just chopped wood, & got a fire going.. Cooking food for later... Put
some tea on, mostly have been eating bananas today...
its a hot day, slight breeze...
thinking about pony carts this afternoon..
have three different models I've been working on designs of long term...
the first is a wheeled travois, using sawn lumber and 4 wheelbarrow
wheels aft, to create a neoindigenous travois..
thinking have "poles" taper, and have a nylon strap harness rather
that cross over horse's back...
thinking to keep skids functional, by having 5/8's bolts welded head
to head for axles, a long bolt for wheel axle, and shorter to go thru
frame lumber...
then I'd need some short angle iron brackets to cross members from
skids, to prevent flexing due to axles, and not need anything between
the skids... on this device, I'd build a wooden bed, perhaps slats to
reduce weight, then do triangulated and laced racks above that, sloped
outward, then do nylon chord net sides inside of the rack sides, to
produce a very lightweight expeditionary wheeled travois made mostly
of wood...
this is the least expensive but highest quality, & simplest design I
can think of for hauling refugee gear...
My second design, is a Tumbril style cart, modernized... Using metal
frame, of either aluminum or steel tube, box or round, all depending
on tools & finances... if steel I'd go thin wall, and gas weld, if
aluminum thicker and TIG weld....
my bearings of choice, would be the front hub & brakes off of a small
4WD mini pickup truck... Welded to stub axels of pipe, and then an A
arm support structure to frame...
I'd do sides on this cart, triangulated and tilted outward, but have
an aluminum, or epoxy empregnated box liner, so that with removable
poles, you'd get a boat of sorts for fording rivers etc...
On this cart, I'd add bows, of aluminum or fiberglass rod, and have a
rubberized tarp top, that extended out fore & aft, and if bed was say
4 ft X 6 ft, it would be big enough to sleep in...
the third design is a tandem 4 wheeled cart, again using 4WD mini
hubs, set close, to allow a fairly heavy hauler, but not need to go to
wagon style geometry or steering etc...
This one is a micro Gypsy wagon concept, with a narrow floor, doors
each end, and cantilevered out on each side over the tires, to create
a bench or bunk inside, on either side... this one would get a tube
frame, and maybe aluminum sheet cover?
Creating a nice living device that could be insulated with closed cell
blue foam rubber...
my concept in all cases is to build the lightest strongest, most
durable cartage possible for one small horse... on larger gypsy
model, I'd keep the box size down to a 6X8 ft maximum...
I was in the back of a mini pickup a week ago, that had added flat
bed, stake racks, and brazed conduit frame for tarp cover.. It was six
feet by seven or eight feet, and would have been a nice minimal
living space for one or two people...
if it had had his and hers benches, and a small wood stove, and been
horse powered instead of fossil fuels, it would have been my idea of
an appropriate refugee mobile home for whats coming...
I hear rumor of $7 a gallon fuel in US by late next year... At 25 mpg,
youre looking at 28 cents a mile... i.e. $280 to go a thousand
miles.. Or $28 to go a hundred... still a good deal, but if the
economy crashes or worse, your motorized escape device becomes a
volunteer for a hippy style trailer park... likely communities spring
up along highways, where people ran out of fuel, and coasted to a low
spot to be closer to water....
personally I'd rather my final destination for living, not be
controlled by fuel & money availability...
I'd much rather travel at 2 miles an hour as long as I wanted, than to
travel at 60 miles an hour, and make it halfway to someplace safe...
One of the most important things I've learned living minimalistic, is
how suprisingly little one really needs.... havent had a kitchen
sink, or a toilet in years.. No stove, refer, or TV.. No bed, no
living room furniture, no garage full of stuff, no air conditioner, no
car, etc. Ect...
most of it I dont miss...
so I have a question for you; why do you think you need it?
have you ever thought about the fact that people lived just fine for
thousands of years without it?
I see people being enslaved by their vanities... Good slave material,
if thats all it takes..
As any ex slave knows, the only logical thing to do when you discover
yourself in a slave culture, is to leave... history is repleat with
stories of people who chose the brush over the whip...
I'm sure millions of people will be vying for job titles at the FEMA
run yuppie Aushwitz camps... gas Chamber operator gets to be last guy
and the guards will get it too, when the Elite decide writing history
time doesnt need any conflicting versions....
will the last guy pull the door closed behind himself?
personally, I'd rather be threading a fly line thru the ferrules about
then, up some creek, on the far side of the river from a road, with
my camp camouflaged, and my horse pretending to be an Elk... Maybe I
should make him some antlers?
so... Your choice, a fat ticket on the Titanic, or be heading for
the brush every step possible?
Time is getting short.. the Economic crash is rumbling closer &
closer... the only thing holding up the US economy now, is the FED
buying Bonds, like two snakes swallowing each other...
the status quo is blowing air up your economic aft end, and you keep
pulling the wagon like magic...
the Economist Galbraith pointed out that you only need two things to
create a money system, a printing press, and the belief of the
well that was then, this is now... now you use a computer for the
money, and a TV to program the groupthink into the retarded noggins...
hey folks, will you surf your own stupidity all the way to the rocks?
I hear some people figuring it out.. but most think their house will
be safe... no doubt FEMA-Nazis will drag many an excess slave out from
under their beds, screaming for Mommy all the way to the bullet...
if youre planning on sticking to a house, youll have a choice to
make.. Give up and die a shameful coward's death, or fight your last
stand over your pack rat's pile of materialism...
I think I'd rather be fishing..
munching breakfast, just in from garden digging... Did a nice section
of main path, with a bed of the better soil & organic material on
it was a good stint, plenty of rocks, got several wheelbarrow loads
piled from maybe a 24 ft dig...
beginning to suspect stone housing & shelter construction was a
spinoff of subsistence agriculture....
anyway, got a bit done, more area to plant..
closer to self sufficiency...
what amazes me these days, is how so many people will do anything, to
not have to rely on themselves...
theyll take jobs that trash their health, work for people who degrade
them, trash other people with "its my job" as their excuse....
theyre little babys.. Sucking on the Big Mamma Teat.... wouldnt know
which end of an acorn was up.... its like I pointed out a few entries
back, humans invariably arrive 180 degrees out from where they should
well, there will be a few who figure it out.
That actual physical work, and living humble, are vastly preferrable
to prostituting yourself to an absolute & totally evil system... its
like a masquerade ball, you wander around looking at the beauties
behind their masks, glitter powder & paint, uplifted breasts in risque
dresses, and if you drink too much wine, you could find yourself in a
bed with something that looks far different in the light of morning...
a crone witch, pretending to be a girl, only trying to get her hooks
into your hormones & heart....
much better to smile when you recieve the invitation to the dance, and
stay home, and trim the horse's hooves, or something less risky, than
going to the meat market, wandering the aisles, and trying to figure
out whats inside all the packaging..
happiness is avoiding problems.. This is much better than trying to
recover from them emotionally & otherwise ..
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