Saturday, December 20, 2008


This website is anything but politically correct, and written more for the adventure loving, outdoor, renegade from society, type person...
Its something more than a bit different, and a sure cure to normalcy...... also if you are interested in Costa Rica, there is plenty here on the practical side of going back to the land in Central America....

The following Pages are mostly about space elevator concept, where I throw fun at this guy who knocked my treatise off wikipedia and called it absurd, some scientist wannabee?
Anyway, the idea is a simple one, smaller similar devices are potato guns, blow guns, paint ball guns, super guns, pneumatic message sending devices at you Bank's drive up, or a pea out of a drinking straw......... He thinks its an absurd idea and wont work..... if you have gotten this far, you may have read the treatise, and able to make up your own mind and not need a Puffed-up talking yammer head, who thinks, telling you how to think, is his right,
by “Divine Education”....

If you are only interested in survival and subsistence in the tropics, go direct to the blog and avoid whats below, I put it up for a sample, for people blog surfing..... I add to the blog daily, but get on-line rarely, so its got a lurch to it....

This page also has more space elevator ideas sprinkled through it..... enjoy!, I do this for fun and to teach unusual points of view, and little known basics about survival and the future, the blog is a Survivalist's Primer, with the younger generation in mind... it also basically lays out the necessary path for one in the coming years, and starts a Neo-indigenous Culture concept, with plenty of crafts and primitive weapons building ideas.....

Also the blog is for anyone who liked Tarzan.... because I show you how to quit your job and re-wild yourself....


1.Weaton syndrome
2.Weaton event

When a person, especially a scientist, prevents, retards, or denigrates the concepts of another person or scientist, due to his own personal concepts matrix being part of an outgoing paradigm, that are/is somehow threatened by the new incoming paradigm.

The only threat to the status quo is their own stupidity....
the only threat to the rest of us, is the same, i.e. The stupidity of the status quo........


There is nothing to fight about.....

all our worries would become history if we just grew up and became real humans.....

Real humans do humane things.....

Feed the children who haven't got enough to eat...

We will need every one of them.... if you think they are useless eaters and should starve, then you dont have compassion, or the right paradigm.....

“With the splitting of the atom, everything has changed, except man himself.” (Einstein)


Folks the Asensor is the 2nd major Paradigm shift after splitting the atom, We could call pre-atom splitting to be “Paradigm One”, and post therefore; “Paradigm two era” and the second we had the first strand of carbon nano tube fiber formed, began the era of “Paradigm 3” to coin a phrase....

and thats the truth...... I hope the guy noted the time that the first strand formed, in his notebook.... it will be a famous second....... We could restart our calendars on that day.....

everything is changed, and we must go through our mindsets with a fine tooth comb, looking for garbage from the old paradigms............

If you believed in something before Paradigm 3, it just may not be true anymore, and what ever your trip is, your GRASP on reality is at risk, until you grok paradigm 3, and use it as the program for your entire operating system.....

And it doesn't matter who you are or what you do, it effects everything and every one.......

An example;

Peace in the Middle east....

Ain't gonna happen, Israel is a small place and its done been buggered up by everyone since day one..........

But if both the Israelis and Palestinians all of the sudden could get very high paying jobs elsewhere, even as common laborers, with no visa requirements, and a limitless ability to be promoted and to gain personally, Mom, be she Jewish, or Muslim, would soon be getting letters and checks on her birthday, money to fix up the house for a new dress.... money for school expenses for the younger kids.......

There would be nothing to fight anymore about..... The focus would shift elsewhere... and Israelis and Palestinians would go home on leave together.... And maybe notice each other's sisters.... boy wouldn't that create a problem for the Fanatics in both religions....

There would be empty houses enough anyone who wanted one and was willing to work for it, could have it.....

We war over resources, one of them is planet surface area.....

If all the sudden hundreds of thousand of people began immigrating per day into “the Space Expansion” to coin another phrase, all the pressure drops......

and everything gets better and better.....

and people will leave others alone, like good neighbors, all the terrorists will decide they would rather be getting a better life an easier way than dieing for it.....

And all the filthy rich could have mansions in the sky, Ivory towers like 3 dimensional stainless steel snow flakes, all with plenty of raw distance between them, and anything else, so that family security would be made easy......

