have been getting my cooking going this morning, ie chopping wood,
washing dishes, cleaning beans, etc. also working on an email to a
buddy, and also thinking about a realization I've been gnawing on
lately, trying to fathom what it means...
what I've figured out is a bit strange... I suspect I know where it
came from & why....
so, let me start you on the trail, and get you up to speed on it....
first, I notice that humans invariably screw things up...
second I noticed that we dont just screw things up some, we screw
things up as much as is actually possible...
when I started thinking along these lines, I dubbed the effect; " the
Turd Midas Effect", for obvious reasons...
everything humanity does turns to you know what.... everything we do
ends up having a reversed outcome to stated goal...
everything we do seems to be contaminated with said effect...
what I also noted, is that to be invariably 180 degrees out, means its
a pattern.. and for everything to have the same exact pattern is
we fall in love only to hate... We have political representitives who
represent our worst enemies, we send our children to schools that
make them stupid... We watch TV to keep boredom at bay... when TV is
sooo predictably boring....
we think money is security.. Ha!
we group up into huge cities, when sanity would be peace & quiet & space...
we turn our religions into squawk fests pointing fingers at everyone
not in our own click....
we fight wars & call them humanitarian...
we have peace keepers who assist in genocides...
Whats the common denominator folks? its obvious as hell, we're
exactly 180 degrees out on every stinking thing.... From our personal
lives to our cultures, to our civilisations...
in fact, bet you cant think of anything not contaminated by the effect....
What does it mean?
'Tells me we've somehow had our polarity reversed for experimental
purposes... Is it genetic? Or is it the ray or energy field mentioned
in Enoch making the fallen ones evil?
not sure, not too important... What is important, is one see the
pattern, and then trail it, to find the cause on one end & solution on
the other....
Basically all you have to know, is our polarity has been reversed to
the universe....
this makes combatting the effect much easier...
hopefully this realization will spread, but I worry about scammers
doing a brisk business doing polarity reversals for the soft boiled
egg types...
I think its a tool... But one only you yourself, can get a handle on..
To use for rethinking yourself... ie "repenting" in the 180 out
fanatic Jargon now obscuring the original message's intent....
anyway... Think about it... makes understanding whats going on easier....
Sent from my mobile device
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