Saturday, December 20, 2008

Preparing for the Future 10


Trusting other humans.......

Isn't a very good idea..... nor is trusting yourself, much better you watch all humans closely, and expect problems, especially with the guy in the mirror...

My point is we are all not as good as we should be....

The Current Mega Problems on a global scale have the same roots as the problems in your house.... There are problems where ever humans are involved.....

IT's US SILLY! We are the problem.... The childish ego has us doing not good to others, and not good for ourselves in the process......

I've noticed that bad luck comes from ugly actions.....

its like the money thing, you blow some money foolishly, and within days, you need that amount of money and are shy, down to within a few cents of what you blew off......

Well, other actions and results are similar.......

The truth invariably comes out......

Because thats the way the universe is designed......

Funny how this is never taught in schools..... No Scientists doing a Thesis on the connections between common actions and their unfortunate results......

My point is, we can be self centered, but if we are and cheat others, bad things happen to us.......

Take a look at the Galaxys, notice how every thing is either in balance or heading that way?

Poke a planet with your finger, notice how it wobbles for awhile, and then goes back to steady orbits around it's sun.......

Well, human relations, and human works, are like that too......

It all balances inevitably.....

Meaning: if you want a better world, its easy, struggle against your own temptations and do what your heart says is the right thing, and others will see and copy if they are smart....

Honesty is important!

If you are honest, you will suffer much.... but if you are dishonest, you will suffer worse........


Other people? Clergy, Sages, the Enlightened, etc., have exhorted them for thousands of years to be better people, and neither they, nor the clergy etc., have done much to brag about when it comes to being better folks.......

Some: Yes, Most: no........

They all pretend to be doing better....

They all lie to themselves.....

And each other.......

And thats why we have an ugly world, where it used to be beautiful and open and free........

Paradigm shift anyone?

Not likely....


Too late is on the way.........

My advice?

Struggle to improve yourself....

Because if you aren't struggling, you're just part of the problem.....

If you are struggling, your still part of the problem.... but less....

and if enough people struggle internally, things will get some better....

And if they continue as the plans say, things are going to get much worse, even for them.....


And the cycles seem to be fueled by Hubris and Vanity........

The truth is, theres no such thing as a good neighbor....

but there are neighbors who struggle to be good.....

Actually; “Better neighbor”.......

Better than those who don't try.........

Be one of those......

And don't expect it to be easy.........

And don't expect others to be trying, just because you are......

Do it for yourself, and even forget the example setting... just do it because it IS the right thing to do......


And funny thing.... your luck will improve.......

Mine has... my bad luck has gotten much better.... I still have bad luck, but theres always a good side, even when I can't see it yet......

Human Decency is the bottom line....

If your aren't a decent person, by struggling to be so, Why bother breathing?

My point is what you receive is connected to what you send......

Supposedly, we are put here for a big genetics test, if one believes what the bible says.....

And the planet's real owners will be back soon to see how things went.....

Who survived the wars, famines, quakes, volcanoes, etc., and funny thing, they say you have to survive, and also have decency in your heart, honesty, etc., to pass the test....

And those who most cause the problem will be executed..... Hmmmm?

Cherish your own humility......

Its your treasure...........


A Monkey thing......

We can fix the problems, if enough people look in the mirror and talk to that guy.....

But I wouldn't let my self believe in anything or anyone outside one's own skin....

The best life possible, is people staying home, growing their own food, teaching their own kids, and being responsible for all their own needs including defense.....

In the Tao its described as seeing the smoke from your neighbors chimney, and never getting over there to bother him......

The vignette has two sides, one is supplying one's own needs, the second is leaving others alone to do likewise.....

The small family on the small farm is as good as it gets.....

Hubris and vanity and sex in the city?

They're on their way out......

aren't they?


Now on to my final point on the issue;

I expect a miracle.....

And I've never seen a miracle, and so am a skeptic....

But I'm suspecting when the shit hits, something strange will be part of it.....

That those who deserve worse luck will have it....

and those who deserve less bad luck might just scrape through on a bazaar event.....

It happens all the time in life or especially in wars, people who know they should have died, and didn't for some inexplainable reason.....

I think in whats coming, I'd want my karma as clean as possible....

Because I think it isn't going to be just random.....

I'd want my bad luck to be good... as good as possible.......

I make the statistical universe give me better odds, by my own decisions and actions....

All of them.......

I wonder if the sky gods are filtering us for luck too?

Nothing “JUST” happens......

Like I've said before, that; Alternative technologies are a vast gold mine waiting to be tapped.... All of them.....

Nukes make a few people rich, and fuck up the planet worse than any thing else in existence....

Windmills create more jobs, and slow down the wind, but so little we'd have to cover the land masses with turbines to be able to measure the effect.....

They also are more unlikely to do a melt down and make entire areas of the planet no-go zones forever.....

So every time you hear someone talk positive about nuclear power on the planet, know that they are dangerously insane.... and should be sent to a re-education camp in China.......

If you wanna build nukes, do it in space..... & preferably not too close even then....

Hubris in scientists and management has the same effect as hubris in doctors, Dead Clients....
We are the clients....

Time to switch to different Doctors......

And the Quakes around the planet are getting more frequent and stronger......

And I know how to build a totally quake resistant structure, at least for Richter 7's and 8's,
at 9 boulders and trees get thrown up in the air sometimes, so no insurance there.....

Anyway, my fun hobby effecting the future just got a lot “funner”........

And what I do on this blog, is more of the same, trying to get some concepts out into the Idea Marketplace, for cures to our problems..........

Funny Huh? Some crazy living under a tarp in Costa Rica.....

About to engineer a new Agrarian culture, and a new Aesthetic culture to boot!

You've all seen some of my small stuff..... it has a style all its own.....

Which I have chosen to call Neo-indigenous.....

And its like the story or “Niggle's Leaf” by Tolkien...... I'm putting it all together.....

Anyway, I do hope it catches on, and I do hope some of you are even better at it than I...........

The way back to the Garden, is by going there, and planting.....

We can create a paradise world, and prob'ly do OK with tourism....

Or we can nuke our silly selves....

I was an assistant baseball coach for a few years..... to me this is like a baseball game, where you get a team, teach it to co-operate very efficiently, and then go kick butt with it......

Vote with your actions folks, turn off the fucking TV.........

And you may be able to survive whats coming.....

Only you, are going to bother to save your own ass............

The best way to do it, is in groups, but not the current style of Hyenas and Jackals telling big whoppers to screw you.....

The sign of there being some slight hope for humanity, is when the current status quo and their rabid dreams of one government, become irrelevant.....

Yes, there is a social facet to the cure, no Virginia, it is not more of the same......


There is also an ambient dishonesty factor involved... But the bottom line on problems, is they generally require at least one other person to have very many of them.....

I've been an observer all my life, and one of the strangest things I have realized is just how dishonest humans are...... its the old Me Monster popping his heads up again, and everybody seems to have one..... its from a genetic defect, because some folks are more honest than others, the spectrum goes from Habitual Liars, who end up in politics and businesses, to people who actually have an adverse physical reaction and feel sick if they tell even one small mis truth.....

The status quo has made a profession and a lifestyle of being successful liars.....

How to do it? Well, first you need some sheep.....

And sheep are flock animals, meaning emotionally dependent on each other's company for their little fear problem.....

Funny, how some fear, even when there is nothing to fear.....

Anyway, to victimize you, you have to some how be dependent on other people, and the cure to most problems is getting more distance between yourself and the person or persons causing the problems...

It works every time!

That means it's likely related to some natural law........

Examples might be a spouse.... they tend to be real pains in the ass because one is so close and locked in....

Now if you didn't need a spouse, they wouldn't likely be there, and if not, neither would there be the problems that come with them...

Also, consider the American revolution.....

The colonist got some space, and the old status quo tried to milk them from afar, just like it did when they were closer.... They, being more independent for the distance and disconnections came up with this attitude that they didn't need King George, or his band of merry thieves, and sent him a love note to let him know it was all over, and they didn't want his nose in their butt any more....

Which he got really upset about, and sent a bunch of hired thugs in red uniforms to go abuse the colonists some, just like the Chinese are doing in Tibet.....

Well, the abuse didn't make the Colonists any more in love with George and all his business buddies.... and they began to have a little guy fun, getting together for tea parties and such, i.e. Causing problems for the status quo where it really hurts most; the the royal wallet in this case......

So then, the Thugs shot a bunch of peaceful protesters, thinking this would surely cause their friends and family and neighbors to fall back in love with English Culture.....

After this, the Thugs started getting sniped at..... which was really insulting to the king, as he paid really good money to keep up the intimidation forces, and the colonist were offing them for pennies on the pound sterling..... Lead is cheaper than uniforms.......

Eventually the Colonists enforced some distance with unified belligerence..... and George and his buddies had to pull back, and then go covert through the banking system to regain control, but that only took a hundred years or so to pull off, and is another story, other than that they used a dependence or connection, to pull it off..........

Its a classic story, the repeat of the endless fairy tale of human relations.....

The moral to the story, which no one else seems to have gotten yet, is that problems are directly connected to dependence on others, and if you want to have less of them, become less dependent on others and more self reliant.........

If the Colonists had switched to coffee earlier, they could have screwed George's business buddies with out all the fuss....

If they had all packed up and moved out of the towns and villages, and went to small farms, it would have made it really hard for the Thugs to get a bite of eats, or someone to wash their uniforms...... Distance is a good thing sometimes.... but not when you rely on force, which generally requires numbers of people....... Its like the Thugs King George of our own day has.... be they police or military, its not the ones you see that you fear, they can be sniped at.... its their numbers........

And one of the problems with thugs, is there are finite limits to the type....

Which is why organizations are formed, so you can put thugs in charge of more normal people and order the normal people to do thug's work, and we call this type of organization a military or police force, and it is kept functioning by mostly promoting the thug types...

I noticed this when I was in the military, that the good (Decent humans) officers didn't do as well promotion time.... That the whole system was a filter for assholes........

Its a system run from the top, and if the top is filtering for assholes, what must they be like at the top? If you have to be an asshole to get promoted towards being more part of the group at the top?

But theres another problem.... decent folks dont like working for thugs........

Decent folks like working for themselves, which is why the thugs have press gangs, called the draft on our side of the pond......

But thats not too popular either, especially when the thugs get some fight started somewhere with other thugs in a turf war.... because the decent people dont like being used up, and their family doesn't appreciate the nice body bag at public expense....

But the decent people tend to be sheep.... and rely too much on the sheep dogs, which are more related to the wolves than to the sheep.... so instead of being victimized by occasional wolves, they trade their freedom, to be victimized continually by the farmer and his dogs, whom do quite well at supper time on spuds and mutton......

In the turf wars, the thugs kill off each other's sheep..... thats how the game is scored....

Counting sheep.... which gets to be into the big numbers and the thugs fall asleep while trying to count all the body bags, which explains why the count seems to be shy a few missing relatives these days......

Terrorism? Thats thugs intimidating the sheep..... the sheep effectively caught between two opposed groups of thugs, and both sides abuse the same sheep, each trying to get their own desired effects....

Now.... lets imagine a cure to these problems..... like say if all the sheep got wise, and realized the fences weren't impervious, and they one by one escaped....

Yes, they would be outside with the wolves, but sheep can Clay-mation into Coyotes if they try really hard.....

Then the thugs would have a really hard time finding the scattered sheep, now become Coyotes, and when they did find them, Coyotes are tough eating, which is something Homeland defense will discover when they wander out into the heartland looking for easy victims......

Which will cause them to run back inside their fences and be content with the sheep too stupid or too fat to jump the fence....

So my point is, to be victimized requires dependency, which is why the note the colonists sent to the George of another era was called a declaration of independence.... and basically stated “we dont need you any more, go away, and screw yourself instead of us.”

But unfortunately the colonists didn't realize that starting another sheep farm on this side of the water with its own thugs would just get the same results again.....

