that always wakes me, especially when its a quarter pounder.... so I
waited for it to go on its way, and then got up and rebuilt the fire,
mostly to help with mosquitos, but also cooking some breadnuts....
they're done baking, but took the lid off the dutch oven to dry them
some, as I baked them in the fruit which you can do if theyre fresh
having thoughts about the similatities with my European anscestors
eating oak acorns.. I've never tried acorns, but understand they need
leached, i.e. Ground up and cooked while changing the water several
times to remove the tannic acid... but I find it interesting that
I have the potentials to live here on a similar neoindigenous level
with the breadnuts... I have about 15 producing now, and they drop
more fruit than I can eat.. sometimes I live on them days at a time,
and like them... I've experimented with them and found I like them
roasted slightly to make peeling easy.. they're really good in bread,
and are a great granola base, mixed with home grown grated coconut
and dried fruit, and I'm planning on planting more trees soon...
would like to have a hundred or more... if things get really bad, I
could end up planting hundreds of trees... thats alot of granola....
locals are extremely non experimental with food, Ticos eat rice and
beans three times a day 365 days a year, and have emotional problems
in the states because they cant get rice and beans like they like...
basically the traditional meal here is rice, black beans, midget corn
tortilla, fried bananas, and some kind of dead animal hunk , pork or
chicken, or beef or horse meat.... all cooked fairly greasy,
generally the rice with enough added lard to be not quite dripping..
And the rice has to be cooked very dry, or there are marital
disputes.. Tico men are generally spoiled brats, and their rice being
cooked absolutely correctly is imperative or they rag like a
anyway on towards point; they eat breadnuts, known here as castanyas,
which is a misnomer, as they arent chestnuts, also known as fruta de
pan or breadfruit, another misnomer, and breadfruit is known as fruta
de pan legitimo... but most have never eaten breadfruit, as theyre
too lazy to propagate it from root sprouts and its seedless..
with the breadnuts they only know them boiled... and boiled they are
difficult to peel, so theyre eaten seldom... I realized the food had
more potential after watching the Tico show, and have found roasted
they peel like shelling peanuts, and have a better flavor and
texture... I've explained it to them in endless bus sermons, but
I'll bet not one has ever tried it... ticos are as set in their paths
as horses, same hoof in the same exact spot every time on the same
exact trail...
I did get one woman started by roasting some and making bread and
taking her a loaf, single mother with a herd of kids, living on
abandoned banana plantation land, she decided I was on to something
and planted 250 trees.. much to the shock of any other locals that
hear about it...
I think she'll do well, as the main crop is during the season Ticos
fatten christmas pigs, and pigs will eat the fruit and nuts raw with
relish, and the trees are one of the heaviest producing food plants on
the planet.. they take 4 years to start producing and get incredibly
huge.... basically after 6 years a couple trees would feed a person
all the carbohydrates they needed...
I have maybe a couple dozen going... and want to get more
planted.... the top four weed foods here are bananas, Yucca,
coconuts, and breadnuts.. the ticos eat them all, but generally its
rice and beans from womb to tomb.... I have never seen a more
unimaginative people food wise in my life... there is a cooking show
on TV here now, nice lady presenter/cook, and I joke with the locals
that everyone watches the show and asks why she's not cooking rice and
the best part about the joke, is it ocasionaly gets nods....
in other countries people are rioting because they cant afford food,
here they will have angry riots when they have to eat something
besides rice and beans.... Another bazaar aspect to this culture is
they do love bread, but not one in a hundred women would have a clue
how to do a biscuit or bun... They buy white bread.... its all they
know... most of them think a peanut butter sandwich is horrid, too
strange for them....
I've heard some even complain about pizza....
the reason its a third world country is it's culture... has nothing
to do with resources or potentials...
anyway, US is headed for third world status now for same reasons,
dishonesty and a corruption culture... another few years the
Mississippi river will divide it into east & west sleeze control
with the best at being the worst in control... or you can have a
civil war... take your pick... neither is a good option... much
better people wake up and steer the car.... and that greed is made a
serious crime... no need for socialism, just outlaw greed...
small farms, small businesses, small problems....
big government, big problem.... Big corporations big problems, put
government in bed with corporations, and its "big fascism" to coin a
get rid of big banks, get rid of the stock market, get rid of as much
government as possible, and limit laws, I suggest passing a national
law that legislators have to repeal two laws for every one they
pass... it would keep them just as busy as now, and work alot
better.. eventual result would be arriving at absolute minimum number
of laws...
personally I think the choke point in american government is the time
factor, waiting for elections eats up time, and nuclear war is no
joke... if the military industrial complex thinks nuclear war is
winnable, they are probably right, unfortunately none of them will
be around for the parade... and any who are, will be paraded to the
nearest lampost still standing, and swing by the neck until blue..
people need to get real, this aint TV land we're headed into... its
vultures and rats eating on dried carcasses after they bloat and
pop... your carcasses....
time to grow up and become wise enough to know what fools we are...
and how we've been fooled...
its the big lie... get shed of it...
anyway, back towards point, what I notice is that things worsen
politically & then economically, that I being on the land, naturally
adapt, or readapt into a neoindigenous life.... it would be fairly
easy to plant large areas in breadnuts.. they grow fine and
produce well even on poor soils... perfect for cattle farm
rehabilitation.... if the local people were to start planting more of
them, they'd likely
naturalize here.. in other words, it would be fairly easy to create
a culture with them as a staple food source... even an indigenous
the problem in modern times is vanity... humans are into their lazy
office job culture, where they can chat online with their friends
while pretending to be doing something necessary, its
"drone toxification".... they like their spendy trendy clothes, their
perfumed bodies, their social power games, and their penthouses and
mansions on postage stamps...
its a vanity culture.... unfortunately there are real world problems
over on our side of the horizon now... the rat-holing of wealth,
global warming, police state mentality, groupie politics, vast
numbers of TV-HEADED morons, politicians who act like whores on an
auction block.... none of it will lead anywhere good... in sum
total it is in fact a terminal culture.... but every ending is a new
so I suggest anyone with enough brains to be honest, begin moving
themselves towards the new culture they envision in a post collapse,
post nuclear war reality.... my advice is get yourself on the land,
in the hills and brush... work towards minimalism, work towards
humility and self sufficiency... think about what your new culture
would look like... borrow from both old and new...
have a vision, then keep between it's fences...
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