & lashes, and oriental eyes from her Indian genetics.. very
pretty, lots of fun, extremely outgoing & social..

her mother showed me her motor mounted on the sewing machine I bought
her.. I helped get motor too.. when they tried new motor, didnt
work, but an uncle who does electro-mechanical type work took it
home, found the bad connection, and fixed it.. but now she has a
threading problem, but will get it figured out & soon sewing...

I bought a few forks, but my niece wanted one, so I gave.. so made it
home with an odd number...

trying to fill in on my kitchen stuff, and upgrade as I can, knowing
that collapse of economy & WW3 are very likely, and if that happens,
the days of cheap & available materialism will be over forever...
Which is why I buy more than I need..

I try to keep it all as portable as possible, live between the
fences of the neoindigenous paradigm.. keep it basic stuff.. & not
get tempted to get things that arent appropriate to whats coming....

had a pretty good day observing people, saw one older Tica woman being
nice to a retarded guy on the bus, have seen everybody else ignor him
for years... I studied her face carefully, want to be able to
recognize her if I see her again, maybe get to help her in some way,
some day.. nice lady, better person than most..

also saw another highschool girl with a really happy character, her
mother was a total prune, did nothing but complain.. Told the girl
when she got off the bus;

"mantener la actitude felis, es bonita."

she nodded & smiled...

had problems with the bank machines again, watched the guy fill the
machine, then local people in line try to use, and leave empty handed,
I tried, got a sorry note instead of money.. So I went & tried another
of the 5 machines in Paso Canoas, whole system was down for some
computer error.. So, I couldnt buy food, and came home on pocket
change.. Which is normal.. Here you never count on the bank machines
working.. always keep enough for bus fare home..

had a guy from my village ask if he could plant beans on my land this
year in October, dont know him other than by sight, never heard
anything bad about him etc. So I said sure... I expect several
families to come, will charge 10% of crop, and if I get more than I
need, will give the excess to single mothers & widows that I know...

wont be much, but with beans at over a dollar a pound, every little
bit helps, and the single moms I know all have 5 kids each, and all
make a dollar or two an hour in their jobs, so I think they'd
appreciate even a month's supply.. Kids in school etc. Everything
expensive now thanks to the Builderbuggerers type greedhead

glad I'm not one of them.. When Alien arrival happens, theyll be in
line for the neck cutting as per book of Enoch...

Going to be a bad day for billionairs... And anybody else too
egocentric to have helped others, and I thank the Lord that I'm not
like them... I'm no saint, not even close, but I do try to help
people.. which I've always done, but now even more so, after
realizing that the Bible etc. Is about guys with starships, and
primitive humans, (thats us), and that the plan includes a stiff
genetic editing after the coming Apocalypse... its all there, &
reading the book of Enoch in that light has made sense of human
history & whats going on now make perfect sense to me...

from what I read, theyre going to edit half of the survivors.. and
the deciding factor will be did or did you not help those at the
bottom... So I suggest you consider not buying gold etc., and instead,
get things to help others with, food, clothing, shelter.. Land..

I have food falling on the ground all the time now.. Had a single
mother ask me yesterday what I had.. I think a year from now, will
have such coming to glean under my trees.. will be a nice feeling
when that starts to happen... helping others is worth more than money
to me.. and they may have houses and better incomes than I do, but I
dont mind living humble & helping people with more problems, in fact
its an honor...

I may not survive to arrival, but I'm going to play the game as best I
can anyway..

its not about me or money, its about trying to make a better world for
everyone, especially the kids, and the disadvantaged...

