This website is anything but politically correct, and written more for the adventure loving, outdoor, renegade from society, type person...
Its something more than a bit different, and a sure cure to normalcy...... also if you are interested in Costa Rica, there is plenty here on the practical side of going back to the land in Central America....
The following Pages are mostly about space elevator concept, where I throw fun at this guy who knocked my treatise off wikipedia and called it absurd, some scientist wannabee?
Anyway, the idea is a simple one, smaller similar devices are potato guns, blow guns, paint ball guns, super guns, pneumatic message sending devices at you Bank's drive up, or a pea out of a drinking straw......... He thinks its an absurd idea and wont work..... if you have gotten this far, you may have read the treatise, and able to make up your own mind and not need a Puffed-up talking yammer head, who thinks, telling you how to think, is his right,
by “Divine Education”....
If you are only interested in survival and subsistence in the tropics, go direct to the blog and avoid whats below, I put it up for a sample, for people blog surfing..... I add to the blog daily, but get on-line rarely, so its got a lurch to it....
This page also has more space elevator ideas sprinkled through it..... enjoy!, I do this for fun and to teach unusual points of view, and little known basics about survival and the future, the blog is a Survivalist's Primer, with the younger generation in mind... it also basically lays out the necessary path for one in the coming years, and starts a Neo-indigenous Culture concept, with plenty of crafts and primitive weapons building ideas.....
Also the blog is for anyone who liked Tarzan.... because I show you how to quit your job and re-wild yourself....
1.Weaton syndrome
2.Weaton event
When a person, especially a scientist, prevents, retards, or denigrates the concepts of another person or scientist, due to his own personal concepts matrix being part of an outgoing paradigm, that are/is somehow threatened by the new incoming paradigm.
The only threat to the status quo is their own stupidity....
the only threat to the rest of us, is the same, i.e. The stupidity of the status quo........
There is nothing to fight about.....
all our worries would become history if we just grew up and became real humans.....
Real humans do humane things.....
Feed the children who haven't got enough to eat...
We will need every one of them.... if you think they are useless eaters and should starve, then you dont have compassion, or the right paradigm.....
“With the splitting of the atom, everything has changed, except man himself.” (Einstein)
Folks the Asensor is the 2nd major Paradigm shift after splitting the atom, We could call pre-atom splitting to be “Paradigm One”, and post therefore; “Paradigm two era” and the second we had the first strand of carbon nano tube fiber formed, began the era of “Paradigm 3” to coin a phrase....
and thats the truth...... I hope the guy noted the time that the first strand formed, in his notebook.... it will be a famous second....... We could restart our calendars on that day.....
everything is changed, and we must go through our mindsets with a fine tooth comb, looking for garbage from the old paradigms............
If you believed in something before Paradigm 3, it just may not be true anymore, and what ever your trip is, your GRASP on reality is at risk, until you grok paradigm 3, and use it as the program for your entire operating system.....
And it doesn't matter who you are or what you do, it effects everything and every one.......
An example;
Peace in the Middle east....
Ain't gonna happen, Israel is a small place and its done been buggered up by everyone since day one..........
But if both the Israelis and Palestinians all of the sudden could get very high paying jobs elsewhere, even as common laborers, with no visa requirements, and a limitless ability to be promoted and to gain personally, Mom, be she Jewish, or Muslim, would soon be getting letters and checks on her birthday, money to fix up the house for a new dress.... money for school expenses for the younger kids.......
There would be nothing to fight anymore about..... The focus would shift elsewhere... and Israelis and Palestinians would go home on leave together.... And maybe notice each other's sisters.... boy wouldn't that create a problem for the Fanatics in both religions....
There would be empty houses enough anyone who wanted one and was willing to work for it, could have it.....
We war over resources, one of them is planet surface area.....
If all the sudden hundreds of thousand of people began immigrating per day into “the Space Expansion” to coin another phrase, all the pressure drops......
and everything gets better and better.....
and people will leave others alone, like good neighbors, all the terrorists will decide they would rather be getting a better life an easier way than dieing for it.....
And all the filthy rich could have mansions in the sky, Ivory towers like 3 dimensional stainless steel snow flakes, all with plenty of raw distance between them, and anything else, so that family security would be made easy......
There is no longer any reason to kill anyone... we can live forever, we can build Starships, we can hang our gardens in the sky...... everything we can imagine is possible....
And all we have to do is learn to use our brains and our hearts in unison......
thats all..... it ain't much.....
We will need everybody..... its not going to be easy to pull off..... the vision I have created with the simple pneumatic system allows projects that will dwarf anything we have ever done before, and then some..... But when have we ever let “Scale” of a project frighten us?
Perhaps Mr. Wheaton couldn't get his mind around the scale of the project? He was thinking a hunk of flat rope and a little car thingy run by microwave ovens? Gee! Whats wrong with this picture? Seems a bit quaint for a method to move cargo in vast amounts at high speeds in and out of the various gravity wells that are the solar system's planets.......
Come on Wheaton, Grow up! If you cant compete mentally go away.... but don't try to shut me up, it just makes me mad, and when I get mad, I get stubborn, and set towards my goal...
you haven't a chance moron.... you think old paradigm...
Big projects are often done because they produce more positive returns than little ones......
And this project solves ALL the problems.......
And big projects just require more people working together to make them happen....
I grew up in the countryside, I hunted and I target practiced, and I carried rifles through airports, and picked them up out of baggage claim.....
I never once hurt anyone......
I was just another responsible citizen........
And one of the reasons police states generally are short lived, is because responsible citizens get tired of the shit......All of it, from the Excessive traffic tickets, to the current unbelievable use of torture.....
“Do not bother them in their homes or jobs or they may tire of you.” (Tao)
(Is torture, bothering people? Do you need the supreme court to decide that question for you?)
Crime? If people from Judges to the cop on the beat all really do their jobs, and the citizens help and report information, and the society frowns on dishonesty etc., we have nothing to worry about, and common man with a rifle case in an airport can go back to being a non issue.....
And my point is, that everything can be fixed...... we can create economic systems that hoods cant rob....
we can have jobs and families and holidays together for everyone.....
What we have is an organizational problem...
Which stems from continued Paradigm 2 thinking.....
All of it.....
Welcome to paradigm 3.........
By the way, the computer is a fine tool to fix the organizational problem, first we need a focus and a goal, that creates an overall solution.......... and we need an undeniable consensus...
'Was thinking this morning waiting for the sun to come up, about the Asensors, and some ways to explain a few possibilities.....
Consider that 400,000 lbs of thrust on the back of capsule pushing it forward and upward....
A MIG 19 fighter jet, has two Lyulka turbojets at 8,800 lbs of thrust each on after burners...
Together this is 17600 lbs of thrust.... which is vented into the open air, and not an enclosed tube.... the Mig 19 weighs a maximum of 24,000 lbs loaded, and maximum speed is 925 mph at 36,000 feet.... in its day it was a hot aircraft... probably still is.......(a very fine aircraft!)
Now lets compare it with the pneumatic thrust of my concept.......
400,000 divided by 17600 gives 22.73 times as much thrust.... Hhhh? Not bad......
Also it isn't just being used for reaction mass, and blown out against ambient air pressure....
a blowgun is a funny thing..... its very efficient energy wise..... of all the primitive weapons I have used, built, and know, it seems to use the least energy to throw a projectile a good distance..... the energy I can produce with the muscles of my cheeks and lungs, is nothing compared to using my arms to pull a bow or throw a spear......
Imagine if you will, if the space shuttle's solid and liquid fuel motors for lift off had been expended inside of a closed tube instead of just blown out into the atmosphere and into the vacuum..... we would get many times the effective thrust..... cutting down the required energy and the amount of pollution too..... but my point is “inside the tube”, may be outside many old school paradigm 2 scientific head's scope, until they actually think about what I am describing, and how it affects the physics..... there are all kinds of variables and components we can add or subtract from the concept, but the bottom line is its a very energy efficient design, and just doesn't need all the smoke and noise and light show of a Shuttle lift off, that is so awesome to our lizard brains..... the tube negates the need for all of that, and all we have to do is build an upscale potato cannon, that uses pneumatics of one sort or another, to get our spuds up and out of the gravity well..... the trick in this physics, is we have extended the barrel of our spud gun all the way to the target, and can use the energy in a “trapped” or contained manner....
One of the reasons for my concept, is an attempt, a design criteria, to be non polluting.....
But there is also an after-burner effect possible with a blow gun..... imagine if the subterranean pressure storage tanks were used to create an explosion in, after they were up to compression with air pressure.... one could use hydrogen, so as not to pollute, but its costly to produce, and I would use something more like the dust in a grain elevator explosion, which could literally be finely ground sawdust or something similar, or even a gas like methane.... which are both carbon neutral renewables......and we could get in quantities very cheaply by various less than romantic means.....
This would require the “early” section of the tubes to be insulated or built of metal etc.,
which isn't impossible, and these tanks could fire on sequence timing if necessary, allowing more than one thrust event.....
Also these figures like the 400,000 lbs thrust rely on the 6 ft diameter, which I just used for an example in my treatise, and not because I considered it optimum size for the tube, or anything like that, I personally would try to design the project around a tube of about 12 feet or so, to allow us to up-freight about anything the truckers haul on our existing highway systems.... interesting thing about circles science fans, is when you double the circumference, you get 4 times the area in the circle, and so its 1.6 million pounds of thrust on a 12 ft piston...(at only 100 psi!)
its how hydraulics works, only in our case we are using gas as a fluid propellant medium...
And the distance we can thrust, is dependent on the amount of air we have under compression in comparison (in our subterranean tank farm,) to the internal volume of our tube for the distance etc.......
But remember the comparison with the MIG engines, and that a MIG is fairly heavy.... 24,000lbs, is a fair load on a semi-truck..... I've driven the truck, but not flown the MIG....
(Maybe if I get famous, the Russians will honor me with a joyride in a MIG? I'd like to meet Yuri too while I am there.... COMRAD! (And tell him thankyou)...... And get me one of those cool fur hats with a red star on the front.... I've lived in the Aleutian chain, and am very familiar with the inside of a Parka...... & One of my son's got a nickname of Vladimir, due to his looks, and a gift of a Russian style fur hat from a Lady friend.....)
Also, it is possible that the capsule have its own power source for added heights, could be something as simple as pressurized air over some water for a reaction mass? Plenty of options surely....
If water was used, it could drain back down the tube and be recycled easily.....
Personally I would just multiply the tank farm, and go with pure air pressure, I used these examples to show options allowing incredible amounts of thrust with the concept.....
do you suppose doing the tank explosions could produce more than 100 psi? I think so......and this power could easily be regulated by some rather upscale gas regulators, as found on any fuel or oxygen cylinder.... Ubiquitous tech.
In chemical propellant fire arms, its tens of thousands of pounds per square inch, of pressure....... 'wonder what that would do to our 1.6 million pounds of thrust figure on the 12 foot tube?
I see the limit being the tube's mechanical abilities, and unfortunately I have no access to the basic numbers, but I know carbon nano tube fiber is very strong, and so its possible to use the fibers as both the cable and the strength component of the barrel of an effective gun at the same time, getting two uses instead of one out of a given amount of material....
Also consider this, That the load isn't hanging on the cable, its merely traveling inside it...... allowing perhaps slightly lighter construction than something designed to support a heavy load crawling up it via friction or the engagement of gearing for traction......
I think the problem current scientists will have with this concept is the fact it doesn't have a lot of smoke and hocus-pocus to it, like the Space shuttle lift offs, and so the primitive mind lessens the imagined energy produced and used........but most of the even marginally intelligent guys will have the concept in seconds, and have their calculators out and figuring better numbers than mine by far....
The hard part looks to be getting the concept out, and past the Buffoons......
And therefore easy to over-look, and underestimate........
The air pressure tanks could also be pumped to 100 psi or more, by other means than geothermal, a Tromp using falling water would be enough, requiring a little over 213 feet of drop/head, say at a waterfalls? Which would pump 24/7 as long as the rivers flow......
There are perhaps situations possible where you could eliminate the tanks and just use a passive device like the tromp to pump enough air pressure continuously to basically cycle the system non stop, and just drop the cargo pods into the tube thru an airlock, and stack them up like rounds in the clip of a Mini-14.............
A big river would pump a lot of air at 100psi or more............
Are you getting this Wheaton?
I'm sure he and I will be like a couple of male Gorillas huffing at each other for awhile, but eventually we'll get along, and maybe be beer drinking buddies someday, and get a lot of laughs out of what happened........ the concept does kind of blind-side one.... he just reacted impolitely, and therefore deserves to be poked........
My big question is the amount of pressure necessary to obtain the total control aspect, and to get air up to the station and ships.... I need to dig out a physics book and study up some,
but I know inherently that using a gas in this circumstance has a lot going for it....
its mostly a question of numbers, like how strong is our glorified garden hose, what kinds of pressure we can use in it, and how tall the straw is we are making our blowgun out of....
I have heard no solid figures on the altitude necessary to get the Asensor to balance against cable, planet's gravity, geosynchronous, etc., and have heard anywhere from 300 to 2500 kilometers or so..... I wasn't worried, because I knew the work could be done with a short duration thrust if necessary, instead of a constant thrust from bottom to top, and I use the 100 psi for example only, and hope we could build a tube that could operate safely at much higher numbers, and so, up that 1.6 million pounds of thrust figure proportionately.....
I just provided the overall concept, I am not an engineer, I am a Generalist......
I made a conscious choice years ago, to specialize in generalization....
I also had to work a job, many jobs in fact, and didn't get a cushy position in a university, or some other more leisurely position.... I was a kick the tires, drive home the spike-nail kind of guy, and it is paying “Practicality dividends”....... & I wont have any problem talking with the truckers at the bottom of the Asensor...... Nor any problem countering design difficulties.... Nor countering people who have the “Doctor Science” attitude, and think they know more than the rest of us.....
Anyway.... the fun part, is that the concept is open territory now...... and people with much better educations than mine can gnaw on it.... and if you white guys aren't interested, the yellow folks will have one up shortly, and you can pay them freight forever there after, or until you get your act together.....
I've just helped get started a new space race folks.........
Get one of these babies up, and a mars base is easy..... surely, with its own Asensor.....
'Tis the paradigm shift of our generation boys......
Anyway another point I would like to close circle on is the MIG thrust comparisons...
I have heard high performance fighter jets can now lob themselves beyond the atmosphere slightly..... think of something at twenty or more times the thrust, to even higher altitudes...
if the entire atmosphere weighs a mere 15 pounds or so per square inch, even 100 psi is going to push the air column up at perhaps two or more times as high... and the cork ahead of most of it..... and twenty or more times the thrust of a MIG, just might be enough.... I suspect a bit higher pressures would make it a sure thing..... and if necessary we build intermediate stations in the cable, and boost by other means, say powered from the top end.....
Another possibility, is to have booster turbines in the system at various altitudes, that also acted somewhat like airlocks, and were valved out of the way by bow pressure wave from a ballistic pod. These turbines could be powered by the high voltage current run on the outside of the umbilicals, and allow greater distances or altitudes than available from just ground based power applications.... it is perhaps even possible to build in line boost turbines, with free passage for the Pods through their centers, by having the turbines use the “Vortex Effect” whereby they create a flow, or pressure increase without creating an actual bore obstruction...
Also if this is found impossible, all is not lost.... even a pure free ballistics pod would push an air column ahead of itself, which could be used to both brake the load at the top, and use the load's kinetic energy from braking, to pump it into tankage, to be used for station ventilation, or for ships in space.... meaning: if the tube needs to be too long for a total pressure controlled system, we can still get air to the moon and mars etc.
There is no free lunch in physics, but there are plenty of Wild snacks if you know where and how to pick them off the bush.....
All of our problems can be solved by taping into the resources of our solar system....
Another point I would like to make, is; this is the GREEN way to do the job...
And many will go against the idea due to where and what their money/belief system is invested in....
So those of you, who want to see it done green, best be putting a shoulder to the wheel, and help me spread the concept.... so when some Greed Head starts talking about nuclear this and nuclear that, everyone with any say-so, lets them ramble, and goes back to point when they are done....
Safe Nuclear, clean coal, honest Politicians, what do you 'spose the commonality is here?
Great word.... not one I've used much before, or had used on me, Guess nobody who knows me thinks that way... Or is stupid enough to try it on me....
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I recently had a book on Female psychology placed in my hands... its no doubt something from the New Age mindset folks.... I have been interested, studying and observing female psychology since my divorce, which was my personal wake up call to there being some real problems with it..........
Anyway, this book was written by a collection of mostly women professionals, some with doctorates in psychology...... I read through it, hoping for the smallest tidbit of useful information, and was to be totally disappointed..... it was dry of any content of actual worth...
But, each chapter was written by a different doctor/professor, and the first page of each was a photograph of the Author......
All were women, from different age groups, different races and ethnic mixes.......
But I noticed one commonality in the Fotos....
Something that only a male would notice....
They were all Total dogs......
You know, like the left overs with no boyfriends in high school.....
Only one was even remotely pretty, and she had an attitude that would curdle milk.... a sour looking face.....
The rest were dogs.....
And I realized, that these women, were the current Van guard of feminism, and taught feminism, and it was all a silly after effect of some bad luck with Genetics....
That the ones with no boyfriends have to become lesbians, and then identify with it, and to identify, they have to justify, and it becomes their Mental Religion, which they push off on anyone they can, in the form of Feminism.....
The bazaar part of this realization, was realizing the number of females who are not rejects, and who fall for the shit, and have their mental agendas controlled by such.....
It sets the National Agenda sometimes....
The country has literally gone to the dogs.....
And how strange a thing to observe and to analyze...
That mentally healthy women have been effected to such an extent by the very losers in their own most competitive game of mating and mate stealing etc.
And therefore, for a woman to be mentally healthy in accordance with natural laws, its not “politically correct” you aim for..... its balance with the males and other women in your life....
Do you 'spose there will be anyone get angry at these words?
The truth is invariably liberating.......
The real “Women's Liberation” of our times, is Women figuring out to Liberate themselves from Feminism.... Which is a sour grapes attitude toward males at its roots, which is connected to the very women rejects, through no fault of the males....
I am innocent of any bad intentions, and in fact, wish to suggest a solution......
Lets stop the war in Iraq/Iran/ the whole fucking mid-east....
We can do that by just going home early.....
Let them sort it out..... I'd suggest they start lining up wise men now,
to go to “the big talk-talk-talk...”
Then with the money we save, we start working on the national debt. Say first with a tax on excessive profits, you know, like on who ever is greedy and gaining on it....
And when we get this happening we then also take up training more doctors, to lower the price of medical care, say ask the Cubans, how to produce doctors in quantity.....
And lets have say at least half of these new doctors for awhile focus on doing Total Make Overs on women at Public Expense...... its how they pay their loans off......
Makes more sense than the war.....
Lets make all our women as beautiful as possible, as part of nationalized medical rights.... no problem left unfixed, if fixing is possible.....
Let them be vain..... We'll love it! Male heaven, every woman a beauty in real terms,
And every body is happy.....
This should heal the minds of the beauty have-not Queens, even those teaching psychology.....
And shouldn't those minds be as healthy as possible?
Everybody gets a happy face if they want one......
Your choice girls....
to be feminists,
or to be feminine....
They are not the same thing...
Lesbianism? Just a fringe area sexual fun type..... nothing to worry about, if you take the anger and hurt out of it........
Do I make any sense?
Yea, I know..... sometimes.....
I had a friend comment one time, that “Gris comes up with a lot of shit, but sometimes its got some gold in it.”
You know, it might stop war entirely.....
That we put our economics to better uses..........
So? When the moment of truth arrives, what should your part be?
You know, we shouldn't think we need to kill the Muslims to win...
Only Morons on TV think like that.....
I think we just need to fix up our women as much as is possible.... every one a beauty.....
And the Muslim women will hear about it...... and want the same thing....
And could their men resist this? I dont think so.........
And they would have to spend their money on it too..... less for explosives belts, and other extreme toys of other hurting minds.....
And if their women were are all soon as beautiful as possible, that makes less reasons for having to cover them up..... getting to the root of why they do cover them up, to prevent a problem or two from the head games...
And the men with more wives, would be more leveraged to fixing them up....
Can you Imagine an oil sheik with the whole harem begging for a make-over!
Could he resist? I think not!
I recently had a book on Female psychology placed in my hands... its no doubt something from the New Age mindset folks.... I have been interested, studying and observing female psychology since my divorce, which was my personal wake up call to there being some real problems with it..........
Anyway, this book was written by a collection of mostly women professionals, some with doctorates in psychology...... I read through it, hoping for the smallest tidbit of useful information, and was to be totally disappointed..... it was dry of any content of actual worth...
But, each chapter was written by a different doctor/professor, and the first page of each was a photograph of the Author......
All were women, from different age groups, different races and ethnic mixes.......
But I noticed one commonality in the Fotos....
Something that only a male would notice....
They were all Total dogs......
You know, like the left overs with no boyfriends in high school.....
Only one was even remotely pretty, and she had an attitude that would curdle milk.... a sour looking face.....
The rest were dogs.....
And I realized, that these women, were the current Van guard of feminism, and taught feminism, and it was all a silly after effect of some bad luck with Genetics....
That the ones with no boyfriends have to become lesbians, and then identify with it, and to identify, they have to justify, and it becomes their Mental Religion, which they push off on anyone they can, in the form of Feminism.....
The bazaar part of this realization, was realizing the number of females who are not rejects, and who fall for the shit, and have their mental agendas controlled by such.....
It sets the National Agenda sometimes....
The country has literally gone to the dogs.....
And how strange a thing to observe and to analyze...
That mentally healthy women have been effected to such an extent by the very losers in their own most competitive game of mating and mate stealing etc.
And therefore, for a woman to be mentally healthy in accordance with natural laws, its not “politically correct” you aim for..... its balance with the males and other women in your life....
Do you 'spose there will be anyone get angry at these words?
The truth is invariably liberating.......
The real “Women's Liberation” of our times, is Women figuring out to Liberate themselves from Feminism.... Which is a sour grapes attitude toward males at its roots, which is connected to the very women rejects, through no fault of the males....
I am innocent of any bad intentions, and in fact, wish to suggest a solution......
Lets stop the war in Iraq/Iran/ the whole fucking mid-east....
We can do that by just going home early.....
Let them sort it out..... I'd suggest they start lining up wise men now,
to go to “the big talk-talk-talk...”
Then with the money we save, we start working on the national debt. Say first with a tax on excessive profits, you know, like on who ever is greedy and gaining on it....
And when we get this happening we then also take up training more doctors, to lower the price of medical care, say ask the Cubans, how to produce doctors in quantity.....
And lets have say at least half of these new doctors for awhile focus on doing Total Make Overs on women at Public Expense...... its how they pay their loans off......
Makes more sense than the war.....
Lets make all our women as beautiful as possible, as part of nationalized medical rights.... no problem left unfixed, if fixing is possible.....
Let them be vain..... We'll love it! Male heaven, every woman a beauty in real terms,
And every body is happy.....
This should heal the minds of the beauty have-not Queens, even those teaching psychology.....
And shouldn't those minds be as healthy as possible?
Everybody gets a happy face if they want one......
Your choice girls....
to be feminists,
or to be feminine....
They are not the same thing...
Lesbianism? Just a fringe area sexual fun type..... nothing to worry about, if you take the anger and hurt out of it........
Do I make any sense?
Yea, I know..... sometimes.....
I had a friend comment one time, that “Gris comes up with a lot of shit, but sometimes its got some gold in it.”
You know, it might stop war entirely.....
That we put our economics to better uses..........
So? When the moment of truth arrives, what should your part be?
You know, we shouldn't think we need to kill the Muslims to win...
Only Morons on TV think like that.....
I think we just need to fix up our women as much as is possible.... every one a beauty.....
And the Muslim women will hear about it...... and want the same thing....
And could their men resist this? I dont think so.........
And they would have to spend their money on it too..... less for explosives belts, and other extreme toys of other hurting minds.....
And if their women were are all soon as beautiful as possible, that makes less reasons for having to cover them up..... getting to the root of why they do cover them up, to prevent a problem or two from the head games...
And the men with more wives, would be more leveraged to fixing them up....
Can you Imagine an oil sheik with the whole harem begging for a make-over!
Could he resist? I think not!
Preparing for the Future 11
Another late afternoon, just watched a Toucan fly by......
it rained after a nice morning, I'll be listening to short wave in an hour, feeling pretty good, But its the weekend, so listening isn't as good....
Short wave has become a weird mix, Government and religious stations, with a sprinkling of odd ball stuff..... which is often the most fun.... a free speech carnival.....
Its like going to Bazaar in the mid east, or a city center in the orient.... all kinds of sights, sounds, smells, and other experiences.....
I look forward to internet, because it will be like radio, only better......
I like the comms, I like the social aspects, I like the library.....
I like being able to transmit my 2 cents........
Yea.... the government wants to snoop on us? Fine.... what an opportunity to tell them what they need to hear.....
Snoopy long nosed @!#%$&*!@ and much much more......
there, I feel better now...........
Actually what passes for government is pathetic...... subverted by greed and power trips.....
And they don't even do their jobs.....
I heard a little on the radio about the State of Texas stealing several hundred kids from some Mormons..... I grew up around some Mormons..... pretty normal people, Generally more normal than Texans...... So imagine the Type of Texans that would work for the state doing such things.........
Polygamy? I really have never considered that to be any of the “Feud-eral” government's business.......
Can you imagine? What looks like a group of used car salesmen, making up endless laws for us to live by........
You need any more laws?
Naw... I don't, haven't figured out a use for the ones I have to deal with now..... what an absurd thing huh?
Government? Where the hell did that come from..... I don't need no government.....
I think its funny, or would be if it wasn't for the suffering of mostly totally innocent people and their kids.......
Embrace going homeless! You don't know how good it is, if you get it right! The Brier patch is a nifty thicket.....
Its holding down a job to pay the costs of working, that sucks...
Imagine whats going to happen to those banks with all the foreclosed property, when the drug types use one after another for meth labs..... “Burn 'em” is what the fire departments have to do...........
Enjoy the show..... the stupid fools had everybody working for them, and now its all flaking away, and a twin towers economic event looks probable, and in progress........
George! You got your head in the sand? I think so....
Poor fool... they probably made him do this.....
If he wasn't buried ankle deep head first in Iraq, and trying to swallow down Iran too,
Maybe he'd notice there are more important things at home, and if he doesn't pop his cork out of the mid east, he may get blamed as the “Folk Hero” who caused the second greater depression......
That would be a nice way to go down in history books.....
I don't think he's really cognizant of anything not on his personal radar scope.....
Most likely the most denigrated human in print, of all human history..... can you imagine the flavor of all the words on the internet by common folk, about him......
If someday there are Internet digital data Archaeologists, who sift old data backtime,
they'll use the Bush 2 era to navigate from.... it will be easy, they just have a search engine tuned to human disgust, and you'll nail the era dead center......
Anyway, back toward points.....
Polygamy? Very common in human history, still common up to this very second.........
Does the Texas Government try to arrest Muslims with more than one wife....
You just go do that.... theres only a good part of a billion folks living fine as polygamists... thankyou........
Also I suspect it will become much more common if the economics continues to vortex.....
Two or more women could decide to team up with one or more men, in some configuration that worked for them, and gave non government child care and or schooling, which is probably the real motive of the Texas Long Nosers....
Can't have folks teaching their own kids.... they might not be brainwashed enough to do the right curricula...
They're nothing but child and baby thieves...... can you imagine? To be sequestered by a bunch of Texans..... poor kids, they're going to have a lot of psychological damage from that one....
surely will require at least a billion in settlements.....
And it gets me to my point of the day.... dont bunch up..... it makes it harder for them to steal kids by the bus-loads..... Might not be a bad idea to keep your kids off buses entirely, and out of schools for that matter......
Accusations of Statutory rape..... How many accusations, and how many defendants? And what are all these other adults and their children being held up for? And how many cultures in human history were pedophilia common and accepted in? It gives me a geech reaction, but I know its part of the human genetic spectrum........ too bad the snoops aren't busy fixing problems instead of make them.........
Funny thing, both the Bible and the Tao, talk about laws being the root of criminality and corruption..... gee? I wonder why?
And I remember similar accusations in WACO, you know... Crawford.......
And not a one ever went to trial, or was ever investigated.....
Do you believe the government any more?
I haven't believed much in years........
Scatter...... fill-in, go elsewhere.... dont come back....
Who can catch the mist on the mountain as the sun shines its first rays........
Focus on getting out in time.....
They're fat snakes, it will be awhile before they make it into the briers.........
Just be careful coming and going, don't put a hand out on a tree, watch were you place every step..... Here, the Snakes are kinda like land mines.... there can be one under your coffee pot.....
Its why you only see the talking heads on TV, the rest is snake, from the armpits and necktie down.....
dont bunch up..... get some space..... life gets better...........
Take up gardening in the place of money making, take up home and family, even if its living in a car..... teach your children well: how to avoid government control....
It's your planet.... they are only trashing it, and if they have their way, they'll get billions killed, and then the test is over, and they get weeded out.... the TARES!
Fodder for the fires of hell.....
Glad I'm not GOD!, thats a lot of weeds to pull and burn.... could be at it awhile... but maybe there wont be so many of them after they trigger a nuclear war.....
been up since midnight, neighbors hound hunting... just about my least favorite thing while I'm trying to sleep..........
Listened to short wave last night, caught a different economist..... these guys are all hawkers, and have scams to offer, just like the other economists they bad mouth....
To me its a soap opera, a form of entertainment.....
Anyway, this guy last night was reading out a list of ugly statistics about the housing market, bank failures, stock market, and reality in general, and the funny money system........
Big numbers...... Bigger Train robbery than the Great S&L train robbery......
Bigger effects....
I dont think money is going to do well from now on..............
I dont mind, eating tubers is OK, better than paying taxes.... Collapse equals no taxes.....
MY impression was big enough numbers to make the great depression become a historic comparison footnote......
Grab your asses folks......
Or you will lose them.....
many still trying to elbow their way to the table and play, and the table is in crash mode....
I think I'd be on the road to find out.....
how to get out.....
Its absurd really, planet going into 10,000 BC mode, and we have stock brokers still hawking their various wares..........
Me? got my primitive weapons.......
got food planted in fair quantity, got the basics covered....
and did it all on a shoestring.....
Glad I didn't have the wealth to keep me enchanted with the big lie....
There are guys still hammering money games hard.....
I think its going to be spot fires, rubble, and smoke fairly shortly......
Who knows?
Been watching it go downhill all my life.....
We are speeding up noticeably though....
And the doubting Thomase's are all turning into Believing Billy-Bobs......
The Zen saying on the first wise thought, is when you realize you are a fool....
Its kind of fun really.... people who called me a fool a dozen years ago, have found themselves holding an empty bag full of promises, and a monster with its tentacles in them like a cancer, via irresistible materialism, and Credit and central control......
The Hard path appears easy.......
any down hill trail, invariably reaches a swamp sooner or later.....
The answer is in many a Novel..... gotta turn lose of the excess baggage, and get your bag, staff, and Weather cape.... Its why I constantly work on my gear.....
I dont have it all by any means.... I could get by.... I do get by, and thats important.....
you can get by too..... its hard sometimes, best prepare well.... and know things always take several times longer and cost twice or three times as much as one thinks at the beginning of the journey.........
And we are running out of time faster than we run out of fuels......
Its not a money thing really, its just in knowing that all one's attractions aren't always good....
If one focuses on the basics, and not get caught up in the pageantry of the collapse of the corruption.....
We like to believe that the collective is more than a sum of it's parts, that the system is better than we are......
Not gonna happen folks.....
if it's synergistic, its leaning the other way these days.... all our worse aspects are showing through the veil of deception.....
So... We have to better ourselves, or continue the downhill into the black hole, full of our own monsters.........
And I do a lot of thinking, and have more time than you can imagine to do that thinking......
And what I know, is money ain't it.....
Technology? I have no problem with it, if its used for good........
I see it as being used mostly for evil.....
biggest businesses on the planet?
Military Hardware and tools of death......
Petroleum and its clouds of death.......
Chemical food...... more death.......
Banks? Financiers of death....
Governments? Dispensers of death....
Do I see a pattern?
No! NOT for me... I choose life, albeit a humble one... no Royal Hawg here....
If necessary I'll walk to the horizon and beyond to keep my freedom....
With only what I can carry.... And learn to let go of what was, and go on to the sunrise...
It may be your baggage that defines you.....
too much, or too little, and you suffer.....
Balance in all things
be really complete and all things will come to you........
Keep your desires as simple as possible.....
I'm seeing this Economic depression unfolding weekly, and know I can do fine....
Why? Because I've figured out that as long as I keep leaning towards rewilding myself constantly, use the Neo-Indigenous mindset for a guide..... I have true security.....
The thing that worries my mind, is the what to take if it goes to packing it on my back?
Another early morning..... howdy! Doing my usual morning routine, waiting for the dawn,
Listened to short wave last night, interesting interview, of a man into old coins...
Also a very lucid Pro/hobbyist economist....... Name is Andrew Gauss with a website called world of money....
He was making good point after good point....
One of his points was that we worker types wont be able to effect the owner types, by anything other than work stoppage.....
I agree, and think it needs to be a we dont need your jobs anymore level stoppage,
Just like the cure to the housing problem, is when we dont need their credit houses anymore either......
He also suggested a cure to the social security problem, that Housing Mortgages be nationalized, given at low interest, and the interest used to re-finance social security...
Which is very similar to my suggestion of a few pages ago, on subsidized small farms....