There is no longer any reason to kill anyone... we can live forever, we can build Starships, we can hang our gardens in the sky...... everything we can imagine is possible....

And all we have to do is learn to use our brains and our hearts in unison......

thats all..... it ain't much.....

We will need everybody..... its not going to be easy to pull off..... the vision I have created with the simple pneumatic system allows projects that will dwarf anything we have ever done before, and then some..... But when have we ever let “Scale” of a project frighten us?

Perhaps Mr. Wheaton couldn't get his mind around the scale of the project? He was thinking a hunk of flat rope and a little car thingy run by microwave ovens? Gee! Whats wrong with this picture? Seems a bit quaint for a method to move cargo in vast amounts at high speeds in and out of the various gravity wells that are the solar system's planets.......

Come on Wheaton, Grow up! If you cant compete mentally go away.... but don't try to shut me up, it just makes me mad, and when I get mad, I get stubborn, and set towards my goal...

you haven't a chance moron.... you think old paradigm...

Big projects are often done because they produce more positive returns than little ones......

And this project solves ALL the problems.......

And big projects just require more people working together to make them happen....

I grew up in the countryside, I hunted and I target practiced, and I carried rifles through airports, and picked them up out of baggage claim.....

I never once hurt anyone......

I was just another responsible citizen........

And one of the reasons police states generally are short lived, is because responsible citizens get tired of the shit......All of it, from the Excessive traffic tickets, to the current unbelievable use of torture.....

“Do not bother them in their homes or jobs or they may tire of you.” (Tao)

(Is torture, bothering people? Do you need the supreme court to decide that question for you?)
Crime? If people from Judges to the cop on the beat all really do their jobs, and the citizens help and report information, and the society frowns on dishonesty etc., we have nothing to worry about, and common man with a rifle case in an airport can go back to being a non issue.....

And my point is, that everything can be fixed...... we can create economic systems that hoods cant rob....

we can have jobs and families and holidays together for everyone.....

What we have is an organizational problem...

Which stems from continued Paradigm 2 thinking.....

All of it.....

Welcome to paradigm 3.........

By the way, the computer is a fine tool to fix the organizational problem, first we need a focus and a goal, that creates an overall solution.......... and we need an undeniable consensus...

'Was thinking this morning waiting for the sun to come up, about the Asensors, and some ways to explain a few possibilities.....


Consider that 400,000 lbs of thrust on the back of capsule pushing it forward and upward....

A MIG 19 fighter jet, has two Lyulka turbojets at 8,800 lbs of thrust each on after burners...

Together this is 17600 lbs of thrust.... which is vented into the open air, and not an enclosed tube.... the Mig 19 weighs a maximum of 24,000 lbs loaded, and maximum speed is 925 mph at 36,000 feet.... in its day it was a hot aircraft... probably still is.......(a very fine aircraft!)

Now lets compare it with the pneumatic thrust of my concept.......

400,000 divided by 17600 gives 22.73 times as much thrust.... Hhhh? Not bad......

Also it isn't just being used for reaction mass, and blown out against ambient air pressure....

a blowgun is a funny thing..... its very efficient energy wise..... of all the primitive weapons I have used, built, and know, it seems to use the least energy to throw a projectile a good distance..... the energy I can produce with the muscles of my cheeks and lungs, is nothing compared to using my arms to pull a bow or throw a spear......

Imagine if you will, if the space shuttle's solid and liquid fuel motors for lift off had been expended inside of a closed tube instead of just blown out into the atmosphere and into the vacuum..... we would get many times the effective thrust..... cutting down the required energy and the amount of pollution too..... but my point is “inside the tube”, may be outside many old school paradigm 2 scientific head's scope, until they actually think about what I am describing, and how it affects the physics..... there are all kinds of variables and components we can add or subtract from the concept, but the bottom line is its a very energy efficient design, and just doesn't need all the smoke and noise and light show of a Shuttle lift off, that is so awesome to our lizard brains..... the tube negates the need for all of that, and all we have to do is build an upscale potato cannon, that uses pneumatics of one sort or another, to get our spuds up and out of the gravity well..... the trick in this physics, is we have extended the barrel of our spud gun all the way to the target, and can use the energy in a “trapped” or contained manner....