The moral of the story, is you cant go back to being a sheep and expect the freedom of a coyote to continue......

And if you dont look forward to a body bag, you'd best stay out of the village where the thugs and their press gangs are, and you'd best find every way possible to keep from feeding that system.... drinking coffee instead of tea......

Or in these times taking up a mint tea habit instead of coffee, unless you live where you can grow coffee, because its not the coffee farmers and pickers who make the money, its the thugs and all their taxes and bureaucracy, i.e. Governments, which are the natural home of corruption.....

Getting rid of corruption is easy.... avoid forming human organizations.......

And if you cant do that, dont feed them.... jump the fences, try on some coyote outfits, and scamper off.......

And dont come back.....

Learn to be self reliant and the problems go away.......

Get some distance, and freedom automatically comes with it......

Fat sheep have the hardest time jumping the fences........

There is a window of opportunity opening up due to all the sheep being stuck on short rations soon......... when you find your self getting thinner, start working on the practice jumps....

And I've been at this awhile......

and one concept I have come up with is to do a bit of a costume to a Gillie suit.....
I have this Nazi motorcycle helmet, and want to put lights on it.... like a head light so I can use it exploring caves or walking at night post Armageddon.......

I also have these small deer horns..... and have long thought I should do a Gillie suit that was like some pagan deity..... you know, a monster to scare the piss out of superstitious types...

So I am thinking it needs to be camouflage by day, something like the classic “Green Man”
with Gillie suit tatters and camo, and at night be able to light it up with a switch until it looks like an apparition......

Might buy me a spit second at the right moment.....

And be hard on anyone staring though a starlight scope the moment I lit it up.....

It also goes along with the Neo-Indigenous thing nicely... Native cultures love masks......

And looking like Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer lit up, would be good for Halloween and Christmas.... and with some lights on the antlers, might be kosher for Hanuka?

How Multi-cultural!
And way Renegade!

I think I want to do a travel cape of blanket material, like the Hudson's bay Capote, and then do a rain cape that goes over it, and the Gillie suit cape over that.... or be able to use them all separately.... like be able to string the rain cape up and camp under it.... and the Gillie suit is a camouflage net to hide under.......

This would also work well over a fox hole....
Maybe use my spear for an expedient tent pole..... this would give a stand up room camp that was camouflaged that could disappear in a split second and leave an empty hole......

Its a good plan.....

There are probably several versions possible.........

Sounds crazy, but with the quakes and volcanoes, not to mention food problems etc. I think one might want to be as mobile as possible, and so this is what I have come up with......

When Day One arrives, I will be somewhere between where I am now and my goal of near perfect preparedness through minimizing as much as possible my kit, and my expectations, and my ego........

What I have learned living under a tarp tent, is surprisingly its a nice life.....

And one of the best ways humanity can in part fix the problem is by doing and wanting less...

It's the being Piggy causing the problems.....

Meaning the pigs are getting a bad reaction from the universe.... and a rebalancing is in the offing..........

Albeit a painful one if present trends continue.....

Bottom line folks, is we need to quit doing stupid shit, and start doing the stuff I've talked about, or else....

You choose........

Hang out at the party in Babylon until the cops come, or leave early........

I hear them whining on short wave about the police state.... Well, thats normal when a civilization goes terminal.....

The thing to do about a police state, is get out of it........ and those too stupid to get out, go through the shit, as it goes through its theater of death........

Out is out.......

Any out is better than no out, and more out is better than less out.......

And this isn't the first time things like this have happened....... its an old play.........

It repeats and repeats and people dont learn, every few generations has its pie in the sky to run off to.........

Run the other way.........

Personally I am looking forward to the adventure.... I feel sorry for all the poor fools, but less civilization is better than this.......

And if it takes all the fools killing themselves and each other, theres not much I can do about it..... but I have tried........

So when Day One arrives, I'll be doing whats natural, and so may have a chance.......

Anyway.... what else can I say?

Personally, If I had had access to this material years back, it would have saved me myriad problems........

I provide direction, I provide some how-to information, and I provide ideas about the possible future, and I provide some encouragement....

What I cannot provide is the Decisions and the Guts........

Thats your part.......

But at least start to lean in the Neo-indigenous direction, and get a kit together so when all hope is gone, you have a direction to go.......

Just the having that much could save your sanity, and maybe your life.......

I have experienced great losses........

Whats coming will eclipse my experiences......

When food supplies go down for any reason, Wars, Plagues, etc. follow......


The best thing we can do, is spread out and grow food, and dont feed the bears.....

Should be one hell of a show from the distance......

Sure is nice we have such great communications systems, I can set and watch it come on TV too if I want, only I am at least in a decent place to watch from......

Above high tide, at the edge of the empire, in an area with little rural population even.......

No shortage of folks in Latin America, but its like everywhere else, concentrated into the cities and towns.........

All glued to their jobs and their TV's and their refrigerators......

And the management is the fucking problem.......

An Arrogant Elite.... How nice......

Neo-Nobility for the Neo-Feudal era, which will be a short one, followed by an era like after the fall of Rome....

Its like human culture is like some science fiction blob monster, it blows itself to shit, and all the little blobs slowly regroup to form new big blobs...... “Blob Theory” Sociology?

I think it better, if the little blobs kinda melt into the turf, and dont reform any big blobs......

Because the big blob is invariably all the blob material, including the little blobs, getting screwed.... A social system is not a good idea...look in the mirror, if you were king would you do any better? Can you control your own insatiable desires? Can you even control what you think about?

Would power corrupt you?

What all this means, is there is neither security, nor sanity in numbers.... the security and sanity are results of excess space and open area........

Go wild......


Now about 3am........ computer seems to be having some problems, OK figured it out....

all better...

Thinking this morning about various things related to survival, and current “Reality”......

One Item is planning how to do the Gillie cape, and the “costume”......

thinking to do lights with Green diodes, because they put off the same color light as several types of tropical insects here.... this would make my “Forest Devil” costume very eerie to locals because the color of light would be familiar to see in the night, but something would be wrong with what they saw, and with the antlers, and moving and big, and them being an incredibly superstitious people anyway, would all add up to the desired effect......

There is also a local urban legend about a “Chupa Cabra” literally; Goat Sucker, here, that is most likely an oversized type of Vampire bat..... and Its in my area... I have a friend who lost a colt to it........ I have also heard it fly in the night very regularly for months, and had visitors from the states, who heard it every night for months also....

Its big.... you know how a bat sounds flying, now imagine something the size of a buzzard making that same sound...

And big fruit bats are common here, so I'm talking with some experience, and I know the difference in flying sounds, between an owl and other birds etc., from living in the woods habitually.....

Anyway, it was a big laugh here for a while, with a song about the chupa cabra etc. so the concept was highly publicized and talked about, and no shortage of farmers turning up dead animals with holes in their necks.... Vampires are common here also, but not big enough to kill calves etc., in a single feeding like this....

Also, the local slang for deer is Cabra....... and the deer here are very small.... also very rare due illegal hunting with dogs and .22 rifles...

Anyway, what I am thinking is with the Gillie style camo, German helmet, the horns, face veil, etc., and the green diodes of a couple intensities, the effect should be eerie enough........

Add in the bow and quiver, and I'm a semi-modern version of the old pagan deity the Horned Hunter.... which was associated with male power........

Add in my spear......

It just gets better, as I think about it......

Camouflage as a costume..... ah! Yes, I must have watched too much TV Saturday mornings or something, now transmorgrifying myself into a bazaar super hero.... Also El Zorro is the number one kid thing in Spanish culture.... They're programmed perfectly with their TV Mindset.....

Not bad! A fun idea, and perhaps worth copying? Everybody do their own version of the idea,
Witches and Ogres, what ever... Fairies if your that type of guy......

I also thought I need to get an Elk Call, as the locals have never heard one.... and Elk make the Eerie-est noise Imaginable, its like the land Mammal version of a whale call....

And loud..... gotta have one!

The Concept is kind of a Warrior/demon/Medicine Man effect..... the local indigenous folks would enjoy it, they have some demon/mask traditions here.....

I'm going to look for some light polypropylene cord, and small diameter rope, and do a net with a rope edge to build the Gillie cape on..... it could breath well, give the desired effect, and be durable in this climate.... I'm thinking do a Yellow fog light spotlight on the helmet with green high intensity diodes as a switching option, and then some green low voltage low amperage electronics diodes sprinkled around the costume for my Bug lights.... would be nice if I could get them to flash independent of each other........

The helmets shape is an eerie one also, too many war movies for too many people.... and by adding horns and lights, face area being veiled, Spear/bow etc., its a pisser......

Should be a fun project, and I figure to look for a small Quartz Halogen fog light, as for my main beam, its something I can get and also an eerie color..... Imagine seeing this thing coming at you in the dark, its big, it glows, its hairy looking with the tatters of camo cloth in the Gillie cape, it has horns, and a big head..... and just as it gets to you, it makes this incredibly loud and very strange haunting sound and then a flash of incredibly bright yellow light in your eyes.....

Psych Ops........

And if I'm traveling with my packboard and the Gillie cape thrown over it too, it would change the form to be very un-human......

Yup! Gotta havvit!

And it could be an effective survival tool if I have to travel on foot.....

Nobody is going to be expecting that.......

Cultivating the element of surprise.....

And looking like some Monster out of a Brian Froud Art piece......

I wonder if the Nephilim have a tradition of devils? The concept of scaring demons with ugly masks is an old one.... I may have to include this one in my fiction....

Another morning.... dawn in fact........ after a very wet night....

I slept good, no major worries....... I have a decent life going, and I've been inside the monster and got out........

Funny thing about the tropics, is after every storm, its beautiful again...... why would you want to live anywhere else?

I hear about the retirement subdivisions beginning to cover areas on the Baja in Mexico.....

Pretty stupid.... vain monkeys who think the system is forever.....

Minus the water truck, and that area becomes a strange museum piece, mega-ghost towns......

And yes we can build water pipelines from here until tomorrow, but can we stop greed?
Can we end the game of politics?

Can we get the monkeys off our backs?

I dont think so..... I dont see much leadership....

jowly politicians, and overstuffed lawyers.....

Do I count on them saving me?

They were who led us into this dark cave........

Are you sure we can trust them to lead us out? I dont think so........

I think I'll use my flashlight to find my own way out, thankyou....

Anybody with me?

Get low folks..... we're at that place on the “Limits of Growth” study graphs where things go up and down for a period, and that study did not factor in global climate change, which will move things up, time wise......

After the current period of instability, will come the edge of Lemming leap, with at least half of humanity dieing off.........

Or we can get our act cleaned up..........

Is it gonna happen?

I ain't betting my life on it......

Going to be a sorry state for many aging folks who thought they could have it all....

Having it all is one thing, keeping it is another, and that pot of gold you thought you had, was robbed by the army you hired to protect it.... now what do you do?

Best sober up fast and quit trusting the bastards for one thing.....

Best find your path out of the maze next........

Because laying in a warm bed, reading about living in a cabin in the woods, is not as good as being there......

You can have a warm bed and a book there too......

And be a lot happier......

With a big garden to keep you humming.....

And some flowers to accent the green......

What people need is five or ten acres with water on it somehow, be it a well and a windmill and a stock tank.....

They need something to turn the rain, and break the wind....

They need clothing, and food, and cooking and heating fuel.....

They do not need a car,

they do not need a TV

They need a way to subsist......

If you are not working on a way to subsist, that is disconnected from the technocult and all of its lies and liars, your chances of surviving and prospering are low.......

I listen to business programs on short wave, I hear everyone trying to do the money game harder..... Not a single gardening program on short wave.....

It will be better when I have Internet....

I can get in contact with people like me....

My ideas will have their chance to fly on merit......

If only one is used, I will have achieved something.....

And maybe I can watch a gardening show? Or have access again to library services.....

Should be nice..... and happening with in a few months......

I'll need a computer stand over by the Hammock........

