Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Continued blog....

folks, youre actually going to have to do something...
Quit relying on liars, quit believing their shit, quit using their
products, quit giving them your money, and quit giving them your kids
to twist & pervert... And use for cannon fodder in their wars to kill
off poor people sitting on top of resources...

Brother Joe has it right.. Get low, get self sufficient, get humble...

quit showing up in churches that do nothing but stuff your head with
misinterpretations or worse..

get rid of your TV... make your own music, grow your own food..
Barter, keep your word, have nothing to do with liars, clean up your
own act....

help each other, and quit expecting government to do everything for
you... Before this is all over, youre going to likely have to defend
your rights & property to the death.. Might want to get prepared to do
that... Those SWAT teams will soon lose their excess balls if every
house they kick the door in on, sends a good portion of their number
into hell...

its all about ego trips, and government that was once considered a
necesary evil, now being considered an unnecesary evil...

we have the technology, we can grow food and make things small scale,
cottage industries etc..

quit eating poisoned food, get a small tractor or tiller, get on your
knees in the dirt....

get out of the offices... how can you expect change from just
bitching and sniveling to the status quo? Bet they love that..

gotta actually do it.. use the available tech to free yourselves from
the corrupt and absolute crooked system on all levels..

its all available, from small scale Agricultural equipment... To semi
auto arms & ammo... we dont need to be governed, we need to govern
ourselves.. We dont need banks, we need to live within our own
We dont need the bleeping police.. Call 911? Waste of time, hot lead
will take care of thieves large & small... Rather permanently too!

grow some hair on your chest... Have some balls, theyre not there for
the government to fondle affectionantly...

quit flying, I love flying & travel, but not if it means caving in to
tyranny.. I'll walk, and travel light enough I can get out and run,
or I'll travel in the brush... they wont like that... if people
quit using their roads, their gas, their jobs, their system...

join up, group up, cooperate, get off your egotrip, and get real with
other like minded people... Become free men & women in your own minds
& actions, no matter what it takes... They herd you by your petty
fears... they have no monoply on anything... but they sure have you
convinced they do.. grow some teeth.. Rewild yourselves.. protect
your kids from the worse than worthless bastards..
Faggots in business suits... running your lives for their own
benefit... Got you convinced you need all their shit... Grow some corn
that aint GMO, enough you can live for years, and feed everyone around
you too.. start producing your own needs; food, shelter, clothing,
tools, arms... vote with your money.. Its harder to black box...

dont believe in the system, period.. Make every act & every decision
as if the system might collapse tomorrow, or the next day.. Money
invested in the system, or in gold etc. Is wasted preparedness, wasted
freedom, you wont need any of it if youre prepared... Get into
tangibles, stockpile stuff like the great depression survivors did...
save everything, use stuff up, make do, have some pride in your
ability to get by on less... quit being fat hogs for their

quit giving them your lives.. Take your freedom... You dont have to
kill anyone unless they insist on it.. Sell your robe, get a sword..
Live in a tent if thats what it takes..

get mobile, get militant.. Quit expecting the system to get fixed..
Only way to fix it, is fix your bleeping selves... get a real life..

get a horse, get a cart, get a tent, get a wood stove, get a hoe & an
axe.. you can buy everything you need to survive & prosper on a
couple three house payments to the Vampires...

the most important survival skill, is knowing how to work.. You get
there by growing some calluses on your hands actually doing
something.. anyone who talks about sports is a brain dead moron..
play baseball with your kids.. Thats all the sports you need to talk
about.. Take up sports like fishing, archery, shooting, hunting,
paintball, anything that adds to your survivability & independence..

fire crackers on 4th of july aint going to do it for you...

did Jefferson mention fire crackers?

did Washington scare the Redcoats with sparklers? Only when used to
touch off cannons...

read the foxfire books available in any library..

become a real American, not just an American in name only... get a
little indian blood... Get ready to fight some running battles like
Chief Joseph..

get your spiritual house in order... Die right... Die free, leave your
kids a legacy of freedom.... Give them a better example than American
Idol types kissing the system's butt in hopes of fame and fortune...

quit supporting politics... figure out how to pay the absolute least
taxes possible.. being unemployed is an opportunity, it means not
being anyone's slave..

it means you have time to plant some spuds & fruit trees...

utterly divorce yourselves from the status quo...

look at the world differently... wean yourselves from the big Mommy
teat... get your own milk cow..

anyway, I need to do some dishes, and cook some food..

good luck!

Sent from my mobile device

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