were none of their business...
I find being alone in the brush much more secure than any urban
reality.. and the only law here, is me..
works fine...
anyway, not much on law, more into minding my own business, and
trying to be decent.. dont get caught up much in puffed up imaginary
constructs with big sharp teeth, or care to watch versions created by
hollywood for cunsumption by white trash serfs...
its mostly a faery tale.. seen police brutality with my own eyes,
been abused by court systems, got no help when it should have been
forth coming, sorry, current reality legal system gets low marks in
my book.. nothing personal, its just really screwed up, & not
getting any better..
anyway, its a couple hours from dawn, feeling ok, want to practice
the guitar, but theres a few mosquitos to make that miserable... I
find learning guitar to be very rewarding personally.. its a slow
process, for me, but I'm enjoying it...
today I have more bananas going ripe, so will try to eat them one way
or another.. have always liked bananas, its alot of fun growing
enough to send my worker home with sacks of them...
This week, he hauled off 65 pounds of fruit, various things, didnt
have room for a request from his wife for breadnuts.. we've got no
shortage of those.. so my little niece got to be happy snooping
daddy's sack & pack.. only to find all kinds of stuff she likes...
she can have all the ripe bananas she wants this week.. her mom cuts
up fruit etc. And puts it low in the refer so she can help herself,
or share with her cousin.. they seem to be happy little girls raiding
the refer..
I'm looking foreward to more stuff putting on more types of fruit &
food... got enough planted, to keep alot of moms & kids happy..
seemed more important to me, than being a money grubber, and wearing
suits or driving flashy cars... excess vanity is an obvious mental
would rather live simple and do good things.. make a better world
however slight..
later, hiked down to village, bought some flour & coffee.. Need to
reboot the fire, get water hot..
Start my usual daily routine...
one with time to think, realizes things.. compares problems with own
actions.. Finds similar impurities..
a better world starts inside...
Sent from my mobile device
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