Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday 22nd March 2010..........

Morning, going on one thirty...

been up since midnight, woke rested...
Built a fire for company, gave the dog a hug, then squeezed a bunch
of lemons into a tumbler, ate a miracle fruit, and drank the pure
lemon juice....
Boy is that good.. The miracle fruit changes your tastebuds, and the
lemon juice tastes like the best orange juice... serious vitamin
hit, I do them all day long until I run out of miracle fruit.....

anyway thoughts seem to be around government this morning.... good
governance is another government related oxymoron....

no such critter, just varying degrees of shit heads trying to run your
life for you at a profit for them and their sicko cronies with the
straws in your neck..

the answer to the system, is sanity.... most of you wouldnt
recognize the phenomina.. sanity appears as insanity... anti social
behavior is a form thereof.... all the shrinks have head problems...
And are busily judging you... generally referred to as hypocrits...

I hear people on radio describing government, or its effects.. lately
the census, and national health care.....

cenus is a nose up your butt... answer the questions truthfully, i.e.
Its none of your business...

national health care? No such animal.... the animal going by that
name is national insurance company care.... has nothing to do with
they are the bad health guys.. anti-health... suck you dry, give the
corpse to the doctors to disect and sell off the hunks, while all
involved wring their hands and tell you how much they want to help

the problems in the world all have a singularity for a beginning; the
human ego....

and very soon now, we will be going into the sudden destruction phase
of reality... thats where all those believing in the big lie get
squished like bugs, and burnt too most likely, and scream for
help.... all to no avail..

its the anti social behavior that will save your worthless butt...
best you cultivate it.....

if you think money is really important, thats a sure sign of terminal
insanity... if you think humans are good, you are missing half the
movie... most people these days think the glass is half full, the
upper half... how the bottom half with nothing in it holds up the
upper half, I havent a clue, but the analogy fits... its all
supported by mental fluff... Undue belief, and beautiful lies, and
gullible morons sucking it up......

basically sanity is getting away from the insane humans with their
mass psychosis of Hyennas & jackals pretending to be good buddies and
great citizens..

the only thing worth doing now, is getting out...

dont waste your time with politics, dont believe its going to get
fixed, aint likely... the best possible out come, is common man
waking up in time, and shooting the system like the Rabid dog it
really is....

chances are slim... People are waking up some, but they keep trying
to revive the poor vampire... he's OK, just so bloated he's sick...

me? still figuring out how crazy sane is.... Living one day at a
time, wish the world would go away so I could live in peace..
every day less vanity...

Sent from my mobile device

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