Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friday 9th of July 2010...........


in a hotel in Panama.... in a small town, in the mountains... made
some friends here, my second visit to this town..

bought a Chinese Singer sewing machine, new, copy of the original
black singer straight stitch...

still made new in countrys all over the planet, still work fine...
Very durable machines, I have one at home over a hundred years old
thats still as tight and smooth as a new machine....

this one is for a gift, for the mother of my niece.. the Costa rican
government has cut off student scholarships, and my young woman friend
can no longer afford to study, she was studying hard to be an
accountant... I think she's 19 now.... so I lived low a couple
months, and used my cash reserve to get her a sewing machine to use
to finance her education... she doesnt know, and will get it as a
suprise at my niece's upcoming birthday party, 3 years old... going
to give it to her and daughter... so they can sew pretty clothes....

its like the micro loans in Nepal, a way to turn time and desire into
an income...

I consider the sewing machine to be one of the most important
inventions in human history..

one thing I have noticed here in the third world is the sewing
machines get worn out... the problem is the instructions came in
english, and nobody could read them, and had no clue about
lubrication... I just showed a 50 plus year old mother who cleans
the hotel how and where to lube her machine...

simple oversight.... millions of machines worn out...

anyway, I'm happy to do the gift... and looking forward to springing
it at the birthday party.. Should shock a few people.... maybe use
the opportunity to show a few ladies how to lubricate sewing machines?

I also bought her a few yards of cloth, to learn on...

she's an industrious indigenous girl, very pretty, sells clothing out
of catalogs to other women.. soon to sell clothing she sews
herself... her mother has raised 9 kids, and never owned a sewing

I have an old treadle base we will rebuild for her...

there is nothing more rewarding than helping people who show
apreciation by using provided opportunities...

I also bought a German made axe head, had been in the store for
years because latins use a different handle system, and dont know how
to helve a fine eyed axe... I consider the axe to be in the top five
most important items to own...

and German steel is still some of the best on the planet.... so I get
to make another handle.... something I've done most of my life, and
taught others how to do also...

I also found a nice Chinese down jacket for $8 new.. made for the
chinese market, with a nice big tag in the back of a painting of
ducks... I live in the tropics, but sometimes go high into the
mountains where it gets cold.. i am also trying to prepare for nuclear
winter, as described in the bible...

so the down jacket goes in my refugee kit... where its light weight
and ability to be compressed will make it add little to the load...
it was the only one I've seen in 15 years here...

so its been a good trip so far...

also met a couple women, one from new york that lives with the Boruca
indians, and another from holland that lives with one of the
Talamanca tribes.. was fun to run into them, the woman from holland
has lived alone in a cabin for many years at over a thousand meters of
altitude, grows her own food, seldom comes down out of the mountains,
has a horse for transportation, and has discovered the exact same
things I have about living alone in nature, that away from people
means no problems... and that it never changes in nature, the world
is going to hell in a hurry, but for those in the outback its the same
now as a decade ago...

"it never changes" were her words....

she's off now shopping for gifts from Panama for Indigenous children...

people rewilding yourself is very important.. Its not hard, nor too
difficult... if a woman from holland can live alone in the mountains,
in a small cabin, and grow her own food, so can you..

and not supporting the corruption is the best thing you can do with
your lives....

best one get out of the beast....
Before its too late...

I see us perimeter types as being the
"mountain guards" buying a piece of nature and sitting on it and
protecting it is more effective than any wildlife fund
organization.... if Costa rica deports those who live simple and hurt
no one, the timber thieves and illegal hound hunters will have that
much more environment to destroy...

I've fought years of battles in person alone, with such types, and
little effective help from the legalists....

its the good fight....

join up.... buy some wild land, grow your own food, run off the
hunters and loggers.. its much better than living in an apartment or
woman's shelter, having people try to rip you off.... its actual

many millions losing bank owned homes.. Its time to exodus from
insanity... you can do it on 5 acres.. And not damage 4 of them...
And turn one into a garden of eating.... the woman from holland also
has tame wild animals etc...

I showed her a foto of my pet leaping lizard, who moved into my
shelter, and jumps onto my head several times a day... good friend,
eats bugs... As do the two toads who've invited themselves in also....
sometimes the toads tounge mosquitos off my feet..... Thanks guys!

am I crazy? You bet.. but fairly happy at it....

chop wood, carry water, cook over a real fire every day... think
about others, think about yourself, which one can you change for the

dont read adventure stories, live one.....

reading is a placebo for a better reality... this blog has enough
information to get started... go from there....

it isnt about money... Its about freedom, sanity, and living as one
with nature...

government is part of the problem, and never a sollution to it...

governments invariably take from those with little and give it to
those who already have too much...

Like BBC shutting down its english service on short wave in central
america to use the money to improve it's internet service in Europe...

Too many blonds in the boardroom who have never lived alone far from
home as strangers
in strange lands......

over socialized... Well adjusted to an unjust civilisation destroying
the biosphere is not sanity...

sanity is found in the cool green silences of the forests, or the hot
desolation of deserts... Or at sea alone with no one but yourself to
depend on....

the call of the wild still sings in us, many feel it, few obey...
most live self destructive lives supporting a terminal and
destructive society... bad actions attract bad luck....

get out of babylon while you still can.. before the gate is closed.....

being treated like cattle by the Elite means there is butchery
ahead.... usually called war, genocide, etc....

nothing ever just happens....

and those thriving on death, will meet their demise soon.... Evil
eats its own children.....

I also bought bread and peanut butter for my niece, she asks me to
bring her bread when I go to town... can you imagine a three year
old who considers bread a treat? I usually get her bread once a
month... sometimes the only bread she eats for a month...

and the ultra rich sit in their ivory towers, or chat at their dinner
parties.... they are nothing for any sane person to admire....
they are mentally ill... enamored with their own vanities...

that which goes against nature doesnt last long...

moulding people or a planet to conform with the vanity of the
economically mentally ill is a recipe for disaster.... sudden
destruction soon...

get out good people.. Hear the call of the wild, act on it... find
happiness in sanity.. The reason you are unhappy is because you are
trapped in an insane culture.. the gate is open. and the woman
from holland just expressed that people stay due to fear.

Sent from my mobile device

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