Basically the direction from now on for anybody with a light switch on, will be back to the land, and back to having your own business that takes care of you.....
The big Teat in the sky routine is just getting you sucked dry.....
I know for a fact that the owner's attitudes would change markedly, if no one was interested in their jobs, houses, or other products....
I suggest that you get some under the table business going, an under the radar en devour,
combined with your own food, shelter, clothing, and tool and weapons manufacturing on a personal level...
These are not new concepts, many a plywood cabin in Idaho running on these types of things combined with a Christianity mindset, and it could just as easily be combined with Muslim Faith, Hindu, or in my case Taoist Philosophy mostly.....
Andrew also stressed getting the means of production under you control, tools, for whatever your trip was, even if you had to do that with credit.....
I kind of agree, if you are going to use credit for anything, freeing yourself should be about the only thing on the list, that you do use it for......
i.e. Quit buying toys and vanities and petrol guzzlers, and get your Rewilding trip together....
Do you 'spose it would confuse the bankers if they figured out all the loans for camping gear, tools, weapons, horses, carts, boats, etc., were all geared to get their takers out of the very system supplying the loans.....
Could get fun!
“Well you cant have a loan for buying quadra-cycles, because you might use them to escape our slavery with, by using them to live illegally on public land camping!”
Basically my point is, you can use the system against itself.......
All you have to do is lean the direction your heart tells you, and unplug your brain from the TV, and its programming to buy useless shit, from cars to stocks and bonds.....
Use your existing resources to edge free.......
Turn you hobby into your life.......
Start working odd jobs, and in time others will see how well it works and follow suit....
The overall social movement from now on needs to be out of the cities.....
By letting go of the big lie, and heading for the traditional truths.......
The good news is that it requires so little.... what you pay in rent or house payment in a couple of months would finance you out, if you could get minimalistic enough....
From simply going walk-about with Matilda, doing a fine waltz to a camp by your Bilabong of choice, to a full outfit horse camp.... Renegade! As a verb!
Personally I think its our great hope... that so many unplug and take up a weeding hoe, that the bankers go out of business period....
Same for their military industrial complex wars....
When they try the draft again, I dont think its going to work this time....
I and a lot of other people will start campgrounds for those who opt to not be “Dead stupid”...
Like I say, wars will end, when the body politic starts shooting at those trying to instigate them....
Its like this folks, they want you to be a stupid victim, that they can use to oppress some other poor fool with, maybe get you or him or both killed in the process, so why is it any different just having the war closer to home, say when the draft cops start showing up....
Cut 'em off at the pass.....
War! You want me to fight in a war? Good idea..... how bout you? Can I war you some?
Transmorgrify sheep into coyotes.....
And eliminate Hyenas and Jackals like the varmints they are....
Anyway, dont fall for the shit.....
eat bugs if you have to.....
it would be better by a million times than going and killing your fellow man to make the world safe for Capitalism........
“How 'Bout we just get rid of Capitalism, communism, etc., and make the world safe for common folk?”
There is a new consensus coming.... its why I and everybody else are doing all this writing and reading and connecting and disconnecting.....
The revolution is mental, and is a work in progress.....
Get on your computer, find out what makes sense to you, and spread info you find thats obviously truth and workable.... and also balance that with practical efforts getting out of the system, starting with a bugout kit, turning it into Portages to your site, and eventually a lifestyle....
Turn away from what is wrong, and towards what is right....
You have to be your own judge..... you have to be your own farmer, and your own police, and your own doctor, and if you are your own judge, you certainly wont need a lawyer.....
Don't co-operate on any level.... Let every man be a “Hard-Case”...........
Arm up! Even if its bows and arrows..... I see the paradigm shift on true organic weapons being poisons..... Plenty of rattlesnakes to milk... applying poisons to arrows, darts, pungi sticks, etc., keeps armies in their compounds.......
I once read a Viking story, about a couple of long ships that went into Russia, looking to steal what ever by force of arms, and they came to a walled village, and mounted an attack,
and discovered that the funny things around the town walls were bee hives, Skeps, and in the battling to get to the wall etc., the honey bees became disturbed...
Our brave Vikings turned and ran.....
Poison is like that.....
It doesn't take to much to change aggressive ideas, into run-away fast ideas.......
Animals who use poison get left alone.......
Anyway, I think about all the Women who are Outdoor Wannabees, likely millions of them trying to be romance writers with horses and dogs and handsome guys, as main staples in their literary diets.....
Why this phenomena?
Hey girls, could it be that your fat-ride life as a protected species has lost anything interesting?
Wouldn't you rather be living more natural?
Us guys would rather help you live natural, than live city......
You girls just need to drop the “Rich” criteria in your male love-sick imaginings... theres plenty of handsome guys, and from now on, Rich in real terms, means he fishes and grows food somehow.... cuts firewood too! You can help! No house dogs! Yes you! OUT! Out into the garden, learn to bait hooks, fill the cart with firewood.....
Are you sure some guy with good camping gear, weapons, tools, horses, dogs, and a few domestic animals or cattle might not be more fun, and more real security, than all those paper promises you've bought?
Anyway, its your life, but just remember security and survival odds depend on getting close to the land....
Give up on money as security, and find real security where its been all along....
Andrew Gauss also considered education being worth borrowing to get.....
I agree, but on a fair skew; That you do your education in areas that will help in the future....
Martial Arts, Wild Plant identification, small scale farming, cottage industry, wood working, metal working,Stellar Navigation, creative writing, drawing and painting, things people will need or want....
There will still be an economy, it just wont use Caesar's coin much......
They want to go digital money, and you pay taxes on every transaction....
I say go barter, and fuck them......
They just will not learn.... control freeks..... GET OUT OF MY LIFE!
There is a saying in the Tao about not bothering the people in their homes or work.....
Or they will grow tired of you......
Thats a really diplomatic way to say what I am saying..... But, “Get the fuckers off your back” is my advice in real terms......
I discovered in my Government day job, that it every time they pissed me off, or pissed on me, I could use the resulting anger as fuel for escape velocity....
I live in another world now..... there were regular supplies of fuel.....
Is it like that where you work?
The secret is making a firm decision, and after that, spending your weekends crossing things off your lists....... what to do, buy, learn, make, etc., and mostly what to get rid of.....
Freedom as a process, is the inverse of addictive materialism....
And living by your own wits, is more profitable than falling for their shit........
Another thought this morning was on the inevitable tax assessors......
My cure, is to live in portable housing, and if they start coming around, things will look even simpler, and any and all surplus will go into a cashe in the brush somewhere.....
If it gets bad enough, they will start getting sniped on the road.....
Anyway, today I think I'll work on the stalk of bananas hanging on the house.....
i.e. Wont be buying much food today, tomorrow, or until we and the dog finish them.....
Good variety too!
This morning I went out at daybreak and planted another dozen giant bean seeds..... Humming to my self, poking holes in the dirt by trees, and putting in a seed.......
I wonder? How long doing that until I get more in my sack than I can pick and plant?
Not Long.....
Funny huh? We could all take up wandering around planting food in our spare time, instead of chasing money, and soon there would be plenty of food, and no bankers..........
I need to try some of the beans in the forest.... might take....
Wouldn't that be liberating?
The papachilicanas will grow in the forest... also the Cavalonga......
Funny huh? I could literally take up planting seeds and harvesting food anywhere around here.... up in the mountains higher if need be.........
Its one of the reasons I've moved here.... the ability to go live in the hills..... I mean totally wild........
The same type of things can be done in other ambients.....
Remember the sod houses in old early american fotos? How much money do you 'spose the banks made financing sod houses?
My advice, go portable dwellings, and ignore building codes.... don't pay taxes, focus on self-sufficiency, and if necessary don't worry about land ownership....
Yup! Time to buy those wall tents with the nice 20 year skins...... one for you and the mate, a couple for the kids, wood stoves in each one, and I would build a propane jet into each stove, a hunk of inch and a half pipe, plumbed through the end of the stove low, and a small gas jet threaded onto smaller steel tubing, and supported by some struts in the center of the larger pipe, and then a little brass valve to control it...
Why? Wet wood, burning stacks of government forms, propane heat and cooking, if you can afford it, and just for starting wood fires.....
When you live in a tent in a cold climate it pays to insulate it with blankets, tarps, styrofoam packing, cardboard, etc., and to have instant heat if possible, and then also have free heat....
Free usually means; requires labor instead of money..........
Give Caesar his coin back.... you dont need it... nor him.........
Unplug folks! its fun and profitable......
and there will be plenty of opportunity in the tent and other related businesses now...
Bass boat conversions?
If I lived in vanity land, I'd prob'ly let the re-po man come get all their shit, but I'd have the boat paid off..... put a hunk of plywood across the seats for a bed, support a truck tarp roof with aluminum tubing, install a small wood stove, and call the repo man and tell him the pickup was in the boat ramp parking lot.... Take up fly tying..... sell flys and such by the boat ramp on Saturdays, and grow things in buckets in trees back in the swamps and bayous......
When I was a kid, I liked boats and adventures.... and I wanted to build a punt.... my idea was a fairly narrow long boat to pole, paddle, or row... lets say 4 feet beam, and 24 or so, bow to stern..... I let my father get involved, and got a shorter boat....
But I always realized that even a small boat was big enough to live on.....
My point is, you really dont need to own much.....
And the average aluminum sled style boat would make a nice camper....
And sure would give CSD a headache on the child support checks.....
Just continually drop fish off at the ex-wifes?
I've got a sneaking suspicion that ex wives, are all going to be good little wives soon, because, the real problematic women, are soon to discover that the welfare state is going broke, in fact, the government IS broke, and from now on, it takes a male to have any security... just a fact of life girls.... Outdoor Guys are back in style! Office pooches wont feed anyone soon......
& Don't worry, if you have forgotten, us guys have plenty of instructional DVDs on what we require in Mates........
Sugar and spice, and everything nice.......
Thats the formula to be a happy camper girl.....
Maybe when they're RAGGY, one should just chase them out of camp with a stick?
(Come back when you're sane again!)
Has anybody heard the song; “I Want to break free.” Grand funk railroad was the group I think.... thats an anthem folks! Its a love song of course, but love is being emotionally needy, and the Technocult is like that too.... we cling because we are emotionally needy....
Well, it ain't your Mommy......
Anyway, the song's words all seem to apply to getting out of the technocult, because of the same needy base concept....
Time to take down the walls folks..........
Walls in our minds, walls in our social systems,
Walls between each other.....
Walls in our laws......
our economics.....
No walls.....
no fences
No Limits......
Beyond Limits.....
Not everyone will make it through whats now at our cabin door....
Wolves and Winter!
Enemies and famine.....
Enemies in suits and ties......
This Gun's for Hire!
But not for money....
Follow me! This is the exit! SCATTER!
Later... some scattered.....
got food on, breadfruit, beans, and rice on the way....
I thought about the problems people have with excessive materialism, and wondered if it could be in part from growing up and living in a world that supplies housing.....
That the bankers have made it so easy to lay and wallow in their pig-trap, that we have assumed space to be a given? I dunno, but I know I want to come at it from the other direction, i.e. Get shelter without the loan shark.....
The problem with easy housing, is it fosters baggage slavery..... one gets used to having plenty, and willing to cave in, to keep it.........
This is related to land slavery..... i.e. Taxes........
So I'm wondering if being fairly mobile has other benefits I dont understand yet....
Another idea I've been thinking about, is expedient bugout and survival gear for folks who may have to start with scratch....
Realized that a wooden chair back that was straight and fairly tall would make a decent packboard if you padded it, and supplied lacing hooks.....
its like using a shopping cart, or contractor's wheel barrow, it might not be the best possible thing, but it would get your baby out of Hiroshima on your back, and some possessions in the cart to start over....
Another day.... albeit a nicer one, with the storm passed.......
Was thinking last night about Gauss's point about the means of production being so important....
Basically its been another divide and conquer game, with those who are smart but not wise, getting control of the means of production, for the things we used to produce ourselves in cottage industries.......
The majority seem to be ok with enslaving themselves, for a TV, and more food than they should eat.........
I observe people, and what I've figured out, is if you don't want to get screwed, you had just better do it yourself.... Humans are self centered to stupidity.......
I've tried to be good to other humans, just gets one taken for granted, used, ripped off, etc., Even with and sometimes especially with family.....
So I learn to let go...... and had a bunch of people think me an asshole, because I wasn't there for them to use......
But my life sure got a lot better with out their help......
The truth is, that the bottom line most efficient way to live and prosper, is the small nuclear family.... this is why our housing systems are based around it....
unfortunately, we also have built up this technocult thats designed around economic slavery models, and everyone thinks its wonderful, except those spit out the bottom...
There seem to be more of those these days..........
The nuclear family has been totally trashed, and I'm just starting to hear the tide beginning to turn.... people realizing how they trashed their marriages........
And that the system made a tidy profit off of their suffering, both coming and going....
I dont think we have time to get our shit together collectively, nor individually for most.....
I think while we are playing speculation games, and greed trips, that we are going to get run over by their effects, while we debate the various issues........
I'll give you one word of hope, the only hope: BALANCE.
I dont see any, do you?
I see the crash going back to the lowest common denominator; a few survivors starting over, and not much to live for, beyond breathing, drinking, eating, and trying to stay warm, dry, and safe.....
Soon Killing on all sides....
The Rats that turned on and ate each other up.......
Its all we know.... we eat each other in the best of times...... through economics........
I have a couple of thoughts on means of production.... first that you had better have some, and second, that you cant have enough to maintain the average lifestyle these days.....
I see some humility of one form or another in the pipe line for the collective........
And I think one should try to choose one's humility a bit..... you can either plan your exit, or have it happen to you.....
I think a mediocre plan, is better than no plan.....
I also think it would be wise to have a target lifestyle in mind......
One that can use tech, but that isn't reliant on it......
In times past, people had trades.... professions.....
Now we have our little Fisher-Price guy jobs......
And the Policeman has a nice uniform, drives a nice car, but he's doing paperwork on computer, while thieves abound, and Crack is sold on the nearest corner....
We have a legal system with so many laws, that almost none of them are enforced.....
And if you are totally innocent, your odds of going to jail are about as good, as for the guilty.....
It's not working folks, it just pretends to, and in the process is a meat grinder for people's entire lives..........
I think its too late..... I think most will watch and do nothing, not even to save themselves.....
Hurricane Katrina is an example, soon it will be Planet Katrina.....
With about the same results, the dead, and those smart enough not to trust........
I looked at my list this morning.... things to get next payday.... I was/am feeling a bit used, and know the cure is pushing for more personal independence through my own actions and efforts..... I was worried I might have some things on the list that weren't necessary in whats coming.... And Nope! The whole list, every item, was either something for day to day living,
or something to prepare......
And these days, I do a lot of thought policing of my own..... my own thoughts.....
I try not to waste any time thinking about the people I have to deal with, and who cause me problems like it was their cause and profession....
I think about what I need to do to get my trip together, and insulate myself from the very culture I depend on.........
Its been a very successful plan.....
Every time somebody manages to “Count Coup” on me, I try not to even bat an eye, not anger, not react, Just to apply the resulting energy burn, to getting my independent trip in even better order.....
And its working surprisingly well..... I have food falling on the ground.... If I can crawl, I can continue to eat.....
Meanwhile, the world crumbles..... and most are looking away from the cracks, and ignoring the crunching sounds.........
And I live a dream life for many....
A boy and his dog, on a mountain in Costa Rica.....
And its getting better and better....
I use my natural attractions.... Gris makes things.... and one step at a time, I prepare for the day I dont hear cars on the highway anymore.........
And people laugh at me.....
But then, I've always been a bit comic.......
I'm currently interested in a woman..... haven't a clue what will or will not happen.....
But I've mentally trained myself to not let rejection bother me.... I noticed that my divorce took several years to get over, the relationship after that was 7 years, and only took a couple of months, then a few weeks for the next, and once, I was on my way home from a rejection, thought about stopping for a beer, had the money, and decided not to, because I didn't have any need to.....
Now its down to a sad thought or two, and I'm beaming thinking about the next horizon....
To me, its something to continue doing, as a mental health game....
As long as I try, I'm OK........
What I am thinking these days, is next move if I get another rejection, is to go Craigs list personals.... because I know there are women out there who are into survivalism now, and many have Dud-male partners.....
I worry more than anything, that I will get used as a vacation spot by a chain of “black widows” from the divorce system....
I dont need the problems......
I think even the best of women would be a real pain, compared to living alone....
One is the loneliest number, but also is the least stressed........
“Lets fall in love and combine ego trips!”
Hmmm? Something sounds wrong there........
I've also realized what a favor I am doing some poor woman, who doesn't have to put up with me.... I dont know her, but she's better off.....
And I know in whats coming, that a woman may or may not be a help......
One person can slip through the brush and get away......
But who am I to try to make sense, when there are hormones involved?
I'll wait and see what happens......
One thing thats been a mental help, is thinking about how bad its going to get, and what I'll be able to keep going.... I see this or that thing, want it, and then think about the extreme probability that I will have to get down to on foot, and maybe forced mobile by this or that coming ugly reality......
Better to keep it very simple......
Which helps me limit my buying habit slightly.....
Its a mindset I learned after the divorce.....
To think like a Mercenary......
I could work for Blackwater, and do a good job......
Have a background in weapons, fighting, and survival.... plus what I learned in the military which wasn't much........
How to cook for lots of people...
how to communicate via radio etc.
How to keep one's possessions down to a couple of sea bags....
How to find one's way from one concourse in an airport, to another, and where to go for baggage claim.....
also other skills learned later in life;
How to speak fluent Spanish....
Making arrows from scratch....
Building my own survival gear.....
How to survive great losses.....
What animals to avoid.....
Anything on two legs.....
If it walks on two legs, has narrow set eyes in the front of its head, its a nasty nasty predator....
Anyway, its a sunny morning..... nothing on my agenda..... take a bath when it gets hot, and maybe do some sweet potato cuttings.....
The worker showed up......
so I have to wander down and check on him.....
other than that I am a free man.....
And its been that way for years.......
While most of you paid into pension plans and laughed at people who look like me.....
My worker is doing my pension plan..... a couple thousand fruit trees...... if I cant sell the fruit, I at least will have the food security.........
And fruit will keep you healthy..... a lot more healthy, than worrying about your boughten health plan.... (Read; slow death plan....)
I'm wondering on the giant beans, if I can use to get a stash going, should be able to.....
While all those around me still buy from the stores......
I've long experimented with travel foods.....
Many types of breads, many one pot meals.....
Many ways to cook an egg with little fuel.....
This last year, I've learned how to live without cooking oil in my diet......
Discovered after 35 years of adult acne, that the problem was my redneck upbringing,
and that zero oil and the problem went away.....
I thought I was being normal.... (something I usually remember to avoid!)
And since, have heard plenty of health programs on the problems from oil in our diets.....
So that last liter has gone 6 months or more, and mostly to the dog food.......
What did I learn? That once again, I was better off with less..........
ON the means of production.... I've been doing it for years, in one area after another....
Trying to get food, shelter, clothing, and tools/weapons nailed down....
The skills and tools are like the fruit trees: healthy for me, and dont require an economy run by liars to function......
I treat every pay-day as if it might be the last.....
I try to go full circle on my areas of preparedness.........
I try to keep it all in balance.....
I try to deal with others and teach...
But mostly I've just learned to exist on very little, and use what I get, to prepare to have less coming from the technocult.........
I let most of the farm grow up in brush and now trees and forest..... so I have bark for boxes, other bark for lacing, poles for expedient shelters, firewood, composting materials, some trees for lumber.....
Also my watershed is shaded.... that equals water security.....
And the wild animals have come back......
And we did the food tree plantings......
And carved the trail system around the farm......
And got the Manicillo pasture and the horses going again.....
And I made plenty of personal items......
And would do more, except I have no reason to....
There are very nice aluminum tube welded packframes.....
Or you can make a fine one from small brush wood......
You can buy a quadracycle.....
or you can buy a horse...
Big quads, dont make any little quads.......
And horses will eat grass and such.....
The quad will get you there quick....
The horse can cross a continent with no fueling or re-supply.......
Who is in a hurry? Not I......
I have nothing to do for the next 25 years or so, except dodge problems, and keep eating and breathing.......
And if I am very very lucky, maybe make it up the ramp.......
And I realized long ago, that preparing was a human art.... that for a million years we prepared for what ever would come next.....
And only recently been sold a bill of goods......
I'm going back to my plow, and my bow, and my horse, and my fruit orchard and garden....
Just like any homestead of a few hundred plus years ago....
Why? It works........ it works for me...... and its not me working for others...... which doesn't work as well, ever.......
The most important thing that I have learned in the last twenty years is the importance of focusing on basics and minimalism........
The second most important learning, is that its better if you do it by yourself if possible, or in a small nuclear family type group... and even then, if you depend on others you will suffer for it......
Its each to his own ego monster......
Thinking these days in the lull in lumber cutting that it might be wise to use some of the lumber to build another small porta-shelter frame.....
Thinking somewhere in the area of a 12 to 16 ft circle.....
12 would double my current floor space, 16 would triple it.....
Either shelter would pack on a pony cart or small truck.....
My reasoning, is I may not have time and economics left for the bigger house....
I see the shit coming fast......
And so want to prepare in a progressive manner, where each time I complete a circle, all is in balance and works harmoniously......
I will still collect pieces for the big house..... but I think upping my floor space is a good idea, as is keeping it portable with nothing more than a travois.......
Another realization I've made recently, is that the technocult put us in education institutions young, and for years made us write and write, for lack of anything better to do with us....
Then We come up with internet, and its a field day for bean counters......
Then the bean counters discover that the average “worker” is spending 30% of their time on the computer surfing the web, and chatting with friends........
And there doesn't seem to be much they can do......
My thought circles around the collective consensus that is to arise......
They programmed us to write and write.....
and so now we communicate and communicate.....
And soon we will come to the realization we dont like working for them anymore......
And all split up into groups and head off in search of our own dreams.....
The problem is about to cure itself....
As soon as people figure out that it isn't working for them.....
As long as they believed in the system, it kept pretending to work.....
And screwing all of us daily.....
And people are figuring it out.....
And the masters of our current destiny will think its a failure to communicate....
So stay off the roads, easy rider.....
Spend as much time in the brush as possible, and increase that time however possible.....
When you are alone for weeks on end, you have it pretty good.......
The best you can hope for, is you, your mate, and your kids, living off so far in the brush that you cant be found......
Like the communist KGB going around looking for Russians living in the forests in small family groups, and exporting them off to the Gulags and apartment blocks and factory jobs....
I read about it in National Geographic, with a foto of a KGB agent catching one person.....
The story also talked about some who committed suicide rather than be taken.....
Guess nobody knew it would all be temporary....
And now the only thing happening in Russia is Moscow, and the rest of the society slowly rots.... I hear in some areas people are going back to farming spuds and raising chickens, pigs, and milk cows.....
People living in holes in the forest, a thousand kilometers or more from the electric avenues in Moscow....
The rest of the planet is much the same....
Why the Muslim Fundamentalists?
Well, the system isn't working for them either, and as a reaction, its all they know......
Same as the Christian survivalists in Idaho.....
Its what they know.....
When in doubt, we go back to our roots....
And thats a good idea.......
The first out, will have the easiest time adapting.....
those later, will lose more, or lose all.....
Plus all the better locations will be occupied.....
Meaning the last ones out will have the least......
And of course they will progressively come from the successful, who discover that its not working even for them.......
Worker left at noon.... I left him alone mostly, he chopped brush in the citrus, planted the last tomato starts, fertilized them and peppers, and then re-planted corn......
Tomorrow same basic plan....
and the next couple of days after that.....
Then rice..... and I should have more cuttings of sweet potatoes in a couple days.... too bad it took so many years to find a type that would grow on my mountain erosion soils......
Well, just glad I have the genetics.... I love sweet potatoes more than most tubers, and these look to be a good weed food....
Wild cucumbers....
Grow here..... really tiny little thin vines, and a cucumber smaller than your little finger.....
but an exquisite flavor and texture....
I'm leaving the plants as I weed in the terraces....
Hoping to so multiply them with no labor.....
There is another type in the jungle, bigger, and I was wondering this morning if I should try some in the garden.....
Was also thinking this morning, how western civilization is on its way into the dumpster, because a few control freaks and greed heads got control.....
They just don't get that if you up the “control” knob a few notches, you just up the resistance factor slightly more....
The Dali Lama mentioned it in his interview on Tibet and their Chinese Invaders....
Too bad the Tibetans weren't the one's to do the Great wall..... Just fence out all the Chinese power trippers, and profit gougers.....
Anyway back towards point: that cause and effect and their results in humans have been known for thousands of years..... Many of the oldest books deal with that same subject...
All the sages warn against the same problems....
No matter what culture and or ethnic group.....
I heard on an interview of George's ex press chief's new book, that he thinks george's second term will be defined by the Katrina Storm National Educational Experience, and I wish that to be so.... as it means he didn't have the balls to start world war three.....
My worker asked today if I thought things would be better if the young guy won the election.... I said yes! He at least knows the Street... While George and his type probably had “Security” checking their/his poddy chair before they/he got to sit on it......
I suspect Barak Obama learned to wipe his own rear end young....
I dont think George ever got there.......
I also hear on short wave, rumors of war in August....
I think August is early...... but September would be a nice time to start world war three.... You know, after the WarBucks Elite are passed the garden party season, and want to go inside, turn on fox news, and see how their investments are doing in Iraq and Iran......
Makes me hope the legends are true......
And that the bible predicts the story, down to that type burning in hell........
And THEIR criteria are not our criteria....
Lotsa Christians think JC will show up and suck them into the clouds before first launch, Just because they believe in blind faith....
Thats not what it says in the book......
The ones picked by them, will be on their criteria.......
And they no doubt see us as primitive savages.....
As the story goes, they want Honesty and good heart..... and also that you've survived a major nuclear war, and planet wide eco-catastrophe... not to mention Plagues, World Government, and a time of great Inequity, read; Injustice.......
Boy! Thats one doozey of a final test.....
Where 8 out of 10 participants get made dead..... and of the two survivors in each ten, most of them get left mostly alone for their reward, and only a gross gross (144,000) get the medals pinned on their chests.........
And of the survivors, only the nice guys and girls will be accepted..... My question, is this officers candidate, or plain old enlisted?
If I'm having to do boot-camp earth, it should at least be a commission in Scouts or Special Forces....
Can you imagine being in some Bar at star Alpha way the fuck off.... And the other clients find you've come from earth?
Will they buy rounds? Or exit in a stampede..... One smile, (and they'd all learned in school what that meant in humans..... A Carnivore's facial expression when confronting a potential victim.....)
Gee? And I hear Christians complaining on short wave about how much they are riddled with deceit and unpaid bills.........
I am beginning to suspect there may not be any decent folk, nor ever were.....
So I wonder if our star gods will be disappointed? Set us up for disaster to tweak a few racial genetics lines, and not a one came through who wasn't a worthless asshole.....
Welp! Onto the next solar system and see how we did there.....
To me, the reason this all sounds interesting, is my sense of adventure and not much else....
I have no desire to take up the harp.... To me, Harp, is short for “Blues Harp” i.e. My harmonica.....
What I'm interested in, is dog level thinking..... Hup! Get in the back!
I'd just wanna go along for the ride and see new places......
Eternal life? Yea that would be OK, as long as it wasn't putting up with the same shit.....
Who knows, Maybe sky god dudes are OK? They sure think they are.... They're going to improve us..... like I thought I was going to help the Latins....
Anyway, getting my seabags organized.....
What would you want to take if you were going star gate one way? Limited to what you could pack or drag or wheel through the Quarterdeck of the skyships.....
Can you imagine the decontamination routine?
No wonder Jesus talked about no baggage so much....
Whats the Allowance? I'll push it to the ounce, I do this all the time.... every flight....
I'll bet they even have my type categorized at homeland security...(Junk-Bumkin?)
Invariably 49 pounds, fifteen ounces, and the strangest stuff you've ever seen.....
I've been wondering about my horse too? He's a cool guy, really calm, and he'd like to see other planets with me.....
Ah..... he'll need his mare......
And the dog?
Yea, right..... I suspect they'll snag who ever they want, and make eunuchs with them, if they feel like it....
I'll be hiding in the brush....
Just testing their technology for them.... a missing statistic.....
Its fun these days hearing the 2012/Mayan calendar mentioned on short wave now and then....
That ain't much time... soon '09, and that would make it 3 years.....
I see it as a fun hobby.... Survivalism is an addictive thing, pretty soon you'll use any excuse to improve your gear.......
Can you imagine the looks on people's faces if they do show up..... The bible says we will see them coming, and the rich will run for the caves and the hills.....
Everyone else stay at your jobs.....
Hopefully it will be more like Y2K, or survival clown day.....
But that was pre-Katrina wasn't it?
Who knows? Nadia!
What I do know, is that normalcy is over forever, although many will try the business as usual routine, it wont wash.....
Pull out your wallet at the supermarket check out, and think business as usual....
And the problems are only just beginning.....
Best be prepared for what ever..... like the scout motto..... “Be Prepared.”
Doesn't come with a laundry list of exceptions, the first scouts must not have been lawyers....
Anyway, be ready for violence, but do not instigate it....
Its for your last resort......
when you have no other choices left.....
Morning, did the dishes, got the worker lined out, thought about some stuff, dealt with some issues, learned I have more to deal with....
one, is I had a thought about the idea for a cart or rickshaw that was a mobile nano-shelter,
that after some sketching I see it would be easily possible to do, of wood, tubing, what ever, and have both the roof fold down, and have the roof angle correct for a passive solar collector, like a simple green house... what that means, is you could have a porta-shelter, on wheels, that had a pop up top, and with say the front wall being mostly greenhouse plastic, you could point the poles or handles south, sit inside, and be warm on early mornings etc., with out needing fuel....
I see the escape cart as being a very viable idea for city bound people who would like to get their break free option going........
If you dont have a horse, and you dont want to be limited to a bike, either a cart, rickshaw, or a trike, may be your answer, and the concept of it being a dry spot to sleep in, isn't a bad one....
Another of this morning's thoughts, was how modern man is getting treated like cattle.....
Why? Well because you are acting like cattle, and the analogy is sticking.......
I thought about it all morning, and came to the realization there was a dichotomy........
The need fosters the abuse.... if you dont like taking any one's shit, the easy way to cure it, is not need them.....
Be it a lame spouse,
or a lame government....
If you dont need them, they become powerless over you, and the abuse will decline naturally, and perhaps disappear all together.........
Be your own police, leave them to fill out the forms......
Be your own grocer, not need the credit card or shopping cart, nor the coronary bi-pass......
Another point, is if you dont want to be treated like cattle, quit acting like cattle, and start acting like what you really are, if you think about it.....
(And remember, that the status quo is the fat-meat group to prey off of..)
You have the self-centeredness plumbed in, so instead of using it on people in your group who perhaps deserve less of it, use it on those treating you like a stupid cow......
Another thought, is how humans fighting and killing, should slowly reduce the numbers and genetics of those stupid and self centered enough to do it......
Don't fight, you last longer and go farther....
instead of butting heads with it.......
The big lie is easily countered by a small truth....
you dont really need it, if you get your own trip together.....
As long as you are weak and needy, guess what they are going to do with you?
Like I said, Patriotism is misplaced pioneer spirit.........
Go back to the pioneer spirit, and throw off the chains of patriotism, so handy to the dog wagger types.....
Personally, if they tried to draft me, I would assume them giving me a gun, meant I had been appointed; Judge, Jury, and Executioner, all in one, and I might then decide that my own status quo was the root cause of the problem, and that they gave me the gun, so obviously they wanted me to fix them....
Now multiply that out times an army of fools with guns.......
Hmmm? Once again the paradigm shift, is all you need to fix the problem......
Another thought this morning, was about Dress and Style.... which isn't something I often worry about, being an original character, and not a Normalcy Wannabee.........
Anyway, I was thinking about our sky-god Progenitors, and that they seemed to have designed us with this really cool hair, and even beards on the males, like Lions!
I wonder what they will think when they come back, and find where the status quo has not only ignored their warnings and trashed the planet, but it has treated all their two legged lions like 4 legged sheep, and shorn them.....
Do you 'spose the sky gods will all be with haircuts, shaves, and business suits?
I don't think so.....
I think those things are to please pedophile tendencies in our females, who want all the males to look and act like little boys......
And of course the Neo-Romans want the slaves not to have lice and fleas to have to deal with......
But if we weren't all busy being slaves, we might have time to do a bit more grooming, and keep the fluffy ornaments.....
Which is why I enjoy cultivating my WILD MAN look.....
I am a wild man..... crazy too! And have a lot of fun doing it........
I have a young lady friend, that I've known since she was as straight as Olive oil on Pop-eye......
She now has a nice figure, and a good boyfriend..... repeat; good.....
She is soon to have her license to practice psychology.....
I ran into her awhile back, and asked her if they taught her the psychological root to all human problems at the U..?
She said: no.....
I pointed out that it was self centeredness, i.e. Ego.....
Which made me realize why she had commented months ago that they were teaching the students that there wasn't much they could do for the people with head problems, except nod the head, scribble in a note book, and write out a fat bill.........
Whats wrong with this picture.....
I kind of suspect the way to cure a lot of head problems, is to teach the truth.....
A head problem is where a person believes in something that isn't true... so if you can teach what the truth is, the problem should go away.......
If it doesn't, then you have an un-repairable, which is something else.....
But to teach Psychology students that they cant help folks?
GAWD! The big lie has gotten out of hand when it fucks up people's heads, then pretends to help them, and all most of them need, is to understand what the truth is......
