Saturday, December 20, 2008

Preparing for the Future 09

Preparing for the future part nine.

In the tropics or other warm climate a house becomes a pleasant option rather than a necessity to keep from freezing to death........

The locals cant seem to realize that this is a phase..... they have almost no concept of doing anything for the future, so they think I live in a tent because I'm a bit crazy....

I'm doing it because its so nice, and because it allows me to do what I want, including my house, without having to sell my ass to the system...........

Really I could live at this level forever no problem, but there is no reason to, until or unless the collapse overtakes my plans.........

Until then, I prepare myself......... and work towards my other goals........

Its a Taoistic method; Not doing too much......

Most people are doing too much.....

Currently we are working on plenty of too much..... lotsa projects, from lumber cutting to gardening, to keeping the pasture mowed........

Its hard to be an effective Taoist, one struggles to do less and less.... which is good, or I'd be crazier than I am.........

I think soon we will start a corn patch of some size.... working towards 100% food security, we've grown corn before, and now have more ducks in a row on it....

I literally have from the seed and land to the corn sheller, grain mill, and tortilla press.......

And I have a pony plow coming on line soon.... the next planting will be on terraces, but we should be using the plow within a year or so.......

When one lives on a couple of hundred dollars a month, every step is at least a payday away.....

A Point that I keep thinking about, is how much fear everyone seems to have of being homeless... well, if one was locked into the city, yes that would be something to fear....

But there are out of the city options.......

Paradise lost? Only because we wandered off and built cities.......

Paradise is still where we left it............

And one doesn't need to own land to escape the city........

I get totally boggled listening to short wave and people talk about $2,000/month house payments for a shit-box in the burbs........ if it has a swimming pool, its half a million dollars.....

Gee? Whats it worth if it has waterfalls, pasture, fruit orchards on terraces, a system of carved jungle hiking trails, a view over the valley, flat limestone mine, etc., and is in a tropical climate?

One thing I notice about the Sub-prime thing, is that it isn't stopping, even though the bank types are adding more bogus money weekly........

Propping up the imaginary system with more belief?

I dont think so....

I think its still going down, and down, and down some more.....

I want to get my trip booted up as good as I can before the final slump into the mud of reality........

I use every payday to do what I can....

I heard the other night on short wave that the Derivatives Market is “worth” about 5X the GNP of the entire planet.....

What that tells me, is our best and brightest have spent all their time creating more and more paper wealth, and extrapolated it out into absurd numbers to go along with their “infinite money” and have reality leveraged to five times the output of all the slaves on the earth...

Meaning: all you “Rainbow Darkies” have a lot of work to do, to pay off your indenture, and be able to exit your slavery contracts through the front door......

You should be happy its collapsing.... because you cant pay off 5X GNP of planet in 5 years and still eat too while you are doing it........

Then add in the beginning twinges of the food crisis, i.e. The part of it that results from the speculation aspect of Fascism, and you have an even bigger problem....

Its an impossible situation, crash an imaginary reality while pretending to prop it up with more belief generated by a glitz propaganda machine and beamed into your living rooms if you dont have a wire or wireless yet.......

So..... am I crazy? Not comparatively...... not compared to the rest of you, who are holding down jobs to protect a rats nest of plastic garbage that your ego is attached to, and spend all your time running the squirrel cage faster and faster, Are we getting tired yet?

Ahhhhh....... What are you going to do to feed yourself when the economic system which is all based on bogus games, crashes into your living room like a UFO.......


And here on the farm, we constantly work towards long term goals, while meanwhile being sidetracked on a regular basis by momentary reality.........

Really the problems one runs into are like the problems for anyone living out of town....

Here in CR, its like my state of Oregon, but instead of a deer fence around the garden, its an electric wire for Pizotes.......

One has to clean out the spring's pipe, one has to chop firewood, and one waters the horses.....

My point is that its no different than any life in a rural area.... except theres not much to pay property taxes on, no checks to write Saturday mornings, and the Technocult is slowly inventing and manufacturing all the little widgets one needs to have a cushy life in the brush....

I have a phone, a computer, a stove, (several stoves in fact).... I have lighting, I have a radio, the list is endless......

And soon we will be having more and more of our diets come off the farm...

If I get another two years, I will have a house, and 100% of my diet out of the garden....

And likely be feeding several folks.... how many I dont know, but its open ended as a project, and a year from now more mouths aren't even a worry, just add their hands to the hoes in the garden, and their plate to the food line.....

Its been a long haul..... but now I am ready........

Tomorrow I will be more ready.....

One mistake I made for years was trying to boot up too much.... did designs for hydraulic presses needing all the stuff.... never happen..... then over time downsized the ego, and came up with a design that was minimalistic.... and therefore more do-able.........

And across the board its been the same.... downsizing expectations, converging with reality, and coming up with portable solutions as a result......

The point is if you strike out with the notion to do it all on a minimal level, success is more likely......

The person who's goal it is to live in a tent and grow a garden, is a person who will likely achieve their goal...........

But if you add in land and house ownership in the first world, they seem to end up being payment slaves.... and no time to go camping or work in the garden.....


“Wanting something for one's self is the worst of curses.) Lao Tsu

I used to hold down a job, peruse the outdoor stuff catalogs, buy gear, and only get to look at it......

Now I build my own gear mostly.... and get to camp all year......


The times can best be explained as a dichotomy between what is true and what likes us to think it is......

The big lie is having its glitches increase and amplify.....

Bad news is its much likely to get worse....

Good news is that you can do something about how it affects you, by prepping yourself for it, and getting your head in the right space on it....

I heard a comment on radio last night about people looking for an easy way out.....

People always look for the easy path....

“The hard path looks easiest” to paraphrase the Tao......

Yup! Sure as shit! Anything I ever thought was easy, turned out to have a hard component to it.... and I've learned more on the obvious hard path, and so it has become easier for me....

One thing I have learned is that following my “Boy Toy” interests on a basic level has worked wonders for me mentally.... my “Boy and his dog” routine has me a happy guy....

I dont get to play with big ticket boy toy items, but I do get to add to my camping gear and tools, and materials stashes fairly regularly, albeit on a small scale....

And I gnaw on making stuff....

And I lean towards my goals and ideals.....

In the future, out in the mid-distances, things are going to be much different.....

And a guy with his act together will do OK, in spite of reality coming down around his ears...

How? By being prepared, by being back to basics.... When the Volcano blows, you gallop off on your horse..... and dont end up stuck in gridlocked car jams.........

When you are out of ammo, you make some more from ambient materials.....

When you are hungry, you know where there is food, because you grew it........

When your clothes are dirty, you wash them in the river, and have a scrub brush to do it with........

When you need shelter, its there for you, because you put it there.....
Donald Trump might not approve, but he'll be dead, somewhere in the rubble......

People had fine lives before the technocult improved them......

I heard two supposedly sane, normal, english speaking men on BBC talking about Tibet, and insinuating that the Chinese saved the Tibetians from miserable lives by invading and then milking them.... That life expectancy was 35 or so, and now its 65..........

Gee? Bandying statistics? Who said the Tibetans only lived to 35? That was awhile back, and I doubt the Tibetans kept statistics, or birth records for that matter..... Why bother? You are born, live, and die, and who's business is it but your own?

And I wonder how our British gentlemen would like to live 50 years under the Red Army's tender teachings?

Funny how people can say the most absurd shit, when they are justifying things for how other people get treated.....

The I'm better than you mindset is a big part of the human condition.....

The good news is, that the news on radio and TV will stop someday, and after that what happens to you is important, and what happens to others will be sad.......

And the best way to get the most people through it, is for a group of them to get their own shit together as humans and help each other....

Which seems Idealistic looking at the direction the herd is running now..........

My point is that you are going to have to get down to basics on all levels, from transportation to human relations.........

Its nothing to fear....

Fear not doing it in time......

Really it all boils down to running away into the forest..... and learning to live there.....

And it can be done in small groups.........

I suggest you start by making camping in some form be a main hobby, just like I have suggested other stuff, from martial arts, to doing a craft..........

Lean that direction....

I sometimes use Elk hunters as an example, all the guys I knew who read catalogs, owned rifles, reloaded ammo, had 4WD trucks, and spent most of the winter looking through catalogs for their gear........

And elk hunted for a few days per year.....

And paid for the warm chair by the fire the rest of the time.....

These same guys will be the type to do OK when they get the pink slip.....

They'll have a knife, Ax, Sleeping Bag, etc., and some of them are bowhunters......

They know how to pack loads, how to store food.....

Their contact with the primitive was never totally lost......

If they also were gardeners their odds are even higher......

And if they had a farm with animals their merge into the new reality will be fluid and almost seamless.........

They'll hang a blanket in the kitchen doorway, to make heating with an Ax and Handsaw
do-able, they'll hang a deer on the back porch.....

The corn will get hoed religiously......

And Raiders will go away fewer in number than when they came.....

The boy toy thing is important.... thats why it exists...........

Women often disapprove..... think its a waste of money, and want their Male Sex Slave to be stuffing her existence with more cushy comforts.....

I wonder how the dynamics will change when its the guy's garden and jerky?

'Spose some lost woman will come limping down the drive dragging a suitcase, and ask for some water?

How many Divorced men living alone, will all the sudden find themselves accompanied?

Funny how when the system crashes, that comfort and security depend on real people and not on somebody's else's job........

And the great providers have traditionally been men in most cultures..... (in Africa its the women who grow the food....)

Food, Security, a dry place to sleep and cook....

Someone who repairs the gear, and makes missing items, and keeps hands busy constantly gnawing on putting more into the food box........

Dawn in Costa Rica...

Woke and made coffee, waited for sunrise while watching the moon set.... all in my shorts and shirt sleeves..... Quite different than when I lived in cold climates, and 15 minutes was a long time to look at the stars and moon, due to the cold at night......

Now I lay in bed and look at them, with no wall, not to mention no window....

Spent most of yesterday organizing and cleaning small stuff...... still have plenty of that to do... one of the prices a man pays for not having a woman around... they're always twiddling with organizing the widgets and cleaning everything.... But that service tends to cost a lot in food and in economics....

And few have figured out that if you trim enough economics out of your reality and focus on the food and other basics with “direct personal attention” i.e. Doing it yourself instead of buying it, the economic needs diminish quickly.........

If I pay some group of fools to run a pipe from a far mountain to my house and then add a lot of chemical shit to the water, put a meter on it etc., its going to be costly, even if done collectively..... But if I get off my butt, and walk to the mountain, find the spring, dig it out, and drink out of it, like magic it becomes free.............

I dont know if anyone else has noticed, but God seems to have forgotten to put a meter on things.......... Lucky we have so many people who have remembered to do so for him........


Sunday, home alone, 'was gardening this morning, exercising my hoe.....

Heard last night on BBC a comment about us not being able to go back and live like our ancestors......

Gee? Why not? I'm thinking this morning as I'm reforming a terrace and fine tuning a path, and grubbing out brush roots, on my way to a food crop.....

I dont seem to have much stress related to food price hikes..........

And the number of items I'd miss without access to the economic system would be small......

And it sure would make the women friendlier.......

Money creates snobs, snobs create money.....

And we are getting to the point economically that it resembles the fall of the old Soviet Union............. Yes, they had snobs and money, and they also had problems with harvests....

Seems people dont want to work if a government takes it all from them.....

Snobs...... deciding who eats the food you grow, or who uses whatever else you produce for that matter....(Usually its them, the snobs using your stuff and eating your food.)

Kinda like if the tax-man went to Geronimo the Apache, and wrote him up a tax bill for half his corn crop, and he was still owing after even that......

What would Geronimo do?

What are you doing?

Geronimo may have been slightly less socially refined by European standards, But then con men trying to manipulate you out of what you need to live is also rude by anyone's standards, And is justified by defending your rights........

Do you need to pick up a gun and go shoot people? Let me know if you have any ammo left when you are done, As there are some here with the same job titles.... No! Really you dont need to shoot people, guns are distance weapons, and you are right inside the monster, And just about anything imaginable that you can do will work to deflate its ego.......

You dont need a gun, you just need some Cajones like Geronimo......

Also Geronimo wasn't brainwashed into thinking He owned the land..... so he had nothing to lose by leaving the area and growing corn elsewhere, So he could smack the tax man in the forehead with his hatchet, and wander off until the coyotes and buzzards took care of everything except a bit of a bad smell.....

Most often, the best defense and offense is just to leave the area....... Geronimo could pack up the corn and wives, And go somewhere with a nicer view of the countryside.... A view without the tax man in it......

Did He lack a culture? Did he lack food? Did any of the Native American tribes do anything wrong by trying to defend their lives, lands, culture, and rights from the Europeans?

Hmmm? They couldn't have had a Sustainable development plan..... You know what real sustainable development is? Evolution....

We are mid stream on some evolution these days..... A bunch of arrogant fools are trying to get themselves and a lot of less responsible types killed..........

It Ain't working folks, and the probability of the Status Quo fixing it is non existent.....

The status quo is the problem.......
The culture is the problem......
The economic system is the problem.....
The technology is the problem.....
The people with no guts are the problem......

And you only need to have the guts to get your trip together literally, and get out.....

My grub-hoe will move dirt just about anywhere......

I could wander around the planet planting Apple trees and when I came full circle, the second trip around would sure have Apple security.....

Government is a figment of their collective imaginations, but it unfortunately also is a bad spirit, and has lots of guns.....

Don't fight them.... their own stupidity will get them..... the most important thing for you to do is reduce your contact with the system....

Get out........

Learn to eat corn.....

Learn to grow beans or whatever....

Learn to make your own clothes.......

Learn to think outside the box....

Learn to live outside....

Get out of your box.....

What would you really need to make it?

Could you do it? Like go somewhere and plant a crop and live?

Well it takes some knowledge, more than you can get in a book.... you have to do it for awhile to know what works and what doesn't.........

Start now.......

Collect the gear and clothes and tools, like if you were going to go stargate.....

Scout out a place, and start going there and doing things....

Learn to camp 24/7............

I was thinking about it this morning, how I've taken all the things I learned, from camping every summer in Europe as a kid, to gardening organically as a younger man, and now its all my lifestyle.... I just eliminated all the stuff I didn't like, like holding down a job.......

I like to garden, I like to camp, I like to live in nature, I like to swim in the river....

Hmmmm? None of that requires the Technocult...........

A few days later.... Have been busy, finishing up wood cutting, have a blockage, wants money, will be 90 days or so..... so... started another item on the project list, the Papachilicanas and Sagu plantings.....

Which entails me swinging a pickhoe, and reshaping some hillside...... I'm doing it for exercise and pleasure... and we are just beginning an area that will be maybe ¼ acre or so at most... goal is to multiply that for a year or two, and feeding what seed we can into a bigger area that we will shift to next.... end goal is food security for my clan/group......

Got a call from my oldest son this morning, he has our website booted up, minus final checks, the site is built by him and his little bigger brother.......bigger little brother?

I'm interested to see how they did, both sons are above average in computer stuff, one was a collegiate state champion in automotive mechanics, (Very computer intensive these days,) and the little brother many times smarter than several of the rest of us put together.... I'm sure he reads computer programs while eating his cereal, like the rest of us read the cereal box.......

So We'll see if they're any good?

Anyway, I'm feeling good, my beans arrived on clipper the packpony this morning, along with kerosene, 6 kg of sugar, my corn sheller, and the seed corn.... at least 150 lbs of stuff...

Clipper sure is a good friend....

He's cared about and he knows it.... my worker was commenting on how well behaved clipper is with him, knows we are non-violent animal partner friend types.... symbiotic relationship...

We keep the brush beat back in his pasture, he hauls the shit that would kill us to pack...

So I'm another step closer on the bulk food trip......... gnawing at it..... Relentless on this one....

People in the US are stocking up on packaged food, I'm planting more than we should need to make up for any problems.....................

Anyway fresh homegrown organic red beans in the pot aboiling....

I checked the giant beans this morning, soon more to pick for seed.....

And I sent the worker home with a lug of Yucca when he went down with the horse...

Enough, he had to give some away to a friendly neighbor lady.......

The one who often brings me coffee when I'm down there writing.... She's a good cook, and her man is a friend of mine also, who likes to putter and build and fix things with tools....

We all kind of shake our heads at the rest of the village, mostly TV heads who do nothing noticeable in the way of being outside the system through self sufficiency etc., Just enough brains to operate their Remotes........

Also Clipper brought up another couple gallons of kerosene/lamp oil....

And a pack of candles......... so my mountain abode will glimmer in the wee hours, twinkling like the star of Christmas......

