Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday 4th March 2010...........

another pretty one...
Just had a conversation with my worker, looks like once again San
Jose is copying Washington...

new laws here upping minimum traffic tickets to hundreds of dollars,
just like in the US... also confiscating vehicles.... was on TV, and
it was mentioned that they expected people to start killing traffic
cops, so now three guys to a patrol....

gee? I wonder if they've thought about what happens when people start
sniping cops from the brush? Or catching them at home or alone?

"The more laws, the more strange things happen."

I dont think they get it yet where this all leads? more anger at the
control system until its torches and pitchforks time... police now
carrying full auto weapons in a place there werent any police ten
years ago... force isnt the answer, good sense is....

none of that evident anywhere...

you cant keep screwing the people for more & more and not expect an
eventual blowback....

people are eating less, and the jowls grow on the public parasites in

I'd rather not see the violence... Which is why I write this blog....
no amount of public force will prevent the eventual blow back....
this is an old movie.... it was figured out correctly thousands of years ago..

but those who dont know history are doomed to repeat it.....

also learned that a guy in my village stole and butchered a cow of a
friend of mine, and then was selling the meat.. he knew the law
wouldnt do anything and that the law protected him from the owner
doing anything...

a ticket to Chaos is what it all is.. get even day coming over the horizon....

the perfect number of laws is as few as possible....

we are seeing the collapse of modern civilisation happen every day..
thanks to one group thinking there is no limits to what people will

its going to be a sad day for the drones... here they will get
hacked to death by machetes when they push things just a bit too

prisions for profit will work fine until Bastille day....

say hello to the guillitines...

its going to go planet wide.. world war 3 will be a planet wide civil
war.. the people will win...
But before its all over there will be a waste land where once was
beauty... All because of greed, arrogance, and pride.....

sad to see this future unfolding.... ignore my words all you want....
but remember them when its too late....

Governments are a form of parasitization, no more no less... Each one
worse than the last.... Hopefully people will realize in time, but I
dont count on it... so far not a shred of enlightenment among the
wealthy... they think the gun makes them gods...

soon to implode
all preventable...

I think the implosion isnt far off, maybe months... the currency
devaluation might be enough to set it off.. Flying lies invariably

all its going to take is police killing a few peaceful protesters, and
an attempt at gun confiscation..

it may just take poeople seeing that a rogue government is not
protecting the people, but in fact abusing them....

I suggest that gun owners start volunteering to teach gun handling and
safety for FREE to neighbors etc. more guns in more hands is what
will win in the end..

"All power comes from the muzzle of a gun."(Mao)

best get your gun now, if you dont have one yet... ask you gun buff
neighbor to teach you....

just dont let a gun make you a fool..

its a last ditch defense.... Not an ego tool......

you know things are bad when space aliens would be more honest and
better than government...

do you think it will be a shock when the Ranchers actually arrive?
yeah, I know I'm just another nut case... well there are more nut
cases every day...

read genesis 6, read the book of Enoch, think space aliens, and see if
it fits.... it fits......

best check it out before they censor the web, and its not approved
for slave class reading...

also I suggest people begin downloading anything that may be unpopular
truth, so you can continue to spread it all after its censored.. its
going to be like baseball cards folks...
collect the rare stuff now.... this blog would be a good example....
plenty of concepts, some have value.... with web censorship, value of
such info will skyrocket...

when this blog gets censored, you'll be on your own... have the
info stored to share with others...

best start building serious download libraries too...
Control your own destiny, imformation is power.....
Dont wake up one day soon powerless... I dont want nor need anyone
controlling my information inputs... Search for truth folks...
organize non governmental neighborhood organizations....

also consider the power of linear amps hooked into wireless internet
shunts... We dont need "their" internet, microbroadcast internet webs
are possible... It can go low power HF radio... they cant stop us
all.... its about to become the era of people power.. also consider
learning morse code as a rock bottom info passing system..

and best get into gardening.... During a collapse if you dont grow
it, you dont get to eat it....

and shut off your TV.... Theres nothing worth watching on it... and
you dont want your kids being programmed with lies anyway.... Take
them fishing, get them gardening, get them into other hobbies, like
martial arts and firearms... the counter to whats happening now is
in your hands folks...

do nothing, and live a slave.. we all know the system sucks, self
sufficiency and preparedness is the thing to do...

besides, its a lot of fun, and a great hobby... be able to tell your
grandkids you were part of the sollution.......

channel anger & frustration into positive action...

never trust a government...

Sent from my mobile device

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