And a pitcher for the lemonade.....

Waiting for my own garden to grow.........

Just another morning, up before dawn, doing the morning routine....

Heard a program on short wave for a second time, christian survivalist out of Miami,
They were bitching about the 2012 thing, and how folks are arming up for it like Y2k,
and the related commercialism on Internet........

Well, It's a hodge-podge world, and everyone having a right to be a bit crazy these days......
And likely to get some crazier before its all over.....

My Comment on it is I wouldn't go believing in the 2012 date as a promise down to the minute..... but it could be.....

My thoughts are everyone should be prepared for anything anyway, just as a good habit, and besides, I'm onto the Nephilim thing myself and not from the internet, as I've written, came to the conclusion my self.......

So, hearing some one pooh-poohing others who are on to the same thing, was a bit aggravating....

But They have a right to do that, and I have a responsibility to try to survive by being prepared, so I don't need to be “Repaired” when the shit hits......

Gotta use my own head, find my path as best I may, struggle for balance in all things,
And fight my own version of human stupidity.....

I have plenty to work on.... myself mostly, like some new age bliss ninny....

One runs around having a life of some sort, trying to figure it all out, and navigate shit river with an expedient pole, wondering if your paddle made it to the ocean yet, or if its still stuck in the shit too?

Also the little joke about Repairing one's self aside, I've realized that that is an important thing to do, but hard to keep up on all the work, when just dealing with a few other humans and catching their emotional garbage, not to mention their predatory economic trips.....

I even heard someone saying something similar on the radio, after thinking on the issue myself for days......

So.... I'm in style somehow finally.... Survivalism is in, and I've pretty much always been one..... and everything I think about ends up on short wave shortly, like the world was reading my mind.......

I even worry a little bit, because I know I'm a few months from a net connection of sorts, and have been writing on this blog etc., with out knowing whats out there on the Internet,

So its like I'm coming out of a cave.... culture shock for sure, but I know some nut sitting in his cave is likely to do a lot of undisturbed thinking, and maybe some of the ideas have value.... or so I hope in my own case.....

Anyway, I had a strange thought this morning, that for some, maybe hauling a hatchet with a handle violates their carrying abilities too much, and they choose to have just tool heads in their kit, That it might behoove one, to round off the back corners on the hatchet head at the poll and down the corners some at least, so it could be used more comfortably as a hand axe while making its own handle..... It would also be a good idea because the corners wouldn't wear holes in your pack......

I have a spare hatchet head, and may put it to the grinder and see what kind of effect it gives, and then put it in the “GO” stash pile....

I also realized that I can start a project I've long been drawn to, a harpoon....

Me? wouldn't harpoon a whale, but I enjoy making and trying primitive weapons, and my group and self are into boats, and I could use a harpoon here on big swordfish...... rig it with a float, and use it to Tag the swordfish to keep from being able to get away, even if the line or hook turn loose........ And swordfish are good eating, and a big hunk of meat....

Anyway, now I need to await the proper materials, namely another cleaver with a hole in it that I can use for the pivot point in the bitt.....

I like working with the cleaver weight knives, as they have the durability factor I like.....

At the border the Dollar stores occasionally get some decent stuff in, factory over runs etc.,
And now the wait for more cleaver steel.......

I also want to make a long shank killing lance for the sword fish thing.... and was thinking this morning about a landing net... I'm working towards the fishing stuff on all fronts, And had my buddy comment that he hadn't got any fishing stuff yet......

Ah, lets see, he's got the boats, and I have all this fishing stuff........

About a sea bag full..... and more in the pipeline.........

Yea.... on track.......

Anyway, I was also thinking that my fiction work might please some people, no shortage of poor fools stuck in boring jobs and lives, now are there?

And at least what I write has some original ideas in the survival end of things.... Some practical/usable stuff.......

So we shall see, if making an ass of myself has any positive effects.....

On self repair.....

it needs to be more of a focus.... maybe THE focus?

To get ones attitude and head in order, establish good habits, and start following one's own point A2B plan ............

I kinda do that, minus having my head all together......

I've taken a lot of damage control stuff in my life.... Do the rest of you get constantly traumatized by other humans? Or is it just Me?

You know, if we all backed off a bit and gave and took more space, things would be a tich better........

That living all bunched up, really is just asking for trouble.....

In my designer dream culture, I think I'd want people to realize how nice it is to have some space and peace, and food security, and maybe start giving up the city-head idea.....

I remember back in the 70's when lots of Hippie types in my area started doing these commune type things...... it worked pretty good actually, one would get some land some how, and all his/her friends, and friend's friends would show up and everybody build some funky cabins and small houses in the forest, with trails between them.....

That all faded, I think it was women and kids syndrome, the little shits just have to go to school you know, hippie women were like all women in that they are programmed too much....

But, my point is that it worked..... they grew awesome gardens, added to the social life, and many did crafts and made things.......

Well girls, now you have to go get what you threw away back, or starve..... and all the Kids better give up on Grateful Dead, Fish, and Rainbow gatherings, and maybe focus on getting their own Neo-Nomadic/Neo-Indigenous trip in order, instead of practicing bliss Ninnie-ism......

We shall see....

But I don't think anybody is feeling too good about fossil fuels these days, and I've been saying the thing about only owning what you can move with out fossil fuels for years....

I own so much more than I need....... and all of it pretty much is gear for survival and subsistence.... and I add more constantly..... mostly by making things and buying things cheap when I can.....

But I also think constantly about my personal materialism culture, and how to make it flexible and well planned in whats coming.....

I hope like hell I don't have to go anywhere except fishing....

So, Even just yesterday, making something useful, several somethings in fact, from a $5 cleaver......

And I have a little grinder gas left, and maybe do another knife today, need to bevel the hand or palm knife blade which is like the scraper in shape.......

I've tanned before, and also done stone points and knives, and know the hand celts are nice tools..... I have one I shaved with for a decade, made from high speed Gerber stainless, from a broken knife...... it took me a day to flatten the angles on a hand stone and go to emery paper, but it will shave you in seconds now......

Its in a kit.... as I was given a nice blue steel straight razor that I use...

I have to dry and oil it after each use, in the tropics anything ferrous looks ugly quick and even special treatment isn't always enough.....

Its a main reason I lean stainless as much as possible these days......

Anyway, the stout skinner would be nice for sharks.........

I've used tin snips and vise grips to skin tough fish before...
The worst is Alligator Gar in the Southern US.......

I wish I was that tough.....

Hmmm? Starting to think about food, maybe do noodles, I bought some, and am bored on breadfruit and rice lately.....

A friend called me last night, he picked up a “Gringa” woman and her dog, walking from Panama, She had all her stuff stolen in Panama, and couldn't use the buses with the dog, and had been walking for days......

Nice of these Latins to do that for her..... it shows you how much they appreciate the tourism.....

Basically I suspect this end of the third world to have its economy based on Illegal workers in the US, Robbing tourists, Ripping off land buyers, extortion, Etc., With government fees as icing on the cake......

I dont think its a sustainable business model.... they think it is........

I think with internet, the days are numbered for their collective attitude......

Maybe already happening, they're doubling prison space, And I think I know why....

Sometimes its handy to have a status quo with something to lose.... occasionally there is some trickle down with the law and order thing, but not often or much these days.......

San Jose', is like where Ali Baba's ethnic group hangs out.... 40 thieves? That was generations ago... they've been doing some breeding....

To me, living in San Jose' would be like living in a wildlife park in Kenya maybe.... If you have to go to the water hole at night, better be packing the .450 Holland & Holland, and a couple of Heavy Revolvers......

Its a Jungle out there....

And all these retirement types move into San Jose' thinking its maybe like San Diego?

Kinda not.....

Personally, the longer I live, the more amazed I am that the technocult ever worked......

All the tech isn't bad, its the human nature problem.....

A nuclear bomb is inert without an asshole to set it off.......

And like the old saying about God creating men, and Colonel Colt making them equal, the bomb does that on a grand scale.......

Personally, if World War three started any minute I'd not be surprised........

Iran wants one, they saw what happened to Iraq, and dont want Georgie boy and his Corporate buddies looting the country....

Cant say I blame them......

Iran, I mean.......

I was thinking this morning about the Fox Fire books, how sustainable the lifestyles were....

I'm not much into hog farming, I dont eat much meat........ and so I wonder about a potential culture based on a counter culture version of the same thing.....

Like what got started in the 70's and petered out.....

One of the problems I discovered here in Costa Rica, was the countryside culture was lacking in much creativity..... crafts were few........

I think spouse stealing was the local craft......

The Indigenous folk do still produce crafts.....

The Latin ethnics seem to produce waste, kids, and police reports.......

Anyway, I think it needs to go way beyond that now, out into the neither land of the extreme survivalist is probably where reality lies.......

Doing a hippy-rebel trip is tame compared to the things about to happen........

I think its going to be a RUN AND HIDE reality soon.......

Me? I just live day to day, paycheck to paycheck, and expect that to go away soon, and be replaced by all my group showing up like the Dust bowl/Great Depression days......

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see theres a little problem with all the political thievery....

I think its kind of a “how not to” do a civilization lesson....

One realization on the Nephilim thing, is that its the astronomers who will spot them first....
the hobby level guys wont be far behind the big boys, and a warning will cry out,
and it will look like pre Hurricane Katrina everywhere....

All those with a place to go, going there. All without a place going anyway......

And only those with no way to go, staying put.....

If the Nephilim are anything like us, I wouldn't trust them.... but neither would I do anything stupid if I could avoid it........

One thing I've learned since making the Genesis six connection, is that what the bible says makes a lot of sense........ but to understand it, it takes a disconnected from organized religion perspective.........

If the time line is correct, the arrival is after some really bad stuff, most likely nuclear war, plagues, famines, quakes, volcanoes, and if it is to all happen by 2012, we have a busy schedule.....

I hear the Christians discussing this 3&1/2 year period and that, and I wonder if we aren't about through with the first one, and they still talk like its off in the future.......

If something is going to surprise us, theres nothing like it arriving early and unexpected to do so..........

No, I'd guess we are thru the getting worse fast period, and going into the “Oh! Shit!” era........

The fun part is its getting worse so fast, every week or so there is something on the news that rings my attention bell........

I remember how people would act back in the Wonder Years.... like life being a beach party would never end.....

Well, they're all trying to figure out how to heat just a closet next winter, and hoping the cat food dosen't go up much more in price........

Smug folks.... a decade ago.......

They didn't realize that the wealthy would redistribute the middle class wealth first, and their own never.......

Me? poor as a church mouse, but I'm happy with what I have going....

I wandered thru my little food forest this morning with a sack, too much to carry and had to leave it.....
The reason the foto is here, is for any who need the idea, to do the same things......

I figure to do a leather sheath, and likely a neck thong/lanyard on it......

One could also pack these as flat blades minus the handles, and so gain a few ounces.....

For all you Christian Fanatics that want to go, to “other planets” as the bible says, you might begin thinking about the baggage allowance on star ships, and that if you do get chosen, what you can carry is probably the normal limit.....

Meaning if you want to colonize with a few handy items from Old Home Planet, you might think about what I am saying.....

Colonists usually carry more than passengers, but even then, I dont think you'll need a Mayflower Van.......

It goes back to my points on Neo-Indigenous trip: Mobility is everything, And if you think you're going to get a Harp playing Job, I suggest you start lessons now......

Because if I was God, I'd have Music school in purgatory, to help with the initiative.....
And to keep heaven harmonious....

Anyway.... we shall see.... I would enjoy other stars and other planets in the view screen,
But I'd want to have some of my Tarzan Gear to go down and explore them.......

What if the Sky God's have never Heard of Tarzan? I'll have to take my laptop and a few old classic movies eh?

“Here, this is about our Planetary Real Hero.....”

“Saves the animals, saves females, saves money on clothing, good with kids, washes regularly in rivers and lakes, and finds his own food..”

“Why is finding his own food so important? Well because thats a lost art now....”