I love Christmas, every since I was a kid.... Rough childhood, and running off with the Elves to make cool toys, sure seemed better than some of my home life.....

So thats what I did......

Spent some of the day while Terrace Gardening, thinking about this latest interesting woman....

She's ethnic Latina, and the Latins always remind me of Goblins, So this Elf is having thoughts about the Goblin woman...... This should be a fun one, Huh?

We'll see, she likely knows better........

But I have to find out.....

Today I made yucca soup, cooked to a thick consistency and then poured over the puffy little rice grains to make a pretty good dish.....

the rice was cheap (Kinda) and the yucca was free........

Said goblin woman has some little hungry goblins to feed....
And Mr. Elf unit has already made his food security point to her......

Gee? Maybe time my investment in time money sweat etc., paid off some.... I've known for years that it would..... Just a matter of time now.... It will be a rude shock when females learn the system isn't doing it for them any more, and that they may have to acquire themselves an old fashioned “Man” to bar the door, light the lamp, and fry Venison.......

Anyway I like this one better than any of the others, which means nothing, if she isn't leaning my way..... This happens to me constantly... First Refusal Ritual.......

This one I like too much.....

today I enjoyed working outside.... and was thinking........

Maybe as a culture we should have concentrated more on back yard gardens, and less on what new shit the Joneses are doing payments on........

A DAY LATER........

Woke at 1:am, thinking this morning of how absurd it was to live all those years struggling in the rat race, and I'm not even a good rat......

Well now I'm at least a fair bush rat.......

My worker is still recovering from two colds and a bout with food poisoning in the same two week period... He's usually reliably ornery, but today its soft jobs.....

Got a call from my friend with the boat, he's working on his house to put it on the market, and when it goes, so too goes his public service job, and he will go full time to living and working on the boat....

One less highly competent and skilled professional in the work force.... Reasons for leaving?
Well kind of fed up with all the years of bullshit, Got to pay child support and alimony, got to watch management without a clue control things, tired of a cold climate, and last but not least he knows its pull now or lose all the value in his retirement etc., and so the plug is being pulled....

He's a Jimmy Buffet fan, but soon to be another of the type Jimmy sings about.....

An ex-pay-tree-ought..........

Exit Stage left.......

Soon at anchor in some balmy bay smelling the tropical flowers on the beach....

Funny thing about Ocean, its not a crowded place, and even the coastlines are nice and mostly empty.....

I was thinking yesterday, about boats, have a proprietary design worked up over 20 years of drawing and thinking about how to solve all the traditional problems, and I realized if I get to do my design, it will make a boat that even a woman would like for various reasons, from better stability than normal, to faster crossing times, to more security doing it....

We shall see, guess it depends on me getting to work eh? Well thats what this blog is all about, I consider it a platform... If my design concepts on the Space Elevator get some attention, and the blog also, which is designed to encourage others to actually make the decision and go relentless for their dream/escape option, I want to fade the blog into some fictional creative writing....

Because life is generally longer than what normalcy is able to entertain us for..........

And having been an avid reader most of my life, to switch over to being a writer is a comfy feeling option....

I know the competition is stiff, but I have certain advantages, like having done plenty in my life so far, and not all of it mundane.....

Also I've set myself up where I dont have to hold down a job, and have a near perfect situation as far as tranquility goes, to write..........

I've experimented, and the creative energy flows less when I'm trying to write in the city....

Up here on my mountainside, I am driven to write, and this gives me my best advantage, as I am writing because I like to, and not because I have to.........

Basically I've worked a year learning and writing, and it will all go on a website within weeks, for the world to sample...

I never expect to please everybody, but I expect to please some, and I also expect to displease some.... My apologies, but I tell it how I see it, and if you want me to tell it different, show it to me different....

If I manage to come up with something you like, feel free to copy and use it.... please try to stay out of trouble with my concepts, Violence is so seldom a viable path............

If you do anything illegal, its your responsibility....

I'm looking forward to more of the project, to do a running commentary on the reality unfolding, to give tidbits of advice on how to escape the technocult, and survive and subsist...

I've given a design concept for the Space Elevator/Asensor, that should keep the nerds busy crunching numbers and arguing feasibility for years, and I will consider it a great honor if even one of my ideas is actually used.........

And I want to eventually work into more entertaining creative writing, but also still informative......

Its a hobby.........

But you know the old saying: “life is what happens to you while you are planning something else..”........

So we shall see.... hopefully the space elevator thing will open some doors..... I am very very good at designing things, from a lifetime of making stuff..... no engineer raised on TV and fast food will be able to compete with me concept for concept, as I've continually polished my creative skills on many levels, and my mind isn't polluted with normalcy........

If shit goes in the dumps soon, I'll spend my days trying to herd a small group towards day to day survival..... which is what I do now.... most of the concepts of this blog have been tested on my lab-rats that want to be bush rats.........

I experiment constantly, and feel very lucky for my childhood attractions to the sciences and indigenous cultures.....

I also hope that my Neo-indigenous and Neo-nomadic concepts catch on and that others send me fotos of stuff they make in the guidelines.........

Basically to qualify, its gotta use materials and technologies from both the technocult and indigenous cultures in history or in the present....

Hopefully it wont be a bunch of bliss ninnies copying and pretending, but instead many serious and creative folks who run with the concepts...... (run for the door!)

That from now on Personal security depends on ones proportions of natural life and lifestyle, should be a good convincing agent.........

Lean that direction always.... in your days, always take steps when ever able... If you lean that way, your children will walk that way.... and your grandchildren will be that way.....

In paradise...... looks like it rained lightly last night, so I will write now, and do garden work in an hour or so when it drys slightly.....

Had visitors yesterday, mildly Official types, working for a company with contracts on the new pan-continental power lines....... the line will cut across a corner of my farm, and its been an on-going thing for maybe 5 years dealing with it all, but I got what I needed through a lot of stealthy political work..... And I made some friends in the process.... the process of fighting for what I needed to happen, my erstwhile apparent enemies were made friends....

One of the two guys yesterday is a gregarious type used by the company to do the talking and negotiating, the other was an Agronomic Engineer from Mexico....

Both are interested in things agricultural, the first is starting a farm project, and the second is definitely into the subject also....

I taught them both some things..... the Engineer gives me his card after awhile.....

I do that in most fields.......

I also listened to short wave last night, more on the economic slide of the bogus currency system, which when it goes will cause enough problems for people that they'll howl to have it replaced by another bogus economic system, and thats how the process continues.....

The bad news is bogus Economics doesn't cure any of the problems... Like say the problem of absolute obese governments putting their noses and other things in places they dont belong.....

I'm not overly worried, other than dodging the shit when it flies......

Its a ways to the war zone, the closest thing of any strategic value is the canal, a couple of hundred miles away.... And the Chinese are already running that.....

I adapt..... if the Chinese come, I go hide.........

I doubt that would happen, as within the first 15 minutes of a major war 3, the canal will be very radio active, which will change the local dynamics slightly.........

Anyway, home alone today, and basking in the peace and pleasant temperature of the morning......

I have some food cooked, and a repair job to do on the stove.... soldering........

other than that, its gardening or drawing or writing etc., to keep myself entertained.....

I keep thinking about all of the poor fools in the Rat Race, and how they are driven crazy by brainwashing on their TV's into using up their life force chasing the unobtainable just like a Hamster running his exercise wheel......

You ain't getting no where folks, just used up..... Maybe you should consider using that last couple of checks to get some camping gear before you jingle mail in the house and car keys?

Let 'em have their shit....

The big problem in the situation is emotional and fear driven..... how can you go camping and survive?

Well, it cant be camping like you are programmed to think camping is: where you drive on an asphalt entrance and park next to the picnic table and water spigot....

Thats not camping..... thats the government or private company taking advantage of your ignorance and laziness.....

Real camping by definition is a disconnection......

And a re-connection........

A disconnection with the system, and a reconnection with nature.....

What that means in American English, is you have to let go of that and choose this.....

And with freedom comes responsibility.... like you'd better have the food trip thought out good, as thats a major limit to the camping box.......

Most backpacker types who do long adventures stash food along their routes or send themselves food packages to post offices where the established trail nears civilization...

You cant really do the latter, and the former is a good idea, as long as the chain of stashes leads to something more permanent in the way of curing your constant food needs....

Personally if I were the one putting the keys into the mail box, I'd want a destination where the people were pleasantly sparse, and where the water ran clean enough to drink, and where there was lots of such area, and a nice climate too....

And I'd find some creek, and follow it up..... and hopefully do so in the dry season to know the limits of year round water.....

And there I would camp......

And start a garden.....

I did a list of garden/farm tools for you... its just the basics, and is a list that would need to be portaged in various trips....


Carpentry and wood;
Pocket knife
block plane
wood rasp
measuring tape
adzes, straight and curved
carpenters framing hammer
sledgehammer, 4 to 6 lb
splitting wedges, steel
builders level (24” or longer)
3/4/” wood chisel
Plumb and line
chalkline and box
paint brushes
scrub brush
flat scraper, (like a bee-keeper's hive tool)
C-clamps 4”-6”-8”
speed square

Metal and smithing;
bench vise, small
brace drill and bitts (both wood and metal bitts)
punches, taper, pin, center, etc.
Ball-peen hammers (sm., med., lg.)
hand files, (8-10 inch mill files)
hacksaw and blades
Norton stone
pliers, vice grips, lineman's, and needle nose
wire brush
screw driver set
Crescent wrenches

Garden tools:
grub hoe
fuel cans
turning fork
shovels, spading and crumbing
Mackenna (long handled double-digging tool made from leaf spring and a hunk of steel pipe)
wheel barrow
tire pump
garden rake
garden weeding hoes
leaf rake
sling shot
solar electric fencer and kit

Masonry and stone tools
mason's trowels
cross pien hammer
cold chisel
bucket, heavy duty

This is just the basics, but unless I'm missing something, its a kit capable of providing a sustainable life anywhere you can grow a garden, be it on a farm in Costa Rica, or on the BLM in the US......... plenty of little creek valleys with no access down into them.....

This tool list minus the wheel barrow, and long handled stuff, would fit easily into a standard sized trunk and go into a canoe or duckboat no problem.... and its enough stuff to build shelters or cabins, garden, and work with stone.
Basically one small boat load....

Or several packing in trips......

If you want to have gas powered stuff, like a chainsaw, generator, etc., you'll need to add a mechanics tool set to the list..........

In any permanent subsistence situation the chainsaw is the first and perhaps the only fossil fuel device other than lamps..... The “Gas-axe” is a very valuable tool in the brush..... with it I cook, and build, and stay warm.....

But I can live with out it....

In whats coming I think a small solar panel and a motorcycle battery power kit should be considered for lighting and radio.... if you can have more, do it, but I suggest you come at it from the how many panels and batteries I can afford end and not the how many appliances I can run end.... design from the minimalistic end to maintain mobility and simplicity factors....

Having a $10,000 solar energy system is of little use if you get pushed out of your area by another force.......

Its why I have all the garden tools and still do tools like the downsized spade into an E-tool,
and why I make scabbards for such tools so I can lash them onto a pack load, be it horse, or wise-ass person/me.......

I hope to stay where I am, and eat popcorn and drink cold beer while Rome burns, but I cant count on that, and its why I prepare on more than one level.........

If I had a million dollars, sure I'd have a roof of solar panels on my summer castle, but I'm just some poor slob, and have the motorcycle battery, and soon another, and a small panel on my list..... and it works for the most basics of human techno requirements: lighting........

Anyway, need to get off this thing soon due to not having said panel, but I at least got the tool list there, and maybe some poor fool with good intentions trying to escape the city in time, will use the list, to discover it really was a practical list....

I have friends who went from being “mentally bound” city dwellers, to very balanced and content people by getting out, living in the country, and gardening.... Probably millions of the type, including hundreds of thousands who started by growing pot, and got the nerve to try carrots next....


But I spent the day thinking about what I've heard on the news.... Lies about how good the economy isn't, Gee? I'm starting to even speak like the talking heads..... No truth, not a hint of the truth, dont even allude to the truth......

I did hear one interesting interview on BBC, I was busy and focused on something else, but did catch that it was a woman working for one of the NGO's or UN, in Afghanistan I think,
And she was speaking on the problems caused by all the focus on women, and what the results were..... i.e. That it caused everything from a backlash from males, to distraction of resources and attention, because poverty isn't sexually specific, and that there were plenty of men having it very very bad too....

It was refreshing to hear from a woman's mouth... plain truth, and sorry if you choose to believe different....

Its a real problem folks, and if you want to dawdle along in denial land, go ahead, But the reason there are poor women, isn't stupid white guys, its the status quo across the board, no matter how politically correct they like us to imagine them being.........

And I dont see any cure arriving quick enough to do any one any good.....

Denial, is resistant to every thing but reality.....

And its a long slow train coming, but reality is on the way......

Basically what it all boils down to, is if you blow out all the fluff, both business and government are a form of Cannibalism on the human mass.......

Specialization has a dark side, that some specialize into parasites.....

And the cure to 95% of what ails us, is dumping all the bullshit, and get back to making sure to hoe your own corn..... The minute you begin to focus on taking care of your own needs, is the instant the power trippers begin to lose their grip on you..... And things like Neo-indigenous and Neo-nomadic mindsets are “Advanced techniques” in the battle to break poddy-programming, and think self reliant.....

The more you take care of yourself, and the more you meet your own needs, the less you fear, and the harder you are to manipulate....

Anyway.... Do I wish women ill? No, I hurt sometimes listening on the news to what passes for normalcy..... people losing loved ones, houses, lands and fruit plantings, and losing hope....

Generally the culprits are ego and money.....

We all suffer....

Well most of us......

The dividing line isnt gender, its class, mostly economic class, but thats just stealth feudalism,
Funny how the Feudal system melted away like magic after the american and french revolutions scared the old money types........ Feudalism didn't go away, they just changed the vocabulary.....

All the old money is still around.....

Some are likely decent folks, trapped by their own circumstances........

But the game still sucks for most who have to play it......

And its our planet..... if we were really sapient, surely we could come up with a plan that works, instead of the big lie........

I see the personal one man's cure, being getting the hell out and putting some distance between one's self and Ground Zero, USA. Its going to be decentralization that counts.... in this survival situation, spreading out and getting some space between humans should be one of the first steps...... Civilization is a collective insanity, that uses the big lie to justify it all, as being sane.......

I have a hard time these days even going down to the village..... too many people.
Too much noise, too many cars.....

There are likely only two ways to insure good survival chances.... be self reliant, or have a group thats tight.....

Anything else doesn't make it to the end-game........

The last few days thinking about the latest woman.... Why? Well, I sense quality on this one.... do I need the problems? no..... But the thought of a quality partner after a slew of duds is attractive..... All I know is wrong choices lead to painful learning experiences.....

I've passed up good ones and chosen bad ones, twas mea culpa sometimes.....

But in whats coming one had better have a good dance partner, or better no partner, than a bad partner......

Thursday, my worker's Friday, he's hacking up a terrace and planting spuds, which gives the soil time to dry before trail carving, and me time to write while the motorcycle battery lasts...

It rained nicely last night, 'washed the outdoor kitchen for me.......

Listened to short wave last night, a survivalist's program, still on food shortages, and after that I listened to an economist for awhile, before dozing off.......

Gee? And here I am, doing fine and not really all that connected to all the problems, my problem today is to clean some drybeans, and get them in the pot a bubblin'..........

Soon payday, day trip to the border, likely spend money, but also likely cross things off of my list.......

I have to buy generator gas to finish some projects, gas to mow pasture, will try to up my kerosene stash, and get some goodies at the shops, its like a yardsale of Chinese made goods, all factory seconds, over runs, etc., and stuff comes and then goes....

What I need out of the maze of consumer goods is scant, no electric can openers here!

To me it was a stretch to get the travel iron last month, and that was for “hotel survival”
I.e. A stove of sorts to heat water........

When one sees through the filter of neo-indigenous thinking, its a pick and choose situation in the material world..... Neo means new or now, and I like to mix old tried and true, with really nifty & new.......

My dwelling may be portable, and my décor definitely Renegade in flavor, but I'll have a solar panel as soon as I can........

The concept is simple: take the best from all worlds............

'love it!


Then why not combine them to not have to hold down a job?

You know, subsistence working...........

I like to make things, and so I keep a litany of designs going on paper, and by the time ingredients show up, I have something pretty on the paper.........

But, I also tend to make practical items, all with an eye towards self sufficiency etc.,
And every item in it's own way frees me more, by providing this or that next step towards having everything I need.........

