Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday 30th November 2010.......

Early evening,
listened to short wave awhile, but nothing interesting, so I shut it
off... And slept for a couple hours... Then woke, restarted a fire,
for mosquitos, and now relaxing...

still thinking about normalcy, and primitive weapons... to me
weapons are a hobby... I've always been interested in indigenous and
ancient cultures... so even as a kid began using and making organic
arms... I was raised in a redneck family culture, so got the usual
culture of firearms etc. And taught that milk comes from a cow by the
direct method, and meat isnt made by a machine....

but I really dont like killing anything, except parasites, so to me
weapons became a hobby & a survival skill...

I know how to kill... how to cut a throat, skin, gut, butcher, cut
and wrap, freeze, can, or dry...

but I prefer to get my protiens from nuts & fish...
I'm not an instinctual killer..
and I've long suspected for years that the human genome was moving
away from killing... And I've read things in Enoch which support
that... at least that some of us are becomming non-killers in growing
numbers, while there are those becoming worse killers in fewer
numbers... I suspect natural forces are at work... And that if it
wasnt for nukes & climate change the game could play out long term,
and result in the end, to being a few vampires in the spotlights who
came to a much deserved end, at the hands of a generally peaceful

unfortunately we're running against the war and natural catastrophy
clock... and time seems to be short... And the vampires have nukes,
and are legislating away pitchforks & torches...

the peasants seem to be reacting correctly though... buying more
forks than ever before, and getting higher tech torches...

good job, fellow peasants....

how do you recognize a vampire? thats easy... Theyre those guys on
TV with the suits & ties....

instinctual liars, killers & thieves....
Who come to kill, steal, and destroy....

and promote it as normalcy...

If you havent read the book of Enoch, connected it to Genesis 6, and
Judges 5:20, and realized that the game is alien arrival, well then,
you really dont know anything...

the book of Enoch can be read online for free..
The two best translations are at steve quayle's website.. I've read a
third, couched in king James style biblical english, but it has the
same problems as the king james bible; quaint, out of date, and
difficult to understand unless you were born 400 years ago... the
book of Enoch is mentioned in the bible, and when Christ said "read
the scriptures" during his time they included the book of enoch, and
later editing by the church convienantly removed the parts that were
most likely to enlighten the peasants... the results of that editing
are called the bible...

I hear people talking about being "saved"...
Saved is a verb in past tense... so being saved ahead of the fact, is
like boarding the Titanic
and thinking youre safe because there are some lifeboats, without
bothering to count noses, and compare to number of boats or their

being "saved" ahead of the crisis, is like the rapture cult; sounds
good, but its not what is written...

so I think a bunch of backslapping, hippocrit, jargon heads, are in
for a rude awakening...

when its all over, if youre still alive and your neck hasnt been cut,
then youre technically "saved"...

until then, youre making assumptions... possibly, & likely, "fatal"

and personally, I feel I'd be extremely fortunant to survive whats
coming... in spite of a lifetime of collecting survival skills,
being 200 miles from the nearest potential nuclear target, living on
a mountain, in the easy to survive in tropics, and having spring
water, and a thousand food trees planted and beginning to produce, and
other non tree foods planted, and years of experience living on yucca
& green bananas....

if you want to believe youre saved, thats your business.. but I
notice that what Jesus said, seems to suggest a very practical
person... And his advice in Mathew 24 about running for the hills
doesnt seem to jibe well with people's logic that has them saved
automatically no matter what...

he would have said; dont worry, hang out where ever you are, as youre
already "saved"....

I feel sorry for the kids of the saved heads... Likely to end up as
small grease fires after the flash, because their parents were such
bliss ninnies...

Get out of Babylon....

I've heard Mathew 24 being explained on "family radio" as being
about churches... try inserting the words; "nuclear bomb" in line 15,
where it says the abomination of desolation, and see if it makes any
more sense to you... Churches my ass.... and if you believe what
Harold Camping says, its likely to be your ass that gets fried... The
guy isnt just off base, he's out in left field and misleading millions
to their deaths... and the passages he explains as describing the
end of the universe next May, are in fact a description of the effects
of a nuke, if I'm correct... the universe isnt going to end next

more likely its when brother Harold has his retirement party...

"Opps! I was wrong again, thanks for all the money."

making alot of money off being wrong, and misleading people, isnt
much of a guarantee of being saved...

read the bible for yourself, apply the "from space" concept, and see
how it works.... then decide if youre "saved" or not yet...

as Jesus pointed out just before he left, that when he returned,
"people would look up and understand."

whats up folks? is "Heaven" maybe "the Heavens" and when you finally
get it, will it be too late to change your own nasty habits? and will
they likely think kindly of you for going along with normal? The same
normal that led to the destruction of a planet? wouldnt it be better
to rethink yourself now? quit following wolves who bleet sheep

and I'm taking a personal risk here... The risk of being wrong, and
misleading... could cost me my neck... But I'd rather be wrong and
get some people on the safe side, than be right and keep my big mouth
shut... To save my own neck...

it all makes sense once you get the from space overview... and I dont
care if a billion hippocrits howl for my blood... truth is truth...

read it for yourself.. Apply the thesis... Then think about normalcy,
what it really is, and what should you really be doing?

Chattering about being saved? or getting your buns out of ground
zero, and your head out of vanity land?

Sent from my mobile device

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