nice day here, sun behind a cloud at the moment, but blue skys & 80F or so....
I'm munching some bannock with Curry, hot peppers & garlic... Pretty good...
listening to short wave, but the propagations have been bad lately,
so I tend to listen more at night...
sounds ugly up there in Disney land on the Patomicville....
Makes me thankfull to be a poor brush rat living in a banana republic....
what I observe listening to the call ins, is that people invariably
think its somebody elses job to fix things...
my, my arent we predictable...
you dont suppose the status quo counts on that do you?
They seeem to, have installed corks in all the fixit positions...
leaving you Yammerheads as Heinline called you, to squawk and scream,
and get nowhere but used and eaten...
what do we need to see before you get it? The Romper Room lady get out
her magic mirror, and say; you & you & you, are responsible for doing
something to fix things?
you know, one of the reasons I left the US, is because I saw what a
bunch of gutless spineless fat slobs my fellow citizens were...
you people are going to squeal like pigs in the movie diliverance...
And after the status quo uses you real good, theyll cut you throat to
shut you up..
to achieve anything, you have to pay a price...
What I hear is morons who think liberty and freedom is a fone call away...
Just call their black box elected, unconstitutional government,
Misrepresentative, and FedEx will diliver their new reality overnight,
please sign here, for your free freedom...
no Silly, you have to pay a price... And not with a checkbook or
plastic card....
you have to do something, anything, that thwarts
the status quo...
I found changing my life helped alot in the freedom department..
also I feel really good to not be paying for their dirty bomb wars....
they dont get anything from me, nada.. Nobody does... and having my
boughten food bill down to $30 a month, there arent very many
middlemen making very much money off me....
I dont watch TV, I dont buy shit on commercials, I use mass transit,
dont have a driver's license or a car, no medical insurance other than
clean life, clean air & water, veggetarian diet, home grown fruit
I'm kind of a non-participant in reality....
civilisation could end tomorrow at 8:00 AM sharp, & I wouldnt give a
shit other than for the suffering of all those silly geese foolish
enough to buy into a grandiose pyramid scheme called government &
how did I get here? took risks, made plans, made plans happen, went
thru hell, almost didnt survive many times etc... wasnt a fone call
that got me here scott free....
Tell you a secret; if you dont like whats going on, you can leave the movie...
Nature is always happy every morning.. Whether youre around or no....
New York could become a glowing crater, and the Pizotes after my
breadnuts wouldnt care...
I would never know, if I wasnt a Short wave DXer hobbyist....
well, I see the monkeys are back.. Hold on a line or two...
ok, cut up some bananas for them, I count at least 14 this morning,
and saw the Mamma w/baby on her back earlier.... second time theyve
come today, and now coming within inches of me to snag banana hunks as
I cut them, and also beginning to explore in my shelter...
how did I get the cool Tarzan job?
I bought it by doing something..
coming up with the guts to leave the twilight of normalcy zone..
until you start fixing yourself, the reality is going to get worse & worse..
me? Constant struggle to fix my own sorry butt...
That & prepare for things to get a whole lot worse..
I dont think anyone else is going to do anything but complain their
way to WW3... Wee-Wee-Wee! All the way home, to hell for gutless
remember the fable? Smart piggy put his money on what was substancial,
and the half assed piggys lost their asses.... The wolves do blow...
Lies generally, unless theyre sucking.. Eggs, blood, etc...
hey! Guys! Its a preditory reality!
you cant just be little stupid sheepies, and everything will be wonderful.....
gotta find your own balance.. Gotta pedal to get there...
become; "doo-ers", not whiners...
a quarter of the planet is still wild... Thats a fair sized area...
The seas are fairly empty....
its all about letting go of the monkey trap....
you know, I have a dozen monkey friends now... They might have IQ's of
20 or so.... But they know how to be & stay free....
not a one, has asked to use my fone, to call a congressman....
they just do it.....
Primates... From Baboons, to pot bellied Bafoons....
anyway, practicing solar electric guitar most mornings, learning chord
rounds... Still a beginner, but learning daily... going to someday
play a mean guitar, or die trying... Gotta have something to do, now
that I'm free of the system, knock on wood....
and the trying habit gets habitual...
got an email from my son yesterday... He was happy, scored a stainless
Solingen kitchen knife blade at a 2nd hand store for a couple three
dollars... same knife new over a hundred...
so now he needs to rebuild it, new handle slabs etc... I'm sure he's
got the routine down, saw DAD do it many times, since he was a little
so I suggested a wood type & source in a reply email...
happy my kid has a good survival related hobby....
he who makes knives, always has some....
its a refugee item... subsistence tool.... I'm looking fwd to seeing
a foto of the used blade... and another foto when he's finished..
do you suppose that one will go into his refugee gear? There beside
the Solingen knife my father gave me? its blue steel, pre-stainless
also he has a couple knives I made, with really exelent steel...
and sheathes I sewed by hand... Designed them too.. One is the nicest
knife sheath I've made to date.. And holds a hunting knife thats the
very best stainless to cross my palms in my life...
did a nice job on the knife too, perfect lines & proportion....
friends still mention that knife to me, now 5 plus years later..
i'm happy my kid has it, and the others too... just owning one good
knife, is something worth being thankful for...
its not how much you own, or how much money you have... its having
the right stuff, & doing the right things...
do nothing, get nowhere....
Sent from my mobile device
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