Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday 23rd February 2010..........

Morning, dawn soon, car O'Clock on the highway...

thinking about the insanity I hear on short wave, realizing how sick
everybody is...

a Society that assumes sanity and uses it for an excuse to do insane
things, is insane....

People are debating if Joe Stack is a hero... well, I think he is, he
at least had the guts to do something, wrong or right...

I see the system as corrupt to the absolute.... if it does not
represent the people's wishes for any reason, it is in fact
illigetiment.. having wars for profit doesnt represent me or anybody
else with an atom of decency.. propping up cousin corruptocracies in
club fascism isnt me....

therefor not only do I not owe a cent in taxes, its my duty of
decency to not pay them...

and if I dont have the guts Joe Stack did, I'd best find my own
method to get to the same goal of making sure the snake pus bastards
dont get anything from me...

which is what I did by leaving the US, and going to a neoindigenous
life style... zero tax contribution to the Goblin Empire.... the
one thats gobblin' up the planet...

I read them claiming to kill Taliban or Militants every day....
fucking liars, theyre killing people defending their right to self
determination under their own opinions, which may include the concept
of no fucking government at all...

how many "Taliban" babys do you suppose they blast the guts out of?
and they make it sound so proper on the snob controlled media....

theyre fuckin killers, liars, thieves, on the road to hell, and
anybody who supports them is going with them...

thanks Joe, for doing what I dont have the guts to do.... I figure
the only way you couldnt be a hero, is if you got the janitor,
instead of the asshole who worked on your case, hounding you out of
what his jackal friends dont have an ant hill of moral high ground to
stand on for...

fuck the bastards, any chance you get.. Its the patriotic thing to do...

IRS? Demon Spawned Hordes...... Goblins gobbling up decent people's
chance of success...

we need armies fighting expeditionary wars, like we need a colony on
Pluto, in fact a colony on Pluto makes more sense...

these people are frauds in government and corporations, quit
supporting them, get self sufficient, get ready to defend you rights
and home by any and all means, and fight them on any and all levels,
and quit badmouthing people who had the guts to do something while
you paid for killing men, women, children, and babies, who just wanted
to be left alone by fascists.....

my friend who sold his house and moved into a camper is paying less
taxes and less to the banks these days... he's soon to be working on
his Ocean Nation device.... when it's ready, his tax rate drops

You know, when the economy crashes, its going to be hell, but its
better that we never reboot it.. the only way to prevent governments
and greed is to not have an economic system... all it is, is
glorified IOU's..... just keep your word.... thats a real economic
system, just keep your collective agreements... credit is indentured
servitude with a yuppie friendly name.......

if you think its something good or necessary, youre a moron...

I used to be a moron... I'm less of a moron now... and proud of it!

any gain on human stupidity is good..

you know what I'm proud of? that I dont pay a cent to Hell's Cat
Hillary, or Bumfuk Obama..... they're somebody's hand puppets, got
big corporate hands up their butts doing a puppet show, Hillary
Zooming around the planet on "Broom One", and "Teleprompter Obama"
lip syncing his master's song and dance.... Michael Jackson was a
much better act... Barrak does do a pretty good "verbal moon walk"

I wonder if he's ever realized the man in the mirror looks like a
liar to everybody on the planet including his kids and grand kids..

where I come from people who dont do anything they say they will, and
who do everything they say they wont, and who get up in front of
people and tell big stories without a shred of truth to them, are
generally referred to as "Habbitual Liars".....

that must be what the middle name "H" stands for?
He isnt a president, he's the
military industrial/banker's hand puppet, and seems to like the
wiggly fingers.....

great act! him and "blind date hillary" ......

but I aint throwing any coins in the collection can for them.....

And thanks again Joe Stack... you showed a gutless nation what a
real rennaissance man is, when you accelerated your airplane into the
Beast Government's very Maw! I hope to get some recordings of your
music some day, and a copy of your manifesto to show my grand kids...
Go with good will to our creator....

Sent from my mobile device

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