just got a small cup of coffee made...
Recovery day, did town trip yesterday, went for the copper bottomed
India pot.. Got them..
paid $4.60 each, for 5 pots, stainless, "belly" pots, which is a shape
I like.. They nest fairly decent, have metal handles etc. So I can
use over the open fire... now I'll give my old pots to my nieces
mother, kind of mix & match belly pots also, she can use them, & give
to my niece in due time..
They'll match what she already has pretty good.. So I think getting
shed of them in that manner is the thing to do..
visited with my little niece on the way home, she was happy to see me,
I played with her, we were both laughing, she's a live wire.. going
to be a pretty woman some day, has kind of sandy brown hair, darker
eyebrows & lashes, and oriental eyes from her Indian genetics.. very
pretty, lots of fun, extremely outgoing & social..
her mother showed me her motor mounted on the sewing machine I bought
her.. I helped get motor too.. when they tried new motor, didnt
work, but an uncle who does electro-mechanical type work took it
home, found the bad connection, and fixed it.. but now she has a
threading problem, but will get it figured out & soon sewing...
I bought a few forks, but my niece wanted one, so I gave.. so made it
home with an odd number...
trying to fill in on my kitchen stuff, and upgrade as I can, knowing
that collapse of economy & WW3 are very likely, and if that happens,
the days of cheap & available materialism will be over forever...
Which is why I buy more than I need..
I try to keep it all as portable as possible, live between the
fences of the neoindigenous paradigm.. keep it basic stuff.. & not
get tempted to get things that arent appropriate to whats coming....
had a pretty good day observing people, saw one older Tica woman being
nice to a retarded guy on the bus, have seen everybody else ignor him
for years... I studied her face carefully, want to be able to
recognize her if I see her again, maybe get to help her in some way,
some day.. nice lady, better person than most..
also saw another highschool girl with a really happy character, her
mother was a total prune, did nothing but complain.. Told the girl
when she got off the bus;
"mantener la actitude felis, es bonita."
she nodded & smiled...
had problems with the bank machines again, watched the guy fill the
machine, then local people in line try to use, and leave empty handed,
I tried, got a sorry note instead of money.. So I went & tried another
of the 5 machines in Paso Canoas, whole system was down for some
computer error.. So, I couldnt buy food, and came home on pocket
change.. Which is normal.. Here you never count on the bank machines
working.. always keep enough for bus fare home..
had a guy from my village ask if he could plant beans on my land this
year in October, dont know him other than by sight, never heard
anything bad about him etc. So I said sure... I expect several
families to come, will charge 10% of crop, and if I get more than I
need, will give the excess to single mothers & widows that I know...
wont be much, but with beans at over a dollar a pound, every little
bit helps, and the single moms I know all have 5 kids each, and all
make a dollar or two an hour in their jobs, so I think they'd
appreciate even a month's supply.. Kids in school etc. Everything
expensive now thanks to the Builderbuggerers type greedhead
glad I'm not one of them.. When Alien arrival happens, theyll be in
line for the neck cutting as per book of Enoch...
Going to be a bad day for billionairs... And anybody else too
egocentric to have helped others, and I thank the Lord that I'm not
like them... I'm no saint, not even close, but I do try to help
people.. which I've always done, but now even more so, after
realizing that the Bible etc. Is about guys with starships, and
primitive humans, (thats us), and that the plan includes a stiff
genetic editing after the coming Apocalypse... its all there, &
reading the book of Enoch in that light has made sense of human
history & whats going on now make perfect sense to me...
from what I read, theyre going to edit half of the survivors.. and
the deciding factor will be did or did you not help those at the
bottom... So I suggest you consider not buying gold etc., and instead,
get things to help others with, food, clothing, shelter.. Land..
I have food falling on the ground all the time now.. Had a single
mother ask me yesterday what I had.. I think a year from now, will
have such coming to glean under my trees.. will be a nice feeling
when that starts to happen... helping others is worth more than money
to me.. and they may have houses and better incomes than I do, but I
dont mind living humble & helping people with more problems, in fact
its an honor...
I may not survive to arrival, but I'm going to play the game as best I
can anyway..
its not about me or money, its about trying to make a better world for
everyone, especially the kids, and the disadvantaged...
I bought cake mix this month, going to go down to my niece's house,
and share my 55th birthday with her, she didnt get a cake for her
birthday due to finances, but I got her & her mother the sewing
machine, & she'll be happy to have some cake with me for sure...
most of the readers of my words probably cant imagine not being able
to have a party for their kid's birthday.. youll imagine it soon...
When it happens to you... so if youre stocking up on food, dont
forget some cake mixes eh?
and if you have land, plant food trees etc. So you can have food to
share with friends and others who'll need it... Quit relying on a
totally corrupt & twisted system, begin to form your clans of friends
& familys, & most of all work on your ego trips and internal
better by far to live under a tarp, & grow food, than chase money..
we can all become better people than we are... and I suggest the
Christian & other religous types knock off all the cutsey prayer
meetings & churchy bullshit, knock off the jargon, repent means to
rethink yourself, nothing more..
use the time you now spend in church listening to clueless hypocrits
to actually do something positive, give your excesses to street people
and homeless, quit reading people magazines & watching american idol,
get off your butts, & onto the streets of life, and do whatever you
can to help those with less..
be all you CAN be.. Work to make a better world from the inside out &
from the bottom up...
life is too short to be a vanity head.. Quit aspiring to fortune, &
begin aspiring to your own humanity..
Sent from my mobile device
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