This is an important point......
if you seek the truth, you are self-repairing mentally.....
if you put out lies, you are the root of the problems.....
When are they going to start handing out the guns?
I think I know how to fix things..... shoot the liars!
Start with the biggest liars......
It will use up less ammo, than starting with all the little liars........
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this morning's points.....
I also realized this morning that I needed to go back to using people's shit as an internal energy source..... Getting out of the technocult was an ends, and I used the means, but I find the means to still be usable.....
People.... assholes, each and every one.....
When they hurt, screw, disappoint, or trash me, the cure is always the same;
use the energy to fix myself, find my own power, and not need them....
After that, I suspect the borderline types will clean up their acts, and the real problem types to have a real problem, with me not needing their problem, and being able to do something about it.........
I have control over me..... What if I learned to twiddle myself better and better?
So what if it was Contra-Status-Quo?
Thats not my problem.....
If I just turned their shit into GUMPTION, it would be like cooking with gas.... methane....
So, going to try to not let people bother me... and when something does, use the anger to get my own trip in better order for the coming and present reality....
If your boss pisses you off, or a co-worker backstabs you, go down to your custom bike shop and see what a rickshaw frame of aluminum tube and tarp top would cost to do.....
Then use it to start a home business, that gives you daily mobility....
And a place to sleep on rainy nights if you get evicted for not being able to pay enough interest, to keep the banks interested in screwing you.....
And if you are really creative with the business, it could feed you anywhere, out to the edge of the city, or into the hinterlands......
Food? Sharpening? Used books? Whatever.... get low, and then go!
Lot of folks have crafts......
crafts sell well....
Imagine if people listened, and as things worsened in the technocult, more and more took up a mobile crafts lifestyle... based around carts, rickshaws, boats, what ever.... all it has to do is feed you and pay the gym membership, for the shower and toilet and a place to play on rainy days, to prevent cabin fever.....
First you start on weekends, and soon you dont need the day job....
Christ! You could even do a rickshaw foot taxi service, and likely beat out the car cabs on speed and fuel costs...... not to mention get in great shape hauling fat assholes around and dumping them onto red carpets........
My point is: if you use your head, and your resources, and the “asshole energy”, you can evolve yourself out, and be at Mardi-gras in New Orleans, and stay over the winter fishing......
'Spose we'll see carts and rickshaws parked on the beaches on the Gulf?
Sure would be better than a car in a traffic jam when a hurricane was on the way....
And need no fossil fuel, and haul a hundred pounds or more of personal possessions, like cooking stuff, Laptop, solar panel and battery, music, FISHING GEAR! and the coinage for Caesar's laundry mat.....
Homelessness as an art form.....
Voluntary too!
Leaving a house to go back to the banks... here! Add another one to the bonfire.....
The technocult can have a continued existence.... but to put it in balance, we need to not really need it.......
Are interconnected also... how are folks enslaved by the technocult? Why they give up their freedom paying overhead while trying to maintain a lifestyle.....
I discovered that if I let go of the pretensions, and lowered the overhead, I soon had some freedom to invest in my escape plans............
Learn to live humble.... think up a humble escape plan.....
Use the money and time and energy you save, to work on “Digging your Tunnel” to coin a phrase.....
During the 80's, when the TECHNOCORPS blew off a lot of redundant management, Everybody was talking “What color is your parachute?”
It's a new century now, and the buzzwords for getting out, might better be: “How long is your tunnel?”
And in some places, “How deep?”
I could see it as a plot to a movie, another of the endless and boring City movies....
Perhaps we could have Stallone as an ex gulf war vet, who gets a pink slip at work from his jobs learning Chinese, and then of course the scene with the banks on the fone and the eviction notice.....
But this guy had another side.... he saw it coming, and steps into it with an attitude of facing the challenge and fucking the system in the process....
The way to fuck the system, is compete with it, and still not pay taxes.... starving the pigs on both ends of their trough.......
Speaking of pigs, maybe he sets up a business out of his little sail boat? Where he goes and works roughing up drug pushers and bad cops......
He'll need a disguise of course.... a mask like lone ranger or zorro?
Maybe a camouflage head net?
Anyway, he makes money kind of like a private investigator, but that gets the desired results.....
Punks thumped,
Murderers Murdered,
And corrupt cops and politicians video taped and downloaded on U-tube.....
You know what.... instead of giving the part to Stallone, maybe we should break it up into a bunch of bit parts, and just have average folks do it.......
Anyway, my point is Vengeance is possible......
As is living on the street, or in the brush, if you prepare........
If you let them fuck you and beat you mentally with your loss of materialism and loss of your vanities, what good are you?
And if they have you to the point of suicide, why not take the biggest asshole with you?
If every Vet who committed suicide took out his worst asshole problem, the war would be over very soon.....
People who do random shootings are missing the point..... shoot at where the stress comes from stupid!
And even better, avoid the violence and find a better way out.....
My point is you do have infinte options if you can let go of the dependence.....
Look at the problems with England: what did we cure it with: declaring and then insisting on INDEPENDENCE......
If you are independent, that means you dont need them.....
And capable of insisting on your rights.... all of them........
And ignoring the laws they have wallpapered over your rights......
Used toilet paper would be more useful......
The last couple of days I have been doing an internal battle, with my pet Ego monster,
due to perceived imbalance with someone close to me, whom I have spent years helping...
Meanwhile, another friend is fighting the same battle, and part of his problem collective, includes me, and even the person my perceived problem is with....
Both of us have received much from this friend.....
ALL of us are constantly fighting for balance....
The issues are small shit......
And I have to call my friend with the ruffled feathers, and re-establish some emotional balance between us, apologize, explain my part and point of view, hear his, and we go on from there, as it is part of the normal process in the dance of conflicting egos.....
He is a good listener, has done much more than his share, and is more appreciated, than we showed him with our actions evidently....
My point is, that we all have Ego conflicts.... 'Tis a ME,Me,me world.....
And none are immune, nor above it....
And if we don't get a collective handle on it, it will kill us all.....
If you have half a brain, focus on obtaining balance in all things......
And all of the problems will go away, as more and more people see that it works, and copy for themselves the resulting success........
Anyway.... I'm sorry JS for the omissions.... and I put it here in case you someday read this.... and also as an example to and for anyone else who does likewise.....
'Tis a perfect example of a point I keep trying to make.....
Also this morning, had to twiddle with the Camel Stove.... it was leaking back out the pressure pump, and I figured the check-valve had a problem and took it apart to find out what the reality was.....
Good news, not only was the problem what I thought, but it was an easy fix, because the valve seat gasket was just a hunk of leather or cork, like the nub you get from your leather punch...... which is where I went looking for the replacement, and stove is now back together and ready for service, and I am thankful someone of an other clan, tribe, culture, race, nation, etc. had the brains to use the little nub......
Simple solutions last longest and work best.....
complicated solutions are not solutions, they are stacking up problems while pretending to be doing fixes....
Which is a perfect analogy for what ails the technocult..........
We've been busy stacking up complicated solutions to simple problems, all due to the egos involved......
The whole system is geared to benefit a fat and lazy status quo, while children starve on all sides now and its getting worse.....
Its just another episode of “Let them eat cake.”
There is no fucking cake outside of your little corrupt reality morons....
and if you don't care, its you who will soon be the prime target on the chess board....
And all of your horses and all of your men, won't save your sorry self centered ass, from what you deserve, when it comes round again.....
YOU, YOU, YOU, and me, if I dont struggle to get my own shit together....
Anyway, its another pretty morning in paradise, my worker is chopping brush in the citrus,
soon to be planting corn, and tomorrow he will be working on a trail on even another friend's farm... whom we and he with us, all have the same flavor of problems with....
And thats what makes it dangerous.....
Balance folks, if you want health, security, comfort, and a future, its balance in all things that we had better be focusing on, and not on some bitch with nice teats talking on the TV......
I will likely never have time nor desire to write a yuppie self improvement book, but I have managed to turn out this blog, while the whole planet is Yammering: “What Can We Do?!?!”
Will I get listened to? Not likely... but at least I tried, and if my laundry list of concepts never go mainstream, your chances of survival at best are about 20%, and if they do go mainstream and serious and constant action is taken, we can solve all the problems in time.....
I'd be having the military get ready for the 2012 potentials....
I'd have Space Elevators on the front burner, planet wide....
I'd be trying to create balance in all things everywhere at once...
I'd have a nice woman.... or two..... or.....
Yea! Aren't we males incurable!
Anyway.... ideas are pretty much community property.....
Its what we do with them that counts....
Do nothing, and die!
Get out any concepts of worth and maybe we can all make it.....
I'd imagine there are a lot of others working on similar concepts and on getting them out, and I see internet consensus as being our collective salvation......
POLITICS, is the deadly art of using people's egos against them in large groups, by putting them against each other....
Unite and survive.... but only if you unite around the right concepts..........
I have managed to create for myself a dozen years of screwing off.... but I used the time as wisely as I could, and thought up all this shit you've been reading....
I Have Had time to think...
While most of you have had your head in the Box....
How could I do this?
Well, I've always been the observer, and the outsider.....
No clique for me in high school.....
The kid, others ignored, abused, and insulted....
But instead of taking it personal, and coming in with a gun and killing a couple of dozen of you stupid pack-think assholes, I decided my life was worth more than anything such morons did or didn't do.....
We each have our own path, and our own gifts.....
And anyone who thinks any status quo is a good thing, is fucked up......
Take that... all you arrogant and vain, cunts and bastards........
Anyway, its up to you folks..... play High School level Clique games, and starve a few billion to death, or nuke them, to protect your personal imbalance of undeserved benefits,
Just a little message from a social reject.....
I've been watching you all.... and noticed these things.......
And if your ignore my attempts at awakening you collectively...
You will soon all be radio-active dust in the wind.......
And I will be in my foxhole, trying to survive until the game is declared over, and those who set it up, arrive and collect who-ever they like... for what ever their purpose is......
So go ahead, support your pet hood, who insures your status quo.....
Pile up your money and credits........
Let your control freak urges run!
And I will make it through somehow if possible.....
But chances are you wont........
Forever is a long time to be dead.....
And its a really big and interesting Universe.....
I'd rather have a part in it.....
a positive part in the solutions......
How about you friend?
We can throw the test.....
all we have to do, is beat our own egos........
That means to make it possible, we all have to realize and strive...
and insist, no matter what......
And quit focusing on stupid shit, put under our noses by stupid arrogant self centered assholes who only want to use and discard us like used toilet paper.....
And then help others free their's
Let go of infinite materialism... there is no such thing, in a planet bound reality....
Work on your kit and gear....
Give more than you take.....
Be prepared for anything and everything scouts!
There is a reason past generations focused on honesty and philanthropy, and good works....
there is a reason all the prophets and sages, and saviors tried to push our heads out of our wet paper bag mindsets....
It wasn't so we could bicker and fight and abuse each other.....
Over who's sage,savior,prophet, etc., was the correct one......
Is what I would say if I was god......
The way to win a nuclear war, is by not letting it happen at all costs.... including your life.....
I suspect very soon, an unlucky group of people have very personal decisions to make....
These are the people who are in the wrong place at the right time.....
They will perhaps need to kill in personal defense....
They have absolutely nothing to fear from the American public if they do the right thing....
If they do the wrong thing, there will be no american public, nor any family to come home to......
Bush and his ilk are totally insane, and the Vanguard of the big lie........
And each and every person on site, when they try to send their insane orders, has a job to do.....
each case will be different....
each result a bit different....
but no one can afford to hesitate, or to not make the tough decision.....
If you are collectively successful, you will be national heros, living or dead, so take care....
Try to avoid killing if at all possible, perfect is no drop of blood shed....
If you fail...... 80% of humanity will likely die......
So err on the side of success.........
What can the average person do? Well, planet wide work stoppage before the event is the best idea.....
I'd start now......
but there isn't much time for talk........
Good Luck...
God Save our sorry asses.........
I suggest you use your time on the Internet working toward consensus..... How? Spreading Ideas.......... very quickly........ once the consensus is established everyone sane will know it....
Everyone insane will deny the consensus exists........
And push for the insanity.....
Its Lemming's ville folks, run and jump, or find something better to do until it passes.....
Rumor on shortwave of attack on Iran in August......
Could happen tonight, tomorrow, next week.......
But anyone with the least shred of ability to stop it, or slow it down, gets to vote with their actions, for one of two futures..... Post Nuclear War Reality, or post Neo-CONniver reality....
Easy choice from the armchair.....
hard choice when its your life on the line.......
ladies and gentlemen...... it depends on us all.....
The best possible outcome, is Bush and his Thieves get led off to a detention cell, and nobody gets hurt....
They are not legitimate government..... and government is a dinosaur concept in itself....
is here, I've been up since two something, and doing some puttering around.... stoned the blade for the Chinese scythe/sickle, also dug into the wood working tool box and got out a couple of tools, the block plane, and the drill brace......
I have an axe handle to install, and also need to do a couple of holes in brass for the sythe...
Have been thinking about various things, like a pony cart, thinking to start collecting pieces, i.e. Making them as I have the right scraps of wood from the house project..
the Ajo log was in bad enough shape that we got a lot of odd hunks......
so I will go through it all taking out projects....
and when we get back to sawing, get more flooring for the house, and also more scraps to finish this or that project........
Another item I thought about this morning is doing a porta shelter, my Yurpi design, a cross between a yurt and a tipi.........
I can start collecting pieces for this too, and then expand into the space, and still be working towards the house, and when/if I get house all collected, the yurpi can be for camping, refugee, or a guest house.....
I also am starting a project doing a Palangana, which is the local word for a wooden trough, like an early American dough trough, but here they are used mostly now as a tray for cleaning food grains and seeds.....
I want to build a heavy unit, designed for use with oriental Nun-chucks, to hull rice with....
I have the nunchucks about half done already, and recently got copper wire to do the rivits....
And the chain connector hunks turned up yesterday, and I hung them over the table to keep them in my face.........
All of this is like a long slow train coming.... I gnaw a stuff, and when I have all the pieces etc., stuff goes together....
Its a technique I realized when I realized the power in being relentless....
that if you set a goal, and just kept striving for it, sooner or later you got there, in spite of all odds against....
The attitude is what allowed me to do over two months alone at sea.... many times work for days and lose it all to contrary foul weather, and back to a position as far from my goal as days ago....
But I just came to the decision time didn't matter, that the way to get there, was Just insist each and every day possible, and forget about schedules etc.
Anyway... wandering toward my point, that I am happily re-finding myself by doing all the making of gear I will need to survive whats coming....
thinking the yurpi wants to be a 16 footer, with about 4 foot walls.....
I can use 12 foot lumber for the poles, and then a clerestory vent, and go on up to the nose cone...... 16 feet would nearly double my current floor space, so the existing structure plus almost 2X more space... this would all the sudden make my life much more pleasant, I could use the Yurpi as a living and bed room, and the Kon-tiki Cabina as my kitchen, and storage area.... currently its my tack and saddle room, bedroom, kitchen, everything, and say at a realistic 2.5X space improvement would be very nice.....
The structure would also fit on a horse cart in maybe a single load.....
So I'd need a couple of trips, or two carts, and be able to move, no problem, totally minus fossil fuels.........
One of the things I noticed at Rajneeshpuram when we went in doing salvage after they disbanded, was all of these strange little projects....
I one of the greenhouses with Aqua-culture tanks I found a simple dipnet someone had made from flyscreen, rod and a wooden handle...... it was laced through each and every hole....
I saw a sign carved into a rock..... granite, letters were an inch deep, and it had been done by hand, and one looked around and started seeing all kinds of such stuff....
I realized it was because they had a lot of time.....
people had their jobs, but there was no pressure to push production, and so when they weren't busy, they had made things with their hands, and in a manner startling to me, because the techniques of manufacture were skewed in an unusual manner; they were done however the person felt they wanted to do it, and sometimes somewhat over done, as entertainment, and not just a utility item...
My point is that in the technocult, we have no time for such stuff.....
And when one is preparing to let leave of the technocult, via it causing its own demise...
It pays to realize that hand made stuff makes sense......
And each and every one of you could be working on gear, and humming softly and happily doing it, go back to work on Monday with a big smile, knowing that each and every item equated to freedom......
Its like my latest projects... will work today on Chinese scythe, it will give me freedom....
freedom from boughten rice, which will start being planted next week............
A yurpi? Freedom from rent.....
A cart? Freedom from cars/fossil fuels.......
A boat? Freedom from Authority....
The truth is I puked a thousand times at least, on my boat trip to costa rica, but I still appreciated the lack of traffic cops, I was only stopped once in 4,000 miles..........
The rest of the time I sailed naked......
Anyway, the sun is out, I ate some left over rice and fruit...... have enough bananas to go today.... my worker is working, or at least pretending to....
but he does have to produce some results..... excuse, for pay, level, results.....
Anyway, a point I would like to re-stress, is how working on Neo-indigenous stuff helps the old head problems.... nothing like solutions to set the heart at ease.....
Permanent solutions.....
That you did yourself.....
Basically the best way to solve all your problems, is to minimize your connection to civilization....
Who Needs the Big Lie?
No shortage of little liars to deal with......
So.... I will do projects, take fotos, write about them here.....
I have nothing better to do............
And maybe you could use the ideas and encouragement?
I heard last night the US military is encouraging dependent families of servicemen, to start stockpiling food.....
Hmmm? Didn't I just mention the problem with power, and lack of food for families?
If the money is worthless, all there is, is food to try to get somehow.....
'Hope its a long summer..... so you poor slobs have a while before next kitchen camping season by the heater....
'Hope you are growing a garden too.... it will keep the winter weight loss from starvation down some.....
I wonder what every one will think, when they all discover at the same time, the diet plan that really works....
Living in Neo-Con Nirvana.......
Most improvements aren't........
Well..... its afternoon, I have rice on, a few bananas left I can throw in with the rice...
weeded a little today, the worker planted corn, and some rice in an experimental method....
I worked on the chinese scythe a bit, did some drawing on projects, and a few baths while it was hot... noticeably hot for maybe an hour today, a feeling I like.....
I get cold at 75f these days, love 80, 90 is fine, 100 is bath weather......
65 is freezing!
The results of 12 years of re-acclimatization.......
Think about that this coming winter, and how people in my job etc., thought I was crazy to leave a retirement.... and I told them, their retirements wouldn't be worth shit...
Yup! Crazy!
Nice and toasty warm bawlmy comfy crazy....
And the money? Hell! I have all this food!
And what do you spend your money on these days....
Well, if you stay in your management position long enough, Cat Food Hoagies, will be will be the good old days.....
Should be fun huh? Reverse of the obesity curve.....
Skinny Americans?
Well who's gonna pay all them taxes for Bush and friends war profits?
Same folks stupid enough to do nothing, absolutely nothing, to date.....
Watch your TV..... go to work in the morning, put it on repeat....
Get old doing that.....
Then it falters....
Some problem builds up.....
And the lights go out, and the water quits running, and the local cops start doing kidnappings for ransom.....
And they like how you look.......
I think I'd rather be out in the countryside, on a farm at least.......
One can eat field corn and soybeans, but boy are they horrid in comparison to other less fodder quality genetics......
I lived for awhile on field corn, modern field corn hardly qualifies as food.......
Was way happy not to have to finish off what I had...... the dog thought it was ok........
I was amazed the dog could take it..........
I wonder if FEMA will let you have any?
Basically if you all have any brains at all, you'll go direct from having your house repossessed to living under a bridge in at least a rural area.... maybe fish under the bridge.....
I heard last night Bob Chapman, of the he says its the folks with the one and two million dollar houses who will be evicted next......
and not just a few.........
Those variable rate interest loans were a scam, to get you to make a few payments and then have to pay more, or go away......
Welcome to Monopoly land......
I wonder how that will affect people's politics?
I recently had a book on Female psychology placed in my hands... its no doubt something from the New Age mindset folks.... I have been interested, studying and observing female psychology since my divorce, which was my personal wake up call to there being some real problems with it..........
Anyway, this book was written by a collection of mostly women professionals, some with doctorates in psychology...... I read through it, hoping for the smallest tidbit of useful information, and was to be totally disappointed..... it was dry of any content of actual worth...
But, each chapter was written by a different doctor/professor, and the first page of each was a photograph of the Author......
All were women, from different age groups, different races and ethnic mixes.......
But I noticed one commonality in the Fotos....
Something that only a male would notice....
They were all Total dogs......
You know, like the left overs with no boyfriends in high school.....
Only one was even remotely pretty, and she had an attitude that would curdle milk.... a sour looking face.....
The rest were dogs.....
And I realized, that these women, were the current Van guard of feminism, and taught feminism, and it was all a silly after effect of some bad luck with Genetics....
That the ones with no boyfriends have to become lesbians, and then identify with it, and to identify, they have to justify, and it becomes their Mental Religion, which they push off on anyone they can, in the form of Feminism.....
The bazaar part of this realization, was realizing the number of females who are not rejects, and who fall for the shit, and have their mental agendas controlled by such.....
It sets the National Agenda sometimes....
The country has literally gone to the dogs.....
And how strange a thing to observe and to analyze...
That mentally healthy women have been effected to such an extent by the very losers in their own most competitive game of mating and mate stealing etc.
And therefore, for a woman to be mentally healthy in accordance with natural laws, its not “politically correct” you aim for..... its balance with the males and other women in your life....
Do you 'spose there will be anyone get angry at these words?
The truth is invariably liberating.......
The real “Women's Liberation” of our times, is Women figuring out to Liberate themselves from Feminism.... Which is a sour grapes attitude toward males at its roots, which is connected to the very women rejects, through no fault of the males....
I am innocent of any bad intentions, and in fact, wish to suggest a solution......
Lets stop the war in Iraq/Iran/ the whole fucking mid-east....
We can do that by just going home early.....
Let them sort it out..... I'd suggest they start lining up wise men now,
to go to “the big talk-talk-talk...”
Then with the money we save, we start working on the national debt. Say first with a tax on excessive profits, you know, like on who ever is greedy and gaining on it....
And when we get this happening we then also take up training more doctors, to lower the price of medical care, say ask the Cubans, how to produce doctors in quantity.....
And lets have say at least half of these new doctors for awhile focus on doing Total Make Overs on women at Public Expense...... its how they pay their loans off......
Makes more sense than the war.....
Lets make all our women as beautiful as possible, as part of nationalized medical rights.... no problem left unfixed, if fixing is possible.....
Let them be vain..... We'll love it! Male heaven, every woman a beauty in real terms,
And every body is happy.....
This should heal the minds of the beauty have-not Queens, even those teaching psychology.....
And shouldn't those minds be as healthy as possible?
Everybody gets a happy face if they want one......
Your choice girls....
to be feminists,
or to be feminine....
They are not the same thing...
Lesbianism? Just a fringe area sexual fun type..... nothing to worry about, if you take the anger and hurt out of it........
Do I make any sense?
Yea, I know..... sometimes.....
I had a friend comment one time, that “Gris comes up with a lot of shit, but sometimes its got some gold in it.”
You know, it might stop war entirely.....
That we put our economics to better uses..........
So? When the moment of truth arrives, what should your part be?
You know, we shouldn't think we need to kill the Muslims to win...
Only Morons on TV think like that.....
I think we just need to fix up our women as much as is possible.... every one a beauty.....
And the Muslim women will hear about it...... and want the same thing....
And could their men resist this? I dont think so.........
And they would have to spend their money on it too..... less for explosives belts, and other extreme toys of other hurting minds.....
And if their women were are all soon as beautiful as possible, that makes less reasons for having to cover them up..... getting to the root of why they do cover them up, to prevent a problem or two from the head games...
And the men with more wives, would be more leveraged to fixing them up....
Can you Imagine an oil sheik with the whole harem begging for a make-over!
Could he resist? I think not!
Another morning....
Sipping my first coffee of the day.....
Listened to short wave last night, heard some interesting stuff, one was a new version of radio Moscow, now radio Russia at (World Radio Network) it was a tamed down and slightly more civilized radio Moscow... bad mouthing the US for the NATO expansion into its sphere of influence.....
Whats the difference between Putin and George.... not much, both are part of cliques that are trying to stay in power to do money grabs, both are effectively overgrown private Mofias, and both have killed stacks and piles of people to achieve their greed goals......
The difference is Putin came from humble beginnings, Boy George did not........
IN Chechnya the Russians have wiped out 28 % of the original population, and forced the rest to try to leave or submit to an army that speaks another language.....
What do Taiwan, Chechnya, and Okinawa all have in common?
That average people have been programmed to think they belong to countries, that in fact are not even the same Language or Culture.....
Its like the Attempt to link the modern US with England.... only worse, we can almost understand the Britts, even their bazaar humor.....
America was not a British Colony, it was colonies for all of Europe, parts of the orient, India, you name it, and our “Special Relationship” with the English, hasn't been all that great over the years, mostly a litany of problems... either they are trying to leverage us, or expecting us to save them from the Germans, or even worse, help them save the French from the Germans, or worse yet, defend them all, from Mother Russia's tender tendencies.......
I lived in Europe for half a dozen years of my childhood.... and was aware enough to pick up on the Cultural differences between peoples..... and I'm not talking Language as much as Attitude.....
Anyway, the modern Press abounds with such lies..... and once you figure it out, you know the worth of their product......
Lie Marketing for the status quo........
And interesting thing on Radio last night, was on a Christian News show, thats “Out There”,
Which I have heard a few times before...
Born Again Fanatics.......
Well, last night was an interview with some guy with a book, which is what all interviews on short wave seem to be about these days.....
His was on Nephilim, elongated skulls, Mayan Calendar, UFO's etc........
Which 15 years ago I would have considered insane babble......
But I put most of the puzzle together on my own..... and then ran into the FAD versions....
So I have to give these nut cases some credit for having done pretty much the same thing while the mainstream considers them complete nut cases, which they almost are....
I just got off the fone with my best friend, he commented about me being right about my predictions, i.e. For years, about the things happening now.....
I told him being right meant nothing to me, it was the results I was after, and I see its too late to do anything now, that all my friends have realized that I was right...
And I still try to prod, and get the same results.....
Which is one of the reasons for the blog, frustration with my little group, and I'm looking for anyone who will actually listen, and hoping for people who will actually react ahead of the curve, instead of behind it....
There are very few of these.....
I don't expect my own kids to survive whats coming, unless they get really lucky.....
They have been educated by me for what is happening now, all of their lives, and look to fail the survival test out of their own innate stupidity, and all of my friends and my kids are all very far above average intelligence...
What that means in real terms, is human stupidity isn't limited by human intelligence, its just there......
Anyway, as I was explaining to him, I've given up! And these days I just focus on getting my own kit and survival trip together......
Why? Because I see its useless to attempt to warn them, and so the energy pops out in this blog, for somewhere to go......
Basically Necessity plus a boot in the ass, isn't enough to jump start the smart ones, and there are total morons doing a better job at getting ready....
I've been a survivalist for so long, its all I know.....
There are others, many with survivalist oriented businesses, who plug the Either with sales pitches for stuff you have little actual need for...........
The Tao, talks about the dangers of both excess materialism, and excess food.....
Basically anything that occults your mobility is a danger.... including boxes of freeze dried beef Stroganof......
Plus.... when there is starvation, the neighbors knowing you were a pack rat, might make that excess food fatal.......
And its why I teach things like the wild grass seed, barnacles, bugs, etc., because they have no “get you killed” effect......
This is a hand Celt I made recently.... its from a Chinese copy of an american style cleaver, I got three custom items from one $5 cleaver...
One of the reasons I did the Celt, is that it was THE human tool for harvesting grass seeds for hundreds of thousands of years, albeit in Flint, Obsidian etc.
I've done stone points and tools for years, but not lately, no stone of the hardness here, and I've been busy pulling and peeling Yucca....
i.e. Subsistence got in the way of my survival hobby........
Anyway, my point is, that the average human in the majority of our existence had a similar tool or two, and got along fine with nothing much else, for a million years......
And we think we have to plug a private ware house with shit by the pallet loads to be safe in whats coming......
I put a wrist lanyard and a few beads on this Celt after the foto, so it looks even more neo-indigenous, but the truth is, its a fine hunk of stainless, it will slip into a simple sheath, it will peel yucca, harvest rice, shave my neck, skin an animal, or gut a fish, and it would take several generations of constant daily use, to use it up through sharpening....
And I was thinking last night, it needs to go into the pocket on my arrow quiver.... then if I grab my bow on the way out, I will also have mans most basic tool since we began picking up stones..........
I have other knives.... including with the quiver......
its a hobby!
I make things for the pleasure.....
I find living simple frees my time to do so.......
And what I have learned, I share here, so that others can see and feed their ideas off of my ideas.....
One idea I've had, is a flat survival kit.....
if you think about survival stuff, its knives, stones, lenses, fishing gear, mirror, etc., now think about Celts, Fresnel lenses, sand paper, hand line, etc......
My overall idea is to build a survival kit that fits into the ubiquitous nylon or leather billfold...
This concept would allow closet survivalists to have the basics with them at all times.....
I dont have a fresnel, but you get the point.... extremely flat survival kits are possible....
I also am playing with the Chinese sickle..
Why? Experimenting with yet another basic tool that now hardly exists........
And of last week we have some rice planted to try both tools on, in 90 days or so....
And if you and the internet still exist, I'll no doubt discuss my findings here.....
What is most important about what I do, is the teaching..... many many folks who for various reasons are just catching on to the need to be survivalists....
It's become a real fad!
And I was definitely one of the Forerunners in the field.....
I began shooting a bow earnestly at age 10..... it was my main thing for years, a nicer bow was what I got out of my paper route as a kid, and my bow and a Solingen Knife my son now has, were my only real possessions for most of my Kid-dult era.......
I made my first quiver from tree bark......
I got along on 3 or 4 arrows for years....
Used to buy them for 25 cents new......
Now I make them for free........
Anyway.... do what you can..... but realize having and doing too much is a real danger....
Personally I am happy the locals laugh at me, and consider me a nut case.....
They love to bad mouth the Gringos for any reason, to make themselves better than us.....
At least in their own minds, which is all that counts to them, being not a very honest culture by any means........
Just this last week my worker was telling me how the locals bad mouth some people I know, who are minding their own business, hurting no one, and being happy campers, doing much just like I do.......
And my thoughts, and comment to him, was I do the same things.....
What I didn't say, is I dont teach English, or help the locals anymore, for such very reasons,
I'm tired of being bad mouthed for who I am, by hypocritical people who's main claim to fame, should be their ability to lie and steal......
Brown Rats.......
Anyway, I didn't come here for the people.... I came for the climate and resulting food and thermal security...
Thermal Security? You define it next winter, when you can't pay the oil bill........
Me? I noticed, that I'm kinda stupid.... I have to learn everything the hard way.....
Which explains some of the scars.... both physical and mental......
But when I do grasp a basic, I learn it very very good, and I dont forget....
And I am able to apply the learning to my daily life......
Which explains how I got here.......
But I am also a “mixer”, not a purest Luddite, in some ways beyond Ludd by a lightyear or two, and in other ways as modern as this laptop I type on..........
The difference between me and most blog readers, is I was raised in a functional subsistence Culture.....
Or at least the last vestiges of one.....
My people came off the farm in WW2 and after, like most, but the flavor and the habits, like growing garden, and canning food, were still there to grow up with...
I used to observe people in the city.... and I saw that they were very superficial.... they had the clothes and the hair spray, and the nice cars, but there was no pantry with rows and stacks and boxes........
I realized intuitively very young, that western civilization was empty and boring, and temporary...
Grow up to hold down a job in a factory?
Sounded both distasteful and outright insane to me.....
After that, I got side tracked by Hormones and their results, but luckily I was a failure at being civilized......
I am more social than normal..... also more of plenty of other things, and if there is one thing that never works, its being “taller” than the other sheep.....
And I am speaking figuratively, I'm a medium on my labels....
Anything that makes you stand out, gets you pecked on by the politically correct social police chickens.......
They are off to the slaughter house soon, and I have rewilded..........
Anyway, its another beautiful morning here, I have the whole day alone, did manage to get a message headed to my kid to call me so I can iron out some blog to website problems,
And other than that, no plans other than a bit of gardening when the soil dries a bit after last nights rain......
No pressure, other than needing to go get some firewood, dry it in the sun, so I can light up under the rice later.....
Its going to be a strange thing, to boot up a blog too late... when I have been trying to get to this point for a decade, and got ignored and put off, by my very own peer group.....
I could have been saying and was, most of this shit a decade ago, and only my friends and family know it........
Same folks I tried to count on and failed......
Who are now waking up to the UH-OH! Factor....
And if a one of them survive, it will be either blind luck, or me, that made it happen...
I grok the big genetics test in the Bible......
And I see why now, mostly.....
Hey folks, stupidity just doesn't make it in the real universe, no matter how comfy being a sheep is at the moment........
And if you dont get your shit together instantly, your personal chances of survival aren't shit!
If you are alive in January, I will consider it a miracle....
You may get lucky......
I hear Obama mouthing status quo on Israel, and being bit in the ass for it.....
this tells me who he really works for......
So I dont place any faith in his ability to work outside the status quo, which is where all the solutions lie.......
'Tis THE box.....
On another topic, Lamps... you remember lamps..... I've been playing with the nano-lamp concept.... thinking if I have access to oil in the future, that it wont be much oil, because I'll have to make it from scratch, and I need a tiny lamp to not waste it and still allow me to function....
And so, to lengthen a long story, I have been looking for a bottle or jar the right size....
And a simple way to do the stand-tube and wick.....
Well, I happened onto a babyfood jar the other day.....
as ubiquitous as anything.....
then days later, I realized a hunk of car radio antennae would make the tube.....