I bought cake mix this month, going to go down to my niece's house,
and share my 55th birthday with her, she didnt get a cake for her
birthday due to finances, but I got her & her mother the sewing
machine, & she'll be happy to have some cake with me for sure...

most of the readers of my words probably cant imagine not being able
to have a party for their kid's birthday.. youll imagine it soon...
When it happens to you... so if youre stocking up on food, dont
forget some cake mixes eh?

and if you have land, plant food trees etc. So you can have food to
share with friends and others who'll need it... Quit relying on a
totally corrupt & twisted system, begin to form your clans of friends
& familys, & most of all work on your ego trips and internal

better by far to live under a tarp, & grow food, than chase money..
we can all become better people than we are... and I suggest the
Christian & other religous types knock off all the cutsey prayer
meetings & churchy bullshit, knock off the jargon, repent means to
rethink yourself, nothing more..

use the time you now spend in church listening to clueless hypocrits
to actually do something positive, give your excesses to street people
and homeless, quit reading people magazines & watching american idol,
get off your butts, & onto the streets of life, and do whatever you
can to help those with less..

be all you CAN be.. Work to make a better world from the inside out &
from the bottom up...

life is too short to be a vanity head.. Quit aspiring to fortune, &
begin aspiring to your own humanity..

Sent from my mobile device

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday 12th of June 2011............

just got bannock over the sacred flames..

practiced guitar at dawn, spent the morning contemplating another trip
to town this week..

saw some items that I didnt pick up, & best go back for..

all stuff I'd want going into the future...

also saw some items that arent such necessitys, but that I will try to
get if possible.. musical instruments.. one for myself, and saw a
small kids sized violin, that I should snag to use to teach kids in
the family... would be a fun thing to do, start the little guys
onto music way young, by at every visit teaching them something on
the "liddle fiddle", and letting them think about the experiences
between visits... something to do with them that would heighten self

would be fairly easy to teach the basics, then strum along with the
guitar when they had a simple song going etc...

something real to experience... and I think thats the key to change
with kids, combat the plastic garbage reality with real experiences &
valuable learning.. That if one knows something fundamental, teach it
to kids... They certainly must get tired of academic crap & hard
chairs.. Mental constipation from the bottom up...

its like at the bus station the other day, talked to a little girl &
her mother, and my focus was on telling stories interesting to the
girl, including about living in the mountains & having 20 plus
monkeys come into my kitchen... And the other animals...

that little girl will think about those stories & me... And she'll
know me next time we encounter... It cost me nothing to do, to share
some experiences with a girl of maybe 7 years old..

so I think collecting instruments even for kids could be a good idea..
Give them a real experience, teach them something every time you see
them, something real, or a new way of thinking..

we shall see...

the other instrument I saw was an electric violin.. Which I find
intrigueing... having both acoustic violin, & electric guitar....

what I've realized, is I should live my life as an example to others,
especially kids..

that if I constantly better my neoindigenous lifestyle, the kids at
least will be impressed due to it's contrast with normalcy.. and the
better & more complete & artistic I can get my own little alternative
reality, the better it will seem, to some, in comparison to the
current normalcy paradigm..

over the next few years should be able to pull together neoindigenous
shelters, nicer garden, and work more with the animals.. Add that to
the fruit plantings, and the forest on the farm etc. And it would seem
to kids like I lived a magic life, in another world...

I plan on pulling it together down to the clothing, and things like my

where its all a harmonious whole.. Like the Indian grandfather still
living the old way.. But in my case, doing a designer neoindigenous
life style myself.. A new twist on the vignette... Not live the old
way, live the new way, ahead of the post technocult reality coming..

live life as I think it should be lived, not as it is lived..

anyway, not picking up instruments next trip, going mostly for some
kitchen items.. stuff to upgrade my pots, and allow me to put aside
what I'm using now, to be given away to some younger person when they
go out on their own..

I think the industrial society as we know it is on its way out, one
way or another.. I dont agree with that as a public policy, nor do I
want any government's nose up my butt.

basically people are figuring out that politics, politicians,
industrialists, bankers etc.. are best described as Satanic, and
that we're more than sick enough of the manipulation & control

get out of my fucking life, & stay out! or else!

a bunch of self righteous busybodies on ego trips, screwing things up
as bad as possible, & calling it improvement...

working for my good? Hardly, do I look like a stupid cow or something?

"to Arms! warriors, to Arms!"

get your neoindigenous trip in proper order, and head for the forests
& mountains one step at a time...

and never stop trying....

