Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another moonset........

Three in the morning.....
Just practiced guitar, new chords mostly....
Doing ok, learning them, aint instant, but am making headway...

know the more chords I learn, the more repretoir and ability to choose....

for now they sound strange.... when I know a hundred, I'll be able
to float around between them at will....

what I realize is its like in Asimov's Foundation series, where the
Mule plays his musical instrument and effects people emotionally,
that the chords in music set the mood... and a good bard should be
able to cause emotional response in his audience.... for now, I dont
know much, but I do know where I want to go in due time....

it will take me years, but I've nothing better to do....

eventually I will be able to put it all together... and not just
copy, but create... it feels good to be learning something new...

on another subject, heard on radio last night a discussion about
truckers and new laws etc..

the drones have insidiously slimed their way into there too, going to
refuse CDL's to truckers with a half inch too much belly... and the
middlemen have sucked the profit out of it...

basically whats happening is business as usual... an elite improving
things for themselves at other's expense....

what they are going to get is a collapse of the transpotation system....

and I realized its the same everywhere... going to be collapses on
all fronts; economic, transportation, food production etc. and that
rolling blackouts were soon to happen in more than electricity...

not a nice realization.... the transportation and food production
systems are a tich necessary to function...

basically we have drones busily improving things to terminal levels on
all fronts....

"name one thing that isnt screwed up!"

then tell me where we are going to end up if we keep heading the
direction we're going now?

its none of the drone's fucking business whether truckers have bellys
or not... this is absurd... and we risk our transportation system
with such arrogance? baboons in business suits! these arent
intelligent sane people... These are absolute idiots in charge....

Sent from my mobile device

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