Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday 2nd July, 2010.......

awaiting dawn as usual...

thinking this morning about the world situation....

and realized its a chicken farm....

the corporate fascists are chicken farming humanity... chickens get
forced injections, chickens live inside the chickenwire fences,
chickens make a profit for their owners... and chickens dont know
shit in comparison to a wild hawk...

send you to chicken school... make a proper chicken out of you...
"pulletically correct" ... lay eggs, and when production goes down,
up the conveyor...

everything fits...

women inside the system are like fat pullets, have their individual
nesting boxes, food comes on the supermarket conveyor.... and now
being separated from their natural mates and given to some gaudy
worthless rooster...

artificial ensemenation, and gaudy roosters get the axe too, and
someday they'll wake up four to a cage, lights on 24 hours a day, and
wonder what happens to their babies?

makes me feel good to be rewilding myself.... and if I have to live
alone rogue male, with my woofy dog on a mountain, so be it.... all
the females domesticated? fat butts in fluffy nests? let them...
end up in the butcher shop of civilisation... old hens soon.. not
worth feeding...

its alittle more complicated than that, but not much... why dont
city people know much? theyre domesticated... one job chickens....

the TV is chicken video... dont worry, be happy, lay eggs....

do you suppose when its endless females in cages they'll realize the
part they played in domesticating the missing males?

well, I have a dream...

to be a hawk with my woofy dog... a wild one... I light a fire
every morning.. i bathe in a spring, and I often spend days or weeks
alone... free.....

would I like to have a mate? sure, but I'm not going into the chicken
factory to get one...

couldnt handle the chicken muzac.... the romantic music, roosters
pouring their hearts out over loudspeakers for lonely hens on the
production line...

womens liberation is really humanity's enslavement.....

enslave your children to the system, and call it politically correct...

stupid hens....

squawk all you want, just keep laying eggs and putting on fat.... get
together at the hen clucks for a womens group meeting... crow about
how you dont need mates... free hens inside your beloved long
barns..... Back into the cages on monday girls! sorry! Youre a
workin' biddy.... maybe they'll have a sitcom on the chicken tube
about a free male somewhere in the mountains....

thats all you get... a little 60 minute illusion of freedom...

I saw all the women sigh longingly watching Costner's "dances with
wolves"... they have a sense of freedom, but no guts.... a real
woman would be outside the chicken wire.... scratchin' for her own

so... set your plump butts in your offices, cackle everytime you
get production, peck at the other hens if they get into your space...

I'd rather die free.....

not so mentally insecure that I need a barnyard style life, with
barnyard social parties....

you arent humans anymore.....

welcome to chickenland.... obey the rules or get jerked out of your cage....

Sent from my mobile device

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