Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday, 29th January 2011.......

locust roaring, I'm doing bannock & gravy over the sacred flames....

did a nice practice stint on the guitar...
Starting to be able to use the chords, juxtapose with notes, and feel
I'm a year from being able to play decent enough to go journeyman, and
begin learning from other guitarists...

lately thinking about the civil unrest in the mideast...

and how it came to pass.... heard one newspaper was asking why the US
always supported dictators?

answer is simple, they can get what they want that way, and not have
to pay a fair price for it...

by installing dictators & keeping them well armed, they get resources,
bases, and slaves at an extreme discount.... support a small but
corrupt elite, have it look good on TV with enough slant sauce, and
they get to be power trippers and greed heads, jackals & hyeenas....
while you flag waving morons pay for it all in taxes & body bags, and
end up picking up some of the Karmic price tag....

and now they have a world empire going, they dont need you except for
cannon fodder..

and while you were sleeping, theyve robbed you blind, stolen your wife
and kids, and neutered you... Nothing left but the butcher shop to

they have steroided cops, modern version of Eunichs, to beat you up or
kill you, theyve been poisoning your food and water, and doing worse
to your mind.. while you were a good little slave repeating the
politically correct mantra of "normalcy"...

watch closely the video from Al Jahzeera... Your turn is next, after a
few more countries, and the chimp in the white house, with the big
voice is nothing but a great liar, as will be his replacement, and all
those following, until you John Q. public, actually get up off your
couch potato ass and do something about it... and I dont mean bitch
to your congress pig...

anyway, I'm glad I dont live in the US any more because you people are

you have your heads playing Ostrich up your south ends..

youre a bunch of fat cowards... And youll be watching TV, and eating
boxed food, when theres the knock at the door and they start the
process that ends up with you in a land fill...

"its the law." ?

its the law youre a stupid gutless coward, and its the law you pay for
it all, and its the law you die on time...

they want a utopia.... doesnt have you in the picture... Unless youre
a foxy vanity headed young bitch.... Or a stupid slave... and when
the bitches get too old to look nice, theyll put them down like

ditto for the slaves...

so yeah, watch your TV, eat your grease box food, and ask why the US
installs and supports dictators...

same reason they do it in the US... So they can pig everything.. and
for awhile they needed you, the Junior pig club of elite wannabees...

but youre soon to wake up with a head ache & shackles.. And a guy with
a small knife, who insures you never reproduce anything like

watch your TV, and think; "coming attractions" with you & yours on the
recieving end of bullets and tanks....

what goes around, comes around.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I noticed on the form work for passport, that they were asking if I'd
ever been anyone else too?

must be something in the water.. Everybody is worried about being
someone else all the time...

perhaps, having an identity crisis in the tangle of humanity... Not
sure who they are at any given moment, and wondering if you know

yeah... I've always been me... Never attempted normalcy, so I still
know who I am 24/7.....

probably puts me on a list of suspicious types? A dossier on people
who seem to know who they are? while everybody else is being who
ever their TV is telling them to be at the moment....

normalcy & free are a dichotomy pair...

glad We planted plenty of bananas... Us abnormal types, and the
monkeys will have something to eat, as we look out upon the machine,
and wonder when the sudden destruction will rubble it...

wont be terrorists who take out human civilisation... It will be
insanity in leadership.... theyll transmorgufy into the wrong people
at the wrong moment, and that will be that....

glad the Money Demon has never been able to get its claws into me....

Also got to see the new Spanish style toll road to the coast... stop
you every few kilometers to pay again... just like in Spain when I
was a kid 45 years ago...

Money going into the king of Spain's coffers..

so much for independence from the monarchy...

"A wise ruler rules by emptying coffers, and filling bellys." (Tao)

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Tuesday, 25 January 2011.........


just getting a fire going, food on, pretty weather, barefoot & shorts,
going to be a nice day...

