and a drippy one in the rain forest...
I'm feeling pretty good, just got the fire going, and put some left
overs on to warm for breakfast...
made a realisation a few minutes ago, that alot of problems could be
cured, if I could continue working towards personal independence...
what I'm talking about, is the problems with personal relationships...
notice that in the technocult people use money to not need each
other on a personal basis... i'm wondering if it isnt in part a
reaction to constant interpersonal problems created by our intrinsic
self centered points of view... And that we use jobs etc. To seperate
ourselves from each other, because we cant fix the problems in
ourselves and have that be enough due to relationships being outside
the self, at least one other person, and often multiple players....
I find it sad... that we're so egotistic that we cant get along in
harmony with the people we mix with.. And that we have to distance
ourselves from each other, and use jobs & money to avoid the
interpersonal differences....
I dont see using money for this as being a good idea... money is
constantly terminal... Always debauched in some manner by your local
national status quo, and soon to be robbed by the world government
types mega-status quo.....
and here in Costa Rica, I have some limits imposed by the legalists &
the cultural mindset...
the legalists have it rigged where foriegn nationals cant work jobs,
and can only work in their own businesses, sounds good on paper,
jobs for local people & all that, but still water runs deep, and in
this case there's another side to the story.....
there is a deep set anti-american/anti foriegner game being played..
Where the game is; they all act in unison to trash any & all
foriegners... its systemic, endemic, & insidious... what this means,
is any and all attempts to create and run businesses by non nationals,
has about the same chance as a snowball in hell... what this means
is you cant work a job, and you cant successfully run a business...
you'll get trashed by everyone, from people you employ, to suppliers
if theyre local, to clients if theyre locals, to the legal system...
ask me how I know...
anyway, my point is, that its not independence thru money thats
wise... but there are other types...
and I think its wise to become independent of both money & other
people as much as possible... And I'm working towards those goals...
first by working on my self sufficiency.. food, clothing, shelter,
tools, and weapons.... no man is an island, but the more self
sufficient we are, the less problems we have with each other...
the more self sufficient we are, the less we need the economic system,
and the less we get ripped off by the crooked games of the Elite.....
so I'm applying the neoindigenous mindset to both problems... and
slowly as able working towards complete self suffiency, and a working
isolation on all levels except social, and I find knowing the truth
even frees me from much of that...
I find social connections invite business connections, which invites
just like family connections...
its all a balance thing...
no such thing as total independence these days...
anyway, its why I work on these fronts, other than being hobbies, and
wise for whats coming... Alot of what I've done in life has been
reactions to problems with people... by minimizing the effects of
money & people on my life, I find tranquility...
"Use money, to eliminate your need for money."
"Use people (labor etc.) to eliminate your need for people."
Use what you gain, to help & enlighten others...
that way independence comes full circle... its not then just another
self centered thing....
this morning I've been working on my shopping list.. soon to do a
run to town, get everybody their money, and buy some foodstuffs for
if theres anything left over, I try to push my projects a tich.. This
time hoping to get a couple small items to finish the crossbow cable
and maybe some rubber boots...
one is never free from want at the bottom end of reality... I just
try to make progress a constant, however slight, however possible...
Usually able to get one item a month now.. and we're talking small
items... I find that I have more projects than economics...
everything on my list, are items to finish projects, or to better my
situation for whats coming, or both.. sometimes items stay on my
lists for literally years.. but doesnt it feel good when I can
complete a long term project, or get a long term item..... the good
news, is the enforced minimalism combined with what I've realized, has
created a pretty good focus...
I know if I were still living in the states, I'd still be trying to
do too much, and at least this way, my trying to do too much is very
I think my biggest mistake in life, has been doing too much for
others & too little for myself... Sad, but not a bad comentary
either.. now I quest for better balance... While I see others coming
at it from the other end....
Lately I've been thinking about arrow making again... looks to be
coming up in the next Calandar year... and I've been thinking of ways
to do it all myself ingredients wise... yesterday I was thinking of
ways to build plastic nocks.. and started mentally processing ways to
do it... my personal goal is going to be a gross of finished
arrows... to achieve that will take some doing.. why a gross?
because its more arrows than I've used in my entire life, and because
when the collapse happens, its likely I'll need more arrows than
if I cant figure out a way to make plastic nocks, I'll go retro,
and devise up a decent working self nock system...
I plan to do something similar on the points, worst case scenario
will be 3/4 inch steel broadheads siezed into a kerf in the shaft with
nylon thread, then varnished or epoxied over...
I've made arrowheads since I was a kid.. Started with metal, also
later learned knapping stone & glass..
one day, when I was working a job, I found a lost arrow in the ditch
beside a road...
the arrow was wood, feather fletch, plastic nock etc. but it had a
home made steel broad head that was siezed and then epoxied over... I
kept the arrow for years, and admired how nice a broadhead its lost
owner had made... it was a good system...
here, I'd use machete steel, which is cheap and available.. And as
there isnt any big game to speak of, I'd go 3/4 inch wide on the
broadheads.. better to keep them smaller to keep them from planing
off, or being too heavy, or using excessive amounts of materials...
I'd cut the steel with abrasive wheels, perhaps rough them out
seperately, then clamp into a stack to regrind to get uniformity...
likely in stacks of six...
it would take awhile to make 144, but worth the doing...
factory made broadheads are expensive now... as is feather fletch..
its time to go around the problem by figuring out ways to make our
invariably the way around modern & convienant, is retro, and doing
the job as a hobby & challenge... the more you make, and the less
you buy, the less you need your day job... thing to remember, is full
retro equals no job.... before jobs were invented, people made what
they needed for themselves... and any free time, benefits from
planning & thinking, or working hard, etc. Were their's....
folks, you've been sold down the river long ago...
a fat slave, is just as much a slave, as a skinny one....
later... Raining, I've got bread baking in the fire pit, trying a
finer grind of corn meal, and some diced up ripe bananas in the mix...
Use flour, salt etc., this batch filled up the skillet pretty good, as
thick wet, as cornbread with leavening when finished... Did a bunch of
dishes at the spring, ground the corn, washed/rinsed some clothes,
and packed in & chopped firewood, all while it wasnt raining...
now awaiting my food for the day... have eaten a few ripe bananas
today, fed a couple to the dog, and the monkeys have run off with
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