Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday 28th, March, 2010...................


interesting thoughts this morning around neoindigenous concepts, an
online friend sent me an artical from a Dutch group.. very
interesting, went into the back to nature movement in Germany, that
was taken over by the Nazis, and turned into one of the best examples
of a techno-fascism the world had ever seen.......

I think the root of the problem is hypocrisy...

people who pretend they can live in the cities, that are sucking the
planet dead, and somehow if they form Natural, back to the land
groups, or political groups, like the greens,or join new age
religions, it some how makes their hypocritic lifestyle Kosher.....

You have to actually do it to be real......
Being pretend real isnt real.....

being politically correct is not the same as being correct....

being political is being part of an egocentric collective.. And very

political groups invariably are herds.. herds are easy to turn &
stampede as the nazis proved so well......

naturalism is the antithesis to politics... you dont get there by
voting for representitives, who pass laws to force others to obey your
ideology, you get there by actually adopting a more harmonious life
in nature.... you have to get off your ass and out of the city...

the Dutch artical also expressed Indigenous people's critisizm of new
age copy groups, and suggested they focus on their own roots rather
than insult native americans with their plastic pseudo indian crap....
I agree and disagree, and have stated many times in this blog that
going to one's own cultural roots is a viable and good idea.... but
I also come from the Western part of north america, where Indigenous
culture is part of the mix, I do have indigenous genetics in my
personal mix, and I do currently live in a place with two distinct
Indian tribes, and I have friends in both of them...

I also follow my own likes, and I like doing my crafts, which turn
out indigenous in style without me trying to copy Indian crafts......
its just how my art comes out.......

once when much younger and a bit more foolish, I tried acid a couple
times.... I didnt like the physical effects at all, felt very much
like I'd been poisoned...

But I did learn something interesting; when I began to halucinate, I
got nothing but Native American patterns...... a few months later,
tried it again, and got exact same results...... which I thought
interesting, but mostly forgot about, and decided I didnt like
chemical drugs, and never tried any of the laboratory based
recreational drugs again...

what I realized years later, is that there is something in my genetic
make up thats not only attracted to Indigenous Arts & crafts,
lifestyles etc., but CREATES such stuff..... I get well taken by
local indigenous people.. I have come to suspect in part its
genetics, the native american on my mother's side, perhaps combined
with the Germanic Indigenism from same side of my family..... the
other side of my family is mostly Irish, another people with a long
history of living close to the land and with each other in clan and
tribal-like ways...

I think its too late to be pure anything....

I think I'll run with the ball I have.....

I think I'm happy with my crafts, and I couldnt care less what anybody
thinks who would critisize me for "copying" native americans...
I've never seen a packsaddle like mine, so how can it be a copy?

my point, is I'm going forward, and I'm actually doing it, and living
it, and anyone living in the city who thinks their new age religion,
or their political affiliations gives them the right to critisize me,
is wrong... until you leave the city, and begin to grow your own
food, and make your own things, you are a hippocrit wannabee....

being a City friend to Indigenous peoples does not make you one of
them.... actually adopting the life and living with them does....
its tribal folks... join the tribe.......

get real....
Get natural....

quit being another facet of the big lie......

city people expounding on naturalism, is like Virgin Nuns teaching sex

you have no rights until you actually do it....

Sent from my mobile device

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