Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday 24th November 2010......

awaiting sunrise in an hour...
The moon is going down in the west... Maybe a day or two after the full moon....

the other day, I was thinking about the things I really use... The
cookware, how much of it, eveything from my toothbrush, to a pot

the stuff I use every day....
didnt come to 50 items...

it was a good mental perspective enhancer technique... and I
realized, that everything one really needs including a simple
shelter, doesnt add up to 6 months rent in vanityland...

I thought about my tools, which are the ones most used, and which are
most necessary for subsistence...

it was an interesting way to get an angle on reality, by just thinking
about materialism from a practical angle...

I realized how much of what I have is vanity... And how little I
really need to live comfortably...
And I have much less than the average blog reader... what I do have,
is more of the right stuff, and less of the garbage people buy because
they fall in love with it at a store....

most of that stuff has been edited out of my life by various fleecings
by fellow humanity...
At every divorce, every move, I had to let things go... and I held
on hardest to the things of practical value, and the things I loved

I'm a bit different, love camping, making things, doing experimental
cooking with really basic ingredients, I like living simple, and I
hate complication or dependency on the system...

and being somewhat artistic, and some retro, combined with my
attractions to primitive & indigenous cultures, my possessions
nowdays are taking on a definite neoindigenous style...

its like looking into a crystal ball, and seeing yourself as you really are..

and so my thoughts wandered on.. Like a cow munching clumps of grass,
going from one thought clump to the next.... raising my cow head,
staring into an empty sky, and mentally chewing what I bit off...

and I realized that part of my problem with women, has been that I
didnt understand the true nature of the relationships.... I thought I
could do the things that are me, be a good guy, loving & all that, and
it should work... Right?

and I realized, that when you analyze life and its hardware from the
practical end, it becomes obvious I thought I was being a good
partner, and they thought of me as a personal vanity enhancer in trade
for grudging sexual favors....

because most of what the wife with the tapping foot, and the crossed
arms, and the narrowed eyes, expects, are things that enhance her
personal infinite vanities... And have little or nothing to do with
fundamental practical living....

it was a liberating realization....

and after living alone 16 years or so, I'm finally figuring it all out....

I think women's liberation is wonderful...
It means I dont have to support them... I can focus on getting my own
trip together to better my own life, instead of bettering their's....

women dont need us guys now... They have themselves, each other, and
the social system...

but they never seem to realize that all the fundamentals of the social
system are what the guys do.... and that the office jobs may be nice
and cushy, and you get to dress up nice, paint your billboard with
spendy cosmetics, and get to work in airconditioned spaces, but none
of those jobs produce any food, fix any cars, or make any item of
practical use...

so I see that men's liberation consists of not feeding the bears
individually or collectively thru a social system that aint working
for us by any means what so ever....

I think focusing on practical reality, and personal needs at a
subsistence level is really good for the soul....

I can garden, cut firewood, fix my gear, go fishing, make crafts, etc.
and never do anything that supports the twisted status quo.... My
fem-vanities support footprint is effectively zero....

Leaves alot of free time to think....

I see the men as having been enslaved by their hormones... I've
learned not giving a shit cures that... Also not having it in my face
helps alot...

living in a natural setting is better than doing the daily rumba in
the orgy of lusts...

I get to be me....

Sent from my mobile device

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