Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday 14th February 2010.......

morning, nice one, just got a fire going and food on..

went to town yesterday, got some stash items, a few heavy bladed
french knives to cut down for knife hobby projects, also a one
gallon stainless ice bucket, right size to milk goats.. also a cheap
blanket, so it was a pretty good day for the subsistance

this morning I saw on my BBC email scientist talking about black
matter, so I checked the article, came to conclusion scientists
getting highly paid for talking out their asses... I see corruption
still abounds politically, so the world is still OK right?


people we gotta quit believing in experts and money, and governments,
and start believing in our own abilities to learn, make decisions,
and live better from the results than we do now supporting a clan of
Buffoons who claim they're better than we are... I can shoot as well
as a cop, I can decide if I've been victimized better than a judge,
and I can invent better ways to get even than the injustice system...
I can grow better food than I can buy, I can raise kids better than a
school, and I can wipe my own ass, so I dont need a polititian to be
poking at it for me..

all boils down to not needing the system and all it's clowns....

I got some sole rubber yesterday to fix my boots and sandals with...
in other words my uses for the system are fairly limited..

I cruise the junk shops for stuff I might need, dont buy yuppie
designer shit, and since realizing about the ranchers of Enoch,
The urgency to succeed in the technocult has been approaching
absolute zero.... very comforting to know that all I really need
is subsistance stuff, and that nothing I'd have to make a payment on
is worth monday morning in light of whats coming..

and these people trying to rule the world are a bunch of sick
morons.... they havent done anything right in the last hundred
generations, so do I expect a rennaisance of enlightenment under their
thumbs? no, I expect assholes that need to be avoided, and cut off
from my componant of their food supply however possible.....

I dont owe them a fucking thing....

and I dont need their long noses in my business...

its the Bickering Planet.... nice planet, infected by shitheads,
ranchers sworn to fix the problem soon.... I think I'll work
personally on being a sollution aspect... my throat is sensitive to
cutting... and I dont mind trying to be as decent as I can, and as
respectful to the universe as I can wrap my mind around....

I guess the technocult will have to exist without my support... why
should I support a sysem that pays old faggot bankers trillions, and
un-funds the space program? Go figure.......

these people arent wise and good, they're stuffing their pockets and
humping bimbos with out an ethics one.....

they're pigs, headed for the slaughter, care to ride in the truck with them?

I think I'll play guitar instead, work on my survival hobbies,
pretend I'm the last boyscout....

stopped to see my little niece yesterday, we had fun, she knows the
secret hush sign with the finger now, I played with her a couple
hours, while her mom studied.... We had lunch together, I asked her
if she was happy when she got home and found a refer full of soncollas
the other day, she said yes... her mom asked about bananas, more
soon! who gives a shit about money? I care that a little girl eats
healthy... we've got a big stalk of bananas coming, a couple weeks
away, more in the pipeline behind that.... my worker has planted
maybe 20 more clumps in the last week, each will start producing in
about six months, and produce maybe half a dozen stalks a year of
between 25 and 75 lbs of bananas each stalk.... anyway the kid was
in my lap hugging me, showed me the wind up chick and plastic
alligators I bought her for christmas, and wanted me to take a nap
with her... kid energy is the best, its good energy....

so I'm not much concerned about politics.. I think we should outlaw
it.... half the shit on the news is corruption, the other half is

who needs it?

Sent from my mobile device

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