One realization I've made, is the appropriateness of home scale or farm scale stuff.....

And by farm scale, I mean classic small family farm, before excess mechanization, and excess toxic soup..........

All of those hand crank items......

All of the ubiquitous items from buckets to pitchforks.........

I made the conscious decision years ago to avoid piston engines as much as possible.....
They're just not my favorite item to work on...... been there, dun that, and didn't much like it.....

So my tools tend to be more simple, I nut and bolt things together, but I'm working more and more with other methods....

And as I was explaining yesterday, in wooden construction, nylon rope through drilled holes, is much stronger, more flexible, and more professional as a fastener.........

Its also much prettier.......

What blows me away, is how I'm ending up with a recognizable decor one item at a time....

definitely rustic, but also functional..........

And its sure more satisfying personally than a “Life in the Debit lane” to coin a phrase....

My life gets better and better, and the news on the radio gets worse and worse....

There are some poor slobs really getting it..... losing houses to predatory lenders, losing jobs, with wife and kids going soon after..... Bad Bad karma building up collectively, And the shit falling towards the fan...........

I'm thinking I need to do a batch of wine to use up some starfruit..............

I know how they feel, thats how I got here, technically homeless......... now I make my home in the mountain forests...........

And spend every day doing whatever I please...........

Where did I go wrong? And are there things to learn in it?

And I have the health insurance of a simple diet and plenty of exercise.....

I have the job security of an endless list of things to do............

Learn to let go of normalcy.......

Being homeless has a good side, you get really close with your car........

Sorry..... better to figure out how to give up the car too........

Cars make cramped houses........

There are plenty of places on the planet one can live.....

And its nice living outside..... I dont close in the ends of my wall tent, because I would miss the sky............

And thats an important point to think about.....

Have you ever gotten so used to being outside that you dont like being inside anymore?

Remember in grade school, back when they still allowed windows to look out of and dream and realize you'd rather be playing in the meadow or woods, and not having to write the same shit a thousand times for pointing out the truth in class.........


We've romanticized it.... adventure movies, books, radio plays, and not a one of those is real, just something to make the Gerbils in their cages think they are free for awhile.......

Take a look at the foto below..... these are trees I planted personally.... food trees, the first of a couple of thousand..... all kinds of stuff..... with crops starting to come in.........

This is a nice retirement.... I retired at 39 to start working on my retirement because,
it became obvious to me that a government retirement was a screw job aft.......

My point is: This is real, Money retirement isn't...........

I eat better and better as different things start to produce, while the would goes down hill on the food thing.......

What that means, is I have the cure..... If you want to be sure of continued eating, best you get some roots into the soil........

Reading in some Time Magazines a friend left me, and thing on child geniuses, and they talk about how parents push their kids these days..... I dont think thats a real good idea, much better in the long run, to just encourage their personal interests, and they eventually have to come full circle on all the other stuff, to complete their knowledge in their interest areas.....

But that wasn't my point....

My thoughts are how people are pushing their kids into the maw of the machine, like meat into a sausage grinder.....
And how the machine isn't working all that well these days, and maybe its a good idea to encourage something else......

Like things that will vector into workable skills in whats coming........

Spelling Bees are fun, and English is so silly, that it makes a good language to not be able to spell.....

But spelling English isn't going to do much for anyone in whats coming.......

And I think it would be wiser to have the kids learn Gardening, Tool use and maintenance, Practical crafts, like spinning and weaving, Animal husbandry, and survival skills..........

Personally I am a strong supporter of home schooling.......

If you want a quality education for your kids, you have to be involved, and sometimes even be the teacher..... pushing them off onto a specialist working for money is throwing your kid into the bin with the rest of the little fishies, and they come out generally much more mediocre than if you get into their educations up to your elbows........

The stereotypical Home schooler these days is in a Christian family..... They dont like all the shit like Gay sex education etc., which is done in a seedy fashion from their point of view...

And these days Government thinks it has the right to stick its finger up your butt at any time and for any reason, and so problems with the control trip over curriculum etc., and kids being taken away from good parents because some Atheist thinks he or she is a better human than the kid's folks.........

Its just another one of the many many signs of impending disaster..........

My advice, is the same as always.....

Reduce Baggage,

maximize mobility,

And get the hell out of the empire.......

You cant fix it, its too big, too screwed up, and too much Status Quo stationary inertia.....

And getting your kids to someplace likely to come through the Nuclear war Baby Bush and his 40 corporate warbucks thieves/mass murderers are trying to start, is perhaps a fairly good idea.....

As would be having your kids know how to survive in a Post-Technocult reality.....

Its as I explained to a friend on the fone this week, the folks who start WW 3 best never come out of their bunkers.... because after a nuclear war the other survivors will take them out and lynch them, no matter what their excuses are, who they are, or think they are, or which side they were on.......

And sure, they have food and weapons in the system of bunkers for government officials and for the Captains of Industry, but any one who thinks guns and ammo are enough to play power games after a nuclear war, is a moron.....

The Troops in Bagdad have guns and tanks and planes and helicopters......

And they get picked off constantly.....

The Status quo thinks its a good idea to kill off excess humans.... and so we have this Culture of Wardom, with us since biblical days, and they haven't figured out yet that the planet's limits aren't humanity's limits......

The Space Elevator is the Paradigm shift focus......

Which is why I am a very strong proponent of it happening as soon as possible....

So our Intelligentsia doesn't need to think of themselves as the Hereditary Warrior class, And while away their time in Ivory towers playing money games with investments in the Sausage grinder........

Millions of Americans, Europeans, Asians, Etc., plumbing their wealth into the military machine, as stock market investments in corporations, Which is less likely to produce a secure retirement than it is to produce a nuclear war...........

Get out! Get Out! Out of the stock market, and out of Babylon...... if you want to survive, and live to see grandchildren playing happily in the grass........

These mornings I am working in the terraces close to the house, carving with a pickhoe, for exercise..... Thats bad? Huh? So bored writing on the blog isn't enough to keep me busy, and I have to take up a pick hoe for something to do......

Well thats what happens I guess when you quit sucking off the status quo's hind teat....

I just dont know what to do with all the freedom..............

Actually its trying to restart an old habit from a past wives regression story......
Back when Organic gardening was my main thing.........

I see it as a fun part of my survival hobby to garden, I've been around it since a child,
Started off with having my own garden patch while in grade school........

I'm seeing that we are likely to do OK with the terraces in the citrus, planting the giant beans and other stuff, its “Food Security Landscaping,” a new style about to go vogue everywhere possible by everyone who can, in another food price hike or two.......
No doubt in my mind there are millions of steadfast gardeners all over the planet thinking about how they were right all along to stay home and garden, instead of sticking their nose out into the world's business.........

And thats pretty much the cure to what ails us, that we turn all the SUV's into places to start tomato and pepper plants......... Why go anywhere? All the chasin' around so many millions do, creates little necessary results for the amount of movement............

I'm seeing food plants and trees grow..... security..... today I am poor, week before payday syndrome, and I have this other problem of a stalk of bananas going ripe, meaning I dont plan to even cook today, just eat as many bananas as we can....... to keep from losing too many that go ripe faster than we can eat them.... its maybe 25 lbs or so of bananas.......

What I am talking about, is bits and pieces of the whole thing we got going with nothing but plenty of exercise..... I get exercise running up and down the mountain to write on this computer and charge it, 50 floors remember? Imagine the average office worker being required to do 50 floors before turning on his/her computer.......(You can do it! Just say NO to the Mac Burgers at lunch)...........

The good news, is that gardening pays more than money, which it always has, but now its getting obvious even to some of the slow ones, that there is a problem with the food system.... which usually comes just before some politically famous era in human history where this or that group of elite, get their heads whacked off with farm tools..........

Yup! There is a connection between farming and politics..... When management gets so bad that the farmers cant feed the people, its more likely a management problem, than anything the farmers are forgetting to do........

“Why are the people poor? Because the rulers eat up all the money in taxes.” (The Tao)

It isn't going to be long until you see politicians kissing farmers butts, and asking them if there is ANYTHING that can be done to help them......

A hungry politician, is a listening politician.......

The bad news is: no, theres not much you can do to help farmers, the good news is there is much you can “NOT” do, and so help them..... Get off their backs..... Get rid of middlemen....
Get rid of the Agi-chem Pushers........ Get rid of first world style import laws, fees, restrictions, etc., and let farmers grow food, make good livings at it on small farms, and pretty much everybody is at least gardening.....

Quit taxing what we need, and tax what we dont need.........

Another afternoon rain...... I have my Camel stove going, doing H2Ot (T= temperature)....
for cafe', spent the morning digging in the new terrace area and at the spring, thinking to do a small pool at the spring, adult wading pool?

We have the trees in, a majestic native palm, a lime tree, some small bamboo, a bread fruit tree..... and a nice carved into the hillside system of paths and trails in about 70 lemon and other lime trees......

thinking to do a stone pool, round maybe, that I can lay in on hot days, and watch the clouds.......

Went out with an Architect friend yesterday, helping him with design ideas on a small foot bridge, he comes down in stints, and spent too much time in the office paying for a family life, and so now is getting out and getting more “ hands on” like he desired.....

I was talking about the Neo-indigenous architecture ideas, and how a few wraps of nylon rope through holes in wood to sieze joinery together, had some pretty impressive qualities as a building technique......... It's light, strong, like to 5 wraps of 1/8th inch nylon line gives you a ton of breaking strength..............

And in an Earthquake situation a well designed structure could dance for a minute or two no problem.....

Also this morning after digging, it got hotter out, and I was wandering around the digs, just feeling good, like a kid in summer, and thinking about how wonderfully irresponsible my life was, thanks to my living outdoors lifestyle and lack of creditors and Rat race..........

I just camp full time, garden, do what ever, hunt or fish or snorkel if I work up the gumption........ I like to explore creeks and forests, usually barefoot these days, but mostly I stay close to home, and enjoy a boys life........

I also like the outdoor cooking....... making Bannocks at the fire is as fun as toy trucks in a dirt heap..... 'Dont have any trucks these days, but I haven't forgotten........

Also thinking this morning I should do a statue or something down at the pool.....
Maybe the woods nymph? Or several?

That would be fun!

I'm not bad at sculpture, and naked women are fun to do........

Especially Nymphs.....

so I'm feeling OK this morning, I can make a few moves on the game board, better my life just so much, and do a few preparedness things.........

This morning I took some sweet potato cuttings, the first of thousands I hope.......

At this very minute my worker is digging in an area of terraces, bettering what he roughed in maybe 4 or 5 years ago............

I like to try to improve each time we are there with the tools.....

and later he will hoe up a terrace face and start planting more stuff......

You know, with the economy and the global warming food thing, I think we will have to redefine the word “Gardener”, not entirely, but lean the word's common meaning towards whom ever it is growing one's food....... “Bill is my Gardener.”

I.E. Gardeners are about to come back in style in a big way, but not as someone who prunes the shrubs for snobs......

Its like my friend doing the mechanical/gardening swap with the Hippie woman.....

She's his gardener........

And as long as she can get along OK with his wife, the business could continue.......

Great spare time job for unemployed folks, put them in your back yard with a hoe...

You know, your brother in law....... or who ever is staying with you......

Or who ever owes you money.....

Or yourself, if you can get your non-technocult act together that much........

My worker also started cleaning the weeds out of our pineapple patch.... we have about 250 plants going there, and maybe 75 plants in various other spots, on our way to as many as we can figure out how to grow...... within a year we will bump those numbers up, and within say 2 years be into the thousands of plants, which is what I like....... be it Pineapples or sweet potatoes, or food trees........

My point is that food security is a result of such numbers, the big garden is a more sure garden.....

In our case we grow a lot of things that are self perpetuating, or like the fruit trees, landscaping level food growing..........

Basically when everybody is growing big gardens, the food crisis goes away.... until global warming trashes the gardens which it is and will.... the watchword will be; ADAPT!

Planning on going to go see the woman I like this week, take her a care package, likely fruit, and staples we have growing, I have a rice bag thats about what I want to carry on the bus............ To me the food growing thing, is like an Ace in this case.....

She has Kids..... and if its a kid, it eats...........

And its so nice that things have gotten bad enough, that the food gift, and food futures possibility is such a positive.... Will it save my ass with the woman? Likely no, if she decides I'm unbearably ugly or something........

Its also nice to know that my clan will soon have food security through my doing......

My grand children will be born into that; a family that grows all its own food.... and then some..... as its about to be such a good business........

My, how us white guys love big game hunting..... And I'm like Ted Nugent, I'd rather use a primitive weapon and so need better personal skills.......

The crossbow is all brass mounted, I used a hunk of brass pipe I was given, came originally from the banana company post ww2, and was so beat up and marked by pipe wrenches that I had to cut it up and use it inside out to have a finish surface I could take down to a nice look.....

The prod spring is from a Toyota landcruiser, vintage, and the wood for the stock was scrap left by lumber cutters.......... basically I built the whole thing out of stuff others threw out....

My son's comment when he saw it was to ask my worker what I used to shape it with?

Worker responded: “The four inch Milwaukee metal grinder....”

Actually I did it, the pack saddle, and the tortilla press all at the same time, using the tools on each piece possible before changing tools, and so saved enough Genny gas to make it though all three projects.... kept the head a little busy to be building the three all at the same time.... But I gotter done!

The reasons for a cross bow, are silence and accuracy in a True Organic weapon....

Also the ability to have it a power Magnum.... basically its enough weapon, to kill anything on the planet, and most of what could arrive from space......

Well, No shortage of Tercio Palo venom on the farm.... Not to mention Poison Arrow Frogs.....
They're down at the creek, cute little blue and red guys...... It far out classes David's sling....
This would launch a Quarrel all the way through both sides of Goliath's head with his helmet on, and maybe get a Philistine behind him too.......

I prefer a recurve or long bow for general use, but if I just have to kill it, and its big, I want at least the first shot to be a hard hit from afar thats quiet....

I have yet to build the sites, and would love Night vision on it......

Anyway a legendary quality weapon..... going to be slow to reload, but I like the style of fighting: Waiting Quietly for an Opportunity from cover and concealment.....

In other words, they only know when its already too late..... and have no way to know where I am..... I'd guess point blank will be out to 80 meters maybe..... and a nice easy lob out to maybe 400 plus meters....... thinking how to do a brass angle-indicator on it for use as a lobber...... I had a 150 lb crossbow that would shoot 350 meters, and this is 2X or more the power.....

Anyway, its sized for a 16 inch Quarrel....


And a trip to the border, lunch with the pretty woman, also ran into a friend who's known her for years.... I also took another woman friend with me to give her an opportunity to sense our group, and to get a woman's opinion of a woman.....

Anyway, on other subjects, have a nice infection going, tropical commonality, and such are likely to head north if north gets warmer.....

Infection is in calf, I suspect bacteria from a bug bite, locals have several names and theories for it, I've been milking copious amounts of pus and other stuff out of it, goes deep, but I got some Sulfa yesterday, taking orally, and also powdering into wound..... I've known people whom had had these big enough to stick their finger into the hole in the leg or arm..... Do consider buying some Sulfa drug......... its cheap and effective....

At the border there are a bunch of stores, and I cruised my favorite ones for whatever I could see, and also went back to check on a nice quality stockpot......

It was still there, so I got it, Stainless, 2 gallons and some change, thick plate bottom,
and a glass lid....... $18.00

Now my old cheap stockpot goes into a new life as a storage container........ likely for the 12 ft casting net.........

The pretty woman admitted asking her co-workers if I'd been by..... and I took my laptop with a bunch of fotos, and a nice letter for her to read....... Lots of positive nods from her, same damn experience as the 2nd time I talked to her..... The woman is either very comprehending or she has a strange head nodding habit........

I also gave a sermon on the bus on the way home.....

And got positive results there too.........

Basically I'm known to locals for doing that, I explain the unfolding reality to them,
Economy, global warming, what I hear on short wave..........

Anyway, I'm feeling OK, happy with the trip and response from the woman..... Nice lady, Nice to look at, and seems to be into having some help...... I took a sack of farm food,
Yucca, papachilicanas, breadfruit, some very nice egg limes, and she was happy.... food prices going through the roof, and a suitor with feed sacks of people food.........

She had less make up on, looked better, i.e. “fine plus”........ and we had fun chatting a bit...
her boss also came up and shook my hand again........ And now I have her fone number and her email, and she insisted on a kiss on the cheek when I left.... a stage in latin romance,
A few more of those, and on to better things........