And I laughed.... thinking it would soon go into my blog, with a foto, and likely be one of the most used ideas I give out.....
No shortage of baby food jars, no shortage of cars........
I suspect I will get an “All nighter” for my efforts, on a couple spoon fulls of oil.......
Veggie oils dont tend to be very volatile, they dont like to burn cold......
Making them hard to ignite.........
Wasting time and matches.....
And the stand tube and wick to oil level need to be much lower than for kerosene.....
Anyway........ another pretty day, temp is almost 80f already at 8:am.........
I consider every day a gift......
a preparedness gift.....
And my main point this morning is that absolute preparedness has a minimalistic factor to it to be closer to perfection......
Too much is not good.....
if you have extra money still, its not gold and food you need, its more brain training, like learning skills: martial arts, gardening, handicrafts, wild foods and medicines, blacksmithing, animal husbandry, and all the other shit you will need when the clock gets turned back a thousand years.........
I hope to try to maintain a 1600's era personal technology.....
And I will be going to the dentist again soon to try to fix problems before they happen, and I will probably pay the man extra, and have him set aside a bottle of pain killer and needle for my personal claim.... i.e. For my group.....
They are all a bunch of silly fools, but I wouldn't see a one of them suffer if I can prevent it......
Sometimes I think about how much nicer it will be after the shit hits, and everyone has to get real.....
The petty egocentric shit is tiring to have to deal with, especially when one is the watchman on the wall blowing the whistle, long, hard, and in near panic.....
And you see people look, and scowl, and go back to scratching their ass........
I relate to the Characters in Tolkien's Hobbit series........
Mostly to being a bit of a wizard, also an Elf of the forests, also Strider.... a strange mix of connections......
I also relate to Bard, of Riverdale, trying to warn folks about the Dragon that is about to show up for a village barbecue.......
Nobody wants to hear it.....
no one, is repairing their arrow stash, nor sharpening their spear and sword.....
If there wasn't so much talk, you could hear all the farts from the crowd....
Like so many cattle.....
Anyway.... am I crazy? You bet......
But I look less crazy every day.......
Just like last night and the guy talking about elongated skulls, I wish my kids and friends could have heard.... its shit I talked about years ago, with no outside world connections via short wave.... for a period of years, I was between radios, my last had died, one needed minor repair, my kid #2 was studying electronics, and I went for years with no outside information source.... in fact when Bush 2 was supposedly elected, the first supposed time, I was surprised when I heard and thought he was his father doing a comeback....
“Bush? Not again? Is that possible?
My point is, I happened onto the connections.... mostly from a trip to Peru, and a visit to a museum in Ica, where they have more dried corpses than you care to count..... some with very elongated skulls, others with the flat-head board on the baby copy trick....
Nephilim genetics is not a joke folks, I've seen it with my own eyes, and so can you, if you can get to it before its jerked, or until they show up.....
Imagine an enemy with twice your brain capacity....
What are your options?
Mostly its a factor of distance....
how much distance can you maintain?
And if they modify themselves, what are the chances of enhanced senses?
All 5 plus?
Jesus is the most obvious example... what was he able to do?
Definitely ESP...........
So, if our alien masters choose to do what ever to who ever, there is little we can do about it...... and the legends abound with cannibalism and human sacrifice to the gods....
Especially virgin females.... better eating I guess, lambs?
Not stringy and tough like me.......
If they are nice folks, with some bad press, we will be very lucky indeed.....
But I am an observer, and I see in the natural world that there are always predators and a food chain....
So, whats above us?
My advice? Same as always, drop excess baggage, get the basics down and loaded, learn the skills, practice the mobility and neo-indigenous mindsets, try to herd your clan towards the edge of the mega-pack, and vector off, into the deep thorny thickets, think about what your camp looks like from the air to hungry dragons who love to hunt and kill and eat......
Why doe you think Satan is called the dragon?
Its his Character........
Jesus called him a liar and man killer since the beginning.....
Both JC and He, are likely living breathing entities.......
One here running the show, and the other on the way back to do the clean up.....
But when Giants battle, little Hobbits cower in caves........
And do they really think that the masters of this end of the galaxy really want a bunch of Christian kiss asses to hang around to praise them night and day?
I'd get tired of that.....
I'd want some tired dog soldiers to do a retread on....
A group of pragmatic realists, who'd seen the elephant, and identified it with E for EGO........
The good warriors.....
Los Bien Adventureros.......
People who could fix an electronics circuit, or saddle a horse and ride off......
Fluff Heads? Who know how to stick a key in a car dash, and their nose into the bosses butt?
I dont think so... were I a General, those would find themselves on the clean-up crews.....
I'd want my personal Cadre to be people who got results.... and who didn't let anything or anyone stop them from doing so... and who knew right from wrong... and Who knew truth from bullshit.............
Funny, the bible talks about all these very points..........
And letting go of baggage... which is the hard one for the monkey men........
And not trashing the planet and each other.....
Makes sense to me..... I'm just waiting to see who is who.... and when what happens........
What are you doing and not doing.....
Another point I would like to make, is the value in real terms of laziness....
Big male Gorillas are lazy on warm afternoons......
they can rip the big cats a new asshole with their bare hands...
They can manipulate small things with a small tool like a twig.....
They hug all the young.....
Have other uses for the females....
But they don't trash the Forests for something to do when they are bored....
They dont get caught up in Nationalistic ego trips.....
They are quite content to be as lazy dogs on warm afternoons.....
My point is: what you do not do, may be more important than what you do in subsistence and survival situations.....
Knowing when to lie down and be quiet, has saved many a deer from the freezer....
What if the dragons like a lot of fat on their meat?
Who will they eat first? Last? Never?
I noticed during the years of near starvation, that my energy levels were much lower...
Which caused some increased laziness habits to form....
But I also learned not to do too much...... I am still battling with it, but my point is it would be a thousand times better that you head out with your pack, to sample the world's insect flavors, than head out, pulling a railroad flatcar of pallets of shit..........
Re-booting a wet wood situation...
Later, got my fire wood gathered and split and in the sun.....
Re-booting my wood cooking from wet wood..... Out of kerosene, it was a nice vacation, but back to reality now.........
Back to scout's basics.......
fine with me, subsistence is a routine....
Survival is a thinking habit......
Well, it was interesting last night to hear someone explaining the long skulls..... I'd said the very words to friends in letters years ago.....
The reason no one knows the future, is because no one isn't listening to those who do understand what is happening.....
The “NO-CLUES” out number the “GOTTITS” by ten to one.........
And the no clues have no clue, because they are better scoffers than listeners.....
Do you suppose we will like to leave our dead behind for the Nephilim, or will we attempt to hide the bodies?
Another thought I have had lately, of the viability of taking on a survival culture character in one's gear and kit.....
Like Robin hood for instance?
If you built a yew longbow, and sheaf of clothyard arrows, and wore Lincoln green, it would be a pretty good thing to mimic as a survivalist....
There are myriad other examples....
I try to combine everything....
My personal cultural hash.....
Don't forget the chili peppers!
My stuff comes out more Native American in flavor....
Which surprises me.... I must have still thought I was normal or something.....
But I am happy...... every item I make now has logic and continuity and connection to my whole...... Every action I take is also as harmonious as I can make it.......
The results are staggering personally....
I am literally working on the fixes for humanity....
And there are thousands of others like minded, who are doing near infinite personal variations on similar themes......
I am looking forward to Internet access, and to finding the right pool to trout in......
it will be fun! Hope I have time to learn morse and get into HF..... I don't count on it....
There is one thing I want to keep in mind about the Internet, is it could disappear without a moment's notice.......
One of the interesting realizations I've had, is that this nice laptop would sure be good in any sailor's trunk..... Being at sea far from home must be fairly benign now.... When I was doing it, a personal short wave radio was your limited one way contact with the world.....
Now, one could be talking and joking with the friends and family every evening.....
I think if I ever star gate, I would want some fotos and video...... if it wasn't for the problem humans, earth would be a good home.....
But if they wont learn, and I get an opportunity, I will go to where there are less of them.....
We shall see, which shores we call our own, later on in the story.....
I got a hit last night on freedom..... that some of it was in owning yourself and your destiny,
that it was a responsibility to yourself to do this and that, and do it correctly....
Freedom may be escapist, but it also has its requirements......
Its a cultural thing.....
When we establish a culture of freedom, real freedom, and not a paper in a museum freedom, we will have done something worth being proud about......
I dont see a lot of hope for the next few years.... I've tried to put out concepts here, to turn the herd..... If I were to get results, I would be shocked.....
But maybe enough people will laugh at me that the concepts get out......
LATER, its doing what Rain Forest gets it's name from.....
I almost got a fire going, but the rain came, and I'd rather wait an hour 'til it stops, than attempt the boyscout routine in a down pour.....
I know the odds.....
I did a few dishes, funny how one can eat out of the same pot for years, same bowl, same spoon....
it really doesn't take much.... nor would it be hard to have a subsistence culture in a backpack..... Many a place on the planet a man with a hoe and a shovel could grow spuds and such, store them in holes lined with stone and leaves, and make a humble pottage all the days.......
The hard part is letting go of the easy life to do it........
Well, your easy life is gone......
Thieves stole it.... the thieves on your TV......
The only way a man will do anything lasting from now on, is if he gets some people to group up and actually co-operate and do what needs to be done..... Imagine Garrison Keeler doing a monologue on America packing up and moving back out to the farm.....
That one day the Sioux woke up with a hang over, and there was no check in the mail, no FBI, No prison with Russel Means rotting in it, nor Leonard Peltier'.......
That it was just them and the wind.....
That their cultural tormentors were all gone..... that there was nobody to blame any more, no place to turn, nothing to be second or first class about.....
No jets over head..... no four wheel drive pickup trucks, no beer, no football on TV.....
Just them, their family, and the horizon......
Do you suppose our dawning hero would stagger out to the water pump, douse his head in the stock tank, grunt and shudder, wipe his eyes, and see the pony in the paddock, and the cows on the hillside, notice the pony needed a hoof trimming, and wander over to get a closer look, and spook the horse slightly.... Hmm? Not been ridden lately.... where have I been?
The Corn! Yes, its dry on the stocks, maybe a good idea to get it in?
And maybe one passes by as the eagle overhead, a few weeks later, and theres smoke from the house, a board nailed carefully over the missing pane in the window, the pony is curried,
The cattle eating at the crib......
Our hero is at the sink, washing a blue Chambray work shirt, jeans next, boots dry and greased behind the stove......
Some stew in the pot, with spuds and corn, and a hunk of jerky from last fall's deer hunt.....
The Rifle is clean, and oiled and leaning in the corner with its action open, but a full clip sitting within reach......
And our Neo-indigenous character is working on some bow staves, there are cedar splits on a rack behind the stove, and the block plane is apart and now the bitt is sharpened......
Can't waste Ammo on anything except two legged problems......
Do you see the connections? The culture? What is your personal survival culture?
My imaginary character could have been an African, or a Mung......
But what he cannot be, is some one in the city.........
Thats a different story, of horrors and cannibalism......
The point is that the end of civilization isn't the end of anything all that important or critical....
Maybe our friend is surprised a few days later when he sees a figure walking the road down a far slope...... Walks female.... alone, his eyes become as a hawks!
And as she approaches he recognizes her, went to school with her older sister, where did she come from? Last he heard she was working in a bank in Rocky City......
She comes closer yet... his hunter's eyes notice the limp, notice the acute thinness.....
Then the ugly scars......
And then the empty blue eyes.....
And finally she looks him in the eye, and she recognizes him....
And then she suddenly comes home from nowhere....
A lucky survivor, found herself in the rubble with a hole out to the daylight.... had to leave only a couple of fingers to get loose.........
Heaven out of Hell........
“Howdy” she says.... “Jim? What are you doing here?”
Then she looks around, and sees where here actually is........
“I've been walking for weeks.......”
I've eaten thousands of grasshoppers, and drank from the ditches......
I think I am sick.....
And then she topples on her face in the barnyard.....
And so begins New beginnings.......
I wouldn't worry too much about the technocult..... but I would worry about my survival culture.....
I'd want the hang-over to be gone.....
And the Traps waxed, and the shed full of dry wood......
I wouldn't want my love for materialism to have me stay in any city.......
Home is where you store the root crops......
Its where the grains sit in their barrels....
And where water runs from an open pipe.....
And theres never a bill in the mailbox........
Any place else is where future refugees congregate now.....
And where so many to die, still live......
And if the women have to have the bright lights and constant roar of traffic,
Let them.......
It doesn't matter, Begging Sex isn't a life.....
But working on the Garden is, as is fixing the gate, patching the corn crib floor knothole with a hunk of tin can and some small galvanized nails.......
Need to turn the pony into the yard, time for a mow job.....
He'll try his head over the garden fence, and get a clod thrown at him, and yelled at.....
And before dusk he has to go back in the pasture or he will trash the ornamentals when he finishes the grass..........
Hey folks.... what am I talking about?
How about lets all go for whats real from now on, for home made bread......
Fresh milk from the spring house......
The sound of a Hen who thinks she has done something important.......
Time to grease the windmill and pump mechanism.....
Need to scrape some more on the hide on the barn's south side before it warms up today...
The barrel has the solution mixed......
Doing this one with the hair on, for a coat.....
Have a smaller steer hide going for moccasins.....
Found some beads on a ruined cowboy shirt....
they'll look nice on the small moccasins....
She likes to sleep late......
He gets up early, and does things..... she'll be up late, when he's nodding off....
And the Dog fills in the gaps..............
And so far they've been lucky about raiders........
The first ones were incredibly stupid....
City people with automatic pistols......
It was a lot of work to bury them..... hard to keep the dogs from digging them up......
Guess they never shot skeet, nor hunted with buckshot?
They tried to intimidate a man with a pump shotgun in his hands, with pistols from 20 yards away...
They got off some shots, all wild.... and only one needed a second hit...... Wasted four shells on three assholes with smooth bottom shoes on over nylon socks.... they could hardly walk in the dry grass..... came on bicycles of all things....
A couple were lawyers from their papers..... yuppies....
The devil's minions looking for new work.......
How is your Movie going?
Does it read like this?
Wholesome and hearty?
Or Sniveling and resentful because your 401K just got blown out of the sky.....
Hey! It was you who chose to work for the lying bastards, had to loosen up on your own scruples just to go along............
You expect them to keep their promises to you, when they make money from death in the third world?
You thought niggers were like model T fords? Only come in black? These days they're a Rainbow of colors....
Credit, not color, seems to be the common denominator.......
Where there is credit, you find slavery.......
As Heinlein pointed out, slavery only exists in cultures lacking an effective currency....
Credit is not an effective currency, albeit it mimics one.......
If you work for money you are a slave...... so says the Bible........
So say I.....
What do you say?
Wouldn't you rather be in the small house in the horizon's exact center, peeling spuds into a skillet..... Onions already diced, mushrooms? Where did the mushrooms come from woman!
Are you sure? From the back side of the barn? Yea... I know what Morels look like too....
and what do you have in mind for those liberty caps from the horse paddock? Drying them? Saving them for whom?
Its my fucking horse!
Yes! He is a stud!
And you never put a cent into his price.... you were off dancing in Rocky City..... With Lawyers!
I shouldn't even talk to you!
You talk too much too!
Tend to your herbs woman!
Hand me a hot pepper, in the fried spuds! Of course!
I won't make it TOO hot! Unless you keep arguing!
THE POINT IS: life goes on, for those in the right place at the wrong time.....
its a game of Musical chairs from now on....Last night, I heard fairly complete morons talking war in the mid east this year....
I agree, if bush says peace, peace we will never see........
It will be interesting to see his reaction when the astronomers report the thousand points of light.......
Where will you be?
Working in an office complex?
Or out where there is some sky, and dirt to plant potatoes in?
Its your Movie.....
'hope it has a good ending......
My point is: get out......
Just get out how ever you can, as soon as you can..... That dream is dead.... find a new dream.... Make it yourself, start with almost nothing if you have to......
You dont need much..... a one room cabin, or a wall tent with a wood stove.........
What is most important is that you get out before Day X arrives on the calendar.....
And that what you have is yours through rights of possession, and rights from being willing to keep it no matter what some overfed drone in a humvee says.....
Tell him to get the fuck out.....
And you spend the next few nights sleeping outside... well armed.....
Expect them...
Do a good job.... and get away.....
Do a loop around the trap line, have another camp spot.....
Have a stash and cashe.....
Hide food everywhere....
Dig a tunnel for winter if you have to......
And some day wake up to realize you are happy......
Like you never were in the Technocult......
fairly happy, had to start a fire, out of kerosene for the camel stove......
So, back to smoke and ashes, and the wet wood in a rain forest struggle....
How I love the dry season for cooking fuel......
Anyway, just makes me want to get a stove top, and hunk of pipe.... which are on the list, and maybe possible this coming week......
Do another couple upgrades to my life..... Minor, but important.....
In fact, dealing with the wood smoke from cooking is a major issue world wide.... indoor pollution is a nasty statistic.....
I get away from it mostly by living open air..... no inside to pollute, just outside.....
But as a human, I like to cook in the dry, and am willing to build some infrastructure to do so.... I have a really nice propane burner, but don't use it, because the local system has a nasty bite in it, a monopoly, with about 7 gallon tank, fat deposit, and full seems to weigh about 5 gallons...... and they don't bother to fix the O-rings, why? Leaky gas sells more?
So you have a country of people paying twice what they do across the street in Panama, getting shorted, and have fairly dangerous gas leaks in their houses.....
Make any sense to you?
Well, thats how Costa Rica is, its a few Ratas Ricas, and a whole bunch of folks too stupid to know any better, that assume they know everything because they can speak all the verbs in their archaic language.....
We're talking superficial folks here.....
IN Panama things move, theres almost a “hustle” feel on the street, at least in comparison to costa rica, where nothing ever happens, because there is blockage after blockage, after.......
Every blockage has a meter of some sort on it..... usually in the form of a human asshole....
It is perhaps one of the most interesting and least functional of all the corruptacracys on the planet..... they do a good job at some things, and not so good at anything requiring humans to co-operate in a fair and balanced fashion.......
But there are those who struggle for the good fight, and those that probably deserve a firing squad.....
Only God could sort them out at this point.....
This end of Panama is populated to a million folks.....
This end of Costa Rica has a couple hundred thousand.....
Panama is flat and low......
And will start to flood in the next ten or fifteen years.....
What do you suppose will happen?
Panama is more industrialized, and has a problem with law and order....
I've had several women offer to let me get them over the line...... due to personal security more than any other reason..... Lots of population, no shortage of problems.....
Costa Rica is fairly secure Rural, and not too good in the cities......
Plenty of cops, plenty of courthouses, Plenty of people in jail, and another 5X as many who should be in jail..... they are building new prison facilities...... Lets hope they stuff them, starting with corrupt officials, and down to pick pockets, with special emphasis on Fraud.......
Fraud is a form of extreme Latin culture...... or at least thats how it looks.....
Not much stress on the kids to be truthful.....
And dad and mom often wouldn't know the truth if it fell on them....
Marital fidelity is a common concept....
but doesn't seem to get as much practice as hotel beds near off the street parking.....
Latins..... no shortage of hormones......
Its sleezy, with a culture of rip offs, especially foreigners, with this wink, wink, nod, nod, legal system, where petty crime against outsiders doesn't get much attention, nor do environmental problem issues, nor do the bribes.........
But they look so good.......
Every one so professional looking........
And friendly......
Kind of like sharks are friendly........
I hear of Americans leaving panama for the problems there..... and coming here......
Both places are nice spots on the planet.....
Both have their own problems, like all human settlements have always had........
I insulate myself by living in the center of my farm, avoiding trips to town, avoiding even harder any trips to the cities.....
There is Central America, and there is the Latin world.....
The Latin world is probably a temporary thing, I think crowding and sanitation will lead to a heavy die off in Latin Culture....
Latin Cultures have a weird dichotomy..... Clean clothes and houses, filthy towns and cities...... its their extreme egocentric nature.... they have a hard time with any thing outside their own little box with a tin roof on it......
Trash Collection started during my time here, before that it went into the streets and left to pile up until a flood took it.......
Central America, ignoring the Latins, is a beautiful place..... with a benign climate, and plenty of toxic snakes to keep the humans from getting too stupid from the lazy ambient.....
Its like living in Texas with Rattlesnakes, or Florida with Moccasins........
You have to be awake.......
I prefer the snakes to the Latins.......
a matter of trust.....
I used to trust the Latins....
I have learned how to avoid most problems with the snakes....
they dont go out of their way to bite you....
Latins do.....
No end in sight.....
Anyway, todays agenda is cutting breadfruit, a beard trim, cooking, dishes, and happily, I am starting on the Palangana for hulling the rice with nun chucks..... I got one side with a block plane, starting on the other, need some gas to use the electric saw to angle and cut pieces, so I will have to wait a couple days, after I get back from Panama......
But.... its started, and I can gnaw on it......
And Tuesday more rice planted......
What I do, is every time I have a problem with anybody, I use it as an excuse to push my self sufficiency trips..... and like the propane problem, I try to avoid anything connected to the technocult, as I know its the mother of all problems......
So my anger, hurt, resentment, etc., all go into the vortex, and I get these apparent crafts projects as production.... and every one of them is insurance..... all items that help me live better, or that I think I might need to be prepared......
Turn your stress into a freedom hobby is what it is......
Some people knit doilies, and some people build self sufficiency tools......
We'll see which is most practical soon I think.....
The Doilie Heads are in for a rude shock, when they cant afford to drive to the yarn store, and the refrigerator is also empty......
Do you suppose there will come a day people just unplug their refers?
“Nuthin' in it....”
And turn off their car key for the last time?
I think so, but later, rather than sooner, like when the shit hits, from not turning off the car, and not avoiding pigging on dead animals......
The current food crisis is related to those two issues, also to extreme speculation, middlemen up the Kazoo, and a little thing called climate change......
Its a downhill trip..... and no apparent braking system other than carcasses in the streets.....
The rich have armed the poor to oppress other poor, and dont seem to make the connection....
The poor are the poor, and when more and more quit eating involuntarily, the chances of some of the guards having problems increases too....
And if you go over the tipping point, the guards just turn on their masters, kill them, take the wealth and food, and oppress everybody who isn't in their family....
Its like peeling an onion.....
Layer after layer of power trippers in the human genome........
And of course it just continues until there are less people than food....
Microbes help....
They kill less discriminatingly... and the rich often have chronic health problems from over pigging.....
The poor tend to be tougher......
Its always been them shoved into the firing line.... no matter what the problem was......
Anyway..... its overcast, so cant write much..... maybe later..........
A FEW DAYS LATER..........
Just got back yesterday from a trip to Panama.... bought some junk for my kitchen collection, also got on the web and was able to send some of these files to my group in the states, en route to getting this blog booted up.......
the system is a bit slow here, my HP2000 worked for an hour, and had me remove files several times, and I didn't get all my material across the pond, and have to try again soon,
and also wait for some feedback.....
I also got emails from my son, who is helping me in this process, me being a computer newcomer in real terms.........
One email was on our posting of the space elevator treatise on wikipedia, we got it up and it was knocked down almost instantly.... I dont understand the wikipedia process, but I know my son had to cut down my synopsis several times before it would be accepted, and I suspect wikipedia may be causing some artificial limits on the expansion of human knowledge by having a culture of limiting people's entrys excessively.....
The interesting thing to me was that it was somehow knocked down by a mister Bill Wheaton, who has a website, and evidently considers himself to be a high priest of scientists....
But I got no logical reasoning for his knockdown, as he evidently just used the word “ABSURD” to describe my concept....
Now the word absurd in english is generally an insult, and a better word choice might have been implausible, or perhaps flawed, or something like that, and his use of absurd, kind of leaves him open to some serious personal risk to his professional reputation if proven wrong....
it is also a challenging word..... and nothing I love better than a good scrap, be it literary, or with the gloves on.... or without the gloves if someone insists.....
I sent my son a query to the effect of asking if Mister Wheaton had given any actual logical reasoning for his attack, and also I was able to check the comment collection system we have up on the website, as I was hoping for constructive criticism or for others to add ideas onto mine etc., etc., and there was nothing from Mister Wheaton in the inbox, and I am wondering if he used the link supplied on the wikipedia article, and read the treatise, or if he just relied on the butchered down synopsis to form his opinion on......
I find it humorous, that something no more technical than an air rifle gets branded as absurd by Mister Wheaton, and that he evidently didn't back up his criticism with any logical arguments....
I find that the concept is easy to sell to most folks, anyone who has seen the pneumatic capsule message sending systems like used in businesses for probably nearly a century, to transport mass at high speeds and get it to the top of tall structures.......
Anyway, I shall give Mister Wheaton the benefit of the doubt, wait on my son's communication, find out what the whole story is, and if necessary email Mister Wheaton with a request for his reasoning, and if I get a response, post here for my readership.....
The only technical problems that I personally worry about on the design concept, are the air column pushed ahead of the capsule, and the pressures needed to support a “suspended” load at such extreme heights.... I know its perfectly possible to accelerate mass with lower air pressure, and that the concept can at least be used to get stuff up there like a supergun, but I am hoping the numbers allow total control, and not just a “Launch and let go” reality....
as for the air column pushed, I am wondering if one might be able to spill it via a valving system perhaps higher in the atmosphere? At least reduce the head some.... but I would rather be able to push the air, and have it be available with the propellant air also, to be used to ventilate the station, and supply ships in space.....
Anyway, I will see what the story is, but I am snickering at the possibility he left no reasoning..... tisk! tisk! And a “scientist” too.... or perhaps really just a second or third rate arrogant academic?
I dont know.... but what I do know, is people will have to do more than make absurd accusations without any back-up logic, for me or anybody else, with a functional brain to take them seriously....
I visited the homepage of Mister Wheaton's website, and it seemed to have an arrogant smell to me, but maybe I was just pissed...... Go there, and let me know what you think about his attitudes, and what your opinion of his mindset is.....
It will be fun to find out what the truth is, and attempt to use the event to elicit a better class of criticism...... perhaps I will need to poke a little more fun at Mister Wheaton's reputation as a sapient scientist to get a response, if so, and he reacts too negatively, I would then enjoy laying a full broadside into his battle ship, the “U.S.S. EGO”..........
I smell a status quo issue, but maybe its just my latent paranoia.....
I would hope that Mister Wheaton valued the importance of the space elevator project enough, that he attempted to do positive assists to any unusual concepts, but evidently not.....
I'm glad People like him and myself have our opportunity to put out concepts etc., but I wonder why wikipedia hasn't a bit more review required to kick something down..... if it is as appears, it would create an “asshole controlled ideas culture”..... people should have to give logical reasons before being able to affect in any way... the access of others and their ideas on the net....And it should require more than one person to make happen..... “Due Process” ............
the current wikipedia system seems to be lacking in both respect and human decency.....
Anyway, I'm not worried, although wikipedia would have been an efficient way to get my concepts out, this person just put me on a harder path..... I am more used to winning through on the hard path..... so, he has done nothing, except put me where I am most comfortable and used to operating.... and he perhaps got a big ego rush doing the knock down... but why? If my idea is so absurd, I should think it should get left up to laugh at...... instead, Mr. Bill has just been a rude jerk, like so many these days..... I suspect the concepts threatened his beliefs or his personal Hyena pack..... one of the problems with elite educational systems, where the poor go at best to tech schools, and the rich to upper crust Universities, is it creates an imaginary mental class system in those who consider themselves a better grade of humans due to mere economics....
And I am sorry to report, that the universe does not work on economics, it works on natural processes, and the arrogant invariably cause their own inevitable demise, by forming their disgustingly rude mindset.......... And as Robert Heinlein pointed out, rudeness is the sure sign of a terminal culture.... meaning if Bill has a personal culture, its dead meat..... and stinks.... And hopefully we will see him get his footnote in history, as one of those classic moronic scientist types who opposed and ridiculed the arriving paradigm shift.... perhaps we can name the garbage or human wastes system for the Asensor after him? Hopefully such a system wont make rude noises in his honor....
“Before a fall, comes pride.”
the hard path seems easy.... (tao)
“Throughout history, great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” (Einstein)
Nothing more offensive to the over inflated human ego, than concepts that threaten one's personal paradigm....
“Learn to let go of ideas.” (Tao)
Who knows, but I suspect that if I can figure out how to get to people that know Mr. Wheaton personally, they could end up being a most loyal fan base, for any humorous arrows sent his direction.....
And I do see the value of controversy.....
Everybody loves ringside seats to a good wrestling or boxing match........
Should be fun to find out what the reality is..... I know myself well enough to know that once I learn the capabilities of the internet, I will be able to use it well.....
And there are likely alternatives to wikipedia, and perhaps without the problem/flaw in design allowing complete and total assholes to control the flow of ideas.... I wonder who thought up the knock down system and what their reasoning was..... seems to be a good way to insure mediocrity, so if Bill has some position or job title, it isn't working for common man, which I believe to be the seminal concept behind wikipedia, and as they have it, democracy is confused, and their system open to abuse by people with personal mental problems..... If he was on staff and I ran the site, I'd get rid of him.... we need solutions, not just more arrogant jerks telling us what and how to think.... lets have an “OPEN” MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS, and not a controlled by a petty tyrant/stuffed shirt status quo pretend democratic marketplace of ideas..... its just more of the same shit causing all the problems we have now, and will lead to nothing of true and lasting worth.....
“If we are all thinking the same, then somebody isn't thinking!” ( George Patton)
I also did connect finally with Pretty Woman.... we talked for several hours, and she was a polite Lady and a good listener the whole time, and much more impressive than the run of the mill slitches here, who to date, have always tried emotional manipulation games........
I got to talk to one of her daughters, whom I like very much, and a niece, and introduced also to one of a dozen or so brothers............ Hmmm? A small army of brothers? What could that be good for?
And the lady has a body!
Anyway its going good, I am very happy....
I also found out her ethnic background, Guaymi indian, and American from the US, likely a canal worker.....
She's sharp, fun, gutsy, loving, physical, and looks damn fine to me..... what do you think? Should I go for the pretty widow? Damn right!
Anyway it was a fun trip, drank some new beers from the Dominican Republic, not bad beer!
Bought a new stainless pressure cooker, and several other items, bought pretty woman a nice pro-quality chef's knife at a restaurant supply store, and we discussed the communications difficulty with the C.R. Monopoly “I.C.E.” which in my opinion has done more to keep Costa Rica in the Techno-Stone Age than any other problem....
She tried to call.... but couldn't get through, on pure costa rican system.... and she said the Panamanians are aware of the ICE problem...... she was also very welcoming of me, and I am content.....
Anyway, to regress to the last subject, I want you folks to know that I dont worry about types like mister Wheaton, I've brought down a lot of big EGOs in my life..... And as you can tell, Its something I enjoy doing..... but to tell the truth, I would rather that it all got worked out, and myself and Wheaton became friends, and worked for our mutual goal of getting humanity beyond the gravity well........
I also want to state that I trust the marketplace of ideas to have an audience that will help me get the concepts out, because its an audience of common folk, who aren't likely so vain and pretentious......
I trust your judgment, and the test of time......
And I really hope you all will think about the concept and add to it..... it would be nice to form kind of a virtual family around it, and see it grow and spread, and know we had done something to change to course of future history substantially.....
Besides, when we get our inevitable first up front undeniable alien visitation, I would want us to have a better space elevator system than they do, so they at least have a good story and some human creativity/tech., to take home with them..... they may be a million years ahead of us, and still have missed this concept..... creativity is like that.......
Some observations;
I grew up fairly poor..... in country family culture......
I got toys and clothes etc., for gifts, but not as many as most kids.....
My parents were very good in some aspects, and very lacking in others, as is the human condition......
But I got fewer boughten toys.....
And I substituted by making other toys out of boards and metal and whatever.....
the other kids liked my toys better than boughten toys....
I used what-have-you from my dad's junk collection..... and learned to put things together in imaginative ways... and made cool toys that kept us all happy....
I noticed that it also helped form my imagination some........
And I realized that creativity was often the result of lack.......... which explains the origins of the universe in a strange way..... emptiness is naturally an attractant for something....
When we lack something, we balance by becoming creative and filling the need.... very clever monkeys.....
My point is that exercising my imagination helped grow it in a healthy way..... and that too many plastic toys are not a good thing, better to supply materials and tools and teach skills, and let the kids enjoy and learn from making their own toys...........
And the more mundane the materials, the more creativity necessary to turn it into pleasing items.....
Learning to make things, is critically important to teach considering what is happening these days....
Even for adults.....
And in a survival situation I would rather have rugged well made items, I'd designed myself, than some boughten trash......
If I designed it, and I built it, I can sure as hell fix it, or replace it, or improve it after learning, through actual real world experience with the items......
Thats how cultures came into existence; people making things, and others copying what seemed best to them.....
I am making concepts.... you all vote them into reality by adopting them.......
I enjoy it.... its been a long term hobby, and my friends call regularly for concepts and ideas on their projects, and I get ideas from them.... Hell I ain't too proud, if we are building something and the secretary has a better idea than me, put a tool belt on her, and hand her the clipboard and pen! Its the idea that mandates..... not job titles, not letters behind one's name, gotten and paid for with money and system, and status quo..... funny how people often mistake education for creativity.... I've observed that the more education a person has, generally they possess less ability to think creatively.. they are in effect programmed, or over socialized, rather than taught how to use their minds as an effective problem solving and beauty creating tool....
Silly little monkeys who worship the money god....... they sacrifice their collective future to it....
The most successful creatives are also the most natural leaders.... and we should to line up behind them.... instead, we got another brand of creatives, the creative liars.....