I think the neoindigenous movement is going to explode soon... its
like dynamite, with cap & fuse on both ends... from remaining
indigenous, and from those headed back that direction.. The goal of
course is the balance point.. "sanity's fulcrum"...

and we'll be able to tell who makes it there, by whether they survive or not..

and I dont think its about Pow-Wows & Rituals, and big meetings..
Thats all real nice, but I think its less about warm winds from damp
mouths, & more about actually doing it on individual levels.. talk
wont get you there.. Good planning, & Relentless action will..

substance or fluff, you choose, & bet your life on it.. and the lives
of those who might have followed you out in time..

anyway, sun peeking thru the clouds, a small fire heating a wee bit
of coffee water, the gypsy kings low in the background, Sunday, so not
much noise from way down on the highway...

They must have had a dance in the village last night.. Sounded pretty
horrid musically.. wasnt the gypsy kings, thats for sure.. sounded
like head banger garbage truck noises... some Latin music is soooo
good, and the rest so horrid... just like in the US I guess, what
creativity gets past the breakwaters of greed.. And the rest of the
contrived "Talent", that if it was paper, would be on a roll in a
public rest room...

one area I hear on short wave that puts out the best music, is Eastern
Europe.. if I had real internet access, I'd be searching radio
stations or what ever to sample & collect the best of what comes out
of there, obviously having a rennaissance similar to the 70's..
perhaps due to post Soviet dynamics?

I heard there were no Russians at the Builderbuggerer's meeting this
year.. do they smell bad to Elite noses? Or do they know better?

well interesting times we live in.. status quo attempting an
"Anti-Tao" style take over.. also heard a quote from one of the star
wars movies.. straight out of the Tao...

basically their New world Order hasnt a chance in hell of working..
and you'd best be prepared for the worst, working for the best, and on
your way out of Babylon, in case there's still time to get beyond the
city limits sign..

I dont think most people really grasp what large nukes will do to even
mega cities.. One goodsized nuke would rubble NYC out to that city
limits sign, and flatten it so hard, you'd see the impression of road
shoulder rock thru the aluminum.. And char the post, fling it a
hundred meters away, then have the returning suction wave throw it
partway back..

its not just a bright flash and youre in heaven folks.. its a bright
flash, youre in hell for a few rather personal seconds, then the
blast wave hits, carrying broken glass and debris, then the return
suction wave carries even more projectiles back towards the center...

basically if youre within sight of a city, whats left of you before
you slowly expire, will look like a cross between a freeway road kill,
and a napalm victim...

aint going to be heaven.. Its going to be a stinking, burnt, guts
busted bag of fragmented bone splinters, & raw lacerated meat still
trying to breath & think..

what do you suppose those last thoughts will be?

perhaps a dawning realization of the real reality?

that you had nearly endless chances to get out, & instead you played
unicorn games & dances...

"Hey Lord, we got your green alligators, and long necked geese, humpty
backed camels and chimpanzees..."

but there arent going to be any bliss ninny unicorns...

genetically edited for lack of practical good sense..

thats why theyre called bliss ninnies...

the first prerequisite for survival, is using your brain ahead of time...

and taking real actions.. best not be the cockroach on the anvil when
the hammer drops..

anyway, sipping my coffee now, black, and appreciating the gallon jar
of tadpoles on the table.. Used to bring them in as a kid.. Decided to
try it again to see if it would bring back the feeling of
wonderment... yup! Its still fun to watch the little squigglers doing
their happy water ballet routines..

Sent from my mobile device

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, 10th of June, 2011.......

looks like a nice one..
Spent yesterday doing a town run, came home bus beat, but packing
food, and some baubles...
got a small steel wok, 12 inch, and a small whisk for stirring my
dry bannock mix, and a decent can opener for the kitchen.. also got a
pretty good expresso machine, stove top type to replace one lost 16
years ago..

looks like dry peas went up in price a third in one hit.. & white
flour up 25 cents on a 5 lb bag..

so best I use some bananas in my bread today..

was a bad day for girl watching on busses, all the fat & uglies were
out in numbers... the ticas seem to be gaining weight in spite of
higher food prices..

unbelievable really what people do to themselves in a consumer
culture... consume...