Went to san jose yesterday, got my passport applied for...

the embassy was a zoo... about 20X more people than 10 years ago...
the Ticos working there were doing a really exelent job, with the all
kinds of people there for government "stuff" for lack of a worser
word... the management running the place, obviously insane... had a
system of taking tickets and computer screens to wait service, I
waited about an hour for my number to come up, screen said window 18,
so I started looking, last window was 17, door guard tells me theres
no window 18... Machine rolls on, I go get in line at a window, tico
guy nods when I explain about no window 18, serves me very

the waiting area was fun, all kinds of people, speaking in both
languages with equal fluency..

a group of mormon missionarys, some Amish types, but the other
version, a bliss ninny woman who was about 60, asking me bazaar
questions, like who I was at the moment... I guess when youre a
tripped out on crystalology neurotic skitzoid, thats important.... I
thought about her questions, finally decided I was myself at the
moment, and told her I was Gris right now.. didnt tell her I'd
always been me, might have tweaked her beyond ability to cope to think
there were mentally stabil types who were consistantly themselves....

got out of embassy, to wait for my ride, got chased off the sidewalk
by guards, even at the corner of the block, american citizens, been
thru their security twice, not allowed to be on the same block as the
embassy to wait for their transportation.. The big brother eye saw me
at the corner by the crosswalk, and had guards come run me off... so
much for being a Veteran etc...

I suggest you not do that, ie military service, if the absurd drones
havent the brains to have a bench to sit on and allow you to be
outside your own embassy..

any terrorists reading this blog;

I'd consider it a personal favor if you could figure out how to
surgically remove the Federal Tumor from our backs... would be glad
to make the Koran required reading in high school or something in
return for the much appreciated service...

the homeland security types must be hiring only meth heads for
management or something.. Because thats how their system acts....

Anyway, San Jose had changed, bigger, busier, more malls, starting to
look like California to me...

and I got to see the chain hotel corporate eye sore area on the coast
at Hauco... I think its a prison for people with money who want to
see the sea once in their life or something... they get to pay alot
of money to have a box with a window looking outside at a normal hunk
of average beach...

all made me appreciate how unique my life is, and how diminishing the
natural ambient has become...
My little hut on the mountain will soon be surrounded by sprawl and
mental illness... an island in the sky, waiting for aliens to come
beam me up, for not getting involved in the insanity...

money, money, money... the speed drug that kills...

humanity is clueless....
Poor fools... sudden destruction ahead....

anyway, happy to be home... Dog was happy to see me.. I feel sorry for
all those people in the city who dont know any better...

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, 18th of January... 2011.....


worked in the new garden this morning, carving terrace paths.. put in
about 3 hours with grub hoe, axe, machete, and wide pattern hoe..
turned some cattle erosion & some scrub into a designer spot for
growing things... doing an area with some interesting topography..
which I like carving, as the finished product is usually pretty...

I have a small tangerine tree in a pot that I carried over there in
the wheel barrow, it will be a few days, but working over an area, so
I cant plant it...

I have maybe half a dozen Tangerine trees going.. It will be years,
but looking forward to having tangerines to eat by the wheel barrow
loads.. one of my favorite eating fruits.. I want this one in the
garden, for snacking when I'm working there... Decadent I know.... I
should be feeling guilty about not being a success in the rat race...

a friend left me a few TIME magazines, so I'm onto the latest neurosis
in the technocult... Ambition...

well, I have a portfolio... of trees & plants.. no 401K, no stocks
in bellwhether blue chips, no hotel on boardwalk....

my portfolio has been gaining value every year...

no stock market fraud, no bankers buying off politicians to screw
common folks with endless absurd & crooked laws, no plunge protection
team, twiddling the free market for class benefit... no military
industrial complex with a big hard-on for my oil reserves... just
livin' poor as a church mouse, but doing fine....