Anyway back toward points, can you imagine being a scout or colonist and not having a good bow and arrows? Or some good knives? And if I'm a colonist I want some gardening tools at least....

And I do want a sword for whats coming.... its on the list....

Why? Because it always works, and doesn't need a little widget from Dupont to function....

I've long wondered about the disappearance of the Anastasie Pueblos, if they didn't disappear as colonist? Maybe involuntary Colonists?

Anyway, I'd hope to at least suggest the Idea that I go with some of my gear....

And I've spent time on ships before, and know about what I can tote up a gang plank from the taxi......

Basically its about 2 seabags...... its like the airlines used to be, a couple of 100 pounders, and two carry ons.......

If you had a star class ticket, and got basically this baggage allowance, say 250 lbs, what would you want in your bags?

Going to “new” planets, That means no cities.....

Do you like cooked food?

Would you want the right dog and horses? Cattle?

The pet cat? A library?

I've long thought on the ability of digital information processing to collect the sum total of Human knowledge and put it on a lap-top.....

I hope that somebody comes up with the idea of what a good thing to have such fountains of knowledge on computers for every kid on the planet....

“Here twirp, you think you know everything? Look in here and check...”

This booklet about the future is interesting in that it touches on things like food, overpopulation, technologies, etc., and gives ideas what we should do about it... like do in the 80's...... (Did we do anything in the 80's? That would save our butts?)
Another thing it has is some stuff on space colonization, which has been dismissed in other literature, due to a statement about it taking X number thousands of people leaving the planet per day to control populations....

An impossible number.... Unless we build two or three space elevators........

My point is this:

The Elite were Educated to think at the problem only from the population control end, and not from the emigration end, and so they think the numbers are impossible, which is what causes in part support for things like abortion and wars........

We have the paradigm shift right under our noses.......

Also we have the problem of the limits of growth computer models did not account for global warming which would move that population reduction drop closer to us, and instead of 2050 or so, could be 2010 or 2015........

So, my point is this, if we put up the asensor, and start construction in space at a priority pace, We no longer have any logic for warfare, which is generally a fight over space and resources mined, or grown on said space.......

In other words, until we can use up all the sun's energy and all the water and all the materials in the solar system, we haven't any need to study Malthus.......


And instead of building more Nukes we should be spending on the Asensors, which we could do, if we can get the Thugs out of the power positions.... they are in the “Rocket Limits” paradigm box, and cant think outside of it.......

Take a look;

From Africa to America, its Thugs in power......

All thugs know, is they need a better weapon than the other thugs, to be King Thug....

We dont need weapons, nor thugs, we need vast groups of human “Ants” building Asensors, and just the starting of the project would pull humanity out of decline, prevent nuclear wars,
And give kids some hope of doing something better than becoming a drug dealer................

The problems with humanity are from a lack of access to potential for creative types.......

We test kids for all kinds of things, but I have yet to see a creativity index test......

I.Q. Really is how much of what passes for knowledge do you know.... Glorified Trivia....

We need to start focusing and augmenting the RCI, or “relative creativity index”.........

And line up our social class stratification BEHIND this type.......

The reason that the creative types lack access to potential, is the status quo's decadent children get the higher education and the higher paying jobs.... They're plugging the works... (“Corchos”)

A form of Social Constipation.......

In the Blue Collar world, it is very common to discuss the Engineers the company has planning things, and all the really stupid stuff they try to do, that any common mechanic or fabricator would never consider....

I suspect there is a mathematical law, That the more you've been taught without hands on experience, the less likely you are to design well.......

And not testing engineering applicants for creativity Index just allows complete morons into the system fairly high up the food chain, where they cause nothing but problems for common man who is keeping it all going..........

And reduce the collective security of others, even for those, in the social stratosphere....

The most important things in the universe are habitable Planets, Genetics, and Creativity.....

No? then why do we make it a God? “THE CREATOR”......

Mommy... What do creators do?

Einstein said that imagination was more important than knowledge.........

I think I can prove that.... and am trying now to do that........

There are thousands of engineers who have knowledge of space elevator possibilities....

But how many are creative enough to realize the potentials?

Or figure out how to build one at maximum/optimum........

Its THE Paradigm shift..........

And if the European ethnic stock countries dont want to do it, I'd be glad to work for the Chinese as a Consultant...... If my own race has lost its guts and intelligence, its time to breed outside its Gene pool........ Genetic Mobility......

are myriad, but I'll start at one end.....

Was thinking about my packboard project, how to do a remaining task or two, to allow finishing up the wood working part....

but what I want to discuss really, is the qualities of packboards versus bag packs......

Modern campers/backpackers almost universally use a bag hung on a short aluminum ladder....

The bag has all kinds of nice pockets that want to be filled, generally with things you dont need......

Aluminum frames are nice....

but most on the market are dedicated to pack bags... and have no place to attach any other form of cargo........

I mistrust bag packs....... you always load them too heavy, and they trash you, and the loads trash them..... Most of what I have seen have been under-sewn, i.e. They use Nylon cloth which is incredibly strong, and they use nylon thread, also strong, but they tend to use too fine of a thread, and not enough of it for durability factor.... the bags also lack durability factor as they've gone to lighter weights to cut costs........

Pre-Yuppie Heaven days, packboards were common, also packframes of wood, steel tubing, etc.,
And often they were designed for reality, and you could haul just about everything on or in them........ often the bag was omitted, and a tarp was used instead, folded over the load, and strapped to the board with a diamond hitch of rope....

this allowed pack and shelter to be the same piece.. the tarp, and the lacing rope supported the tarp ridge when erected as a “Fly”, or Lean-to...........

I've built and am building packboards... and I have a boughten Korean War GI version....

When I finish the lastest packboard, I'll blog a foto for you.....

The reason I bring it up, is because I think a backpack Bag is the wrong thing for a survivalist bug out kit, if you can make a decent packboard....

Bag packs are susceptible to ripping out, and to Rats gnawing holes in them, And to people stealing them and everything you own, if you walk off and let them out of your sight.......

They are really bad for carrying odd shaped load items, car batteries, sacks of food or fertilizer up to the cabin, and the cloth wears holes anywhere it rubs for any reason....
Also the Zippers invariably give out.....

I think the problems are mostly due to faulty logic..... its that they have become specialized for Pedo-tourism to coin a word.....

Which they work fine for.....

but tourism ain't survival or day to day living...

Subsistence/survival is another animal, and requires a different set of tools......

I think the best Analogy is the Portage Vignette..... living out of a back pack is getting low, as you can carry 35-75 lbs and thats about it.....

To me, 35/75 is a bugout kit..... which is to allow you to travel and get to a more permanent camp situation.....

Anyone with half a brain will try to plan to have something somewhere in the way of a permanent camp..... the bug out kit is to get you there.......

Any permanent camp has things hauled in, and things hauled out....

A packboard is better for this generally, as it will haul pots and pans, sacks of flour, or firewood if thats what you need to do.... haul your firewood in a bag pack, and it will be in tatters in a year........

Also, if you build your own board, you can also fix it....

if you break an aluminum frame, or rip out a seam or zipper on your bag pack, things get ugly....

And you will be easy to follow, leaving a trail of possessions........

In the Future, the technocult could and probably will just flat go away, and be not likely to return in your life time........

An expedient packboard could be made of a pine board or a hunk of plywood with some closed cell blue foam pad glued on the to-you side, and some straps added...

Doesn't take a rocket scientist....

There are also more traditional improved designs...... and they range between boards and frames in style........

Or you could buy aluminum tube, or box tube, and cut your pieces, and take them to a welding shop with a TIG welder to weld up, and get a frame/board designed to carry loads, and not just backpacker toys........

I'd use one and two inch square or rectangular aluminum box-tube........

Another option is lightweight steel tubing, which can be gas welded easily, and if painted properly, and thinwall tubing is used, will make an incredibly light frame only slightly heavier than aluminum, and very strong.... if I were building for sheer durability and repair ability, I'd go steel....

But if I had TIG access, I'd go aluminum, but with heavier wall thickness on the box tube....

And get my durability riding on the lighter weight aluminum, but using more of it, to equal a steel tube frame in weight, and be stronger....

The practical ratio between steel and aluminum is 2X...... steel is 2X heavier, and aluminum 2X stronger... so you can use half as much steel for a strength level, or twice as much aluminum.... Gets you to the same place more or less, structurally.....

Its like bike frames..... neither can ever win totally..... there is a place for both.....

If I were building a bag pack, I'd want very thick cloth, and that it be rubberized....

Rain is a reality...... as is abrasion, overloading, and sharp sticks etc....

Zippers? Always eventually malfunction.....

Buttons and straps and laces are easier to repair.......

The only advantage to a zipper is when you want to relieve yourself in a hurry.... laces are more romantic.... as can be buttons.......

I'd also like to mention travel capes again... why? Because you can camp in them....

Take a Mexican poncho, cover it with a rubberized tarp poncho with a head hole, add rain hat and a mosquito veil, tall boots, and you can literally sleep outdoors in the rain.....

I'd rather have a classic cape and hood.... a more evolved design... but the idea is the same...
that ability to have house, bed, and coat and rain coat all be the same couple of items...

Add a Gillie net over the top, and you can start a new life as a brush pile any time you want......

And have very high survival stats, as you can wander around with no problems other than needing to wash your soxs and clothes regularly to prevent fungus and infections....

There were reasons capes stayed in style for thousands of years..........

They only really left us when the sewing machine made sleeves an easier task........

Sleeves are a complication..... keep them lightweight...... and have a cape to huddle in....


Not much of that lately....

but I have some Ideas, and considering that if they start world war three, my chances of survival are diminished, I think I have a right to put my nose into the issue....

I think its all a big mistake.... or actually many big mistakes making up an unpalatable stew for all sides.....

First, let me insult the Jews.....

WHY did the Holocaust happen?

Funny how we never hear anything farther back than the Holocaust.... like what it's roots are/were......

I doubt it just happened...

Do Germans intuitively hate Jews?

If so, some Jewish are Germans...... hmmm? So that cant be it.......

I have long suspected it had more to do with a culture of banking and being also Merchants... I also suspect it might have something to do with both world war one, and the thirty years war.....

All three of said wars trashed Germany.....


Why in the 30 years war was one in three of all Germany's population killed?

Who financed it?

Why after world war one was Germany forced to pay exorbitant reparations.....
could Paris being a Jewish City have anything to do with it?

I suspect that the causes go back to that banking culture, that some of the financiers of wars have been Jewish owned banks and lenders........

Perhaps the Germans felt they were being victimized for profit?

This would definitely cause a back lash.......

One thing I've noticed in my life, is that the Jewish stereotype of being Whiners appears to be true....

I've seen it myself over and over.... if noticing that makes me anti-semitic, so be it........

And the stereotype of being focused on money also appears true to me.........

Loaning money? Not a good idea considering human nature.... Lending money? Not a good idea either.... Neither borrower, nor lender be, if you want to avoid problems......

Personally I am more interested intellectually in Muslim banking, and would like to know more about it, and where I can join their version of a credit union....

Jewish banks? Naw, I'll pass.........

You Jewish people don't 'spose that there were more reasons you have been run out of every place imaginable in you checkered history? In my experience when I see someone get run out of somewhere, its because they have done something obnoxious....

I wasn't for having more nose.......

Nor was it likely klezmer (spelling?) Music.... I like that stuff, its fun.....

Other customs? Nothing I know of.....

So maybe it was just financing wars, charging Usury, and price gouging as merchants?

That would do it you know......

And why did the Christian Messiah, JC himself, rag on you guys about money changers, money focus, etc., and basically state he was on a mission from God to help stray sheep....

And not Mainstream Judaism.....

I guess that would be embarrassing? A people being Too Obnoxious for even your own God to deal with?

So lets see..... Cause a bunch of problems, rip people off, make money on death, and then when it comes back on you collectively, deny any responsibility, and point the finger at everyone else....

