Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuesday 4th May, 2010.........


a nice one...
Tried the short wave, still too early, did get a preacher fielding
questions about Genesis 6, he didnt have a clue... goes to show a
multi million dollar budget is worth less than the truth....
The guy had obviously never read Enoch....

nor Judges 5:20.....

or figured out the star of Bethlehem was a ship...
The secret is safe with him...

I worked this morning on sharpening a pocket knife I bought the other
day for $8, took out a small factory defect, got it sharp enough to
shave, and have installed a lanyard on it.... now ready to go into
my kit somewhere, just not sure where..

I dont think I've discussed pocket knives too much.... interesting
devices, very useful, and much over looked by the rambo heads....

most of the time in my life, when I've seen some bumkin catch a fish,
out comes a pocket knife to gut it.... most of the time when one
whittles a stick, its a pocket knife what does the carving...

the most carried knives, are pocket knives...

the most used knives in the field, are same...

in the kitchen fixed blade knives do the work....
Pocket knives tend to be an expedient...

I learned when young, that pocket knives are easy to lose... also
learned that a lanyard kept that from happening, if you used it..

having a pocket knife tied to you is good security...

I use lanyards on all kinds of things....

I'm not much on multi bladed pocket knives... One or two blades is
fine with me.. i have a Swiss Army "Hotel survival knife" but I never
bother carrying it in the brush... I prefer a real knife and no

I find few cans of food growing on trees... no beer bottles either...

in the brush, theres wood, rope & cord, leather or nylon strap, or
fruit and root crops, and wounds to clean out, and thorns to

pocket knives seem to be the tool of choice..

my recently purchassed folder, is a copy of an $80 Gerber, out of the
80's.... for one tenth the price, is well made, and has a 440C

there is some justice to offshore competition... at least it puts
tools within reach of the more humble types... and it provides an
income for any number of hopeless Chinese slaves of Fascism...

I think the word "Ism" must mean "Slave"?

it seems to be the one commonality to all the things that end in the
sufix "ism", no matter which one the salesman convinces you to buy,
you always invariably end up being a screwed slave...

I dont buy many Isms nowdays... figured out the connections....

more into liberation pocket knives....

I'm curious about how it will be after the arrival, and the game
finished... looking forward to seeing how righteous governmet
works.... so far I've yet to see any Government worth diddly....

most of the time I observe governments pretending to cure problems, by
creating them...

a just government would have to be a nice asset in comparison...

so far not a one on earth.....

but that doesnt mean its impossible.... all you have to do, is design
and manufacture better humans, and governments improve

at the current time, they seem to be ocupied by a concentration of
killers, thieves, and liars...

I try not to feed them.....

would happily support justice...

anyway, pocket knives are more useful than governments... cost
somewhat less too...

tried doing bannock on a leaf the otherday, a non toxic banana
leaf.... boy did that work great! first time in my life to do
bannock that wasnt stuck to the pan... If I were in Oregon, I'd use a
maple leaf.. here in the brush, I'd use platanillo....

I just rolled the biscuit dough in a folded up leaf, and dropped it in
the pan, cooked one side, rolled it over, and then ate.. Was nicely
browned, no grease or oil, and leaf is now compost...

What I learned, is most of civilisation is un necessary... why did
indigenous people not build huge civilisations? there was no need, it
was too much work, and they led to vanity heads taking over and
beginning to sacrifice slaves to the Vanity god; themselves....

modern version fits the description...

was thinking this morning how escape was better than violence...
easier emotionally... and from what I can see, human civilisations
come with the seeds of their own destruction... there is no need to
have violent revolution against the technocult, might distract it
from trashing itself...

If I used all my intellect to design a way to finish off the status
quo, I couldnt do as good of a job, as they are themselves...

fighting isnt the answer... leaving is....

freedom is learning to leave the enslaving culture
intellectually/mentally... then doing the physical follow up...

to escape the Credit Masters, first you have to quit buying their
products... this requires right thinking....

I try to only buy liberating products... let the Capitalists
compete liberating me....

it will be a short empire....

my main focus is stargate gear.. what I'd want on the pony cart going
up the ramp to go colonize another planet.... same stuff works fine
living on this one at basic levels..... keeps me from enslaving
myself... the first thing everybody needs to learn, is that you
really only need a limited number of things to live well... its
much easier to limit yourself to basics, than to get an infinite
amount of TV trash by slaving for it... Being Frugal is in.... but
has anyone thought of weaponized frugality? tuning your aquisitions
to eliminate your need for the system.... a survivalist with a gun,
has no real need for the police... And therefore should make himself
exempt from supporting taxation, by leaving police controlled zones...
40% of the planet is still effectively wilderness... if you are
enslaved, generally its a function of location first, and stupidity
second... but curing the problem requires working at it from the
stupidity end first, then when you dump enough useless baggage, doing
the relocate....

think about it.....

later, raining, waiting for my tea to cool... listening to some
poor fool pour his heart out about being in love... think of the
money saved if guys could buy a pill to prevent the malady..... some
form of psycotropic anti-infatuation pill... the women wouldnt miss
us, they could just listen to romantic music, watch soapish drama on
the love placebo box, and get their rush with five kilo boxes of

would mean the guys could be less interested in holding down jobs,
supporting the psycho priests of power....

sales of fishing gear should increase.....

the women could be the economic slaves for awhile, supporting their
love placebo habits....

and the men could inhabit the more remote and inaccessible places,
spend their days in freedom,
enjoy life..

it seems to be where we are headed with modern relationships..
except the couples are living together... everyone wants to live
together, no body knows how.... I think the problem is
complication... too much bullshit in life, no time to think, or care,
or create good times... just endless grinding to pay for the
inability to curb the fevered buying of endless materialism caused by
watching the shadow's box....

Sanity begins in silence.....

it searches for its own heart...

and in time finds it's mind....

Somewhere in the mountains a hawk flys..
clouds rush the peaks and pass over or slip between....

Creeks skip down mountain's sides....
Bouncing from stone to stone....
sliding along over slippery bottoms...

trees stand proud, thickets thick....
flowers waving on windy medows....
Dancing colors in the sun....

Sky so blue it touches your heart....
At night a moon beyond full....
The cry of a hunting owl....

A fire is burning in front of a primitive shelter...
a man works on his gear, fingers deft and expert...
a sharp knife cuts the cord....

A knot pulled tight...

wrapping and frapping, lacing and stitching....
A thousand songs come and go in the lowlands...

I never heard, nor missed a one of them.....

Sent from my mobile device

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