actually just midnight, I woke rested..
Full tropical moon, ting frogs chiming in the jungle around me..
things a bit wet from an evening rain....
slept good... had to wake up to turn off the short wave... then woke
up again half hour ago, built a fire...
thinking for awhile about my last visit to the states, and the
culture shock of it all... I doubt I ever go back again... It was
getting bad, people I'd known all older, many almost
The general public turned very yuppyish... that was before the
economic crash, so I suspect less arrogance now... I saw people
spending as much in a week on designer coffee stops, as I'd lived on
for a year in the third world....
It all looked like a mass psychosis to me.... I was happy to get home
to the jungle again, lose the weight I'd gained, get back into my
life being me outside the packthink mentality...
basically what I've realized, is maturity as a person has alot to do
with how little you need the social system... I'm not 100% divorced
from it by any means, but I havent bought food in about 3 months,
living on stuff my fruit trees give me, feeling fine diet wise, and
the only stress I have seems to be human related....
Its a far cry from life in the city, where I see governments have gone
preditory.. we have drones all over the planet acting like economic
breeder reactors, doing a cultural meltdown, and thinking more of
the same will fix it.....
the Office heads are about to get a reality check I think... they
will soon run out of rope.... all their imaginary money is heading
for worthless.... and what will happen when all the police they've
hired and equipped with machine guns, cant buy shit with their
paychecks? here, they extort people on a good day, what will they
do when it gets bad? and how long before backup becomes a myth, and
they get taken out with agricultural tools?
The myth of good government is dying a cancerous death...
everywhere.. it wont be long until they are universally despised...
And when the food supply goes down, all plans become meaningless...
the Economic Titanic turns into people in food lifeboats, and most
crying out in the cold water of hunger....
I get the BBC news email, I dont see any sanity.... I see infinite
insanity.... a world based on an artificial reality paradigm...
where everyone is still pretending great, as the ship noses into the
deep dark cold water....
the people in the office mentality think they can go on robbing the
fundamentals forever.. that there are no limits to what they can do
with their packthink mind..
no limits to damage?
there are always limits to everything....
even a technocult has limits....
and me? I sit an ageing fool on a hill.... figuring things out...
knowing the end approaches by various paths.... I'm betting I'll
see ships in the sky in my lifetime... after the apocalypse....
things are accelerating now... I wonder if Dodos & Dinos were
politically correct at the end? Good chance...
I've got it pretty much figured out.. got the fundamentals down...
me and my campfire, and my wolfy dog are a bit wild.... I know how
to crack a coconut, I can bake a banana... I can wander around with
my sack and a machette gathering food... my fruit trees drop the
stuff everywhere... I have degrees that are worthless, I've had
experiences in far places... I have figured out how humans really
are... and forgiven them for being so stupid.... got the same
disease in my own mirror...
all I can say, is let go of arrogance, its a short movie.....
arrogance is like the snail wheel in a clock movement, when the trip
drops over the edge after the high climb, the bell chimes....
high climbs are often followed by long drops, and sudden stops.....
and I will at least be wandering my mountain, filling my sack, sharing
it with the dog, watching the full moon setting towards sunrise,
long after the offices are burned out rubble, and their inhabbitants
long dead...
a man has to keep with the fundamentals at the end of an era.... the
alien preditors among us are terminal... People are figuring it out...
that there is decency, and there are preditory liars.....
well the preditors will fall into their own pit trap....
and the decent types will help each other thru the bad times...
which are you?
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