Sunday, November 14, 2010

Subsistence versus holding down a job.........

going on two... woke at midnight, rebooted my fire, ate some baked
spuds, and baked Sagu...

Sagu is a starchy tuber in the Ginger family, very fiberous, and a
pain to peel... I like the flavor alot, use it in soups, or cut short
and cooked with rice etc. But today I tried baking it for the first
time, and was suprised... Made it easy to peel, and one could bite off
short hunks for the fiber problem, and so I just ate my other food,
and kept a Sagu in my left hand, and bit off hunks when I wanted a

got a five gallon bucket of Papa chilicanas today, dont know correct
name, suspect its polynesian, a pretty vine, that will grow just about
anywhere here... Once you plant it, the plant keeps growing
perenially, dies back in dry season, resprouts from the spuds when the
rain comes, main harvest is in December... If you leave a plant go a
couple years, its a heavy producer, with nice teardrop shaped tubers,
and one plant in good soil will give a bucket full of tubers... I've
been multiplying it for several years, started with three plants,
have hundreds now, hoping to get at leasts a thousand plants...
then my goal is to start planting it everywhere... take horse loads
of seed up into the brush, or into the jungle, and plant it like
squirrels plant acorns... yesterday and today, living on
tubers... baked spuds, Sagu, and even ginger tea...

and put a big pot of soup on, over a fire as I write, for in the morning...

I've been contemplating the difference between subsistence and holding
down a job... I think subsistence is alot better... No driving to
work, no asshole bosses, no bureauocratic stress, no taxes, no need
to have a car....

I've been working towards subsistence for years, relearning all the
way... got my fruit and food trees in first as they take the
longest... now working towards staple foods... planting an area of
Casava... I lived on the stuff a couple years, known as yucca here in
central america... Got burnt out on it, but now after a few years, and
having other stuff too, back planting it again...

My worker broadcast beans and corn yesterday, and will put in another
morning at it this coming week... he's working above the new Yucca
patch, and I'm thinking to use the area after picking the beans to
extend yucca area... guessing we'll have a good half acre going this
The corn is for seed, this summer finally building the big garden..
Its about an acre area... Will be for corn, chick peas, squash etc.
All staples...

My plan is to go out and dig a new raised bed every morning during the
dry season... removing rocks and brush stumps, tilling the soil with
a heavy grub hoe, made from a pickhoe that I cut the pick off of...
then as I build more beds, till up the finished ones with a lighter
hoe, and plant corn and manicillo clover... in april after corn
harvest, will plant chick peas in the manicillo... And next dry season
harves them, retill the beds, and plant more corn or start planting
squash, sweet potatos etc...

my guess is it will take at least a year to build an acre of beds...
But as I do, can get several crops a year off the finished beds... in
time will create a nice garden, I've done this process before
elsewhere many times... but mostly as a veggie garden.. As grains
were so cheap... Well, that was then, this is now, so I'm about to
apply a life time of organic gardening experience towards going all
the way on a subsistence diet... the food trees are producing now,
have unlimited breadnuts, citrus, etc, and have been experimenting
with different things.. Discovered breadnuts and grated coconut make a
nice granola type trail mix base... Use dried starfruit in it too...

yesterday I saw that one of my cranberry trees was putting on a second
crop, I ate a few of the last fruit from the first crop, looking at
the coming crop which is loading down the tree... My second tree
should also start producing this year, and we'll be getting starts
sprouting from windfall fruit, and start planting more trees... Fifty
would be a nice number I think...

On subsistence, I think the main thing after the land, is to have
tools... I've been collecting gardening tools, making handles, and
getting geared up for whats coming... As the banksters rob the
economy, I'm evolving more towards producing everything I can to
prepare to not need them...

I also have two types of coffee going... kona from hawaii, a dwarf
variety, and I also have an Arabic coffee tree... the fruit off the
coffee tree is a bit bland, with just a touch of a wintergreeen
flavor, but thinking to dry and add to my trail mix, as its a powerful
anti aging food....

and we'll keep multiplying trees as we get starts, its producing
now.... the Kona is producing, and we have starts in a nursery
bed... should be getting into serious numbers of plants in about 5
years... about then will be getting all I need for consumption....

subsistence is more like a hobby than a job..
It entails alot of work, but its varied, and seasonal, and you spend
alot of time processing things...

but its productive, and wholesome, and doesnt require carrying the
burden stones of taxation, inflation, or supporting management or
Elite types... what that means, is everything you produce is yours...

I see humans love to fill their own sack figuratively... Very
egocentric, add money, and you get greed... I think this is a
perversion of older subsistence mindsets... take money out of the
equation, and retro-replace with subsistence, and the desire to fill
your sack becomes harmless to others unless you stray off your own

and as I pointed out to a couple Tico friends today, its only a
matter of time until the bureauocrats and elite try sending around
their thugs to raid our food storage, so we need to immitate ancient
cultures, and create hidden storage away from the shelter, build
several, and when food tax time comes, not have much in the pantry,
hide the daughters, sons etc. and also build bows, crossbows etc.
and start collecting frog & snake toxins, so we can snipe the
Raiders from the briar patch, and genetically edit the planet over
time... doesnt take much of a bow to launch a poisoned arrow, and
their submachine guns they now carry have to have something to shoot
at... If they start atrocities, it will only cause more bows &

its an old cycle... Empires get arrogant & decadent, and begin
abusing people and creating fiat currencys...

the people go back to growing food, storing it, and defending it...
and so we come full circle soon... only now we have better bows,
and theres more of us soon... As the city people will be looking thin
& hungry in a few years, and anybody with country connections will
decide shelling beans is better than starving while being expected to
work for bogus money...

I've been thinking about the teachings in the Tao, Bible, Koran, etc.
and what the ranchers of the galaxy put us here for... Its mostly to
learn what not to do, what doesnt work over time, and the fundamentals
of a sustainable culture....

"Learn to subsist, subsist to learn."

Sent from my mobile device

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