Saturday, December 20, 2008



I recently had a book on Female psychology placed in my hands... its no doubt something from the New Age mindset folks.... I have been interested, studying and observing female psychology since my divorce, which was my personal wake up call to there being some real problems with it..........

Anyway, this book was written by a collection of mostly women professionals, some with doctorates in psychology...... I read through it, hoping for the smallest tidbit of useful information, and was to be totally disappointed..... it was dry of any content of actual worth...

But, each chapter was written by a different doctor/professor, and the first page of each was a photograph of the Author......

All were women, from different age groups, different races and ethnic mixes.......

But I noticed one commonality in the Fotos....

Something that only a male would notice....

They were all Total dogs......

You know, like the left overs with no boyfriends in high school.....

Only one was even remotely pretty, and she had an attitude that would curdle milk.... a sour looking face.....

The rest were dogs.....

And I realized, that these women, were the current Van guard of feminism, and taught feminism, and it was all a silly after effect of some bad luck with Genetics....

That the ones with no boyfriends have to become lesbians, and then identify with it, and to identify, they have to justify, and it becomes their Mental Religion, which they push off on anyone they can, in the form of Feminism.....

The bazaar part of this realization, was realizing the number of females who are not rejects, and who fall for the shit, and have their mental agendas controlled by such.....

It sets the National Agenda sometimes....

The country has literally gone to the dogs.....

And how strange a thing to observe and to analyze...

That mentally healthy women have been effected to such an extent by the very losers in their own most competitive game of mating and mate stealing etc.

And therefore, for a woman to be mentally healthy in accordance with natural laws, its not “politically correct” you aim for..... its balance with the males and other women in your life....

Do you 'spose there will be anyone get angry at these words?

The truth is invariably liberating.......

The real “Women's Liberation” of our times, is Women figuring out to Liberate themselves from Feminism.... Which is a sour grapes attitude toward males at its roots, which is connected to the very women rejects, through no fault of the males....

I am innocent of any bad intentions, and in fact, wish to suggest a solution......

Lets stop the war in Iraq/Iran/ the whole fucking mid-east....

We can do that by just going home early.....

Let them sort it out..... I'd suggest they start lining up wise men now,
to go to “the big talk-talk-talk...”

Then with the money we save, we start working on the national debt. Say first with a tax on excessive profits, you know, like on who ever is greedy and gaining on it....

And when we get this happening we then also take up training more doctors, to lower the price of medical care, say ask the Cubans, how to produce doctors in quantity.....

And lets have say at least half of these new doctors for awhile focus on doing Total Make Overs on women at Public Expense...... its how they pay their loans off......

Makes more sense than the war.....

Lets make all our women as beautiful as possible, as part of nationalized medical rights.... no problem left unfixed, if fixing is possible.....

Let them be vain..... We'll love it! Male heaven, every woman a beauty in real terms,
And every body is happy.....

This should heal the minds of the beauty have-not Queens, even those teaching psychology.....
And shouldn't those minds be as healthy as possible?

Everybody gets a happy face if they want one......

Your choice girls....

to be feminists,

or to be feminine....

They are not the same thing...

Lesbianism? Just a fringe area sexual fun type..... nothing to worry about, if you take the anger and hurt out of it........

Do I make any sense?

Yea, I know..... sometimes.....

I had a friend comment one time, that “Gris comes up with a lot of shit, but sometimes its got some gold in it.”

You know, it might stop war entirely.....

That we put our economics to better uses..........

So? When the moment of truth arrives, what should your part be?

You know, we shouldn't think we need to kill the Muslims to win...

Only Morons on TV think like that.....

I think we just need to fix up our women as much as is possible.... every one a beauty.....

And the Muslim women will hear about it...... and want the same thing....

And could their men resist this? I dont think so.........

And they would have to spend their money on it too..... less for explosives belts, and other extreme toys of other hurting minds.....

And if their women were are all soon as beautiful as possible, that makes less reasons for having to cover them up..... getting to the root of why they do cover them up, to prevent a problem or two from the head games...

And the men with more wives, would be more leveraged to fixing them up....

Can you Imagine an oil sheik with the whole harem begging for a make-over!

Could he resist? I think not!

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