I found out from my friend that knows her, that the latins aren't paying attention to the timing on her, too many kids, I was told, but I see two maybe out the door in the next 2-3 years, and who knows on the nieces, her brother could come get them anytime........

Leaving some ace woman unguarded by kids in excess.....

The latins would be jumping all over her if they thought it out.....
The woman gets hit on fairly regular, but no legitimate offer lately if I read things right.....
A widow with too many kids.....

Gee!? I like kids, and will soon have more and more food......

Little fruit pickers?

Anyway I had a good time also with the woman I went with, got to shock a few locals on the bus, as my friend's baby got fussy, and she, nor the baby's dad, nor its grandmother could settle it down, so I got up and snagged the little shit, which shocked all the people who thought I was some gringo surfer, and then sat back down with the kid, (my niece,)
She was instantly happy, and was asleep in a couple of minutes, much to the shock of 20 or 30 witnesses..... Tarzan has a way with animals and kids........

I only talk English to her, she's 8 months, and never fails to give me a big 3 tooth smile when she sees me....

If only other women could be so friendly eh?

This one I'm going to spend some time on and see what I can do to prepare her ahead of the normalcy curve.... I got a state champion with one of my sons, and have been curious how my techniques would work with a female.....

I also got a phone call from said Son, reporting website almost up, and that number two son likes my recommendations on guns, makes, calibers, etc., and that he already got one new gun along my lines....... long range rifle and quick and accurate pistol used to be my main hobbies, besides paying child support...

And number two son is seeing a gun collection as a very fine inflation hedge, better than gold, because you can use a gun to keep your gun from being stolen, but its harder to intimidate would-be robbers with a hunk of gold pointing at them......

Both my kids got taught serious level gun skills as little kids, followed by paintball at their own choice, followed by habitual camping and winter sports....... and they are good enough that in a crisis, I'd hand my weapon off to one of them if need be, to better the odds on the outcome....... very skilled guys....... Sons of a life long survivalist.......

Recommending a bench rifle in .375 H&H with an extra long bull barrel to take advantage of the caliber's long range characteristics, that so few people realize.... .375 is an elephant cartridge, Almost even at 1000 meters..... and the kid is half polish and beefy..... and he likes Ya-hoo thrills....

I think a long boat tail bullet, and lotsa Dupont IMR 4831, and a really nice 50mm objective scope and a recommendation that if the kid likes it, to go in search of those places men get together and shoot, mostly retired military or police or marines...... you know: the .308 bullet heads.......

Most people dont realize that such a .375 is like half a Barret .50, and less to carry and a lot less questions as a target rifle........

Where I come from, All the Real men collect and shoot guns, and are good at it, out to at least 400 yards or better......... Elk Season and deer season come young....

Basically the north and west corner of the US would be a really bad place to try to be an occupying army in...... if the local guys dont like you, you'd best go elsewhere, no matter what you have, or how many of you there are.... that Quarter of the continent is home to a race of fairly adept snipers.......... I heard rumor that one Iranian sniper team accounted for many many kills on US troops in Iraq..... Gee? I wonder what a few hundred thousand Born “ Long Rangers” Could do to an invading Army? You know the type of guys: the ones who'd say:

“Fuck that peaceful protest shit, lets splatter the bastards!”

By the way.... .375 H&H is a popular big bear round.....
And it would also be a good caliber to have if our Nephilim Friends do happen to show up around 2012......... And I'm not the only one to be thinking like that, other Survivalists are stocking similar calibers, and for just that reason....

Do I think its a good idea to shoot at someone with technologies so in advance of ours?

but I would rather make this planet a dangerous place for them, than have them decide to hang around, if they have bad manners........

It would be better we fight to the last person, than allow ourselves to be used as meat cattle......

Another day.........

Went yesterday and helped my friend build his foot bridge, we got it decked, wants the top on the handrail of being done.... fun project, 3 guys working, built something permanent and pretty and useful.....

My friend complemented me to my taking a woman and baby with me to go see the Pretty Woman, He realized how well that would work with the usual cross cultural problems.......

I'm feeling good about it, nice lady, and so, deserving of help, unlike so many that I've wasted my time and good heart on.......

And yesterday after the Bridge work, we dropped my worker off, and Went in to see the baby, and say Hi to the mom, and the baby was happy to see her dad, but saw me and wanted me, and her dad tried to get her attention and she kept reaching for me, and everyone saw it........ even an Aunt staying there........ Hmmm? A surprise to me, but a nice one, I've been working with the kid since birth, teaching as she goes through her steps, and she's realized what I am doing: teaching with play.....

And I think Pretty Woman may reach for me too......

It's another pretty morning here, a gentle tropical rain in the night, and now the valley has some clouds in it, while I'm up above and in the sun coming over the mountainside.........

Feeling good, a couple cups of cafe', and thinking about my latest scores in survivalist materialism....

I made food in the new stockpot, it was nice to cook in with the heavier bottom, and I do like glass lids for cooking, but have my doubts about them in a Nomadic situation....

one can be careful, and maybe go many years with out breaking them, but its been my experience that all glass items one uses eventually get broken........

But a lid isn't a pot, and almost anything will work as a lid.......

I also got a new 1.2 liter thermos, to replace one that lost its vacuum, so I'm happy, as it allows me to save on matches and stove fuel........

Another Item I got was a rubberized carrying bag, like a duck decoy bag but smaller, camo, and it was like $2...... I wish I had used my brain better and gotten several, just for their material..... have to go back in a few weeks and maybe they'll still be there......

Anyway, gave Pretty Woman a slide show on my laptop, which I think she enjoyed, I like doing the crafts and gardening trips, and they look nice as fotos..........

And so today, not much on my agenda, do up the dishes and cook my daily fare......

and doing the dishes sitting on a rock at a spring in a tropical paradise sure beats looking out a kitchen window in winter...... And I do like the outdoor cooking..... Camping is the best of lives....... “Homeless? Thank God!”

Another fun Item, is a friend showed my son's sister in law how to do french fries out of the breadfruit, and she really liked it, so now past the Tico resistance to new foods.....

These people are strange when it comes to food, rice and beans three times a day all their lives.......

I got some plastic bag food at a store, going to take a culinary vacation from farm food for a day or two....

Anyway it all beats holding down a job and trying to appear normal......

The American dream was kind of a very limited and not too imaginative dream.... a house in the burbs, some Detroit Iron in the driveway, maybe a boat or a camper, and for that you sign up to be a life time slave to the Big Lie?

Well, Thats all gone now, down the drain, and about to leave a billion or more humans worse off, with probably less than a million getting even more rich......

Wealth creation, creates poverty too..... plenty of Indigenous peoples living in slums and dying of poverty related diseases, who did fine as a people before the big lie showed up to help them become more than simple savages......

Go back to the roots folks, go back to the roots or die.......... Black Elk's Prophecy sure seems to be coming true.......... The crazy wild eyed whites, and their mental illness for the yellow metal does look to be entering the end game.......

Re-wild yourself.

Do it one step at a time, if thats how you have to do it..... and anyone with a brain will realize things like heavy duty camping equipment should take priority in one's personal economy over other things related to the big lie............

Yup! Its just like playing normal, only now we play like normal is out the window, and us happy campers are grinning about it! Swim in the river! Who needs a public pool, or even a private one? God made bunches of places to swim.... and those swimmimg pools one sees from the airplane, are owned by people who dont have any imagination..... a very ego centered people, who tear up the earth and build things to please their own vanities, which are many.........

If I dig, if I build, I will add to nature in some way as respectful and in harmony as I possibly can.........

Coming home to my farm has a feel to it, Like say a Pueblo or Navajo coming home to his
Hogan, with the chickens in the yard and the horses chasing the goats away from the grain trough.....

You need a new dream people, the old one is effectively dead..... From now on, the only real security is a more natural life, to live close to the land, to walk on your own feet from Horizon to Horizon, to be responsible for your own defense, even against the Jackals and Hyenas in business suits.......

Only buy what fits “The New Dream”, and it will cause a stir in Madison Avenue, when their data mining finds that its a strange class of sales doing well in the times......

“Millions of people buying all kinds of stuff, but all of it outdoor related.....”

Dont just think outside the box, get your butt out of the box too........

Walk away from it..... pick up a rock, sling it at the box, and see if you can hit it: Thump!
Its just an empty box.....

Turn your face into the sun...... see the morning dawning pretty, leave the smokestacks and industrial squalor over the horizon behind you.... Shoulder you grubbin' hoe, Wander out into the garden, and turn some earth and plant some seeds, and make crafts, items that you need....

Sure seems nice in comparison to holding down a job.....

Basically the truth is this, that anyone with half a brain, and even the smallest of grubstakes worked up had better give up on the Big Lie, and find themselves somewhere to grow spuds and grains....... I hear people on short wave this week figuring things like that out, that those who can bail are likely to do so, the rich ones first, and the rest in order of resources and I.Q., Which seems to be the natural thing to happen to me.... Not all humans are so stupid to go down with the ship if they can find a lifeboat..........

It all goes back to the fact that the foundation of civilization is excess food supply, and if we didn't have excesses, all those folks working in office buildings would have to go out and turn over rocks and look under boards for anything edible.....

Well, we haven't gotten to that stage yet, but the analogy is right for the situation, except we are only at the stage the ones with money or brains are just starting to think about leaving the office, and going out where there are rocks and boards.......

The people who think they are rich will go places, some to other countries, and will do fine, until the money system collapses and leaves them in someplace bazaar with no leverage over the natives, to get them to play servants.........

If you are going to someplace foreign, you had best boot up a food supply that doesn't rely on paper wealth, or even gold for that matter, because as this global warming thing heats up and food really does get short, gold ain't gonna make it as anything... you either have food or you dont have food, and food becomes THE currency in all transactions that mean anything.......

You have a little time.... but a lot less than I had, because I was lucky enough to get screwed over enough to cause me to leave..... I bailed a dozen years ago, and have been learning the ropes and getting my trip together every since, and the rest of you are just starting to wake up to the problem a decade behind me....

So yea..... dink around in Denial land, or Vanity land all you want, but every minute and every cent you waste is less you have going towards saving your own worthless ass from whats coming at us..........

No need to panic, just everyone had better start getting their shit together on all levels, including honesty, Because the best way to save the most people is for all of them to get really really into honesty......

From honest appraisals of the reality, to honestly trying to do something to fix it....

I suggest while the rest of humanity is catching up, that the readership of this blog all work on their own trip.... literally.....

Basically the bottom line soon, is rights to a garden patch, and a water source....

And it will get down to those rights coming from your ability to personally defend that garden and spring.........

And you need to always remember to never to forget MOBILITY, because if you are forced off your center, you had best have a way to re-find a working balance, I.E. If you get run out, best have the bug-out kit to keep you alive.....

I suspect in the future a good grubbing hoe will be a man's most important tool..... there is no shortage of shelter, plenty of structures all over the planet, there is no shortage of clothing yet, plenty in people's closets, its the Food silly! And the water, and the cooking fuel..... and a way to defend it.....

I've suggested people who have no resources consider squatting on public lands.....

They wont like me at the BLM, but it makes more sense than herding everyone into camps where the microbes can run through the massed up food-stressed sheep.....

Get out where you can dig in the dirt.....

I've put the basic secrets into this blog, from springs as water sources, to words about tarps to avoid “Yuppie UH-OH!”, yuppie uh oh is when all the backpacker bliss ninnies discover that their nylon dome tent seems to be degrading rapidly, that its really miserable to cook in thin aluminum pans with no decent handles, and that the rats have gotten into their freeze dried food stash, and what the rats didn't eat, they shit and pissed on, and the dog turns up his nose at the mess......

Then they discover that the soft blade on their Swiss knife is going fast, as it doesn't seem to stay sharp very long.....

After that, the backpack rips out.....

The rats use the sleeping bag stuffing to build nests with.....

And the Magnesium flint sparker sure seems to be disappearing too...... not much left, and how will I build a fire after its gone?

And gee? I thought a couple boxes of fish hooks would be enough......

And how come the stuff in the garden wont grow good with out the fertilizer now?

Hmmmm? Are we sensing the general direction of things yet?

Its why I write this shit...... I feel sorry for the morons who believe in the big lie.....

Luckily I feel sorry a bit in advance of the real problems.......

Sorry enough to waste my time doing this.......

Anyway, today I will be working in the garden, I will also be getting a pot of homegrown soup going, and I will bath in and drink from a meter-less water source.....

Basically it all boils down to the monopoly game being over...... we have some fools that think money means something and is real..... Fairy tales are more real......

And you cant eat a fairy tail......

I suspect the next move will be the system attempting to up food production.... that will work for a while...... until climate change numbers over run their technical abilities....

The bottom line is before this is all over, pretty much everyone is going to have to be hoeing dirt, carrying water, shitting in a hole, and taking turns on watch all night to keep from being over run by “The Hungrys”............

So, get good equipment and tools, and have good weapons, and look at your friends and wonder if they are really worth joining up with, or if they are just full of shit assholes, that it would be best to get away from.....

And think about the honesty thing.... lack of honesty is how we got where we are today....


And came home to my asshole neighbor's cows in my garden.... so I called my worker to bring a backup camera in the morning, and official cow hunting season begins at dawn....

Fall the pieces where they may.......

'Tis my legal right, and after 12 years, I've most certainly had enough, can't promise I'll get one immediately, As it will be a bow hunt, but when I do, story and fotos if we get any, will go here, to brighten up my blog with some almost real time adventure for you guys....

Anyway, cow's owner is town bully, and already knifed an 80 year old man to death....

So, this isn't just any cow in the yard problem, but I get to be my own reporter.....

Funny thing, just this morning; trying to get a freezer to happen for this very same problem....

I just don't want to waste the meat, I wasn't brought up to do that, and I agree logically with my own creed..........

but, if I have to I will leave it for the buzzards.....

“Shouldn't have to.......

Anyway, a tich stressed, went to town to try to send this, to boot up the blog, and the wireless I was using was marginal, and the computer booted it but then didn't want to add the files I wanted, only some files that I already sent.......

So, I try again in a couple of weeks..... maybe I'll have some cow hunt fotos on it by then?

I did go to the border today, looking for pretty woman, she wasn't around but I left her some fruit with a co-worker........

And on the bus home ran into another woman, same first name as pretty woman, and this one was interested in me, and threatened to come up to the farm and visit me..... this woman is thin and brown, face a tich plain, but sometimes this type are better friends.....

Bazaar part was her age, 25.........

Anyway, went to town with a friend, and two others, my worker/adopted step son, and a local village girl I've known since she was a kid..... who wants to come study with me....

She's a good kid, 18, and I'm friends with a lot of people in her family....

I dont have any interest in her, I just like her for who she is, and I try not to try to initiate things..... I figure if some woman is silly enough to want me, she'll let me know....

The latinos are horrible, they hit on everything female, gay, or warm blooded......

I don't want to be like that... I have some pride in my own hard won self control.... If I like a woman I tell her.....
And if she's married etc., its just friends baby, sorry......

I don't need any bad luck Karma.....

Murphy finds me plenty often as it is.........

The girl who wants to study english got to listen to self and friend today, likely some of her first experience with live english.....

Good kid....

I also bought a kitchen knife today, Chinese with hollow stainless handle, like some Pro Chef's knives I bought awhile back at a restaurant supply.... but these were at the discount store, and there were several different companie's versions of the same thing, and some looked really low quality, and this model looked not too bad, and I bought one to take home and try on a stone to gage hardness.....

Turned out to be equal or maybe better than the more spendy versions...

It is lighter, almost backpacker weight, and the reason I mention it, is because such knives are a pretty good choice for a bug out kit kitchen knife....

Basically I'm enough of a metal worker that I cut up decent knives, and make nicer and distinct other knives with the steel......

and if the same knife is there when I go back in a couple of weeks, I will buy several for that purpose, and turn french knives into other styles than are available here but in really poor quality metals........

Ok below is a foto, Your's truly with the stupid grin, knife in hand....

Also I consider such knives to be good barter stock after the crunch..... beware of the cheap versions, but know the difference in price here was $7-$10 for the real chef's knives, about $2 for the knife I bought, and the cheap versions were about $1.50...........

Thanks to The Chinese slaves of Capitalism, who haven't a chance in hell of a better life....

Back towards point; for $2 you can buy a knife worth having in your bug out kit....

But you have to know a little something to not end up with some cheesy Ginsu TV quality piece of shit.... The Chinese are upping their quality constantly, and you can literally get almost anything you want for pennies on the dollar compared to a generation ago.....

But you can buy shit........

As many do, and never know the difference..............

