Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, 25th 2010.........

Evening... sundown...

just woke from an afternoon nap in time to get water in the teapot,
and a fire going.. slept fine during afternoon rain, very restful..

listened to an interview today of the doctor who connected autism
with vaccines.... he's being hounded by mainstream media and
governments, but his book has been out 24 hours and was already
number 25 on Amazon.....

so I doubt he's too worried about his hounding... he's made a nice
career change, from clinical doctor to best selling author.... say
what you will....

and in the market place of ideas the people are voting with their
paypal, and negating what governments and pundits say, and supporting
what they see as truth instead.... the big lie gets torpedoed

also listened to the usual diet of new world disorder short wave, i.e.
Govt. Preparing to micro-control us, after it gets us economically
crashed and nuclear burned....

I think they're dreaming if they think they're going to do the least
bit of controlling after they crash the technocult and start a nuclear
war over banker-centered monopoly games.... the old paradigm aint
secret any more, whats on short wave and internet is no secret...

theres a billion short wave radios in use.. and any english speaker
on the planet who has one, and uses it, knows the game...

I suspect after the crash, any military and police units that are
still intact, will be at the town hall meetings at the gym, hat in
hand, asking; "how can we help"... and FEMA and homeland security
will be deader than dinosaurs... and all that will be left is famous
stories to punctuate their demise...

the people arent going to accept more of the same from the same people
who caused the problems, when the effects include mass starvation and
nuclear war... not a man Jack will vote for a one of the useless
bastards, and anyone who thinks they can float martial law will end
up rotting on a street...

thats like having the survivors of the Titanic all swim to the
iceberg, and the captain decides to order them to do an ice palace for
him... aint gonna happen... they'll toss him off the berg...
Likely with a bullet hole applied to his forehead...

the only thing FEMA and homeland security are good for is getting
people killed while drones jack off with their ego and vanity...

the people are going to take a very dim view of such types, and
dispatch them for hell as messengers...
" open a new wing, the status quo is enroute.."

anyway, nice night now, ting frogs are chiming, crickets chirping by
the thousands, its warm & wet and dark, and I'm awake, making some
Anona leaf tea, and feeling OK.....

today I stained a boyscout wood carving project with stain from
cooking Castanyas in my dutch oven, the wood was guava, known as
guyaba here and guava is the name for a different fruit... all
confusing, but guava is some of the nicest
imaginable carving wood, similar to Holly in color and texture...
the stain was a dark brown, and after it dried, I sealed it with bees
wax.... turned out very nice for a Robinson Crusoe Boyscout
project... not a cent spent on the project, and acquired a nice
little possession...

I did the carving with a new $8 pocket knife, razor sharp thanks to
some work on sharpening stones, & finished off on 6000 grit wet or
dry sand paper, which is what I also use to sharpen my straight

listen people... whats coming is ugly.. its important that you
make it out of Babylon in time...

there is little to fear comparatively in going back to the land by any
means, compared to staying in the Beast system..

we have been misled.. Badly... taken from our rightful existance, and
used as zombie slaves for an evil status quo... going back to
growing food and making things with our hands is a million times
better.. and one discovers delightfull things along the way... like
dark brown stain, and beeswax wood finish...

reminds me of cuckoo clock color, which I like, and imagine sitting
by a fire in Bravaria, as one of my anscestors, carving my little
project happily... its that color... back when wood was stained
and iron black , and steel was blued or browned...

we can go back... nothing is keeping anyone in the technocult except
fear of change..

there is nothing wrong with retro...

"retro-nation is better than detonation"..

these people running things now are very sick... we have no
business in Pakistan, or Korea... tourism would be less damaging....
Hillary jetting around on broom 1, and Barak the teleprompter
corporate lap dummy arent real leaders... real leaders would be
honest and humble, and do the right things no matter what, and they
wouldnt be planning on putting people into death camps in an attempt
to continue an intelectually bankrupt & mentally very very ill status

real leaders are the people who stand up for human decency, who help
others, and who wipe their hand off afterwards if required to shake
hands with a politician....

real leaders respect people who's opinions differ from theirs...
real leaders dont trash the constitution they are sworn to uphold...
real leaders dont call their detractors "racists" when race has
nothing to do with any of the real issues..

real leaders dont flippantly go back on promises...

real leaders dont subvert the country's future for their cronie's benefits...

real leaders dont pass laws that common people have to pay for
services they dont want...

real leaders wouldnt tax the dogshit out of everyone, and use military
and police force brutally & arrogantly..

real leaders wouldnt be stupid enough to think laws were infinite....

if you want to know what real leadership is, its easy to describe;
"everything the current leaders arent."

I dont believe in democrats or republicans.... Tar and feather the
bastards... the current crop are swindlers and liars... more slime
than a breakdown at the Jello factory..... whale snot is more

and if youre on the sleaze balls team, the common folk are going to
kick your butt bigtime, and take names, and likely execute no few
collaborators.. so you just go along with them, and oppress the
people, and lie, and take your paycheck dripping with sleaze and
blood... its a cause and effect universe.. bad actions bring bad
luck, as sure as shit.... And if you side with the status quo,
you'll share in their end...

and its fine with me if you dont take the sky gods seriously, yeah,
big joke huh? well, they did leave some rather dire warnings... read
what Jesus had to say... and imagine he's coming back with death
stars and galactic paratroopers, and he's gonna kick the dogshit out
of the status quo, and execute enough of them to run deep rivers of
blood.. like the old joke bumper sticker;

"Jesus is coming, and boy is he pissed."

theres serious truth in that one...

what do you suppose a man who was tortured to death by hippocrits,
legalists, and money changers will think of the modern versions after
they've trashed his planet...?

glad will be I to be able to say; I spoke against it, I lived apart
from it, I warned people constantly,
I want to be fixed, and I want to help fix things, and I have alot of
experience repairing human caused damage, teaching children, and
nurturing fruit and food plants and trees...

"the truth against the world."

and I've lived alone for 15 years building a paradise life that isnt
good enough for women... no few will remember rejecting me when
they're starving.. well, all I can say, is my dog has been better
company than any woman I've ever lived with... and the several
different kinds of lizards and toads I live with are better people
than most of humanity... not a one of them is a liar, not a one of
them damages the planet, and not a one of them takes more than he
needs.... the cock roaches are better than the elite....

anyway... i've finished my tea.... time to sleep some more....

Sent from my mobile device

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