I cut up a couple wheel barrow loads of fire wood with my favorite
axe, I diced up some chopped brush, so I could work it with a hoe...

as I worked, I thought about things I want to plant in the area, what
goes where etc...

it was a happy 3 hours... I got a good workout, no monthly gym
membership fee.....

today the monkeys came several times, but I didnt have bananas, but
they hung around for awhile watching me, I was sharpening garden
tools, they stayed about 6 ft away, draped over limbs of a flowering
shrub.. one laid on the wheel barrow..

it obvious the kids have accepted me as the neighbor guy....

have several big Toucans around the house, no fear of me... And this
morning one of the gold breasted hawks, called "Gavilon" here, perched
on one of my ring of Cortesa trees at sunrise, in the yard... theyre
a favorite of mine, very pretty, similar to a red tail hawk, slightly
smaller, but very pretty...
I've been planning my tool handle projects, figuring sizes for sawing
the blanks for each item... looking forward to having a bunch of new
tools ready to use...

trying to get my collection filled in... 
I'm thinking I need to
get another pickhoe same head as I cut the pick off of for my grub
hoe, and have for rocky areas.. I like to keep the grubhoe sharp, and
rocks ruin the edge... And if I get the same exact head, can just swap
heads easy enough on my handle...

Also planning on doing a 5 ft staff of Cortesa, would be a nice
possession, my passover walkabout staff?

thinking maybe eventually a spike in one end, and maybe a crutch tip
on the other? town & country?

maybe I should do a shrunken head on the spike end for a cover in
town? need to find one of those talking heads on TV.. politician,
lawyer, buearocrat? : )

Was reading in Leviticus last night, boy, an eye opener.... Human
sacrifices to Yahwey... And dont trim your beard... wonder what
he'd think of all the guys who shave their faces to look like women?
also dont cut your hair... hmmm? Never knew Jehova liked long hair &
beards... Funny how most of the bible thumpers seem to have missed
those passages..

I'm not much on long beards, in a tropical climate... but at least I
have one... And dont get haircuts either...

Leviticus was full of interesting stuff, like all the things you
stone or burn people to death for...

reads like a laundry list of popular culture...

You dont suppose on arrival theyll still be frowning on witchcraft,
mediums, adultery, & incest? not to mention murder.... Does
murdering Muslims with drone aircraft count? could get pretty ugly if
they burn the 80 or so people it takes to run and service the

could go all the way up to the president I suppose? & do un to
others? At Guantanimo...wonder if the Ranchers will have a little fun
with those who gave the orders to torture? I suspect torture is
possible, JC mentioned those who screw up kids, would be better off
never having been born....

doesnt sound like they get a painless lethal injection...

one needs to remember, that the old testament is chock full of
killing... and book of Enoch talks about killing fields for the

and Jesus does seem alot more laid back, but he isnt who does the
judging or the ordering...

"There is one who judges." doesnt sound first person... and if I
have it right, the one who judges, is the same one who doesnt like
short beards and hair, homosexuality, witchcraft, adultery, abusing
kids, destroying the planet, murder, lying, ripping people off...
Its a really long list...

I'm thankful I havent gotten too far collecting such experiences...
And I dont intend on adding any demerit badges if I can avoid it..

because fear is a healthy thing, when youre dealing with something
beyond your ability to even imagine... Its like the ultimate fear of
the unknown... I dont think I want to assume "Auto-forgiven" I think
it might be good incentive for cleaning up my own trip considerably...

while theres still time...

I dont understand everything.. But I do understand there are ships
involved.. that makes it real to me... Not some fairy tale... any
body with star ships, can likely have their way with me... Whether I
like it or not....

the good news, to me, is they do seem to value good traits... if it
wasnt for that, I'd see little hope...

I'm on the side thats honest...

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

In the galaxy...