The reason I like these knives is the light weight, rust proof stainless, and the fact that the better ones have steels similar to 420 and 440c.... usually 420 level stuff.... which even ten years ago meant a $40 or so knife.....

And what I am getting to, is that there isn't much reason to not have a bug out kit, or similar items in your trading stash.....

The guys with gold and silver are going to have a learning experience after the crash,
That when there is not enough food etc., there is automatically more gold and silver than anyone wants.... They want food.....

Meaning after the crash, it will take a little time, but people will break and wear out knives, many will be chewed up in the quakes, and there will come a day when its unlikely we still have enough Tech booted to make stainless steel.....

So, if I make it back in time, I'll buy the rack out.... then they will go into my stash, and like money in the bank only better.....

I can hand them out to grandchildren as wedding gifts, when all gifts are used stuff from before the crash, or hand crafted since the crash.......
They weigh very little..... but as a tool, they are important, try living a day with no knife.....

Anyway, if I can get more, I'll make a fillet knife out of one, and a utility knife out of another etc., and have a set.....

So I had a good day, flirting w/females, the cow thing is a stresser, but I know how to fix it... transfer the stress to its rightful owner by butchering one of his cows....

Gris is a bit crazy, thats how he got to paradise......

All you nominally normals should take a lesson.....

Today on the second bus ran into a tico friend and his Canadian wife, first time to meet her, him I've known for years, she sat by me on the bus and we made friends, She's from BC and I'm from Oregon, so we are both from the same area culturally... Young Hippy type....

Nice girl.... seemed to have some balance.......

And she was in to gardening and I got to give her some of what I've learned....

My worker got his third job, now working for me and two other Americans, building trails, something I taught him and told him that it had potential as a business....

Well, he has workers now...... other guys learning the handles of pick-hoes.......

Its good work, like going to the gym, but instead of somebody else getting rich selling gym memberships, a pick-hoe applied on your own farm will make improvements that will last hundreds of years.........

Basically I'm starting a Male “Digger's” culture..... and in time will change the local Food growing culture from “Slash and burn” to “Dig and compost”...........

It may take a few years, but with what I've learned about growing stuff on this soil, the ones who dont learn will be very thin, very soon..........

I teach, therefore I am a teacher..... I give sermons on the bus, I teach in living rooms, and I teach here on this still un-launched blog....

Why? Who the hell knows, just driven to do so by something inside thats me.......


Is how we need to rebuild our collective culture....... It makes no sense to me to run with an operating system that has the most greedy humans running things, i.e. Capitalism, and it makes no sense to me that those who are the best liars, i.e. Politics and politicians, have control of common man's lives...........

We need a re-design..... Communism has similar defects, its always somebody not working and still eating, and thinking its their right by gift of God, to screw others over.....(Management)

Business isn't a viable model, current governments are not viable models, and all the Talking Heads in the Universe cant change that....

Basically it all boils down to what the American founding fathers knew; that power needs to reside in the hands of the most people possible, and have the fewest “Elite” possible....

Unfortunately it all got corrupted along the way......

“Tis time to push the reset button.....”

Only this time when we design the system, don't create a legislative branch, Just two laws,
that you must keep your word, and that you must not cause damage to others or to the planet.....

For Law enforcement? I suggest a system based on vigilantism......

Let the village decide what to do about its own problems....

For National Defense? Decentralize all arms, make us into a Nuclear Switzerland, Nukes in all 50 states, under control of state and local governments..... let the Chinese and Russians figure out how to deal with that.... and I think we need to adopt the Swiss Military model, complete with the Orliken in the Closet in the Average home Chalet, and also we need to adopt the 100% Referendum model of government, with Political Office being the reality equivalent of A Drum Major for a marching band, i.e. Pretty much totally Ornamental......

On Arms, I suggest that any new governments that desire to have a future, just cut the 2nd amendment right after the words “Shall not be infringed.” and so eliminate the Well ordered Militia Arguments.... Weapons ownership is an inalienable right, and any government that infringes that right in any way, has zero legitimacy....... if I want a LAW Rocket for a wall hanger, I should be able to have one...... Such logic would also confound potential enemies...

“The Americans are very Eclectic, They all have all kinds of weapons in their homes, from small arms to anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons, Invasion is therefore impossible, and Starting any conflict with them as an opponent is very unwise.”

Are We less than the Swiss?

We also need to work very fast and very hard to lower the stress levels in our societies....

Stress is what leads to Campus Massacres......

Whether its pushy parents, or a Culture that expects too much from young people, its stress thats the common link....... We have Psychologists charging $100 or more an hour who never fix anyone..... put those guys to work hoeing turnips, and just lower the stresses, and the weird people going nuts things, will start to disappear the same way they came.......

Use the power of Internet and computers to have all political offices and Politicians and CEO's etc., “Bugged” 24 hours a day with unlimited public access to the streams......

Us Watching Big Brother........

Its not the people who need to be spied on...........

Genetically Eliminate Greed..... Greed crimes have mandatory sterilization as part of any plea bargain etc.

The QUESTION of our times is can we come up with a culture that works?

Instead of just pretending to.........

Are not a good idea....... and They are being hyped these days as a cure for war.....
Funny thing, they are being hyped by the same people who make money from war.....

World Government and personal freedom are opposites.... Diametrically Opposed......

What that means in plain English, is that absolutely no one benefits personally, except the rich and the war bucks folks......

They're morons, who think they can slip past natural law by having someone else do all the suffering, by transferring the suffering off on them by economic means.....

What that means to you personally, is if you go along with it, in any way, you are just screwing yourself, and asking to have to Heil Hitler out of fear.....

Time for a few Clog style wooden shoes to go into the “loom of lies” nearest you.....

Funny how Clog the verb, comes from Lud's shoe......

Luddite? That would only be a skiff of a start.......

We dont need to prevent power looms, we need to get them into people's houses and out of factories, and have the profits go with them..... Beyond Ghandi's spinning wheel......

Again, the Swiss model.... how they started their watch manufacturing, it was a cottage industry for people who were decentralized, according to my grandfather, who was a horologist,
As am I......

People made the parts on contract in their own homes on small tooling......

We could do almost everything that way.... jobs? Thats something you do in the family shop if you want any trading credit.......

Really folks, you've been pretty much sold a bill of goods on the reverse polarity reality.....

you name it, just about any part of the system has been so twisted by human nature and self centered thinking that its all totally dysfunctional from any one's point of view......

The only cure on an individual level is to get one's own trip together, and prepare for whats coming...... Neo-Indigenize....... go to earth, quit looking for dollar signs, and start doing something that is real..... I heard a guy on short wave discussing the same point, he advised doing something on one's own land with any excess funds, like planting walnut trees, i.e. Something that will do you some good, and that doesn't depend on some Shyster's fine print legalese pig-latin jargon.......From the Flim-flam clubs of the planet.......

It's like me living in a tarp wall-tent with no walls..... I got in the food trees first, and in time they pay for the house....... All Castles ever built were in some way financed by agriculture.......

Those financed by bankers, were paid off in serf products......

Royalty? There is no such thing......

Its an obvious fairy tale.......

They think it goes back to the Sky Gods.....

I think they may be descendants of the “Sky Devils”.........

Home Alone this morning, Thinking about how being a survivalist is like having a split personality..... living in one world, preparing for the next one, and its most likely to be this one after being trashed......

The arrogance of humanity constantly boggles me.... The people in positions of power many times succumb to the head trips that their situations breed........

To Trash one's own biosphere is insane.......

As is breeding without limit...........

I gnaw at survival ism, as I have said, its a direction to lean towards in all things.....

As dark clouds cover the horizon, most of humanity is gnawing their figurative finger nails,
and doing absolutely nothing to prepare....

Some are already starving, while a few bathe in money......

I have so much more than I need, and I still want more.... and I know for a fact that its all excess baggage.......

Part of it is the having to live in both worlds thing.....

Another part is knowing that when the castle falls, there wont be anymore cheap and easy materialism, and so I consider my buying as “CAUSING THIS ITEM TO BE MADE”......

And I think what I've done may allow me to supply some younger people with some basics after the collapse...........

Here on the farm we are talking about various ways to begin to use better our excesses....

And thinking to buy some stuff to help us process things on a home/farm scale.....

Which is what some of my Kitchen collection is about.....

I try to get the basics first...... but am thinking also about maybe buying the occasional electrical appliance....

A blender to pulp fruit for juices, deserts, and wine making.......

A meat grinder to grind up other thicker veggie products......

Maybe build a grain-mill of my own design.....

Do a simple seed cleaner......

Most of these things are nothing to the average working person of the first world.....
They stuff their houses with more and more of such stuff, until its bulging out from behind doors that won't latch anymore......

But I'm getting by on a tiny fraction of the average first world budget, and so it takes me maybe 10X more time to make such things happen.....

Also I'm seeing some nice downsized stuff, like the travel iron, that might be handy for a guy as long as the 'Trons keep coming.......

I dont know where I will be a year from now.... I like to think I will still be here on my figurative island, but who knows for sure?

And I realize that the “Cheap Shit Era” is likely to be a short one......

So I grab what I can....

I also think about the Great Depression survivor's mindset of hoarding anything useful......

And we are talking about connecting to the Electric Grid, and so a few electrical Genies on the counter and in the cabinet might be a nice thing.......

But I tend to go for the basics first, and the smaller versions of them.....

I was in a department store the other day, looking at waffle irons.....

All of them in stock are multi-use with reversible plates, to be used as sandwich makers etc.,
But there was no single section unit, all of them made two waffles etc., and so were double in size..... So, I will keep my eyes open for a single unit of some manner from now on...


Because I've come to respect and love the power of minimalism even in my excess and not necessary materialism.......

I also saw a downsized electric coffee maker, and although I have no use for it at the moment, lacking power, I'm wondering if it wouldn't be a good idea to own such, in case I get my boat together or something, and occasionally get hooked to shore power that way....

I'd also like to find the smallest microwave oven available.... for the same reasons....

and a downsized refrigerator......

And a monster sized freezer....

My country person background is as addicted to freezer technologies as much as any farm wife in Nebraska.......

OK back towards point; What kind of an effect would buying downsized stuff have?

Well moving would be much simpler... no Mayflower needed......

My point is downsizing pays.......

And we are all about to get to downsize our reality expectations......

I listened to shortwave last night, got to hear someone else talk about the thieves in charge and how they are stealing from you, stealing your future, stealing your survival odds, stealing your dreams, stealing your children, and you do nothing, like some stupid cow, because you cling to normalcy like a drowning man clutching at straws.........

Well, I've been there, and done that, and all it gets you is an ulcer from all the stress and emotional suffering........

I realized I'd be better off in real terms living out of a backpack in the woods.......

I am a woodsman by nature......

As well as a Sailor.....

So here I am, up on a mountainside in Central America sipping Cafe' and writing these lines.... and hoping there are enough bored and worried people out there that some will find this, bother to read it, and maybe take away something useful for themselves that helps them get their trip together and make it through what is beginning to happen now........

One thing I see happening now, is people starting to draw back into the countryside and hills... Also going to other countries, like my friend Francisco's wife showing up....

I dont know their story well enough to make any conclusions, but she's here and working on a garden.... and not up in the states working.........

My point is people ARE beginning to pull the plug, and filter out of the technocult....

Meanwhile the power trippers are pushing more of the same shit as what causes the problems.....

World government? Thats MORE government, and government isn't even a necessary evil anymore, its just flat evil......

More laws to benefit the corporations?

Who is on the far side of that equation? If laws benefit the corporations, who DON'T they benefit? Maybe You? Me? All of us?

There are too many laws.............

Anyway, I need to get some food started....... and save some current for other projects, as this isn't the only thing I do on computer.........

A day later........

felt energetic this morning, planted sweet potatoes, weeded, and built a handle for an oriental style sickle as in “One straw Revolution”.....

Used a Cortesa scrap, it turned out nice, currently letting the project rest, and thinking how I want to mount the blade........

The blade is from a Brazilian Chef's knife who's plastic handle degraded living out side.......

The steel (stainless 420?) is from Germany..................

Then I ate a Pineapple, followed by a bath to de juice myself....

That was good..........

And now have coffee H2Ot on the Camel back stove.......

Anyway, Life is good, was thinking of all the poor slaves in the cities, gonna be thinner stringier slaves pretty soon with food becoming a question.......

Yup! Too many drones and not enough food growers..........

Corporate farms? They're the bad guys, Unless they're Organic........


'Been busy, yesterday a hike in the brush with some engineers, working on the Transcontinental power grid....

They're putting a tower on my farm, up at the top, And I get paid a small sum, likely a few hundred dollars, for about 5 years of hassles dealing with various contractors and project representatives, Getting what I needed, making some friends, and its a small country, so any connections made good tend to have paybacks in the long run......

They also have to take out some trees, one is Zapatero, I own half that tree, and its maybe 4 ft through at the butt, and Zapetero is nice pretty wood....

In other words “House”..........

Funny Story; yesterday the guys were laughing and showed me a foto, they'd just come from another landowner's place, and He was this tico living back in the brush, hard to find, and they had to go looking for him, and didn't find him, but on their way out, he was standing blocking the road, leaning on a staff...... Wearing nothing but shorts, no shoes, and had come out of the jungle.....

And so they had to have a foto of me too, Wearing nothing but shorts and a necklace, a Machete in scabbard, barefoot and running around in the jungle with them..... to take back to the office, having delt with two brush rats of character in the same day......

Moral of the story, is brush rats aren't all that uncommon.... And anyone who laughs at us, should wait and see where he ends up after his divorce......

Anyway, so somewhere in the computer archives of the power grid project will be a foto of me..... something to impress the city people with I guess........

More mention of food last night on short wave......

Hmmm? And I wandered around in the garden this morning trying to grasp the amount of area we've put into food in the last few weeks....


Because there are plenty of places to grow food, and plenty of people who could be doing just that, and it isn't happening yet.....

Well it is.... but just beginning, lots of people no doubt putting in bigger gardens, but thats the tip of the ice berg in comparison to what needs to be happening....


Anyway, 'need to get all those perfumed secretaries out weeding raised beds, and their perfumed male (?) counterparts too......

And until that begins to happen, there is no food security, and all the hounds in hell cant chase it down for you.......

Excess food is the foundation of civilization, when the food supply drops, so does civilization... Currently happening incrementally.... as the statistics ebb........


What that means is we have to give up some civilization to re-adapt.... What should we give up? Our Rights? NO...... I think we should give up some excess government, and some excess paperwork, and some excess cars, and excess people all concentrated in the cities.....
And some excess chemicals, and some excess food....

Yea! Lets trim off what we dont really like anyway....

Excess taxation? Scratch!

Excess military spending?

Excess wasted time and resources transporting perfumed asses to offices.......

Anyway, they're try more of the same instead.....

Meaning my futures in survival blogging will be good, because the morons will insist on going down the path to Armageddon.....

Another thought I had on the Fotos of the Brush rats, was that there are going to be a lot of romance stories when the food supply does go down.....

Plenty of perfumed women with baggy skin, filtering out into the brush by myriad routes, all looking for some fool with a garden..... Literally billions of them.... Like some Spider Migration.....

Meaning the women who do it first, have the best odds, and the most choices....

But its like they used to say about the women who went to Alaska looking for men, that their odds were very good there, but that the goods were also very odd....

And a bunch of crusty brush rats will be fun dynamics for a romance story or two, certainly a comedy, depending on point of view.....

Had me munching and thinking about how insane it is to be doing the American dream...

Do you realize there are so many square miles of BLM land in the US, that you could lose all of humanity in the woods......

I once heard it as a kid, that you could put every person in the world in Harney County Oregon and still have room to park a car beside each one....

So why would you want to pay speculators to buy land in some “Garden Community” (read:Work-Camp) of the future, when you can literally wander off into square miles of brush.... If I were in the US, and didn't know about the tropics, I'd likely be into burros and goats and maybe some chickens and a small cow, and I'd range around on public lands, BLM maps in hand and camp..... Burros and goats eat brush just fine, and Cows will survive on it if you can grain them etc., too.......

Really, almost any Alternative Life Dream is better than what most folks have going now....

If I was still an owe the bank guy, I'd be looking to change my spending habits, and try to get out of debt on normalcy and into serious camping gear and the Dream's grubstake.....

Then when you have all ready to go, sell the house, quit the job, and just leave...

To a couple of acres somewhere out and gone.... Whatever you can manage with your real resources.......

Some people will buy boats to live on, others tents and burros, others house trucks or buses or campers, some will build a cabin beyond the portage, some will form tribes of gypsys, like the Counterculture started to do in the 60's and 70's..........