And in the process, use some corrupt politics and military force, to have land that you haven't held title to for a couple of thousand years be given to you, and the rightful inhabitants evicted from their own homes of countless generations..... and then Act on the world stage like its their fault too.....

Or mostly/all their fault......

Doesn't wash......

And now try peace plan after plan, that offers everything BUT justice.....

And then cry and whine some more...... and bomb houses, bulldoze houses, fence off houses, fence off and take orchards.... the list is endless....

And if you keep it up, you WILL get nuked..... sooner or later, inevitable, and get 3 or 4 or more billion other folks killed too in the process........

Personally I think the Jews make good Nazis.....

because thats how they appear to be treating the Palestinians.....

Muslims? What can I say about you guys? Too Fanatic sometimes are we? I think you have a right to be pissed and then some, at how things went.... but I dont think killing common folk is the solution, nor a good idea, nor how your religion is actually structured....

Its not working.....

kinda like George's plan to loot Iraq.... yea, they're looting away, but it ain't working for the common folk....... War Bucks=Body Bags .......

My advice?

Lighten up on the religion some..... I suspect you will get more converts with a good social justice program plan, than with a sword.......

Stop Terrorism..... Quality beats quantity.... Save your energy, you don't need to build so many Katusha Rockets, and launching indiscriminately..... it would be a lot more effective if you focused your resources on bettering your rocketry, and just point them out across the desert at Tel Aviv, and keep pushing the envelope on the distance and accuracy... As long as you are killing common folk, the politicians will only pretend to listen, and use it all against you, and as a point to unify their morons around.... make the business district/political offices of Tel Aviv your stated target, advise before launches, and do a bee-line for that goal, and apologize for any and all collateral damage.... Ignore the squatters on your lands... the way to win at chess isn't taking out pawns, its in cornering the Nobility... in modern times; Politics and Big Business..... Go for the Jugular vein... Their Money! They are Jews, remember? Give them something to whine about!


Well start by admitting you had a hand in causing the original problems.....

Give people their houses and lands back. All of it... every square inch, plus reparations for all the damage since.....

It would be a million times better for everybody if all the Jewish gave up the houses and land, and went back to living in tents in the eternally empty deserts for a generation like their Ancestors did, than causing a Nuclear War... Invest in Desalination plants while you are at it, and quit stealing all the water, like common thieves.......(God give us the gift and the geas to see ourselves as others see us!)

Give a tax break for people of both Tribes who inter-marry and have children etc., like no Inheritance taxes.... for either side...... that should fix the problem parents have with it....

also the kids can be “Both” on the religion question on Government forms..... Nothing stopping the kids from studying both cultures now is there? Are we not Descendants of Abraham on both sides of the coin?

Have all schools be run on an ethnic statistical parity with the national population, including private schools, which should charge a percentage of parental income, and not a flat fee.... level the playing field....

Allow cultural expression..... scarves on this group, skull caps on that.... who cares?

Have school uniforms for all..... School is a De facto form of socialism.... avoid social comparisons and competition....

Get rid of Interest on money.... any interest is usury.... put your energy and fine minds into something else.......

Consider all the business potentials for Come Home retirement communities for both Jewish and Palestinians who have had to leave.... could be a construction boom.... The Palestinians own the land. And the Jewish side finance it?

New zoning laws....

Every Synagog is also a Mosque.... like a Duplex apartment.... Muslim door on this side, Jewish door on the other.... Maybe people will get confused and go in the wrong door sometimes, and learn something, and have a good time watching how the other half lives....

Besides, the kids can play together in the parking lot..... maybe the “Mosqagogs” need playgrounds?

Put up some basketball hoops, and soccer goal posts, and supply balls.... it won't be long until the teams are all mixed up......

Encourage marriage between good neighbor's and friend's kids....

This is whats natural.....

Focus on making it a better place for all who live there... What good is money if you don't invest it in a better future for all..... stuffing your own sack, and taking from others isn't good business in the long term.....

Its balance that counts! A fair deal!

Design a government with three houses of parliament....
The Jewish house, The Palestinian House, and the Mixed House, where all members have to be of mixed ethnicity...... All legislation needs 3/4's of all three houses to pass.....

Basically an insistence on consensus.......

Without real and true justice,
real and true peace is impossible..........

I would also suggest to the Muslims, that the sub-prime loans scam is a golden opportunity to use their No Interest Banking to do a lot of Converts, God is God, as I heard a Muslim say once, I agree, and Know many are fed up with the Christian Televangalist Corruptocracy....
And if word got out that people with a history of being church go-ers who converted to the Muslim faith were all the sudden able to re-finance their houses, cars, and credit at zero interest, but Social work required in its place, you might need the Oil Money to finance the Conversion Boom.... There is always more than one way to do things, and cutting people's heads off to make a point will get you less than showing them a better path...........

Besides, Imagine the fun you could have competing with the current banking status quo, including being able to compete with Jewish owned banking and teach them a much needed lesson.... Personally I'd also Offer the same or slightly lesser offer to anyone who came and did the social work.... no better way to get to know people, than co-operating in good acts....
And plenty of disaster relief these days, and the Born Again Christians are having a field day doing disaster relief and showing people of many faiths, their best face as Christians...

Perhaps its time that the Red Crescent began to show up at even Disasters in the US.......

BOY! Get there first with the most, and get some really good press....... Hurricane Katrina showed the true worth of the US government to its people; ZILCH!

And on peace in Palestine/Israel..... I suggest you hold out until you get your lands and houses and businesses back.... Any thing else is screwing your kids over...And if I were king, I'd only offer peace on a couple of unusual conditions, that the Jews Cannot charge interest to anyone again forever, and their business mark ups be forever limited to 25%.......
I grew up in a business that dealt heavily with Jewish owned suppliers, they were very professional, and a pleasure to deal with.... But I think their mark ups and their suggested retail mark ups were high, as the suggested retail mark up was 100%......

Basically where we are, is at the point of systemic breakdown, and Credit Usury is about to trash the planet, just like it trashed the Roman empire....

Our money system is debauched, and Rabid Predatory Capitalism is trashing the planet...
Its time for a new game entirely... a real New Deal, and not a pretend new screw job...

And I dont want to hear about the “Isms” we dont need any Isms, we need shit that works no matter where it comes from.... I dont know if anybody else has noticed, but we are all in this boat together, and it black clouds on the horizon to windward....

Also realize with whats coming over the horizon, that it isn't more organization thats needed to combat it.... what we need is decentralization and disorganization, and get things back to the roots that function, i.e. The family and village levels........ The Current Status Quo are like gods on high in their own minds.... but the arrogance doesn't Jib with the current reality, and its becoming very very very obvious to all except them, that the Emperor is Buck Naked, and not all that well endowed for the jobs at hand.......

We dont need no world government.... just an Opportunity for a Hitler, Stalin, or a Bush to murder a lot of folks trying to maintain power.... Just like in Iraq.... all they can see is Oil money.... and hundreds of thousands have died for their slavering greed trips.....

ISMS are generally evolving into Monsters while pretending to be of great benefit....

Humans function best at the lowest common denominators... less control and more personal responsibility.....


Had a funny idea this morning.... yea.... the main problem with most survivalist wannabees is that they wanna, but don't have the guts, or dont have a way out of the trap....

Some would like to get out, but lack major resources....

One of the problems for refugees is housing... for a single person coming up with some kind of absolute minimal dwelling on wheels might be an answer for many....

I could see doing a rickshaw, or pedal rickshaw that was big enough to sleep and maybe cook in.... we're talking something not very big, like mate a bike with a garden cart, and feed it some steroids....

Nor would it be impossible to have an axillary motor, even if it was just a two stroke with friction wheel type....

Also a cart type rickshaw is possible.... I could see playing with the idea for fun..... and building something to try.... I just had an even more weird idea.... I love wheelbarrows and have a spare wheel laying around... Is a one wheel camper possible? Thats pushing it...(Pun!)

There's one for the university engineering students to use for contests, the minimal mobile dwelling competitions....

Boy! Everything from homegrown plywood construction, to welded aluminum tubing and tarp....

I could sleep bunched up in a 48 X 72 inch space.... and if the bed folded up into a chair and bench, I could cook in it....
And I only need 60 inches of headroom sitting on a bench....

48x60x72 isn't much space to enclose, nor much in the way or materials to buy or scavenge.... at those sizes, one could use lumber, like say 1x2 inch framing, roof it with sheet metal, even steel, wall it with plywood siding, and floor it with plywood also, and still have a fairly small empty box to push around until you need a nap or coffee.......

A mobile doghouse?

Lots of guys could use one monthly at least.......

And they would be great for ice fishing, deer hunting, beach combing, or secret rendezvous, if your girl isn't a fat one.......

I dont have much money to play with, but I could do it out of scrap lumber.....

I was already thinking about doing a Chinese style wheelbarrow, of wood, Neo-indigenous, i.e. Laced together, on my wheel.....

For hauling around stuff off the packsaddle....

I'll have to think about how to do a house box that goes on it as an option......

Cool would be if it folded down for less wind resistance like the telescoping or fold down
Tent Trailers..... Hmmm? A fun one to chew on.... and everybody do their own version...

I could see maybe doing a nice upscale version also, with solar panels, windows, curtains, lights, music, downsized refrigerator?

And a smaller nesting house to set out for the dog? You could do pretty good comparatively after a divorce, if a guy had one of these.... this and a gym membership, so you could bathe
etc., and you could hold down the job, and make the Child Support Ransom, Whats 15 or 20 years? 'better than jail......

And if you ever got fed up with it, this is the thing you need to escape with no other resources.... every night someplace new.... and you could have it lock up and so own a few items, fishing gear at least, which would be good for all the homeless vets...... Maybe Charity organizations could get volunteers to build the things for street people....

I bet I could get a wood stove in one.....

I had recently, was there needs to be a competition, whole earth, for the nicest slum dwelling built with cheap galvanized corrugated roofing.....

You know, give a prize for the best “Shanty Chateau...”

I could see designing some nifty small structures of wood, that came apart for transport....

I also thought about how you could cut the roofing into 48 inch long sections so that your house was more portable, to confound local governments, and for refugee work.....

“Where's the shanty town this week?”

Anyway, give it some thought if you look to be homeless soon... A Rickshaw camper
would be a nice way to work one's way south, fishing and camping rivers and creeks, and its a down hill trip to New Orleans, and if you are going to be homeless, You do want to do it at a good party spot..... with a Gulf Climate...

Really you don't need to go far... even a mile or two a day would get you places over time.....

And think of the problems it would cause in cities, plugging parking meter spots... more homeless, less money for the City governments...... and the occasional “Yard-In” shanty and cart fests could be held on Capitol building lawns....... do it with Internet planning, and communications, with some Neo-Napoleon organizing, so before Security could react, there were 500 or a thousand carts and shantys circling the wagons around local governments....

You know, if they are going to milk us all into poverty and being working poor, wouldn't you rather be fishing?

Then they could have a little problem finding workers..... and when the collapse came, you'd already be long gone....... leave the rich in their ivory towers ghost cities, and everybody else go to the beach....

The status quo has a plan, to create zones empty of humanity..... i.e. Parks only they get to go into.... they are already beginning this through Zoning laws......

Supposedly its for the Animals, but I suspect its for their Vanity with a capital Vee.....

They want all us serfs (Little ssss) herded into farming villages (Read: work camps)
And we dont get to go into the restricted areas........

Well I've got news for them, in the form of the neo-indigenous movement concept...

Its MY fucking planet, and I dont believe in their laws, and am willing to give battle if its required...... I also think they are missing a point, that global warming is going to trash civilization, meaning their power is about to become dogshit.......

I dont think a bunch of ELITE office drones who have to hire Mercenaries and Usurp National armies are going to do too well in a world that looks like the beginning scenes of Terminator two.....

