Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunday 31st January 2010.......


another pretty one... I'm kicked back, fed, played guitar a bit...
Just did a rinse to cool off, and read the news online...

that was the worst part, a pagent of liars... they even brought Tony
Blair back from the political dead to talk shit.....

ah! Yeah! the news sucks as bad as the people who make it up....

a report that the bank bailout did nothing to cure or prevent the
economic problems.... of course not, only in deluded minds would it
have a wisp of anything to do with solving the problem it will
inevitably make worse...

the truth is the news is total bullshit... and it doesnt have a thing
to do with what one should be doing at this time..

the cure to the bank crisis is to get rid of the bastards.... go
back to undebauched metalic currency, and go to micro credit loans
like people in the third world are discovering....

coruption is endemic.... its an instant problem in one villiage palm
oil co-ops, and gets worse as you go anywhere money flows.....

the real absolute, is to manage your own finances in your own pocket....

there is no cure to the human condition this side of extermination of
the greedheads, and they are working on that themselves....

dont get in their way... wouldnt want to hold them back...

I heard a preacher yesterday on short wave preaching out of the book
of enoch.... First time I've heard that done..... he mentioned JC
coming with an army.... yup! thats what it says... Goes right along
with Joel etc...

not to mention the Koran......

its all apocalyptic, all the same warnings, all being ignored by
mainstream greedheads involved in the grand delusion..... they wont
get it until the astronomers start jumping up and down and yelling
insane things.....

I suggest you be on your best behavior until then...

could pay dividends....

well, my son is playing with learning metal engraving, using some of
my tools... he'll enjoy learning another craft/art.... much better
passtime than watching TV......

It will be interesting when the ranchers show up, what they use who
for after the extirmination of the bad guys.... will they be
interested in craftsmen, artists, etc.?

have to wait and see... But if I was a starfaring civilisation doing
a planetary evacuation, I would want to make sure those with skills
got to use them....

if I have the script right, they gather everybody up, and take them
to a plain and and divide them up... kill plenty, save some....
Makes me wonder about staying connected with my baggage... some
passages in the bible about snatching people and leaving others.. so
there must be variations on the theme.. when asked, JC gave the
parable of the wheat and tares... which was gather them up, removing
tares first... opposite of what the Rapture Ninnies like to dream....
being caught up for the good guys comes after that, followed by new
heavens and new earth, which could mean new planet... in Enoch its a
place with stars 7 times brighter, perhaps closer to the center of the
galaxy, or in a cluster somewhere..? I dont know, all conjecture, but
what I do understand, is that all the bible stories are practice
examples... passover, exodus, Sodom, the battle where the bad army
killed itself off in the confusion.. it all makes sense... it was
all precursors and teaching aids.....

I suggest when the starships get close, you do a passover meal & eat
hearty.... and have your exodus gear packed..... which means getting
rid of most of your baggage ..... best think really well doing your
decisions.... aint likely to be any coming back.... two rules of
thumb, are your most useful and best items...starting from the
fundamentals of survival end.. durable quality basics.... all
needs to be organized from the bugout kit, to the pony cart in order,
so that you can judge the situation and grab accordingly....
remember, this is post collapse, there wont be any gas stations in
business... more than likely we'll be rounded up by troops... be
polite... they are going to be trying to help, unless you are one of
those that caused the holocaust...

personally I suggest getting your baggage down to what you can
carry.. I'd have other stuff packed too, just in case....

what would I take? basic survival gear, tools, musical instruments,
libraries, cooking gear for campouts....

if we all get dumped on a broad plain, thats a campout..
and where we go from there we really dont know...
a grand adventure, thats for sure...

personally I plan on working towards it... working on my stargate gear...

one passage from Enoch that the radio preacher touched on was one
about the sheep being preyed on, until they grew horns...

I think thats whats happening now.... people waking up, learning
they need to get militant and defend their rights... with the
actual defacto numbers, common folk only have to get a tich more
ready to fight, to overpower anything the Elite can do.. its working
like a transistor, the elite try some shit, and the body politic
reacts and the small effect boosts the larger effect ......

later, hot afternoon... thinking about the people rising up
still, its a growing phenomina... every push of the status quo
causes more anger in the people.. every lie figured out causes more
disbelief... things have changed, things are changing, and as Bob
Chapman said the other night, the Army isnt going to shoot the

the army has been abused badly in the last few years... its going to
know which way the wind is blowing.....

the corruptocracy's days are numbered......

the pressure is building, the truth is getting out, people are waking up..

later listening to short wave, govt admits govt agent put underwear
bomber on plane...

I'm beginning to suspect the govt. Only knows how to lie......

my my how the Ranchers were right on with their warning system.....
cunning to use religions to pass the warnings down thousands of
years... What else would work?

currently listening to survivalist program on short wave, on vacuum
packing.... which is the way to preserve food.. my question is how
much food should one store? the Tao talks about unnecessary baggage
and EXCESS FOOD.......

i.e. Excess food in some ways is or can be a danger.... if I was
starving and knew some rich guy had stashed literally tons of food,
and he was letting people starve, I might be tempted to snipe him....
my point is that excess food could get you killed.... where if I
knew some poor fool had a bit stored, was trying to grow a garden,
and he shared with others, he'd be safe from me....

I'd likely turn him onto excesses if I had any....

then there is the mobility factor.. its not impossible to store bulk
food in serious quantities, but its not going to do much good if you
get over run by a hundred thousand refugees from some city, and your
food stash is too big to move.....

personally I think the best thing is to get a location where food
grows easily... which is why I chose the tropics, and not northern
Idaho.... I can stick yucca (casava) sticks in the ground, and have
spuds 9 months later... as many sticks as I can plant... thousands
of pounds to the acre.....

this makes sense... I can share with friends, give away sticks for
seed, and the stuff is weed food.. which is an important concept....
I like planting all kinds of weed food, which is any food that grows
like crazy, produces heavy, and doesnt need much care....

here one such is bread nuts.... I have over a dozen trees
producing... and more starting to produce... here they will start
producing 4 years after you plant the seed.....

they keep growing and producing for over 50 years.... they get to be
huge trees, and a 50 year old tree might drop a ton of food per

there is no food crisis, there is a management crisis... we are
being killed by managers..

I once calculated that an area the size of central america planted in
yucca could feed everybody on the planet... no starvation....

death by government & corporation....

Sent from my mobile device

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