In a galaxy billions of years old,
to assume there isnt an established galaxy wide civilisation, millions
of years old,
is logically absurd.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday 10 of january 2011.....

going on 3 AM, munching hot flat bread, dying fire,
have been awake before midnight, slept early.. Feeling fine...

waiting for daylight... Thinking to work in my garden..

went to town a couple says ago.. Running errands.. Bought little,
saving pennies, but still did some visual shopping.. Didnt see much,
and it will be awhile before I get back with money to spend...
Everything I saw & wanted fit long term goals... not attracted to the
glitter & plastic... Always after the fundamentals these days....

things I've discussed here in the past...

the neoindigenous goals are working really well for me.. eliminating
distractions.. Creating focus..

knowing the goal of survival thru whats coming, helps alot... I keep
steady on my course...

building my personal culture from the bottom up, battling with my own
defects... Progress at a snail's pace is vastly better than progress
the wrong direction..

bought some food, 30 lbs of flour, 15 lbs of corn, 8 of peas.. And
thats it for the month... Making mostly banana flat bread, getting
bananas fairly regular now.. So the flour was just a way to use them

living simple, living happy...

preparing at every opportunity for the certainly uncertain certain
future... when you know you have a small hole to get thru, doing
that becomes your focus....

Been reading some magazines from the states.. Feel sorry for those
people... Insane with vanity, driving a terminal culture, & never
realizing where it all really leads...

I feel lucky to be a lone brush rat... my humble lifestyle has
some serious security to it... And all my projects etc. Are along the
same lines... planting food, making survival related gear, trying to
improve my situation as possible... working against time, my own
defects, and the defects of others..

saw my little niece, she was happy to see me, her mom got a little
toaster oven and now wants me to teach her how to bake breads... my
niece was visiting family on the indain reservation for christmas,
came home to a refridgerator full of bananas, and has been helping
herself every since.. her mom says she eats bananas for breakfast
every day.. I remember as a kid getting bananas on my cereal, and
wishing there were more bananas & less cow fodder... well, I got my
wish..and now making sure another little kid gets plenty of bananas
too... she doesnt mind... in fact I suspect she's quite happy
filling her cheeks with high quality organic monkey food, grown by her
strange foriegn uncle... I left her mom 4 lbs of flour instead of
bread this time... same money out, 4X the food... and now with her
new kitchen toy she can learn how to make stuff....

asked my niece where the bananas come from, her response was; "YOU!"

was a good laugh...

I told her when she could take care of herself going to the bathroom
etc. She could come up with her dad to work, and I could start
teaching her english...

her response was; "dad can help me with the bathroom stuff."

we were playing with some alphabet toys she had, and I was teaching
her the letters in english and spanish at the same time.. she
repeated, and pronounced well... so I think when she starts coming
up, I'll just do the same thing, teach her in both languages, to
read, speak, write, etc...

she's been enjoying talking to my son & his wife in the states on
skype... Theyve been enjoying it too... we're all kid lovers.. dont
take ourselves too seriously....

kids pick up on that, that youre not an important buffoon in your own
mind, and ready to relate with them on fun levels..

its like one time with my oldest son, fell and skinned his knee pretty
bad, wound was full of dirt and gravel, so I had him in the bathroom
sink carefully washing the wound as tears & sobs came & went.. I was
worried about infection, and figured I'd best disenfect it.. So when
he wasnt paying attention, got the iodine ready... And just to throw
him off a bit mentally, him not having the iodine experience
previously, I told him "oh, by the way, just wanted to warn you, this
is going to hurt like hell!"

and dashed the iodine on the wound while he was still thinking about
what I said... howls and screams ensued, but soon sibsided, and
then he was kinda laughing and sobbing at the same time, realizing my
joke... that I'd played with him mentally while applying some
involuntary parental torture for a good cause, to his little person..

well, now its a big person....

but I'd bet he remembers the incident....

anyway, dawn soon, its car O'Clock, noises wafting up from down on
the highway, all the vanity heads rushing off to the rat race to pay
for all their favorite sins....

and the toads have come in for the morning and gone into their hiding
spots... Done with another night of slurping up yummy stupid bugs...

