Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friday 9th of July 2010...........

Yes, the only thing stopping people from reconnecting with nature and
the spirit that energizes it, is your own fear....

the bible talks about it, fear can be in the form of dishonesty...

its like the aliens, people used to believe in the skygods... but
they come and go contact wise... they still come and go, but with us
disbelieving in them, we have become dangerous, primitive
wolflings.... if we believe, lose our fear of their existance,
become internally honest, we are less of a danger to them and vice
versa.... what seperates us from the great spirit is similar, our own
disbelief, and thats what much of the bible tries to teach...

when you begin living outside again, you lose your fear of nature, and
begin reunion with the spirit that also is what energizes you, like

its gotta come from somewhere folks... The universe is mostly empty
space, even you.... acres between atoms.... and its an electric
universe... I dont know much about the motive spirit, but I dont

and the bible shows the feed back loop, humble prayer.... in
otherwords you can communicate... mostly send only... passing in
the blind is the radioman's term for it.. sending with out knowing if
youre being recieved.... In case their transmitter is inop, but their
reciever is up... send the traffic if its vital.... keep sending
it until you re-establish contact.....

how do you suppose disbelief might affect that?
Or dishonesty? or disconnection mentally?

if the spirit isnt getting feedback, how can it fine tune things? we
are it's self aware observers... sometimes I wonder if insects and
animals are better connected....

reconnect spiritually... join up with nature, dont just be a yuppie
hippocrit and paint your car green...

my guess is the main reason we dont have alien contact and stellar
freedom, is because we are dangerous... imagine earth's humans turned
loose on the galaxy with greed, killing, power tripping etc... they
wouldnt be wise to do that in the present way of things... also I
think government cover ups are part of the problem... Dishonesty...

fear is wisdom, but groundless fear is insanity...

if I saw an alien in person would I fear? Sure, but I would also be
curious, friendly, show him my teeth, not carnivore teeth, omnivore
teeth.. meaning I might like fruitcakes better than aliens....

maybe aliens dont have such expressive mouths?
I dunno... but back towards point, when we are no longer a danger
to man, beast, or the galaxcy, chances of contact improve, as would
chances of having a future...

to do that you have to realize that its truth hovever strange that
cures the problems....

truth is reality... disbelieving in reality is insanity.. Living
mentally in a delusion, called modern civilisation is mental illness..
Its why shrinks cant cure mental illness, you have to know reality
honestly to teach what it is to someone having a bad disconect
mentally.. Truth is the boat's anchor in the storm... I dont care
exactly what the truth is, whatever it is, it's my star to navigate
by... if its the truth, I'm with it..... the shrinks live in the
great delusion, and often are less sane than their victims.... how
can a dishonest person cure any mental problem, even their own?

And if you were an advanced immortal alien, how would you feel about
dishonest insane humans? disconnected mentally from the very thing
that keeps them breathing? the universe is an elecric dream... Matter
is concentrations of energy.. and you dont believe that means
anything? where does it come from? where is it going? do you want
to go with it? or be so arrogant and egocentric that you think the
meaning of life is feeding your own ego and vanity? hey! Your a
little spark.... and you deny the universe? And disbelieve its
anything but an autonomous accident... you have a brain.. feed it
something besides TV....

feed it honesty...

feed it humility to cure the mental illnesses..

dont be afraid of not knowing.. It a big universe, and I bet even
immortal starfaring races learn new things constantly... thinking you
know blocks learning... Being curious george opens the pathways...

if I saw aliens, what would I say? hi guys, honored to meet you!
ah? may I see your teeth please? ok, what can I do to help you? is
your transpotation device functional etc.? if not, I have some tools
and primitive repair skills....

they are people of some sort too... And if they wanted to harm us
they'd be acting like our governments...

I dont see any alien wars happening at the moment...

and I suspect if they do any killing, it will be to put us out of our

"these humans are too insane to cure.."

do I expect an alien invasion? You bet! Thats what the bible promises
if we cant get sane...

best fear that one... best get sane too....

thats what its about folks, getting sane...
Getting reconnected... getting contact with our neighbors in the
galaxy... can you use any Zuchinnies guys? Care for a sack of
breadnuts to take back to the cook? blue goo 37 probably gets
boring.... have you tried lemonaid? its great on hot days! Healthy
stuff... I can send you back with a sack.... do you do any
trading? if so show me what you have, let me know what youre
interested in?

yeah, watch out for the humans.... theyre more than a bit off base
generally... and avoid the governments like the plague, they'd
probably want to disect you....
Thinking they might learn something to give them more power.. and now
days might torture you for alittle questioning session... terrorist
aliens... yeah, they have a really bad psychosis... they think they
are gods.... via the Napolen psychosis...

I know where the terrorists are hiding, last place they'd look for
them, in a mirror....

theyre power jealous... they want it all... Think they should run our
lives and plan our deaths...

and make a tidy profit off the process... not sane at all....

say, you guys wouldnt know how to fix them would you? a little gentic
tweaking or something? or are they Rabid dogs?

me? border line sanity... know any truth you can share? if wisdom
is knowing others, and enlightenment is knowing yourself, what comes
after that?

how far is sanity beyond enlightenment in kilometers? yeah, living
in the technocult is like riding a mental unicycle, you fall down
alot questing for balance.. get up, keep trying... I have a friend
who rode his unicycle to highschool... Several miles over a

I bet sanity is like that? you'd have to get better to get
anywhere... might take some practice?

wake up folks... everything you know is delusion...

Sent from my mobile device

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