One of the reasons for my concept, is an attempt, a design criteria, to be non polluting.....

But there is also an after-burner effect possible with a blow gun..... imagine if the subterranean pressure storage tanks were used to create an explosion in, after they were up to compression with air pressure.... one could use hydrogen, so as not to pollute, but its costly to produce, and I would use something more like the dust in a grain elevator explosion, which could literally be finely ground sawdust or something similar, or even a gas like methane.... which are both carbon neutral renewables......and we could get in quantities very cheaply by various less than romantic means.....

This would require the “early” section of the tubes to be insulated or built of metal etc.,
which isn't impossible, and these tanks could fire on sequence timing if necessary, allowing more than one thrust event.....

Also these figures like the 400,000 lbs thrust rely on the 6 ft diameter, which I just used for an example in my treatise, and not because I considered it optimum size for the tube, or anything like that, I personally would try to design the project around a tube of about 12 feet or so, to allow us to up-freight about anything the truckers haul on our existing highway systems.... interesting thing about circles science fans, is when you double the circumference, you get 4 times the area in the circle, and so its 1.6 million pounds of thrust on a 12 ft piston...(at only 100 psi!)

its how hydraulics works, only in our case we are using gas as a fluid propellant medium...

And the distance we can thrust, is dependent on the amount of air we have under compression in comparison (in our subterranean tank farm,) to the internal volume of our tube for the distance etc.......

But remember the comparison with the MIG engines, and that a MIG is fairly heavy.... 24,000lbs, is a fair load on a semi-truck..... I've driven the truck, but not flown the MIG....

(Maybe if I get famous, the Russians will honor me with a joyride in a MIG? I'd like to meet Yuri too while I am there.... COMRAD! (And tell him thankyou)...... And get me one of those cool fur hats with a red star on the front.... I've lived in the Aleutian chain, and am very familiar with the inside of a Parka...... & One of my son's got a nickname of Vladimir, due to his looks, and a gift of a Russian style fur hat from a Lady friend.....)

Also, it is possible that the capsule have its own power source for added heights, could be something as simple as pressurized air over some water for a reaction mass? Plenty of options surely....

If water was used, it could drain back down the tube and be recycled easily.....

Personally I would just multiply the tank farm, and go with pure air pressure, I used these examples to show options allowing incredible amounts of thrust with the concept.....

do you suppose doing the tank explosions could produce more than 100 psi? I think so......and this power could easily be regulated by some rather upscale gas regulators, as found on any fuel or oxygen cylinder.... Ubiquitous tech.

In chemical propellant fire arms, its tens of thousands of pounds per square inch, of pressure....... 'wonder what that would do to our 1.6 million pounds of thrust figure on the 12 foot tube?

I see the limit being the tube's mechanical abilities, and unfortunately I have no access to the basic numbers, but I know carbon nano tube fiber is very strong, and so its possible to use the fibers as both the cable and the strength component of the barrel of an effective gun at the same time, getting two uses instead of one out of a given amount of material....

Also consider this, That the load isn't hanging on the cable, its merely traveling inside it...... allowing perhaps slightly lighter construction than something designed to support a heavy load crawling up it via friction or the engagement of gearing for traction......

I think the problem current scientists will have with this concept is the fact it doesn't have a lot of smoke and hocus-pocus to it, like the Space shuttle lift offs, and so the primitive mind lessens the imagined energy produced and used........but most of the even marginally intelligent guys will have the concept in seconds, and have their calculators out and figuring better numbers than mine by far....

The hard part looks to be getting the concept out, and past the Buffoons......


And therefore easy to over-look, and underestimate........

The air pressure tanks could also be pumped to 100 psi or more, by other means than geothermal, a Tromp using falling water would be enough, requiring a little over 213 feet of drop/head, say at a waterfalls? Which would pump 24/7 as long as the rivers flow......

There are perhaps situations possible where you could eliminate the tanks and just use a passive device like the tromp to pump enough air pressure continuously to basically cycle the system non stop, and just drop the cargo pods into the tube thru an airlock, and stack them up like rounds in the clip of a Mini-14.............

A big river would pump a lot of air at 100psi or more............

