locust roaring, I'm doing bannock & gravy over the sacred flames....
did a nice practice stint on the guitar...
Starting to be able to use the chords, juxtapose with notes, and feel
I'm a year from being able to play decent enough to go journeyman, and
begin learning from other guitarists...
lately thinking about the civil unrest in the mideast...
and how it came to pass.... heard one newspaper was asking why the US
always supported dictators?
answer is simple, they can get what they want that way, and not have
to pay a fair price for it...
by installing dictators & keeping them well armed, they get resources,
bases, and slaves at an extreme discount.... support a small but
corrupt elite, have it look good on TV with enough slant sauce, and
they get to be power trippers and greed heads, jackals & hyeenas....
while you flag waving morons pay for it all in taxes & body bags, and
end up picking up some of the Karmic price tag....
and now they have a world empire going, they dont need you except for
cannon fodder..
and while you were sleeping, theyve robbed you blind, stolen your wife
and kids, and neutered you... Nothing left but the butcher shop to
they have steroided cops, modern version of Eunichs, to beat you up or
kill you, theyve been poisoning your food and water, and doing worse
to your mind.. while you were a good little slave repeating the
politically correct mantra of "normalcy"...
watch closely the video from Al Jahzeera... Your turn is next, after a
few more countries, and the chimp in the white house, with the big
voice is nothing but a great liar, as will be his replacement, and all
those following, until you John Q. public, actually get up off your
couch potato ass and do something about it... and I dont mean bitch
to your congress pig...
anyway, I'm glad I dont live in the US any more because you people are
you have your heads playing Ostrich up your south ends..
youre a bunch of fat cowards... And youll be watching TV, and eating
boxed food, when theres the knock at the door and they start the
process that ends up with you in a land fill...
"its the law." ?
its the law youre a stupid gutless coward, and its the law you pay for
it all, and its the law you die on time...
they want a utopia.... doesnt have you in the picture... Unless youre
a foxy vanity headed young bitch.... Or a stupid slave... and when
the bitches get too old to look nice, theyll put them down like
ditto for the slaves...
so yeah, watch your TV, eat your grease box food, and ask why the US
installs and supports dictators...
same reason they do it in the US... So they can pig everything.. and
for awhile they needed you, the Junior pig club of elite wannabees...
but youre soon to wake up with a head ache & shackles.. And a guy with
a small knife, who insures you never reproduce anything like
watch your TV, and think; "coming attractions" with you & yours on the
recieving end of bullets and tanks....
what goes around, comes around.
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