They cant keep Bagdad pacified, so I don't think taking on the entire planet in a meltdown situation is going to work out peaches and cream for them.......

Especially when people figure out not to fight the pawns, and to go for the imbecile Kings...

And Chances are it will be their own buddies who trash them first....... power is like gold, in that some are victims to her call, like sailors to the Sirens..... Its a self destructive reality by nature.... and the Pigs at the top butcher and eat each other regularly already....

So hear me Public; Remember Geronimo........ The US calvary had as hard a time curbing him, as they are having with Ben ladin..... Why? Well he didn't hang out in town..... And when they went looking for him and his gang, they were never where they'd been reported to be......

So I dont think the status quo will do well when everything comes unglued.... People in the US got to see what a worthless bunch they are in Hurricane Katrina...... and the next major disaster will see much better response for the mercenaries.... people know now...

Its a downhill trip, and the Neo-indigenous thing is a soft landing in comparison to what the status quo types will face....

They will pay the price for being a “Failed Elite”.......

The key to personal survival is in getting out and away from that very elite....

Its like Jesus and the other side of the parable of Caesar's coin.... if you dont use the money, you dont pay the tax.......

the more you use money, the more it costs you in taxes and interest.... look, at how the whole system is geared around it.... if you grow food and do crafts and barter, and you are mobile and semi-nomadic, the little bean counters are going to have a hard time following you around trying to collect something you dont have, and couldn't care less about...

And if they start stealing people's cattle, they wont last long..... all the cattle and people will
be where ever they are not..... its how Geronimo ran the Army ragged.... while the Calvary Galloped over here, Geronimo and gang were over there at a different swimming hole...

Basically what is important now, is in getting your trip together.... Many will go back to living in house trucks, but let me restate that you really need to not rely on fossil fuels...

The way to not need the truck, is to not make a heavy house, Bucky Fuller pointed out that in architecture doing the construction with the least mass possible was most efficient....

If I use a truck to haul my house, it will be disassembled.....

I'm also thinking to do a very small nomadic shelter about the size of a nice dome tent, but made of durable materials... I would try to keep the mass and piece sizes down to go on a pony cart.... the important thing about shelter, is that it keep you warm and dry when its wet and cold, and that it keep you cool and shady when its hot and sunny.....

That doesn't require a Ranch Style that weighs twenty tons.... it can be a portable structure that weighs a couple hundred pounds.....

And which would you rather be doing? Grooming your own horses, or seeing them on TV but you have to go to the office forever.....

One mental analogy that I use, is how with one minor decision I can eliminate my need for the technocult.... the moment I decide to eat insects, I can go anywhere on the planet and survive fine.... No? What did John the Baptist eat? And Fukuoka of One Straw Revolution fame? What did he study as a scientist in WW2? The feasibility of insects as human food...
His Opinion? Almost all are edible....

Basically with nothing more than a butterfly net, you can be a survivor just about anywhere....

Hmmmm? Chocolate covered Hoppers?

The chicken does fine on them..... and lays me eggs, so I dont have to bother with pulling the wings off....

My point is, that the only thing between you and freedom, is some simple decision about getting simple enough to subsist...

This morning I did another couple dozen sweet potato cuttings... I'll plant them in a couple of days after they set root in water....

If I get a decent harvest, just a couple dozen plants would feed me days and days......

And we will keep multiplying them out into the thousands of plants....


To grow enough food to make everyone fat is easy... to do that and support the technocult and an Elite, is not possible in whats coming, and they will go through many slaves figuring that out....

I suggest you be where the slaves and their masters are not....


I'm wondering these days if anyone is starting to really think of our immediate future....

Notice that quake in China? What if it happened on the east coast of North America, or perhaps in western Europe? Would that get more attention? Hey folks! Its going to get bad, the stuff happening now is the warm up act for the big Play.....

You wont find me living in buildings weighing tons, nor working in them.... I like to be out where the only thing I have to worry about falling on me is sky.......


I, like most humans, have taken much emotional damage in my life from other humans....

I have learned that for me the best way to get mentally healthy is to refocus on my roots as a kid, i.e. Go back and re-graft myself onto roots that functioned, kinda like cutting out some tape, and splicing my movie back together, with out the problem era......

For me its getting back into my old hobbies, and reconnecting with what I like to do, and be.........

Its much like the Bliss Ninnies and their inner child crap.... only I find that focusing on what I want to do, and establishing a reconnection to who I am/was before the screw jobs
is very satisfying....

Lots of guys are into fishing, hunting, camping, gardening, etc., and have been trashed by the system.... MY advice? Same as always, Drop a bunch of excess baggage, and get out to the edge of the empire, and find a hole to snuggle your rump into, and start to live like you really want to, and not just be a wannabee with a day job.....

Quit pumping the system up with your suffering.... one man alone is not hard to keep fed....

Add a Tax Overburden, and a lot of shit he needs just to hold down a job, and his tung will
be hanging out from over exertion in no time.....

Lotsa people are type A....... I like being type Z...............

A day not spent fishing, or working on the garden or crafts and gear, is a day that sucked.....

And you don't have to do the sucked routine to survive....

If you get your life simplified, you can live on one tenth of what you are now...

meaning work an odd job for a month or two a year, and take the rest of the year off.......

Theres a lot of focus on food prices now.... I just paid $10 for 25 lbs of rice....

I can eat a pound per day.....

Meaning a year's basic survival diet can be had for 40 cents a pound, times 365 days a year is $146 at current prices.....

When you start adding up what you really need, and comparing it with what the system requires of you for membership fees, and its easy to see you would be better off with out the house, truck, or the regular job, and were living under a tarp on your bass boat......

I wont make you less of a man.....

And the same is possible for families..... We dont need all this shit, we've just been programmed to think we do.........


I'm into precious metals... gold, silver? no...... other more useful metals, like yesterday, talking with a friend, we visited a local mini-scrapyard of steel on its way to China.....

I'm trying to encourage my friend to buy up all the scrap spring steel, and railroad iron, which is a form of tool steel also.... I pointed out that when the shit hits, he who comes up with a way to make machetes is going to be a rich bastard in the area, and if he had a pile of scrap metal, thieves could come, take all kinds of stuff and not likely haul off the scrap....

And what do you suppose a pile of tool making materials will be worth in 10 years in comparison to the dollar?

Gold is a speculator's hedge, but the minute the system goes, its useless shit....
But tool steel? In the beginnings of a new epoch?

Could be a good investment, and better it not go to the Chinese...... They can come up with some carbon, and add it to other ferrous scrap, and make their own......

I consider stainless steel to be more valuable than gold... I use lots of it, and gold is something to hang on the woman, so she has something to steal when she runs off with my buddy.....

My point is, if you have the place and the space, used tool steel is going to be a better investment than gold, and sure a lot cheaper to come up with.....

In early America, almost every farm had at least a small forge.... that could certainly come back in the future.... and a pile of steel bought at scrap prices could sure be turned into just about anything you'd need for day to day living............ steel, wood, leather, pottery clay, glass, etc., all simple materials, but very useful and worth having and dealing in.......

I do welding, some smithing, lots of wood working, and other skills and crafts.....

So to me a materials stash makes more sense than a 401K whatever the fuck that really is.....

Paper bullshit?

I also realized long ago, that when I bought an item, I was in effect causing it to be made....

And so began to lean more towards buying what I believe in......

These days I do some investing..... I know that soon, money will be worthless, but these $2.30 all stainless knives will always be worth having as barter stock and for gifts.....

Here in Costa Rata, people use a LIMA steel to sharpen machetes and even kitchen knives...

the Lima takes off a lot of metal, and does a shitty sharpening job, but good for when you're beating your blade on the occasional rock....

Towards point: they go through a lot of kitchen knives......

And running out of knives could be a bit of a problem....

So I'm buying the occasional bundle of kitchen knives now while the getting is good.......

The Chinese wont be content to work for nothing forever.... the days of cheap shit are soon to be over, replaced by the days of no new nothing unless you make it yourself from what have you........

I also am thinking about buying a few of the $8 multi-tools, to have as gifts for people in the future, who will only see them as being something from a past era........

The bottom line truth is this: unless the space elevators get put up, we'll be back to the late 1400's fairly soon... Complete with a nobility to borrow your wife if they feel like it... or take your daughters and food for personal use........

Gee? FEMA forgot to make a new law on daughter confiscation... they're up on confiscating everything else....

Anyway my point is, all that glitters isn't gold, and gold isn't the only metals investment possible, and 5 or 10 years from now “Made Items” may be what passes for a medium of exchange......

I see fish hooks as being future coinage.......

A good friend of mine thinks in terms of .22 shells.....

And you could use everything from kitchen knives to sharpening stones as currency........


Easy enough to get and stash now.... but in 5 or 10 years? Likely be worth more than your retirement.........

Weapons are also a good one......


I heard the economist Robert Chapman on short wave.... and he was saying things I've been saying.... not good things.... bob has a newsletter called the international forecaster...

Looks like this is it.... the next year.... and if you dont want to die horribly, you had better do everything you can to both change things, and to prepare in case thats not enough.....

We are leaving the Era of the hobbyist survivalist, and entering the era of the Professionals and the Dead.........


What can I say, except its all no surprise to me........

Well, yesterday the website got booted up.... is going, but so far, with nothing more than my treatise on Space Elevator/Asensor design.....

This blog would have been there, but I was accompanied, and complications arose, and it had to wait.... it will go in a couple of weeks at the most, and be updated occasionally, when ever I can, however I can.......

I am hoping the website gets plenty of hits, as I have spent a year of my life making this happen and put these pages before the eyes of any who care to read.....

I think they will try to start a nuclear war before election, and get a civil war going instantly... I suspect a short civil war....

The Generals know which way the wind blows, and when it stinks.......

And the Mercenaries don't add up to shit numerically, and I don't doubt they realize playing power trips with the body politic, is like fighting a Tide...... It will take them off their high rock and leave only a bloody spot where they were..... They are also Americans, and other nationalities, and they know where the limits are also......

George is working hard, to get you nuked........

And He has to go, or he has to go.....

No other way...... if he makes it to November I'd be surprised..... And if we make it to January without a nuclear and or civil war, I will be one happy blogger....

And if I was at the CIA, I'd want to be thinking the old saying about;

“Before the fall, Comes pride.”

So be as Arrogant as you wish.... The people are not going to put up with a universal police and slave state where an elite perpetually fattens and a large percentage of the common folk starve......

They know too much....

And all the kings horses and all the kings men, cant put Humpty-Dumpty back together again...

Lets hope the civil war is a “bloodless rose”..... That everyone involved realizes the grave situation, and all become very wise very suddenly, and the Mad Men are stopped.....

If that doesn't happen, the responsibility instantly goes to common man, to become very wise, very fast, and apply that wisdom effectively and get results..... To Create that tide......

This is like the demise of the Soviet Union..... it could have gone bloody, but the Generals and the KGB decided it wasn't a good time to have a civil war.....

And with 3/4's of the US against Bush and his Killers, his odds are worse by far than Gorbachev's.........

The difference being Gorbachev has a functioning brain..........

These guys? You had better fear for your life of them staying in power........

You, and you, and you........ And being in a system, is no protection from it..........

Anyway, this morning the tomatoes went in, and we had a meeting about preparedness and what we need to push here on the farm.... I did some: one on one teaching about nuclear war, radiation poisoning, plagues, etc., and The horse harness will be sewn on some more if its rainy tomorrow.... we also discussed a provisional fall out shelter, and also when the situation warrants, calling a town meeting of the village.....

Tightening the rigging and pumping the bilges in preparation for the potential impending storm.......

And thats how it is folks, the reason we have problems, is because we are immature as individuals, and multiplied and magnified by the numbers of people on the planet...

What amazes me is how self centered people are, and how they cant think outside of themselves and what they can stuff into their own sack and haul off, figuratively thinking.....

Really we dont live long enough to worry about getting much for ourselves, and even with life extension greed makes zero sense.... basically people are being sold a bill of goods; things they don't even need, and hyped into being materialistic beyond reason......

