Monday, May 24, 2010

Saturday 22nd May 2010...............

morning, just got food on the fire... kind of a slow morning.....

I seem to be thinking about the beast government and all its little
beasties... Apple Computer was refusing cash sales for their
I-pad.... they had to back off... I'm not interested in an Ipad,
I do like apple products, but I cant afford them, and would be more
likely to buy something with open source componants so I can get it
repaired too....

Evidently the pagan programmers in ponytails at apple think
repairabilty isnt for elitist snobs... they can just buy a new one
anytime the button sticks...

anyway, so not buying apple anything.... and I wont likely forget
their attempt at co-opping with the beast to enslave me....

What amazes me, is the gall people have about trying to control other
people's lives... they get a little vanity/ego monster going, and
think they are The Monkey God.....

another thing I notice about ego freak monkeys, is how quickly they
are to evolve into pigs.... I live really low on the food chain....
I dont mind, doing fine, and suppliment the money food with my tree
food etc. but it does get me thinking about how others eat...
humans are beginning to look like monkey-pigs with houses to pork
their faces full in while they ignore the outside world, and everybody
thats around them...

tribe is turning into trough.....

I give away food when ever I can...

another issue I've been thinking about, is what I've observed with
relationships, various types, from online to personal, and there
seems to be an issue scale with scam on one end, and run your life
by the minute and extract everything possible relationships on the

I also notice females expect to have their butts kissed 24/7 forever,
and the truth has to be cut out of the diet like gristle out of pork
chops, or youre a rude & crude politically incorrect male savage
beyond salvage....

well, living alone, speaking what I see as truth, etc. Are looking to
be better options than living with somebody who thinks theyre too
good to hear anything they dont like... makes me glad there is
feminism, it can provide a place for them, feminist nursing homes,
where they can be cared for by the same type of feminists who run dog
pounds, and think gassing pets is good for them, if their owners dont
buy a license so the dog pound can finance it's doggy & kitty Auchwitz

me? I like the truth better than full time economic extraction sex,
A.K.A. " TrueLove"

to me it just isnt worth it.. tired of being manipulated by
everybody and their dog..

living alone is fine... its cheap & easy, and more relaxing, and
much more free....

And the less I have, the less I own, the less I have to worry about....

in other words, I'm happier...

living alone in the brush is likely one of the best possible lives...
living with a good woman in the brush might be better, but I dont
think such a critter exists... not enough "greed & feed" potential
in the brush for them.. i.e. The best isnt good enough...

fine, more room, less disputes, feed your own face... its like my
worker was commenting the other day, about women, nothing is good
enough, economy is city dump, and the women think bitching fixes
all... they want equality, fine, let them have it, and dont give a
shit what their problem is, it's theirs....

this is a young guy.. couldnt care less what females think about
him... thinks them all feeding themselves and paying their own bills
is great...
I think they want their cake and eat it too...

so there you have it... System in crash mode, females left with their
baggage on the trail to await next victim....

the funny thing about the new world order heads, is if they get their
way, there wont be any society or culture left, also no belief in the
system, and no reason to work, and every reason to take them out and
hang them to rot....

heaven is an unspoiled planet... hell is a ruined one....

what that means, is most of seven billion assholes on the planet are
working steadily and dilligently towards hell....

Me? I'm working towards minimum.... it seems alot nicer...

today my agenda is make food, play guitar, work on projects,etc.

I have a knife I'm working on a step at a time... got a shape going
thats very universal and utile... kind of a knife and shape for
minimalistic survival...

it keeps me happy working towards minimalistic things..

I visited a website the other day and clicked on the camping knives
page, wondering what people had decided camping knives were....

it was mostly swiss army pocket knives...
i thought it was humorous.... I camp 24/7, I do have a nice swiss
army style knife... never use it... love the knife and all its
gadgets, I take it to hotels though..

to me the perfect camping knife is plural... knives..

it has to be a set to cover the territory... bottom line minimum is
a 3 or 4 inch pointy drop point for kitchen and whittling.. then the
kit wants about an 8 inch utility blade for kitchen and processing
food at the spring, next about a 16 to 18 inch brush knife out of a
cut down machette, then a 28 inch rula...

if I was running for my life, I'd still try to keep them....

the swiss army knife logic, is for people who live in cities, and
who think an over nighter in the woods is getting back to nature...
it has nothing to do with actually living in nature... for the
survivalist, most of what is sold for outdoor knives are far from what
I'd want...

they arent practical tools....

real survival is subsistence.... its open ended, that is what makes
a pony cart a better choice than a quad..

the only end to whats coming up, is when the skygods arrive and
end the test....

until then its a steep downhill grade..

its like being in an oared galley, going down a river... the
officers have been abusing the slaves, they've been using the savages
on the banks for target practice, and there is a waterfall ahead...
The roar is getting louder, the officers are drunk on their power,
the slaves are starting to realize whats coming, and it wont be long
until the current is too fast to even be able to beach the boat...

if you have half a brain, you've been working on an escape plan long
term.. and you slip over the side, and hide under the banks until
nightfall.. with the sounds of screaming over the roar of the

yes, in the real world, the boat is still afloat, but like in our
analogy, its headed towards the falls.... it will be kindling when
the falls finishes chewing it up..

its the wise sailor who leaves a ship of fools.....

I dont think being an officer would keep me aboard......

poverty is a state of mind.... so is slavery... better poverty in
freedom at a stone age level, than slavery as an officer to insane

I just put on tea.... anona leaves, off a tree we planted.. not
fancy, but it is a strong anti-carcinogen... my point is it didnt
cost a cent... it grows fine in the brush, and I can have it when
ever I think to....

poverty is when you compare yourself with others... wealth is what
results from good habbits... our ansestors became wealthy by doing
for themselves... making things for the homestead... wealth might
not add up to a hundred pounds of steel..... but they lived fine...

wooden and ceramic things for the kitchen... Furniture held together
by wedges and pegs.. bedding that was sewn, woven, quilted, or

they really didnt want for much..

in modern times we have comparativly empty lives.. What we own is
bought on credit, made by machine or economic slave labor, and isnt
generally very natural... most are living a life of dreams, induced
by the image of the beast box..

but are we ever really happy?

I think most are to the point they dont know what reality is..

I think its going to be a rude shock to them when it hits home.....
like the people in Haiti, one minute bickering over meaningless
things, the next minute knowing how meaningless the things were...
all of the sudden money went to zero on the value scale....

Sent from my mobile device

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