also got a pair of rubber boots, and some anti foot rot cream..

stopped to see my little neice, but she was off visiting her dad in
the hospital, he has leptospirosis.. yup! loose pigs and dogs above
village water supplies, and the rats are on a high cycle.. tried to
get legal system in Cortez to do something about the loose pigs etc..
For 12 years...

but it was a wink-wink nod-nod gringo problem...

last year my worker's mother almost died of same disease.. she let
pigs run loose sometimes too..

saw they have electric violins coming into some of the upscale stores
now, thinking to put one on lay-away in a couple months, I have a nice
enough acoustic violin, have played since JR high school, and now
doing well on the electric guitar, so interested in possible special
effects added to violin... was also looking at bigger guitar amps,
will need one a year from now.. trying to get stocked up on
instruments etc.. Figure the days of materialism will soon be over..

and I'm not much into canned music, its a placebo for the real thing..
music has become a spectator sport.. and personally I feel that
creativity is belly up in the music industry...

I find playing instruments to be a most relaxing hobby, & likely a
better idea than taking happy pills... the problem with modern
culture is its unreality.. people stressed by all the top down
bullshit... its one of the reasons I opted out of the US, was tired
of unnecessary bullshit in a public works job, I noticed that there
was new crap added weekly... And I'm not so much of a chicken that I'd
stay & take it....

had an ant eater wander thru my kitchen the other morning, I talked to
him, and he went on his way, a pretty animal...

the leptospirosis is due to contaminated water supplies, alot of tico
water systems consist of a pipe in a creek... Which is fine, unless
theres something to contaminate ground water... basically without
strong antibiotics for a week or more you'd be dead meat.. which is
why I use from a covered spring...

suggest you survivalist wannabees do some research on open source
water supplies.. runoff into wells etc. Has a long history of killing
people, which is why the hand dug wells on farms 100 years ago had
quaint roofs, raised sides, and ground sloped away from them, & tight
fitting covers when not in use... the hand dug well is still a viable
option, wouldnt fear using one myself if properly built... but who
knows anything these days? wont learn how to build a proper well or
spring in school...

nowdays people think you need a drilled well costing thousands of
dollars, and a filter costing hundreds... and if you think food is an
issue, wait until things get a bit drier..

personally if I was starting from scratch on flat ground, my first
investment would be a decent well & a windmill for pumping & a raised
tank... because without water, aint nothing going to live there.. No
house, no garden, no happy people...

here, on the farm, I have several good springs coming out of the
limestone mountain.. I use from one of them and have all the water I

the mountain is my filter... and I dont have pigs...

I do have people's hounds... Another endemic tico related problem..
so I could be dead, thanks to local attitudes... but so far OK...

its like I told my worker; that he should consider himself lucky..
Could have been my little niece, she's not near as tough as her

and he got his butt kicked bad by some tiny microbes...

folks, it pays to focus on fundamentals, instead of fluff...

anyway, the sun is coming over the mountain, looks to be a nice day...

and I just lit a fire for some tea... also checked out the garden
this morning, I can get back into it now with the boots.. Was rainy
for awhile, and the foot fungus was getting serious enough I waited
for the boots and medicine... best be prepared to keep your feet

its all about the basics, building your reality from the bottom up,
and from the inside out...

the system has been milking you your whole lives.. Every day, every
way, sold the big lie, hook, line, & sinker....

like the census, asking all kinds of unnecesary questions here
now... whats it all about? information to use against you.. You
dont suppose theyll be charging families carbon tax on what they

its all to be used against you.. Every bit...

if you think the system is your friend, then black is white...

me? Going retro as fast as I can.. back to what really works, & that
isnt dependent on some assholes on high, making decisions for my own

and I'm trying to get ahead of the curve on it... not calling my
professional liar misrepresentitive, expecting him to do it for me...