Imagine the Bankers Huh? If enough people added their houses to the slump, and took off camping....

One can live on beans and corn and squash..... Were not talking a lot of money even if you buy bulk..... Most of your money goes into things like prepared foods, animal and vegetable fats, & Sugary stuff......

And Noodles are great food, but they double the price here, over their only ingredient; flour.

I like eating boiled grains..... cracked corn makes a fine cooked cereal.....

And even if it was a dollar a pound, I could only eat a pound a day, and so for less than $400 would have my years main staple food..... and the money will buy beans, wheat, all the stuff in short supply is going up in price, but if you buy it as raw product and not as muffins or cake, the money still goes far, food value wise.... its stupid spending that will cause people to lack enough.... How many Cokes will humans buy, and be short money for food?


Hiked down the mountain, and also up of course...

Charged batteries, visited my niece, talked with my worker, ate a nice lunch, and bought a half a dozen butane lighters, disposable, but that have the peizo electrical sparking mechanism, that will function for years and ignite a drop of gasoline on your tinder just as they light butane at the moment... Grok? The things throw a good spark..... and if the collapse comes there will be many humans in many places, suffering the want of a simple flame......

And knowing that these type are worth throwing in the kitchen drawer when used up, might get you through some hard times............

I also got word that I'm about to be loaned a solar panel..... enough to run my computer and existing system that was only lacking the panel........

I have a small inverter, and so it means even 110volt lighting to me, which I've discussed the importance of many times, and will do so again, because its so important an issue and rates up there with transportation, communication, sanitation, etc in my total Neo-indigenous thing...

Neo means I get to have a computer and a lightbulb in my Renegade Luddite trip.......

Going Tribal too, my son's sister in law wants to come up the mountain and do a garden, and be with her husband and daughter by doing so....

Nice! I like her, and she's pretty to boot.... and my niece turned away from an uncle and to me today....... she's done that with every member of the family so far...... I'm a bit boggled by it, but also take it as a complement when the baby in the clan chooses me for favorite adult unit.....

I suspect a celfone modem card is also in my future, allowing me to Up Ship! for the Internet.....

I also have other things possible with the arrival of electrical energy from the sun, I want to build a seed cleaner for the corn and beans, and it will mean the electric fencer goes into use suddenly......

I'm looking forward to being able to turn on a fluorescent bulb or three, and lighting up the universe after sundown.......

Me? I like lights.... I like Christmas lights, some trip the monkey has.... he likes lights a lot....

Especially after just doing a dozen years on lamps, and another 5 or 6 years before that with the same problem in a colder place....
My Hejira's no mystical trip man, Post divorce living in rough conditions lead to thought and action that arrived me on these Hermosa tropical shores, and the much happier for it!

And now I'm within striking distance of adding Internet and Energy to my full time camping lifestyle in the Jungles of Costa Rica.....

Jungle Jim/Tarzan/me thinks I'm doing fine for in the middle of an economic collapse and a food crisis.... Might even have found my Jane....

I knew if I just paid no attention to my scoffers, I could be who ever I wanted to be.......

Anyway, its all in booting up your own version of a sustainable development......

I could be the only guy in the area with a working lightbulb if the system goes down......

Wonder what that would do to the Tico Hubris?

Hmmmm? Your electrical system went the way of your water systems? Whodda thunkit?

Technology is really nice stuff, if it is used to free you of the shit that tries to come with it, like governments, bankers, and large energy corporations that need to be turned into small solar panel and appropriate tech companies..........

Its Our Fucking planet you know... We the people can write our own rules, Jefferson and Friends showed us that, and we don't need no legislative branch to do it for us....


With Quakers as facilitators..... those folks have figured out some things about human relations..... best the rest of us perk up and get a grasp on their techniques.........

Its going to be “WHATEVER WORKS.....” folks, on all levels,

And if we have just a lick of good sense, we will use the internet to bring that all into reality, by shifting our buying habits in ways a bit more “Neo-indigenously correct” to parrot a “vomit phrase......”

If you start buying a lot of durable quality camping and living equipment, sunrise will follow sunset on the issue, imagine just in tents, if say hundreds of thousands of people started buying the most durable tents like never before, how would it affect the business world? Wall street talking about the tent business being up more than Pharmaceuticals for the year, and pharmaceuticals being down, with some connection between health and camping......

Hey! Folks! You wouldn't need Prozak if you didn't live in Insane Conditions... to coin a phrase....

Its all simple cause and effect, gotta get out of the swamp to get away from the Alligators....

My Advice? Same as always, study martial arts, arm up, get mobile, go Renegade, find a creek to camp by, and happiness with it....... Grow a garden on a nice spot, Experiment with Frog Poisons to defend your corn patch with, listen to short wave radio, search the net for the most absurd Conspiracy Theories, and try to figure out how to wean from any Government possible in any way........

I've been through plenty of shit in my life.... and lately I've realized that it isn't my “inner child” as the politically correct say, but my inner “boy”(and his dog, horse, occasional girlfriend etc.) That its the re-grafting myself to my own rootstock that heals me from the lost dogs and past wives regression......

Lately, I've been leaning directions accordingly, trying to get back to some things I like to do.... I like radio, hope to study and take the ham tests, was a radioman in the Navy, so have the background etc., and a repairable radio is in my possession.... I also am headed back towards fishing regularly, thinking to get a motor for my mountain bike, so I can go the 10 km to the brine line, and fish, snorkel, etc., on a regular basis..... I have the Casting nets, plenty of gear, and am thinking about boats constantly, and will soon be able to build at least a wooden boat......

My point is, when I work on such stuff, I'm happy, and the old problems fade into the disattention.....

And these are the types of things I did starting as a kid......

Its good stuff to do!

Camping is fun! And one learns to use good gear against the rains etc., and its not a problem......

I do a lot of design work now, constantly drawing how to build it items.....

Things I need......

did the same as a kid.......

This morning I ate starfruit with a little sugar on it..... its tart shit..... ate a bowl full....
its good breakfast, but wants some bananas and coconut....

Thinking a dessert with bananas, starfruit, pineapple, and grated coconut..... maybe cooked?
Could also do ripe breadfruit and get a fruit pudding?

Not starving here.....

Anybody who stays south of Key West or Brownsville is probably going to have much better survival odds than those to the north in insanity land.... Yea! Let George nuke the Iranians, and what will happen to you? You think they wont get even somehow?

I was thinking last night of a good analogy, what would it be like if it was like the Pinocchio story, and people grew long noses from lying etc., and I realized it would create a pretty bazaar culture, where everyone in the street looked like they were at a Fencing Convention, and trying to not poke each other with their noses by holding them up into the air like swords..... Would make a fun cartoon eh? Imagine the sleezebags on Mainstream Trying not to poke each other in interviews.... Soon you'd have “nose duels”, and people using illegal “Nose knucks” in personal disputes.......

And a nosy mother in law could get deep in a hurry with a probe that would make a monkey proud.......


just hooked it up..... and the sun just came out this instant as I write.........

my fone is charging up, my lighting system is hooked up, and my computer is booted up and charged this morning, instead of being out of juice.....

I listened to short wave last night, caught a favorite non-mainstream economist, he was saying about what I thought he would; All the problems with food and energy is from speculation, and people will starve to death from it in large numbers if there is no change....

He figured maybe a Billion would starve.....

He also described how legally, its the US Taxpayers holding the responsibility to pay for all the problems the poor banks are having....... and all the inflated Treasury Bonds, etc., all no surprise to me.......

Which is one of the reasons I dont live in the Jurisdiction any more....

I realized years ago that what was coming wouldn't be pretty on many, many fronts....

So humanity is faced with a choice, watch perhaps one in six starve to death, or soften
rabid capitalism a bit..... And the current status quo ain't gonna do it for you......

Nor will the one after the next election......

The Status Quo after the coming Revolution may be able to do something..... but by then it will likely be too late.....

What I see happening, is the shit hitting before the insane are removed from their positions of authority......

First the common people have to wake up from their vanity dream..... and become sane themselves...... Then the leadership needs to be removed.... Totally.... new slate....

Because you cant trust Greedy Liars to run your life can you? Nor to save your butt.....

And what currently passes for a “Normal” lifestyle is patently insane.......


Sorry.... your lifestyle “religion” is wrong, not politically correct, not sustainable, not viable, and is likely to get you and everyone you care about killed....

The good news, is the alternatives are so much better.....

Lean towards a more natural life........

It pays dividends in real terms, that Wall Street Jargon only echoes.....

Carrot futures in the Kitchen!

Personally I dont worry too much any more.... getting too close to having my trip in order....

I can survive at this point.....

But it took a lot to get here.....

Just remember to focus on the basics first........

First all the basics, all the basics first.....

A few dozen items, and the sense to know when to run, are all you need....

Or you can use the time and resources you have to provide a much nicer camp beyond the portage.......

And thats what I am doing now.... slowly upgrading....

The secret really is starting with the basics.... I wouldn't be doing upgrades if I was lacking something more basic...... my advice to the younger person, is get your camping and survival basics together first, and do other stuff after......

I hear these days more and more stations going off short wave radio, and relying totally on internet for the audience connection.....

I dont like the trend, even though I know as well as anyone the limits and problems of HF Radio.........

I think I would feel different if we had a net of Internet dedicated Satellites up, and a connection free to all with a device......

Communications are so very important..... And I feel if there is any chance of saving our collective butts from the present situation of having “ a liar powered status quo,” It's communications that will do it....

How? By a new Consensus being birthed........

I've heard the Statistics for all kinds of stuff on the news, but I notice I never hear a statistic for where the “Line of Consensus” is....

I hear how many for and how many against this or that issue, divisive politics, but where is the consensus? Not which idea is most popular..... i.e. We are being constantly distracted from the thing of real value possible..... divide and conquer rather than unite and fix the problem......

Politics as a stand in for solutions.....

Gee? How long will that continue working?

My point is: even our focus in communications is being constantly manipulated in a way thats dysfunctional......

Well, today I am home alone with the dog and the wildlife, Was playing with a neat tree frog the other day, he had no fear of me, and what a jumper, He'd do 6 or 8 feet effortlessly, and stick to the wall like a cooking experiment gone afoul of laws of physics.......

And he made a nice “Plop Landing” to coin a phrase......

More fun than watching the discovery channel, this stuff happens in my front yard......

I had a snake take a frog in my kitchen a couple of days ago, non venomous, but he snagged one of my froggy buddies right in my face while making coffee.....

My point is, politics in magazines or on the media are not even real, not to mention functional anymore, the big lie pretended to work, and now the big liars are pretending to fix it, and whats next?

Best you find a place with some frogs.... and do it soon, because frogs are a sign of water, and where there are frogs there is food.... When the municipal water system goes down like the Domino it is, Where are you going to be? Watching frogs?

The Natural water system doesn't require any bull shit to function, unlike human relations and civilizations......

I was thinking the other day about all the sanitation departments in cities, how they pay some polite and professional guys in coveralls, to deal with millions of tons of Monkey Shit every day.......

Monkeys are supposed to shit in the forests sillies! You're not doing your job, where your job is supposed to be done, little monkeys....

And pretty soon Vanity is going to go the way of the dinosaurs.......

Now Imagine all that Monkey shit stacked it toilets that wont flush, until its above the rim....

Millions of toilets.....

Thats when most will realize its time to leave.....

Anyway, see you out in the valley, someday in the future, maybe we'll run into each other on horseback herding livestock..... We can talk, and point out where the Tribes are camped, and pass some jokes and ride off.........

Not all are going to survive..... human stupidity is about to skim off a few excess Monkeys....

Maybe the top 90% or so? I hope not.... I hope people will get the Train stopped in time, and on the right track for once..........

Today.... getting some starts in.... my worker showed up, and talking about that we should do some stuff with his inlaws.... I've felt the same since I met them.... i.e. The process of people joining up to do agriculture is restarting with us...... We all have histories of agriculture in my group, most of us growing food since childhood, and then some education added via visits to the libraries, subscriptions to Oraganic Gardening magazine from Rodale Press, and we even have one Agronomy engineer in the family........

I've worked on Organic farms, chemical farms, and do my own gardens etc., and now for a decade doing the food tree trip preparing for this day.....

I think the error most of humanity will do now is in thinking mechanized agriculture will be enough if given economic incentives........

I don't think I'll bet my life, or lives of people I care about on that one.....

Security is your own food, and not boughten food...

What I suspect will happen, is there may be a short food bubble due to everyone and their brother starting to grow more and more.....

This FOOD BUBBLE will be short lived, as climate change will soon be hitting on the agriculture much harder...... it will be a diminishing returns game from now on, and get ugly much faster than the denial heads will admit until its too late.........

Get away from denial heads!

Get with folks serious about food security, and use all your resources possible in this direction, and if a food bubble materializes, get it in the freezer, dried, or canned.......

Maybe we'll get 7 good years like in the bible, but I doubt it, and I think whats in progress will be beyond Biblical famine in proportions............

This morning we are also harvesting other stuff, some breadfruit and citrus for the women, planning on going to the border tomorrow, maybe see the pretty woman......

Also I repeat: the three things most important, are food growing and stored food, mobility, and the ability to defend what you have against all comers, including the sleaze bags who will try to prey on their usual victims by selling them more belief in the system....

i.e. Those who will show up as tax collectors in your garden....

Use your brains.....

hide gardens if possible...

hide food....

“Dig deep tunnels, hide food everywhere.” (Mao Zedung, during/about the Chinese Civil War/revolution.)

Diligent Squirrels survive winter.....

Paper pushers will have problems soon........

Food walks, money is bullshit from now on.....

I was thinking this morning that the best way to manage money is to use it to get us more worker time, more tools, and more things going.....

Most people will continue to buy junk to fill their houses with.......

and the ones who invest heavily in survival are going to be thankful they did........

And I can't state in strong enough terms the dangers with the Homeland Security types in the future.... They are going to come with papers, followed by guns, and they're going to tramp through your flower beds on their way to your food, and even if they offer to pay, their money is already pretty much worthless........

(in case Homeland Security finds it.........)


And they will get milked to death while people with FALSE morals maintain their snobbery......

Children are starving as I write, and the Ultra Rich continue to become much much richer ......

They are the problem, and they have led humanity down a path towards suicide with their snide social commentaries.......


Don't suck up their shit anymore....

I dont suppose they will like what I say, pack instinct, and they will surely find plenty of stupid victims.........


Be a smart survivor.... use your head....

BACK FROM THE BORDER, yesterday.....

Lots of bargain stores in Paso Canoas, factory seconds and over runs.....

And One loves to shop....

Went with friends, had a good time, Even went to a whore house, but only for a beer and to indulge in the Gringo sport of eying in disbelief what the Latins will pay good money for.....

All the Gringo males I know indulge in this..... Latins really like the heavier ones, so one sits with friends, sips icy beers, and discusses the cultural differences..... So far the girls haven't figured out why the gringos just drink beer and shake their heads.......

They invariably come up to the Table and ask if we're just going to drink beer or what?
Nope sweetheart,
just time for beer.....

I bought a bunch of stuff in the stores, a fine lug of excess materialism.....

But even as I was doing it, I thought about how doing the camping lifestyle saved my butt from worse fates.....

When one lives in a 10x10 foot wall tent, with no walls, it doesn't take much to thicken the clutter..... but the other side of the coin, is one also can improve one's life easier due to the very lifestyle itself being minimalistic and not requiring things on the same scale for the denizens of Ticky-tacky City......

And I actually did get some stuff that I consider for my survival kit.....

After many years I finally got my first multi-tool......

I've liked them since they first came out, some types more than others, and too date, either I couldn't afford them, or didn't like what was available to me.....

I'm not much on universal tools, knowing that any tool capable of many jobs, is generally cumbersome doing any of them, in comparison to the specific regular tool.....

I also got a motorcycle helmet for $15, been looking for one, but wanted a police style, and haven't seen any of that style for sale..... So I got this crazy Nazi helmet like Bikers flaunt....

I'm not into Nazi anything, but I grew up in part in Europe, and spent several years in Germany as a kid.....

I got the helmet more than anything for a rain hat..... sometimes it rains in the middle of outdoor cooking, and I like to not wash my hair, while cooking, and so the helmet and also the Camouflage umbrella I bought too......

Also I can use the helmet on motorcycles, canoing or kayaking, climbing or even stick fighting practice.... and the German style is one of the best for general use........ And WW2 ended years ago....

I also consider it a decent choice as Refugee head gear, as after the collapse, it will be a hard hat zone just about anywhere...