The reason we should follow the most creative, is that its creativity that solves problems..... of which there are plenty.... mostly caused by the “FALSE CREATIVES” to coin a phrase....
And so, a twisted civilization......
hey! Folks, if it ain't the truth, its a bad path........
Don't go there! You end up at Shit Lake.......
I just had a fun thought.... a space elevator in Neo-indigenous style..... use my concepts, but make the décor a bit exotic using some of the construction styles I see evolving from the art...... could be very pretty, like my mention a thousand or so pages back about the Muslim architecture potentially used for their space elevators...... I want to see that.....
Another thought I had, was perhaps emailing letters to major corporations with potential vested interests in my concepts..... Perhaps General Electric would love to build the turbines? And Raytheon the controls and switching, Boeing the Station proper, as they have the experience in aluminum hulls..... I have an uncle who worked at Boeing his whole career, an engineer I think, not sure, He was involved in design and planning at the highest levels, I guess I will have to track him down, thru the family.... I'm sure he knows everybody, and also he is a very intelligent and humble guy, soft talking, a good sense of humor etc., raised on the farm, got himself an education, made it into the top elite of the thinkers and do-ers on the planet... My family has a funny history, on my mother's side, my grandmother's grandfather came from the Russeau family (not sure about the spelling.) we are talking THE Russeau family, as in Janet Russeau Onasis..... probably one of the richest women in the world..... if the legend is true she is a cousin..... anyway, this ancestor changed his last name to Russell and married a commoner, story goes he was a black sheep of the family.... I suspect he didn't like the family business of banking which at the time and since, made and makes a lot of money financing wars.....
Since that time, that line of my family has produced intelligent people, such as my uncle...
but we are country folk, and we are honest.....
So Who is mr. Wheaton to single handedly judge and negate my ideas, I think people in all walks should have that right for themselves.... I wonder what the CEO's of the corporations would think of mr. Wheaton trashing some serious business potential of theirs..... 'could get unpopular....
and I hope that readers will discuss and pass my concepts on by word of mouth to friends in positions of being able to bring them to the right people..... It would make it more sure to happen.... It might not be easy to track down my uncle, and we dont have a lot of time to sell this idea, and to get humanity focused on it.......... I need your help folks....
An interesting aside, is the Onasis/Russeaus bought a thousand acres or so out on the Osa Peninsula, which is my view from the Hammock... I thought it was funny, because I used my brain and came here ten years earlier than they.... Another area I work on, is boat design, one of the big loves of my life..... and I have spent the last ten years or so solving all the traditional problems in one design, and I have done so..... My son has gotten us the TIG and MIG welders, and a plasma cutter, so we can start building hulls..... He was a university state champ, automotive mechanic, and my other son is a self taught computer programmer working for a company owned by probably the most famous physicist on the planet.... he was only with the company a few months and was promoted into a management position with 40 employees under him.... he and his brother built my website........... Thats the kind of people we are.... anyway I have worked many years in poverty and living in rough conditions in some ways, but I have many patentable concepts in one single design with myriad variations possible..... and hope someday that I get a call from one of my cousin's lawyers seeking use of patent licensing.... Onasis means shipping in practical terms.... and more efficient and better ships are worth having.... These people do not know we exist, but they will eventually, as when I get my design into metal, I will be doing the first sea trials in the view from their hammocks...... I do a lot of layout work, and have built an aluminum Kayak (TIG welded), as a learning experience leading to this boat building company we have been working towards diligently...... I built my first boat at 12 years old, after using my uncle's rowboat.... same exact uncle, he lived on Vashon Island south of Seattle/Boeing, and he loved boats too....... I have done steel fabrication professionally.... aluminum is a dream to work with in comparison....
I also know, for any potential technical problem, exist several possible solutions....
Also, that my Asensor/elevator treatise likely has a dozen or more unusual concepts in it...... what are the odds of all of them being absurd?
I'd have to be really really stupid to even be able to do that....
I think we will have some fun with Wheaton.... 'hope his sense of humor is up to it!
And I will do my best, to up his entertainment value to his friends if I get the chance.....
Stay tuned Bat-friends! Eat Roast Wheatons for breakfast! They're great with some milky way poured over them!
Oh.... the pretty woman loves to play baseball, and I used to help coach our small town's grade school team...... We kicked butt! So, guess I'll have to start buying some equipment, and also get everybody in the group whipped into an awesome team....
God! I've missed baseball....
It takes brains and co-operation to be good at......
Later...raining, ate breadfruit stew over rice.......
veggie food!
Funny huh, this woman has a government job..... and the economy is bad enough she has to consider an eccentric like myself.... but theres balance in it.... I dont think its going to be normalcy that keeps her kids fed.......
They seem like good kids, she told me when she works, they do all the work at home, and have her food and clothes ready for her.... cant be easy being a single mom of 5...... on a couple dollars and hour....
But it sure helps when the kids get involved.....
I think its a good idea that kids work some.... especially if its something in their area of interest, and they get to spend the money if possible...... I'd rather see a kid invest in one of their own dreams, than see them having to give money to their folks as is so common in the third world......
LATER, just got off the fone.... got to start the process leading to getting the Space Elevator concepts to my Uncle, who knows on that one.... and getting the idea spread through friends who are engineers etc., so thats the way it will have to go, and I hope you all try to help....
My friend felt maybe mr. Wheaton knocked down my concepts because they threaten his, or that Mr. Wheaten will soon come up with some new concepts all the sudden on space elevators.... i.e. My concepts stolen...... who knows, but isn't this blog getting fun.....
The friend also warned me about content of emails, so as not to end up at Guantanamo....
Well, I've long considered the CIA to be a potential audience of any and all communications,
and in fact, I write often concepts for their express benefit.... I also speak over the fone anything I think they need to know....... (I am trying to help.) What I know, is the CIA is made up of people, none of whom all agree on everything nor anything..... nor are they all evil monsters....... I worked in communications in the military, held a top secret clearance, and bunked with the guys who were busy monitoring all HF comms planet wide..... And in my opinion, the CIA does have any important job to do, keeping the Russians, Chinese etc., in check and balance.......... I dont like the current american government, but as long as it keeps changing every 4 years, and the people's votes actually get counted and are the deciding factor, I can continue ranting, and they can continue governing.... if you think back to things discussed in this blog, think about the things that might have been written with the CIA in mind... they're there...... You folks might think about the technique, that we can manipulate them with what we communicate.... Give them the truth, and it will liberate them too..... The truth is an equal opportunity benefit....... Its what they are looking for, you know....its what Annalists do, try to figure out what the truth is from all available information.......I and they have the same hobby, they are well paid, I do it as a public service.....if they cant handle it, thats their problem, and violating peoples rights and human rights, will only get themselves in front of a firing squad or worse, if they do enough of it.... I passed a concept today over the phone, in hopes that it would be picked up..... to help them....
And as I have a big mouth, if they want any info out of me, all they have to do is ask, or better yet read my blog regularly, and save the money on torture and incarceration.....
(national enquirer? eh.... mainstream news sounds like this some-days now....)
besides, I put my ideas here....... almost all of them, and if they go around snagging, torturing, and executing everybody with ideas they dont like, its the most sure way to insure their own removal from power... Through simple cause and effect... besides, who wants to be another Stalin in the history books....Thats no fun, and not a good way to play with other kids...
Plus, If I read the bible right, everybody is going to get a rather high tech brain scan, and those with a nasty history get sent to the furnace.... and if the Mayan Calendar thing is correct, it could be soon.....
Also I only have two motivators..... a sense of fairness, and a desire to see things as good as we can make them....
And anyone who thinks those ideas are subversive, I will be glad if they have to waste any amount of money on me......... even a .22 shell...... it will cost them at least that much....
The bottom line for humanity isn't economic, its survival and the ability to break out of our gravity well and scatter..... same advice I constantly give to average individuals.....
and interestingly even David Rockefeller said years ago that people would have to give up the cities and move out and grow food....
What I do is think.... and I talk to anybody who will listen, and I listen to anybody who is talking... and then I think some more....
I push for balance..... balance is security for everybody, even the status quo..... a status quo is a balance by definition is it not? I just want “the butcher's thumb” removed from the scales, so the deal is a fair one....
I also learned Mc Cain is talking Mars Base..... good for him! My opinion of him IS improved, if its not just talk..... to do a mars base they need the elevator....and my concepts.....
My friend said he figured pushing the Mars thing was a political mistake, as people weren't going to hear it happily, and see it as a waste of money while they are having serious problems at home......
I agree, it wont sound good.......
The best way to get out of an economic depression is to expand.... and the planet is full up.... and when the Elevator goes up, it will be more economics and jobs than we are currently capable of imagining, and everybody benefits, everybody.
Capitalism will work fine in space, no limits, nothing to pollute, free energy, unlimited real estate, free resources, and no indigenous people to need to screw over to get to them....
Its the perfect solution to all of our problems.... THATS WHY I'VE SPENT THE LAST YEAR WRITING ALL THIS SHIT............
To teach people the concepts to solve the problems....
My guess is the war, the excess government, the greed and corruption will all be fixed to at least workable levels by the Asensors.... all those problems are the results of limits we will no longer have.... limited area is what causes the need for governments, people trying to share space..... have to have a framework, and the less space, the tighter the framework has to get...
greed and corruption? Those are the results of the very problems they also create, its a snake swallowing his own tail.... when economics becomes unlimited, go ahead, be greedy, knock yourself out... as long as there is plenty more for everybody, who cares? Its the limited availability of wealth that makes folks insecure and they become greedy looking for security in the wrong ways and places......... and the limits result in others suffering, which fuels the insecurity that fuels the greed cycle.........
Save your ass= help get my ideas out.....
Even if you work for the CIA.......
You know the routine, get a good one and email it to everybody, thats how the Internet works....
And god! I hope there IS somebody monitoring and analyzing and using the consensus to base decisions off of, because that is more democratic by result than silly politics....
Its why I pointed out the possibility of “Liberation Fascism”, that the natural friends are the people who are the consumers and also the workers, and the business types, and their joint enemy is in fact the Governments, who have effectively been rendered unnecessary by the internet technology.....
Most of government has become a service we no longer need, but still are forced to have and pay for through the nose......
We need a streamlined reality.... and put money that once went into bureaucracy and military spending into actual expansion, and not bickering and screwing each other....
And good ideas are effectively immortal...... you cannot kill them.....
So we shall see.....
But its a good morning, working on getting my ideas out..... someone is working on connecting with my long lost uncle, and getting my concepts beyond Wikipedia, beyond Mr. Wheaton and his type, and with your help, they can achieve critical mass rapidly, and we can watch the war stop because we didn't need the oil anymore....
The way to make a better future is everyone spread the best ideas.... quit focusing on politics, focus on ideas...... politics is a Dinosaur on the way out, we dont need it any more.....
But what I need from you is to get to critical mass rapidly..... when the concept is everywhere, who would fight it?
Its the truth folks..... I'm giving away the truth.... FREE TRUTH! Or at least my version of it....
And if you are greedy and want to make a lot of money, you'd best be an attentive and very active disciple....
If you love control, would the Galaxy be enough to please you?
If you are the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, you are who will benefit most from my ideas......
Like I said.... we dont know whats out there, shouldn't we have our cannon on the fort walls pointing outwards? Why are they all pointing inwards?
The paradigm shift is for all of us to begin to look outwards..... see the sky folks? Thats where we came from, thats where we are going..... either on our terms, or on someone else's......
and we can bootstrap ourselves up and out, or we can trash ourselves instead and get interstellar intervention.......and forever eat shame.....
We are the wolflings..... the new dogs in the territory, the latest stress improved genetics....
I ain't nuthin' but a space pirate without a ship.... lets pull our sabers, and get us a ship....
Follow me guys! And I will show you how we do it.......
And by the way.... another reason for the blog, is just to share my life with others... I am a social person, and this is the internet age... and my life is unusual, and my ideas somewhat entertaining sometimes, and certainly interesting to some....
And my friends and family may think me a bit of a black sheep......
But I come from a famous black sheep line......
And my friends and family believe in me, and if I have the ability to help, I have the responsibility to do so also.....
Anyway..... lets join up and get it out there, its a story we can all be part of....
Lets all be able to say; “ I helped.”
Another late afternoon, just watched a Toucan fly by......
it rained after a nice morning, I'll be listening to short wave in an hour, feeling pretty good, But its the weekend, so listening isn't as good....
Short wave has become a weird mix, Government and religious stations, with a sprinkling of odd ball stuff..... which is often the most fun.... a free speech carnival.....
Its like going to Bazaar in the mid east, or a city center in the orient.... all kinds of sights, sounds, smells, and other experiences.....
I look forward to internet, because it will be like radio, only better......
I like the comms, I like the social aspects, I like the library.....
I like being able to transmit my 2 cents........
Yea.... the government wants to snoop on us? Fine.... what an opportunity to tell them what they need to hear.....
Snoopy long nosed @!#%$&*!@ and much much more......
there, I feel better now...........
Actually what passes for government is pathetic...... subverted by greed and power trips.....
And they don't even do their jobs.....
I heard a little on the radio about the State of Texas stealing several hundred kids from some Mormons..... I grew up around some Mormons..... pretty normal people, Generally more normal than Texans...... So imagine the Type of Texans that would work for the state doing such things.........
Polygamy? I really have never considered that to be any of the “Feud-eral” government's business.......
Can you imagine? What looks like a group of used car salesmen, making up endless laws for us to live by........
You need any more laws?
Naw... I don't, haven't figured out a use for the ones I have to deal with now..... what an absurd thing huh?
Government? Where the hell did that come from..... I don't need no government.....
I think its funny, or would be if it wasn't for the suffering of mostly totally innocent people and their kids.......
Embrace going homeless! You don't know how good it is, if you get it right! The Brier patch is a nifty thicket.....
Its holding down a job to pay the costs of working, that sucks...
Imagine whats going to happen to those banks with all the foreclosed property, when the drug types use one after another for meth labs..... “Burn 'em” is what the fire departments have to do...........
Enjoy the show..... the stupid fools had everybody working for them, and now its all flaking away, and a twin towers economic event looks probable, and in progress........
George! You got your head in the sand? I think so....
Poor fool... they probably made him do this.....
If he wasn't buried ankle deep head first in Iraq, and trying to swallow down Iran too,
Maybe he'd notice there are more important things at home, and if he doesn't pop his cork out of the mid east, he may get blamed as the “Folk Hero” who caused the second greater depression......
That would be a nice way to go down in history books.....
I don't think he's really cognizant of anything not on his personal radar scope.....
Most likely the most denigrated human in print, of all human history..... can you imagine the flavor of all the words on the internet by common folk, about him......
If someday there are Internet digital data Archaeologists, who sift old data backtime,
they'll use the Bush 2 era to navigate from.... it will be easy, they just have a search engine tuned to human disgust, and you'll nail the era dead center......
Anyway, back toward points.....
Polygamy? Very common in human history, still common up to this very second.........
Does the Texas Government try to arrest Muslims with more than one wife....
You just go do that.... theres only a good part of a billion folks living fine as polygamists... thankyou........
Also I suspect it will become much more common if the economics continues to vortex.....
Two or more women could decide to team up with one or more men, in some configuration that worked for them, and gave non government child care and or schooling, which is probably the real motive of the Texas Long Nosers....
Can't have folks teaching their own kids.... they might not be brainwashed enough to do the right curricula...
They're nothing but child and baby thieves...... can you imagine? To be sequestered by a bunch of Texans..... poor kids, they're going to have a lot of psychological damage from that one....
surely will require at least a billion in settlements.....
And it gets me to my point of the day.... dont bunch up..... it makes it harder for them to steal kids by the bus-loads..... Might not be a bad idea to keep your kids off buses entirely, and out of schools for that matter......
Accusations of Statutory rape..... How many accusations, and how many defendants? And what are all these other adults and their children being held up for? And how many cultures in human history were pedophilia common and accepted in? It gives me a geech reaction, but I know its part of the human genetic spectrum........ too bad the snoops aren't busy fixing problems instead of make them.........
Funny thing, both the Bible and the Tao, talk about laws being the root of criminality and corruption..... gee? I wonder why?
And I remember similar accusations in WACO, you know... Crawford.......
And not a one ever went to trial, or was ever investigated.....
Do you believe the government any more?
I haven't believed much in years........
Scatter...... fill-in, go elsewhere.... dont come back....
Who can catch the mist on the mountain as the sun shines its first rays........
Focus on getting out in time.....
They're fat snakes, it will be awhile before they make it into the briers.........
Just be careful coming and going, don't put a hand out on a tree, watch were you place every step..... Here, the Snakes are kinda like land mines.... there can be one under your coffee pot.....
Its why you only see the talking heads on TV, the rest is snake, from the armpits and necktie down.....
dont bunch up..... get some space..... life gets better...........
Take up gardening in the place of money making, take up home and family, even if its living in a car..... teach your children well: how to avoid government control....
It's your planet.... they are only trashing it, and if they have their way, they'll get billions killed, and then the test is over, and they get weeded out.... the TARES!
Fodder for the fires of hell.....
Glad I'm not GOD!, thats a lot of weeds to pull and burn.... could be at it awhile... but maybe there wont be so many of them after they trigger a nuclear war.....
been up since midnight, neighbors hound hunting... just about my least favorite thing while I'm trying to sleep..........
Listened to short wave last night, caught a different economist..... these guys are all hawkers, and have scams to offer, just like the other economists they bad mouth....
To me its a soap opera, a form of entertainment.....
Anyway, this guy last night was reading out a list of ugly statistics about the housing market, bank failures, stock market, and reality in general, and the funny money system........
Big numbers...... Bigger Train robbery than the Great S&L train robbery......
Bigger effects....
I dont think money is going to do well from now on..............
I dont mind, eating tubers is OK, better than paying taxes.... Collapse equals no taxes.....
MY impression was big enough numbers to make the great depression become a historic comparison footnote......
Grab your asses folks......
Or you will lose them.....
many still trying to elbow their way to the table and play, and the table is in crash mode....
I think I'd be on the road to find out.....
how to get out.....
Its absurd really, planet going into 10,000 BC mode, and we have stock brokers still hawking their various wares..........
Me? got my primitive weapons.......
got food planted in fair quantity, got the basics covered....
and did it all on a shoestring.....
Glad I didn't have the wealth to keep me enchanted with the big lie....
There are guys still hammering money games hard.....
I think its going to be spot fires, rubble, and smoke fairly shortly......
Who knows?
Been watching it go downhill all my life.....
We are speeding up noticeably though....
And the doubting Thomase's are all turning into Believing Billy-Bobs......
The Zen saying on the first wise thought, is when you realize you are a fool....
Its kind of fun really.... people who called me a fool a dozen years ago, have found themselves holding an empty bag full of promises, and a monster with its tentacles in them like a cancer, via irresistible materialism, and Credit and central control......
The Hard path appears easy.......
any down hill trail, invariably reaches a swamp sooner or later.....
The answer is in many a Novel..... gotta turn lose of the excess baggage, and get your bag, staff, and Weather cape.... Its why I constantly work on my gear.....
I dont have it all by any means.... I could get by.... I do get by, and thats important.....
you can get by too..... its hard sometimes, best prepare well.... and know things always take several times longer and cost twice or three times as much as one thinks at the beginning of the journey.........
And we are running out of time faster than we run out of fuels......
Its not a money thing really, its just in knowing that all one's attractions aren't always good....
If one focuses on the basics, and not get caught up in the pageantry of the collapse of the corruption.....
We like to believe that the collective is more than a sum of it's parts, that the system is better than we are......
Not gonna happen folks.....
if it's synergistic, its leaning the other way these days.... all our worse aspects are showing through the veil of deception.....
So... We have to better ourselves, or continue the downhill into the black hole, full of our own monsters.........
And I do a lot of thinking, and have more time than you can imagine to do that thinking......
And what I know, is money ain't it.....
Technology? I have no problem with it, if its used for good........
I see it as being used mostly for evil.....
biggest businesses on the planet?
Military Hardware and tools of death......
Petroleum and its clouds of death.......
Chemical food...... more death.......
Banks? Financiers of death....
Governments? Dispensers of death....
Do I see a pattern?
No! NOT for me... I choose life, albeit a humble one... no Royal Hawg here....
If necessary I'll walk to the horizon and beyond to keep my freedom....
With only what I can carry.... And learn to let go of what was, and go on to the sunrise...
It may be your baggage that defines you.....
too much, or too little, and you suffer.....
Balance in all things
be really complete and all things will come to you........
Keep your desires as simple as possible.....
I'm seeing this Economic depression unfolding weekly, and know I can do fine....
Why? Because I've figured out that as long as I keep leaning towards rewilding myself constantly, use the Neo-Indigenous mindset for a guide..... I have true security.....
The thing that worries my mind, is the what to take if it goes to packing it on my back?
Another early morning..... howdy! Doing my usual morning routine, waiting for the dawn,
Listened to short wave last night, interesting interview, of a man into old coins...
Also a very lucid Pro/hobbyist economist....... Name is Andrew Gauss with a website called world of money....
He was making good point after good point....
One of his points was that we worker types wont be able to effect the owner types, by anything other than work stoppage.....
I agree, and think it needs to be a we dont need your jobs anymore level stoppage,
Just like the cure to the housing problem, is when we dont need their credit houses anymore either......
He also suggested a cure to the social security problem, that Housing Mortgages be nationalized, given at low interest, and the interest used to re-finance social security...
Which is very similar to my suggestion of a few pages ago, on subsidized small farms....
Basically the direction from now on for anybody with a light switch on, will be back to the land, and back to having your own business that takes care of you.....
The big Teat in the sky routine is just getting you sucked dry.....
I know for a fact that the owner's attitudes would change markedly, if no one was interested in their jobs, houses, or other products....
I suggest that you get some under the table business going, an under the radar en devour,
combined with your own food, shelter, clothing, and tool and weapons manufacturing on a personal level...
These are not new concepts, many a plywood cabin in Idaho running on these types of things combined with a Christianity mindset, and it could just as easily be combined with Muslim Faith, Hindu, or in my case Taoist Philosophy mostly.....
Andrew also stressed getting the means of production under you control, tools, for whatever your trip was, even if you had to do that with credit.....
I kind of agree, if you are going to use credit for anything, freeing yourself should be about the only thing on the list, that you do use it for......
i.e. Quit buying toys and vanities and petrol guzzlers, and get your Rewilding trip together....
Do you 'spose it would confuse the bankers if they figured out all the loans for camping gear, tools, weapons, horses, carts, boats, etc., were all geared to get their takers out of the very system supplying the loans.....
Could get fun!
“Well you cant have a loan for buying quadra-cycles, because you might use them to escape our slavery with, by using them to live illegally on public land camping!”
Basically my point is, you can use the system against itself.......
All you have to do is lean the direction your heart tells you, and unplug your brain from the TV, and its programming to buy useless shit, from cars to stocks and bonds.....
Use your existing resources to edge free.......
Turn you hobby into your life.......
Start working odd jobs, and in time others will see how well it works and follow suit....
The overall social movement from now on needs to be out of the cities.....
By letting go of the big lie, and heading for the traditional truths.......
The good news is that it requires so little.... what you pay in rent or house payment in a couple of months would finance you out, if you could get minimalistic enough....
From simply going walk-about with Matilda, doing a fine waltz to a camp by your Bilabong of choice, to a full outfit horse camp.... Renegade! As a verb!
Personally I think its our great hope... that so many unplug and take up a weeding hoe, that the bankers go out of business period....
Same for their military industrial complex wars....
When they try the draft again, I dont think its going to work this time....
I and a lot of other people will start campgrounds for those who opt to not be “Dead stupid”...
Like I say, wars will end, when the body politic starts shooting at those trying to instigate them....
Its like this folks, they want you to be a stupid victim, that they can use to oppress some other poor fool with, maybe get you or him or both killed in the process, so why is it any different just having the war closer to home, say when the draft cops start showing up....
Cut 'em off at the pass.....
War! You want me to fight in a war? Good idea..... how bout you? Can I war you some?
Transmorgrify sheep into coyotes.....
And eliminate Hyenas and Jackals like the varmints they are....
Anyway, dont fall for the shit.....
eat bugs if you have to.....
it would be better by a million times than going and killing your fellow man to make the world safe for Capitalism........
“How 'Bout we just get rid of Capitalism, communism, etc., and make the world safe for common folk?”
There is a new consensus coming.... its why I and everybody else are doing all this writing and reading and connecting and disconnecting.....
The revolution is mental, and is a work in progress.....
Get on your computer, find out what makes sense to you, and spread info you find thats obviously truth and workable.... and also balance that with practical efforts getting out of the system, starting with a bugout kit, turning it into Portages to your site, and eventually a lifestyle....
Turn away from what is wrong, and towards what is right....
You have to be your own judge..... you have to be your own farmer, and your own police, and your own doctor, and if you are your own judge, you certainly wont need a lawyer.....
Don't co-operate on any level.... Let every man be a “Hard-Case”...........
Arm up! Even if its bows and arrows..... I see the paradigm shift on true organic weapons being poisons..... Plenty of rattlesnakes to milk... applying poisons to arrows, darts, pungi sticks, etc., keeps armies in their compounds.......
I once read a Viking story, about a couple of long ships that went into Russia, looking to steal what ever by force of arms, and they came to a walled village, and mounted an attack,
and discovered that the funny things around the town walls were bee hives, Skeps, and in the battling to get to the wall etc., the honey bees became disturbed...
Our brave Vikings turned and ran.....
Poison is like that.....
It doesn't take to much to change aggressive ideas, into run-away fast ideas.......
Animals who use poison get left alone.......
Anyway, I think about all the Women who are Outdoor Wannabees, likely millions of them trying to be romance writers with horses and dogs and handsome guys, as main staples in their literary diets.....
Why this phenomena?
Hey girls, could it be that your fat-ride life as a protected species has lost anything interesting?
Wouldn't you rather be living more natural?
Us guys would rather help you live natural, than live city......
You girls just need to drop the “Rich” criteria in your male love-sick imaginings... theres plenty of handsome guys, and from now on, Rich in real terms, means he fishes and grows food somehow.... cuts firewood too! You can help! No house dogs! Yes you! OUT! Out into the garden, learn to bait hooks, fill the cart with firewood.....
Are you sure some guy with good camping gear, weapons, tools, horses, dogs, and a few domestic animals or cattle might not be more fun, and more real security, than all those paper promises you've bought?
Anyway, its your life, but just remember security and survival odds depend on getting close to the land....
Give up on money as security, and find real security where its been all along....
Andrew Gauss also considered education being worth borrowing to get.....
I agree, but on a fair skew; That you do your education in areas that will help in the future....
Martial Arts, Wild Plant identification, small scale farming, cottage industry, wood working, metal working,Stellar Navigation, creative writing, drawing and painting, things people will need or want....
There will still be an economy, it just wont use Caesar's coin much......
They want to go digital money, and you pay taxes on every transaction....
I say go barter, and fuck them......
They just will not learn.... control freeks..... GET OUT OF MY LIFE!
There is a saying in the Tao about not bothering the people in their homes or work.....
Or they will grow tired of you......
Thats a really diplomatic way to say what I am saying..... But, “Get the fuckers off your back” is my advice in real terms......
I discovered in my Government day job, that it every time they pissed me off, or pissed on me, I could use the resulting anger as fuel for escape velocity....
I live in another world now..... there were regular supplies of fuel.....
Is it like that where you work?
The secret is making a firm decision, and after that, spending your weekends crossing things off your lists....... what to do, buy, learn, make, etc., and mostly what to get rid of.....
Freedom as a process, is the inverse of addictive materialism....
And living by your own wits, is more profitable than falling for their shit........
Another thought this morning was on the inevitable tax assessors......
My cure, is to live in portable housing, and if they start coming around, things will look even simpler, and any and all surplus will go into a cashe in the brush somewhere.....
If it gets bad enough, they will start getting sniped on the road.....
Anyway, today I think I'll work on the stalk of bananas hanging on the house.....
i.e. Wont be buying much food today, tomorrow, or until we and the dog finish them.....
Good variety too!
This morning I went out at daybreak and planted another dozen giant bean seeds..... Humming to my self, poking holes in the dirt by trees, and putting in a seed.......
I wonder? How long doing that until I get more in my sack than I can pick and plant?
Not Long.....
Funny huh? We could all take up wandering around planting food in our spare time, instead of chasing money, and soon there would be plenty of food, and no bankers..........
I need to try some of the beans in the forest.... might take....
Wouldn't that be liberating?
The papachilicanas will grow in the forest... also the Cavalonga......
Funny huh? I could literally take up planting seeds and harvesting food anywhere around here.... up in the mountains higher if need be.........
Its one of the reasons I've moved here.... the ability to go live in the hills..... I mean totally wild........
The same type of things can be done in other ambients.....
Remember the sod houses in old early american fotos? How much money do you 'spose the banks made financing sod houses?
My advice, go portable dwellings, and ignore building codes.... don't pay taxes, focus on self-sufficiency, and if necessary don't worry about land ownership....
Yup! Time to buy those wall tents with the nice 20 year skins...... one for you and the mate, a couple for the kids, wood stoves in each one, and I would build a propane jet into each stove, a hunk of inch and a half pipe, plumbed through the end of the stove low, and a small gas jet threaded onto smaller steel tubing, and supported by some struts in the center of the larger pipe, and then a little brass valve to control it...
Why? Wet wood, burning stacks of government forms, propane heat and cooking, if you can afford it, and just for starting wood fires.....
When you live in a tent in a cold climate it pays to insulate it with blankets, tarps, styrofoam packing, cardboard, etc., and to have instant heat if possible, and then also have free heat....
Free usually means; requires labor instead of money..........
Give Caesar his coin back.... you dont need it... nor him.........
Unplug folks! its fun and profitable......
and there will be plenty of opportunity in the tent and other related businesses now...
Bass boat conversions?
If I lived in vanity land, I'd prob'ly let the re-po man come get all their shit, but I'd have the boat paid off..... put a hunk of plywood across the seats for a bed, support a truck tarp roof with aluminum tubing, install a small wood stove, and call the repo man and tell him the pickup was in the boat ramp parking lot.... Take up fly tying..... sell flys and such by the boat ramp on Saturdays, and grow things in buckets in trees back in the swamps and bayous......
When I was a kid, I liked boats and adventures.... and I wanted to build a punt.... my idea was a fairly narrow long boat to pole, paddle, or row... lets say 4 feet beam, and 24 or so, bow to stern..... I let my father get involved, and got a shorter boat....
But I always realized that even a small boat was big enough to live on.....
My point is, you really dont need to own much.....
And the average aluminum sled style boat would make a nice camper....
And sure would give CSD a headache on the child support checks.....
Just continually drop fish off at the ex-wifes?
I've got a sneaking suspicion that ex wives, are all going to be good little wives soon, because, the real problematic women, are soon to discover that the welfare state is going broke, in fact, the government IS broke, and from now on, it takes a male to have any security... just a fact of life girls.... Outdoor Guys are back in style! Office pooches wont feed anyone soon......
& Don't worry, if you have forgotten, us guys have plenty of instructional DVDs on what we require in Mates........
Sugar and spice, and everything nice.......
Thats the formula to be a happy camper girl.....
Maybe when they're RAGGY, one should just chase them out of camp with a stick?
(Come back when you're sane again!)
Has anybody heard the song; “I Want to break free.” Grand funk railroad was the group I think.... thats an anthem folks! Its a love song of course, but love is being emotionally needy, and the Technocult is like that too.... we cling because we are emotionally needy....
Well, it ain't your Mommy......
Anyway, the song's words all seem to apply to getting out of the technocult, because of the same needy base concept....
Time to take down the walls folks..........
Walls in our minds, walls in our social systems,
Walls between each other.....
Walls in our laws......
our economics.....
No walls.....
no fences
No Limits......
Beyond Limits.....
Not everyone will make it through whats now at our cabin door....
Wolves and Winter!
Enemies and famine.....
Enemies in suits and ties......
This Gun's for Hire!
But not for money....
Follow me! This is the exit! SCATTER!
Later... some scattered.....
got food on, breadfruit, beans, and rice on the way....
I thought about the problems people have with excessive materialism, and wondered if it could be in part from growing up and living in a world that supplies housing.....
That the bankers have made it so easy to lay and wallow in their pig-trap, that we have assumed space to be a given? I dunno, but I know I want to come at it from the other direction, i.e. Get shelter without the loan shark.....
The problem with easy housing, is it fosters baggage slavery..... one gets used to having plenty, and willing to cave in, to keep it.........
This is related to land slavery..... i.e. Taxes........
So I'm wondering if being fairly mobile has other benefits I dont understand yet....
Another idea I've been thinking about, is expedient bugout and survival gear for folks who may have to start with scratch....
Realized that a wooden chair back that was straight and fairly tall would make a decent packboard if you padded it, and supplied lacing hooks.....
its like using a shopping cart, or contractor's wheel barrow, it might not be the best possible thing, but it would get your baby out of Hiroshima on your back, and some possessions in the cart to start over....
Another day.... albeit a nicer one, with the storm passed.......
Was thinking last night about Gauss's point about the means of production being so important....
Basically its been another divide and conquer game, with those who are smart but not wise, getting control of the means of production, for the things we used to produce ourselves in cottage industries.......
The majority seem to be ok with enslaving themselves, for a TV, and more food than they should eat.........
I observe people, and what I've figured out, is if you don't want to get screwed, you had just better do it yourself.... Humans are self centered to stupidity.......
I've tried to be good to other humans, just gets one taken for granted, used, ripped off, etc., Even with and sometimes especially with family.....