I hear theyre SWAT teaming companies that sell cherry extract &
elderyberry, and acidofolus..

for claiming health benifits...

welcome to Satan's world....

funny, my elderberry just keeps on growing...
as do my cranberry trees... Dont hear me complaining about good stuff
disappearing off health food store shelves... why? Not lying to
myself, thinking I can live in a city & buy health...

its like trying to live in a septic tank, by buying perfume...

dont buy it, grow it... dont bitch, leave it..

dont see me watching nature programs on TV either..

how absurd....

do bunny rabbits watch bunny rabbit porno?

anyway peaceful morning here... birds singing, a locust zithering,
and the sounds of an airplane crop dusting bananas up the valley,
quicker cancer for kids, thanks to profits for chemical company

I'll give you the first clue; if it has money involved, its toxic...

its like american history... why did the indians fight thousands of
battles? well, because to them building cities and raping the earth,
was sheer insanity.. the Insane side won...

insanity, is anything that goes against the laws of nature... &
sooner or later, insanity begins to run into natural limits, and also
natural reactions....

now, many people visit shrinks in an attempt to find sanity... Mr.
Shrink is supposedly "well Adapted"... to what? the big lie, i.e.

so youre paying $100 an hour to have someone more insane than you are,
tell you how to live...

you dont find the sea, climbing mountains...

if you want to be sane, it isnt about adapting to insanity... its
about getting out of insanity, by using your brain first, & feet
second... and time is getting short.. soon only option left, will be
to run...

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday, 4th of June, 2011........

after midnight...

am awake due to a cup of coffee..
and was listening to short wave.. Alex Jones...

heard a couple good interviews...
Good to hear people starting to fight back against the FEDS, my
thoughts were; fight them every step of the way BEFORE violence
becomes the only/last option...its a responsibility really, if people
do nothing until violence is the only option, they then share
responsibility for the violence..

resistence is best done in progressive stages.. prepare for the worst
of course; buy firearms & plenty of ammo, and stash at least half, and
perhaps 3/4's not in your home...

but until the issue is forced, do everything possible to cure the
problems short of violence first...

Sounds like Texas legislators are going to try to pass the anti TSA
sexual assault bill... In spite of Federal threat of a Texas No Fly

other states working on the same... personally I wouldnt bother, I'd
just arrest TSA supervisors who give the orders to assault people,
with authority comes responsibility.. if they give the orders to
commit such illegal searches and gross violation of privacy, and
sexual assault, then they, and the people above them, all the way to
the top, should be jailed & tried in all 50 states... and if they did
give the orders, they should be sentenced to terms on par with sexual
offenders & violators of constitutional rights. Period...

no terrorist organization could ever do as much damage to America as
the Federal government has done, consistantly, year after year, my
whole life..

I also heard the phrase "intelectually bankrupt" used to describe the
status quo.. I've used that phrase in this blog to describe the same
status quo before, and was pleased to hear a lucid & admirable young
man who stood up to TSA use the same phrase... in our opinions of the
status quo we are brothers, even though we might differ elsewhere...

and thats what its about folks, finding what we agree on, and fighting
together to fix such problems, each in our own way..

it also sounds like indictments of the fraud bankers are starting to
happen... they need to be put away for life... All of them
responsible... the amount of damage done to the number of people is
mentally staggering... a slap on the hands is not enough...

another thing I noticed tonight, was that several people interviewed
sounded like real people.. not professional talking heads.. I think
people should learn to be better listeners & support people who sound
like common man, & never ever never support anyone enguaging in double
speak, or who makes excuses, or who doesnt answer direct questions by
going off on unrelated tangents.. Listen to how pro politicians
speak... Learn to pick up on their games, and then corner them at
every opportunity, & expose them for being the sleazy liars they

Vampires dont like searchlights...

nor the wooden stake of focused logic & truth...

nail them at every opportunity... no quarter.. Theyre toxic snakes at
best... vote for normal people, not good old boys, or slick

basically the reactions are beginning... People standing up for whats
right, and refusing to accept whats wrong... its a trickle now, but
it signifys the turning of the tide... get with it.. form the new
paradigm in your own mind first...

thats the real battle ground...

personally if the FEDS want to declare where I live to be a no fly
zone, it wouldnt bother me a bit.. i'd just find something else to do,
probably giving FEDS hell in nature, and consider it a fun hobby as
well as a duty..