I'm thinking gardening at daylight, and guitar practice later after
a bath.. Enjoying the tropical life, while most of you live in your
mindwashed state of perpetual lust for more... life isnt a job, or a
sleek car, or an excessive house on payments.. Life is simple things..
the rest is added bullshit.... most wont understand until it all
crashes.. And theyre brought back down to fundamental levels...

anyway, think I'll snooze a few minutes while all of you are being so
rudely awaken by alarm clocks, and staggering to the bathroom and
getting into icy cars for the long hajira of the daily money race...

have a good day, but at least start asking yourself if its really sane
to be a hyeena instead of a human?

what the pack does isnt a really good idea...

best become at least a coyote and escape the trap...

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday, 6th January 2010.....


have been busy, and enjoying nice weather..

working in the new garden area, carving with my grub hoe, which is a
pickhoe I minused the pick on...

but its rained last couple nights, soil is wet, so I'm catching up on
other things...

brought in another wheelbarrow load of bananas yesterday.. getting
to be a regular thing... Had to compost some yesterday that got over
ripe before dog & self could get to them, we've also been having help
from a troop of monkeys.. Averaging between 7 & 10.... they have come
to within 8 inches of me to take bananas... and they come every few

listened to short wave last night, and some this morning, the usual
new world order rags..

to me its entertainment.. I live thousands of miles outside the US,
and have only been back once in going on 16 years..

in Costa Rica the New world Order will have to compete with local
corruption for what they can siphon out of guys who work for a couple
dollars an hour, and have kids & grandkids holding their plate out...
good luck... any economic tide that runs this way, disappears down
the worm holes... and not much ever comes back out...

I was thinking this morning about politics, and what a big farce it
is... Turkeys in Ties.... Gobble, Gobble, where did it all go...?

to me, its bleeping meaningless.. dont get sucked into TV, so I
havnt seen enough video of Obama to know how he walks...

and the rest of the gang I know mostly by name only.... wouldnt know
Pelosi from Palin if they were both asking for a dance...

did see a foto of Hillary, the wicked witch of the east, boy she's
looking bad, the dark power is obviously eating her up... wouldnt
have recognized her without the caption on the magazine page.. looks
like the Democratic Cantidate for the Queen of Halloween....

I feel sorry for her... addicted to power... has to be the worst
addiction in the galaxy..

anyway what I realized, is how unreal it all is.. The songs & dances
are interesting, but it doesnt affect me, and might never.. (a
couple of yellow Parakeets in my kitchen area as I write.)

anyway, on politics, it all boils down to power... assholes telling
other assholes with guns, to go force other assholes to cough up their
money for some bogus land of Oz scheme we call government...

what you call this or that Satanic Incarnation of control freaks &
greed heads is unimportant...

all that matters is the guns, who has them and who is willing to use them..

my buddy sent me the stats on several US states deer hunters
numbers... A half dozen or so states combined came out to be the
biggest army on the planet.. and they werent the states most into

and those boys have their own uniforms, camping equipment, vehicles,
and ammo... and no few of them Vets...

the status quo are like cockroaches dancing on the train tracks...
passing laws the train cant come their way....

When the Caboose of history rolls off into the sunset, all grand
roaches with faces & names, wont be so much as a wet spot on the

and why doesnt it affect me? because I decided some 16 plus years
ago to trade the rat race for a brush rat's title.... one of those
strange guys who live in huts on mountains... it really is a good way
to acquire wisdom... You learn what a bunch of bullshit civilisation
is, and how little you need it..

as soon as people realize they dont need the big "Palaces of Vanity"
rented to them by the banks, and that they can be alot more happy in
real terms in something humble & remote, be it cabin, hut, yurt, wall
tent, tipi, etc. thats when the tide will turn...

I've never made a house payment in my life.. Why should I? Doesnt look
like any fun... my, my, how people suffer for their vanity... slaves
to their own egos....

being homeless isnt a shame... Its an opportunity...

all you have to do is realize how little you actually need to live free....

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