So I learn to let go...... and had a bunch of people think me an asshole, because I wasn't there for them to use......
But my life sure got a lot better with out their help......
The truth is, that the bottom line most efficient way to live and prosper, is the small nuclear family.... this is why our housing systems are based around it....
unfortunately, we also have built up this technocult thats designed around economic slavery models, and everyone thinks its wonderful, except those spit out the bottom...
There seem to be more of those these days..........
The nuclear family has been totally trashed, and I'm just starting to hear the tide beginning to turn.... people realizing how they trashed their marriages........
And that the system made a tidy profit off of their suffering, both coming and going....
I dont think we have time to get our shit together collectively, nor individually for most.....
I think while we are playing speculation games, and greed trips, that we are going to get run over by their effects, while we debate the various issues........
I'll give you one word of hope, the only hope: BALANCE.
I dont see any, do you?
I see the crash going back to the lowest common denominator; a few survivors starting over, and not much to live for, beyond breathing, drinking, eating, and trying to stay warm, dry, and safe.....
Soon Killing on all sides....
The Rats that turned on and ate each other up.......
Its all we know.... we eat each other in the best of times...... through economics........
I have a couple of thoughts on means of production.... first that you had better have some, and second, that you cant have enough to maintain the average lifestyle these days.....
I see some humility of one form or another in the pipe line for the collective........
And I think one should try to choose one's humility a bit..... you can either plan your exit, or have it happen to you.....
I think a mediocre plan, is better than no plan.....
I also think it would be wise to have a target lifestyle in mind......
One that can use tech, but that isn't reliant on it......
In times past, people had trades.... professions.....
Now we have our little Fisher-Price guy jobs......
And the Policeman has a nice uniform, drives a nice car, but he's doing paperwork on computer, while thieves abound, and Crack is sold on the nearest corner....
We have a legal system with so many laws, that almost none of them are enforced.....
And if you are totally innocent, your odds of going to jail are about as good, as for the guilty.....
It's not working folks, it just pretends to, and in the process is a meat grinder for people's entire lives..........
I think its too late..... I think most will watch and do nothing, not even to save themselves.....
Hurricane Katrina is an example, soon it will be Planet Katrina.....
With about the same results, the dead, and those smart enough not to trust........
I looked at my list this morning.... things to get next payday.... I was/am feeling a bit used, and know the cure is pushing for more personal independence through my own actions and efforts..... I was worried I might have some things on the list that weren't necessary in whats coming.... And Nope! The whole list, every item, was either something for day to day living,
or something to prepare......
And these days, I do a lot of thought policing of my own..... my own thoughts.....
I try not to waste any time thinking about the people I have to deal with, and who cause me problems like it was their cause and profession....
I think about what I need to do to get my trip together, and insulate myself from the very culture I depend on.........
Its been a very successful plan.....
Every time somebody manages to “Count Coup” on me, I try not to even bat an eye, not anger, not react, Just to apply the resulting energy burn, to getting my independent trip in even better order.....
And its working surprisingly well..... I have food falling on the ground.... If I can crawl, I can continue to eat.....
Meanwhile, the world crumbles..... and most are looking away from the cracks, and ignoring the crunching sounds.........
And I live a dream life for many....
A boy and his dog, on a mountain in Costa Rica.....
And its getting better and better....
I use my natural attractions.... Gris makes things.... and one step at a time, I prepare for the day I dont hear cars on the highway anymore.........
And people laugh at me.....
But then, I've always been a bit comic.......
I'm currently interested in a woman..... haven't a clue what will or will not happen.....
But I've mentally trained myself to not let rejection bother me.... I noticed that my divorce took several years to get over, the relationship after that was 7 years, and only took a couple of months, then a few weeks for the next, and once, I was on my way home from a rejection, thought about stopping for a beer, had the money, and decided not to, because I didn't have any need to.....
Now its down to a sad thought or two, and I'm beaming thinking about the next horizon....
To me, its something to continue doing, as a mental health game....
As long as I try, I'm OK........
What I am thinking these days, is next move if I get another rejection, is to go Craigs list personals.... because I know there are women out there who are into survivalism now, and many have Dud-male partners.....
I worry more than anything, that I will get used as a vacation spot by a chain of “black widows” from the divorce system....
I dont need the problems......
I think even the best of women would be a real pain, compared to living alone....
One is the loneliest number, but also is the least stressed........
“Lets fall in love and combine ego trips!”
Hmmm? Something sounds wrong there........
I've also realized what a favor I am doing some poor woman, who doesn't have to put up with me.... I dont know her, but she's better off.....
And I know in whats coming, that a woman may or may not be a help......
One person can slip through the brush and get away......
But who am I to try to make sense, when there are hormones involved?
I'll wait and see what happens......
One thing thats been a mental help, is thinking about how bad its going to get, and what I'll be able to keep going.... I see this or that thing, want it, and then think about the extreme probability that I will have to get down to on foot, and maybe forced mobile by this or that coming ugly reality......
Better to keep it very simple......
Which helps me limit my buying habit slightly.....
Its a mindset I learned after the divorce.....
To think like a Mercenary......
I could work for Blackwater, and do a good job......
Have a background in weapons, fighting, and survival.... plus what I learned in the military which wasn't much........
How to cook for lots of people...
how to communicate via radio etc.
How to keep one's possessions down to a couple of sea bags....
How to find one's way from one concourse in an airport, to another, and where to go for baggage claim.....
also other skills learned later in life;
How to speak fluent Spanish....
Making arrows from scratch....
Building my own survival gear.....
How to survive great losses.....
What animals to avoid.....
Anything on two legs.....
If it walks on two legs, has narrow set eyes in the front of its head, its a nasty nasty predator....
Anyway, its a sunny morning..... nothing on my agenda..... take a bath when it gets hot, and maybe do some sweet potato cuttings.....
The worker showed up......
so I have to wander down and check on him.....
other than that I am a free man.....
And its been that way for years.......
While most of you paid into pension plans and laughed at people who look like me.....
My worker is doing my pension plan..... a couple thousand fruit trees...... if I cant sell the fruit, I at least will have the food security.........
And fruit will keep you healthy..... a lot more healthy, than worrying about your boughten health plan.... (Read; slow death plan....)
I'm wondering on the giant beans, if I can use to get a stash going, should be able to.....
While all those around me still buy from the stores......
I've long experimented with travel foods.....
Many types of breads, many one pot meals.....
Many ways to cook an egg with little fuel.....
This last year, I've learned how to live without cooking oil in my diet......
Discovered after 35 years of adult acne, that the problem was my redneck upbringing,
and that zero oil and the problem went away.....
I thought I was being normal.... (something I usually remember to avoid!)
And since, have heard plenty of health programs on the problems from oil in our diets.....
So that last liter has gone 6 months or more, and mostly to the dog food.......
What did I learn? That once again, I was better off with less..........
ON the means of production.... I've been doing it for years, in one area after another....
Trying to get food, shelter, clothing, and tools/weapons nailed down....
The skills and tools are like the fruit trees: healthy for me, and dont require an economy run by liars to function......
I treat every pay-day as if it might be the last.....
I try to go full circle on my areas of preparedness.........
I try to keep it all in balance.....
I try to deal with others and teach...
But mostly I've just learned to exist on very little, and use what I get, to prepare to have less coming from the technocult.........
I let most of the farm grow up in brush and now trees and forest..... so I have bark for boxes, other bark for lacing, poles for expedient shelters, firewood, composting materials, some trees for lumber.....
Also my watershed is shaded.... that equals water security.....
And the wild animals have come back......
And we did the food tree plantings......
And carved the trail system around the farm......
And got the Manicillo pasture and the horses going again.....
And I made plenty of personal items......
And would do more, except I have no reason to....
There are very nice aluminum tube welded packframes.....
Or you can make a fine one from small brush wood......
You can buy a quadracycle.....
or you can buy a horse...
Big quads, dont make any little quads.......
And horses will eat grass and such.....
The quad will get you there quick....
The horse can cross a continent with no fueling or re-supply.......
Who is in a hurry? Not I......
I have nothing to do for the next 25 years or so, except dodge problems, and keep eating and breathing.......
And if I am very very lucky, maybe make it up the ramp.......
And I realized long ago, that preparing was a human art.... that for a million years we prepared for what ever would come next.....
And only recently been sold a bill of goods......
I'm going back to my plow, and my bow, and my horse, and my fruit orchard and garden....
Just like any homestead of a few hundred plus years ago....
Why? It works........ it works for me...... and its not me working for others...... which doesn't work as well, ever.......
The most important thing that I have learned in the last twenty years is the importance of focusing on basics and minimalism........
The second most important learning, is that its better if you do it by yourself if possible, or in a small nuclear family type group... and even then, if you depend on others you will suffer for it......
Its each to his own ego monster......
Thinking these days in the lull in lumber cutting that it might be wise to use some of the lumber to build another small porta-shelter frame.....
Thinking somewhere in the area of a 12 to 16 ft circle.....
12 would double my current floor space, 16 would triple it.....
Either shelter would pack on a pony cart or small truck.....
My reasoning, is I may not have time and economics left for the bigger house....
I see the shit coming fast......
And so want to prepare in a progressive manner, where each time I complete a circle, all is in balance and works harmoniously......
I will still collect pieces for the big house..... but I think upping my floor space is a good idea, as is keeping it portable with nothing more than a travois.......
Another realization I've made recently, is that the technocult put us in education institutions young, and for years made us write and write, for lack of anything better to do with us....
Then We come up with internet, and its a field day for bean counters......
Then the bean counters discover that the average “worker” is spending 30% of their time on the computer surfing the web, and chatting with friends........
And there doesn't seem to be much they can do......
My thought circles around the collective consensus that is to arise......
They programmed us to write and write.....
and so now we communicate and communicate.....
And soon we will come to the realization we dont like working for them anymore......
And all split up into groups and head off in search of our own dreams.....
The problem is about to cure itself....
As soon as people figure out that it isn't working for them.....
As long as they believed in the system, it kept pretending to work.....
And screwing all of us daily.....
And people are figuring it out.....
And the masters of our current destiny will think its a failure to communicate....
So stay off the roads, easy rider.....
Spend as much time in the brush as possible, and increase that time however possible.....
When you are alone for weeks on end, you have it pretty good.......
The best you can hope for, is you, your mate, and your kids, living off so far in the brush that you cant be found......
Like the communist KGB going around looking for Russians living in the forests in small family groups, and exporting them off to the Gulags and apartment blocks and factory jobs....
I read about it in National Geographic, with a foto of a KGB agent catching one person.....
The story also talked about some who committed suicide rather than be taken.....
Guess nobody knew it would all be temporary....
And now the only thing happening in Russia is Moscow, and the rest of the society slowly rots.... I hear in some areas people are going back to farming spuds and raising chickens, pigs, and milk cows.....
People living in holes in the forest, a thousand kilometers or more from the electric avenues in Moscow....
The rest of the planet is much the same....
Why the Muslim Fundamentalists?
Well, the system isn't working for them either, and as a reaction, its all they know......
Same as the Christian survivalists in Idaho.....
Its what they know.....
When in doubt, we go back to our roots....
And thats a good idea.......
The first out, will have the easiest time adapting.....
those later, will lose more, or lose all.....
Plus all the better locations will be occupied.....
Meaning the last ones out will have the least......
And of course they will progressively come from the successful, who discover that its not working even for them.......
Worker left at noon.... I left him alone mostly, he chopped brush in the citrus, planted the last tomato starts, fertilized them and peppers, and then re-planted corn......
Tomorrow same basic plan....
and the next couple of days after that.....
Then rice..... and I should have more cuttings of sweet potatoes in a couple days.... too bad it took so many years to find a type that would grow on my mountain erosion soils......
Well, just glad I have the genetics.... I love sweet potatoes more than most tubers, and these look to be a good weed food....
Wild cucumbers....
Grow here..... really tiny little thin vines, and a cucumber smaller than your little finger.....
but an exquisite flavor and texture....
I'm leaving the plants as I weed in the terraces....
Hoping to so multiply them with no labor.....
There is another type in the jungle, bigger, and I was wondering this morning if I should try some in the garden.....
Was also thinking this morning, how western civilization is on its way into the dumpster, because a few control freaks and greed heads got control.....
They just don't get that if you up the “control” knob a few notches, you just up the resistance factor slightly more....
The Dali Lama mentioned it in his interview on Tibet and their Chinese Invaders....
Too bad the Tibetans weren't the one's to do the Great wall..... Just fence out all the Chinese power trippers, and profit gougers.....
Anyway back towards point: that cause and effect and their results in humans have been known for thousands of years..... Many of the oldest books deal with that same subject...
All the sages warn against the same problems....
No matter what culture and or ethnic group.....
I heard on an interview of George's ex press chief's new book, that he thinks george's second term will be defined by the Katrina Storm National Educational Experience, and I wish that to be so.... as it means he didn't have the balls to start world war three.....
My worker asked today if I thought things would be better if the young guy won the election.... I said yes! He at least knows the Street... While George and his type probably had “Security” checking their/his poddy chair before they/he got to sit on it......
I suspect Barak Obama learned to wipe his own rear end young....
I dont think George ever got there.......
I also hear on short wave, rumors of war in August....
I think August is early...... but September would be a nice time to start world war three.... You know, after the WarBucks Elite are passed the garden party season, and want to go inside, turn on fox news, and see how their investments are doing in Iraq and Iran......
Makes me hope the legends are true......
And that the bible predicts the story, down to that type burning in hell........
And THEIR criteria are not our criteria....
Lotsa Christians think JC will show up and suck them into the clouds before first launch, Just because they believe in blind faith....
Thats not what it says in the book......
The ones picked by them, will be on their criteria.......
And they no doubt see us as primitive savages.....
As the story goes, they want Honesty and good heart..... and also that you've survived a major nuclear war, and planet wide eco-catastrophe... not to mention Plagues, World Government, and a time of great Inequity, read; Injustice.......
Boy! Thats one doozey of a final test.....
Where 8 out of 10 participants get made dead..... and of the two survivors in each ten, most of them get left mostly alone for their reward, and only a gross gross (144,000) get the medals pinned on their chests.........
And of the survivors, only the nice guys and girls will be accepted..... My question, is this officers candidate, or plain old enlisted?
If I'm having to do boot-camp earth, it should at least be a commission in Scouts or Special Forces....
Can you imagine being in some Bar at star Alpha way the fuck off.... And the other clients find you've come from earth?
Will they buy rounds? Or exit in a stampede..... One smile, (and they'd all learned in school what that meant in humans..... A Carnivore's facial expression when confronting a potential victim.....)
Gee? And I hear Christians complaining on short wave about how much they are riddled with deceit and unpaid bills.........
I am beginning to suspect there may not be any decent folk, nor ever were.....
So I wonder if our star gods will be disappointed? Set us up for disaster to tweak a few racial genetics lines, and not a one came through who wasn't a worthless asshole.....
Welp! Onto the next solar system and see how we did there.....
To me, the reason this all sounds interesting, is my sense of adventure and not much else....
I have no desire to take up the harp.... To me, Harp, is short for “Blues Harp” i.e. My harmonica.....
What I'm interested in, is dog level thinking..... Hup! Get in the back!
I'd just wanna go along for the ride and see new places......
Eternal life? Yea that would be OK, as long as it wasn't putting up with the same shit.....
Who knows, Maybe sky god dudes are OK? They sure think they are.... They're going to improve us..... like I thought I was going to help the Latins....
Anyway, getting my seabags organized.....
What would you want to take if you were going star gate one way? Limited to what you could pack or drag or wheel through the Quarterdeck of the skyships.....
Can you imagine the decontamination routine?
No wonder Jesus talked about no baggage so much....
Whats the Allowance? I'll push it to the ounce, I do this all the time.... every flight....
I'll bet they even have my type categorized at homeland security...(Junk-Bumkin?)
Invariably 49 pounds, fifteen ounces, and the strangest stuff you've ever seen.....
I've been wondering about my horse too? He's a cool guy, really calm, and he'd like to see other planets with me.....
Ah..... he'll need his mare......
And the dog?
Yea, right..... I suspect they'll snag who ever they want, and make eunuchs with them, if they feel like it....
I'll be hiding in the brush....
Just testing their technology for them.... a missing statistic.....
Its fun these days hearing the 2012/Mayan calendar mentioned on short wave now and then....
That ain't much time... soon '09, and that would make it 3 years.....
I see it as a fun hobby.... Survivalism is an addictive thing, pretty soon you'll use any excuse to improve your gear.......
Can you imagine the looks on people's faces if they do show up..... The bible says we will see them coming, and the rich will run for the caves and the hills.....
Everyone else stay at your jobs.....
Hopefully it will be more like Y2K, or survival clown day.....
But that was pre-Katrina wasn't it?
Who knows? Nadia!
What I do know, is that normalcy is over forever, although many will try the business as usual routine, it wont wash.....
Pull out your wallet at the supermarket check out, and think business as usual....
And the problems are only just beginning.....
Best be prepared for what ever..... like the scout motto..... “Be Prepared.”
Doesn't come with a laundry list of exceptions, the first scouts must not have been lawyers....
Anyway, be ready for violence, but do not instigate it....
Its for your last resort......
when you have no other choices left.....
Morning, did the dishes, got the worker lined out, thought about some stuff, dealt with some issues, learned I have more to deal with....
one, is I had a thought about the idea for a cart or rickshaw that was a mobile nano-shelter,
that after some sketching I see it would be easily possible to do, of wood, tubing, what ever, and have both the roof fold down, and have the roof angle correct for a passive solar collector, like a simple green house... what that means, is you could have a porta-shelter, on wheels, that had a pop up top, and with say the front wall being mostly greenhouse plastic, you could point the poles or handles south, sit inside, and be warm on early mornings etc., with out needing fuel....
I see the escape cart as being a very viable idea for city bound people who would like to get their break free option going........
If you dont have a horse, and you dont want to be limited to a bike, either a cart, rickshaw, or a trike, may be your answer, and the concept of it being a dry spot to sleep in, isn't a bad one....
Another of this morning's thoughts, was how modern man is getting treated like cattle.....
Why? Well because you are acting like cattle, and the analogy is sticking.......
I thought about it all morning, and came to the realization there was a dichotomy........
The need fosters the abuse.... if you dont like taking any one's shit, the easy way to cure it, is not need them.....
Be it a lame spouse,
or a lame government....
If you dont need them, they become powerless over you, and the abuse will decline naturally, and perhaps disappear all together.........
Be your own police, leave them to fill out the forms......
Be your own grocer, not need the credit card or shopping cart, nor the coronary bi-pass......
Another point, is if you dont want to be treated like cattle, quit acting like cattle, and start acting like what you really are, if you think about it.....
(And remember, that the status quo is the fat-meat group to prey off of..)
You have the self-centeredness plumbed in, so instead of using it on people in your group who perhaps deserve less of it, use it on those treating you like a stupid cow......
Another thought, is how humans fighting and killing, should slowly reduce the numbers and genetics of those stupid and self centered enough to do it......
Don't fight, you last longer and go farther....
instead of butting heads with it.......
The big lie is easily countered by a small truth....
you dont really need it, if you get your own trip together.....
As long as you are weak and needy, guess what they are going to do with you?
Like I said, Patriotism is misplaced pioneer spirit.........
Go back to the pioneer spirit, and throw off the chains of patriotism, so handy to the dog wagger types.....
Personally, if they tried to draft me, I would assume them giving me a gun, meant I had been appointed; Judge, Jury, and Executioner, all in one, and I might then decide that my own status quo was the root cause of the problem, and that they gave me the gun, so obviously they wanted me to fix them....
Now multiply that out times an army of fools with guns.......
Hmmm? Once again the paradigm shift, is all you need to fix the problem......
Another thought this morning, was about Dress and Style.... which isn't something I often worry about, being an original character, and not a Normalcy Wannabee.........
Anyway, I was thinking about our sky-god Progenitors, and that they seemed to have designed us with this really cool hair, and even beards on the males, like Lions!
I wonder what they will think when they come back, and find where the status quo has not only ignored their warnings and trashed the planet, but it has treated all their two legged lions like 4 legged sheep, and shorn them.....
Do you 'spose the sky gods will all be with haircuts, shaves, and business suits?
I don't think so.....
I think those things are to please pedophile tendencies in our females, who want all the males to look and act like little boys......
And of course the Neo-Romans want the slaves not to have lice and fleas to have to deal with......
But if we weren't all busy being slaves, we might have time to do a bit more grooming, and keep the fluffy ornaments.....
Which is why I enjoy cultivating my WILD MAN look.....
I am a wild man..... crazy too! And have a lot of fun doing it........
I have a young lady friend, that I've known since she was as straight as Olive oil on Pop-eye......
She now has a nice figure, and a good boyfriend..... repeat; good.....
She is soon to have her license to practice psychology.....
I ran into her awhile back, and asked her if they taught her the psychological root to all human problems at the U..?
She said: no.....
I pointed out that it was self centeredness, i.e. Ego.....
Which made me realize why she had commented months ago that they were teaching the students that there wasn't much they could do for the people with head problems, except nod the head, scribble in a note book, and write out a fat bill.........
Whats wrong with this picture.....
I kind of suspect the way to cure a lot of head problems, is to teach the truth.....
A head problem is where a person believes in something that isn't true... so if you can teach what the truth is, the problem should go away.......
If it doesn't, then you have an un-repairable, which is something else.....
But to teach Psychology students that they cant help folks?
GAWD! The big lie has gotten out of hand when it fucks up people's heads, then pretends to help them, and all most of them need, is to understand what the truth is......
This is an important point......
if you seek the truth, you are self-repairing mentally.....
if you put out lies, you are the root of the problems.....
When are they going to start handing out the guns?
I think I know how to fix things..... shoot the liars!
Start with the biggest liars......
It will use up less ammo, than starting with all the little liars........
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this morning's points.....
I also realized this morning that I needed to go back to using people's shit as an internal energy source..... Getting out of the technocult was an ends, and I used the means, but I find the means to still be usable.....
People.... assholes, each and every one.....
When they hurt, screw, disappoint, or trash me, the cure is always the same;
use the energy to fix myself, find my own power, and not need them....
After that, I suspect the borderline types will clean up their acts, and the real problem types to have a real problem, with me not needing their problem, and being able to do something about it.........
I have control over me..... What if I learned to twiddle myself better and better?
So what if it was Contra-Status-Quo?
Thats not my problem.....
If I just turned their shit into GUMPTION, it would be like cooking with gas.... methane....
So, going to try to not let people bother me... and when something does, use the anger to get my own trip in better order for the coming and present reality....
If your boss pisses you off, or a co-worker backstabs you, go down to your custom bike shop and see what a rickshaw frame of aluminum tube and tarp top would cost to do.....
Then use it to start a home business, that gives you daily mobility....
And a place to sleep on rainy nights if you get evicted for not being able to pay enough interest, to keep the banks interested in screwing you.....
And if you are really creative with the business, it could feed you anywhere, out to the edge of the city, or into the hinterlands......
Food? Sharpening? Used books? Whatever.... get low, and then go!
Lot of folks have crafts......
crafts sell well....
Imagine if people listened, and as things worsened in the technocult, more and more took up a mobile crafts lifestyle... based around carts, rickshaws, boats, what ever.... all it has to do is feed you and pay the gym membership, for the shower and toilet and a place to play on rainy days, to prevent cabin fever.....
First you start on weekends, and soon you dont need the day job....
Christ! You could even do a rickshaw foot taxi service, and likely beat out the car cabs on speed and fuel costs...... not to mention get in great shape hauling fat assholes around and dumping them onto red carpets........
My point is: if you use your head, and your resources, and the “asshole energy”, you can evolve yourself out, and be at Mardi-gras in New Orleans, and stay over the winter fishing......
'Spose we'll see carts and rickshaws parked on the beaches on the Gulf?
Sure would be better than a car in a traffic jam when a hurricane was on the way....
And need no fossil fuel, and haul a hundred pounds or more of personal possessions, like cooking stuff, Laptop, solar panel and battery, music, FISHING GEAR! and the coinage for Caesar's laundry mat.....
Homelessness as an art form.....
Voluntary too!
Leaving a house to go back to the banks... here! Add another one to the bonfire.....
The technocult can have a continued existence.... but to put it in balance, we need to not really need it.......
Are interconnected also... how are folks enslaved by the technocult? Why they give up their freedom paying overhead while trying to maintain a lifestyle.....
I discovered that if I let go of the pretensions, and lowered the overhead, I soon had some freedom to invest in my escape plans............
Learn to live humble.... think up a humble escape plan.....
Use the money and time and energy you save, to work on “Digging your Tunnel” to coin a phrase.....
During the 80's, when the TECHNOCORPS blew off a lot of redundant management, Everybody was talking “What color is your parachute?”
It's a new century now, and the buzzwords for getting out, might better be: “How long is your tunnel?”
And in some places, “How deep?”
I could see it as a plot to a movie, another of the endless and boring City movies....
Perhaps we could have Stallone as an ex gulf war vet, who gets a pink slip at work from his jobs learning Chinese, and then of course the scene with the banks on the fone and the eviction notice.....
But this guy had another side.... he saw it coming, and steps into it with an attitude of facing the challenge and fucking the system in the process....
The way to fuck the system, is compete with it, and still not pay taxes.... starving the pigs on both ends of their trough.......
Speaking of pigs, maybe he sets up a business out of his little sail boat? Where he goes and works roughing up drug pushers and bad cops......
He'll need a disguise of course.... a mask like lone ranger or zorro?
Maybe a camouflage head net?
Anyway, he makes money kind of like a private investigator, but that gets the desired results.....
Punks thumped,
Murderers Murdered,
And corrupt cops and politicians video taped and downloaded on U-tube.....
You know what.... instead of giving the part to Stallone, maybe we should break it up into a bunch of bit parts, and just have average folks do it.......
Anyway, my point is Vengeance is possible......
As is living on the street, or in the brush, if you prepare........
If you let them fuck you and beat you mentally with your loss of materialism and loss of your vanities, what good are you?
And if they have you to the point of suicide, why not take the biggest asshole with you?
If every Vet who committed suicide took out his worst asshole problem, the war would be over very soon.....
People who do random shootings are missing the point..... shoot at where the stress comes from stupid!
And even better, avoid the violence and find a better way out.....
My point is you do have infinte options if you can let go of the dependence.....
Look at the problems with England: what did we cure it with: declaring and then insisting on INDEPENDENCE......
If you are independent, that means you dont need them.....
And capable of insisting on your rights.... all of them........
And ignoring the laws they have wallpapered over your rights......
Used toilet paper would be more useful......
The last couple of days I have been doing an internal battle, with my pet Ego monster,
due to perceived imbalance with someone close to me, whom I have spent years helping...
Meanwhile, another friend is fighting the same battle, and part of his problem collective, includes me, and even the person my perceived problem is with....
Both of us have received much from this friend.....
ALL of us are constantly fighting for balance....
The issues are small shit......
And I have to call my friend with the ruffled feathers, and re-establish some emotional balance between us, apologize, explain my part and point of view, hear his, and we go on from there, as it is part of the normal process in the dance of conflicting egos.....
He is a good listener, has done much more than his share, and is more appreciated, than we showed him with our actions evidently....
My point is, that we all have Ego conflicts.... 'Tis a ME,Me,me world.....
And none are immune, nor above it....
And if we don't get a collective handle on it, it will kill us all.....
If you have half a brain, focus on obtaining balance in all things......
And all of the problems will go away, as more and more people see that it works, and copy for themselves the resulting success........
Anyway.... I'm sorry JS for the omissions.... and I put it here in case you someday read this.... and also as an example to and for anyone else who does likewise.....
'Tis a perfect example of a point I keep trying to make.....
Also this morning, had to twiddle with the Camel Stove.... it was leaking back out the pressure pump, and I figured the check-valve had a problem and took it apart to find out what the reality was.....
Good news, not only was the problem what I thought, but it was an easy fix, because the valve seat gasket was just a hunk of leather or cork, like the nub you get from your leather punch...... which is where I went looking for the replacement, and stove is now back together and ready for service, and I am thankful someone of an other clan, tribe, culture, race, nation, etc. had the brains to use the little nub......
Simple solutions last longest and work best.....
complicated solutions are not solutions, they are stacking up problems while pretending to be doing fixes....
Which is a perfect analogy for what ails the technocult..........
We've been busy stacking up complicated solutions to simple problems, all due to the egos involved......
The whole system is geared to benefit a fat and lazy status quo, while children starve on all sides now and its getting worse.....
Its just another episode of “Let them eat cake.”
There is no fucking cake outside of your little corrupt reality morons....
and if you don't care, its you who will soon be the prime target on the chess board....
And all of your horses and all of your men, won't save your sorry self centered ass, from what you deserve, when it comes round again.....
YOU, YOU, YOU, and me, if I dont struggle to get my own shit together....
Anyway, its another pretty morning in paradise, my worker is chopping brush in the citrus,
soon to be planting corn, and tomorrow he will be working on a trail on even another friend's farm... whom we and he with us, all have the same flavor of problems with....
And thats what makes it dangerous.....
Balance folks, if you want health, security, comfort, and a future, its balance in all things that we had better be focusing on, and not on some bitch with nice teats talking on the TV......
I will likely never have time nor desire to write a yuppie self improvement book, but I have managed to turn out this blog, while the whole planet is Yammering: “What Can We Do?!?!”
Will I get listened to? Not likely... but at least I tried, and if my laundry list of concepts never go mainstream, your chances of survival at best are about 20%, and if they do go mainstream and serious and constant action is taken, we can solve all the problems in time.....
I'd be having the military get ready for the 2012 potentials....
I'd have Space Elevators on the front burner, planet wide....
I'd be trying to create balance in all things everywhere at once...
I'd have a nice woman.... or two..... or.....
Yea! Aren't we males incurable!
Anyway.... ideas are pretty much community property.....
Its what we do with them that counts....
Do nothing, and die!
Get out any concepts of worth and maybe we can all make it.....
I'd imagine there are a lot of others working on similar concepts and on getting them out, and I see internet consensus as being our collective salvation......
POLITICS, is the deadly art of using people's egos against them in large groups, by putting them against each other....
Unite and survive.... but only if you unite around the right concepts..........
I have managed to create for myself a dozen years of screwing off.... but I used the time as wisely as I could, and thought up all this shit you've been reading....
I Have Had time to think...
While most of you have had your head in the Box....
How could I do this?
Well, I've always been the observer, and the outsider.....
No clique for me in high school.....
The kid, others ignored, abused, and insulted....
But instead of taking it personal, and coming in with a gun and killing a couple of dozen of you stupid pack-think assholes, I decided my life was worth more than anything such morons did or didn't do.....
We each have our own path, and our own gifts.....
And anyone who thinks any status quo is a good thing, is fucked up......
Take that... all you arrogant and vain, cunts and bastards........
Anyway, its up to you folks..... play High School level Clique games, and starve a few billion to death, or nuke them, to protect your personal imbalance of undeserved benefits,
Just a little message from a social reject.....
I've been watching you all.... and noticed these things.......
And if your ignore my attempts at awakening you collectively...
You will soon all be radio-active dust in the wind.......
And I will be in my foxhole, trying to survive until the game is declared over, and those who set it up, arrive and collect who-ever they like... for what ever their purpose is......
So go ahead, support your pet hood, who insures your status quo.....
Pile up your money and credits........
Let your control freak urges run!
And I will make it through somehow if possible.....
But chances are you wont........
Forever is a long time to be dead.....
And its a really big and interesting Universe.....
I'd rather have a part in it.....
a positive part in the solutions......
How about you friend?
We can throw the test.....
all we have to do, is beat our own egos........
That means to make it possible, we all have to realize and strive...
and insist, no matter what......
And quit focusing on stupid shit, put under our noses by stupid arrogant self centered assholes who only want to use and discard us like used toilet paper.....
And then help others free their's
Let go of infinite materialism... there is no such thing, in a planet bound reality....
Work on your kit and gear....
Give more than you take.....
Be prepared for anything and everything scouts!
There is a reason past generations focused on honesty and philanthropy, and good works....
there is a reason all the prophets and sages, and saviors tried to push our heads out of our wet paper bag mindsets....
It wasn't so we could bicker and fight and abuse each other.....
Over who's sage,savior,prophet, etc., was the correct one......
Is what I would say if I was god......
The way to win a nuclear war, is by not letting it happen at all costs.... including your life.....
I suspect very soon, an unlucky group of people have very personal decisions to make....
These are the people who are in the wrong place at the right time.....
They will perhaps need to kill in personal defense....
They have absolutely nothing to fear from the American public if they do the right thing....
If they do the wrong thing, there will be no american public, nor any family to come home to......
Bush and his ilk are totally insane, and the Vanguard of the big lie........
And each and every person on site, when they try to send their insane orders, has a job to do.....
each case will be different....
each result a bit different....
but no one can afford to hesitate, or to not make the tough decision.....
If you are collectively successful, you will be national heros, living or dead, so take care....
Try to avoid killing if at all possible, perfect is no drop of blood shed....
If you fail...... 80% of humanity will likely die......
So err on the side of success.........
What can the average person do? Well, planet wide work stoppage before the event is the best idea.....
I'd start now......
but there isn't much time for talk........
Good Luck...
God Save our sorry asses.........
I suggest you use your time on the Internet working toward consensus..... How? Spreading Ideas.......... very quickly........ once the consensus is established everyone sane will know it....
Everyone insane will deny the consensus exists........
And push for the insanity.....
Its Lemming's ville folks, run and jump, or find something better to do until it passes.....
Rumor on shortwave of attack on Iran in August......
Could happen tonight, tomorrow, next week.......