and for the people who put up with the cat in the microwave routines,
and the drooling power hungry TSA dirty glove gropers;


whats wrong with you? Why are you such gutless idiots? Have you no
pride? Have you no limits? Have you no sense of whats right & wrong?

another point I want to make, is that I'm proud to be a conspiracy
theorist! repeat; proud! please call me that more often... better
a fun hobby like checking out possibilities and searching for truth,
than being a stupid sheep... Baaa! Baaaa! Thats all I'm good for!
Wool over my eyes & being a Mutton hunk..

also I would like to state; that there is little more disgusting than
media people playing spin doctors... lying and deception, &
misinformation, is not a respectable profession... The Barbie & Ken
doll news presenters are dog vomit.. stepping in cat shit barefooted
is a better passtime, than watching the plastic dummies... just
imagine them having lines from the sides of their mouths, down to
their chins.. lap dummies for corporate vantrioquists...

Oral bimbos & oral gigilos...

if they werent doing that, they'd be offering cheap sex in public restrooms...

if an interviewer's questions dont have any "bite" its not a real interview...

yeah, let me ask the talking heads the questions on national TV...
would be good business for their shrinks after I got done with the
worse than worthless bastards... Imagine the questions Obama could be
asked point blank... "do you enjoy being a habitual liar?" "have you
considered getting your skin bleached, so you dont make people of
color look bad?" "have you ever admitted to yourself what you really
are?" "dont you think you should pray to God to help you with your ego

anybody with a conscience who did what these types do for a living,
would contemplate suicide...

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wednesday 1st June, 2011......


light rain just stopped..

I'm home alone, sipping tea, made on a little oil stove I built from a
stainless chowder mug & tuna can.. Runs on veggie oil.... Nice for
rainy days in my open air shelter...

worked on a bit of organisation this morning.. Washing kitchen items,

and did a couple practice guitar stints that went fairly good...

Listened to short wave last night, caught Albert Addisk, a personal
favorite, recently given national fame by being bad mouthed by 60
minutes for telling the truth; i.e. Second ammendment is for
overthrowing corrupt governments...

bad news little fat crooked dronies...

these guns are for you, if you insist on your little petty tyrant's games...

yup! Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc. Had something the modern
Pillsbury doughboys in offices dont; "foresight"...

and they figured you slimeball Scribes & Pharasees would eventually
creep upwards out of the muck of your own making, and become Gods in
your own minds...

so they rigged the game to where when you started rigging it, the
public would always be a step ahead of you buying & trying hand &
shoulder fired artillery..

and the more you restrict it, the more market demand, & the less
people will respect the assinine laws... which means if you keep
pushing, you end up on a saw horse, hooked to a lamp post by your

where its likely some widow or Orphan will give the sawhorse a kick,
for what you did to Dad in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Iran etc...

anyway Addisk pointed out things I've said here before, that
complication leads to failure, and to anyone with half a brain, sure
looks like a total collapse in the pipeline...

he used an analogy of Chinese peasants with oxcarts getting tired of
billionairs in fancy cars, and would eventually overthrow them...

I suspect all the ox cart type have to do is quit chasing money, and
go after the food, clothing, & shelter, in a more direct manner, and
the billionairs will find themselves in need of oxcarts...

'Dont know about you, but I've observed that the bottom of any pyramid
is what holds up the top... Not vice versa...

also heard other programs, with the usual "call your congressman"
paradigm... Boy are people stupid...

"Katrina Heads"...

if you think your congressman cares about your butt bacon, I think
youll be disappointed in due time.. same status quo going along with
Patriot act to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lybia, and everywhere else for
that matter, some 600 insurrections going on now on planet...

"peace & Safety huh?"

better a parachute than politics..

Politics is like a faggot soap opera... you fill in the similarities
in the analogy...

I'm not too worried... Hangin' out in a banana republic... have been
for years & years... only an American on paper at this point..

why did I leave? foresight... Figured by the time the gutless found
guts, and the status quo got its just desserts, I could have food
security booted & help my clan eat ocasionally, when the gutless &
brainless were arguing over who's fault it was....

