Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday 29th March 2010.........

morning, and another pretty one...
this morning's thoughts seem to be around taxation with
misrepresentation... or maybe its; pissrepresentation...?

I've been thinking this morning about how the neoindigenous concept
cures most of the problem... taxes on a hopi hogan in a desert, and a
few sheep and a couple ponies cant be anything compared to those who
get caught up building ranchstyle (read; "Burb-style) houses....

its all in getting caught up in vanity rather than practicality....
much better a beater 4wd pickup than a shiny Egomobile sedan....
the key to success in the future is apparent borderline poverty,
plenty of distance, and a simple life.....

I did some drawings the other day, of an 8x8 foot cabin, I was trying
to design an absolute minimalistic dwelling for one..... sounds
pretty crazy, but I'm living in a 10x10 ft space and its much more
than I need... i'd consider a 12x24 roomy, and would want some of that
to be porch...

my point is you dont need much.. and happiness seems to be more a
function of simplicity than excess.....

especially at tax time... and one wouldnt want to feed any arrogant

basically in a small cabin, I'd cook in a fireplace just as my
anscestors did... I cook on less now, and have for years.....

folks its getting bad... much better to scatter, dig in, hide, get
low, get self sufficient...

get rehooked up with the power of earth... Disconnect from the system..

Sent from my mobile device

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