But anyone with the least shred of ability to stop it, or slow it down, gets to vote with their actions, for one of two futures..... Post Nuclear War Reality, or post Neo-CONniver reality....
Easy choice from the armchair.....
hard choice when its your life on the line.......
ladies and gentlemen...... it depends on us all.....
The best possible outcome, is Bush and his Thieves get led off to a detention cell, and nobody gets hurt....
They are not legitimate government..... and government is a dinosaur concept in itself....
is here, I've been up since two something, and doing some puttering around.... stoned the blade for the Chinese scythe/sickle, also dug into the wood working tool box and got out a couple of tools, the block plane, and the drill brace......
I have an axe handle to install, and also need to do a couple of holes in brass for the sythe...
Have been thinking about various things, like a pony cart, thinking to start collecting pieces, i.e. Making them as I have the right scraps of wood from the house project..
the Ajo log was in bad enough shape that we got a lot of odd hunks......
so I will go through it all taking out projects....
and when we get back to sawing, get more flooring for the house, and also more scraps to finish this or that project........
Another item I thought about this morning is doing a porta shelter, my Yurpi design, a cross between a yurt and a tipi.........
I can start collecting pieces for this too, and then expand into the space, and still be working towards the house, and when/if I get house all collected, the yurpi can be for camping, refugee, or a guest house.....
I also am starting a project doing a Palangana, which is the local word for a wooden trough, like an early American dough trough, but here they are used mostly now as a tray for cleaning food grains and seeds.....
I want to build a heavy unit, designed for use with oriental Nun-chucks, to hull rice with....
I have the nunchucks about half done already, and recently got copper wire to do the rivits....
And the chain connector hunks turned up yesterday, and I hung them over the table to keep them in my face.........
All of this is like a long slow train coming.... I gnaw a stuff, and when I have all the pieces etc., stuff goes together....
Its a technique I realized when I realized the power in being relentless....
that if you set a goal, and just kept striving for it, sooner or later you got there, in spite of all odds against....
The attitude is what allowed me to do over two months alone at sea.... many times work for days and lose it all to contrary foul weather, and back to a position as far from my goal as days ago....
But I just came to the decision time didn't matter, that the way to get there, was Just insist each and every day possible, and forget about schedules etc.
Anyway... wandering toward my point, that I am happily re-finding myself by doing all the making of gear I will need to survive whats coming....
thinking the yurpi wants to be a 16 footer, with about 4 foot walls.....
I can use 12 foot lumber for the poles, and then a clerestory vent, and go on up to the nose cone...... 16 feet would nearly double my current floor space, so the existing structure plus almost 2X more space... this would all the sudden make my life much more pleasant, I could use the Yurpi as a living and bed room, and the Kon-tiki Cabina as my kitchen, and storage area.... currently its my tack and saddle room, bedroom, kitchen, everything, and say at a realistic 2.5X space improvement would be very nice.....
The structure would also fit on a horse cart in maybe a single load.....
So I'd need a couple of trips, or two carts, and be able to move, no problem, totally minus fossil fuels.........
One of the things I noticed at Rajneeshpuram when we went in doing salvage after they disbanded, was all of these strange little projects....
I one of the greenhouses with Aqua-culture tanks I found a simple dipnet someone had made from flyscreen, rod and a wooden handle...... it was laced through each and every hole....
I saw a sign carved into a rock..... granite, letters were an inch deep, and it had been done by hand, and one looked around and started seeing all kinds of such stuff....
I realized it was because they had a lot of time.....
people had their jobs, but there was no pressure to push production, and so when they weren't busy, they had made things with their hands, and in a manner startling to me, because the techniques of manufacture were skewed in an unusual manner; they were done however the person felt they wanted to do it, and sometimes somewhat over done, as entertainment, and not just a utility item...
My point is that in the technocult, we have no time for such stuff.....
And when one is preparing to let leave of the technocult, via it causing its own demise...
It pays to realize that hand made stuff makes sense......
And each and every one of you could be working on gear, and humming softly and happily doing it, go back to work on Monday with a big smile, knowing that each and every item equated to freedom......
Its like my latest projects... will work today on Chinese scythe, it will give me freedom....
freedom from boughten rice, which will start being planted next week............
A yurpi? Freedom from rent.....
A cart? Freedom from cars/fossil fuels.......
A boat? Freedom from Authority....
The truth is I puked a thousand times at least, on my boat trip to costa rica, but I still appreciated the lack of traffic cops, I was only stopped once in 4,000 miles..........
The rest of the time I sailed naked......
Anyway, the sun is out, I ate some left over rice and fruit...... have enough bananas to go today.... my worker is working, or at least pretending to....
but he does have to produce some results..... excuse, for pay, level, results.....
Anyway, a point I would like to re-stress, is how working on Neo-indigenous stuff helps the old head problems.... nothing like solutions to set the heart at ease.....
Permanent solutions.....
That you did yourself.....
Basically the best way to solve all your problems, is to minimize your connection to civilization....
Who Needs the Big Lie?
No shortage of little liars to deal with......
So.... I will do projects, take fotos, write about them here.....
I have nothing better to do............
And maybe you could use the ideas and encouragement?
I heard last night the US military is encouraging dependent families of servicemen, to start stockpiling food.....
Hmmm? Didn't I just mention the problem with power, and lack of food for families?
If the money is worthless, all there is, is food to try to get somehow.....
'Hope its a long summer..... so you poor slobs have a while before next kitchen camping season by the heater....
'Hope you are growing a garden too.... it will keep the winter weight loss from starvation down some.....
I wonder what every one will think, when they all discover at the same time, the diet plan that really works....
Living in Neo-Con Nirvana.......
Most improvements aren't........
Well..... its afternoon, I have rice on, a few bananas left I can throw in with the rice...
weeded a little today, the worker planted corn, and some rice in an experimental method....
I worked on the chinese scythe a bit, did some drawing on projects, and a few baths while it was hot... noticeably hot for maybe an hour today, a feeling I like.....
I get cold at 75f these days, love 80, 90 is fine, 100 is bath weather......
65 is freezing!
The results of 12 years of re-acclimatization.......
Think about that this coming winter, and how people in my job etc., thought I was crazy to leave a retirement.... and I told them, their retirements wouldn't be worth shit...
Yup! Crazy!
Nice and toasty warm bawlmy comfy crazy....
And the money? Hell! I have all this food!
And what do you spend your money on these days....
Well, if you stay in your management position long enough, Cat Food Hoagies, will be will be the good old days.....
Should be fun huh? Reverse of the obesity curve.....
Skinny Americans?
Well who's gonna pay all them taxes for Bush and friends war profits?
Same folks stupid enough to do nothing, absolutely nothing, to date.....
Watch your TV..... go to work in the morning, put it on repeat....
Get old doing that.....
Then it falters....
Some problem builds up.....
And the lights go out, and the water quits running, and the local cops start doing kidnappings for ransom.....
And they like how you look.......
I think I'd rather be out in the countryside, on a farm at least.......
One can eat field corn and soybeans, but boy are they horrid in comparison to other less fodder quality genetics......
I lived for awhile on field corn, modern field corn hardly qualifies as food.......
Was way happy not to have to finish off what I had...... the dog thought it was ok........
I was amazed the dog could take it..........
I wonder if FEMA will let you have any?
Basically if you all have any brains at all, you'll go direct from having your house repossessed to living under a bridge in at least a rural area.... maybe fish under the bridge.....
I heard last night Bob Chapman, of the he says its the folks with the one and two million dollar houses who will be evicted next......
and not just a few.........
Those variable rate interest loans were a scam, to get you to make a few payments and then have to pay more, or go away......
Welcome to Monopoly land......
I wonder how that will affect people's politics?
I recently had a book on Female psychology placed in my hands... its no doubt something from the New Age mindset folks.... I have been interested, studying and observing female psychology since my divorce, which was my personal wake up call to there being some real problems with it..........
Anyway, this book was written by a collection of mostly women professionals, some with doctorates in psychology...... I read through it, hoping for the smallest tidbit of useful information, and was to be totally disappointed..... it was dry of any content of actual worth...
But, each chapter was written by a different doctor/professor, and the first page of each was a photograph of the Author......
All were women, from different age groups, different races and ethnic mixes.......
But I noticed one commonality in the Fotos....
Something that only a male would notice....
They were all Total dogs......
You know, like the left overs with no boyfriends in high school.....
Only one was even remotely pretty, and she had an attitude that would curdle milk.... a sour looking face.....
The rest were dogs.....
And I realized, that these women, were the current Van guard of feminism, and taught feminism, and it was all a silly after effect of some bad luck with Genetics....
That the ones with no boyfriends have to become lesbians, and then identify with it, and to identify, they have to justify, and it becomes their Mental Religion, which they push off on anyone they can, in the form of Feminism.....
The bazaar part of this realization, was realizing the number of females who are not rejects, and who fall for the shit, and have their mental agendas controlled by such.....
It sets the National Agenda sometimes....
The country has literally gone to the dogs.....
And how strange a thing to observe and to analyze...
That mentally healthy women have been effected to such an extent by the very losers in their own most competitive game of mating and mate stealing etc.
And therefore, for a woman to be mentally healthy in accordance with natural laws, its not “politically correct” you aim for..... its balance with the males and other women in your life....
Do you 'spose there will be anyone get angry at these words?
The truth is invariably liberating.......
The real “Women's Liberation” of our times, is Women figuring out to Liberate themselves from Feminism.... Which is a sour grapes attitude toward males at its roots, which is connected to the very women rejects, through no fault of the males....
I am innocent of any bad intentions, and in fact, wish to suggest a solution......
Lets stop the war in Iraq/Iran/ the whole fucking mid-east....
We can do that by just going home early.....
Let them sort it out..... I'd suggest they start lining up wise men now,
to go to “the big talk-talk-talk...”
Then with the money we save, we start working on the national debt. Say first with a tax on excessive profits, you know, like on who ever is greedy and gaining on it....
And when we get this happening we then also take up training more doctors, to lower the price of medical care, say ask the Cubans, how to produce doctors in quantity.....
And lets have say at least half of these new doctors for awhile focus on doing Total Make Overs on women at Public Expense...... its how they pay their loans off......
Makes more sense than the war.....
Lets make all our women as beautiful as possible, as part of nationalized medical rights.... no problem left unfixed, if fixing is possible.....
Let them be vain..... We'll love it! Male heaven, every woman a beauty in real terms,
And every body is happy.....
This should heal the minds of the beauty have-not Queens, even those teaching psychology.....
And shouldn't those minds be as healthy as possible?
Everybody gets a happy face if they want one......
Your choice girls....
to be feminists,
or to be feminine....
They are not the same thing...
Lesbianism? Just a fringe area sexual fun type..... nothing to worry about, if you take the anger and hurt out of it........
Do I make any sense?
Yea, I know..... sometimes.....
I had a friend comment one time, that “Gris comes up with a lot of shit, but sometimes its got some gold in it.”
You know, it might stop war entirely.....
That we put our economics to better uses..........
So? When the moment of truth arrives, what should your part be?
You know, we shouldn't think we need to kill the Muslims to win...
Only Morons on TV think like that.....
I think we just need to fix up our women as much as is possible.... every one a beauty.....
And the Muslim women will hear about it...... and want the same thing....
And could their men resist this? I dont think so.........
And they would have to spend their money on it too..... less for explosives belts, and other extreme toys of other hurting minds.....
And if their women were are all soon as beautiful as possible, that makes less reasons for having to cover them up..... getting to the root of why they do cover them up, to prevent a problem or two from the head games...
And the men with more wives, would be more leveraged to fixing them up....
Can you Imagine an oil sheik with the whole harem begging for a make-over!
Could he resist? I think not!
Another morning....
Sipping my first coffee of the day.....
Listened to short wave last night, heard some interesting stuff, one was a new version of radio Moscow, now radio Russia at (World Radio Network) it was a tamed down and slightly more civilized radio Moscow... bad mouthing the US for the NATO expansion into its sphere of influence.....
Whats the difference between Putin and George.... not much, both are part of cliques that are trying to stay in power to do money grabs, both are effectively overgrown private Mofias, and both have killed stacks and piles of people to achieve their greed goals......
The difference is Putin came from humble beginnings, Boy George did not........
IN Chechnya the Russians have wiped out 28 % of the original population, and forced the rest to try to leave or submit to an army that speaks another language.....
What do Taiwan, Chechnya, and Okinawa all have in common?
That average people have been programmed to think they belong to countries, that in fact are not even the same Language or Culture.....
Its like the Attempt to link the modern US with England.... only worse, we can almost understand the Britts, even their bazaar humor.....
America was not a British Colony, it was colonies for all of Europe, parts of the orient, India, you name it, and our “Special Relationship” with the English, hasn't been all that great over the years, mostly a litany of problems... either they are trying to leverage us, or expecting us to save them from the Germans, or even worse, help them save the French from the Germans, or worse yet, defend them all, from Mother Russia's tender tendencies.......
I lived in Europe for half a dozen years of my childhood.... and was aware enough to pick up on the Cultural differences between peoples..... and I'm not talking Language as much as Attitude.....
Anyway, the modern Press abounds with such lies..... and once you figure it out, you know the worth of their product......
Lie Marketing for the status quo........
And interesting thing on Radio last night, was on a Christian News show, thats “Out There”,
Which I have heard a few times before...
Born Again Fanatics.......
Well, last night was an interview with some guy with a book, which is what all interviews on short wave seem to be about these days.....
His was on Nephilim, elongated skulls, Mayan Calendar, UFO's etc........
Which 15 years ago I would have considered insane babble......
But I put most of the puzzle together on my own..... and then ran into the FAD versions....
So I have to give these nut cases some credit for having done pretty much the same thing while the mainstream considers them complete nut cases, which they almost are....
I just got off the fone with my best friend, he commented about me being right about my predictions, i.e. For years, about the things happening now.....
I told him being right meant nothing to me, it was the results I was after, and I see its too late to do anything now, that all my friends have realized that I was right...
And I still try to prod, and get the same results.....
Which is one of the reasons for the blog, frustration with my little group, and I'm looking for anyone who will actually listen, and hoping for people who will actually react ahead of the curve, instead of behind it....
There are very few of these.....
I don't expect my own kids to survive whats coming, unless they get really lucky.....
They have been educated by me for what is happening now, all of their lives, and look to fail the survival test out of their own innate stupidity, and all of my friends and my kids are all very far above average intelligence...
What that means in real terms, is human stupidity isn't limited by human intelligence, its just there......
Anyway, as I was explaining to him, I've given up! And these days I just focus on getting my own kit and survival trip together......
Why? Because I see its useless to attempt to warn them, and so the energy pops out in this blog, for somewhere to go......
Basically Necessity plus a boot in the ass, isn't enough to jump start the smart ones, and there are total morons doing a better job at getting ready....
I've been a survivalist for so long, its all I know.....
There are others, many with survivalist oriented businesses, who plug the Either with sales pitches for stuff you have little actual need for...........
The Tao, talks about the dangers of both excess materialism, and excess food.....
Basically anything that occults your mobility is a danger.... including boxes of freeze dried beef Stroganof......
Plus.... when there is starvation, the neighbors knowing you were a pack rat, might make that excess food fatal.......
And its why I teach things like the wild grass seed, barnacles, bugs, etc., because they have no “get you killed” effect......
This is a hand Celt I made recently.... its from a Chinese copy of an american style cleaver, I got three custom items from one $5 cleaver...
One of the reasons I did the Celt, is that it was THE human tool for harvesting grass seeds for hundreds of thousands of years, albeit in Flint, Obsidian etc.
I've done stone points and tools for years, but not lately, no stone of the hardness here, and I've been busy pulling and peeling Yucca....
i.e. Subsistence got in the way of my survival hobby........
Anyway, my point is, that the average human in the majority of our existence had a similar tool or two, and got along fine with nothing much else, for a million years......
And we think we have to plug a private ware house with shit by the pallet loads to be safe in whats coming......
I put a wrist lanyard and a few beads on this Celt after the foto, so it looks even more neo-indigenous, but the truth is, its a fine hunk of stainless, it will slip into a simple sheath, it will peel yucca, harvest rice, shave my neck, skin an animal, or gut a fish, and it would take several generations of constant daily use, to use it up through sharpening....
And I was thinking last night, it needs to go into the pocket on my arrow quiver.... then if I grab my bow on the way out, I will also have mans most basic tool since we began picking up stones..........
I have other knives.... including with the quiver......
its a hobby!
I make things for the pleasure.....
I find living simple frees my time to do so.......
And what I have learned, I share here, so that others can see and feed their ideas off of my ideas.....
One idea I've had, is a flat survival kit.....
if you think about survival stuff, its knives, stones, lenses, fishing gear, mirror, etc., now think about Celts, Fresnel lenses, sand paper, hand line, etc......
My overall idea is to build a survival kit that fits into the ubiquitous nylon or leather billfold...
This concept would allow closet survivalists to have the basics with them at all times.....
I dont have a fresnel, but you get the point.... extremely flat survival kits are possible....
I also am playing with the Chinese sickle..
Why? Experimenting with yet another basic tool that now hardly exists........
And of last week we have some rice planted to try both tools on, in 90 days or so....
And if you and the internet still exist, I'll no doubt discuss my findings here.....
What is most important about what I do, is the teaching..... many many folks who for various reasons are just catching on to the need to be survivalists....
It's become a real fad!
And I was definitely one of the Forerunners in the field.....
I began shooting a bow earnestly at age 10..... it was my main thing for years, a nicer bow was what I got out of my paper route as a kid, and my bow and a Solingen Knife my son now has, were my only real possessions for most of my Kid-dult era.......
I made my first quiver from tree bark......
I got along on 3 or 4 arrows for years....
Used to buy them for 25 cents new......
Now I make them for free........
Anyway.... do what you can..... but realize having and doing too much is a real danger....
Personally I am happy the locals laugh at me, and consider me a nut case.....
They love to bad mouth the Gringos for any reason, to make themselves better than us.....
At least in their own minds, which is all that counts to them, being not a very honest culture by any means........
Just this last week my worker was telling me how the locals bad mouth some people I know, who are minding their own business, hurting no one, and being happy campers, doing much just like I do.......
And my thoughts, and comment to him, was I do the same things.....
What I didn't say, is I dont teach English, or help the locals anymore, for such very reasons,
I'm tired of being bad mouthed for who I am, by hypocritical people who's main claim to fame, should be their ability to lie and steal......
Brown Rats.......
Anyway, I didn't come here for the people.... I came for the climate and resulting food and thermal security...
Thermal Security? You define it next winter, when you can't pay the oil bill........
Me? I noticed, that I'm kinda stupid.... I have to learn everything the hard way.....
Which explains some of the scars.... both physical and mental......
But when I do grasp a basic, I learn it very very good, and I dont forget....
And I am able to apply the learning to my daily life......
Which explains how I got here.......
But I am also a “mixer”, not a purest Luddite, in some ways beyond Ludd by a lightyear or two, and in other ways as modern as this laptop I type on..........
The difference between me and most blog readers, is I was raised in a functional subsistence Culture.....
Or at least the last vestiges of one.....
My people came off the farm in WW2 and after, like most, but the flavor and the habits, like growing garden, and canning food, were still there to grow up with...
I used to observe people in the city.... and I saw that they were very superficial.... they had the clothes and the hair spray, and the nice cars, but there was no pantry with rows and stacks and boxes........
I realized intuitively very young, that western civilization was empty and boring, and temporary...
Grow up to hold down a job in a factory?
Sounded both distasteful and outright insane to me.....
After that, I got side tracked by Hormones and their results, but luckily I was a failure at being civilized......
I am more social than normal..... also more of plenty of other things, and if there is one thing that never works, its being “taller” than the other sheep.....
And I am speaking figuratively, I'm a medium on my labels....
Anything that makes you stand out, gets you pecked on by the politically correct social police chickens.......
They are off to the slaughter house soon, and I have rewilded..........
Anyway, its another beautiful morning here, I have the whole day alone, did manage to get a message headed to my kid to call me so I can iron out some blog to website problems,
And other than that, no plans other than a bit of gardening when the soil dries a bit after last nights rain......
No pressure, other than needing to go get some firewood, dry it in the sun, so I can light up under the rice later.....
Its going to be a strange thing, to boot up a blog too late... when I have been trying to get to this point for a decade, and got ignored and put off, by my very own peer group.....
I could have been saying and was, most of this shit a decade ago, and only my friends and family know it........
Same folks I tried to count on and failed......
Who are now waking up to the UH-OH! Factor....
And if a one of them survive, it will be either blind luck, or me, that made it happen...
I grok the big genetics test in the Bible......
And I see why now, mostly.....
Hey folks, stupidity just doesn't make it in the real universe, no matter how comfy being a sheep is at the moment........
And if you dont get your shit together instantly, your personal chances of survival aren't shit!
If you are alive in January, I will consider it a miracle....
You may get lucky......
I hear Obama mouthing status quo on Israel, and being bit in the ass for it.....
this tells me who he really works for......
So I dont place any faith in his ability to work outside the status quo, which is where all the solutions lie.......
'Tis THE box.....
On another topic, Lamps... you remember lamps..... I've been playing with the nano-lamp concept.... thinking if I have access to oil in the future, that it wont be much oil, because I'll have to make it from scratch, and I need a tiny lamp to not waste it and still allow me to function....
And so, to lengthen a long story, I have been looking for a bottle or jar the right size....
And a simple way to do the stand-tube and wick.....
Well, I happened onto a babyfood jar the other day.....
as ubiquitous as anything.....
then days later, I realized a hunk of car radio antennae would make the tube.....
And I laughed.... thinking it would soon go into my blog, with a foto, and likely be one of the most used ideas I give out.....
No shortage of baby food jars, no shortage of cars........
I suspect I will get an “All nighter” for my efforts, on a couple spoon fulls of oil.......
Veggie oils dont tend to be very volatile, they dont like to burn cold......
Making them hard to ignite.........
Wasting time and matches.....
And the stand tube and wick to oil level need to be much lower than for kerosene.....
Anyway........ another pretty day, temp is almost 80f already at 8:am.........
I consider every day a gift......
a preparedness gift.....
And my main point this morning is that absolute preparedness has a minimalistic factor to it to be closer to perfection......
Too much is not good.....
if you have extra money still, its not gold and food you need, its more brain training, like learning skills: martial arts, gardening, handicrafts, wild foods and medicines, blacksmithing, animal husbandry, and all the other shit you will need when the clock gets turned back a thousand years.........
I hope to try to maintain a 1600's era personal technology.....
And I will be going to the dentist again soon to try to fix problems before they happen, and I will probably pay the man extra, and have him set aside a bottle of pain killer and needle for my personal claim.... i.e. For my group.....
They are all a bunch of silly fools, but I wouldn't see a one of them suffer if I can prevent it......
Sometimes I think about how much nicer it will be after the shit hits, and everyone has to get real.....
The petty egocentric shit is tiring to have to deal with, especially when one is the watchman on the wall blowing the whistle, long, hard, and in near panic.....
And you see people look, and scowl, and go back to scratching their ass........
I relate to the Characters in Tolkien's Hobbit series........
Mostly to being a bit of a wizard, also an Elf of the forests, also Strider.... a strange mix of connections......
I also relate to Bard, of Riverdale, trying to warn folks about the Dragon that is about to show up for a village barbecue.......
Nobody wants to hear it.....
no one, is repairing their arrow stash, nor sharpening their spear and sword.....
If there wasn't so much talk, you could hear all the farts from the crowd....
Like so many cattle.....
Anyway.... am I crazy? You bet......
But I look less crazy every day.......
Just like last night and the guy talking about elongated skulls, I wish my kids and friends could have heard.... its shit I talked about years ago, with no outside world connections via short wave.... for a period of years, I was between radios, my last had died, one needed minor repair, my kid #2 was studying electronics, and I went for years with no outside information source.... in fact when Bush 2 was supposedly elected, the first supposed time, I was surprised when I heard and thought he was his father doing a comeback....
“Bush? Not again? Is that possible?
My point is, I happened onto the connections.... mostly from a trip to Peru, and a visit to a museum in Ica, where they have more dried corpses than you care to count..... some with very elongated skulls, others with the flat-head board on the baby copy trick....
Nephilim genetics is not a joke folks, I've seen it with my own eyes, and so can you, if you can get to it before its jerked, or until they show up.....
Imagine an enemy with twice your brain capacity....
What are your options?
Mostly its a factor of distance....
how much distance can you maintain?
And if they modify themselves, what are the chances of enhanced senses?
All 5 plus?
Jesus is the most obvious example... what was he able to do?
Definitely ESP...........
So, if our alien masters choose to do what ever to who ever, there is little we can do about it...... and the legends abound with cannibalism and human sacrifice to the gods....
Especially virgin females.... better eating I guess, lambs?
Not stringy and tough like me.......
If they are nice folks, with some bad press, we will be very lucky indeed.....
But I am an observer, and I see in the natural world that there are always predators and a food chain....
So, whats above us?
My advice? Same as always, drop excess baggage, get the basics down and loaded, learn the skills, practice the mobility and neo-indigenous mindsets, try to herd your clan towards the edge of the mega-pack, and vector off, into the deep thorny thickets, think about what your camp looks like from the air to hungry dragons who love to hunt and kill and eat......
Why doe you think Satan is called the dragon?
Its his Character........
Jesus called him a liar and man killer since the beginning.....
Both JC and He, are likely living breathing entities.......
One here running the show, and the other on the way back to do the clean up.....
But when Giants battle, little Hobbits cower in caves........
And do they really think that the masters of this end of the galaxy really want a bunch of Christian kiss asses to hang around to praise them night and day?
I'd get tired of that.....
I'd want some tired dog soldiers to do a retread on....
A group of pragmatic realists, who'd seen the elephant, and identified it with E for EGO........
The good warriors.....
Los Bien Adventureros.......
People who could fix an electronics circuit, or saddle a horse and ride off......
Fluff Heads? Who know how to stick a key in a car dash, and their nose into the bosses butt?
I dont think so... were I a General, those would find themselves on the clean-up crews.....
I'd want my personal Cadre to be people who got results.... and who didn't let anything or anyone stop them from doing so... and who knew right from wrong... and Who knew truth from bullshit.............
Funny, the bible talks about all these very points..........
And letting go of baggage... which is the hard one for the monkey men........
And not trashing the planet and each other.....
Makes sense to me..... I'm just waiting to see who is who.... and when what happens........
What are you doing and not doing.....
Another point I would like to make, is the value in real terms of laziness....
Big male Gorillas are lazy on warm afternoons......
they can rip the big cats a new asshole with their bare hands...
They can manipulate small things with a small tool like a twig.....
They hug all the young.....
Have other uses for the females....
But they don't trash the Forests for something to do when they are bored....
They dont get caught up in Nationalistic ego trips.....
They are quite content to be as lazy dogs on warm afternoons.....
My point is: what you do not do, may be more important than what you do in subsistence and survival situations.....
Knowing when to lie down and be quiet, has saved many a deer from the freezer....
What if the dragons like a lot of fat on their meat?
Who will they eat first? Last? Never?
I noticed during the years of near starvation, that my energy levels were much lower...
Which caused some increased laziness habits to form....
But I also learned not to do too much...... I am still battling with it, but my point is it would be a thousand times better that you head out with your pack, to sample the world's insect flavors, than head out, pulling a railroad flatcar of pallets of shit..........
Re-booting a wet wood situation...
Later, got my fire wood gathered and split and in the sun.....
Re-booting my wood cooking from wet wood..... Out of kerosene, it was a nice vacation, but back to reality now.........
Back to scout's basics.......
fine with me, subsistence is a routine....
Survival is a thinking habit......
Well, it was interesting last night to hear someone explaining the long skulls..... I'd said the very words to friends in letters years ago.....
The reason no one knows the future, is because no one isn't listening to those who do understand what is happening.....
The “NO-CLUES” out number the “GOTTITS” by ten to one.........
And the no clues have no clue, because they are better scoffers than listeners.....
Do you suppose we will like to leave our dead behind for the Nephilim, or will we attempt to hide the bodies?
Another thought I have had lately, of the viability of taking on a survival culture character in one's gear and kit.....
Like Robin hood for instance?
If you built a yew longbow, and sheaf of clothyard arrows, and wore Lincoln green, it would be a pretty good thing to mimic as a survivalist....
There are myriad other examples....
I try to combine everything....
My personal cultural hash.....
Don't forget the chili peppers!
My stuff comes out more Native American in flavor....
Which surprises me.... I must have still thought I was normal or something.....
But I am happy...... every item I make now has logic and continuity and connection to my whole...... Every action I take is also as harmonious as I can make it.......
The results are staggering personally....
I am literally working on the fixes for humanity....
And there are thousands of others like minded, who are doing near infinite personal variations on similar themes......
I am looking forward to Internet access, and to finding the right pool to trout in......
it will be fun! Hope I have time to learn morse and get into HF..... I don't count on it....
There is one thing I want to keep in mind about the Internet, is it could disappear without a moment's notice.......
One of the interesting realizations I've had, is that this nice laptop would sure be good in any sailor's trunk..... Being at sea far from home must be fairly benign now.... When I was doing it, a personal short wave radio was your limited one way contact with the world.....
Now, one could be talking and joking with the friends and family every evening.....
I think if I ever star gate, I would want some fotos and video...... if it wasn't for the problem humans, earth would be a good home.....
But if they wont learn, and I get an opportunity, I will go to where there are less of them.....
We shall see, which shores we call our own, later on in the story.....
I got a hit last night on freedom..... that some of it was in owning yourself and your destiny,
that it was a responsibility to yourself to do this and that, and do it correctly....
Freedom may be escapist, but it also has its requirements......
Its a cultural thing.....
When we establish a culture of freedom, real freedom, and not a paper in a museum freedom, we will have done something worth being proud about......
I dont see a lot of hope for the next few years.... I've tried to put out concepts here, to turn the herd..... If I were to get results, I would be shocked.....
But maybe enough people will laugh at me that the concepts get out......
LATER, its doing what Rain Forest gets it's name from.....
I almost got a fire going, but the rain came, and I'd rather wait an hour 'til it stops, than attempt the boyscout routine in a down pour.....
I know the odds.....
I did a few dishes, funny how one can eat out of the same pot for years, same bowl, same spoon....
it really doesn't take much.... nor would it be hard to have a subsistence culture in a backpack..... Many a place on the planet a man with a hoe and a shovel could grow spuds and such, store them in holes lined with stone and leaves, and make a humble pottage all the days.......
The hard part is letting go of the easy life to do it........
Well, your easy life is gone......
Thieves stole it.... the thieves on your TV......
The only way a man will do anything lasting from now on, is if he gets some people to group up and actually co-operate and do what needs to be done..... Imagine Garrison Keeler doing a monologue on America packing up and moving back out to the farm.....
That one day the Sioux woke up with a hang over, and there was no check in the mail, no FBI, No prison with Russel Means rotting in it, nor Leonard Peltier'.......
That it was just them and the wind.....
That their cultural tormentors were all gone..... that there was nobody to blame any more, no place to turn, nothing to be second or first class about.....
No jets over head..... no four wheel drive pickup trucks, no beer, no football on TV.....
Just them, their family, and the horizon......
Do you suppose our dawning hero would stagger out to the water pump, douse his head in the stock tank, grunt and shudder, wipe his eyes, and see the pony in the paddock, and the cows on the hillside, notice the pony needed a hoof trimming, and wander over to get a closer look, and spook the horse slightly.... Hmm? Not been ridden lately.... where have I been?
The Corn! Yes, its dry on the stocks, maybe a good idea to get it in?
And maybe one passes by as the eagle overhead, a few weeks later, and theres smoke from the house, a board nailed carefully over the missing pane in the window, the pony is curried,
The cattle eating at the crib......
Our hero is at the sink, washing a blue Chambray work shirt, jeans next, boots dry and greased behind the stove......
Some stew in the pot, with spuds and corn, and a hunk of jerky from last fall's deer hunt.....
The Rifle is clean, and oiled and leaning in the corner with its action open, but a full clip sitting within reach......
And our Neo-indigenous character is working on some bow staves, there are cedar splits on a rack behind the stove, and the block plane is apart and now the bitt is sharpened......
Can't waste Ammo on anything except two legged problems......
Do you see the connections? The culture? What is your personal survival culture?
My imaginary character could have been an African, or a Mung......
But what he cannot be, is some one in the city.........
Thats a different story, of horrors and cannibalism......
The point is that the end of civilization isn't the end of anything all that important or critical....
Maybe our friend is surprised a few days later when he sees a figure walking the road down a far slope...... Walks female.... alone, his eyes become as a hawks!
And as she approaches he recognizes her, went to school with her older sister, where did she come from? Last he heard she was working in a bank in Rocky City......
She comes closer yet... his hunter's eyes notice the limp, notice the acute thinness.....
Then the ugly scars......
And then the empty blue eyes.....
And finally she looks him in the eye, and she recognizes him....
And then she suddenly comes home from nowhere....
A lucky survivor, found herself in the rubble with a hole out to the daylight.... had to leave only a couple of fingers to get loose.........
Heaven out of Hell........
“Howdy” she says.... “Jim? What are you doing here?”
Then she looks around, and sees where here actually is........
“I've been walking for weeks.......”
I've eaten thousands of grasshoppers, and drank from the ditches......
I think I am sick.....
And then she topples on her face in the barnyard.....
And so begins New beginnings.......
I wouldn't worry too much about the technocult..... but I would worry about my survival culture.....
I'd want the hang-over to be gone.....
And the Traps waxed, and the shed full of dry wood......
I wouldn't want my love for materialism to have me stay in any city.......