It's been quite the learning experience... Figured out I didnt need a
house, car, nor job...

I remember Monday, the dread day after Sunday...

today I ate home grown beans, home grown breadfruit, & homegrown
bananas... Only the tea & seasonings were boughten..

the electricy for guitar, fone, lightbulb & radio, all came from a
single solar panel...

most of my cooking fuel is sticks...

I really dont need the system... best buy a few more guitar
strings... Theyre on the shopping list...

Most of my list is preparedness items...
Every month I whittle down my list... An item or two better prepared...

this time will be shopping for a standard pair of vise grips.. Mine grew legs...

will be nice to have again.. Prime survival & subsistence tool..

its that simple... Vise grips, guitar strings.. buy a bit of food to
keep the monotony at bay... look for a kitchen item, get a couple
stasher machetes.. try to find an item or two of project ingredients,
so I can finish something up & have it to use....

not alot of vanity in the budget.. Dont miss it really.. I feel fine
as long as I have my bases covered & can make some minor progress
towards preparedness.. however slight..

theres a new Mall open now in Canoas.. i'm going to explore it this
trip... It seems upscale.. So hoping for maybe a few items on the long
term list, not available in other stores..

Want to find a midget pressure cooker.. Say 3 or 4 liter in
stainless... Also looking for a stainless Wok, Chinese shape, on the
smaller end size wise...
And I'm also looking for a small stock pot of decent quality, of a
gallon or so.. this stuff is for my refugee kitchen..
I have similar stuff, but not perfect.. always looking for an
upgrade, better size, or higher quality.. my user pressure cooker is
also up for buying a replacement, open fire cooking is hard on
bakelite, and creek cleaning tends to result in rock dents... So
thinking to keep eyes open for another just like it, so I have spare
parts.. Would continue using the old one.. just have a nice new one
in stash dept. for when I can afford a stove someday..

bottom line on subsistence is budgetary humility..
What you have, what you need, and if theres any left, what you want,
or think you should get... one tends to trim off alot of things you
used to think you needed... Especially in the food department...

for instance, noodles or maccaroni costs 3x of flour here.. Same exact
food, in different form... so one has a hard time justifying the
expense.. I know how to make noodles, but generally dont bother..,
easier to make biscuits, dumplings, or flat breads.. when you live
alone, you tend to give up pretenses.. Nobody to please but yourself,
and the gullet is happy with wheat in a simple form... I've even lived
on cracked corn & corn flour as hot/cooked cereals before long term..
Like the Canadian Voyager once said, hunger is the best of all

when you get low enough, even a simple diet is plenty good...

so I dont buy crackers, nuthin', just basic ingredients, like flour,
corn flour, salt, rice, peas, lentils, condiments, tea, etc... the
closer something is to 50 cents a pound, the more likely I buy it..
closer to a dollar a pound, less likely it goes into the basket..

I realize the speculators are driving up food prices now, so I figure
its my duty to give them as little as possible... people are
literally starving to death while others make a fat profit doing
nothing of value added, just speculative money games.. this is flat
evil... no matter how its justified.. So on boughten food, I live
really low..perhaps an effort in futility, but I'd rather keep the
cash flow to the greedy bastards with a minimal amount from me for
principle's sake... This peasant doesnt get much cake...

that being said, going to hipocrit out this month, and buy a cake mix
for my birthday, to share with my little niece & her mom, because she
didnt get a cake on her birthday, and I want her mom to learn to bake

also havent had a birthday cake in maybe 17 years? might be my last
chance.. And I look forward to sharing cake with my favorite three
year old.. she dont get much cake either..

hopefully she'll do better in the future, we just got her mom an
electric motor for the Singer sewing machine I bought them, so soon
mom making money contract sewing, and expect my niece will get
birthday cake, and her mother go back to school on the money made..

anyway, texting as I write this with a woman friend, she just
downloaded the book of Enoch.. going to coach her thru.. have had
two other women interested in me, give excuses rather than read it..
Quit taking them seriously when I see that pattern.. dont need a
women who thinks she knows best, or who thinks excuses fly like honest

whats coming is too critical for attitudes..

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