Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday, 6th January 2010.....


have been busy, and enjoying nice weather..

working in the new garden area, carving with my grub hoe, which is a
pickhoe I minused the pick on...

but its rained last couple nights, soil is wet, so I'm catching up on
other things...

brought in another wheelbarrow load of bananas yesterday.. getting
to be a regular thing... Had to compost some yesterday that got over
ripe before dog & self could get to them, we've also been having help
from a troop of monkeys.. Averaging between 7 & 10.... they have come
to within 8 inches of me to take bananas... and they come every few

listened to short wave last night, and some this morning, the usual
new world order rags..

to me its entertainment.. I live thousands of miles outside the US,
and have only been back once in going on 16 years..

in Costa Rica the New world Order will have to compete with local
corruption for what they can siphon out of guys who work for a couple
dollars an hour, and have kids & grandkids holding their plate out...
good luck... any economic tide that runs this way, disappears down
the worm holes... and not much ever comes back out...

I was thinking this morning about politics, and what a big farce it
is... Turkeys in Ties.... Gobble, Gobble, where did it all go...?

to me, its bleeping meaningless.. dont get sucked into TV, so I
havnt seen enough video of Obama to know how he walks...

and the rest of the gang I know mostly by name only.... wouldnt know
Pelosi from Palin if they were both asking for a dance...

did see a foto of Hillary, the wicked witch of the east, boy she's
looking bad, the dark power is obviously eating her up... wouldnt
have recognized her without the caption on the magazine page.. looks
like the Democratic Cantidate for the Queen of Halloween....

I feel sorry for her... addicted to power... has to be the worst
addiction in the galaxy..

anyway what I realized, is how unreal it all is.. The songs & dances
are interesting, but it doesnt affect me, and might never.. (a
couple of yellow Parakeets in my kitchen area as I write.)

anyway, on politics, it all boils down to power... assholes telling
other assholes with guns, to go force other assholes to cough up their
money for some bogus land of Oz scheme we call government...

what you call this or that Satanic Incarnation of control freaks &
greed heads is unimportant...

all that matters is the guns, who has them and who is willing to use them..

my buddy sent me the stats on several US states deer hunters
numbers... A half dozen or so states combined came out to be the
biggest army on the planet.. and they werent the states most into

and those boys have their own uniforms, camping equipment, vehicles,
and ammo... and no few of them Vets...

the status quo are like cockroaches dancing on the train tracks...
passing laws the train cant come their way....

When the Caboose of history rolls off into the sunset, all grand
roaches with faces & names, wont be so much as a wet spot on the

and why doesnt it affect me? because I decided some 16 plus years
ago to trade the rat race for a brush rat's title.... one of those
strange guys who live in huts on mountains... it really is a good way
to acquire wisdom... You learn what a bunch of bullshit civilisation
is, and how little you need it..

as soon as people realize they dont need the big "Palaces of Vanity"
rented to them by the banks, and that they can be alot more happy in
real terms in something humble & remote, be it cabin, hut, yurt, wall
tent, tipi, etc. thats when the tide will turn...

I've never made a house payment in my life.. Why should I? Doesnt look
like any fun... my, my, how people suffer for their vanity... slaves
to their own egos....

being homeless isnt a shame... Its an opportunity...

all you have to do is realize how little you actually need to live free....

Sent from my mobile device

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