I remember the last generation having a blacksheep too... Who didnt
show up at the reunions...
Well, I'm beyond Homeland Security & TSA's reach, cant get their
hands in my pants without a long walk, and plenty of border
I hear about it on short wave, as close as I get...
Heard some Ad the other day mentioning Americans enjoying their
freedoms, and wondered if they were talking about sex starved TSA
types? Or their lonely housewives victims...
US.., is the only country on earth where the government thinks it
needs to fondle your gonads... why is that? Well because its the only
country on the planet where the people are stupid enough, & cowardly
enough to put up with it...
proof is in the pudding guys... are they, or are they not, rummaging
your sexual hardware & software?
how absurd... it needs to be made into a fairy tale, like some
Gullible's Travels adventure, where the hero goes to a land where the
government thinks its justifying its own existance, by starting to
do, what hookers have been doing for thousands of years...
makes one wonder if the Rumors about the Wicked Witch of the East,
and her friend O'Pumkin being more than a bit fruity are true?
who else would be twisted enough to think handling your privates was a
legitimate government service?
suprised they arent measuring them.. give a male and female
streeeetch test, and see how long John is, or what Jill can take for
bore size...
maybe stick it on your ID card chip, so everyone can compare numbers?
Wanger to Hueco ratio?
anyway, seems kind of silly to think everyone is taking revolution day
off... Must have forgotten what it was all about... you aint free...
Not even in your dreams...
theyve got you by the balls you silly morons..
I heard this guy on short wave last night.. "Brother Joe" out of New
York, Kirkwood... Does a radio show.. He's a Jesus freak, sounds like
a truck driver from NYC, I've been doing a bit of a study of short
wave preachers for several years, (you can tell I get bored) but in
my experience, he's been the most real, and of value..
lives in a trailer in the mountains, add on rooms, works toward self
sufficiency, being frugal etc.. No electricity or plumbing for 19
years..... Tries to warn people to get out of cities & towns...
a far cry from the TV evangelist type, siphoning money for their rich
lifestyle working God's flocks...
the Politicians of religion...
so, I appreciate Joe, sincere, may not know about book of Enoch, or
that JC is likely to show up in a rather large ship, but Joe has a
good handle on the rest of it... type of guy I'd want nearby if going
up the ramp... practical, and God fearing.. not too much vanity or
ego left... if I were the skygods, wouldnt be interested in
egotistical vanity head types... but somebody like joe would make a
good hand.. Street wise.. made it out of the city on his own steam,
and doing what he knows he should....
he was doing these voice things, of people in denial, who couldnt wrap
their mind around getting out of ground zero city.. it was pretty
good.. could imagine similar noises coming out of some readers of
this blog...
Joe has the right idea, get out of Babylon & get low... same thing
I've been saying for years..
I wish Joe & company well.. nice to hear some human decency on the
short wave...
anyway, I've been steadily working on electric guitar.. everyday seem
to learn some little thing that adds to my ability...
its been rainy here.. Hard to get into the garden, did get some Sagu
planted today...
so, nice to have the guitar to keep me feeling like I'm making progress..
its a bit different at a base level lifestyle.. I'm not on the go
constantly.. Would be food inefficient if nothing else.. the first
world life, is like being a power pig... plenty of Oink & Boink, but
it really doesnt make you any more alive, to eat perhaps 3x what I do
per day...
I like being relaxed... minimalism is very powerful.. The more
minimalistic you are, the more secure & happier you seem to be...
I might make $50 worth of progress a month.. sure seems better than
being under water & upside down on a house payment..
dont own a car.. its walk or ride the bus.. dont miss the insurance
payments.. Nor the job to pay for it all..
living minimalistically and working towards humility & preparedness
are satisfying..
I was thinking the other day, I wouldnt want what passes for a normal
life... dont need a big house to wander around in, I have outside...
Gris likes to play outside, more than in the house.. my shelter is
like my room, where I keep my toys & sleep at night.. gotta get me a
teddy bear, and life will get all better....
I think I have one working on me now... Female type bear, warm &
fuzzy... Getting insistant...
seems to have figured out that my straight foreward manner of speech,
has a higher truth ratio than the local ambient male babble...
we'll see, havent been able to run her off with the truth.. we'll see
where it goes.. I'm not too worried, lived alone so long I've almost
forgotten how miserable being married was...
almost... But not quite..
these days, I ponder human egocentric nature.. have realized theres
two levels; the social person level, and the hidden monster level..
And that Mr. Monster likes to hide in the blindspot of the mind...
Its why your shrink cant fix you.. He's got a monster too, just better
at hiding it, and worse at succumbing to its greed....
only way to fix your monster, is to realize what it is, by observing
your own thoughts, and tossing out the absurd, or lower motive
the monster is really bad, always suggesting bazaar things... I've
gotten to the point I recognize him quickly, & laugh him back into his
dark corner... feel sorry for the folks who've let their psychic
monster run away with them...
all that time as a kid, being afraid of unknown monsters, and having
nightmares, and never figured out the monster wasnt under the bed, or
scratching at the window.. That he was inside my head with me!
so these days, I'm on the lookout for other people's monsters... If
mine is as bad as he seems, what is everybody else's like!? Mine I
can control or ignore.. other people's monster is more insidious...
another point that I've been thinking about, is how glad I am not to
be in the US... living alone in the jungle on a mountain in central
america is a dream in comparison...
I hear the people on short wave wringing their hands, & ringing their
congress whore to the techno fascist gods...
things get worse & worse, and still no sign of any guts... calling
congessman, bitching, non violent protests, etc. Add up to absolute
zero effect...
just put your complaint on the 3X5 card, side it into slot marked on
provided complaints box.. the Janitor will empty the box once a week,
and use the cards to light the fires in the morning down in the boiler
room, while you airheads are still on your way to work....
hey folks, until you actually get off your fat asses & actually do
something, things are actually going to keep getting worse..
youre a bunch of gripers who cant wipe their own asses...
all boils down to two choices;
1. Violent revolution.
2. Changing yourself.
violent revolution is bloody, ugly, & usually results in a new status
quo pretty much as bad or worse than the old one... are they any
freer in Egypt now? is Killing Kadafi going to make life instantly
better for Lybians? hog wash...
gotta change yourself.... quit niggering for the system, and stuffing
their toxic Mac Food into your gullet... gotta give up on the vanity,
gotta quit letting bankers suck your neck... gotta quit believing in
corrupt whores in DC, and their little big man Pimp/Prince fruit
cake, with the big voice, reading off a TV screen while he's on one..
Brother Joe has it right... gotta disconnect, gotta quit feeding the
big lie, gotta quit listening to your own monster... because the big
monster on the screen, is a shadow play of all the little monsters in
your boney lumpy hairy noggins...
get real, or die; nukes...
Sent from my mobile device
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