have been awake before midnight, slept early.. Feeling fine...
waiting for daylight... Thinking to work in my garden..
went to town a couple says ago.. Running errands.. Bought little,
saving pennies, but still did some visual shopping.. Didnt see much,
and it will be awhile before I get back with money to spend...
Everything I saw & wanted fit long term goals... not attracted to the
glitter & plastic... Always after the fundamentals these days....
things I've discussed here in the past...
the neoindigenous goals are working really well for me.. eliminating
distractions.. Creating focus..
knowing the goal of survival thru whats coming, helps alot... I keep
steady on my course...
building my personal culture from the bottom up, battling with my own
defects... Progress at a snail's pace is vastly better than progress
the wrong direction..
bought some food, 30 lbs of flour, 15 lbs of corn, 8 of peas.. And
thats it for the month... Making mostly banana flat bread, getting
bananas fairly regular now.. So the flour was just a way to use them
living simple, living happy...
preparing at every opportunity for the certainly uncertain certain
future... when you know you have a small hole to get thru, doing
that becomes your focus....
Been reading some magazines from the states.. Feel sorry for those
people... Insane with vanity, driving a terminal culture, & never
realizing where it all really leads...
I feel lucky to be a lone brush rat... my humble lifestyle has
some serious security to it... And all my projects etc. Are along the
same lines... planting food, making survival related gear, trying to
improve my situation as possible... working against time, my own
defects, and the defects of others..
saw my little niece, she was happy to see me, her mom got a little
toaster oven and now wants me to teach her how to bake breads... my
niece was visiting family on the indain reservation for christmas,
came home to a refridgerator full of bananas, and has been helping
herself every since.. her mom says she eats bananas for breakfast
every day.. I remember as a kid getting bananas on my cereal, and
wishing there were more bananas & less cow fodder... well, I got my
wish..and now making sure another little kid gets plenty of bananas
too... she doesnt mind... in fact I suspect she's quite happy
filling her cheeks with high quality organic monkey food, grown by her
strange foriegn uncle... I left her mom 4 lbs of flour instead of
bread this time... same money out, 4X the food... and now with her
new kitchen toy she can learn how to make stuff....
asked my niece where the bananas come from, her response was; "YOU!"
was a good laugh...
I told her when she could take care of herself going to the bathroom
etc. She could come up with her dad to work, and I could start
teaching her english...
her response was; "dad can help me with the bathroom stuff."
we were playing with some alphabet toys she had, and I was teaching
her the letters in english and spanish at the same time.. she
repeated, and pronounced well... so I think when she starts coming
up, I'll just do the same thing, teach her in both languages, to
read, speak, write, etc...
she's been enjoying talking to my son & his wife in the states on
skype... Theyve been enjoying it too... we're all kid lovers.. dont
take ourselves too seriously....
kids pick up on that, that youre not an important buffoon in your own
mind, and ready to relate with them on fun levels..
its like one time with my oldest son, fell and skinned his knee pretty
bad, wound was full of dirt and gravel, so I had him in the bathroom
sink carefully washing the wound as tears & sobs came & went.. I was
worried about infection, and figured I'd best disenfect it.. So when
he wasnt paying attention, got the iodine ready... And just to throw
him off a bit mentally, him not having the iodine experience
previously, I told him "oh, by the way, just wanted to warn you, this
is going to hurt like hell!"
and dashed the iodine on the wound while he was still thinking about
what I said... howls and screams ensued, but soon sibsided, and
then he was kinda laughing and sobbing at the same time, realizing my
joke... that I'd played with him mentally while applying some
involuntary parental torture for a good cause, to his little person..
well, now its a big person....
but I'd bet he remembers the incident....
anyway, dawn soon, its car O'Clock, noises wafting up from down on
the highway, all the vanity heads rushing off to the rat race to pay
for all their favorite sins....
and the toads have come in for the morning and gone into their hiding
spots... Done with another night of slurping up yummy stupid bugs...
I'm thinking gardening at daylight, and guitar practice later after
a bath.. Enjoying the tropical life, while most of you live in your
mindwashed state of perpetual lust for more... life isnt a job, or a
sleek car, or an excessive house on payments.. Life is simple things..
the rest is added bullshit.... most wont understand until it all
crashes.. And theyre brought back down to fundamental levels...
anyway, think I'll snooze a few minutes while all of you are being so
rudely awaken by alarm clocks, and staggering to the bathroom and
getting into icy cars for the long hajira of the daily money race...
have a good day, but at least start asking yourself if its really sane
to be a hyeena instead of a human?
what the pack does isnt a really good idea...
best become at least a coyote and escape the trap...
Sent from my mobile device
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