Home is where you store the root crops......
Its where the grains sit in their barrels....
And where water runs from an open pipe.....
And theres never a bill in the mailbox........
Any place else is where future refugees congregate now.....
And where so many to die, still live......
And if the women have to have the bright lights and constant roar of traffic,
Let them.......
It doesn't matter, Begging Sex isn't a life.....
But working on the Garden is, as is fixing the gate, patching the corn crib floor knothole with a hunk of tin can and some small galvanized nails.......
Need to turn the pony into the yard, time for a mow job.....
He'll try his head over the garden fence, and get a clod thrown at him, and yelled at.....
And before dusk he has to go back in the pasture or he will trash the ornamentals when he finishes the grass..........
Hey folks.... what am I talking about?
How about lets all go for whats real from now on, for home made bread......
Fresh milk from the spring house......
The sound of a Hen who thinks she has done something important.......
Time to grease the windmill and pump mechanism.....
Need to scrape some more on the hide on the barn's south side before it warms up today...
The barrel has the solution mixed......
Doing this one with the hair on, for a coat.....
Have a smaller steer hide going for moccasins.....
Found some beads on a ruined cowboy shirt....
they'll look nice on the small moccasins....
She likes to sleep late......
He gets up early, and does things..... she'll be up late, when he's nodding off....
And the Dog fills in the gaps..............
And so far they've been lucky about raiders........
The first ones were incredibly stupid....
City people with automatic pistols......
It was a lot of work to bury them..... hard to keep the dogs from digging them up......
Guess they never shot skeet, nor hunted with buckshot?
They tried to intimidate a man with a pump shotgun in his hands, with pistols from 20 yards away...
They got off some shots, all wild.... and only one needed a second hit...... Wasted four shells on three assholes with smooth bottom shoes on over nylon socks.... they could hardly walk in the dry grass..... came on bicycles of all things....
A couple were lawyers from their papers..... yuppies....
The devil's minions looking for new work.......
How is your Movie going?
Does it read like this?
Wholesome and hearty?
Or Sniveling and resentful because your 401K just got blown out of the sky.....
Hey! It was you who chose to work for the lying bastards, had to loosen up on your own scruples just to go along............
You expect them to keep their promises to you, when they make money from death in the third world?
You thought niggers were like model T fords? Only come in black? These days they're a Rainbow of colors....
Credit, not color, seems to be the common denominator.......
Where there is credit, you find slavery.......
As Heinlein pointed out, slavery only exists in cultures lacking an effective currency....
Credit is not an effective currency, albeit it mimics one.......
If you work for money you are a slave...... so says the Bible........
So say I.....
What do you say?
Wouldn't you rather be in the small house in the horizon's exact center, peeling spuds into a skillet..... Onions already diced, mushrooms? Where did the mushrooms come from woman!
Are you sure? From the back side of the barn? Yea... I know what Morels look like too....
and what do you have in mind for those liberty caps from the horse paddock? Drying them? Saving them for whom?
Its my fucking horse!
Yes! He is a stud!
And you never put a cent into his price.... you were off dancing in Rocky City..... With Lawyers!
I shouldn't even talk to you!
You talk too much too!
Tend to your herbs woman!
Hand me a hot pepper, in the fried spuds! Of course!
I won't make it TOO hot! Unless you keep arguing!
THE POINT IS: life goes on, for those in the right place at the wrong time.....
its a game of Musical chairs from now on....Last night, I heard fairly complete morons talking war in the mid east this year....
I agree, if bush says peace, peace we will never see........
It will be interesting to see his reaction when the astronomers report the thousand points of light.......
Where will you be?
Working in an office complex?
Or out where there is some sky, and dirt to plant potatoes in?
Its your Movie.....
'hope it has a good ending......
My point is: get out......
Just get out how ever you can, as soon as you can..... That dream is dead.... find a new dream.... Make it yourself, start with almost nothing if you have to......
You dont need much..... a one room cabin, or a wall tent with a wood stove.........
What is most important is that you get out before Day X arrives on the calendar.....
And that what you have is yours through rights of possession, and rights from being willing to keep it no matter what some overfed drone in a humvee says.....
Tell him to get the fuck out.....
And you spend the next few nights sleeping outside... well armed.....
Expect them...
Do a good job.... and get away.....
Do a loop around the trap line, have another camp spot.....
Have a stash and cashe.....
Hide food everywhere....
Dig a tunnel for winter if you have to......
And some day wake up to realize you are happy......
Like you never were in the Technocult......
fairly happy, had to start a fire, out of kerosene for the camel stove......
So, back to smoke and ashes, and the wet wood in a rain forest struggle....
How I love the dry season for cooking fuel......
Anyway, just makes me want to get a stove top, and hunk of pipe.... which are on the list, and maybe possible this coming week......
Do another couple upgrades to my life..... Minor, but important.....
In fact, dealing with the wood smoke from cooking is a major issue world wide.... indoor pollution is a nasty statistic.....
I get away from it mostly by living open air..... no inside to pollute, just outside.....
But as a human, I like to cook in the dry, and am willing to build some infrastructure to do so.... I have a really nice propane burner, but don't use it, because the local system has a nasty bite in it, a monopoly, with about 7 gallon tank, fat deposit, and full seems to weigh about 5 gallons...... and they don't bother to fix the O-rings, why? Leaky gas sells more?
So you have a country of people paying twice what they do across the street in Panama, getting shorted, and have fairly dangerous gas leaks in their houses.....
Make any sense to you?
Well, thats how Costa Rica is, its a few Ratas Ricas, and a whole bunch of folks too stupid to know any better, that assume they know everything because they can speak all the verbs in their archaic language.....
We're talking superficial folks here.....
IN Panama things move, theres almost a “hustle” feel on the street, at least in comparison to costa rica, where nothing ever happens, because there is blockage after blockage, after.......
Every blockage has a meter of some sort on it..... usually in the form of a human asshole....
It is perhaps one of the most interesting and least functional of all the corruptacracys on the planet..... they do a good job at some things, and not so good at anything requiring humans to co-operate in a fair and balanced fashion.......
But there are those who struggle for the good fight, and those that probably deserve a firing squad.....
Only God could sort them out at this point.....
This end of Panama is populated to a million folks.....
This end of Costa Rica has a couple hundred thousand.....
Panama is flat and low......
And will start to flood in the next ten or fifteen years.....
What do you suppose will happen?
Panama is more industrialized, and has a problem with law and order....
I've had several women offer to let me get them over the line...... due to personal security more than any other reason..... Lots of population, no shortage of problems.....
Costa Rica is fairly secure Rural, and not too good in the cities......
Plenty of cops, plenty of courthouses, Plenty of people in jail, and another 5X as many who should be in jail..... they are building new prison facilities...... Lets hope they stuff them, starting with corrupt officials, and down to pick pockets, with special emphasis on Fraud.......
Fraud is a form of extreme Latin culture...... or at least thats how it looks.....
Not much stress on the kids to be truthful.....
And dad and mom often wouldn't know the truth if it fell on them....
Marital fidelity is a common concept....
but doesn't seem to get as much practice as hotel beds near off the street parking.....
Latins..... no shortage of hormones......
Its sleezy, with a culture of rip offs, especially foreigners, with this wink, wink, nod, nod, legal system, where petty crime against outsiders doesn't get much attention, nor do environmental problem issues, nor do the bribes.........
But they look so good.......
Every one so professional looking........
And friendly......
Kind of like sharks are friendly........
I hear of Americans leaving panama for the problems there..... and coming here......
Both places are nice spots on the planet.....
Both have their own problems, like all human settlements have always had........
I insulate myself by living in the center of my farm, avoiding trips to town, avoiding even harder any trips to the cities.....
There is Central America, and there is the Latin world.....
The Latin world is probably a temporary thing, I think crowding and sanitation will lead to a heavy die off in Latin Culture....
Latin Cultures have a weird dichotomy..... Clean clothes and houses, filthy towns and cities...... its their extreme egocentric nature.... they have a hard time with any thing outside their own little box with a tin roof on it......
Trash Collection started during my time here, before that it went into the streets and left to pile up until a flood took it.......
Central America, ignoring the Latins, is a beautiful place..... with a benign climate, and plenty of toxic snakes to keep the humans from getting too stupid from the lazy ambient.....
Its like living in Texas with Rattlesnakes, or Florida with Moccasins........
You have to be awake.......
I prefer the snakes to the Latins.......
a matter of trust.....
I used to trust the Latins....
I have learned how to avoid most problems with the snakes....
they dont go out of their way to bite you....
Latins do.....
No end in sight.....
Anyway, todays agenda is cutting breadfruit, a beard trim, cooking, dishes, and happily, I am starting on the Palangana for hulling the rice with nun chucks..... I got one side with a block plane, starting on the other, need some gas to use the electric saw to angle and cut pieces, so I will have to wait a couple days, after I get back from Panama......
But.... its started, and I can gnaw on it......
And Tuesday more rice planted......
What I do, is every time I have a problem with anybody, I use it as an excuse to push my self sufficiency trips..... and like the propane problem, I try to avoid anything connected to the technocult, as I know its the mother of all problems......
So my anger, hurt, resentment, etc., all go into the vortex, and I get these apparent crafts projects as production.... and every one of them is insurance..... all items that help me live better, or that I think I might need to be prepared......
Turn your stress into a freedom hobby is what it is......
Some people knit doilies, and some people build self sufficiency tools......
We'll see which is most practical soon I think.....
The Doilie Heads are in for a rude shock, when they cant afford to drive to the yarn store, and the refrigerator is also empty......
Do you suppose there will come a day people just unplug their refers?
“Nuthin' in it....”
And turn off their car key for the last time?
I think so, but later, rather than sooner, like when the shit hits, from not turning off the car, and not avoiding pigging on dead animals......
The current food crisis is related to those two issues, also to extreme speculation, middlemen up the Kazoo, and a little thing called climate change......
Its a downhill trip..... and no apparent braking system other than carcasses in the streets.....
The rich have armed the poor to oppress other poor, and dont seem to make the connection....
The poor are the poor, and when more and more quit eating involuntarily, the chances of some of the guards having problems increases too....
And if you go over the tipping point, the guards just turn on their masters, kill them, take the wealth and food, and oppress everybody who isn't in their family....
Its like peeling an onion.....
Layer after layer of power trippers in the human genome........
And of course it just continues until there are less people than food....
Microbes help....
They kill less discriminatingly... and the rich often have chronic health problems from over pigging.....
The poor tend to be tougher......
Its always been them shoved into the firing line.... no matter what the problem was......
Anyway..... its overcast, so cant write much..... maybe later..........
A FEW DAYS LATER..........
Just got back yesterday from a trip to Panama.... bought some junk for my kitchen collection, also got on the web and was able to send some of these files to my group in the states, en route to getting this blog booted up.......
the system is a bit slow here, my HP2000 worked for an hour, and had me remove files several times, and I didn't get all my material across the pond, and have to try again soon,
and also wait for some feedback.....
I also got emails from my son, who is helping me in this process, me being a computer newcomer in real terms.........
One email was on our posting of the space elevator treatise on wikipedia, we got it up and it was knocked down almost instantly.... I dont understand the wikipedia process, but I know my son had to cut down my synopsis several times before it would be accepted, and I suspect wikipedia may be causing some artificial limits on the expansion of human knowledge by having a culture of limiting people's entrys excessively.....
The interesting thing to me was that it was somehow knocked down by a mister Bill Wheaton, who has a website, and evidently considers himself to be a high priest of scientists....
But I got no logical reasoning for his knockdown, as he evidently just used the word “ABSURD” to describe my concept....
Now the word absurd in english is generally an insult, and a better word choice might have been implausible, or perhaps flawed, or something like that, and his use of absurd, kind of leaves him open to some serious personal risk to his professional reputation if proven wrong....
it is also a challenging word..... and nothing I love better than a good scrap, be it literary, or with the gloves on.... or without the gloves if someone insists.....
I sent my son a query to the effect of asking if Mister Wheaton had given any actual logical reasoning for his attack, and also I was able to check the comment collection system we have up on the website, as I was hoping for constructive criticism or for others to add ideas onto mine etc., etc., and there was nothing from Mister Wheaton in the inbox, and I am wondering if he used the link supplied on the wikipedia article, and read the treatise, or if he just relied on the butchered down synopsis to form his opinion on......
I find it humorous, that something no more technical than an air rifle gets branded as absurd by Mister Wheaton, and that he evidently didn't back up his criticism with any logical arguments....
I find that the concept is easy to sell to most folks, anyone who has seen the pneumatic capsule message sending systems like used in businesses for probably nearly a century, to transport mass at high speeds and get it to the top of tall structures.......
Anyway, I shall give Mister Wheaton the benefit of the doubt, wait on my son's communication, find out what the whole story is, and if necessary email Mister Wheaton with a request for his reasoning, and if I get a response, post here for my readership.....
The only technical problems that I personally worry about on the design concept, are the air column pushed ahead of the capsule, and the pressures needed to support a “suspended” load at such extreme heights.... I know its perfectly possible to accelerate mass with lower air pressure, and that the concept can at least be used to get stuff up there like a supergun, but I am hoping the numbers allow total control, and not just a “Launch and let go” reality....
as for the air column pushed, I am wondering if one might be able to spill it via a valving system perhaps higher in the atmosphere? At least reduce the head some.... but I would rather be able to push the air, and have it be available with the propellant air also, to be used to ventilate the station, and supply ships in space.....
Anyway, I will see what the story is, but I am snickering at the possibility he left no reasoning..... tisk! tisk! And a “scientist” too.... or perhaps really just a second or third rate arrogant academic?
I dont know.... but what I do know, is people will have to do more than make absurd accusations without any back-up logic, for me or anybody else, with a functional brain to take them seriously....
I visited the homepage of Mister Wheaton's website, and it seemed to have an arrogant smell to me, but maybe I was just pissed...... Go there, and let me know what you think about his attitudes, and what your opinion of his mindset is.....
It will be fun to find out what the truth is, and attempt to use the event to elicit a better class of criticism...... perhaps I will need to poke a little more fun at Mister Wheaton's reputation as a sapient scientist to get a response, if so, and he reacts too negatively, I would then enjoy laying a full broadside into his battle ship, the “U.S.S. EGO”..........
I smell a status quo issue, but maybe its just my latent paranoia.....
I would hope that Mister Wheaton valued the importance of the space elevator project enough, that he attempted to do positive assists to any unusual concepts, but evidently not.....
I'm glad People like him and myself have our opportunity to put out concepts etc., but I wonder why wikipedia hasn't a bit more review required to kick something down..... if it is as appears, it would create an “asshole controlled ideas culture”..... people should have to give logical reasons before being able to affect in any way... the access of others and their ideas on the net....And it should require more than one person to make happen..... “Due Process” ............
the current wikipedia system seems to be lacking in both respect and human decency.....
Anyway, I'm not worried, although wikipedia would have been an efficient way to get my concepts out, this person just put me on a harder path..... I am more used to winning through on the hard path..... so, he has done nothing, except put me where I am most comfortable and used to operating.... and he perhaps got a big ego rush doing the knock down... but why? If my idea is so absurd, I should think it should get left up to laugh at...... instead, Mr. Bill has just been a rude jerk, like so many these days..... I suspect the concepts threatened his beliefs or his personal Hyena pack..... one of the problems with elite educational systems, where the poor go at best to tech schools, and the rich to upper crust Universities, is it creates an imaginary mental class system in those who consider themselves a better grade of humans due to mere economics....
And I am sorry to report, that the universe does not work on economics, it works on natural processes, and the arrogant invariably cause their own inevitable demise, by forming their disgustingly rude mindset.......... And as Robert Heinlein pointed out, rudeness is the sure sign of a terminal culture.... meaning if Bill has a personal culture, its dead meat..... and stinks.... And hopefully we will see him get his footnote in history, as one of those classic moronic scientist types who opposed and ridiculed the arriving paradigm shift.... perhaps we can name the garbage or human wastes system for the Asensor after him? Hopefully such a system wont make rude noises in his honor....
“Before a fall, comes pride.”
the hard path seems easy.... (tao)
“Throughout history, great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” (Einstein)
Nothing more offensive to the over inflated human ego, than concepts that threaten one's personal paradigm....
“Learn to let go of ideas.” (Tao)
Who knows, but I suspect that if I can figure out how to get to people that know Mr. Wheaton personally, they could end up being a most loyal fan base, for any humorous arrows sent his direction.....
And I do see the value of controversy.....
Everybody loves ringside seats to a good wrestling or boxing match........
Should be fun to find out what the reality is..... I know myself well enough to know that once I learn the capabilities of the internet, I will be able to use it well.....
And there are likely alternatives to wikipedia, and perhaps without the problem/flaw in design allowing complete and total assholes to control the flow of ideas.... I wonder who thought up the knock down system and what their reasoning was..... seems to be a good way to insure mediocrity, so if Bill has some position or job title, it isn't working for common man, which I believe to be the seminal concept behind wikipedia, and as they have it, democracy is confused, and their system open to abuse by people with personal mental problems..... If he was on staff and I ran the site, I'd get rid of him.... we need solutions, not just more arrogant jerks telling us what and how to think.... lets have an “OPEN” MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS, and not a controlled by a petty tyrant/stuffed shirt status quo pretend democratic marketplace of ideas..... its just more of the same shit causing all the problems we have now, and will lead to nothing of true and lasting worth.....
“If we are all thinking the same, then somebody isn't thinking!” ( George Patton)
I also did connect finally with Pretty Woman.... we talked for several hours, and she was a polite Lady and a good listener the whole time, and much more impressive than the run of the mill slitches here, who to date, have always tried emotional manipulation games........
I got to talk to one of her daughters, whom I like very much, and a niece, and introduced also to one of a dozen or so brothers............ Hmmm? A small army of brothers? What could that be good for?
And the lady has a body!
Anyway its going good, I am very happy....
I also found out her ethnic background, Guaymi indian, and American from the US, likely a canal worker.....
She's sharp, fun, gutsy, loving, physical, and looks damn fine to me..... what do you think? Should I go for the pretty widow? Damn right!
Anyway it was a fun trip, drank some new beers from the Dominican Republic, not bad beer!
Bought a new stainless pressure cooker, and several other items, bought pretty woman a nice pro-quality chef's knife at a restaurant supply store, and we discussed the communications difficulty with the C.R. Monopoly “I.C.E.” which in my opinion has done more to keep Costa Rica in the Techno-Stone Age than any other problem....
She tried to call.... but couldn't get through, on pure costa rican system.... and she said the Panamanians are aware of the ICE problem...... she was also very welcoming of me, and I am content.....
Anyway, to regress to the last subject, I want you folks to know that I dont worry about types like mister Wheaton, I've brought down a lot of big EGOs in my life..... And as you can tell, Its something I enjoy doing..... but to tell the truth, I would rather that it all got worked out, and myself and Wheaton became friends, and worked for our mutual goal of getting humanity beyond the gravity well........
I also want to state that I trust the marketplace of ideas to have an audience that will help me get the concepts out, because its an audience of common folk, who aren't likely so vain and pretentious......
I trust your judgment, and the test of time......
And I really hope you all will think about the concept and add to it..... it would be nice to form kind of a virtual family around it, and see it grow and spread, and know we had done something to change to course of future history substantially.....
Besides, when we get our inevitable first up front undeniable alien visitation, I would want us to have a better space elevator system than they do, so they at least have a good story and some human creativity/tech., to take home with them..... they may be a million years ahead of us, and still have missed this concept..... creativity is like that.......
Some observations;
I grew up fairly poor..... in country family culture......
I got toys and clothes etc., for gifts, but not as many as most kids.....
My parents were very good in some aspects, and very lacking in others, as is the human condition......
But I got fewer boughten toys.....
And I substituted by making other toys out of boards and metal and whatever.....
the other kids liked my toys better than boughten toys....
I used what-have-you from my dad's junk collection..... and learned to put things together in imaginative ways... and made cool toys that kept us all happy....
I noticed that it also helped form my imagination some........
And I realized that creativity was often the result of lack.......... which explains the origins of the universe in a strange way..... emptiness is naturally an attractant for something....
When we lack something, we balance by becoming creative and filling the need.... very clever monkeys.....
My point is that exercising my imagination helped grow it in a healthy way..... and that too many plastic toys are not a good thing, better to supply materials and tools and teach skills, and let the kids enjoy and learn from making their own toys...........
And the more mundane the materials, the more creativity necessary to turn it into pleasing items.....
Learning to make things, is critically important to teach considering what is happening these days....
Even for adults.....
And in a survival situation I would rather have rugged well made items, I'd designed myself, than some boughten trash......
If I designed it, and I built it, I can sure as hell fix it, or replace it, or improve it after learning, through actual real world experience with the items......
Thats how cultures came into existence; people making things, and others copying what seemed best to them.....
I am making concepts.... you all vote them into reality by adopting them.......
I enjoy it.... its been a long term hobby, and my friends call regularly for concepts and ideas on their projects, and I get ideas from them.... Hell I ain't too proud, if we are building something and the secretary has a better idea than me, put a tool belt on her, and hand her the clipboard and pen! Its the idea that mandates..... not job titles, not letters behind one's name, gotten and paid for with money and system, and status quo..... funny how people often mistake education for creativity.... I've observed that the more education a person has, generally they possess less ability to think creatively.. they are in effect programmed, or over socialized, rather than taught how to use their minds as an effective problem solving and beauty creating tool....
Silly little monkeys who worship the money god....... they sacrifice their collective future to it....
The most successful creatives are also the most natural leaders.... and we should to line up behind them.... instead, we got another brand of creatives, the creative liars.....
The reason we should follow the most creative, is that its creativity that solves problems..... of which there are plenty.... mostly caused by the “FALSE CREATIVES” to coin a phrase....
And so, a twisted civilization......
hey! Folks, if it ain't the truth, its a bad path........
Don't go there! You end up at Shit Lake.......
I just had a fun thought.... a space elevator in Neo-indigenous style..... use my concepts, but make the décor a bit exotic using some of the construction styles I see evolving from the art...... could be very pretty, like my mention a thousand or so pages back about the Muslim architecture potentially used for their space elevators...... I want to see that.....
Another thought I had, was perhaps emailing letters to major corporations with potential vested interests in my concepts..... Perhaps General Electric would love to build the turbines? And Raytheon the controls and switching, Boeing the Station proper, as they have the experience in aluminum hulls..... I have an uncle who worked at Boeing his whole career, an engineer I think, not sure, He was involved in design and planning at the highest levels, I guess I will have to track him down, thru the family.... I'm sure he knows everybody, and also he is a very intelligent and humble guy, soft talking, a good sense of humor etc., raised on the farm, got himself an education, made it into the top elite of the thinkers and do-ers on the planet... My family has a funny history, on my mother's side, my grandmother's grandfather came from the Russeau family (not sure about the spelling.) we are talking THE Russeau family, as in Janet Russeau Onasis..... probably one of the richest women in the world..... if the legend is true she is a cousin..... anyway, this ancestor changed his last name to Russell and married a commoner, story goes he was a black sheep of the family.... I suspect he didn't like the family business of banking which at the time and since, made and makes a lot of money financing wars.....
Since that time, that line of my family has produced intelligent people, such as my uncle...
but we are country folk, and we are honest.....
So Who is mr. Wheaton to single handedly judge and negate my ideas, I think people in all walks should have that right for themselves.... I wonder what the CEO's of the corporations would think of mr. Wheaton trashing some serious business potential of theirs..... 'could get unpopular....
and I hope that readers will discuss and pass my concepts on by word of mouth to friends in positions of being able to bring them to the right people..... It would make it more sure to happen.... It might not be easy to track down my uncle, and we dont have a lot of time to sell this idea, and to get humanity focused on it.......... I need your help folks....
An interesting aside, is the Onasis/Russeaus bought a thousand acres or so out on the Osa Peninsula, which is my view from the Hammock... I thought it was funny, because I used my brain and came here ten years earlier than they.... Another area I work on, is boat design, one of the big loves of my life..... and I have spent the last ten years or so solving all the traditional problems in one design, and I have done so..... My son has gotten us the TIG and MIG welders, and a plasma cutter, so we can start building hulls..... He was a university state champ, automotive mechanic, and my other son is a self taught computer programmer working for a company owned by probably the most famous physicist on the planet.... he was only with the company a few months and was promoted into a management position with 40 employees under him.... he and his brother built my website........... Thats the kind of people we are.... anyway I have worked many years in poverty and living in rough conditions in some ways, but I have many patentable concepts in one single design with myriad variations possible..... and hope someday that I get a call from one of my cousin's lawyers seeking use of patent licensing.... Onasis means shipping in practical terms.... and more efficient and better ships are worth having.... These people do not know we exist, but they will eventually, as when I get my design into metal, I will be doing the first sea trials in the view from their hammocks...... I do a lot of layout work, and have built an aluminum Kayak (TIG welded), as a learning experience leading to this boat building company we have been working towards diligently...... I built my first boat at 12 years old, after using my uncle's rowboat.... same exact uncle, he lived on Vashon Island south of Seattle/Boeing, and he loved boats too....... I have done steel fabrication professionally.... aluminum is a dream to work with in comparison....
I also know, for any potential technical problem, exist several possible solutions....
Also, that my Asensor/elevator treatise likely has a dozen or more unusual concepts in it...... what are the odds of all of them being absurd?
I'd have to be really really stupid to even be able to do that....
I think we will have some fun with Wheaton.... 'hope his sense of humor is up to it!
And I will do my best, to up his entertainment value to his friends if I get the chance.....
Stay tuned Bat-friends! Eat Roast Wheatons for breakfast! They're great with some milky way poured over them!
Oh.... the pretty woman loves to play baseball, and I used to help coach our small town's grade school team...... We kicked butt! So, guess I'll have to start buying some equipment, and also get everybody in the group whipped into an awesome team....
God! I've missed baseball....
It takes brains and co-operation to be good at......
Later...raining, ate breadfruit stew over rice.......
veggie food!
Funny huh, this woman has a government job..... and the economy is bad enough she has to consider an eccentric like myself.... but theres balance in it.... I dont think its going to be normalcy that keeps her kids fed.......
They seem like good kids, she told me when she works, they do all the work at home, and have her food and clothes ready for her.... cant be easy being a single mom of 5...... on a couple dollars and hour....
But it sure helps when the kids get involved.....
I think its a good idea that kids work some.... especially if its something in their area of interest, and they get to spend the money if possible...... I'd rather see a kid invest in one of their own dreams, than see them having to give money to their folks as is so common in the third world......
LATER, just got off the fone.... got to start the process leading to getting the Space Elevator concepts to my Uncle, who knows on that one.... and getting the idea spread through friends who are engineers etc., so thats the way it will have to go, and I hope you all try to help....
My friend felt maybe mr. Wheaton knocked down my concepts because they threaten his, or that Mr. Wheaten will soon come up with some new concepts all the sudden on space elevators.... i.e. My concepts stolen...... who knows, but isn't this blog getting fun.....
The friend also warned me about content of emails, so as not to end up at Guantanamo....
Well, I've long considered the CIA to be a potential audience of any and all communications,
and in fact, I write often concepts for their express benefit.... I also speak over the fone anything I think they need to know....... (I am trying to help.) What I know, is the CIA is made up of people, none of whom all agree on everything nor anything..... nor are they all evil monsters....... I worked in communications in the military, held a top secret clearance, and bunked with the guys who were busy monitoring all HF comms planet wide..... And in my opinion, the CIA does have any important job to do, keeping the Russians, Chinese etc., in check and balance.......... I dont like the current american government, but as long as it keeps changing every 4 years, and the people's votes actually get counted and are the deciding factor, I can continue ranting, and they can continue governing.... if you think back to things discussed in this blog, think about the things that might have been written with the CIA in mind... they're there...... You folks might think about the technique, that we can manipulate them with what we communicate.... Give them the truth, and it will liberate them too..... The truth is an equal opportunity benefit....... Its what they are looking for, you know....its what Annalists do, try to figure out what the truth is from all available information.......I and they have the same hobby, they are well paid, I do it as a public service.....if they cant handle it, thats their problem, and violating peoples rights and human rights, will only get themselves in front of a firing squad or worse, if they do enough of it.... I passed a concept today over the phone, in hopes that it would be picked up..... to help them....
And as I have a big mouth, if they want any info out of me, all they have to do is ask, or better yet read my blog regularly, and save the money on torture and incarceration.....
(national enquirer? eh.... mainstream news sounds like this some-days now....)
besides, I put my ideas here....... almost all of them, and if they go around snagging, torturing, and executing everybody with ideas they dont like, its the most sure way to insure their own removal from power... Through simple cause and effect... besides, who wants to be another Stalin in the history books....Thats no fun, and not a good way to play with other kids...
Plus, If I read the bible right, everybody is going to get a rather high tech brain scan, and those with a nasty history get sent to the furnace.... and if the Mayan Calendar thing is correct, it could be soon.....
Also I only have two motivators..... a sense of fairness, and a desire to see things as good as we can make them....
And anyone who thinks those ideas are subversive, I will be glad if they have to waste any amount of money on me......... even a .22 shell...... it will cost them at least that much....
The bottom line for humanity isn't economic, its survival and the ability to break out of our gravity well and scatter..... same advice I constantly give to average individuals.....
and interestingly even David Rockefeller said years ago that people would have to give up the cities and move out and grow food....
What I do is think.... and I talk to anybody who will listen, and I listen to anybody who is talking... and then I think some more....
I push for balance..... balance is security for everybody, even the status quo..... a status quo is a balance by definition is it not? I just want “the butcher's thumb” removed from the scales, so the deal is a fair one....
I also learned Mc Cain is talking Mars Base..... good for him! My opinion of him IS improved, if its not just talk..... to do a mars base they need the elevator....and my concepts.....
My friend said he figured pushing the Mars thing was a political mistake, as people weren't going to hear it happily, and see it as a waste of money while they are having serious problems at home......
I agree, it wont sound good.......
The best way to get out of an economic depression is to expand.... and the planet is full up.... and when the Elevator goes up, it will be more economics and jobs than we are currently capable of imagining, and everybody benefits, everybody.
Capitalism will work fine in space, no limits, nothing to pollute, free energy, unlimited real estate, free resources, and no indigenous people to need to screw over to get to them....
Its the perfect solution to all of our problems.... THATS WHY I'VE SPENT THE LAST YEAR WRITING ALL THIS SHIT............
To teach people the concepts to solve the problems....
My guess is the war, the excess government, the greed and corruption will all be fixed to at least workable levels by the Asensors.... all those problems are the results of limits we will no longer have.... limited area is what causes the need for governments, people trying to share space..... have to have a framework, and the less space, the tighter the framework has to get...
greed and corruption? Those are the results of the very problems they also create, its a snake swallowing his own tail.... when economics becomes unlimited, go ahead, be greedy, knock yourself out... as long as there is plenty more for everybody, who cares? Its the limited availability of wealth that makes folks insecure and they become greedy looking for security in the wrong ways and places......... and the limits result in others suffering, which fuels the insecurity that fuels the greed cycle.........
Save your ass= help get my ideas out.....
Even if you work for the CIA.......
You know the routine, get a good one and email it to everybody, thats how the Internet works....
And god! I hope there IS somebody monitoring and analyzing and using the consensus to base decisions off of, because that is more democratic by result than silly politics....
Its why I pointed out the possibility of “Liberation Fascism”, that the natural friends are the people who are the consumers and also the workers, and the business types, and their joint enemy is in fact the Governments, who have effectively been rendered unnecessary by the internet technology.....
Most of government has become a service we no longer need, but still are forced to have and pay for through the nose......
We need a streamlined reality.... and put money that once went into bureaucracy and military spending into actual expansion, and not bickering and screwing each other....
And good ideas are effectively immortal...... you cannot kill them.....
So we shall see.....
But its a good morning, working on getting my ideas out..... someone is working on connecting with my long lost uncle, and getting my concepts beyond Wikipedia, beyond Mr. Wheaton and his type, and with your help, they can achieve critical mass rapidly, and we can watch the war stop because we didn't need the oil anymore....
The way to make a better future is everyone spread the best ideas.... quit focusing on politics, focus on ideas...... politics is a Dinosaur on the way out, we dont need it any more.....
But what I need from you is to get to critical mass rapidly..... when the concept is everywhere, who would fight it?
Its the truth folks..... I'm giving away the truth.... FREE TRUTH! Or at least my version of it....
And if you are greedy and want to make a lot of money, you'd best be an attentive and very active disciple....
If you love control, would the Galaxy be enough to please you?
If you are the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, you are who will benefit most from my ideas......
Like I said.... we dont know whats out there, shouldn't we have our cannon on the fort walls pointing outwards? Why are they all pointing inwards?
The paradigm shift is for all of us to begin to look outwards..... see the sky folks? Thats where we came from, thats where we are going..... either on our terms, or on someone else's......
and we can bootstrap ourselves up and out, or we can trash ourselves instead and get interstellar intervention.......and forever eat shame.....
We are the wolflings..... the new dogs in the territory, the latest stress improved genetics....
I ain't nuthin' but a space pirate without a ship.... lets pull our sabers, and get us a ship....
Follow me guys! And I will show you how we do it.......
And by the way.... another reason for the blog, is just to share my life with others... I am a social person, and this is the internet age... and my life is unusual, and my ideas somewhat entertaining sometimes, and certainly interesting to some....
And my friends and family may think me a bit of a black sheep......
But I come from a famous black sheep line......
And my friends and family believe in me, and if I have the ability to help, I have the responsibility to do so also.....
Anyway..... lets join up and get it out there, its a story we can all be part of....
Lets all be able to say; “ I helped.”
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