We could just as easily have a system where people worked and bought land without the speculators tripling the price, and build houses without resorting to loans, etc., and as they paid off the land and house, begin growing gardens, building workshops, and setting up cottage industries, In their own areas of interest, and soon quit their day job, and open the field for younger workers, rather than plugging the works until 65 or now 75?

This is only one example of what we can do if we begin to question why things are how they are, and how they can be improved in real terms..... With out land and house speculation, the actual costs could be paid in very few years.... We have an ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEM, and Capitalism nor Communism are our limits.... our limits are our own imaginations, and our ability to step outside our own egos, and strive for a better world for everyone, EVERYONE!

And not just for a few who manage to arrive clawing their way to the top of the stinking heap of butt-holes....

What we need is a new focus, and not to fall for the same bullshit....

Just because its how it is now, doesn't mean thats how it should be, nor that we should keep it that way.....

The problems with communism were central control and that people aren't allowed to own their own farms and homes....

Capitalism? Lets see, if the banks rape you all your life, and then you have to sell it when you retire, because of raising taxes, then you never really owned it did you?


communism/capitalism, the effects are the same in this case....

add in Inheritance taxes, and what we have is a SLAVE STATE........

Lets Have subsidized small farms and businesses..... like taking a small business class at your local community college....Have it be a continuing thing..... where the village has continuity of businesses and decent lives for all its people and not just riches and power for a few pigs..... why not have the EXTREME OVERBURDEN off all our backs?

Humans love to be creative...... lets spread the leisure time out equally..... get rid of profiteering.......

Profit is like a drug to most...... we spend our whole lives working as slaves for liars......

much better to live in a tent, and try to do decent things for our families and each other......

I cannot change the system, but I can change myself and refuse to go along with what I know to be wrong!

What I know is that we need to work up systems that allow for human nature, and that work for universal good, and not for 5% and some starve....

if there ever were


it isn't the poor who work long hours for low pay.........

Its like this folks: when I was in the american Navy, a co-worker pointed out to me that if all the crew jumped overboard, the officers alone, wouldn't be able to get the ship to the pier....
but if the officers were ceremoniously thrown off the fantail, the crew could take the ship anywhere on the planet no problem, and likely get along better with each other in the process.....



at least Quit looking up to scumbags.......

Find some pride people, and do whatever it takes to stop the killing and stealing and poisoning God's green earth, or you will deserve what you get when the Sky Gods return soon..... It's a test! To pass it we must clean up our acts... and better a billion die if necessary, making that happen, than 4 billion die so the real useless eaters can be even more PIGGY......

anyway, avoid violence, but also avoid being so gullible as to believe it will only go to non-violent levels...........

All revolutions are revolutions of ideas...... some are peaceful, some are violent, some take longer, some happen quickly, but its a form of cultural evolution, and the Status Quo invariably loses to the new concept.... and each era of concepts takes it's turn on the conveyor of ideas....

My point is: sell ideas, come up with ideas, really good ideas are called solutions....

But also don't be surprised if the Status Quo buys time with violence, we've seen that happen in other places and times haven't we?

I hope not....


almost sundown, evidently a hurricane on the Gulf of Cortez.....

rain most of the day, hiked down the mountain and worked on the Chinese sickle project, welded a good stainless blade to a stainless bolt, minus the head, on its way to being part of the attachment system to the handle........

I have a brass piece to make, maybe two...........

Also did the above Rant on this blog, and got some fotos off my worker's computer....also helped him on some homework from the U.

I had him help me hands on with the little sickle, he also put on a mask when I did the arc welding..... learning to do things.... I laugh thinking of all the people about to go back to the countryside and begin relearning the old skills..... The “Bumkin” instructors will likely surprise most city folks with just the sheer mass of practical knowledge....

HEY! I heard this right wing guy on short wave the other day, second time, and he was just pushin' Nuclear power, Drilling oil wells everywhere, and burning “CLEAN COAL”......

Well lets see..... Nuclear power? The most Toxic shit possible to create, kills for a couple billion years on a small planet?

How's your cancer doing?

More Oil wells?
Gee? Considering quakes, storms, tsunamis, and food shortage, do you really think burning more oil is going to help?

Clean coal?

I do some hobbyist level blacksmithing.... I've used the cleanest coal there is....

you have to, to forge weld.....

And its the dirtiest, nastiest, shit, imaginable to work with, it reminds one of burning car tires.... its that nice.....

SO? I think that guy is a public danger...... I'm glad he's spouting what he believes in, and I'd help him fight to keep that right.... But I also hope the public isn't that stupid....

If we need more oil for anything, its to make tar with, to give the feathers something to stick to......And Gotta Havvit Before November......

If we drill more holes, it should be fixing kids teeth in the third world... Or Geothermal wells....

And Nuclear power? Not even in the same universe as Planet sanity....

People, start edging out...... the surest path to a peaceful change, is if everyone keeps their cool, and those smart enough start peeling off, and it becomes a torrent....

Do what ever it takes to get out..... Forget Vanity city..... find some place with water and soil.....

Go to the library, check out the Fox Fire books, Then look for Eric Sloan, Roy Underhill, Drew Langsner, etc., Take classes at your community college, start doing “Getting Out” hobbys....Look into library foto archives for the copies of ORGANIC GARDENING MAGAZINE from the 80's, thats the good era if you want to grow food to eat..... Robert Rodale was a hero of mine......

Buy a small hunk of land, or move in with your brother in law's milk cows in the barn, what ever..... just get out.... while you still can....

Because theres some real looneys with their finger on the Blinking red button, and a CAT scoop loader in the cash box......

And they're filling body bags day and night....

And “TALKIN' SHIT” on the boob tube.....

I hope whoever is closest, hooks them off the stage....

Wouldn't it be nice if the TV was used for nice things....... instead of brainwashing people with no other inputs to do comparisons with......

The Truth about the media is obvious from the Ron Paul Candidacy..... I don't agree with everything anyone says, but I agree with those who think the media did a criminal level job on his rightful candidacy....

That was a very arrogant thing to do.... also very rude......

“Impoliteness is the sure sign of a terminal culture.” (Robert A. Heinlein)

What do I think should or could happen?

How about the first actual planet wide consensus via the Internet..... I think thats what its heading for..... all of humanity's ideas becoming fairly universal all in a very short period of time.......

Let them do a Poll, and find out 99.99% of those polled are tired of the shit, and not going to take any more.....

That might get their attention....

Useless Eaters? Huh? They have audacity to call the working class that..... What do you think about that Jonny Lunchbox? You sir, are a useless eater..... never mind the hard hat and the work boots, and the back problems.... which is one of the reasons why you like the sofa and the beer.....


1:15 am... woke about midnight, couldn't make coffee for awhile due to torrential rain, it stopped, so out I go with my flashlight, get the camel stove going, get my travel glass under the coffee filter, and notice a snake twined through the dishes and utensils within inches of my hand, its only a couple of feet long, a type I don't know, thin with a nice fat head....
Its got a frog, leopard striped tree frog, several sizes too big for the snake to swallow....

I turn around, fish out the garden machete, cut off the snake's head, use the barby-Que tongs to toss the body off of my ridge and into the brush, I dig a hole with the machete beside my coffee glass, bury the snake's head, put a rock on top, then have to wash snake blood off my coffee glass, (doing all this with a flashlight, not bad multi-tasking!) finish pouring the hot water, I'm watching the frog, it's heart beat is irregular, but it moves off, so maybe it will make it, maybe not, I'll know in the morning if there are flys....

And thats how it is here..... Venomous snakes get almost mundane to do.....

I afterwards think maybe its a good story to write fresh, boot up the laptop, and here you have it.... I think if there is a point to my story, its that I'd rather be doing what I do than working closer to ground zero....

And I also thought about the two legged snakes I was discussing last night, who have a frog bigger than they can swallow, and they are injecting venom via the News media, night and day..........

So Frogs, what are you going to do? Suck up all that venom? HEY! Wake up!

They are sucking the life out of you, and teaching your children things you dont agree with at school, and if you don't like it, they'll take your kids.....

And send them somewhere to be used as toxic chemical experiments, and say they were retarded as an excuse, because Jonny Sixpack was alcoholic when he produced them....

NO? well, Radio Canada isn't some Conspiracy Theory broadcast, and I heard it there a few years back, some 50 or 60 THOUSAND kids from New York died or went missing... run by the CIA, And boy George signed a law that said it was ok......

What will it take? What will wake you up?

Will they march you into the gas chambers etc.? I hear there is a railroad siding into the “Federal Death Center” in Indiana.....

George's grandfather financed Hitler.....

And Since the Kenedy assassination the Military Industrial Complex has had a field day around the planet, supporting dictators all over, training officers for their death squads, disappearing tens of thousands of people..... No one is ever punished...

And Now they have you working for nothing, Foreclose on your house, they help the wife divorce you, and trash you, and call you a useless eater, and finance “Designer Microbes”
to kill you off with when the war comes and they can cover all their great sins.........

Hey moron! Its all connected..... and you are buried in the matrix.....

Don't you think you had better do something? You know, actually get your butt off that couch, and come up with a plan... and then make it happen....

You cant kill all the snakes...... they are endemic in the human genome....

But you can quit feeding them.....

And if I can live here, with the snakes and the foot rot, and the Economic Cannibalism the locals practice on tourists and each other when it ain't tourist season, You can certainly find someplace to put in a garden and start feeding yourself, instead of drinking the snake's poison....

And feeding them with your taxes....YOUR taxes..... and your sore back.....

I once had this Neighbor from hell, or at least that was the direction he was headed....
This guy was cooking Meth, in the barn I could see from my house.....

I talked to the guy occasionally, tried to keep my distance, But one time he wanted to talk about something, and in the conversation he made the statement that the only news he believed was in the National Inquirer.... I was younger then, just starting to get the game figured, and thought it a bazaar statement...

You know what? The scumbag had a point.....

And this guy was a killer.... got away with a murder, over drug money... and the last I heard he was doing fine, pumping his drug money into a Video Rental business.... well on his way to voting Republican....

Funny how that is, huh?

Where there are plenty or frogs to suck, you'll find plenty of snakes sucking them.....

Sooner or later you'd think the frogs would get smart....

Even if only through the natural selection process......

The key to what is coming is to get out and away..... to find someplace so far from ground zero its a joke, and plant yourself a garden there, set up a good camp, evolve it into a better camp, feed your kids yourself..... Teach them yourself......

Things are coming unglued.... soon Mega-War and the following plagues....

more people die from microbes in wars than from munitions and bombs....

Do you want your kids to have a chance? Well then you had better get some apples in the cellar man.....

And best you maintain your mobility....

So if the snakes come you can leave when you smell them.....

Because if you continue to live in the culture the snakes have designed for you frogs, its going to be an ugly fairy tale story.......

Don't get all pumped up on Beer and Patriotism, the snakes will enjoy that.... and use weapons you paid for to kill you and your kids.....

the secret to survival is to scatter.... and to use your hands and brain to feed and clothe and shelter you and yours.......

I realized the other day that patriotism was mis-directed pioneer spirit.......

They replaced shooting guns on the 4th of July with popping off fire crackers, so you morons would miss the point of the involvement of guns.... and now they judge they can take away the fire crackers too..... Get Jonny lunchbox a step farther from the point...

Now you just Wag the dog on command, vote for the snake of your choice, and live like a shit eating frog.....

You'd be better off eating bugs.......

I've worked the last year writing all this..... Also on my Space Elevator Concept.... its on the web now..... gnawing at getting my contribution out......

Why? I was once a stupid frog.... but I have re-wilded myself.....

You can do it too, and you had better.... if you can find the guts to do it.....

The status quo are some sick snakes.....

Not all of them.....

Some try to be decent.....

And you cant kill them all and let god sort them out....

But you can find a place to go and to grow your own food and flax.......