I think I'll get a couple three rattle cans and camouflage it...... And I already put a face net on it, like bow hunters use, for use in the brush hunting dog hunters and thieves.....

It no doubt looks absurd on my noggin, but I don't care, its utility I am after.....

And the reason I mention it, is because it isn't a bad idea for you guys to think about what I am saying about after the collapse, and that protective head gear might help save your bacon in a sticky situation....

There's a reason Militarys and police use them...... they are slightly smarter than the protesters who come to get their naked heads clubbed as a form of political expression....

There just might be a bit of unrest when the shit goes down.......

And your Stetson might not be as wise......

I also bought some knives to cut down and make into other styles, bought 6 all stainless french knives for $2 each, as last trip shopping I got one that looked higher quality, thinking it was undervalued, took it home, and yup! It was very good stainless.... and they got priced like the even cheaper copies.......

I also bought a couple twist bulbs for my lighting system, very nice! I figure with the solar panel etc., that having a spare bulb or two isn't a bad idea.....

And I got a nice stainless and plastic travel mug/glass, with bugs in my beer in mind... this is Costa Rica, and bugs get into everything constantly.... If you let your coffee go tepid, mosquitoes will be there trying to lay eggs in it........

And living outside almost anywhere, ups the bug count for camper persons...... in other words;
lids on everything........ an outdoor survival tip......

I learned as a kid, that ashes and pine needles weren't a good condiment in my pancakes while camping... theres a reason camp cookware has covers.......

I also talked to a friend yesterday, who spends a lot of time on the internet, and he expressed a worry that the CIA might come hit him for talking bad about Bush and company on the web.....

I told him not to worry, statistics probably were in his favor, As I have a suspicion that said sleezebags are probably the most denigrated humans in human history..... And besides, I bet the folks in the CIA hate the bastards too.... Everybody hates thieves and murderers....
Especially ones who pose as public servants.....

Bush may have been legitimate at the hospital at birth, but I don't think he's been legitimate as a politician ever........

I suspect the CIA does monitor emails, likely with computer analysis, digesting the amount and type of topics discussed on the web.....

If they do that, the first thing they will learn, is Bush used as a field area to analyze,
creates some interesting stats.... with no need to sift through it much looking for terrorists, as the general flavor of the commentary would be almost universal....

So relax.... the chances of millions of people a day being arrested for expressing the truth are fairly slim... The CIA is perhaps busy trying to fix problems caused by other such morons who have been in charge over the years...

Personally I suspect that they in intelligence, are as likely to try to sandbag the bastard, as they are to try to support his insane and moronic fixation on stealing all humanity blind and stuffing it into his sack.......... The guy is a hood...... and him and his buddies are the most successful thieves in human history.....

Which means they are pushing their luck along with the envelope.....

And Trials of that gang are already a common topic........ its just a matter of time until he and company do something that triggers their own lynching......

People are figuring out the truth... and that Canard jr., is as evil as he is moronic......

Anyway, I'm not worried about the CIA, other than concerned for their health if they do let the Neocons start WW3 for fun and profit.....

Gotta come out of that bunker sooner or later, and the survivors aren't going to listen to any excuse for why it happened, they will kill the perpetrators like stepping on roaches......

One thing I've thought about lately is the homeland insecurity department's survival plans, i.e. Martial law..... what do you suppose the odds are of them being able to hold it all together across an entire continent? If the US military in all its glory cant make Bagdad safe, how do you 'spose they will control a hundred cities in 50 states?

And in every one of those cities, population outnumbers law enforcement and military by thousands of times.... The only reason police states continue to exist, is because they haven't reached the flash point yet.........

The Ego of the insane invariably keeps them on the road to their own destruction....

And I think anyone stupid enough to stay in cities from now on will eventually be genetically edited in the collapse.......

Get out of Babylon........

Even if its only with a backpack, and you have to eat bugs, grass seed heads, and clover flowers to survive.......


Had three workers show up today, removing brush stumps from the pasture with pick hoes...
We just bought more pick hoes, as we are starting to get some paying work with them, and also because soon we will be getting crops from the citrus and other stuff, and I intend to
to invest in more areas terraced with the money and plant more food.........

I have lived incredibly humble for a dozen years, and never was into much money.... mostly because it wasn't of much interest to me, I have other better personal motivators, and so was able to do the farm on a shoe string, survive while the fruit trees were growing, but with a couple of thousand fruit trees to come on line in the next few years, I will do OK, and I dont have to depend on some hokey retirement lie, like they sell the stupid slaves........

Also no shortage of food....

I had a fun vignette this morning, one of the workers is an uncle in the family, and he's known me and my crazy trips for years..... and now seeing that its going to work and work well, and he's all excited...... because he can do it too...... what I have been doing is Cultural Engineering, With limited success for many years..... but now the shit is hitting, and I'm sitting on all the cures to local problems....... He will copy, soon others, and in time this whole area will be using my style of Agriculture, which is Permaculture as put forward by Mollison in his book of the same name... (A gotta-havvit book)........

I've come up with the terraces, which I call “Central American” style, as they are a take off on the “Dis-aguas” shown in the book “Where there is no Doctor”.....

In Central America its the slopes that one does much agriculture on, due to the good drainage and sunny positions in a wet climate.... but the locals work on immense slopes withs no resting areas, i.e. Flat places to stand, and its very hard on the body and especially the knees....

Here, if you flatten an area the rain will actually beat the soil very compact and hard....
but the sloped surfaces maintain tilth...... so what I have evolved is a form of “Face Terrace” with the slope being the working surface, and the flats being pathways for resting, and for carrying crops and tools on etc., and for years the ticos thought I was nuts for putting so much labor economics into them.... but now I grow clover, citrus, and half dozen other crops on the same terrace at the same time, and its all doing good, and I am likely to do OK economically......

I doubt I will make what you do, but I dont have your costs of working either, nor house payments etc., due to my Neo-indigenous trip.......

So if you like it, I can engineer a bit of your personal culture too..... which is what this blog is all about.....

The Pen is mightier than the sword.....

Meaning a laptop in the right hands is more powerful than a Nuke, which is the main premise to my writ.......

Do I look worried about a food crisis?

Got the helmet for part of my refugee kit actually, mostly a rain hat, “Rains hard” here you know.........

Got a Camouflage umbrella too! A modern day Robinson Crusoe..........

You know, Jimmy Buffet writes songs about people like me......

And being me is fun......

a lot more fun than the poor fools I hear about losing houses that they have paid on for years to the variable interest contracts........

It was a crooked deal from day one, and the Rich knew this would happen, and if you still think your best interests are in mind with them, you are really really stupid....

And from Drug companies, to Governments its all the same..... you are stupid sheep to sheer, milk and to butcher....

OH! no? Who's getting butchered in Iraq? Rich people? Their kids? no.......

Its poor americans who have no other options, and poor Muslim families getting bombed to shit to make the world safe for Capitalism.....

We have more in common with the peoples of Iraq and Iran, than we do with our own
so called “leadership”........ Hey! People in Iraq have or want Internet, i.e. They're civilized!
Actually they were civilized while we stared out of cave mouths on rainy days......

Anyway, I have twenty dollars to live the next month on..... but I have food... and a solar panel.... funny how when one goes Renegade Neo-indigenougs, that you dont need much, and can be a lot happier with out all the stress and TAX OVERBURDEN, to coin a phrase....

Curious George is a monkey fighting his war from off your back like you're a stupid donkey.....

Yup! George is curious....I'm curious whats wrong with his noggin, that he never has enough money or power, but insists on the continuing search for his own destruction along with National Destruction too....

“Knowing when to stop averts disaster.” (Tao te Ching)

At how many Billion$ or Trillion$ is the point of disaster?

Guess we'll find out eh?

And so many common folk infected with the same mental illness.... shame for them......

Children starve, so some can be braggarts.......

Don't live like that, its no fun.....


And the people who follow Celebrities, are like amoebas wishing they were bugs......

Be what you are meant to be....

A happy person in your own garden....

In the shade of your own vine and fig, unafraid, because your assault rifle is right there.......


Mine is living Natural and Sane, whats yours?

Another thing I ponder, is the Internet... It is rapidly becoming the “Group Mind” of humanity, and I think that instead of looking for “artificial intelligence” we should try tapping the collective one first instead......

I could see some easy programs to see what people are talking about, and what they think....

So it wouldn't be hard to do a step farther, and use how people react to this or that input, and come up with a consensus reading.....

No voting necessary, just use how much people are in verbal agreement on any issue, and go that way......

(I'm going to put politics on unemployment, one way or another!)


Whats the consensus Fred?

Thats all we need, some time for the collective intelligence to digest issues, and a way to extract the out come in a manner that cannot be twisted by human egotism.....

It wouldn't always be “right,” but it would be more often right than following mentally ill Greed head leadership, and in the Marketplace of Ideas, Lady Hope hides herself.......

Personally I think we should invest in a better future.... yea, the stock market is in the shitter,
but the smart money will be on the long shots, i.e. The things that MUST come out the far side of these troubled times.....

Harness the Comets, and when the slack gets pulled up, you'll get a good ride......

By harness the comets, I mean believe in the good things, like in the vast fortunes to be made in all the appropriate technologies, that some are just starting to realize.....

The stock market could go Bull tomorrow, and people could invest at good odds, if they can put that advice into action.... The reason the sub-prime/derivatives scam happened, is because there is more money than good creativity in our civilization..... when you have good enough brains to re-engineer a planet or what ever, it doesn't make any sense to use them for greed scams, now does it?

So the money went chasing investments, and some investments were created out of shit.....

If we had been investing in “ Garage” Inventor types, there would be a technology boom....

Hey folks! The Problems are from doing the wrong things, when we quit doing the wrong things and start doing the right ones, the problems will go away like wisps of fog, and gentle rain will fall......

The reason we are doing the wrong things, is because there is this insidious status quo busily
programming everyone to be good stupid victims.....

The moment we put hose clamps on their necks and tighten them down a few turns, the sooner things get better....

Putting a hose clamp, is; not falling for their shit, and you using your economic power to go another direction, the direction you believe in..... and the most successful ideas will Draw Consensus to themselves.........

I wonder if the status quo has ever pondered what will happen to them when their false reality fails?

I think they had better get real, and I think they had better start respecting the individual and quit the power tripper games.....

Because it isn't a bunch of stupid slaves that will “sollutionize” the problems of the day,
it will be many many individuals, who fix things....

And if your culture is bankrupt, its no time for more of the same.......

Colin Powel touched on these issues somewhat, in his Free Speech interview on BBC awhile back, that the body politic was having a conversation with itself, and a consensus would result.... And He trusts that consensus, Meaning he trusts us, more than he trusts the guy he used to work for.....

Thanks! Colin!

I suspect Colin will be like Jimmy Carter, in that he will find something useful and good to do with the rest of his life, lets hope......

Colin is like Obama, in that his face and who he is, is somewhat like an average of us all:
if you used computer morphing and did an average of all the male faces in the US, the result would be much like Colin or Barak..... They are Us.......

I hear the supreme court is already trying to give the presidency to Mc Cain.... God guys! You forgot to let them cheat with the black boxes first!

Time to give the Supreme Court to the Lions in the Colosseum... and start over....


“Left turn Clyde!”

Another dawn in Central America..... and when the birds start singing in the morning here, it really is something nice........

I slept OK, no stress, no job to go to in the morning, Listened to short wave last night, people in the US crying the blues, gnashing their teeth, and so far, not doing shit about it...

And I had a thought;

that its impossible to fix anything without some personal sacrifices.....

The minute folks start dumping the technocult and hiking off into the brush, living on boats, etc., things will start getting better, but as long as its just a bunch of slaves whining, nothing will change.....

You gotta take your freedom man! They wont give it to you for your birthday.......

And to take it, you have to do some things, or it will never happen, and you can whine forever and just entertain the status quo with your suffering.....

And to do the things necessary, you gotta have a viable plan, and make it happen......

I dont worry about their laws anymore, as I realize they have zero legitimacy, meaning I dont believe in the fairy tale any more, and consider the Police as potentially just another class of thugs.... I heard some flap about 20 cops or so beating up some guys on an excuse....

That kinda tells the whole story in a nutshell folks, gone are the days of the friendly town cop in the dough nut shop..... now we have a Neo-SS, who consider us cattle to be prodded and shocked and beat and butchered....

Wake up and smell the Napalm folks!

And if you are afraid, its because you are doing nothing to prepare and protect your self and family.... the fear goes away the minute you actually start to do something....

I still hear morons talking about calling their congressman......

I think you'd be better off calling your cousin who has a farm, and working out a deal to live in the barn loft in trade for gardening and helping with farm work......

You'd have more security, and a better life, and be far away from Cops in the city having a club party on innocent people's heads........

Its in most people's interest that the status quo topples.... Sorry! Status quo types, but your arrogance and vanity just trashed the whole planet, and there's dues to pay.....

Anyway, its you that makes the constant decisions in your life, and I have pointed out many ways to get out........

Those who get out have a chance, those who dont, dont.......

Basically the truth is that systems dont work they just pretend to..... and so no matter how much you want to believe in them, human nature corrupts them, and its you that is victimized in thousands of ways...

heard a program last night on “Fair Tax” and they went into detail of how to better the system without losing anything.....

Which is why I mention this morning, that change takes personal sacrifice, no pain, no gain....

All the Pigs wanna stay fat, and still not go to the butcher's.......

Yup! Animal farm! With LITTLE Weasel, son of BIG weasel for president.... Well, weasels like to drink blood....

Get out! Get out! Or get genetically edited, period.

Survival is an I.Q. Test... and one of the best....

And you dont need to be a fast reader to survive, nor be rich, good looking, or be all that intelligent, you just have to be able to accept the truth and have the guts to act on it......

One of the things I like in the Old Testament, is the story of Passover.....

the concept of being prepared to leave at any time strikes a harmonious chord in me these days....

And interestingly enough, it was our Sky-Gods friends(?) who suggested the tradition.... i.e. The same folks giving the big survival test.....

So it has come down to us in legend, and few pay attention, And I doubt many Jews take it seriously..... And even Jesus recommends being ready to leave when the nukes go off, in Mathew 24.... No? Read it for yourself, and put “Nuke” in the place of the words;
Abomination of Desolation, or Abomination “that causes” Desolation in some bible translations....

The whole chapter makes sense if you do.........

Hey folks! We've been being manipulated for thousands of years.........

And their goal is a slave enhancement program.....

And the very first to be genetically edited will be the most gullible types........

And the ones most likely to survive are those who figure it out, and head for the hills early....

Survival is a function of preparedness according to my old boyscout field book.... the chapter on survival starts with a sentence to that effect......

Anyway, if you by chance want to survive, you had better start dumping excess baggage, and getting your trip together on all levels......

Let go of that house....

Let go of that food supply...

Let go of that car.....

Let go of that credit card...

And let go of thinking the system will fix itself....

The only way the system will fix itself, is if we fix ourselves....

And there aren't enough folks who will do that......

They'd rather whine.....

So fix yourself, get out of Babylon early, get a lawn chair, and watch sunsets, and wait for the nukes to go off from afar.......

Well, home alone today, but I have some fun things to do..... projects, survival toys,
Gardening is also fun.... baths in the spring, sun on my body, peace in my heart, and my vanity is thinking I can help others with this blog.....

Who knows? Maybe someone will read it and learn enough to make the difference....

All I know, is that my life is a thousand times better than it was being normal.....

And it sure is a comforting feeling knowing all those police that beat innocent people for fun, are far away..... They're FEMA folks, and when the shit hits they will do more than beat you.... you had better be prepared to defend against them.... They are in fact your worst enemies, and as things degrade they will get worse and not better, and soon it will be like Mexico, where the cops do kidnappings, rape, and murder, for fun and profit...

They are the fucking enemy..... And you'd be better off with Bikers..... They tend to respect each other and not cause problems.... I've been to Biker parties, More Character than the folks at the upscale events...... less snobbish too....

Unplug your brain from the TV, do something with your computer besides watch Pornos,
use it to shop on line for that heavy coat for your passover outfit....

Get a gun and ammo while you still can....
And back it up with primitive weapons skills.....

And take courses in appropriate areas of knowledge, like Martial arts, Marksmanship,
Gardening, physical education, mushroom and food plant identification etc.

Cut down on the amount of food you eat, until hunger becomes a familiar friend...

Use the money you save to get a stash in the brush somewhere, And if your mate is too enthralled with the technocult, dump him or her, and find a new mate with a brain that actually functions.......