Are you getting this Wheaton?

I'm sure he and I will be like a couple of male Gorillas huffing at each other for awhile, but eventually we'll get along, and maybe be beer drinking buddies someday, and get a lot of laughs out of what happened........ the concept does kind of blind-side one.... he just reacted impolitely, and therefore deserves to be poked........

My big question is the amount of pressure necessary to obtain the total control aspect, and to get air up to the station and ships.... I need to dig out a physics book and study up some,
but I know inherently that using a gas in this circumstance has a lot going for it....

its mostly a question of numbers, like how strong is our glorified garden hose, what kinds of pressure we can use in it, and how tall the straw is we are making our blowgun out of....

I have heard no solid figures on the altitude necessary to get the Asensor to balance against cable, planet's gravity, geosynchronous, etc., and have heard anywhere from 300 to 2500 kilometers or so..... I wasn't worried, because I knew the work could be done with a short duration thrust if necessary, instead of a constant thrust from bottom to top, and I use the 100 psi for example only, and hope we could build a tube that could operate safely at much higher numbers, and so, up that 1.6 million pounds of thrust figure proportionately.....

I just provided the overall concept, I am not an engineer, I am a Generalist......
I made a conscious choice years ago, to specialize in generalization....

I also had to work a job, many jobs in fact, and didn't get a cushy position in a university, or some other more leisurely position.... I was a kick the tires, drive home the spike-nail kind of guy, and it is paying “Practicality dividends”....... & I wont have any problem talking with the truckers at the bottom of the Asensor...... Nor any problem countering design difficulties.... Nor countering people who have the “Doctor Science” attitude, and think they know more than the rest of us.....

Anyway.... the fun part, is that the concept is open territory now...... and people with much better educations than mine can gnaw on it.... and if you white guys aren't interested, the yellow folks will have one up shortly, and you can pay them freight forever there after, or until you get your act together.....

I've just helped get started a new space race folks.........

Get one of these babies up, and a mars base is easy..... surely, with its own Asensor.....

'Tis the paradigm shift of our generation boys......

Anyway another point I would like to close circle on is the MIG thrust comparisons...

I have heard high performance fighter jets can now lob themselves beyond the atmosphere slightly..... think of something at twenty or more times the thrust, to even higher altitudes...

if the entire atmosphere weighs a mere 15 pounds or so per square inch, even 100 psi is going to push the air column up at perhaps two or more times as high... and the cork ahead of most of it..... and twenty or more times the thrust of a MIG, just might be enough.... I suspect a bit higher pressures would make it a sure thing..... and if necessary we build intermediate stations in the cable, and boost by other means, say powered from the top end.....


Another possibility, is to have booster turbines in the system at various altitudes, that also acted somewhat like airlocks, and were valved out of the way by bow pressure wave from a ballistic pod. These turbines could be powered by the high voltage current run on the outside of the umbilicals, and allow greater distances or altitudes than available from just ground based power applications.... it is perhaps even possible to build in line boost turbines, with free passage for the Pods through their centers, by having the turbines use the “Vortex Effect” whereby they create a flow, or pressure increase without creating an actual bore obstruction...

Also if this is found impossible, all is not lost.... even a pure free ballistics pod would push an air column ahead of itself, which could be used to both brake the load at the top, and use the load's kinetic energy from braking, to pump it into tankage, to be used for station ventilation, or for ships in space.... meaning: if the tube needs to be too long for a total pressure controlled system, we can still get air to the moon and mars etc.

There is no free lunch in physics, but there are plenty of Wild snacks if you know where and how to pick them off the bush.....

All of our problems can be solved by taping into the resources of our solar system....

Another point I would like to make, is; this is the GREEN way to do the job...

And many will go against the idea due to where and what their money/belief system is invested in....

So those of you, who want to see it done green, best be putting a shoulder to the wheel, and help me spread the concept.... so when some Greed Head starts talking about nuclear this and nuclear that, everyone with any say-so, lets them ramble, and goes back to point when they are done....

Safe Nuclear, clean coal, honest Politicians, what do you 'spose the commonality is here?


Great word.... not one I've used much before, or had used on me, Guess nobody who knows me thinks that way... Or is stupid enough to try it on me....

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