Or you can belch, fart, and pop another beer.....

Anyway, I need to save some battery for my lights, its hours 'til dawn..... I just wanted to connect some dots...... Good luck on your decision....

Hours later, rainy day, Hurricane still in the area.... luckily they tend to go the other way....

There are a couple of subjects I have thought about for years, ideas, that I'd like to get out...

One is on Dolphins, and their language... I suspect that being creatures who see by sonar, that they may also be able to alter their sounds to produce visual images for each other...

Which would explain why Dolphinese hasn't been broken yet.....

We're trying to look for Babble, like we monkeys put out, and they're perhaps capable of sending erotic vignettes in video to each other......... could explain all the little dolphins.....

I suspect some one with some dive gear, underwater microphones, a computer, and some custom software, could maybe check and see if I'm on target.....

The other Idea I've long wondered about, is concerning the universe, and the Astra-physicists,

And all the mathematical jazz they come up with to try to fit a model to reality...

I don't think I will bother to believe in “Dark Energy” being the missing numbers....

I think its that time is also relative.... Hmmm? What if you have nothing at all stable to go from mathematically, other than the very dynamics of the relationships in relativity....

Like its a cat's cradle.... all the same string, no matter how you pull it......

Time is just another variable...... And not at all a constant....

Meaning it can likely be leveraged......

Anyway this fits Occam's Razor..... 'Tis a more simple explanation....

Stephen Hawking I'm not, but I do enjoy exploratory thinking....

I once sent a postcard to BBC with these ideas on it as part of a questions for scientist program, but then my radio went on the fritz, and never got to hear the program..... chances are slim my questions made it past any skeptics, they may not have even made it past the local postal system.... much doesn't....

But I repeat them here, to share with you.....

I'm hoping actually that some Author Wannabees will read my stuff and use some of it in their books, and my social engineering concepts can spread a little better.....

I put out a lot of stuff....

Some of it may make some sense....

If you are crazy enough to believe it.........

Anyway, rain has stopped, I'm wishing for some sun..... these hurricane days are the worst here, dark and wet and fairly cold, I get a chill at about 75F. And you poor slobs are going to live in your kitchens all winter from now on, so the rich bastards can have all your money in oil futures......

Doesn't make any sense to me.... I'd have left long ago......

Surprising how much a mule can be beat before it kicks.......

I had an idea yesterday that may deserve some legs, we planted some old seed, corn, tico style by tossing it out and chopping brush over it, which works well here..... but the old seed was short on Viagra, and now we have to replant through the brush mulch with an Espeki, or a sharp stick..... mine I made of 1” steel pipe with two different point tapers....

And I realized that we could plant rice that way too, and that it would come back up through the hole......

usually rice here is planted on burned ground, but it was too wet this year to burn... and I have 240 lbs of good seed..... meaning if the experiment works, we can plant a terrace per month or so, and soon have plenty.....

So next week we will replant the corn, try a rice plot, and go from there.....

if it works its very important in the future here... also anywhere else with rain, brush, and a warm climate, and a need for rice......... the locals plant rice with an espeki, just they think you have to slash and burn.... which loses 80% of the organic material up in smoke......

Just what we need huh? More carbon in the air and less organic material growing the food.....

Got some blue sky sneaking through.....

I've had some thoughts this morning while washing dishes at the spring....

That humans should quit forming such big groups.... its not a good idea microbe and germ wise, nor for overall mental sanity.....

In human history, every time an army was formed of any size the troops started getting sick...
I saw it years ago going into boot-camp.... Two things that happened almost as quick as the haircut, were everyone asked each other where they were from, and everybody gave each other microbes from all over the US, and the Philippines.....

Everybody got sick, most survived.... Some got pneumonia, went to Balboa hospital, were put to work mopping floors, and some of those died.......

Another problem with forming groups, is it allows the formation of an Elite class......

Keep it down to simple Gardeners folks, if anyone just has to be political, let them be Garden club Mayor, or some other oxymoron.....

Personally I think in terms of my group being family, Neighbors, friends, guests, and everybody else.....
I dont think it a good idea to give titles to groups, and do too much organizing.....

In whats coming what we need is a mental consensus, and each Micro-group form as self-sufficient a little cottage industry as possible.....

I have a friend with some nice tools, my guess is he will end up using them to augment his reality to fill in the vacuum that vanishing economics leaves.........

Others will grow and trade things.....

Another thought, was on the old grub hoe...... very important tool for the survivalist......

It's kinda the “Wooden Handled Tractor”..........

I consider it a “Food Getter”..........

It also digs trails into mountainsides, and if world situation doesn't improve, which I don't expect it to, it will dig a fall-out shelter.........

My anthem is the Celtic folk song about the “Diggers”, Dick Gauhan sings it well.......

Because We're all going to be diggers soon, because there isn't going to be enough building materials after more major disasters crush, break, rubble, burn, and splinter the structures......

People still think global climate change is a joke.......

I'm looking for goggles and respirator as part of my survival kit.... and I've long been curious about desert clothing........

I find that I'm most happy working on my hobbies and my kit or camp......

Basically I think that the more one remembers to mind one's own business, the better it goes, and the less other people and their trips bother you......

I enjoy short wave radio as a contrast to minding my shop..... And these days I'm happy to hear people making realizations.... I suspect much of the stuff on short wave to be Radar Chaff of one form or another, interesting hobby, listen to everybody's version of the truth described in their best lies, and then to try to figure out what is really Going on by doing an analysis....

The one man, not overly good, intelligence agency for my own consumption....

Looks ugly....

time, to down periscope, and dive.........

I was thinking to day all the problems the Neo-Refugees will have with local building departments...... and after the economy gets enough dead, the local egos will be around with some form of transportation, and a threat, and try to extort you out of your garden's harvest, and call it taxes......

I dont think so......

I think I've had enough of this game, and when it goes, I'll be fine with out it, thankyou.....

No big groups, remember? Or somebody will try to set up more government, and we know where that goes......

No governments, just families and friends and their guests claning up, and looking after their own security.....

Remember hospitality? What do you suppose that was all about 500 or a thousand years ago?

I doubt many traveled much or far......

most likely kept holed up, and collectively patrolled the area.....

Its the root of the land ownership concept, land ownership is not a slice of white bread with writing on it.... its control of a certain territory, as your personal territory, which you must be willing to defend from all comers if necessary.....

Also, I was thinking this morning again about the Passover custom..... a concept left by a visiting god from the heavens....

Always be ready to flee...........


It's like the Boyscout's “Be prepared”......


Part of it is already in the collective psyche, one relates to other times, peoples, styles,
mostly from books and video, but its there, it is a culture of sorts, and people do still practice most of the old skills as hobby-ers.....

Crafts fairs, the Society for creative anachronism, Rodeos, concerts, group camp-outs, outdoor tourism, foreign travel..... if you put it all together, its still there....

Hunters, Fisherman, women who weave or put up food...... Herbalists, Naturalists, animal husbandry, its all still around and thriving.....

I think perhaps economics and insecurity will combine to move many people back out onto the land, any land, but preferably family land...... and people with land had better think about it, and get used to the idea......

Because if you dont have it occupied and defended by friends, neighbors, family, and guests,

You probably wont still own it, and it will be occupied by strangers with a story......

Another thing I have been thinking about is greenhouse plastic...... The good stuff, and not just the cheap degradable drip tarps......

The real stuff is fairly thick, and will last 5 years or more, and its the poor man's tent tarp if thats what you can get.....

I've seen people live thru winters under greenhouse plastic Hogans...... it would be my choice for a winter camp in a marginal area, over cotton or nylon canvas..... it will last longer and not leak......

from there, I go rubberized truck tarp, and then on into solid roofing materials....

Mobility limits, but not all that much.... corrugated roofing can be carried on a canoe and also portaged, and window glass can be packed in......

personally if I lived in town for what ever reason, I'd do a lot of camping, and have a hidden camp with a camouflaged garden out somewhere in the brush.....

Most likely I'd dig into a hill, and build a simple underground house.... cover it with lumber or poles and the greenhouse plastic and truck tarps, have a wood stove, keep really dry wood covered in another greenhouse plastic structure, and every visit I would try to hide it better, plant more food plants and trees, and bring out more stash items, and put those eggs in lotsa small cashes hidden everywhere, so that they cant be stolen, and dont need a lock.....

“The perfect lock has no key, and no one can open it.”

in other words, if its hidden well, you have a good theft preventative going........

I wonder about metal roofing due to things like radar, and helicopter gunships......

If its a right place for structures, I'd do structures and try to blend them in to looking like all the others in the area, so from the air it looked like just another house and outbuildings...

If my camp was on public land, I'd dig in, shelter with sod cover over most of the roof area, and maybe some greenhouse plastic skylights with camouflage nets over them to dull the reflection sheen, and black canvas or plastic curtains to stop light getting out at night.....

I've been involved in “digging forts” every since I was a kid.... tree houses are also a possibility, and on many counter culture farms in Oregon people built cabins and small houses back into the trees with scrap lumber, often using the trees as supports, in some least damaging manner possible...

There, gravel covered roll roofing in green color or browns was a popular roofing on “Illegal” structures.....

My point this morning is that you had better be moving your act out into the hinterland however possible, because all of the monkeys are going to stand and watch the system totally collapse if current trends continue..........

We really dont need to bring it down, its cutting it own throat by cutting ours.........

We just need to read the signs correctly, and scatter, and dig in.........

Get a good grub hoe..... if you can only take one, get a good Pick hoe with a hard temper.....

I heard last night that pick-up trucks have been the leading car sales item for some time in the US, and I thought about all the people now likely putting on camper shells, and trailers behind them, soon to be found permanently camping where ever they can.....

Homelessness? Its soon to be the human normal human condition......Get good at it, be proud of your Gypsy lifestyle, learn to play an acoustic instrument..... Blue Grass evolved out of porch sessions with neighbors and friends......

And any real house any where you can grow food and get water without an electric meter will have plenty of folks living there.......

I think its important to have fun with it if possible, life in the technocult sucks, and camping and gardening are fun....... and anyone who wants to moan,bitch,complain, needs to stay in the cities.... preferably as close to ground zero as possible, so no matter which piece of bad karma comes, they get snuffed quick, and and leave the Happy Campers with some peace and quiet.....

If things get Iffy enough, I don't think you'll hear generators running on Motor homes, and country music blaring into the night......

I think things will be spooky quiet.... and not a lot of light showing.......

One nice way to store tubers is a cache in the ground.... these are easily constructed, out of available materials, sited for drainage and dryness, and camouflaged when closed up, and re-camouflaged after each opening...


Yup... we are going to be diggers.........

And while you are digging keep the raiders in mind and build accordingly....

have buried running water if possible....

The best place to dig in, is the crest of a hill or the crest of a ridge....

for less problems with water running through your shelter during rains or thaws.......

I like a ridge point with springs of water behind it and slightly higher......

I also like sun and wind, with trees topping most, but still enough open to keep things dryer and more pleasant....

I carry water in a bucket from the spring because I haven't bothered to put in a pipe yet....

After 12 years, I'm beginning to adapt to just being content with the spring, and if I get a pipe in, it will be some cash windfall that causes it to happen.......

I also carry the water as a way to insure exercise......

Nor do I shit in my house.....

I hear Gorillas do that, shit in their nests.... just like the people in town....

Nor is a Job Title much to get puffed up about......

If you make your own decisions, instead of letting others run your life, we'll put

“THE DECIDERS” out of a job.....

George.... I'll make my own decisions thankyou, and you and all your type can just stay away....

Him, Cheney, Rumsfeldt, etc., all need a ride in the white truck to the big home, for those types that think they are Napoleon, or Jesus, or Gods.......

A different white house...... where all the help wears white, and the walls are nice and softly padded...... and all the paint in colors pleasing pastels, to keep the emotions from puffing up.....

Put them on Kool-aid and white bread, like they try to sell us as food for our kids....

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