And after the shit hits, and FEMA knocks on your door, blast the PIG fuckers into the yard, grab your kit, and head out the back door into the brush and never come back......

Its a down hill trip folks......

And wishing it was different wont make it so.......

Get real, get tough, get mobile.....

You'd be a thousand times better living with a herd of goats in the brush, than with a herd of sheep at the job site..........


These days I'm beginning to think about the reality after/during a nuclear war, and think it might pass that some lose access to beasts of burden due to fallout, and come out of their shelters and need to move for whatever reason, and be limited to their own power.....

And also times look interesting enough to maybe warrant that one thinks in One Load being a possibility........

To me, wheelbarrows, bike carts, trikes etc. seem the best..... in rough going, I'd want a drag-sled ......

Dragging something through the brush is exactly that, wheels might not help much in some situations, be of limited value in others, and an impediment in the thick stuff, or areas like here in the mountains with all the buttress roots and vines.....

Wheels basically need improved surfaces to function easily....... I've never seen too many, get too far, on mountain bikes going off through the brush, most stick to a trail......

But in a post nuclear war scenario, things like roads might be a little “Disimproved”
to coin a phrase......

Personally I plan to have various levels of baggage and means of transport.......

down to having to actually physically run..... as you never know in such a future when the conditions color might go from hunky-dory green, off into the Red Light District at short notice.....

I have a decent wheelbarrow, and a spare wheel and tire for it...... have pump, will travel, but I'm short some tire patch kit........ On the list.......

I'm also thinking about building a wheelbarrow of sorts out of wood, thats take down, and that I could get on a pack horse or into a boat if need be, have the design worked up, just lack gas and initiative...

And I have many, many other projects in various stages of “Going”, so who knows?

Another related item on the list is the packboard I'm working on.... built like the packsaddle, wooden, and all laced together, and for all the same reasons, like durability and repair ability, and cost.....

Sure! I'd like to have a nice welded tubular aluminum packframe like all you yuppies, but It isn't within my means these days to get one, and my limits are as they are.......

But I've also realized the value of those limits, as they force me to rely more on what Gris can do, and less on what comes from the technocult.......

So its likely to get done.... and when I do, a foto goes here, so you all can copy the idea if you like......

Like It's cousin, the packsaddle, its going to be repairable with nothing but a pocket knife and a hunk of rope.....

Crude tools, available resources....

I am also thinking to do my bug out kit literally on it.......

Kits change, evolve, etc., but I'm thinking to load the packboard with dedicated items, and all of them my best..... It won't be no backpacker's stuff....

It will be the stuff I'd want to pack if I had to dash through a stargate........

Or onto a Star Ship.......

or out into the brush, to escape the herd of insane types coming to do me in....

I've packed 75 lbs before camping....

I've packed 125 lb loads for other reasons.....

and what I know, is 75 pounds is too damned much.....

and 75 pounds is nothing in the way of possessions........

Which is why I like wheelbarrows.......

Yesterday, I spent most of the day working on some knives, for cooking mostly, got some French knives mis-priced in the store, and I'm busily turning some of them into other styles....


One of the interesting things thats happened in my life is I have gotten to work in serious production kitchens a couple three times in my life, and jobs floppin' burgers and pouring beer have been included in my repertoire.....

Funny thing about Cooks and their helpers, is they never never are unemployed for long....
Its one of the reasons for my larger size cooking gear collection.... no matter what happens, if there is food to cook, a cook works and eats...........

And Having the tools, is the first prerequisite for any job..........

I am putting together a field kitchen of sorts, thinking that the shit might hit, but slowly enough that my close friends and close family, all who are far away, might make it here in time, if their head also gets extracted in time.......

My daughter in law is also planning to study for the Food prep field.... my advice, and she already is an exceptional cook, so it will be fun to be her buddy in the kitchen in the future... I'm getting older, and can still work hard if need be, but there are other things I would rather do......

And being Cooks helper is something I know and enjoy.... From all those times I was sent to the Galley in the military, part of the downside of having a sense of humor and using it, is those in power, think of you often when there are jobs wanting someone to suffer through them....

The good side was learning a really important new skill..... I didn't mind working with the cooks, they were OK, it was the management that sucked, like almost always........

And I did get to work with some very professional cooks in the military, including many Filipinos, which I now appreciate even more than I did then........

I like getting up early, I like cooking, and I even dont mind doing dishes, so the galley was no punishment to me, and its turned into a life long hobby, Thanks to those jerks who signed me up, when it wasn't really my turn......

But, thats how the universe is, one gains from adversity, and loses from being too couch potato........

Anyway, do give considerable thought to food preparation equipment and what type you or your group should have..... I've talked about it before in this blog, and to exit the subject on a humor note; They might need a kitchen worker on a starship if one happens by..... No one with much vanity wants that job... and in Technocultures there are always excessive vanities........

And besides, I speak good Campesino Spanish, maybe I can pass as a Mexican? If the Star
Gods are anything like the Capitalist Gods, they'll shoo me right in to the kitchen, if I only speak Spanish.....

“You guys like Tacos? What?! Star Gods who've never had Tacos? You guys haven't been around the Universe yet then! Get me some beans!”

“And I know our planet's traditional celebration meal too! We call it Pizza...”

Gris Bosque's “Earth Food!”


The system I use, starts with a concept, I get an idea for something I'd like to have, and I start thinking about how to do it...... what I can make it out of, and soon I'm spending paper doodling drawing after drawing, usually small drawings, until I get what I want on paper...

I try for something nice looking, and I like minimalism, and stuff repairable and durable...
I also like things like stainless steel, or quality wood, leather, etc., and I want practical things too!

My personal culture is fairly eclectic, but my more arty items show a definite Western and also Native american influences.... I'm no cowboy type, and Western culture is much much richer than just a bunch of drugstore wannabees, most of whom would cinch a horse from the off side without even knowing it, or why there was an off side......

Cows? Yea, I know cows, leaned my head into the flanks of cows while milking as part of my adolescence.....

Horses? Love horses second only to dogs.....

Native american stuff? A love since childhood..... and so all of the above help flavor my hobbies.......

But I've never owned a stetson, nor wear serving tray belt buckles, nor pointy boots, nor pointy head.....

I've wore my hair long since 16 or so, minus the Viet Nam era's last couple of years and a couple more before I got out from under the last vestiges of the feudal system, i.e. The officers in the Navy.......

They still eat on china and silver you know? With servants.....

Assumed royalty....

the other day I cut down an inexpensive cleaver, and made a little hatchet:
Kind of a micro hatchet, very limited, but I do like it..... its too small for most work, but just right for de-politicizing trout or chickens, or cutting up the smallest of kindling for a cooking fire..... overall its 11&1/4 inches long...... I did it for an experiment, to see what it would be like, and I like what it is.....

Long ago, and far away, in a land with snow in the mountains, I did some camping now and then..... and quickly discovered that Mom tried to load you down with shit you didn't need, and then after Mom was in the rear view mirror, that the effect was still there alone.....

Monkeys love things.....

Backpacks are full of pockets that think they just gotta be filled with goodies, like Christmas stockings....

It all adds up.....

And I got this mental religion about 35 pound backpacks being the desired perfect load for my body size.....

No refugee in their right mind will think to leave everything else behind after 35 pounds...

But I think it would be a good idea, if one's refugee kit was pre-designed to shed items if the necessity arises......

Like if you have to physically run to save your own ass....

And so, I often think in terms of ultra-light items.....

And this hatchet is a fine little example.... it cost me $5, took less than an hour to change from a cleaver, and its 440 similar stainless, and the handle is Bakelite......

With a nice leather sheath, it would go into a daypack or downsized frame pack, and hardly be noticed....

I'd rather have my regular hatchet for serious work, but the little one weighs about a quarter as much.... so it has its place in my bug out pack, or in a small kitchen box.....

I hear people on short wave just figuring out that its going to be a cold winter next year....

Gee? That nice big house has an ugly vanity price-tag these days.... heard one man say his house at present prices on fuel oil, will cost over $5,000 to heat....

In other words impossible for him to do....

next year will be the year everyone lives from October to May on a cot in the kitchen....

And will spend most of the winter trying to fix busted pipes under the house going over to the bathroom....

And by spring will be thinking about a smaller place in a warmer climate.....

Not a bad idea....

I live in a 10 x 10 foot space, but no walls, so it doesn't feel small......

I have too much stuff, and always acquire more.........

My retirement is a garden, a spring, and a fruit orchard.... and not having to heat anything except water for coffee, and a pot of soup.....

I “retired” at 39......

And will be 52 next month....... they've been my best years.......

Less pain, less stress, less vanity, more time, more smiles, more simple pleasures.....

It was not a mistake....

Especially considering what is happening now in the US and else where.....

I listen on short wave and pity the folks in Vanity land..... their life's work down the shitter due to some hoods pretending to be leadership....... and if they dont have the guts for whats coming and begin to get serious about pushing the restart button on the constitution, it wont be long until old people are put on railroad cars to the Government death center in Indiana...

When greed becomes a religion, those who are “unprofitable” get edited.......

Is that what you want? Is that how you should have to die?

Quit believing......

Or will you be watching TV when the knock at the door comes?

Get out, get south, get low, get warm, get healthy, get smart........

I dont think you have much time to do it..... it took me 2 years to dump my baggage and get out.... and I didn't get rid of enough.... My advice is have a big yard sale, sell it all for pennies on the dollar, mail in the keys, move into something small.... a van.... a boat, a cabin, a wall tent.... all are easier to heat due to size..... I had a friend who lived in a GMC van for many years, he plumbed in a tiny wood stove, the stove was maybe 10 inches tall, 18 long, and 8 inches wide, and if it got going too good, my friend had to open the van's side door to cool things off.... a single pallet cut up would heat and cook for a day.... he carried a small chainsaw under the cot.... it didn't cost $5 G to heat.....

The secret to comfort and security in the near future is going to be in letting go of normalcy, and getting back to minimalism......

Hopefully enough people will do it, that all the banks go broke, as well as the government collapses, and in a generation a new culture emerges.....

It's now the “Post Modern” era....

Now heading into the Neo-feudal era......

And when that doesn't work, its the Neo-indigenous era....

And that WILL work......

But I suggest you avoid the Neo-Feudal, its not going to be nice....

Get out into the brush....

Let the entrance grow shut if you can.....

Like the Thorn forest in the Snow White fairy tale....

Why should there be a house surrounded by thorn forest with no way in?
You dont suppose someone let their hedges grow shut during a period of instability, like the fall of Rome, or during a warring states period?

Think about that.....

It might be viable if you planted the hedges soon enough, and had a cottage remote enough....

Do you really need the world for anything?

Wouldn't you rather garden and dry foodstuffs? Have a root cellar, have sacks of grain you grew yourselves..... your own “Wheat Futures”?

Its all such simple technology....

Tomorrow morning we'be planting corn for our own use.... and not to put in the car.....
I have 3 gallons of good seed.... a small ear hearty type corn..... its open pollinated, we've grown it for years...... it makes really good corn breads, and corn tortillas.... an electric fencer keeps the animals out.....

I have the air tight storage containers, I have the land, I have the corn sheller and the grain mill, I have the rain from the sky.... and a young man with a wife and a baby to help me....

She likes to make corn tortillas..... by hand, patting them out with care, nice perfect round tortillas..... We all like to eat them......

Soon there will be more of us.....

And I am trying to multiply other stuff as fast as we can.......

And even the people who have laughed at me cant be sure of their food supply now.....


Because if you believe in the system, you and the people you love, are dead meat......

I heard on short wave last night; Robert Chapman the economist.... talking a public employee's retirement collapse.... Gee! Bob was right about the Sub-prime thing, and starting 3 &1/2 years before the curve....

I have friends counting on such retirements, and I feel for them.... and I knew 15 years ago the big pie in the sky they bought into was likely to be robbed by the crooks running the country.... Since, its been robbed every way possible I think.....

Glad I was such a Wacko, and let go of that to get this......

I also heard a program, with Christian women talking about how they screwed things up earlier in life, “finding out who they were”....... Gee? Is that a buzz phrase, for “Finding out HOW they are, and after enough trashed relationships having to put a lid on their own shit and be decent to their mates?

No... you can't just do anything because you are a female/protected species....

Neither the men nor the modern culture can protect women from doing stupid shit....

Its why things were organized as they were in traditional marriages for thousands of years,
and some Feminists with large mouths and long forked tounges can't change change that.....

I see women as being fairly variable in types, some are Poodle Neurotics, and some are decent stable folks.......

But all are human.....

Men? We have our problems... the main one being our caving in to women and trying to please them......

Well, that will go away with the food.....

When the food supply gets short enough, humans lose all connections with human decency, and start running on pure egocentric ism, instead of the usual mix............

Civilization as a thin veneer.....

And there comes a point men quit being nice to anybody, even females.....

So their protected species attitude is ephemeral....

ME? I'd like to see everyone get their shit together.....

But what I see is everyone still running on a rich mix of Ego, and upping the mix, instead of diluting it....

The way out is by getting our own shit together individually, and then collectively, and fixing the problems....

And I don't think any of the people I've seen on TV are going to fix anything....

The cure has to come from the bottom, and it isn't going to be more of the same and work...

The first step really is to turn off your TV.....

Ain't no hope there.... if you want to see a puppet show put on by the folks causing the big problems, go ahead and turn it back on....

But dont forget, its just a PUPPET SHOW....

Really I think there are better things to do with one's time........

Especially considering what is taking place in the real world..................

We are about to see a World Civil war......

With the battle lines being the filthy rich against everybody else.....

And they have lots of puppets and toy soldiers....

But the toy soldiers have families....

And if the families don't continue eating, the organization falls apart.......

And if the status quo chooses to feed its militarys first, and its citizens last, like say in Burma this week, the down hill trip speeds up considerably......


Total insanity....

And MARTIAL LAW isn't going to stop it, it will worsen it dramatically......

Martial law is more of the same.....

And what we need to be doing, is decentralizing everyone, and drilling a well beside them, putting in windmills to pump water, and handing them a hoe and some seeds........

Instead, we have this sea of Morons thinking somebody in charge will fix it all soon enough....

No, Not going to happen, because the morons elect the puppets that the greed head sickos put in front of them, and that never changes anything now does it?

The greed heads and their perks, are in the chain of Dominoes...... but they'll watch all the dominoes fall one by one, and as long as its happening to someone else, it will be lip service and theater.......

Violence? Gee? Not likely to improve much.....

Calling or E-mailing your congressman? Thats for die-hard morons......

Bottom line is nobody is going to do the right thing, which is get their own shit in order, and place themselves beside the well with the hoe and seeds......

People will hang out in the cities thinking they can live off each other via the usual manipulations, and that the big lie is immortal.....

ITS NOT.....

My hoe head is showing back up this morning if my worker remembers to bring it......

He has electricity and is cutting the pick point off, as it will be my dedicated grub hoe, and we have many others with the picks for working in rock, but our garden areas are rock free.... and by taking off that pick, I get more swings to the breakfast......

Pretty soon they'll open the gates on the Work Camps.... like during the Great depression,
but this time it will be growing food......

Sounds warm and fuzzy, millions of City folks learning how to grow food together.....

But you forget yourselves, its going into a police state, and the arrogant are who is invariably in charge, because the power attracts them...... and the power corrupts them more....

The cure is not giving up your personal power to the group, or to anyone...

The cure is in giving up the Technocult, decentralizing, and keeping your hoe polished bright from use.....

Survivalists are those intelligent enough to have a gut response to decentralize, and prepare as individuals, families, and friends, and neighbors....

The Big System and FEMA are the Hyenas and Jackals trying to extend their inoperative game......

The war could be avoided if they had a change of consciousness.....

Figure the odds.......

They will continue to try to live as fat pigs, dying more often than not from over feeding.....

Which means that the guy by the well with a hoe, better have a rifle, and know how to use it, and then use it well when the times come......

And the FEMA types best evaporate.... some of them will be Like Nazis in Argentina, still believing generations after its over.......

The old pack think mentality is a hard one to break, but lack of food breaks it easily....

We just need to go back to whats basic and sane, like the characters in Andre Norton's Moon of three rings.....

The work camp era is likely to be a Neo Feudal era.... with lots and lots of abuse.... take a look at Guantanamo.... thats everywhere soon, and you, if you let them catch you....

“Why are we torturing this one boss?”

“He had a food stash.”

So Johnny get your gun......

And dig a firing position above the camp and garden....

And when they come for you, at least make the world a better place, by taking out as many as possible of those too good to do their own hoeing......

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